'. "T ' "-ii " - j- Wi S -r ' 3" OJr -I c V.J SH V 4erV"ViSS ." M -s&Pksjms.'H ;-tvS CtSSil VS ;iitvw. V ISS 2W5 Sf- fesfa&sas feftiS:S?S5 7Jj-3iT:4 vJs1i - EZ5JPfZZ-nrr-z;: r15ra&-zzz-'- kf' " ASTORIA, ORtitiOJY, THURSDAY, JAN OAKY 10. ISSMK PRICE FIVE CENTS - -1 -, 1 S fe' naaai aaKyVatA-aa aaWSfea Tf . i n MyvK II mto ini iiK -' .-- tr, aw a. ,av a-j i i i bbw .bbbw .anaY ita .aaaa vaaaa - '-v i-.-fr;iA 4jrp r-t..v, "-rr &AXLmflk.A L, I II. .11. VXSkT V I H. 1UL IE 1. 1 EL i grJmK3!9 Naaa?' wjl5 ji . .apiwat w e f ' iiiannwr niiMMgiir ,i -m r-fr w Mfc ay mr s Av-vsr W' V V -VJ- r V" "V-T 'V ' ' "V -V w t Iff ?S r'-i'-'CrSBH? ii. v WIV. iN. i:j. , I C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant Mala St. Wharf, Astoria. Owzon SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine. WOODBERBY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING or a'l Description Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE JTXected in First CLiss Pom:ian!i-s. Uepresoutlns 18.oon,Ot PH(E5IX,... HOIK, .H.irtford, t'Siw ....NVu Voile. Agency PacIBc Expresi aad Wells, Fargo & Co. TMela Lster & Andeisen, CIVIL ENGINEERS. Surveyors ami Architects. Office. Ko .11 9, Klavbl's Blb'g, SECOND STREET IP. O. lix SIX AVlOl.IA, OR. hite els. Arc a coS -.iS5" .. w'v:ot;,oi oto- f,G" YV0 -Ift-vAN' HO .V1 X' Nv itxt-" Wm.B. Adair, REAL ESTATE AGENT. 1 N. E. Cor. Olney and Third M. ! P. O. Box 430 Particular attention given to Properties In Ujitx-r Aitoi la; also to purchase vi Urn- ocr Lauas. Abstracts of Title. C. R.THOMSON Keeps a full set of Abstract Books anl will examine tin liiieiui i.e.u t--tate In ihecouutv and furnish an Abstrac orTitlftotJieame. Terms reasonable. Vok guaranteed. Carnahan & Go. SUCCEbSOKS TO l. W. CASE, IMPnKZElto AND WHOLESALE AND KKTATL DEALERS IN &EMEAL MERCMllISE; oai r Cli"ti.inmi :tnd Cass MJtls. A"t it I A OKEGON BOOTS AND SROES! Or Best Quality, and at LOWEST PlilCES, AT Til K SIGN OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. H. W. Strickler, M. D. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc. Prescription Clerk speaks Pour different Lan-.'U'.t'x eiif-al practloo of Medicine atinu'.etl t b tile Doctor. ecnd -trect, nnr Posiofihv. af5 :; n ' SEALANO Th urnitnusf the rwacoamt Shoalwalcr Bay KaiHoad. THE GREAT EST SUMMER HE 01:T OX THE NOKTI1WE.-T COAT. Lit-s at the head of the Uav, nt drep wati-r, and ily twelve mill fmni the bar. The coming County iat atid Cotniuenlai Metiopi lis of Pacific county. Now laid ouL Lots on the market fnmi $5t. ami upwards. ror particulars and fuli information, call on or address s B. A. SEABORG, Ilwaco, 'Wash. I I The Teacher vTho advised her pupils to strengthen .heir minds by the use of Ayer's Sar japarilla, appreciated the truth that joJily health is essential to mental vigor For persons of delicate and feeble oiibtltution, whether young or old, this nediciue is remarkably beneficial. He jure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " Every spring and fall I lal:e a num ber of bottles of Ajcr's Sarsaparilla, and am greatly benefited." Mrs. James H. Lnstmau, Stoneham, Mass. "I have talcen Ayer's Sarsaparilla with jjreat l)eneiit to my general health." Miss Thirza L. Crerar, Palmyra, Md. "My daiishter, twelve jears of age, aas s i.frcd for tho past year from General Debility. A U'v weeks since, wo began 10 give :..! A j er'.s Sat.