r -i -v J ,- f -- Zr - () A ASTORIA. OKRKON: TWJBSHAV IANU HY 16 1R 0 Divine & Bible is the name of a ra engaged in tho whisky busi s at Jericho Spriuga, Mo. They d sot represent the spirit of the Script urea. Jl Johnstown, Penn., marblocut Ur has put chased ten car loads o JNtble to mark the resting place of h dtad in one of the cemeteries in iatiat unfortunate town. CeiTCtcet M. Depew, says no west ana city trill agree to have the world's fair in any other western city. This is tke only favorable thing for New York ire hare beard for many weeks. a TE free traders in Boston do not iaorease in numbers with great rapid ity, bat they talk as wildly as ever. They are no longer mere "tariff re formers," but Bquare free traders. -- aa .. .- It is stated that seven great flour Mills at Milwaukee have formed a combination iuvolving S3,000,000 capi tal and an annual output of 1,500,000 barrels of flour to fight tho English syndicate mills. It is estimated that $300,000,000 worth of jewel are buried in the royal vaults at Constantinople. One of these days some conquering host will find rich pickings among the royal bones of Turkey. Skskxfp Torres refused to admit to the county prison tho Cumberland county, Penu., commissioners and jail physicians who desired to make an ex amination as to the physical condition of the tramp3 confluod thero. Tkere is not an ice-producing river ia Xaine which is not as open and tree as in summer. Tho lumber in terest is about as badly off as tho ice, aod all eastern spruce, hemlock and piae will rule high next year. Ix the last year forty-two different . have tried to beat lifo insurance cpanies out of tho amount of thoir policies by pretending death, and about thirty of tho lot are in state prison as reward for their pains. Tke Atlanta Constitution speaks of the kangaroo system" of ballots. What it means by this it is hard to Css. Bet the hind legs of no party sua take advantage of the Australian system. It will taKb tho "head end" to work it Govekkos Miller of North Dakota am issued an official statement in re tard to the reports of destitution in tkat state. "While there has been some Kagferation, the governor admits tkat ooasiderablc destitution exists iu tfct Bortbern part of the state. The inadequacy of more resolutions er acta of the legislature to force in dustrial changes is illustrated in the fact that Pennsylvania has had an ifht-hour law on its statue-books for twenty years, but it has been a dead letter during tho whole period. STAXLxr sees fine prospects for rail ways in Africa. According to his es tjsmates 803 miles could bo laid down lor 117,000,003. This mileago would open to commerce four great river aawinn, with a total area of 2,370,000 .mare miles, and a total population of 80,953,0X1. Of tho resources of the ration ho speaks in the highest terms. Tra Bhines voting machine is oper ated somewhat liko a type-writer, and although apparently complicated, is really a Tory simple affair. With these machine in use, a law permit tiajamin to vote by proxy, and a perfectly disinterested operator, the greater part of an election coull ba con tacted by postal card, drop letter, or telephone. A thiko that has added immensely to the power of the earth to foed its inhabitants is the art of preserving food. Would it be out of the way to (teas that one-quarter of all we oat ie preserved in one way or another that was oithor unknown or not prac tieedhalf a century azo? If not, it Mtas likely that steam transport, the telegraph and tho tin can have Aoobled the food powor of tho world. - m m - Tmx Boston Herald, in the course of a loaf and somewhat dreary article am free trade, aud tariff reform, ad- that free trade is impossible in coantry for many years. Very ftraa, iadeed. Tho people of tho coun try hare declared for tho opposite alky