The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, January 07, 1890, Image 3

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She gaily stowim.
JANUARY 7. 1890
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors.
Astoriax Building.
Cass Stkket.
Terns of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week 15 cts
Seat by Mall, per month Co cts
Seat by Mall, one year $7.00
Free of postage to subscribers,
Tnit Astouiak guarantees to Its adver
tiser the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
Citj-aad Cettatj- Oflclal Paper.
Grace church has a fine new organ.
The sesaions of the Court street
school were resumed yesterday.
There is a move on foot to procure
horses for Astoria No. One's engine.
A new flag, size 10x6 has been pro
cured for the board of delegates of
the A. F. D.
Astoria engine compunyNo. One's
have decided to have no more side
walk firemen.
The AstoriaBox Co's factory is closed
down for a short time in order to
make needed repairs.
Storm signals were hoisted yester
day denoting the approach of a S. E.
gale near the mouth of the river.
Thieves at the Neppnch house,
Portland, stole SoOO worth of jewelry
and 350 in money from Peter Stickles
aud wife, last Saturday.
About three inches more snow fell
Sunday night; yesterday it thawed,
where exposed to the sun. but the air
was decidedly frosty all day.
Rescue Engine Co., No. 2, held their
monthly meeting last evening. Frank
H Parker resigned as secretary and
Jas. Y. Hare was elected to fill the
Several Astorians have enjoyed the
opportunity afforded by real ice to
have a sknie on the same, which is as
far ahead of skating on a floor as tender
loin steak is of liver.
Hay is hay now. and since the cold
tnap has jumped from $U to $20 a
ton. People in the outlying districts
who have cattle to feed, don't care
how soon this kind of weather lets
The weok of prayer" topics, as sug
gested by the evangelical alliance, will
be observed at the Methodist church
each evening this week; led by the
pastor. Subject this Tuesday evening:
Nations and their rulers.' All are
Yesterday about 1 o'clock James
Bracklift; a resident of Rod Bluff,
CaL, had a severe fainting spell while
eating dinner in a restaurant Will
ing hands picked the sufferer up and
a doctor was sent for. He soon re
covered and was ablo to go to his
Mr. Sidney Dell will be glad to see
his friends on professional business at
his law office in this city daily between
10 a.x. and 3 r. m. Office next to
chamber of commerce, in Judge
Bowlby's office. "When not in the
office he may be found at the Parker
At the regular monthly meeting of
Astoria Engine Co., No. One, held last
evening, John Gratke and J. Reich
were elected active members, and C.
Korpela, A. Houghton, J. Nyland, M.
Foard, R. O. Stone, P. Raske, and W.
G. Ross, names were stricken from the
roll for non-payment of fines and dues.
Alfred Tee, of Minesotn arrived in
the city last evening.
F. L. Putney of the Pacific Jour
nal was in the city yesterday.
W. F. McGregor left Sunday eve
ning for a trip to Illinois and Califor
The American ship Tillie E. Star
buck sailed Sunday for Qneenstown.
The steamer City of Topeka, ar
rived down from Portland yesterday
and steamed immediately for the
The disabled steamer State of Cal
ifornia arrived safely in San Fran
cisco last Sunday morning, being
nearly a week from port to port
The Telephone reported lots of
slush ica in the river yesterday on her
trip down from Portland. She don't
expect to experience any trouble as
the weather was moderating.
Passengers from Shoalwater bay up
on the (Pen. Canby yesterday, report
seeing a new four masted schooner
loaded with lumber on her beam end
about five miles this side of Shoal
water bay.
The Telephone got down at 430
yesterday, and reports little difficulty
from ice. Tho IL R. Thompson is
off the night run for the present, and
tokos the Reed's place, the latter boat
being temporarily laid up.
The lighthouse tender Manzanita
goes to Tillamook rock this morning
to land keeper Peterson and fresh pro
visions and stores. On her return she
will change the bell buoy off the wreck
of the Qreat Republic and change two
spar buoys on Clatsop spit.
C. K. F. P. U. Retire.
The C. K. F. P. U. will have its regu
lar monthly uitvtiug on Tuesday, Janu
ary TibjlftiO, at Liberty Hall at 7:30 p.
at. Nominations for president will be
MonK other btiaiuesb transacted.
Ke, Johnson, Secy.
