lmf c da -ssrv VOL. XXXLV, NO. 9. ASTORTA, ORRGOJY, SATURDAY, JANUARY II. IH!)0. PRICE FIVE CENTS BUY YOUR WIFE A Sfp wJrlv I a Em I I 5 I II -T- .Lm ii 1 II I 111 II This property is located in Hustler & Aikvn's Ad dition. The arrangements arc completed for a steam motor to run within a block of the property, and an electric street car lino is projected to run on the street adjoining Block 27. p. upshur, i Shipping and Commission Msrchan' -Tain t. Wharf. A-toria Vs.tn. srKctAS.ni:- Cannery Supplies Sarbours Salmon Net l wines. Ni:iTt XK Brand Salmon Twine. WOOUHK'iXY fltt: Line ami Tlni SEINES and NETTING ofaU Description FuniislicJ.it Factory Trice-. FIRE INSURANCE EtlfCttNt in Fir; Cl.is, Coiujunles. HirtitiHB I :.(, I'HtF.MX, -Hartford, Conn HOKK, Xew York. Acrii. 1'arlflc Kipress nnd W1N, Fargo .t t'o. j TMetaii, Later & Anton, CIVIL ENGINEERS. Surveyors and Architects. OfFiri;, I'O'iM!. rI.AVKI. 15l.Il, SECOND STREET 1 O. Ifcix 81.T. ASTORIA, OH. Enfl ine su; ..Ara .u,h' . r-ow-.t-vl An A ni- - - fttf- LW .. vWT v .uN'uv SotP Vv ?' irrc5 w Wm. B. Adair, REAL ESTATE ACENT. X. E- Cor. Gluey and Thin! -M-.. P. O. Box 436. Particular attention given to Properties in Upper AMoria ; alkO to purchase of lim lor Lands. Abstracts of Title, C. R. THOMSON Keeps a full ci or Abstract Books aat Ti!l .'amlne the Hue to ;ny ne.il hs tte lit the count ud furuUhan Abtrae of TtUe to the same Tistun reutuuabie. Woi k uanniti vA. Oarnahaii & Go. l tVhwtOlW lit I. W. CASK, ntroinrits .vsi wiioi.ksa'K am KGTAU. UKAI.1IKS IN GSHERAL MERCHANDISE, n'-.r.li'i:iir.ir and Ons" slr- is AST :tl. - - Ol.KOo:- SEALANO. Th terminus r the Ilwnco and bhoalwator Uav ltrillroad. THE GREAT EST SUMMER RE-ORT ON THE XORTHWEbT COAST. Lies nt the head of the IJay, at deep water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The coining Countv eat ami Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Xiw laid out. JiOts n the'inarkot from S50, and upwards. rr particulars aud full information, call on or address B. A. The Favorite Medicine for Throat aud Lung Diffi culties has long been, and still is, Ayer's Cherry Tectoral. It cures Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, aud Asthma; soothes irritation of the Larynx aud Fauces ; strengthens the Vocal Organs; allays soreness of the Luugs; prevents Consumption, and, even in advanced stages of that disease, telieves Coughing and induces Sleep. There is no other preparation for dis eases of the throat and lungs to be com pared v.ith this remedy. "My wife had a distressing couch, with pains in the side and breast. We tried various medicines, but nono did her any good until I got a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the cough was relieved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this wCough Medicine to every one afilicted." Robert Ilorton, Foreman Headlight, Morrillton, Ark. " I have been afilicted with asthma (or forty years. Last spring I was taken with a violent rough, which threatened to terminate my dajs. Eery one pro nounced me iu'eonsumptiou. I deter mined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Its effects w ere magical. I w as immedi ately relieved and continued to improve until entirely recovered." Joel Billiard, Guilford, Conn. " Six months ago I had a severe hem orrhage of the lungs, brought on by an incessant cough which deprived me of Bleep and rest. I tried various reme dies, hut obtained no relief until I be gan to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A few bottles of this medicine cured me." Mrs. E. Coburn, 19 Second .St., Lowell, Mass. "For children afflicted with colds, coughs, sore thinat, or croup, I do not know of anv remedy which will give more speedy relief tl.au Ayer'.s Cherry Pectoral. I have found it, also, imalu able in cases of Whooping Cough." Aim Lovejoy, 1257 Washington Mreet, Doston, Mass. Iyer's Cherry Pectoral, ntEPACED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co., Lowell, Mass. Bold Lyall Druggists. Prico $1; six bottles, f 5. -TliK- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAY HANSEN, Pro'r. A l.irsnd WeilSdctfilStivk ol Fine Al Kxtrrtiiely 1-ow 1'nces. Ail Ccols !tor.ghl at Thift KMatilishnuut Warranted Genuine. W:ilc? stncl Clorli ECcjnirli a srrxiALi v Comer r.isi and Squ'nioiiua Treei. Thompson & Ross Carry a Full I.'ni of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Se Convinced. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, 1'ltOPKIETOKS. Headquarers at Maiu street wharf. TKLhPUONK '0.43. A General Lxnrcss aud Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage is -oliclted. SEABORC, XlTTCO-OO, AflllX. Have Put HiiffloMsiJew? nTi::ors transformation. Tiie Famous Newfou'idlaTl Aiv S!il to I lie Tnrning Into "Wohcs. The Philadelphia Telegraph is responsible for the follewing: The people of Newfoundland .ire gradually abandoning the fishery and turning their attention to farming, to mining and to manufactures. Many thousands I of acres of land have boen brought ' tmuer cultivation, sneep-raising uti3 ; received a great impetus, and in every villiage large floclcs of elieep abound. ; One great obstacle has now been! swept away. Great numbers of dogs were kept by the people. In the sum mer time, in spite of stringent laws regarding precautions, they frequently destroyed valuable sheep. Atomy localities have abolished them completely and have introduced sheep farming oil a large scale. The meas ure, however, has produced one inci dental inconvenience of a serious na lure. In some cases, whether through the negligence of the police or through the fondness of owners, dogs have been buffered, to escape to the ferests: the animals have become quite wild and savage, and contiuo to hang nronnd backwoods settlements. This may become n serious danger in the future. The wolf is only a dog run wild. These animals will propa gate their kind, and to the cunning of the tame animal they will add the fero city of the wild. Already dangerous encounters liaye occurred. Sheep have been slain by them. Cattle wander ing over the plains nud through' the woods have been attacked by them. Parties of women engaged, in berry picking have been prevented from going far from the settlements. Men have been attacked by them and compelled to take refuge in trees. Lately a herdsman in search of cattle came across a litter of young pups and was fiercely attacked by the mother. Fortunately he was armed with a pitchfork, and after a desperate contest slew her and destroyed the cubs. The hunting of this new race of wolves may become a national sport or a na tional business, and the legislature may find il&elf compiled to provide for the price of wolves' heads. Knowing that a cough ctn he cheek ed in a day, and the first stages of con sumption broken in a week, we hereby guarantee i'r. A'-ker's Engli-h Cough Remedy, and v..Il refund the money 1 all who buy. take it as per dir ct.cus. and do not find our statement cornel. Will Ue Olleil io An Areonnt. While the officers of the wrecked steamer Wide West are probably con gratulating themselves upon their for tunate escape from r. watery gravo, they are not yet in clover by any means, for Messrs. Edwards and Mc Dermotthave preferred the charges, aud the inspectors at Seattle will mako a thorough investigation, giving the young captain a chance to explain why he took the boat away without the knowledge of the local inspectors at this place; also why he placed the lives of seven men in jeopardy by put ting to sea when the steamerwas in a disabled and unseaworlhy condition. Orcgouian, 10. X C'1IIL1 KIM,Et. Another child killed by the use of opiates given in thefomi of Soothing syrup. Why mothers give Ihcii child ren such deadly poison i- .surprising, when they can relieve the child of it. Ecculiar troubles by using Dr. Acker's aby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine. Sold