The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 12, 1890, Image 3

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TItc glaUj gtffotfmt.
(Monday excepted.)
J. P.
ruMishcrsatid Proprietors.
AsTOKiAXi:nu)iG. - CassStkf.kt.
Term of Subscription.
Sen etl by Carrier, per week 1T eta
Sent by Mull, per month .- cocts
Sent by Mail, one year
Free of nonage to subscribers,
Thk ArroniAX guarantees to its aHer
uers the lan;et circulation of any nepa
Imt published on the Columbia rner.
City ami County Official Paper.
Tlie county conrt meets to-morrow.
There will be no service in the Bap
tist church, this morning.
Five hundred men are shoveling
snow from the railroad tracks in the
Sierra Nevadas.
At present there are 11G newspapers
published in this state: thirteen of
these are dailies.
In 1839, nearly $100 was received in
the Portland collector's office for li
cences to use oleomargarine in Port
land. There has been a sudden rie in
Ijotatoes and other combustibles of
life since the snow dropped gently
licury Barnknrl. an engineer, lias j
sued the O. B. & X. Co. in Pendleton j
for S30.000 for injuries rccnivpl in ji (
collision at Mcacham.
A good manv of our citizens, dls-
tiiiguisucil nmlothcrwLss. have spent a !
disagreeable week with colds, influ
enza and pulmonic affections.
F. F. loorc, treasurer of the Taco
ina Typographical union, -has boen
missing since last Friday and is S450
short in his account. He gambled
the money.
"W. G. T. U. is the euphonious title
of the Western Commercial Traveler's
union in St. Louis. Tho good tem
perance ladies of tho country ought to
Mic for infringement of title.
The New Year's edition of The Asto- ad nothing coming to them, having
man is exhausted: There was a very drawn their wages, in clethes: others
largo number printed, but they are had time checks,
all gone. Itvasabig advertisement J As soon as it -was learned that they
and a good showing for liie town, and i were in need of food and lodging, a
appreciated. citizen's committee was organized,
j consisting of C. W. Fulton, G. Win-
The street cars bore up bravclv ves- sate W. L. Robb, and E. A. Taylor,
terdny, and through snow kept going W. L. Robb was constituted secretary
all tlie afternoon and evening. No j t" instructions to receive and hold
railroad man, horse, steam or auv-1 Mc checks as collateral for any as
thing else, likes tin snow; in fact lie ' distance advanced,
ensses at it. Lodging accommodations of a prim-
i ative nature was assigned them in the
Five hundred men left the San t old Hume cannery building, and
Francisco Union lion works rather i
than pa' a montlily assessment of 30
cents for medical purposes. The !
works refunded the money and the men
returned to work j
There was another knock-do wn-and
drag-out, at the Salvation armv bar- j
racks hist night Tho blowing of a
police whistle two or three limes a
night is a common occureuce, and last I
night's row was nothing out of the '
usual performance. i
4That famous contract"' was the sen-1
nation of the day, and everybody
wanted to see it Its publication was i
a complete surprise, and copies of it i
wero put away ui ninny a safe place j
for reference. Meanwhile. Tun Asto-
was gives the news.
The mails have been very irregular
since New Year's, occasioning consid
erable inconvenience, annoyance and
expense, but those who have them iu
charge have done the best they could,
under the circumstances and expedited
matters as much as possible.
The time
should have
h:is arrived when we
better telegraphic facili-
ties. Thero should bo another oj)er-
man in charge of tlie office and it
should be possible to send and receive
messages up to midnight.
Tlie Barnard opposition steamer
IFayUen Jiepublir, has cut prices to
San Francisco from Seattle to 511
Tor cabin and $7 for steerage. The
Pacific Coast Steamship company will,
it is, reported, soon meet this rate with
a lower one. ;ind the war will go on
until the fittest survives.
The union prayer mectiug of Friday
evening last, was so largely attended,
and of so interesting a character that
it was -agreed by a rising vote, lo
hold a similar service on Monday eve
ning, at the Presbyterian church.
The topic is the Holy Ghost, and tlie
service will begin promptly at half
past seven o'clock.