-aparilla. Ilor health has ?i.iN imp:ovj'tl." 2Ir. Harriet II. L.ttJlv -.. Cuuih Chelmsford, Mass. Abntit acai agolbegan iingAyer's i't -,r.inrilla as a lcmedy for debility as..! neiii-algia resulting horn malanal Lpo'-iiK- in thu aimj. I was in a very had roiuhtion, but iix boltles of theSar .apai ilia, ith oci asional doa-s of Ayer's Pills, lau- gie.itly impiowd my health. I m now aide to v. 01 k, and feel that I annotsav too much for jonr excellent nmedici." V. A. Pinkham, South Molttnc-us, Mo. "My daughter, sixteen years old, is fing A j ei's Sarsaparilla with good ef f, it." Kov. S. J. Graliam, United Dntlnon Chuich, Buckhannon.W. Va. " I suffeicd fiom Nervous Prostration, ;;h lamf back :md headache, and have In i n mui-li betii-lited by the use of Ayer's ." ..-saparilla. I am now SO years of age, .md am satisfied that my present health :nd prolonged life are due to tho use of ns Sarsaparilla." Lucy Mofritt, Willingly, Conn. Mrs. Ann H. Farnsworth. a lady 79 .-, old, So. "Woodstock, Vt., writes: After several weeks' suffering from 11 r-ons prostiation, I piocurcd a bottle 1 Xver's Saisaparilla, and bcfoie I .id jaken half of It my usual health red." !i:u.'rt L'nuiMtnnuilin iVJr i oai xauai ma, rncrAiiED by I-. 1. C. Ayer Sc Co., Lowell, Mass. Vtteof I; sis oitlc. $5. "Yoth C5 bottle. -1 HE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAV HANSEN, Prnp'r. A liv Jiiid WVIUUlectfd Mock of Knu BiaiOMS I Jfif elry At Extremely Low Prices, AH floods llonpht at This CnUblUhmenl Warranted Genuine. VTntcti and Clrli Kcpniriiif A SPECIALTY corner Cas and Squeinou.ua Mieets iompson & Ross Cirry a Full Line or Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. O. Thing and C. E. Miller, puoptturroits. Headquarters at M.dn Mieet -Aliaif. TKLhPHOXE K0.43. A Ut'iieral Kxtrtss and DelUerj' P.ush'pss transacted. Your patnn.4:i Is -oliclted. The Oregon Bakery A. A. OM'.VEL.IM), i'r.-p'r. &GCii Bread, Cake ani Pastr? Nont but th le-l JhiliTiaK lmU Satisfaction Guaranteed Customer4 t:r.i.t 'In .: in .ii: t'sn ! Ill c tv A B. Stcinbach & Co. THE HATTERS and CLOTHIERS. 31EN'.S AND DOYS' Clothing and Furnishing Goods. HATS TittiN'KS AND VALISES. Ci-rntr First and MorrKott Streets, Portland, oitcnox. U nntry nrdcis Solicited, atid Promptly Executed Hays Put -i THE POLITE AND 1 OXY LANULOKD. How Guests "Were Made Cumn-rlable at The '-Occidental Hotel." Detroit Free Tress. Eightvic miles beyond Denver, fhevear before the first railroad went throngb, four of us San "Francisco pas ia front of the "Occidenttl hotel' (built of logs). "With, pants resolutely tucked in bis boots, and determinedly fastened to bis waist with a belt in which was a 'vehement revelver: checked shirt and slouch bat, poetic allv on one ear, the affable host came out, kicking a bouad off the steps, to receive m. IKs size com manded respect. "Gentlemen." said be. as lie shook bands with each one of us, 'allow me i lo welcome von to this hospitable bos- I . m -, l it.- : telrv. j.i:e oriuge is gonu ul uiu riur below and ou can't get over till it is fixed somo'time lo-morrow. You will abide with mo and I with you, and you bet we'll share and sbnro alike in all we've got if wo bavo lo cut n pttmkin. Wo are far out, but you shan't find tts way off. Step right up this port cochero (slab platform) and don't slop to ttse tho scraper, follow mo through this portal (slab doer), lo which tho latch 6tringis never out of fix, unless it bap pens to bo drawn in; step right up to this ornate counter (board on two bar rels) mid place your royal names upon this accommodating register (a medi cal memorandum book) while I call our caterer's attention (Sal, get grub for four on dit!). 