x VOL. XXXIII, NO. 15 1. ASTORIA, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1889. PRICE JBIVE CBJ. BUY YOUR WIFE A iitiniiiiiuiiKm,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, nitujiniiuinnnran iimnimimm" , Lois are daily selling by telegraph and letter in five-acre Block 27, as laid out by J. H. D. Gray. This property is located in Hustler & Aiken's Addition. The arrangements are completed for a steam motor to run within a block of the property, and an electric street car line is projected to run on the street adjoining Block 27. t-----''c-T-T,r?,,wr.r-" -.Trr j-.-,jh.- s Shipping and Commission Merchant j Llatii St. Wharf, Astoria,. Oregon. SPECIALTIES : Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine, WOODDERUY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING- Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices. FIRE IKSUHANCE Effected in First Class Companies. Representing 813,000,000 PnffiyiX, Hartford, Conn HOME, . ..New Yoik, Agency Pacific Express and Wells, Fargo & Co. i T.qtfpr & jj xijuiui v. uuuuiuuiij CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. Office, Roosi 9, Flavei6 Bld'g, SECOND STREET P. O. Box 813. ASTORIA, OR. "VT. T. BUHNEY, L. T. BAEIN URNEY & ARIN, ttonieys L at-iiaw. Oregon City, Oregon. Twelve years expeneuce as Register of the U. S. Land Office here, recommends us in our specialty of Mimnc and all other bus iness before the Land Office or the Courts, and Involving the practice in the General Land Office. The only medicine "which destroys the rerma of Catarrh, Rheumatism, Female Complaints, Consumption (if not too far ?one), Dyspepsia, Malarial and all Blood ind Hkin Diseases. It is a safe and positivo ;nre for LOSS of IVianhood and Gon orrhea. Is pleasant to drLik. Give it a trial Price, 75 cents and 81.25. PACIFIC SLOPE MEDICINE CO., Spokano Falls, Wash. J. C. Dement, Sole Agent, Astoria WHOLESALE AND Mk W JSkltJVJ'Wm' "l"iQ B' a 33h.fcga1rfMfcl'WiiifiriagtoriM,gbi Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed, o Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. 0 The Largest and finest assortment of Fresk Fruits and ITegetables. Received fresh, every Steamer. The terminus of the Ilwaco and Shoahvater 13av llailioad. THE GREAT EST SUMMER EESORT ON THE NORTHWEST COAST. Lies at the head of. the Bay, at deep water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The coming County Seat and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Now laid out. Lots on the market from 50, and upwards. For particulars and fuli information, call on or address B. A. 3EABQRG, Ilwaoo, wasli: IHUMmiBmBCaSHISSlUItmSSSEKZHlKEtEKIEZIEEEBUSKIMUlIIEIIBUElEEIE 1- TS- BEST GUY fi THE FiKa. asm 11 TO ALDERBROOK. X.o(m Only $75. WINGATE & STONE. DECKER BROS., J. & C. FISCHER, IYERS & POND, A. B. CHASE CO., And Other Makes. MASON & HAMLIN, A. B. CHASE CO., WEAVER ORGAN CO., Low Prices and Easy Terms Intending Purchasers will da Weil to Write to Winter & Harper. 71 Morrison St., Portland, lie En9ineCrS SiotV3 Pianos and. Or I run prepared tofurnbh KNAUE. STUCK. BEHK BROS., OPEUa, Il.VMMA.ND and other Tianos, Also OUGANS. VIOLINS, GUITaKS. Eta Eery uiitruinent selected personally and guaranteed at i rices w Inch defy competition. Prof, Francis Residence at Mrs. Holden'A H. W. Strickler, BI. D. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc. Prescription Cierk speaks Four different Languages. General practice of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second street, near roslofllce. i RETAIL DEALER IN ps. ALAND ' ;. i Put on the Market rnave i , hi in iiMiiir CHIEF OF POLK E SALE. Notice is hereby qiven that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and po lice jude of the city of Astoria,in accord ance with an order made by tho com mon council of the city ot Astoria, by or dinance number 1133, entitled an ordin ance ordering the auditor and polico judge to issue warrants for the collection of assessments remaining unpaid on the Washington street sewer assessment, ap proved November 29, 1SS9. Said warrant bearing date the 30th day of November, 1839, commanding mo to levy upon lot number 1, in block number 29, in the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McCIure, to collect an assess ment of 53, which assessment was made for the construction of a sewer in Washington street, between the south side of Astor street and one hundred feet north of tho north side of Water street. by ordinance number 1100, entitled an ordinance declaring tho probable cost of constructing a sewer in Washington street from tho south side of Astor to ono hundred feet north of tho north sido of AVater street approved July 25th, 1839, 1 have this day levied upon lot number 1, in block num ber 29, in SIcClure'a Astoria, said lot be ing assessed to G. W. Hume ns owner, and on Wednesday, the 29th day of Jan unry, 1890, at 2 o'clock p.m. of said day, in front of the court house door in said city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot number 1, in block number 29, in McClure's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said as sessment, costs and expenses of salo. Said sale to be for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria this 23th day of De cember, 1889. V. J. BARRY, Chief of Polico. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by tho auditor and po lice judge of the city of Astoria, in ac cordance with an order made by the common council of the city of Astoria, by ordinance number 113S, entitled an ordinance ordering tho auditor and po lico judge to issue warrants for the col lection of assessments remaining unpaid on the Washington street sewer assess ment, approved November 29th, 1839 Said warrant bearing date the 30 th day of November, 1889, commanding me to levy upon lot number 3 in block number 5 in the city ot Astoria, ns laid out and recorded by John McCIure, to collect an assessment of G5, which assessment was made for the construction of a sewer in Washington street, between the south side of Astor street and one hundred feet north of tho north side of Water street, by ordinance number 1100 entitled an ordinance declaring tho probable cost of constructing a sower in Washington street from the south side of Astor street to one hundred feet north of the north side of Water street, approved July 25th, 1889, I haw this day levied upon lot number 3 in block number 5 in McClure's Astoria, said lot being assessed to the heira of R. Hobson as owners, and on WeduesJav, the2Jth day of January, 1890, at 2 o'clock p. si. of said day in front of the court house door in said city of Astoria, Clat sop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot number 3 in block number 5 in Mc Clure's Astoria, to tho highest bidder therefor to pay said assessment, costs and expen&es of sale. Said sale to be for D. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, this 23th day of De cember, 1839. W. J.BVRRY, Chief of Police. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice 13 hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by tho auditor and police judge of the city of Astoria, in accordance with an order made by tho common council of the city of Astoria, by ordinance number 1138, entitled an ordinance ordering the auditor and po lice judge to issue warrants for tho col lection of assessments remaining unpaid on the Washington street sowar assess ment, approved Novombor 29th, 1889. Said warrant bearing date the 30th day of November, 1S89, commanding mo tb levy upon lot number 8 in block number 40 m the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McCIure, to collect an assessment of 53, which assessment was made for the construction of a sewer in Washington street, between the south side of Astor street and 100 feet north of the north sido ef Water street, by ordi nance number 1100 entitled an ordinance declaring tho probable cost of construct ing a stwer in Washington street from tho south side of Astor street to 100 feet north of the north side of Water street, approved July 25, 1889, 1 have this day levied Upon lot number 8, in block num ber 40 in McClure's Astoria, said lot be ing assessed to M. Meyer as owner, and on Wednesday, the 29th day of January, 1890, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day in front of tho court house door in said city of Astoria. Clatsop county, Oregon will proceed to sell lot number 8 in block number 40 in McClure's Astoria, to tho highest bidder therefor, to pay said as sessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for D. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, this 23th day of De cember, 1889. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Police. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and po lice judge of the city of Astoria, in ac cordance with an order made by the common council of the city of Astoria, by ordinance number 1138, entitled an ordi nance ordering tho auditor and police judge to issue warrants for the collection of assessments remaining unpaid on tho ROBB Certain to Double in Value I ! ASTORIA REAL fr - " Washington street sewer assessment, ap proved November 29th, 1889. Said war rant bearing date tho 39th day of No vember, 1839, commanding me to levy upon lot number G in block number 5, in city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by J olm McCIure, to collect an assessment i of Gj.OO, which assessment was made for . the construction of a sewer m Washing- i ton street, between tho south side of As tor street and 100 feet north of the north sido of Water street by ordinance num ber 1100 entitled an ordinance declaring tho probable cost of constructing a sewer in Washington street from the south side of Astor street to 100 feet north of the north side of Water street, approved July 25, 1889, 1 have this day levied upon lot number G in block number 5, in McCIuro's Astoria, said lot being assessed to the I heirs of R. Hobson as owners, and on Wednesday, the 29th day of January, 1890, at 2 o'clock P.M. of said day in front of tho court house door in said city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot number 6 in block number 5, in McCIuro's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said as sessment, costs and expenses of silo. Said Rile to be for U. S. gold coin. Date 1 at Astoria lhis2Sth day of Do comber, 1889, W. J. BARRY, Chief of Police. CHIEF OF TOLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by tho auditor and po lice