To complain of "the weather" is of
little avail. This is the weather that's
Znt am-lmir. Nnvh snmr-r i,on ti,
grain is in waving luxuriance, and the
salmon bobbing in tho nets, we'll real
ize that the seasonable snow and rain
of January aided grandly in produc
ing so desirable a result.
"With the compliments of Chas. M.
Shortridge," the enterprising editor
and publisher, comes the finest New
Years number of any paper yet re
ceived, and TheAstoeias has had 'em
alL This is high praise, but the il lum
inatcd issue of the San Joso Mercury,
to hand, deserves it. It is 1,000 fine,
and is a grand showing for the garden
city of the golden state.
Iu the justice court yesterday Jno.
Dunbar on complaint of Miss Sulli
van, a lady of undoubted reputation,
was held in the sum of fcouu to appear
before the February grand jury on a
charge of btealing a watch. Jet Sing,
au upper Astoria Mongolian, before
his honor on a charge of pullins? a pis -
tol on a
son of Dick welcome s, was
held in the sum of S300, to appear to
The commander of Cushing Post
No. 14, G. A. R., has filed tho proper
notice and bond, approved by the
county judge asking for a levy of .2 of
one mill, according to the provisions
of the Northrup bill, to constitute a
fund for the relief of indigent Union
and Mexican war soldiers, sailors,
mariners, and Indian war volunteers
and the rehetof their indigent widows
and minor children.
The steamer J. Ordway, which was
burned at Weidler's mill last Monday
night, was owned by tho Willamette
steexn mill and valued at 810,000. For
tie nast two or three weeks she has
been tied up at tho dock just back of
the electric light plant, opposite Al
buML To keep her tubes open, about
twenty pounds of steam had been
kept up in ber boiler, constantly, but
t) fMt ttet the Art orifmited in the
after part of the lower deck, near the
stern, lead the owners to believe that
an exploded lantern was the cause,
and not from the firebox. v
Last Tuesday morning William C.
Flint, a San Francisco attorney, was
about to chastise his twelve-year-old
son Vincent Flint, when the boy ran
from the house into the street, fol
lowed by his father, wiio pursued him
for several blocks, when suddenly the
boy ran into a house, the father still
after him. Iu the hallway the son
drew a revolver and shot himself
through the head, the ball entering
the right temple and coming out be
hind the left ear. Death was instan
taneous. Vincent had been away from
home all night and the chastisement
was for that reason. It was hLs fath
er's pistol that ended his life.
As Filed In The County Recorder s Office
VIary J. Knapp to L. Knapp
IVz acres sec 20 T 8 N, 7
C. C. Knapp and wife to Mary
J. Knapp, 15 acres, sec 20, T
II. C. Thompson and wifo to
Addie Kappleyea lotl, 2, 0.
blk 7 Laurel Park.
W' J. Eberman to N. A. Eber
man,KEyNEisec 22: N
Wif NWif , and E K NWjq'
sec 23, T G N, R 10 W
Mary Ann Adair to "W. II.
Brooks, lot 11, blk 12
A. Youn' and wife to Joj.
AYindle, lots 33, 81, tract 2,
blk G, H. and A-'s
Jno. Halm and wifo to S. B.
PJympton, quitclaim deed,
lot 3. blk 10G, jtfcClure's . . . .
u. o. Thompson and wife to
Nora Rapplevea, lots 7, 8. !,
blk 7, Laurel Pari:.
Previously leported this
.. 563.265
Total for year to date 5GG,019
Feeding and Lo.l;;ius Those Who A ppiird.
Between forty and fifty men came
in from the railroad front vestenlav.
where they had been at work till tlie I
inclement weather made necessary tho
stoppage of operations. Some of them
meals secured, for them at two reslau
Such relief is but temporary.
Tiie Astoriax suggests, at oiice, t
to-day, some eight or ten of our moat
public spirited citizens make arrange
ments to cash all those time check3,
and let those poor fellows have their
money. It is the only thing to do, and
the light of how things look to out
siders, it is essential that it should bo
hone, and that, too, without delay,
Mr. Brenham Van Dusen has a new
and commodious office finelv fitted up,
in his new building on 'Genevieve
How They Cured the Sniffle.