'Now, my lords, please step out in to the lavatory (tho whole wide world) and proceed to perform your ablutions in uncontaminated water dipped from the creek in vssels of tho purest plated waro (tiu basins), and tbero are the frescoed napkins (pieces of former tablecloth) on that ruck (wooden plug). Now, please walk in. There is lite mirror (north east c nner of a small lookinc-class). and comb (too shy too show its teeth). 'Sit tin here by the register, friends (stove clear out door), for the evening zephyrs are chilly, and take the rrost out of your fee!. Uut first, gent?, stroll into tho barroom (dry goods bos) and take a supper invigo.-ator (mountain avalanche). "What, water,, Gum. it'll lako all the taste out! "The gong (spoon rapped on crock) sounds, jour refection is ready: come over into the dining-room (south cast corner of the room) and lako chairs (sawed off logs) at the table do bole 'two slabs on trestles). Excuse our menu, it is not printed yet, but you see before you tho bill of fare (old ba con, corn "btead, hominy, mackerel, and chicory coffee), the terrapin and oysters haven't got hero lo bo in sea son yet No toasts, gentlemen, are permitted at tho table; you mut ad journ to the bar for them and the speeches. Gents, don't be sparing of the napkins (our handkerchiefs), they seem to be plentiful." Later on as we intimated a desire lo retire early. Said the landlerd: 'Wait till I get tho chandelier (tallow candle in a block of wood.) as the gas is all out. Now come up the eleva tor (ladder in corner:) don't stumble and fall up stairs. Select your own rooms, gentlemen, (beds all in one room divided by chalk marks,) nud don't over balance yourselves and fall against the partitions or you'll disturb vour neignoor. xtepair 10 yon. own downy couches (straw ticks on planks;) just manipulate this electric annunci ator on tho floor (a hickory club) or telephone down tho shaft (trap door) if you want anything, but don't make a misstep and tumble down with the message. Good night." The next morning wo found tho landlord was a great reader of high toned, low-priced novels, and had got on to the swing. At oigbt o'clock we got off with our lives. A ilark or Xtlvltj-. A discussion aroso on board an At Ian tic liner a short timo ago as to the citizenship of a gentleman at tho other cud of tho salooa. "He's an Englishman" said one: T know by bis bead." 'He's a Scotchman," said another; "I know by his complexion." He's a German." said another; UI know by bis beard." The young ladies thought he looked a little Spanish. Hero tho conver sation rested, but soon ono of them said: "I bavo it," said she, ''bo's an Ameri can; he's got his legs on tho table." Qulceslon New. CINT 8M-F.i MCIITS. Is the complab t of thousands suffering from Asthma, Con-i mpli n, Com-hs, to. TMd j on ever try Dr. Acker's Eng lish Remedy? It is "the best prepara tion known for all Lung Troub e?. So d on a positive guaranteo at :c. and 50c. bv -J W. Conn. Officer Schroeder, of Cincinnatti, found a pretty little animal about the size of a kitten on tho street iu tho suburbs. Ho picked it up and was about to carry it home, when he f suddenly became aware of the ''nature of the beast." It was a skunk. Ajer's Cathartic Pills stimulate tho apetite and regulate the bowels. Try them. Have you seen Ayer's Almanac? THAT ITACKinCoUGH can be so quickly i ured b. Shil ilfs Cim . Wc gttaraui. e iL .J. o. Di ra at. ROBB & on the Market the Fine Property of Henry Powell, DYSPEPSIA. IS that misery experienced when ire sud-1 l aeniy oecomo aware maiwe p;sessa diabolical arrangement called a jtoniach. The stomach Is tho reservoir Urvn. which, every fibre r I "'vie ua 1 1 .sonrlshed, and any tr. 11 5 soosrtjlrjh rough- out thp w.. ,i. AKiDj-a dozen dysncrtlcji f vl"i have the ssmopre-doniu.arU'- ir.s. Dyipcr-U.