-A: .r ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 8. 1890. VOL.XXX1V, NO. 0. I'liJCE FIVE CENTS BOY YOUR f IFE A &. .. "''. This property is located in Hustler & Aiken's Ad dition. The arrangements are completed for si steam motor to run within a block of the property, and an electric street car line is projected to run on the street adjoining Block 27. .....' C. P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant -iaUi M. Wharf. AMnria. (n -n SPECIAI.TIRS: Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEI'TliXE Braiul Salmon Twin. WOODBKKXY Cotton Lines aud Twines SEINES and NETTING or all Description Furnished at F.ictory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE KScm1 in First Class Companies. Uepresentinj lS.eB,M0 rHff.tix,. MOHK. .Uartford. Conn ........New York. Arcj PadBc Ksprem ami Well, Fr?o Co. TMibIsbd, Later & Andersen, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. OrncK, Room i, Flavkl'j. IIld'ci, SECOND STREET I O. Box 8i:s. AbTOKI A, OR. CVi' En9'"eerS ulic i Hv-r A OJ -- i x&S&to -,.rfS R2L -r-0 Wm, B. Adair, REAL ESTATE AGENT. N. E. Cor. Olncy and Third sts. P. O. Box 436. Particular atleutton given to Properties In Upper AM 01 la -also Jo purchase of Tim- fear Lnds. Abstracts of Title. C. It. THOMSON Keeps a full set of Abstract Books aad 111 examine the Title to any ileal .Es tate la the couutv and furnish au Abstrac of litleto the same. Terms reasonable. Work guaranteed. -Carnalian & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I.-w. case; IMPOKTKRS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Oonirr Chennums and Caas streets AMTCItlA OREGON SEAL AND. The terminus of the I Iwaco and Shoalwater Bay Kaihond. THE GREAT- ESTSUUMER BEbOKT ON TME.-KjORTUWEST .COAJST. Lies at the head fflbe Bay, at deep water, and only twelve- miles Jrom the bar. The coming sirtytamljComercial3ltrjwi9ofPacifc-county. 3so laid ouL Lots jm the mKkH.lt0m.9ta. an4.uwiuus.. -ffr particulars andfuH4Moration, call on or address B., A. SEABORC, "xsFatcis. jv jr.-y,f r. ts ?y 43Xiid t-j ?$Si - - The Favorite Medicine for Throat and Lung Diffi culties has long been, and still is, Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. It cares Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and Asthma; soothes irritation of the Lary nx and Fauces ; strengthens the Vocal Organs; allays soreness of the Lungs; prevents Consumption, and, i en in ad anced stages of that disease, relict &s Coughing and induces Sleep. There is no other preparation for dis eases of the throat and lungs to he com pared with this remedy. "My -wife had a distressing couch, m ith pains in the side and breast, wo tried various medicines, hut none did her any good until I got a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the. cough was relieved by tho use of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this Cough Medicine to every one afflicted." Robert Ilorton. Foreman Headlight, Morrillton, Ark. " I have been afflicted w ith asthma lor forty years. Last spring I was taken ; ith a violent cough, which threatened to terminate my days. Eery one pro nounced rho in consumption. I deter mined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Its effects were magical. I was immedi ately relieved and continued to improve until entirely recovered." Joel Bui lard, Guilford, Conn. " Six months ago I had a severe hem orrhage of tho lungs, brought on by an incessant cough which deprived me of Bleep and rest, I tried -various reme dies, but obtained no relief until I be gan to take Ajer's Cherry Pectoral. A few bottles of this medicine cured me." Mra. E. Coburn, 19 Second St., Lowell, Mass. "For children ailiiilrd with colds, coughs, son tJii oat, 01 (.roup, I do not know of aii iimed. which will give more sccdv relief than Ajcr's Cherry Pectoral. I ha found it, also, im alu able in ca.se-s of Whooping Cough." Ann Lovejoy, 1257 Washington htrcet, Doston, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drn jgitU. Pncc $1 ; aix hoUlei, $5. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAT HANSEN, Prop'r. A Larg'' and Well Selected Mock of Fine BiaioiiuS i Jewelry At Extremely Low Trices. All Goods Bought at TbU KsUblUhmeiit Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Comer flas and "uemoiift Mret. Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line ot Choice Staple and Fancy - Groceries. Give Us Call and Be Convinced. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PliOPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main btreet wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General .Express and Delivery business transacted. Your p.itrouaue is solicited. I s Have Put fiBL,aol - D'Jiii. - - i . A NEW KI'I E OE LEGAL ITIaCTICF. He Kr.iiiire.l a Second to ail 3litiuin In His Court. A prominent legal luminary relate.? an amusing incident ocenrring in the course of his early attempts at the bar ' of justice. It was in the court room , of a justice of the peace in veatern Kansas. The sqnire hail been elected solely upon his political qualifications and Vithont the slightest reference to any real or suppositious legal at-' tainmenis. He was well up in fron- tier politic?, however, and had a fine j notion of the manner in which a meet ing of any kind should bo conducted. The case was an acuon oy the stale against one Jones for stealing a horse. The complaint had been somewhat hurriedly drawn up, and as soon as tLc lumin ary, who was defending the case, observed it he thought he saw a chnnco to get his man off without go ing into the merits. The county at torney was not in attendance, and, when the casa was called the defend ant's council rose and declared the complaint to be worthless, and pro ceeded to show why. He concluded his argument by saying: "And now, jour honor, I move that the complaint be quashed and that the defendant be discharged.' This style of proceeding was just in his honor's line, and looking sol emnly around upon the crowd that had assembled to witness the proceed ings, he blandly inquires, "An j body second the motion?' There was a brief silence and it looked dubious for awhile, until the prisoner struck a happy idea, and, ris ing to his feet, deferentially addressed the court, saying, "I second tho mo tion, your honor." "You've heard tho motion, gcntlo men,' 6aid tho'court; "all in favor of it say 'aye'; contrary, 'no.' Tho ayes have it and the prisoner is discharged." After the court adjourned the jus tice tapped a friend on the shoulder and said: "By George. Bill, that's a good way. I never thought of it be fore, but it simplifies the practice wonderfully." Kansas City lIolte TiiEFJftrsKJirroM of dith. Tired feeling, dull head.o-he, pains in various parls of the body. Milking at the pit of the .stomach, loss of ap. ctue. fe erishness, pimples or soies,are all poi tive eidenee of poisoned bbod. No matter how It uscami poisoned it muslin? purified Jo aod dclh. i'r. Ackei's English Bl od HKirhas ncrcr failed to remove scrolulous or sj politic 1 oisons. Sold t uiler lwiaithe guarantee, by. I. W.Conn. A representative of fifty colonibt families from Michigan is in "Wahkia kum county hunting up locations. TH IT TEKKIBLi: OTtiil In the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising phlagm. t ghtnes in the nhest, quickened pulse, chilline-s in the evening or sweats at night, all of any of these things are the first stages of consumption. Dr. Acker's English Cough Remedy iciM cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a jos!tire guarantee by J. W. Conn. Jefferson Davis' great-grandmother was a Bister of President Harrison's great-grandfather.. Ajer's Sarsaparilla stops the nause ous discharges of catarrh, and cures the complaint J. C. Butler, a second cousin of Ben Butler, died in the Globe lodging house at Tacoma last Friday night in a drunken sleep. BETTER THAN GOLD. RESTORED HER HEALTH. Pox 25 years I coffered from bolls, erysipelas and other blood affections, taking daring that time great quantities of different medicines with out giving xnc any perceptible relief. Friend iadncedmeto try S. B. S. It improved me from the start, and after taking several bottles, re stored my health as far as I could hope for afc my age, whkh is now ecrcaty-fivo years. Has. 8. X. Lccas, Bowling Green, Ky. TtM&e on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, G. . ROBB & ? .,- v.r.3 ukbif net!- MHMHNNHHMMMm on the Market the fine Property of Henry Powell, NEW YEAR'S PRESENT ! Certain to Double in Value Before New Years, 1 89 1 . ASTORIA REAL ESTATE torn V , POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tills poxderceer vanes, A nianel ot ,iunty, strength and uholesomene1?. More economical than the oniinarj kiua,aiid can not be sold in competition with the multi tude or low test, 5hrt weight, alum or ptio--pliate iwvvders. Sold imlu in c. lioYAi. KAKt0 rowiiRltCO. SOT. V'jtlJ-sl . N. . Lkwis SI. Johason & Co , Agents, Po:t I mil. "regon. Son of a Gunn. Teacher (to new scholar) What is j'onrname, senny: Boj' Gunn. "Give me vour full name.' "John G. Gunn." "AYhat is the G. for? "Getyer." "Wliat do yon mean by that?" "Well, all the bojs call me. Johnny Getyer Gunn, anj'how." Texas Sift; iiifs. E. J. Baldwin, familarlj known as "Lncky Baldwin" is organizing a com panj' to compete with the Alaska Commercial company for the lease of the fur seal islands. The snow has fallen so deep in the Cascade mouutaiiiS tliat the con tractors on the Oregon Pacific road have lx?en compelled to cease work for the present. id Pfiires Stiffness- BG?Jiess c rypwfguy. WolJNDSCbTs. Swellings -v, 5apelycflPepn)oi7er)tIy hj DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS! CHAS.A.VOGELER Co.BALTO.MO. Tutt's Pills stimulate the torpid lHcr, xtrcngthcu tho digestive organs, regulate the bow els, and are unequaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial dlstrloU their virtue axo widely recognized, as tliey possev PECULIAR PROPERTIES 1b freeing: the system from that poison. Iosc small. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 35 cents per box. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St X. Y. no x.t LARSON & HILIBACK for GROCERIES ASD FRESH FK1HTS. Orders TelUered Free of Cliarpe. Country Orders Solicited. Third btreet, next to Tloneer ofllce. H. W. Strickler, M. B. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc. Prescription Clerk speaks Four different LanRU'iRes. General practice of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second ."tree;, mar Post office. "V as ' mun Ot ltPUV ffl Morgan & Sherman - ( J ROGERS nd Dealers lu Uj special Attention CIvanto Filling Of Orders. h -UL. LINtf CARRIED vi: supjtiitts furnished at Satis factory Terms. l'Mv.i-!e!lvTed tn any part of the city. Office and Warehouse lu .it,m.s New ituilding on Water Street. I f. Itux 15.; Telephone No 87. XnToKIA. ORKfiOX. T. B. Loughery. DKALEIi IN Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettos, Confectionory, Etc. XONK BUT THE BEST BRANDS HA5DLED. THIRD STREET. Opposite Halm's Boot and Shoe Store. I. W. Gase. BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the 0. 8. and Europe. And on Hon-; Konij, China Orn.'K Uouks : ! a. m. to 3 r. m. Oir TK1I.OW-. Iti.ii ji.,. Vitoria. On son. Tlia only medicine which doPtroys the zrmB of Catitrb, Rheumntlsm, Femnlo Complaints, Co isamption (if not too far Uin). DysDepsin. Malarial and nil B'ood ind Skin Diseases. It is a Bare and poitiro yire for Loss of Manhood and on. Drrhou Is pleasant to druk. Givoita trial Price, 75 conts and $1 25. PACIRC SLOPE MEDICINE CO., Spokano Falls, Wash. J. C Dement, Solo Agent, Astoria CHIEr OF TOLICE SALE. Notice is hereby civen that by irtue or a warrant li-suetl by the auditor and police JtidR? of the city of Astoria, in accordance with an order mad. by tlic common council of the city of Astoria, by ordinance number 1138. entitled an ordinance ordering the auditor and po lice judge to issne warrants for tho col lection of assessments remaining un paid on the Washington street sewer as sessment, appro ed November 29th:i8tt9. Said warrant bearing date the 30th day of 'November. 1889, commanding me to lew upon lot number 4 in block number 3U in the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClure, to collect an asses-ment of ?CT, which assessment wa l.iatto for the construction of a sewer in Washington street, between the south side, Astor sticet and 100 feet north of the north side of Water street, by or dinance number 1100 entitled an ordin ance declaring the probable cost of con structing a sewer In Washington street from the south bide of Astor street to 100 feet north of the north side of Water street, approved July 25, 18S9. 1 have this d.iv lened upon lot number 4 block ntiuiber 39 in ilcClure's Astoria, said lot being assessed to Chas. Itohr as owner, and on Wednesday the 2Dth of January 1890, at 2 o'clock r.Jd.ot said day in front of the courthouse door in said city ; of Astoria, Clatsop count, Oregon, will Erocced to sell lot Mo. 4. Dik iso. iv m mc lure's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, cqsts and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, this 28 day of Decem ber 1889. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Poltco. Sills uaflnery PARKE3R itfstiittiafaffin : : CO. 1 1 CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice- is hereby given that by virtuo of n warrant issued by tho- auditor and ( police judgo of the city of Astorin, in ac cordance with an order rnnue by tho com mon council of the city of Astoria, by or dinance number 1133, entitled an ordi nance ordering the auditor and nolico judge to issue warrants for tho collection of assessments n miming unpaid on tho j Washington street Sewer assessment ap-; proved isov. :sttii, r .'