Three men were in Tun Astokias
office yesterday, each giving points on
on how to cure a bad case of influen
za. Said one, "wring out a cloth from
i cold water, put it on your chest, and
stay in bed all one day." Another
said, "Well, Pll tell you what cured
I mc: X got my "vvife to b1ue.ez.0 som0
?T ,1 ,Y Ill.HUKF.ou.l,ueW '
1 drank tlie onion juice. '
said: '-That's all right
but I just
edip on hot whiskey punches, and
' -vu betcj,err llfe l$? Sed m0m
' slxJlPe aU? Z a? a11 ngHfci UW: Here
: uciu. uic iiui uuic, uii; uuiuu uuiv
and the whiskey cure. There remainB
the faith cure aud the mind cure.
The mind cure is believed to be good
for those who have no faith; and the
faith cure for those who have no
Death of W. W. Helcuer.
Death comes in many forms, but its
force and power to make desolation is
often intensified. Such is the case in
tho death of W. W. Belcher, yester
day morning, of typhoid pneumonia.
His whole family are prostrated with
sickness, and the husband and father
is gone from earth, forever.
Deceased was in tho 43rd year of his
age. The funeral will bo under tlie
auspices of the Knights of Pythias, of
which he was a prominent member,
at 1:15 o'clock this afternoon. He was
' !so ? member of Seaside Lodge A. O.
U. "W., from which his widow will gel
2,000. The funeral exercises will bo
at the Baptist church.
Will Utilize the Waste Scrap Tin.
A Mr. TayJor, of Chicago, is in tho
city figuring on tho amount of scrap
tin that has been wasted during the
years that the S50,000,000 worth of
canned salmon has been packed on tho
Columbia river. He proposes to start
a foundry here and work up all that
scrap tin, which is still lying around
here. Ho can melt it and m ako money
at it .
On or about Oti December a
boa. Finder ple-e inform a tbi
. . :
j run oral Aofiw.
Th(. mi;:nber of I'jcific Lodg- No.
j rj, k. of P. will assemble at their cast'e
, at 12:30 o'clock Miam to-d.i to attend
liie luucral ot our ueceaseu nroin-r
Chancellor Commander W. W. Belcher.
By order T. C.
Attest : W. A. Sukkmax,
K.of It amis.
Aster I.oIgc If e. , K.. of I.
All members of Astor Lods;e No. G.
K.of P.. aro hereby requested to meet
at Castle Hall at 1230 P. M. to-day to
attend tho funeral of. our late brother
W. TO, Belcher, of Pacific Lodge No. 17,
K.of P. By order C. C.
H. A. Smith, K. of it and S.
Funeral IVeticc.
Every member of Seaside Lodee No
12, A. O. U. W., is required to present
himself at the lodgo room to-day at 12
o'clock m. for the nurnoso of attendinsr
the funeral of our late brother W. "W.
Belcher, otherwiso the provisions of our
by-laws will be promptly and strictly
enforced. G. W. Ruckeb,
Attest: Master Yorkman.
W. B. Ross, Recorder.
Coffee- and cake, ten rents, at the
Central Restaurant.
from the mama
Reiaris from a Settler as to Tie
Bailroal Sitnation.
Nehalem Journal.
Nataii, Ore., Dec 29, 18S9.
The presence of Union Pacific sur
veyors in tho Nehalem valley at this
time means a great deal more than
would appear to a casual observer,
who knows nothing about the secret
history of this affair. In the first
place, it will be well enough to bear
in mind that the O. R & N. Co. and
the Union Pacific are now one, as they
have consolidated, and the U. P. has
swallowed the O. R. fe N., so to speak.
About a year and a half ago I met a
prominent citizen of Astoria who is a
gentleman of means and a member of
tlie Astoria chamber of commerce. He
is a public spirited and very energetic
man, and I presume he has done more
for the advancement of the interests of
Astoria than any other resident of that
city. He informed me that ho had
just returned from a trip to San Fran
cisco, and that he had had au inter
view with Mr. Towne, the general
superintendent of the Southern Pacific
railway company. m
This gentleman informed Tdr. Towne
that they had secured a large bonus
for any railroad that would build to
Astoria, and hoped that the Southern
Pacific company could sec their way
clear to tako hold of the project and
build the road from Fores Grove to
Astoria. But Mr. Towne threw cold
water on the whole scheme by stating
that thero had been a "division of ter
ritorv" between the S. P. Co. and the
O.Pu'&N. Co., and to the following
effect: That the Southern Pacific
agreed lo keep out of northwestern
Oregon and leave it to the O. R. & N.,
and in consideration of that concession
the Southern Pacific was to have
southeastern Oregon all to themselves,
as they -wanted to branch off near Ash
land, in southern Oregon and go
through Lake and Klamath counties.