-JTMaciIve mental jiou.rt. -J r. bilious to :nrcrament are fuuL.vI t. r"-k J!o'n.uu-..."; those, flcshynndplikgiu . ...iveC" rlpatloa. while the 1 imn : Sli.l i 'andoued togloomy fovebfMJli.g-. 3' "iOuyBpcptics aro wonderfully f..v tfiil; others havo great irritabllltj 01 temper. Whatever form D.v .pepsia. may take, ono thins Ls certain, The underlying" cause is in She &irER, and ono tiling more Is equally certain, no one will remain a dyspeptic who will ftET It -will correct Acidity of th Stomach, llrjjel foul 'rases, Allftjr Irrlteiloa, Lsl Assist IMscstloB, and, at tho Hams . iimo Start the JAi-zr 0 tvoriiiHgr, when all clhcr troithtes soon disappear "My wlfs tras a caflmcl d,-Fc?ti. Soma three years ago by x'.c J.,c 01 lr. Sicirer, of Augusta, sic was Iai'i..- ' t trj S. rrca. Liver Regulator I teel gr?." f it i'w JiitY it has given licr, acj x.ja ' . i i J tnU aJ are afflicted in any '-re tuo cr other ri..e, use SininT t . i V m." ' - a'tl I feel confident health ii re . -.':. II wha trill bo advised." V.'m. M. kras.i, P.i: VHcy.Ga. See that yon get ftr &:iuine, with red 2 on f" r: Wrapper, rnrI i only tv J.n.ZKrLTN & CO., IlitI:itlolpliJa, Ta. Prlet, $1.00. Qaecr Thinyj TJut Art Pitet-d. Tliere is a claim ia the patent office for a patent on the Lord's prayer, the specifications being that the repeti tion of the same '"rapidly and in a loud voice will cure stammering." Among the odd inventions aro 'chicken hopples" which walk the lien right out of the ga-den when she iries to scratch; "the bee moth excluder," which atttomaticallv Hhut up the bee- hives when the bees go to roost; "the tapeworm hook," which speaks for itself; tho "educational bal'oou," a toy balloon, with map of tho world on its surface; "sido hilt annihilaton," stilts to at on to tho down-hill legs of a horse when plowing on hillsides (a most bandy invention for Nevada ranches which stand on edge); and the'iipn surpriser," a device which drops the newly laid egg through to the bottom of the nest, with intent to beguile the hen into at once laying an other. APlTV TOlfllltMXF. It is surpnsin-r that people wilt u e a common, ordi arv pill 'Rlltrt rftpfcrm secure a valuable English one for the -ame money. Dr. Ack r's Enslbh pills are a positive euro for sick-headache and all liver troubles. They a e small, sweet, ea-iilv takon, and do not gripe. Sold hy J. w. Co n. A Cadmus, Michigan farmer, fed a flock of swine several'gallons of cider which was not soft. The bogs went on a glorious old drunk for three days, and a few of them passed peace fully away never realizing what had touched them. It faithfully used, Ayer's Sarsapa rilla will remove scrofula in whatever form it exists. Twenty Baltimore girls who have plenty of money and who aro good German and French scholars, propose to travel through Enrope, and will wrilo a book of their adventures. Titero will bo twenty chapters, one by each girl. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dypen- sla and Liver complaint 7 Muloir t taltZff Is guaranteed tn cure you J. C. Dement. S 3ACOBSOX RACE Rem EDYfR true RDT A CERTAIN CURE FOR TOOTHACHE. 417 W. Lombard St. Balto., Md., Juno 9,1888. Bobbed of sleep brtoothacho;8wcllinggrc4t In face, rubbed with St, Jacobs Oil ; first appli cation relieved; went to sleep: morning; pida all gone, JOHN HOHESBEMeB. At DRCOOirrs and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. V0CELER CO.. taHbnart. IM. Tutt's Pills Trill save tho drspcptlo from aaaay days or misery, and enable him t eat whatever he wishes. Theypreveat Sick Headache, cause the food to assimilate and aoav ish the body, give keen appetite, aad Develop Flesh. and -olid muscle. Elegantly csfmr coaled. Price, 25 cents per box Sold Everywhere Office. 