m '& h Sttg gtoraw. & ASTOEIA. OBEGON: rJ,,Ay DECEMBER 27. 18S9. rii3'-lIltl fOIiny Official Paper. OUTFLANKING PORTLAND. tjjE -wonderful increase in real es tate values in Astoria and the im mense amount oE money from Hie out sidetiiat lias flowed in here, and that TriU find its way tether in the next few months, wM have a result on the railroad situation at Astoria that is not yet appreciated to any great ex tent," either by Astoria residents or by outside investors. At present real es tate men are awaking with breathless anxiety the decision of the Union Pa cific, or of this road or that The very decided! favorable declarations of the Union Pacific magnates and others, are still distrusted; positive ac tion i- awaited; it is feared that some slip or hitch In plans may occur. Meantime Astoria is growing to be a very large and important place -without the assistance of theTJnionPacific; and within two years, if the Union Pa cific has not built down to Astoria, Astoria will be build ing to Portland, and with no love lost for the U. P., and no pre disposition to grant the many favors -which the TJ. P. will by and by be asking of the Astoria city fathers in laection with railroad facilities kre. We hardly need hunt for a pro t of this future action of Astoria, for such a proof is found at our very doors. The Oregon & California, in fluenced by Portland, neglected build ing down, and now Astoria is build ing up. So will it be with the Union Pacific, if, as some doubters assert, the 17. P- men mean nothing now. The cor poration that will build and control all thee entrances to Astoria will in twenty years be one of the most pow erful and rich corporations in the northwest- Picture any corporation controlling the New York & New Hav en, New York Central, New York & Erie, New Jersey Central, and Penn sjlvania entrances into New York; or a similar corporation for Boston, or New Orleans, or Baltimore; and with a pach reduction as any ordinary j ilc would allovjfor the future Asto rh as compared with those cities, the valu of such a control of entrances is immense. In San Francisco and the S. ?. Co. we sec such a control, and we find that the S. P. company in a f w j ears has grown to be almost in vincible in California. The absurdity o! thee companies not eagerly grasp ing ai such a chance of entrance to our seaport will be seen in less than five ears from to day. The situation is largely caused by men in Portland (who are not railroad men but are ba lkcr, real estate owners, merchants. am , ho hive no experience what ir .1 -ailro:ul situations and rail 1 1 1 ndj attempting to dictate the r.'ilioa 1 bitiaiio:i for Oregon and the bv er Columbia. Porilaad has aheady lost the "Wil!-jan-Lte valley, by ignoring Astoria, il the line from Hunter's point to Vstorli been already built, the "Will anie alley business would have pissei through Portland, as roads fron HHlsboro, Salem and Albany cj ill not have been started in oppo sifion to such an existing road. In Uriswiy, anl iu letting the upper Columbia business be diverted to the Sound by Portland's attempt to force a deep sea shipping up to herself. Portland has lost, or is gradually los ing bjth her great feeders, the Will amette and Columbia Tallejrs. She can recover the upper Columbia busi ness by coming to Astoria at once. J.n' Willamette valley is already lost to Ler forever. THE GREATEST RAILROAD AMERICA. IN The recent combination of the Yan derbllt and Union Pacific interests has attracted attention chiefly because of thn fact of its reaching from ocean to oc?an, and binding together New York, the home of the Astibrs, on the Atlan tic, with Astoria, the seaport selected by the Astors on the Pacific. The im mense importance of this consolidation lieo less in the length of line than in the masterly design forgathering what might be termed all the United States into that transcontinental highway. The great fork at the eastern end, (gathering at the seaboard both from New York and the Gulf) and the great brk at the western end, (gathering from San Diego or Los Angeles on the south Pacific, and from Astoria on the North Pacific) give the consolidation an advantage no other possible consol idation can ever equaL The main trunk or artery connecting these east ern and western forks i3 located so centrally in the United States that no other route can gather seaboard busi ness, both north and south, with the s cf this Yanderbilt-Umon Pacific "oute. The echemo leaves nothing lacking. Taken in connection with ta Nicaragua canal, it girdles every 1'ing. No possible flow of business cither transcontinental, or local to the seaboard and thence, via Nicaragua, can be imagined, where this combina lion has not every