Now it was a well known fact that
the O. R. & N. Co. did not intend to
build through this valley for several
years, for they supposed they had the
carcass greased and its cars pinned
and they could afford to wait
uii mey
ot hungry before swallowing
It should bo remembered that the
Southern Pacific company owns and
controls 7,000 miles of railroad; and
they have less timber in proportion to
mileage than any other road in tho
United States. Their expenses in
keeping their roads in repair and
building new lsis enormous, and
they could get no timber by running
through the prairies and deserts of
southeastern Oregon, and something
had to be done. So they sent their
agents secretly to the Nehalem valley
to spy out the land, and they found it
flowing with milk aud honey I should
sa' with timber and coal far beyond
their expectations, aud they gazed
upon it with covetous eyes. The next
thing was to get there, EH.
The first move toward accomplish
ing tlie desired result was the organi
zation or the Astoria & South Coast
3k if A -
Whenever tho Southern Pacific
i reads upon the loes of tho O. R. & N,
they are tramping on tho corns of tho
Union Pacific, and the latter company
has awakened from their dream of
.apparent security to find their old
enemy has stolen a march on them,
and are pretty well fortified in their
new position.
The O. R. & N. company is m m a
situation similar to that of tho man
who went down to Jericho and fell
among thieves. And now if the Un
ion Pacific chooses to step in and act
the part of the Good Samaritan
toward the O. R. & N, and administer
a little balm, and bandage its wounds,
by building a road through this val
lev, we can stand it very well.
Hurlbertfc Co., surve3'ors for the
U. P., were here at my "house and
wanted lo find that place in Nehalem
valley where the water raises thirty
six to forty-two feet above the banks
of the river.
I informed them that such a place
could not bo found in this valley, as
it did not exist. Then Mr. Hulbert !
said that he had been here beforo and
had never seen any such indica
tions. He muttered something about
base fabrication on the part of a rival
company. Now it appears that hero
are two of the most powerf nl railroad
, companies in the United States, and
both alter the same coon. And if, in
their scramble they both get into this
treo at once, the fur will fly, and don't
you forget it
The Sacramento River FMiermen Fix
Bexicia, Jan. 7. At the regular
monthly meeting of the Sacramento
River Fishermen's Protective Union,
300 members being present, the price
of salmon for the coming seeson was
fixed at 5 cents a'pound for spring and
cents for fall.
Eastern capital has been enlisted at
Martinez, and the old steel works is
being converted into a cannery. Sev
eral new canneries-will run the com
ing season.
Who Was Yoar Grandfather.
The Detroit Journal desires to re
ceive, by postal card, the address of all
living male and female descendants of
Revolutionary officers and soldiers of
1776, and, when possible, tho nanife
and state of the ancestor. "Wonder if
'W. H. Brearley, proprietor of the
Detroit Journal is contemplating a
raid upon the national treasury?
All Awake to Present Necessities.
Every town and hamlet south of us
is looking for the Salem and Astoria
railroad. McMinnville the most im
portant of all, must not lose this op
portunity. McZIinnville Telephone
31 cats CooKed to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Do You JLikc a Geocl Clear?
Call at Charley Olson's, cast of C. II.
Cooper's. He will suit you. A fine
stock of cigars to select from.
Weiukard's Brer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, S cents.
TelckHelieanBE Hmsc
Best Beds in town. Booms per night
50 and 25 cts per week $1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Channcey Dejew Presents tie Case
of the American Motrojolis.