44 Murray St., N. Y, if3S -iFf-C, . M-teWBffBEy J4tSrwfW&- BSnra!SflHflM9P!sfKK9B I lJ&Sr; V? Ba fTSr.HlDKBTHR IMIIWIIIIwnilWiai H I ETIQUETTE ABROAD. i Cailoai Custoius in Yone la Sums of the Xattur. In Sweden if you address the poor-1 est person on the street you must lift your bat Tho same courtesy i3 in-' sisted upon if you pass a lady upon the stairway. To enter a reading room or bank with one's hat on is regarded as a bad breach of manners. To place your band on tho arm of a lady is a grave and objectionable familiaritv. Never touch the person, it is sacred. ' is one of their proverbs. In Holland a lady is expected to retire precipitate ly if she should enter a store or a res taurant where men are congregated. She waits until they have transacted their business and departed. Ladic3 seldom rise in Spain to receive a male visitor and they rarely accompany him to the door. For a Spaniard to give a lady (even his wife) hi3 nnn when out walking is looked upon as a decided violation of propriety. In Persia, among tho aristocracy, u visitor sends notice an hour or two be fore calling, and gives a day's notice if tho visit is one of great importance. He is mot by servants before ho roaches tho bouse, and other consid erations are shown him according to relative rank. Tho left and not tho right is considered tho post of honor. No Turk will enter a sitting room with dirty shoe3. The upper classes wear tight fitting shoes with goloshes over them. The latter which receivo all the dirt and dust, aro left outsido tbo door. Tho Turk nevor washes in dirty-water. Water is poured over his bands, so that when polluted it runs away. In Syria Iho people never take off their caps or turbans whon entering a bouso or visiting a friend, but they always leave their shoes at the door. There are no mats or scrapers outside and tho floors inside are covered with exponsive rugs, kept very clean ia Moslem bouses and used to kneel up on while asking prayers. Kxpen-iivc Advortfiiiz The merchants at Teniuo do not ad vertise in their home paper?, but aro always reaching out lo squauder their wealth far from home. Ono of them recently bought an elephant with the idea of using him for advertising pur poses. Ho arrived tho other morning. with freight charges of S50Q attached to liim. The charges were so excessive that tho firm refused to accept the ani mal, and he, becoming impatient, started out on a little pasear to ad vertise himself, just to got bis hand in. Ho sauntered down the main street and stopped in at a livery stable and ate a bale of hay; then he wrecked tho stable and crossed the street and knocked out a plate glass store front. This furnished him keen enjoyment, and he could see tiiatjiis little efforts were attracting uito a good deal of attention. So he trotted down to the corner and smashed ono sido out of a drug store. By this timo all tho men in town were inter ested, and after ouo or two ineffectual efforts they got him roped and led bim back to tho station in ignominy and disgrace. The last returns from the town stale that 10 men are now sit ting on tho animal waiting for advice from tho owner, and the firm who bar gained for him have taken to the tall woods, while the general verdict is that somo quieter advertising medium would be better for anybody except, perhaps, an undertaker. Joint stock companies havo multi plied with marvelous rapidity in Eng land of lato years. Tho Paris police force, which now numbers 6,100, is about to bo increased to 7,800. Tho only modtclno which dpotro; znrK of Catitrh. Khpnmntinm. Dy tn Femali ComDlatnts. Co .snmntinn lit nnt tnn tut rra-. Dvooetnia. Malarial and all Blooc ind .