judgo of the city of Astoria, in ac cordance with an order inado by the common council of the city of Astoria, by ordinance number 1138, entitled nn ordinance ordering tho auditor and police judge to issue warrants for tho collection of assessments remaining unpaid on the A ashington street sewer assessment ap proved .November 29th, lbsi). Said war rant bearing date the 30th day of Novem ber, 1889, commanding mo to levy upon the frontage of lot number 4 iu blook number !i, m the city of Astoria, a3 laid out and recorded by John McCIure, to collect an assessment of 05.00, which as sessment was mado for tho construction of a sswer on Washington streetirbetween the south side of Astor street and 1G0 feet north of tho north side of Water streot by ordinance number 1100, entitled an ordinance declaring tho probablo cost of constructing a sower on Washington street from tho south side of Astor street to 100 feot noith of the north side of Water street, approved July 25, 18S9, I nave tmi day levied upon lot number 4 in block number 5, in McClure's Astoria, said lot boing assessed to Astoria Pack ing Uo. u3 owners, and ou eunesday, tho 23th day of January, 18J0, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said dr.v in front of the court hoaso door in said citv of Astoria. Clat sop county, Oregon, will proceed to poll tho said "frontno of lot number 4 in block number 5 in McClure's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pav said nvjUbsuicnt, costs and expences of sale. Slid sale to be fur U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria thid 23lh day of De cember, 189. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Police. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued bv the auditor aud po lico judge of the city of Astorip, in ac cordance with an order made by tho com moi council of tha city of Astoria, by ordinance number 1133, entitled an ordi nance ordering the auditor and polico judge to JS3U9 warrants for the collec tion of assessments remaining unpaid for the Washington street sower assess ment, approved Novemb3r 29th, 1839. Said warrant bearing data tho 30th day of November, 1839, commanding me to levy upon lot number 7 in block number 40 in the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McCIure, to collect an assessment of 53, which assessment was made for tho construction of a sower in Washington street, between the south sido of Astor street and 109 feet north of the north sido of Water street, by ordi nance number 1100, entitled an ordinance declaring the probablo cost of construct ing a sewer in Washington street from the south side of Astor street to 103 feet north of the north sido of Water street, approved July 25, 1889, I have this day levied upon lot number 7 in block num ber 40 in McClure's Astoria, said lot be ing assessed to M, Meyer as owner, and on Wednesday, the 23 th day of January, 1890, at 2 o'clock p. ai. of said day m front of the court house door in said city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot number 7 in block number 40in McCIuro's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said as sessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said salo to bo for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria this 28th day of De cember, 1889. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Polico. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and po lice judgo of the city of Astoria, in ac cordance with an order made by tho common council of tho city of Astoria, by ordinance number 1133, entitled an ordinance ordering tho auditor and po lice judge to issue warrants for tho col lection of assessments remaining unpaid on tho Washington street sewer assess ment, approved November 29th, 1889. Said warrant bearing date the COth day of November, 1889, commanding me to levy upon lot number 1 in blook number 40 in tho city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McCIure, to collect an assessment of 53.00t which assessment was made for the construction of a Bewer in Washington street, between the south EEIMHIIME2MltllIMIKMBMmiIiMllEEEEEEEBnEIlElEEEElEIEKiaiKlMWBral the fine Before New Years, 1891. . j a uaiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiui,,! aa(1M mi""' ESTATE CO. I ' : Bide of Astor street and 100 feet?north of the north side of Water street, by ordi nance number 1100 entitled an ordinance declaring the probablo cost of construct- the south side of Astor street to 100 feet north of the north sido of Water street, approved July 25, 1889, 1 have this day levied upon lot number 1 in block num ber 40 in McClure's Astoria, said lot be ing assessed to M. Meyer as owner, and on Wednesday, the 29th day of January, 1890. at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day in front of the court house door in said city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot number 1 in block number 40, in McClure's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said as sessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria this 28th day of De cember, 1889. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Police. CIIIEh" OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a wan ant issued by thu auditor and police judge of tho city of Astoria, in accordance with an order'inade by Un common council of the eit of Astoria, by ordinance number 1138. entitled an ordinance ordering the auditor and po lice judge to Hiue warranto for tho col lection of assessment-) lemaining un paid on the Washington street sewer as sessnient, approved November 29lh, 1889. Said warrant hearing date the 30th dav of November 1SS9, coininaiiiiiiig me tb levy upon lot number 4 in block number 39 in the city of Astor-a, as laid out and recorded by John McChue, to col.ect an assessment of 65, which assessment was made for tliecantru' lion of a sewer in Washington stieet, between the south .ide, Astor street and 103 feet north of tiie north side of Water street, by or dinance number 1100 entitled an ordin ance declaring the probable cost of con structing a sewer in a-.hington street from the south side of Astor street to 100 feet north of the north side of Water street, approved July 25, 18S9, 1 have this day leived upon lot number 4 block number S9 iu McClure's Astoria, said lot being assessed to Chas. Rohr as owner, and on Wednesday the. 29th of January 1890, s.t 2 o'clock P.M. of said day in fiont of the court ljouse door iitsaid city ot Astoria, Clat-jop county, Oregon, will pi oci ed to sell lot No. 4, bik No. 39 in Mc Clure's Astoiia, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sile to be for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoi in. t his 28 dav or Dccem ! er 18$'. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Police. CHIEf OF POLICE SALE. Notice i-s hereby given th it by virtno of a warrant issued by tlu ::u liror und p lico judgo of tho city of Astorn, iu nc cord'ince with nn order made by tho compjon council of the city of Astoria, by ordinance number 1,133, entitled au ordinance ordering tho auditor and po lice judgtj to isae warrants for the col lection of assessments remaining un paid on the Washiugron street sewer as sessment, approved Nov. 29th, 1889, siid warrant bearu.gdate thoSOlh day of No vember 1SS9, commanding me to levy up on frontage of lot number3 in block num ber 5 in the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McClnro, to col lect an assessment of 65, which assess ment wa3 made for tho construction of a sewer in Washington street, between the south side of Astor street and 109 feet north of the north side of Water Btreet, by ordinance number 1,100 entitled an ordinance declaring the probable cost of constructing a sewer in Washington street from tho south side of Astor streot to ono hundred feet north of the sido of Water street, approved July 25th, 1889, 1 have this day levied upon frontage of lot number 3 in block number in McClure's Astoria, said lot having been assessed to Astoria Packing company as owners, and on Wednesday the 39th day of January 1890, at 2 o'clock p. ix. of said day in front of the court house door in said city of As toria, Clatsop county, Oregon will pro ceed to sell said frontago of lot number 3 in block number 5 in McClure's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said salo to be for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, this 2Sth day of Dec ember, 1889. W. J- BARRY. Chief of Police. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. . Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the auditor and police judge of the city of Astoria, in ac cordance with an order made by tho com mon council of the city of Astoria, by or dinance number 1138, entitled nn ordi nance ordering the auditor and police judge to issue warrants for the collection of assessments remaining unpaid on tho Washington street sewer assessment ap proved Nov. 29th, 1889. Said warrant bearing date tho 30th day of November, 1889, commanding mo to levy upon lot number 2 in block number 40 in the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John MoClure, to collect an assessment ofJ53, which assessment was made for the construction of a sewer in Washing ton street, between the south side of Astor street, and 100 feet north of the north side of Water street, by ordinance No. 1,100 entitled nn ordinance declaring the probable cost of constructing a sewer in Washington street from the south side of Astor street to 100 feet north of the north side of Water street, approved July 25, 1889, 1 have this day levied upon lot Lb HHiJLaniV Property of Henry Powell i a a : ; mmm- number 2 in block number 40 in McClures Astoria, said lot being assessed to M". Meyer as owner and on Wednesday the 29 day of January 1890, at 2 o'clock r. ir. of said day in front of the court house door in said city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon will proceed to sell lot number 2 in block number 40 in Mc Clure's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for TJ. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, this 23th day of December, 1889. W. J. BARRY, Chief of police. CHIEF OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by tho auditor and police judge of tho city of Astoria, in ac cordance with an order mado by the com mon council of the city of Astoria, by or dinance number 1133, entitled an ordi nance ordering tho auditor and police judgo to issuo warrants for the collection of assessments remaining unpaid an the Washington street sewer assessment, ap proved November 29th, 1889, said warrant bearing date the 30th day of November, 1S89, commanding mo to levy upon lot number 5, in block number 39, m the city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McCIure. to collect an assess ment of 65, which assessment was made for the construction of a sewer in Wash ington street, between the south side of Astor street and one hundred feet north of the north sido of Water street, by or dinance number llOo, entitled an ordi nance declaring tho probable cost of con structing a sower in Washington street, from thesouthside of Astor streot to one hundred feet north of the north side of Water street, approved July 25th, 1839, 1 have this day levied upon lot number 5, in block number 39, in McClure's Astoria, said lot being aasessessed to Chas. Rohr, as owner, and on Wednesday, the 29th day of January, 1890. at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day, in front of tho court houso door in said city of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell lot number 5, in block number 39, in Mc Clure's Astoria, to the highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to be for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, this 23th day of De cember, 1889. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Police. CHIEf OF POLICE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by tho auditor and po lico judgo of the city of Astoria, in ac cordance with au order mado by the common council of tho city of Astoria, by ordinance No. 1138, entitled an ordi nance ordering tho auditor and police judge to is3uo warrants for the collection of assessments remaining unpaid on the Washington street sewer assessment ap proved November 23th, 1889, said warrant bearing date the 30th day of November, 1889, commanding mo to levy upon the frontage of lot number 2, in block num ber 6, in tho city of Astoria, as laid out and recorded by John McCIure, to col lect an assessment of 53, which assessment-was made for tho construction of a sewer in Washington street, between tho south side of Astor street and one nun dred feet north of the north sido of Wa ter street, by ordinance number 1100, en titled an ordinance declaring tho proba ble cost of constructing a sewer in Wash ington street, from the south side of Astor street to ono hundred feet north of the north side of Water street, approved July 25th, 1889, I have this day levied upon the f rentage of lot number 2, in block number 6, in McClure's Astoria, said lot being assessed to Astoria Packing com pany, as owner, and on Wednesday, the 29th day of January, 1890, at 2 ocIock, p. M., of said day, in front of the court houso door in said city of Astoria, Clat sop county, Oregon, will proceed to sell the said frontage of lot number 2, in block number G, in McCIuro's Astoria, to tho highest bidder therefor, to pay said assessment, costs and expenses of sale. Said sale to bo for U. S. gold coin. Dated at Astoria, -this 28th day of De cember, 18S9. W. J. BARRY, Chief of Polico. ere'sYoiirCtace! A Forty Acre Tract ON JOHN DAY'S RIVER. Suitable for Platting This is a good o Is a good opportune y 10 make money For particulars inquire at this office -IIIU- DIAMOND PALACE UUSTAV IIAXSLX, Pron'r. A Large and Well Selected titoek of Fine At Extremely J.ov Prices. 11 Goods ongbt at This Estbllnliinfen( Warranted Genuine. Wuidi n:l Cluck Slepairiii A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squcmoqua Streets. Diamonds s J ewwr? KER This property is the straight -goods; only one mile fro& te postoffice, clear and nearly level.- No wild cat-property handled by us. Prices now $8 and $10 per front foot, and wIITbe raised to $1 and $12 per front foot January 1st, 1890. htv Acres SUITABLE FOR PLATTING A RARE Wmgat ODD FELLOW'S BUIDING. BARBOUR'S 1 loll NdA I HI odllo HAVE NO EQUAL! GRAND PRIX PARIS 1878, " A2n GRAND CROSS OF TUE LEGION D'flONNETJR. They received the ONLY GOLD MEDAL For FLAX THREADS at the Xao&don Fisheries Ssehibitioa 1333 And have been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the various SNTIRNATIONAL EXPOSITIONS Than the goods of any other ' IN THE WORLD, , Quality Oaaa. Always "bs Xtep ' Situ! FisteM Use j Otter HENRY DOYLE & CO.. 517 and 519 Market Street, - SAN FRANcIsm AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COAST. W00DBERRY SEINE TWINE, ROPE and w TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES, PQ'ONI)'?.; TRAPS Eurnished to order at Lowest Factory Pricey Notice to Stockholders. milE REGULAR ANMJAh ME15TIN 1 of the stockholders of the Pythian I ar d and Pudding AssociaMo.i, will bo held on 'Juesdi', i 'eeember Slat. ibS9. at tho Asso ciation Hall, at 2 1. M., for the purpose of ciectiniraBoa:d of Pirtctors, for the en uiii!i er. "and trarsacilng such other tuslness as raaj cjuie before the meeting. E. A. NOYES. Secretary. KZSZaEIIE3ElIESSKSEinH:KIS(EEBIHIIMSHIMSlXMHMMHMg y . Choice Land BARGAIN. & Stone, Abstracts ofTi C. R. THOMSON Terms reasonable. "Work Plk : Keeps a full set of Abstract . and will examine the 'Title &?? tate in the couuty and ffiish aJLy of Title to the same. lurniSa & AJT QrantflL. - ., -TI SB " i!