by J. V. Cox.v. If you haven't the moral courage to laugh at sneers, then you are au other of uatnre's mistakes. As a homo remedy for throat and lung diseases, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is invaluable. Druggists now have Ayer's Almanac If you learn that people say spite- fill .Ttrtli1 4l?noa l,f t'nn n,il .t.., iiiKacu luf,o uuuin JU( UUU untruthful things at that, be quiet. Children Cry for Pitchers Castoria KTicn Baby was sick, ire gave her Castoria. Vhen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, Vben aho became Miss, tho clung to Castoria, Tfhenshehad Children, she gave them Castori ROBB & on the Market the Fine Property of Henry Powell, NEW YEAR'S PRESENT ! Certain to Double in Value Before New Years, 1 89 1 . ASTOEIA REAL ESTATE POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ths powder never vanes, a uiarvel of ,mnty, strength and holesomenes?. Tdore economical man the ordinary kinds and can not he sold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate pow der. SoJd trnlu in cans. Koyai. 11 vkxm; To.vnKit Co. ICfi V'all-st.. N. Y. Lkvis il. Johnson & Co., Agents, Port laud. Oregon. A lrge Millhisr Corporation. The largest milling corporation on the Pacific coast is the PugctMill conpany with headquarters at Port Gamble, Wash. The company has large lumber nulls at .Port (J amble. Port Ludlaw, Jefferson county, and Utsalady. The combined cut of these three mills in 1SS9 was 93,000,000 feet of lumber, valued at 01,425,000. It was started in 1853 by W. 0. Talbot and A. T. Poihj, of San Vrancisco, and J. P. Keller and Charles Foster, of Maine, who arrived in the previous July in the schooner Julia Prinylc. Theiiveragecut of thoPort Gamble mill per day is 100,000 feet and it em ploys two hundred men. Ayer's Sarsaparilla slops tho natise ous discharges of catarrh, and enres the complaint. Don't indulge in the luxury of strong opinien: in the press rce of your elders and betters. s rjACQBSQg i SURE A PERFECT HEALEt? OF CUTS andU&8. Sovercly Cut 'illottlo Cure. Frcdcricksbu'sT Ter .,, CO. 1&S3. I was severely cut wivh Ecj:h and knife in hands and feet and a . bottier su.I-i-ouiOli completely cured ma GCSTAV NAUWAIJJ. Jr. See DirtclhiU with az L'oUic. At Ditrcfiivrs and DrLrn THE CHAfiLES A. VOCELEfi CO.. Eatl-mors. IM. Ktlmnlate tho torpid ller, strengthen the digestive oralis, rvulatc the bow els, and arc uncqualctl as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial districts their if rtucs axo widely recognized, as they possess PECULIAR PROPERTIES In freeing the system fromthatpoison. IJoc small. Jilegantly hngar coated. Price, 23 cents per lor. Sold Everyxlicre. Oflicc, 44 Murray St., X. Y. i To LARSON & HiLLBACK fei: GROCERIES AII FKESII FiSITITS. Onlersielhcrwl Free cf Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third afreet, nnxt to Pioneer onlee. H. W. Strickler, M. D. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc. Prescription Clerk speaks Four different Languages. General practice of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. r'econd Mreet, mar rostofflce. Ga 7!s. if'AKI c&tQX&lrr&r fe CtjRE. TlffS PUIS Morgan & Sherman O ROGERS And Dealers In CaMBP i D. special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. .-wL. LINE CARRIED Mw .Supplies furnished at Satls- factory Terms. Pi'retuisc delivered In any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse t:. Hume's bv l'-itlding ou Water Street. i. O. Ilox 153. Telephone No, 37. AvrmriA. obegok. T. B. Loughery. DKALEH IN Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes, Confectionery, Etc. NONE niT THE BEST BRANDS HINDLED. THIRD STREET. Opposite Hahn's Root and Shoe Store. I. W, Case, BANKER. ESTABLISHES - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Eusiness. Drafts drawn available in any partoftiie 0. S. and Europe, and on Pong Ko:-g, China OmcR JiOUh : M 4. 