Ludlow's Lftdica' 300 Pine Shoes;
also Flexible Hand turned French Kids,
at p. j. Goodman's.
! Like a Gee4 Clear?
Gall at Charley Olsen's, east of a H.
Ceepers. He will suit you. A fine
sleek of cigars to select from.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Sbees at P. J. Goodman's.
Kemetuber the Austin house at the
Seaside is open the year 'round.
FerFian Fketegrapas,
Go to Misses Carruthers' photograph
gallery: Third street opposite Mor
gan & Sltenaan's.
Coffee aa cake, ten cento, at the
Central Restaurant
Meeting Of The City Council At
Noon Yesterday.
1'OJtTS. At 12:04 p. m., yesterday, C. H.
Page called tho council to order and
inducted the incoming mayor, M. C.
Crosby into his chair of office.
He said:
Astobia, Or., January G, 1890.
To the Members of the City Council
Gentlemen: In compliance with
the requirements of the city charter,
I will endeavor briefly to state the
condition of affairs relative to the city
government and what at present ap
pears necessary for its f nrther well
This city is now entering upon an
era of prosperity which will doubtless
prove unsurpassed in its history. The
promises are assured of its future
aggrandizement as a mart of trade,
the centre of manufactories, a city of
vast commercial importance, and in
fact, all the attributes and accessories
of wealth, refinement and civilization;
in all of these it bids fair to equal, if
not surpass, numerous cities that are
already prominent in this part of our
country. With these bright prospects
of a great and glorious future, we
should bestir ourselves in the manage
ment of our affairs, keep abreast with,
or rather in advance of our neighbors
in enacting salutary measures for the
preservation and perpetuity of order
and good government, for the healthy
condition of our finances and for the
general improvement of our city in all
its various departments, In order to
carry on the business of the city suc
cessfully, it is necessary to be prompt,
careful and decisive in whatever you
may undertake, to study economy and
the safest means to futher the best in
terests of all, to the entire exclusion
of favoritism or partiality.
In calling attention to the condition
the of several departments of the city, I
find some reports incomplete, but this
remissness will doubtless receive
prompt attention.
From that of the auditor, I ascertain
the expenditures of the city for the
past year amount to S4i,0o6.94; that
of receipts from all sources S40,290.74,
showing a deficit of $.766.20. The to
tal indebtedness of the city as now
audited is 26,077.05. Too much care
cannot be exercised in estimating and
conducting expenditures and in the
making of assessments for the current
year, in order to avert another deficit
There has been expended during tho
year just ended, with the recommen
dation of tho committee on streets aud
public ways and under the supervision
of the superintendent of streets, S18,
771.60, rendering the condition of the
principal thoroughfares far more satis
factory than for years past Another
season of like improvement will fur
nish such facilities for the growing
traffic of our streets as will be all that
can be desired. Your attention is re
spectfully directed to the necessity of
opening new streets, some of which
are imperativelv needed to accommo
date outlying districts.
Although tho sanitary condition of
the city is not such as is most desira
ble, yet we can thankfully note the ab
sence of any prevailing disorders.
Strict attention should be given to
cleaning the streets and beach, and to
perfect sanitary arrangements, a sub
stantial system of sewerage should be
instituted and put in operation.
In connection herewith, it might be
well to state that a better water supply
should be provided, as the present
quantity, anticipatory of our pros
pective increase in population, would
be totally inadequate to the demand.
Moreover, there appears to be no pro
vision whatever made by the water
company which is required to furnish
water for the use of the fire depart
ment Also in the event of establishing
general sewerage, there should be ar
rangements made for flushing the
The police force of the city is not
sufficient for the protection of pro
perty and the preservation of order
over the entire area contained within
the city limits. "While the present
force has thus far managed to render
good service, the timo is rapidly ap
proaching when an increase will be
imperative. I would urge this matter
upon your early consideration.
The fire department is as well
equipped as at any period of its history,
and its efficiency is of a high order. A
more equal disposition should be made
as regards locating apparatus. Tho
eastern portion of the second ward is
demanding better protection, and asks
that an engine be placed in that part
of tho city, where there are manufac
turing interests of no small impor
tance to the prosperity of tho city.