of protection and tho proteot mm plan is working in those sections f tke country which havo long been alakted by free traders as their strong hold. Even the freo traders them aalvaa have abandoned tho south as a reileiwi field for their cherished asaaa. i. .m a Aram the failure of tho Atlanta JfaraM the late Henry W. Grady ar rifjl ia New York, unknown and un aefrieaded, without money practic al? uoa ak uppers." On the morning ke arrived, unknown and unin- , he applied at the Herald office Itr-watk. The managing editor con- . to teat him, and, tossing a pad ; tha tabid, said: "Write me an oa the constitutional conven- aolding session in several of states.1 The next morn- iftf Mr. Grady's article was the leading ia the Herald, and the next rataned to Georgia in the of the New York Herald as . southern correspondent m - a equipped in Wash ier aaaaafactariag "hardwood te the ecteat of qaarter to half A sew plant has ,by the Bell Manufacturing company, with a capacity of 35,000 feet of hard wood and fir. This company has over 1,300, 300 feet of ash already ordered, which can be brought there ptandingatabont 50 cents per thousand. Thedemand rom furniture factories, wagon factor ies and implement manufacturers for Jiis lumber ib constant nd pressing, .o the extent that at Sacramento the jest ash brings lfi cents per foot It aas been estimate J that Irom th jound country tbi article can be laid lown in California at nine cents per foot, which would thus afford a pretty fair profit to the manufacturer. Here is a pointer for some of our western Oregon mill men. ..... a i -. THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. Anil the Lasrt Decade of This Century. Are we, in this year 1780, in the last decade of the nineteenth century? People are everywhere saying that we are, but are mistaken. The last decade of the nineteeuth century does not begin till the year 1891. The first decade of any series of years includes, of course, the first ten years of that series; and tho second decade boyius with the eleventh year and. in cludes the twentieth. That is, two decades are twenty years. And if so the third decade begins with the twenty first yoar; and the fourth be gins with the thirty-first year and so on to the tenth which of course be gins with the ninety-first year. The tenth docade of this century therefore does not commence till the ninety-first year of the century, or till the year 1891. It ii the same with the centuries. Tho first century, of course, begins with the year one. Tho third century begins with the year two hundred and one; and tho twentieth century, in like manner, begins with the year nine teen hundred and one. The new cen tury we are approaching is to bo reck oned therefrom, not from tho year 1900, but from the year 190L A misunderstanding occurred on this subject in 1850. which it took nearly a year to correct. It was gen erally held that tho year 1850 began a now half century, whereas it merely closed the first half century. And the editorials that wore written, and the sermons that were preached on tho opening of a now era at that time, were all just one joar in advance or time. Tho centuries fly fast enough, let us not hurry them. A CASE EV POINT. la oar forefathers' days, pimples were at tributed to diseased blood. But modem meUicino has demonstrated that rich food dots not crcato eruptions by fouliag ths blood, but retards dijestlon, trlilch males tbo ntomach torpid, cud tbo clrculatloa sluggish, au 1 iu turn causes uu cnfccblod action of tbo pores trhich congest or become pimply. The modern theory therefore Is not to treat the blood, but tho stomach and liver, and it is uuder this now Idea, that Joy's Veje tablo Sarsaparilla ires conceived. It Is wip ing tho old " blood disease " idea out of ex istence. A caso l:i peint: " I have bad for