31 loS . v. Onn ki i."v.s i:i tu im. Asttr'.i. tni;!i. Tho only na?diciae which destroys tlc Complaints, Coisumption (if not too far md cin Dioisos. It i s n sifo and poitivo :arp for Loss of Manhood andGon prrhoPloaRanttodrijlc. Givoita trial Price, 75 cents and 51 25. PACIFIC SLOPE MEDICINE CO.. Spokano Falls, Wash. J. C. Dement, Sole Agenr, Astoria CniEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a vrarrant issued by the auditor and police judge of the city of Astoria, in accordance with an order made by the common council of the city of Astoria, 1)3 ordinance number lir.8. entitled an ordinance ordering the auditor and po lice judge to issue warrants for the col lection of assessments remaining un paid on the Washington street sewer as sessment, approved November 29th. 1SK9. Said warrant hearing date tliu30thday of November 18S9, commanding me to levy upon lot number 4 in block number ou in iiic cuy m .asiuna, us uiiu oui ami recorded by John McCIure. to collect an assessment of S65, which assessment was made for theconstrurtionof a sewer in Washington street, between the south side, Astor street and 100 feet north of the north side of Water street, by or dinance number 1100 entitled an ordin ance declaring the probable cost of con structing a sewer in Washington street from the south side of Astor street to 100 feet north of the north side of Water street, approved July 25, 18S9. 1 have this day leived upon lot number 4 block number 39 in AtcClure's Astoria, said lot being assessed toChas. Itohr as owner. and nn WPflnnsflav fhe5!ltli nf .Innunrv 1890, :.t 2 o'clock I.3r.of said day in front of the courthouse door in said city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot No. 4, blk No. 39 in Mc Clure's Astoria, to the highest bidder theiefor, 'to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, this 28 day of Decem ber 188S. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Police. Qiranlipc I PARKER CO. CHIEF OF TO LICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that bv viriuo of a warrant issued by the auditor and police judge of tho city of Astoria, in ac cordance with nn order mado by the com mon council of the city of Astoria, by or-1 dinanca nmnber 1133, entitled an ordi nance ordering the auditor and police , judge to issue warrants for tho collection i of asssments reiBT.nmg unpaid on tho Washington street sower assessment ap- proved Nov. r.fcJh, 1SS9. Said warrant bearing date the 30lh day of November, 1So9, commanding rao to levy upon lot , number 2 in block number 10 in tho city j nf Asfnrin nr ?fiirl rmf nml rt -n-rl.-l lit ! John McClnre, to collect an s.scssmeut of $ji3, which aessment was made for' the construction of a sewer in Washing, j ton street, between the south sido of i Astor street, and 100 feet north of tho; north side of ater street, bv ordinr.nco ! .o. l,iuu emitleu an oromanee declaring tne probable coct ot constructing a eewer in ashingto:: street from the south side of Astor street to 1C0 feet north of the north side of Water street, approved July 2.", 1889, 1 have this day levied nponlot number 2 in block number 40 in llcClurcs Astoria, said lot being assessed to M. Mover as owner and on Wednesday the 29 dav of January 1S90. at 2 o'clock p. u. of said day in front of the court houc door in said city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon will proceed to sell lot number 2 in block number 10 in jfc Cluro's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expense? of sale. Said sn'e to be for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, this 23th day of December, ISS9. W. J. BARRY, Chief of police. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtuo of n warrant issued by tho auditor and police jndge of tho city of Astoria, in ac cordance with an order made by the com mon council of tho city of Astoria, b3' or dinance number 1133, entitled nn ordi nance ordering tho auditor and police judge to issue warrants for the collection of assessments remaining unpaid an tho Washington street sewer assessment, ap proved Novembcr29th,lSS9, said warr.uit bearing date tho :k)th day of November, 18S9, commanding mo to levy upon lot number 5, in block number 39, iu the city of Astoria. a3 laid out and recorded by John AlcClure. to collect an ass-s-ment of 5GJ, which assessment was m-.dc for the coustra''io:i of a sewer in Wr ; iugton street, Ls-twcen tho tnth sido i f Astor sreet and onohcmlrtd feet n r'L of the rit.rth side of Water stnel, by t r din.mce nauibor 11C-'. c::titkd nn orui n :nce d daring the pr "jahis cst of cen structing a sower in V.'.isLuitfjn ivh, from the south side of A-tor &:reet t one hundred feet north of tho north -.?Jo of Water street, approved July 2."ith, 18t9, 1 hae this daj levied upon lot nniiibr 5, in block number 39, in McClure's Astoria, said lot being .issesses.-ed tj- Chas. Kohr, as owner, and on W dnesday, ti o 29th day of Janu try, liftO. at 2 oclCelc v. si , of said day, in" front of tho court hou.it. door in said city of Astori.i, ('latso.i countj', Oregon, will proceed to b-1I lot number ."i, in block number 39, in 31c Clure's Astoria, to tho highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and exptrirsed of s.ile. Said s lie to be fur U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, this23b dav of De cember, 189. W. J. BAltlJY, Chief of Police. ASTORIA TBAKSFER GO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances of any kind, on short notice. Transferring Bjjrgage, etc., a Hicclslty. Telephone ICo, 12. siiei::.ian A- WAKD. City Wood Yard. Hamilton &. Co., Prop'rs. Office ami Wooilyanl on Gray'- I.'ock. All Kinds of Fine Dry Wood Cut and iji:livei:ed At SEcnsouable Prices. faHnrac- tlon Uunrni:tee(t Our S'utraa. All Onlers promptly fiKtl ami delivered in any part of the city. Magnus G. Orosby Oealer ii HAOW1RE, IBOK, S1IL. iron Pipe and fittings. STOVJ-8. T lW W A R S HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHIEST IRON, T1T1 AND 003pOI7- laaaaiaais Lots arc daily selling by telegraph and letter in five-acre Block 27, as laid out by J. H. D. Gray. This property is the straight goods; only one mile from the postoffice, clear and nearly level. No wild cat property handled by us. Pricos now 10 and 812 per front foot. AL0ERBR00K Joins Astoria on the East and will be the terminus of the two Transconti nental Railways. Young's Addition to Alderbrook! Is tiie only inside addition on the market, and prices of lots will treble in value, within three months. Buy now, while lots 5zu clown and i& ate SiLRSOUR'S HAVE NO tfWBW. ft 77 t'w tSmiI vjw-j Fflvyr jff itSl rtf?l- a-" -f f- "-41i3B "" jfcyf- I MB 4f (K IJf I RBY GRAND PRIX PARIS 1878, AXD GRAND CROSS OF TIIE LEGION D'HONNEDR. They received the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS ntthe Ziosxdon 3Tish.eries Exhibition 1883. And have been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various BftlYERiUATEONAL EXPOSITIONS, Than the goods of any other IN T1IK WORLD, Quality Can Always bo Depended on. Eiprieiei Fisiermen Use .1 Otter. HENRY DOYLE & CO.. 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street. SAN FRANCISCO. ACENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. "WGODBEEEY SEINE TWINE, ROPE and NET TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and " mmauon m uxucx LIDDICOAT & CRIBB. cavpcutersauinisiiicrs. Ho't & SrcCurtrie's old stand h i e over 2C0 plates and d -wings of all kinds and stales of ilwelllux-h'Hibte, ranging from 900 to SU00 Call and see them. a:z:SliCSZ!SIIIISIIIIUS3HUHHUIHHIHMHSIIMM are selling for 75- lU per month. & Stone, x Threads EQUAL! gtt&M iffp itu Xiuvest JiiXXibOly JTrlCeB. FOR SALE. j a Tract of Desirable Land On the Walluskl. containing between 50 and (30 acre ; half of it 13 tide land. For partic ulars, enquire of W3L BOCK, At Gcnnaula Saloon. v -s. si i-Zl . -s