The location of one of the engines
now in tho first ward, is demanded in
the western part of the city, and an
other hook and ladder truck would
not be an extravagant acquisition. I
would recommend that suitable sites
in tho first and second wards be
selected for engine houses, and that
you enter into negotiation for the
purchase of lots upon which to erect
the same. 1 would suggest the es
tablishment of a fire limit, and trust
the matter will be given your earnest
and immediate attention. Indications
point to a busy building season, and
as a precautionary measure against
devastation and ruin, the erection of
buildings easily inflammable should bo
prohibited, especially in the business
and most thickly settled portions of
the city. "While there has been great
lo3s of property and much suffer
ing from fire in our neighboring cities
during the past year, wo have provi
dentially escaped with trifling loss,
for which we should be thankful, and
establish all available means to avert
similar disaster.
The illumination of the city is too
important a matter to be overlooked,
and a3 a number of our streets are
poorly lighted, remedial action should
be promptly taken.
The public property, with the ex
ception of street lamps, exhibit com
mendable care and preservation.
I merely add, that I hope each mem
ber oMhis body will strive faithfully,
consdenciously and harmoniously to
fulfill the duties devolving upon him.
Expecting prompt action, strict at
tention to business and most favorable
results from the deliberations of your
Magnus C. Cbosby.
At the conclusion of Mayor Crosby's
remarks, a vote of thanks "was tendered
the retiring mayor. The new council
then began their work, and the nmal
routine went on.
Mayor Crosby anounced the follow
ing cemmittees:
Ways and Means Councilmen
Parker, Burgman and Welch.
Health and Police Councilmen Fox,
Wickman and Elbon.
Streets and Public Ways Council
men Welch Elbon and Parker.
Fire and Water Councilmen Wick
man, Fox and Bergman.
Public Property Oomncilmen El
boa, Wkkmaa mad Parker.
Wharves and Water Frontage
Councilmen Bergman, Fox and Wick
man. The report of the auditor and police
judge was read as follews:
To the Mayor and Common Council of
tltc City of Asteria:
Gentlemen: I herewith present my
report of the receipts and disburse
ments and present financial condition
of the city of Asteria:
Repa'rlng bell tower .S C7 81
Repairing Arc alarm . 181 75
Repairing pipe line . . 174 40
AHowancc to board of delegates 60 00
Engineer's salary.... ............ 200 00
New how 2105 S
Badges. ... .. S3 7-5
$2S73 13
Monthly allowance...--Supp
les ................
Bepalrs t engine .
Rep in to house..........
$2275 S3
Monthly allawance
Extra allowance -. .
Supplies ..
Repairs-. . . ..-......,
..2IW 00
... 200 03
. 120 00
S2353 43
Monlh'y allowance . ......$ SCO 00
$ 310 03
Total for Are department $$tt2 51
Lumber for crossings 5 1C91 P2
Hauling lumber. .. ... ......... 25S 75
I -abor 128G 25
Nails and tools . . 219 86
Salary ol .superintendent 930 00
Surveying ... . ..... 252 50
West Seventh itreet . . 50 3
Biituii street sewer . . 571 60
Improvement of Gheuamus street.. 7:61 41
Improvement of Odar street .. 12W 00
Improvement of Washington street. 915 80
Improvement of Lafayeu ftieet 735 OJ
Improvement of Benton street . Iti5i 48
Improvement of Squomoqua 1GS3 95
Improvement of Hemlock s 77 20
Total forhtrect department 18.771 60
Auditor and policu Judge . 51200 00
Chtcf or police 1200 0J
City attorney 1030 oo
Assess r . .. 420 00
Treasurer-. . . .. ..... 81 78
Health officer . ... . 300 00
rolice officers 2930 00
Total SS024 78
Rent of telephone .. .. S
Clemming beach .
Copy of s iilor law..................... .
Special police...... ........... .
Improvement of cemetery
Circuit court expenses..........
Copy of East Portland ordinance
Appropriation for Seattle!!!
Redemption of bond-...,....-.. .......
County clerk, for certificate .......
Printing . .
Stationery .
So 00
68 00
93 (X)
175 09
28 CO
11 25
too 00
450 00
161 70
1765 07
3052 75
82 50
212 03
12 70
150 OJ
10 00
Interest on bonds ...-. ............ .
Street lights .. .
City hall. Janitor, etc
K.Mtn dogs .
Police court, board of prisoners, et.
Kenairs to jail. .