years spcll3 of indigestion and dyspepsia and trie! nearly everything riually I took ono of the leading sarssparillas. It caused pim ples to break out cu my face, which I rcas told tTas caused by tho potash. Ilc-arlng that Joy's Vegetable Sarsapariila did not con tain mineral, I sent for It. Tho pimplej div ippcarcd and I haro hud no return of ths tld hpclls. Jl ia a euro for indigestion and lyapcpsla and the attendant faco eruptions." Mas. C. D. Stcast, 1221 ilissloa street. S. F. ForFiiK PliolwyrnptiN, Go to Misses Carruthers' photograph gallon : I lard street opposite nn iSsbheriiMifs. Mor- 3Ica!r Con Ur-tl to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Outral Ki"taurant, next to Foard & Stofcoj.'. NEW TO-DAY. Tnu well-known Ttpstaurant is now Op-n Iir Bu-sl ii-ss. N. GUY, Proprietor, Wh wl'l rIv S Ulsf ictio-j to ills Custom ers. Mid fumtsh ne b si ilio market afTonK. Wat r vtroet, o,.p3ik5 the C. K. F. I Uu ion i.Ojiii. Change of Business. rnAVRTHIS AYSUI.D MY TEAMING bu-mcs to C Savr on ; all I1 Is due U 1 1 l.i o lil in c ll ted by ine ; l will also piy u i bills due to date. M. JOHNS. Ait In, Jan. lUa. I83D. BEST BUY QK THE MARKET. TOM'S ADDITION TO ALDERBROOK. Lois Ouly 975. WINGATE & STONE. For Sale ! The West One-Half of BIpck 71, McClure's Astoria. Only three blocks south of the Odd Fel lnvs' building. There Is n due dwell ug on lil-i choice prop rty that Mill rent at top tlurrs the year round. For further particulars inquire of ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO. Notice. HAVE THIS DAY HiSPOSBD OF MY stuck, fituns and good wi I la ilie busl ess known is thn s-aslde Itakenr to J. H loiiannsen & Co f will pay all indebtedness outsuiuainc up to M.mitH , .lanuar 13lh,sud collect all outstanding nccouu s AUULF JOHNSON, n.ivlng this day purc'ias?d the Seaside Bakery of Adolf J-unon. we ds!r tiin f.t m the old patrons of the establShineut aud he n b u geiierallv th t wo will con- luut to keep a stck f confectionary, bn-ad. pies, caxe etc. firtrlt a inrery .lartirular, and will supply customers at ira- onabln ra es. A specialty in d- f catering to parties. J.H JOH NN8tNCO Astoria, Or.. Jaauary uta, vm. Bes as an The Oregon Land Co, HASAN ASTOR I A O KFICE S. W. COR, THIRD AND 0LNEY STREETS.. Buy and Sell Property on Commission, We Deal in Real Estate and are Successful in Our Business. Sea Haven! Tor Lots in this Coming Seaport City of Washington, Apply to tbo Undersigned. Fifty per cent. avanc In prices after February 1st. 19S). Wm. B. Adair, Agent. FOR SALE. On Young's River, Four Miles from the City. Fifty -Five Acres. A Most Desirable Buy. In quire at this Office. Grand Sale of Cheap Lots Adair's Astoria, s. ia, (RECENTLY CLEARED.) Adjolnluc present Street Italltray Extension Lots In tho above .sightly Block are offered for sale at trices r.mKUiK from $200 TO $200 PER LOT. Terms, ono-lmlf doun. balance in six nios. Rotii for dred3. r Ire per ceut. off for cash. Warranty deed. WM. B. ADAIR, Agent. John G. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Orugs and Druggists' Sundries. i'rrterlitliBh CarrfHlly Cenpoaaileu. Agent tor Mexican Salvo and Norwegian Pile Cure Now is Your Lots Tongue PoiNTflDDiTioN Finely Situated Back of Tongue Point and Within TWO MlLES of the Centre of Astoria. Lots Will be sold for a Limited Time at $50 and i 'm? Real Estate and Brokerage. THIRD STREET, MARKETS. Washington Market. Mala Mreet, Aftlarla. Hmmu. CHKI4TENSEX Jt ., PJtPBICTIW. 13ESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTKN E tion of the public to the fact tii.it the viKive Market wfil always be supplied with a KULL VARIETY AND BKST gilAL.Ti or FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! I Which will he sold at lowest rati, wtm'e nle and retail. -"Special attention kItpo to suppijln hips. STAR MARKET. WHIRRY fc COHFANT, Fresh and Cored Meats, FRUITS, BUTTER, ind EGGS. OPFOBTTB OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHEMAMITM lltrect. Antarla. . Roadway Market. P. O'HARA, Prop'r. Opposite Foard Stoket. A First-Class Meat Shop. FrMh and Salt Maata. -All fMffcuw PtlTtreA to aay part l th Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers in ip.qI spoclal Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished t Satis factory TVnns. Purchaser delivered tn any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building oti Water Street P. O. Itox Ptt. Telephone No XI. ISTOKIA, ORKftOX. S.ARNDT&FERCHEN ASTORIA. OKKON. The Pioneer Machine Shop SHOP I.SU Bnilcr Shop Ail kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. Aspect city made of repairing CANNERY DIES. POOf OF LAPAYETTE STREE1 Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves i Ranges, CookinR and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WABBANTED. WATKB CLOSETS, PLUMBING GOODS, PUMPS, SIXES, AND BATH TUBS. Xoe cfe Soixlly, CHENAMDS STREET. Time to Buy in $GO wm If EAST OF 0LNEY. INSURANCE. f. "W. CASE, Insurance Agent. BEPltESENTINU : California Marine Ins. Co , S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co.. Portland. Home Mutual Insurance Co., S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London. ftobb & Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Mar ne Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of 970,000,000. IMPERIAL, of London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland " LION, of London. FIREMAN'S FUND, of California. QUEEN, of London. $67,000,000 Capital Lirerpool & London A Globe. North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Conaectlcut. CowHirrclal 01 California Agricultural, of WjOertewn, Mi York, LoadoB a Utocaifeirc ef Urerpoot. Rag- Fire Iiauraace Coapaatea, Sepmeat ia a capital oi mjmum. Cannery M J. H. MANSELL, -" REAL ESTATE BROKER, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATU OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Watei Frontage for Sale, Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 18S3. Correspondence Solicited. Next . U. Telfgraph OfiJCf. Third St. Abtoria, Ort-gtm. P. O. BOX 863. THE ASTORIA Real Estate and Tru (INCORPORATED.) President. L. P. W. QUIMBY. Secretary, W. Tho above Company Placed tho MMLf AT TO ASTORIA, on the market Deccmlior iSth, 18S9. More than 300 lots haw been already sold. Other additions will be placed on the market shortly, but at a great advance in present pticrs. Lots Till January 15th Will Be Sold at $70 and $85. Get in now whilo the price is low. General Office, Rooms 16 and HAffi SPITTLE , Apt Warren iicai kotaic wcaibio,; Mansoll'a Buildiug, Water Street. ASTORIA, - - OREGON. City Property, Seaside Property, Tide Lands, Timber Lands, Farms, Etc., Bonght and Sold. -A-STOIR. ADDITION, - Astoria's most delightful suburb. Lots &20 to $X cash or iustaliiunttf. Loans nopotlatt'd and i ?oncral ments for nun-reaidenUi apecialiy. COKRES ONDEXCK SOLICITED Wholesale Fine Wines, I bava complotcd arrangements for supplying any" brand of Wino in any quantity j at lowest caan liur&3. The Trade Supplied, ALL OEDEltS DELIVERED FREE EN ASTORIA. Your patronago in City or Country solicited. A. VV. UTZINGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. Z : Z - Flynn. the KEE?S IN Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings., ALL THE LATENT S I YLES. no buys for Cash, at Eastern Pries, ne Guarantees tho Best Workmanship i on all garments. Call and see for yourselves. earth's Block, Astoria ! City Book Store. ICE SKATES AND SLEDS A good assortment now on hand. Sunset Diaries for 1890. These Diaries are the best on the market. JUFI 1 Astoria Eeal Estate Co. Office First Door South of the Odd Fellows Building The Best Bargains Yet Offered In Blocks 2 1 , 23 and 28, HUSTLER & AIKEN- ADDITION. Less than 1 Mils From the Postoffice. iw25J??5esoJJ8 . wlthI? the P831 8 dRys- Tha PrIco f W Choice Froptrty Is Rolng up daily,.and may be taken off the market at any time, vnoice Pr of bot, SIM to taoo, aooordlns to Loontlon j Sl CO.! CAPITAL, 850,000.. v.ce-Presidenf. J. w. BARNES.) H. EDWARDS. JUDIITIIII! 