--rin Diseases. It I s a Hif e and poiti vo 3arp r or Loss OT NinnnoOn and tinn. Dtrliea. Ispleasnnttndriuk. Giro it a trial Price, 75 cnts and Si 23. PACIFIC SLOPE MEDICINE CO., Spokono Falls, Wnsh. J. C Dement. Sole Agent. Astoria T. B. Loughery. DEALER IK Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes, Confectionery, Etc. S0XE BUT TUB BEST BBASDS HANDLED. TlIIltD STREET. Opposite Ilahn's Boot and Shoe Store, mmmm MNmmM&mmsma HJBfflwfCTJia3iyH5fj!ni PARKER POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thta ponder never varies, A nan cl of i-urtty, stremctli and wholesomcncss. More ecun, micsl than the ordinary kliuS.aud can ntLvM)':l in rompetitlon v. ith the ntulti t'iilt or lor. l .t. sli. rt weii'lit, alum or phos ...UepyMler. Suhl only in cans. Hoyai. UKi.; PnwuKit To. ic; V'&H-st.. N. " . Lewi. .M. Johnson & Co., Agents, Poit-!.-uid, iMin. CHIL'F OK I'OLTCE SALE. Notico is hereby given that by virtno of a warrant issued by tho nuditor nnd police judgo of tho city of Astoria, in ac cordance with an order made by the com mon conucil of the city of Astoria, by or dinance number 113S, entitled nn ordi nance ordering tho auditor nnd police judge to issue warrants for the collection of assessments remaining unpaid on the aslimgton street sewer assessment ap pro, ed iSov. 2Uth, lSSU. Said warrant! bearing date the 30lh day of November, j 18hD, commanding me to levy upon lot number 2 iu block number 40 in the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J.!m iilet'lure, to collect r.n assessment of $.", which assessment was made for ; the con. trnction of n sewer in W&slnug tin street, between the south side of Abtor street, and 100 feet north of thu north sido of Water street, by ordinance No. 1,100 entitled an ordinance declaring the probable co-t of constructing a sew. er in V ashington .slret t from the --oath side of Astor street to TCOfeir, uoita of the north side of Water jitrtel. :.rp- ived July 25, ISS'J, f have this day it. ted upon lot number 2 in blocrTnanibcr'IOin icClnrcs Astoria, said lot being .i&i.s.sd toM. Mever an owner and on Wediusdny the 29 day of January ISitQ. at 2 o'clock i. ii. of said day in front of Hie court houbo door in said eitv of Astoria, V'lntsOp county, Oregon will proceed to sell lot number 2 in liloek cumber i ) in Mc Cluro's slori;:, t the highcit bidder therefor, to pa 'id assessment, co-jts and expenses of .lf. S.i.d sale to be for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, thw 28th day of December, 1S59. W. J. HARRY, Chief of police. CIIIEK OF rOLICC SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issue'd by tho auditor and police judge of tho city of Astoria, in ac cordance with nn order made by the com mon council of the city of Astoria, by or dinance number 1133, entitled nn ordi nance ordering the nuditor and police judgo to issuo warrants for the collection of assessments remaining unpaid an the Washington street sewer assessment, ap proved November 20th, 1SS9, said warrant bearing date tho 3'Jth day of Novembor, 1889, commanding me to levy upon lot number 5, in block number 39, in the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded byJonn AlcCIure, to collect nn assess ment of G5, which assessment was made for the construction of a sewer in Wash ington street, between the south side of Astor street nnd one hundred feet north of tho north sido