Election of 1883
Kefunded to II B. Parker
Kef unded to F.J. Taylor-.,
Total . $5763 05
Street department S18.771 60
Fire department, . 8,492 51
Solane of officers 8,024 78
Incidental . - 8.763 05
Total S44.050 91
Amount of Interest paid on war
rants. . - . 617 56
44.701 50
Outstanding warrants January 1st,
12,l2 81
66.837 32
Balance In treasury Jan. 1st. 1833,
$17,543 53
. 12,800 00
310 00
. SC5 00
40 00
. 26500
225 00
120 00
37 50
135 00
115 00
Received xor liquor licenses- ,.
for biliUrd licenses
" for pool licenses...
" for bowling alleys-....-.-.
for theaters.....
for pawnbrokers
" for hotel runners
for auctioneers
" for wharfingers.... .
' for peddlers-.
from police court fines-..
' from s-treet cars.. .
" from dog licenses
' for livery stabl-s .
" for city taxes....
from team licenses
" from Cedar street assess
ment.... . . .
Rccelvtd from Chcnamus street
assessment...... ............ .. .
100 0)
92 59
15 00
14,553 91
503 C3
1,409 90
4,655 50
Received from Washington street
nssessineut .......... .
Received from Uenton street assessment-.
.. . .
Received from Hemlock street as
sessment . .
Received from Main street sewer
fund .
Received from Washington street
.sewer fund and Squemoquc... .
9"3 75
671 85
77 20
511 61
1,031 77
Total receipts $57,893 27
Warrants cancelled and returned .-$41.0V) &i
Interest paid on same ...... 612 05
41.692 93
Balance in treasury ?16,200 34
Total amount warrants drawn in
lSb9 S41.03G M
Outstanding from 1883 12,162.82
Total 50519 76
Warrants cancelled and returned- 41,050 S3
Warrants outstanding December
15.168 88
27,050 00
Bonds outstanding....
Total indebtedness..
Less cash on hand..
42,218 88
10500 34
Net Indebtedness.....
36,018 54
There is now due and owing by the city, iu
addition to warrants as shown above, as
follows :
For construction of the Washing- "
ton street sewer, completed....... $3,187 60
For construction of the Main street
sewer, completed .-. . . 2.716 70
Sundry bills 450 00
Delinaunttax uncollected-
$3,500 00
Washington street sewer assess
ment uncollected......
.- 2,07100
Main street tewcr assessment un
collected-....- . ......
1.C70 26
Total 7,241 20
In addition to Improvement of
streets paid for by the city, own
ers of the adjacent property have
improved streets unaer permits
from the city to the amount of $25,936 30
By the city 18.771 GO
By tho dty, sewers . 5.9043J
Total street Improvements $50,612 30
Respectfully submitted.
Auditor and Police Judge.
The report of the city treasurer, for
the year, was read as follews:
crrr treasurer's report.
J. G. Hustler, treasurer, in recount
with the city of Astoria, for the year
January 1st, 1889-To balance 18SS-.$1719 53
Liquor l!ccise.
$12,800 00
310 00
251 O0
213 00
115 00
37 50
15 00
T5 00
. 1.4GS 11
. 1,454 60
. 1.409 90
. 4,855 50
. 943 75
671 85
Team lbense
Billiard license........
Peel license . .
Pawn broker license -Theatre
Wharfinger's license .
Bowling alley license.
Peddlers' license-.....-Dog
license .....-..
Runners' license.
Auctioneers' license
Livery ntable license .....
Circus license
Street railway license
Delinquent tax 1868-..
Police court fines -
Improvement Cedar St.
Sale cemetery lots.....
Impt, Chenaraus St .
Washington St.
Benton St.-.
Hemlock St. .- -
Squemoqua St......
Washington St sewer-.
Main St. sewer.
City taxes, 1889
503 a
. 62500
. 511 61
. 13.0S5 80 $40,313 74
957.M3 27
By paid outsUadlng war
rants I41.8&2 93
By balance on hand 10,303 34 157,983 27
, 51500 00
13 60
535 87
Balance general fund ...-- $ 7,138 92
' police fund 3J81 S3
street fund . . 3JR6i
" bond Interest fund 1,153 85
' Cemetery fund .. ... 449 81
" Washington St. Fund 182 95
West Ninth St. Fund 17 50
916,200 34
City Treasurer.