17, X. K. Cor. First and Alder - - Astoria, Orepn. & Wright, comiiilsblnu hu-iius transacted. Invest - Wine House. Choice Brands. Families Supplied. wm. m h ism STOCK THE HEED loi IilWorll IS WHAT YOI (,ET AT Foard & Stokes IN Groceries and Provision.; Ever thlRK ! First citii. Store and at I Extremely Low Figures.! Good DbIhh-r-iI all oer Town. Thi'Hlyhss: rici; H:tii for Junk. FOARD & STOKES ABERGH0MB1E H :ve Secured the Sale of Two to Skipanon. As0 Eighteen Good Lots in dition. Buv Now While Thev arc Chean. Prospect Park Addition! One and Two Acre Tracts. On Proposed MOTOit LINK to SCASIDE Cull at once at the OWco of THE CLATSOP LAND COMPANY, Aud seenro some of this property before the advance. Stockton & Welch, Real Estate Brokers, AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. City, Suburban and Acreage Property For Sale. ! M IN ST ASTORIA, OU., V. 0. Box 511. So curbstone brokers eniployediiera I nrmnr -' ibii - rr - The New Model Eangre CAN BE HAD IN E. R. HAWES, Kent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Plexscd. K. K. Uawes la also Agent for tho Buck Patent Cooking Stove, t AND i TIIKK FIifcT CLASS STOVES ; Furnace Work. Steam Fittings. Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hani. TiK M7 m Mt 1 yKWI JE3L .aLJIi AND- CEILING DECORATIONS! 5000 double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades just received direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of CARPETS, Of all grades in beautiful new designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and oxanrine. CHAS. HEILBORN. M f JB T f Jrm w& f, 11 II ? DECKER BKOS., J. & C. FISCHER, ITERS & POND, A. B. CHASE CO., And Otueh Makes. ORGANS MASON & HAMLIN, A. B. CHASE CO., WEAVER oRGAJ CO., Low Prices and Easy Terms IntcudlDg rurcceratoWl11 d Wel1 10 Winter & Harper, 7 1 Morrison St., Portland, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh mmmmmmmmmmjmimmmmmm'aamipm& ,i twssmFse?Timpfmmmmgm Theao SEINES are made true taper and from an aotual scale, and will hang tru and draw when hung in to lines, and from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine. RIGHT AND LEFT HAND LAID PATENT ROPE, 9 thread and larcer, soft and frea from kinking. SALMON TRAP NETS knit from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine, superior to the medium laid, stronger, more durable and Holds Tar Longer. Letters or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention American Net & Twine Co EiUbllihed 1342. BotOB, Xasa. Capital, 1HI,IM. X. B. We have the largest Netting and Twine plant. New and costly machinery has lately been added for knitting heavy Traps for the Columbia river, and Swinas for the Alaska Salmon Fisheries, and the most skillful help employed. Bghwl mrti Bttt i, ar MaiWa. H7,LaiFliens BQosttfeo, M, TAKI. A. TIAKX 'arkar & Hanson -K i'U'SO!.-' 1 lO. L. PARKER. DKAI.FitS IN CUNEflAL MERCHANDISE Ndvv Goods Arriving Every Sieame mi- WEEK. GMstmas fiooJs! llisold Stand - utnrU Orrxori i STEM, Blocks of J. Matter Addition Call To-Day. George McEwan's Seaside Ad- - i i mr AS'IOHIA. ONLY OF GO TI LARSON & HILLBACK FOR GROCERIES AND FRESH FRUITS. Orders nellvered Free of Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third street. next to Pioneer office. E. P. N00NA.N fc 00., (Successors to) J. P. HYNES, DEALERS IN- Groceries Produce. "Water street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE 50. 7. P. O. BOX M every Steamer. KRty F. PARKER.