. baid warrant bearing dnte tho tfJth diy of November, 1S9, commandtug rae to levy upon lot number 2 in block number 40 in the city of Abtona, ar lnld out aud recorded bv John McClure. to colcct an assessment ui fo, nuivu tuuiiiiLut wua niKUti lor tho construction of a sower in Washing ton street, between the south side of stor street, and 100 feet north of tho north side of Water street, by ordinance No. 1,100 entitled an ordinanco declaring thoprobable cost of constructing a sewer in Washington street from the south sido of Astor street to 100 feet north of tho north side of Water street, approved July 2.", ISiO, I havo this day levied upon lot number 2 in blocknnraber40in IklcClnres Astoria, said lot being assessed to M. Mover as owner and on Wednesday tho 29 day of. January 1890. at 2 o'clock i. m. of paid day in front of the court house door in said city of Astorin, CI i on county, Oregon will proceed to sell lot number 2 in block number 40 in He ctare's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to nay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Slid solo to be for U. o. gold com. Dated at Astoria, this 2Sth day of December, 18S9. W. J. BARRY, Chief of police. CHIEF OF rOLICE SALE. Notice is hereby ch en that bv.virtuo of a warrant issued by tho auditor and police judge of the city of Astoria," in ac cordance with an order made by tho com mon council of the city of Astoria, by or dinance number 1138, entitled an ordi nanco ordering tho auditor and police judge to issue warrants for tho collection of assessments remaining unpaid an the Washington street sewer assessment, ap proved November 29th, 1889, said warrant bearing date the 30th day of November, 18S9, commanding mo to !ey upon lot number C, in block number 39, in the city of Astorin, cs laid out and recorded by John McClure. to collect an assess ment of $0.1, which csaesaineut was made for the construction of a scvor in Wash ington street, between the bonth side of Vstor stm t and one lumdrid feet north of the north sulo of Water street, l.y or dm nice number 111M, cutitkd in ordi n i:re declaring tlic probable cu-t of eon ttruciinnoweriu Washington str.e , from thebuuthfeide of Astor street to one hundred feet north of thenorth sido f Water street, nppnmd July 2Tth, 18S9, 1' havo this day levied upon lot number ., in block number 39, in McCIure's Astoria, said lot being nssevsisseiT to Cha. Rohr. as owner, and on Wednesday, tbo 29th day of January, 1890. at 2 o'clock r. zr . of said day. inf ront of the court l.oiiao door in siid city of Astoria, Ciatsop county. Oregon, will proceed to ell lot number .". in block number 39, m Mc Clure'.s Astoria, to tho highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for D. S. irold coin. Dated at Astoria, this 23th dnv of De cember, 1SS9. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Police. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Convejances of any kind, oa short notice. Transferring Baggage, etc., a specialty. Telephone No. 12. SHERMAN k WARD. City Wood Yard. Hamilton &. Co., Prop'rs. Office and Woodjard oa Gray'.s Dock. All Kinds of Fina Dry Wood Cut AND DELIVERED At Keaoncbli Prxn'. Satisfac tion ;unrnnto-ri Our Patrons. AH Orders prompt!. fil'td and delivered in any part ot the e ty. Magnus G. Grosby Dealer iu HAOff ARE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES. TINWARE HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TTM-r AND Copper. uiiiiiiMaiMiiiiiaiiisiiiinmiitiniiiinfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiuiniijtfiiniinUMatflimitM Lots are daily selling by telegraph and letter in five-acre Block 27, as laid out Vy J. H. D. Gray. This property is the straight goods; only one mile from the postoffice, clear and nearly level. No wild cat property handled hy us. Prices now $10 and $12 per front foot. ALDEfiBRODK Joins Astoria on the East and will be the terminus of the two Transconti nental Railways. ' Youngs Addition Is the only inside addition on the market, and prices of lots vail treble in value within three months. Buy now, while lots are selling for 75; 20 down and 10 per month. Wingate & Stone, Irish Flax HAVE NO fJ WJiDfN FLAXMlLLS.USBURN.lRELANn7 "J7 GRAND PRIX PARIS 1878, AND GRAND CROSS OF THE LEGION D'UONNETJR. Thej re -clved tho ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS at the London Fisheries Exhibition 1333. Au 1 liae been a', aided HIGHER i'RIZES at the various INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS, Than tin, goocL of any other THREAD WCIUTF'ACTrRXStiS IN TUK WORLD, Quality Can -a.l'scays bo Depended on. ExD8riencefl FMofm Use i Bto. HENRY DOYLE & CO.. 5 1 7 and 5 1 9 Market Street, SAN FR AKCISC0. AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. 3T00DBEREY SEINE TWINE. ROPE and NETTING- Constantly on Hand. SEINES, POUNDS and TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest Factory Prices. LIDDICOAT & CRIBB. Carpenters ami Builders. Ho't & McUurtrle's old stand, have over 2C0 plates and drawings of all kinds and stj les ol dwelling-houses, ranging from S0CO to 51 ,100 Call and see them. E2a:::::3::s:iiEii3::imiuasiHEi to Alderbrook! Threads EQUAL ! FOR SALE. I A Tract nf Dssirahfo Land On the Walluskl. coutalnln; between ZO and CO acres ; half o It Is tide hiinl. F?r pattlc ulars. enquire of W"f. BtKJK, At Gerniajii Saloon. ZP V-, J -4 X V3 "Sn