Astoria, Or., January 6th, 1890.
The superintendent of streets and
chief of police also made their annual
reports, which werto referred.
An ordinance authorizing the street
committee to enter into a contract
with J. O. Trullinger to light the city
with 22 electric lights, for $16 per
month, per light, was passed under
suspension of the rules.
Thirteen of the lights axe to be in
the first ward and nine in. the second
An ordinance granting 4he "Vf. XT. T.
Co., the right to erect poles in the
city and (string wire thereon, was
passed under suspension of the rules.
An ordinance authorizing Geo. Fla
vel and others to build a cable road
on Main Street, was read third time
and passed.
An ordinance authorizing the clerk
to issue warrants for the collection of
delinquent assessments on the Main
street sewer, was read third time and
The following qhum3 were ordered
Geo.Evan3 $6
N.D.Baymond 35
SunsetT.'Co 3
Astoria G. L. Go 29
Bills to the amount of $532.45 were
By vote the committee on fire and
water was authorized to make such
repairs to the building in the rear of
tho city hall as are needed.
Tt was decided that the meetings of
the city council be at 7:30 pl, on the
second and fourth Tuesday of each
Chief of Police Barry nominated
Jas. McCarthy, K. Larsen and Wm.
Beasley for police officers.
The former was elected, Larsen was
defeated by a vote of 3 for, 1 against;
no action was taken on Bealesy'a nom
ination. Adjourned.
If j 011 have catarrh, you are iu dan
ger, as the dij-case is liable to become
chronic and affect your general health,
or develop into cnnsuiuii'ion. Hood's
JSarsaparilla cures catarrh by purifying
aud enriching the blood, and building
up the s steiirr Give it a trial.
Headquarters for
The Largest Stock of La
dies' and Gents' Fine
Shoes in the City.
We Ofler Bargains for
Next Ten Days in
Gents1 Fancy Slippers.
The Leading Shoe House of Asttrit
The Mikado.
N. J. BERGMAN, Prop'r.
Fine Chocolate Bon Bons
As Well as
All Other Kinds of Crtam Ctniits.
Please Call and Give M a Txiat
Next to We&tern Union Telegraph Oftes
For Sale.
Valuable Property at Skipanon
A few choice lots from Illrara Gray's tract,
adjoining the Gregg property.
Prices Range from $1 20 tt $150
Wm. B. Adair, Agnt.
!.! Oatlj- f 7.
Specials to The Astorian.
Hews Fron Botl Continents.
So Tkere Is No Likelihood of Troable."
"WAsnixaTON, Jan. 6. Judge David
J. Brewer was sworn in as associate
lattice of the supreme court of the
United States at noon, in the pres
ence of a large assemblage. He im
mediately took his seat on the "bench.
New York, Jan. 6. A special to the
Associated press from Jackson, Miss.,
at 10 a. it. says voting is progressing
slowly and quietly. Thus far no
negroes have made application to
vote, and as long as such is the case
trouble is not likely to occur. It is
intimated an attempt will be made to
voteihemen masse at least at the
southward whero McQill, the candi
date for mayor, has a fair chance of
election. If such is the case a diffi
culty can hardly be avoided. Many
negroes favor the Henry ticket and a
Made Aa Uasaccesafal Attempt
Thento.v, N. J., Jan. 6. Dr. Knif
fen, husband of the woman found
smothered to death in bed, Friday
morning, took an ounce of aconite and
gashed his wrists and throat with a
razor. Doctors were summoned and
stopped the flow of blood. Tho jugu
lar vein had not been reached and
owing to tho largeness of the dose of
aconite,it acted as an emetic and was
all thrown off. The doctor is out of
danger. He attempted his life be
cause he was discouraged on account
of tho strong tide of public feeling
against him.
The LoadoH "Expose" of Alleged Immor
ality London, Jan. 6. The trial of Arth
ur Newton, solicitor, Fredrick Taylor
son, clerk and Adolphus Degalla, in
terpreter, arrested on a charge of con
spiracy to defeat justice in connection
with the West End scandal, was be
gun before magistrate Vangham in the
Bow street police court to-day. A lad
named Algernon Allies testifies that he
resided in Cleveland street house and
received money for immoral purposes.
He destroyed the letters ho had re
ceived from Lord Arthur Somerset.