Wasihsgtos, Jan. 1L The an
nouncement that New York would
present its claims for the location of
the proposed worlds fair, before the
senate special committee was sufficient
to attract a crowd to-day to the cap
ital which speedily exhausted its ac
commodations. In tho senate reception room, where
the hearing wa3 held, there was such
a pressure for admittance that the
committee contemplated repairing to
the senate chamber but found that the
rale of that body forbade the use of
tho chamber for any other purpose
thau its own sessions, except by
special action of the senate.
Mr. Chauncey Depew, president of
the New York Central railroad, was
the first speaker. He was listened to
throughout with the closest attention
and Wtis frequently interrupted by ap
plause from his New York supporters.
Ho said they were here lo tho number
of one hundred or more leading citi
zens of tho American metropolis, rep
resenting every interest of the welfare
of tho city and of the state and of the
wholo country to urge tho claim of
New York for the world's fair.
In the convention with various
representatives of various countries at
Paris, I saw," said Mr. Depew, "thus
an impression was produced that the
United States might ba immense in
the area of territery: that it might be
enormous in its populatiens: that it
might have free institutions and oil
that, but that iu competition for the
trade of the world it was absolutely
deficient in skill. The only thing
there which attracted tho attention of
the assembled nations was the petri
fied wood from Arizona, and one of
the representatives of Great Britain
in endeavoring to compensate for any
mortification, said, 'Your representa--
tion of petrified wood is absolutely un
equalled in this great show''
Somethius for the Standard Oil Co. to IJnck.
New York, Jau. 11. The Sun says:
a combination Ls being made between
some of the principal oil producers of
Pennsylvania and owners of foreign
capital for the purpose of construct
ing new pijKS lines between the oil fields
aud tho coast. The movement is the
most important in tlie oil industry
which has over been attempted since
the Standard Oil company secured tho
monopoly ot tho pipe lino transporta
tion. It contemplates tho purchase
outright of tho wells, valued at ten
million dollars, tho construction of
competing pipo lines, and the combi
nation of many of the principal pro
ducers, who do not want to sell their
Jleillcine Nearly a Bitter as The
Deakborse, Mich. Jan. 11. A ter
rible mistake was made in the family
of Merrill Griffin here last night The
family all had influenza and tootl
strychnine instead of quinine. Mr.
Griffin, his wifo and daughter, aged
13 and son aged 9 were tho victims.
The daughter died at 2 o'clock this
morning, and thero is no hopes for Mr.
Griffin, Mrs. Griffin and the son have
a large chance to pull through.
Let ti Hojie the Little
Kinslet Will Get
Madkid, Jan. 11, The condition of
tho king this morning is more favor
able. Ho slept at intervals during the
night Special mass forho recovery
of the king was celebrated at 2 o'clock
this morning in the private chapel of
the palace. The bulletin issued at 2
o'clock this afternoon, states that the
condition of the king is tranquil and
there are no sigus of relapse.
VeksailiiES, Ky., Jan. 11. The
stables belonging to the Maper Broth
.ers were burned this morning destroy
ing thirty-fivo out of thirty-eight
horses. Among those burned was the
horse Bell Boy," that was sold at
auction to J. Clarke for 850,000. It is
said that Clarke had refused 8100,000
for this horse.
Headquarters for
The Largest Stock of La
dies' and Gents' Fine
Shoes in the City.
We Offer Bargains for the
Next Ten Days in
Gents' Fancy Slippers.
The Leading Shoe House of Astoria
Ail fas Slot Deal in Reward for
His Foolishness.
Spokane Faus, Wash., Jan. 1L H.
McCooser, better known to tho sporting
fraternity as uBig"Mic" was shot and
killed by Harry Baer, one of the pro
prietors of the largest gambling houses
in tho northwest, at an early hour this
Baer was iu the act of ejecting a
man from the house for stealing chips
from oneof the games, when ho was
assaulted by Big Mac After being
held up under the assault as long as
possible Baer drew his revolver and
shot his assailant. The latter died
fifteen minutes later. Baer is well
known all over the coast as a mining
operator and proprietor of large gam
bling houses. Before tho great fire he
owned the largest and finest brick
in this city. The sentiment' is that
tho shooting was justifiable.