of Water street, by or dinance number 1100, entitled an ordi nance declaring tho probable cost of con structing a sower in Washington streot, from tbesouthside of Astor street to one hundred feet north of the north side of Water street, approved July 23th, 1889, 1 have this day lovied upon lot number 5, in block number 59, in ilcClure's Astoria, said lot being nssessessed to Chas. Eohr, as owner, and on Wednesday, tbo 29th day of January, 1899. at 2 o'clock p. m , of said day, in front of tho court house door in said city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed lo sell lot number 5, in block number S9, in IMc Cluro's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to ba for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, this 23th dav of De cember, 18S9. W. J. ISAllRY, Chief of Police I. W. Case. BANKER. ESTABLISHED - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts draw u available hi any part of the I. H. and Europe, ami on Iloiig Kong, Cliinj OKKICK llOUHS : 10 A. 31. to J 1. 31. )dd Fei lows Bin L!iN;, xttorla. Oregon. FOR SALE. A Tract of Desirable Land On tho Walluski. ronlalnlnj; betucen CO nnd 30 acres ; halt of it Is tide Lmd. For p rtt: ulaw, enquire of Wil. BOCK, At GermauLi b.doon. LIDDIGOAT & GRIBB. Carpenters aud Builders. Holt St McL'urtrle's old stand, hive over 2f 0 plates and drawings of all Kinds and stales of dwelling-houses, ranging from ?00O to 1 00 Call and see them. AL0ERBR00K j Joins Astoria on the .terminus of the Al T Young's Addition to Alderbrook ! Is the only inside addition on the market, and prices of lots will treble in value within three months. " c Buy now, while lots are selling for $75; $20 down and 10 per month. Winsrat Irish Flax HAVE NO mww:7f w&JJrtJ(aSo'KiBiJF ja m?7 Hiiir SMwrB & V H 0 USE FPU WDEO.-1784-.-- J JSmi& GRAND PRIX PARIS, 1W8, AND ' -,i GRAND CROSS OP THE LEGION D'HONNEUR. Thoy received the trr. ONLY GOLD IVIEDAL For FLAX THREADS at the London Fisheries And have been awarded HIGHER 1'RIZES at the varions" - INTERNATIONAL. EXPOSITIONS, Than tho goods of any other XXSSiAD MAW UFACTURKRS IN THE WORLD, Quality Can Always fee Depended on. Mmmi Fistieraeu Use i Other. HENRY DOYLE & CO.. 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. WOODBEBRY SEINE TWINE. ROPE and NET TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. City Wood Yard. Hamilton & Co., Prop'rs. Office and Woodyard on Gray's Dock. All Kinds of Fine Dry Wood Cut AND DELIVERED At Reasonable Price. Satisfac tion t.iiaruntefd Oar Patrons. All Orders promptly filled and delivered In any p.trt of the city. AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEN, Successor to E. C .Holden. The oiaest established Commission House In Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold ou com-. mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Kepalnng. Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains In Household Goods go to MAItTIH OL.SE.X IHIIIlHIIHimillllllWUU East and will hertherf two Transcoiiti- -V- -i - utfiiiai jauvvttyy. -v---' & EQUAL! Exnibitip?! ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances of any kind, on short aotk. Transferring Baggage, etc, a specialty. Telephone No, 12. SHERMAN k WAKD. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer In EAOf ABE, IBON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES. TINWARI AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAI SHEET IRON, TJUH. AND 0 Threads ZJT. , -" - -eK. 4 J vt. f J -syaN' ; '-", - r. j. .. X .. f35w - ISJ'-X ? '-a 4y ;-! " ;. ." - - V S - -V. - C : t' m. n iz?. -1 - K - ' - -, -&sr. . " ii