Allies admitted that he had stolen
valuables from the club iu which he
had been employed as waiter. He
was not imprisoned for the theft, Lord
Arthur Somerset becoming his surety.
Witness stated that subsequent to
the expose Cardinal Taylorson tried
to induce him to go to America.
The Upper Colaoibia Completely Choked
By Ice.
Portland, Jan. 6. Saturday last a
railroad collision occurred near Arling
ton. A fatal circumstance connected
therewith, was, however, suppressed by
the Union Pacific people. .Last even
ing, though, tho remains of John
Hayes, a fireman on one of the trains,
were brought to the undertaking es
tablishment of Delin & Holman, and
this morning they were removed to
Albina. This afternoon Mr. Delin was
informed that two other men were fa
tally injured, who have since died,
and the bodies are expected here some
time this evening.
At the Union Pacific headquarters
no information could be obtained rela
tive to the accident. In fact tho occur
rence of tho the collision was abso
lutely denied. The line of tho Union
Pacific railroad, between this city and
The Dalles is pretty well loaded down
with enow. Steam plows are at work
at various points, keeping tho track
cleared and unless a very heavy fall
should occur or a strong wind set in
they will be ablo to keep them clear
enough to prevent a stoppage of
"With the river blocked with ice and
steamers not able to run in conse-
auence, a blockade on the lino along
ae Columbia would be very unpleas
Manager Al Hayman of tho Mar-
auam grand opera house, states that
tie new theatre is to be opened on the
third of February, and in a letter writ
ten to Tss Astobiak reporter he says
that Emma Juch's, grand opera com
pany will inaugurate tho house.
You Shiver and Sneeze
While I am anxious to sell
off the remaining lot of
I offer them now at greatly
reduced prices.
all sorts and GLOVES. We
all want Gloves, especially
now. I will make them go
at greatly reduced rates.
Old Reliable Clolkieraofl Hatter
0Uta. HoM Building.
Now is the time,
plain figures. The
cash purchases.
Th4 is no Peter
Pythian Bnilog
But Buy Immediately, if Not Sooner in
Kinney's Astoria!
We are now selling lots in this fine Addition for
$100 and $125 that in less itian one month
will more than double in value.
It fr Lea to One Mile from the 0. R. & 1 Boci, an! Beautifully Sitiatel
George II.
Phelps Receives
of Life.
the ''Elixir
GEORGE H. PHELPS, of Colorado.
Some four yeara aeo I contracted an in
jury white In the saddle on the plaint of Col
orado and New Mexico. Four wouilu ago
the Injury developed and commenced to
give me serious trouble. Just one month to
day I came to Portland aud placed myself
under the care of Dr. Alfred L. Cole, head
pbysdeiau and chief surgeon Ponland sur
gical and Medical Dispensary. My acquaint
ance and association with the docror war
rants me in saying that he is a gentleman In
his daily bearing, and asaplijslci.ui and
surgeon there are nouc who excel lum-aud
few on the coast uho equal him. Under his
Eecul tar. wonderful anil magic treatment I
esran at once to feel like a new m m. He
has imparted to mo the onlv true "Elixir of
toie" a cure : ana I cneenuiiy recoramenu
him to the ailing, sick and afflicted all over
the land, for lie is an honest phyMctan.
1C Cly street. Portland, Orejron.
This well-known and reliable specialist
treats aclv&te, chronic and nervous diseases.
Including general debility, less of m.mhood
and lmpotency. Consultations free, day or
night. Correspondence solicited. Send 10
cents in stamps for Marriage Guide. Ad
ICAL DISPENSARY. 132 and 154 Third S...
corner of Alder, Portland, Oregon.
TeIekBeIjlKtHC Honae.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per nisut.
80 and 35 ctA, per week SlO. New and
cleu. Private entrance. .
Twenty Per Cent Off
don't wait. All these
above percentage will
jj..-Lt . t, j pjs esSpjy'&ajBtsgfB; 1Is??2HHBeSk
Funk business, but straight goods.
Bet Left
Before It is All Gone.
Hustler's Astoria.
Fortunss Have Been Made
You Have Been Looking Back!
Regretting Lost Opportunities
Elmore, Sanborn A Co
Or Wm. Loeb, about it.
Here is a Cliauce to Male Honey Qigjf
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goods are marked injvS
be deducted on all
Third Street.
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