The last Sail Tribute of Respect tt Silent
Washington, Jan. 11. Long before
the hour of noon tho galleries of the
honso were filled with spectators anx
ious to do honor to tho memory of
the man who had for so many years
been prominent in that body. A few
moments before the house was called!
to order the members of the senate !
without formal announcement entered j
tho chamber and quickly took their
seats in the body of tho hall. The
sable covered bier which held all that ,
was mortal, of tho "father of the house,"
stood in front of the clerk's desk aud J
a handsome floral tribnte was placed ;
near it. i
At 2:10 tho officiating clergymen, .
doctors Butler and Cuthbert, entered ;
the hall and began the reading of tho j
burial service. They were followed!
by tho joint committee of the senato J
and house, having charge of thecero-.
monies and amid a solemn hush the
magnificent casket containing the re-,
mams of William D. Kolly was placed ,
on the bier. The family of the de
ceased wero then escorted to the scats
provided for them close to tho casket J
The funeral service was read by Dr. j
Butler, and prayer offered by Dr. ,
Cnthbert, and the cortege dispersed,
both the house and Benate adjourning
for tho day.
Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilia if
you want an honest, reliable medicine.
Do not take any other winch is alteged
to be "about the same'' or "jiibt as good.M
Insist upon having Hood's Sarsaparilia,
which is peculiar to Itself. Sold by all
druggists. Try it.
All the patent medtcincs advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Kenumery, anu toilet articles etc '-an
e bought at the lowest prices .t J. W.
Conn's drug stori', opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
George H. Phelps Reeeives the "Elixir
of Life.
GEORGE II. THEM'S, of Colorado.
Some four years aco I contracted an In
jury while in the middle on the plains n Col
orado and New Mexico Four months ago
tlie Injuiy developed aud commenced to
ive me M-rious trouble. Justone month to
ay I came to Tortluud and placed myself
under me core nt ur. All red u coie. nead
ph-iclm and chief surgeon 1'orilnnd Sur
Klcal an J Medical Ubpensaiy. My acquaint
ance and association with the doctor war
rants me In saying th it he is a Kontlctnan In
hLs daily bearing, and naapnjslcian and
surgeon there are none who excel turn and
few on the coast who equal htm. Under his
Eeculiar, wonderful and magic treatment I
ccan at once to feel like a new man. lie
has Imparted to me the onlr true "Elixir of
Life" a cure ; and I cheerfully recommend
him to the ailing, sick and afflicted all over
the land, for ho Is an honest physician.
1C Clay street, Portland, Oregon.
Tills well-known and rcllabl" .specialist
treats private, chronic and nen ous disease.',
including general debility, loss of mjnhood
and Impotency. Consultations free, day or
night. Correspondence solicited. Send 10
cents in stamps for M&rriago Guide. Ad
ICAL DISPENSARY. 132 and 1M Third S:.,
corner of Alder. Portland. Oregon.
You Shiver and Sneeze
While I am anxions to sell
off the remaining lot of
I offer them now at greatly
reduced prices.
aU sorts and GLOVES. We
all want Gloves, especially
now. I will make them go
at greatly reduced rates.
Old Relialile ClotMer ana Hatter
Occident Hotel Building.
r f te.K?7i rv-jv.
7 ffp'L-
Now is the time,
plain figures. The
cash purchases.
Thih is no Peter Funk business, but straight goods.
But Buy immediately, if Not Sooner in
Kinney's Astoria!
We are now selling lots in this fine Addition for
$100 and $125 that in less than one month
will more than double in value.
It is Less than One Mile
The Mika
N. J. BERGMAN, Prop'r.
Fine Chocolate Bon Sons
As Well as
All Other Kinds of Cream Candies.
Please Call and Givo Mo a Trial.
Next to Western Union Telegr.iph Office.
J. B. Wyatt,
Hardware and Ship Ghantitefy,
Pure Oil, Bright Varnish,
Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas,
Hemp Sail Twine, '
Cotton Sail Twine.
Lard Oil,
Wrought Iron Spikes,
Galvanized Cut Nails.
AgricnltKral Implements, Sewing
Machine Taints, Oils,
Grooeries, jESto.
There Is no occasion for tho most fastidi
ous of our citizens to send to Portland or
San Francisco for
Custom Made Clothes
As they can pet Better Fits. Better Work
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