advantage. "Who ever designed it, is a'Napoleon in rail roading. Itmishtbe added, as a short but pertinent corollary, will those plan ning such a great project consent that the north ami of the Pacific end or fork shall fail to reach the ocean; that this fork shall he cut a hundred miles short at Portland, the local interests of which, taken in connection with so vast a scheme, are ntterly insignifi cant, Before the great money power of such a combination and the wishes of the great financiers of the east who are putting through this scheme, the resistance .of local Portland magnates, so far from prevailing, will hardly be perceptible. CT' GRAPPLING THE TRIM a t n m NORTHERN PACIFIC. Asstooxg the building by the U. P. to Port j-ownsena and to Astoria, as ted and promised, thn renU. f is exnefihv? these two extension?! nf tr,o- .i promises to be, not merely a litt.lft . terestinj for the Northern Pnmfin l s iomething almost vital to the latter The situation may be criven in n i,nif dozen sentences. Thn tt t i out sent a hand to the Sound atPort Town- send ana grasps all the incoming 1;. ness there, saving this business a long dangerous and entirely nseles and journey from Port Townsend to Tn- coma. Therefore outeoint? tossi! from Tacoma will have no inenmino- car; goe3 to divide the expenses on the outward bound caroe: nnrl -u-a Vmr-o the disadvantages to Tacoma of a round trip tor a cargo one way, plus a round trip, .f-ort Townsend and Ta coma. Can Tacoma comnete aiinRf; this? Again, we find tha 17. P. rnminrfn Astoria. This is fl still mnro nm'nno interceDtino- of fTm'Ttfi-irFiiom Dnnicvn business. It will enable the U. P. to get hold of all the carcroes from tho SOUth that are bound for tho rmnpr Columbia baisin: and -will hrino- f n outgoing products from this basin and ship them so as to place them in San Francisco before they could reach a point opposite Astoria, if shipped from Tacoma. Can the Northern Pacific stand such double and complete cutting off of its west end by a competition? If not, what remedy can it find? Was not the old plan of making Astoria the terminus, as shown in the lapsed filings on record at Oregon City. the wisest plan? It was adopted be fore the influence of directors and stockholders personally interested in Portland and in Tacoma succeeded in overthrowing the plan? Was not the old arranirement the work of nearer and more disinterested judgment, and therefore of greater value than those adopted later? And are not the Union Pacific, and its unprejudiced eastern allies. arrnncritif n. Kfihemn , 0 n that "will almost paralize the Northern Pacific A QUAKER'S DOZEX. Hicham Stcge, the well known proprietor o! the Quaicr Dairy, Ko. SD Ellis St., San Tran- tisco, last week sent the following letter to tho Edwin W. Joy Co. "My family Have & been taking Joy's Vegetable O Sarsaparilla now for months . - with splendid results. Our ex- t A perienco Las ben that aftei taking it rcgula ly for a short time and gettin0 the system started right, an occasional dcEo thereafter keeps the sys tern iu perfect condition. A peculiarity of your -vegetable comwmnd is. iat it dop Tini loso Its effect, but cccms to accomplish the same results continually. As a liver and bowel rcgu1 atorand corrective it is perfection. "RTewoul'l not be without it In fact I have just bought a dozen bottles to get the re duced price " A. II. Howe of 522 Jones street S. I"., also writes that it has been his habit foi years to awake in the mornings with a head ache and an exhausted feeling; but since the first bottle ho has had no return. A Bessemer steel plate Co. has been organized at Salisbury, N. C. A Souutl JLrgal Opinion. 5.jJambihIge Munttay Esq.. County Atty., Clay Co, Texas iays: '-llaveused Electric Bitters witli most happy ic sults. lly brother also -was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medi cine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life."?. Mr. D. 1. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: lie posiively believes he would have died had it not bi-en for Electric Bitteis. This great remedy will waid off, as well as cure all Malaria Diseases, and f6r all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Dis orders stands uncqualed. Price r0 cents and SI, at Jno C. Dement's. NEV TO-DA3I. For Sale, QA CORDS OF DRY ASH WOOD, ON 0J the bank, at my place; deep water. G. A. Fisher, Mt. Coffin. GRAND MASQUERADE 1, AND BALL, KOSS' OPEBIl HOUSE, Tuesday Ev'g, Dec. 31, 1889. NEW TEARS' EVE. Will be given under tho auspices of the Co lumbii Skating (Jlub. Skating at 8 o'c'ock .sharp, dancing at 10 Spectator; am obtain admission at the door. Cents SI.OO. Ladles 50 Cents. Hon. M. C Crosby and G. Wingate. Esq., have klndlv consented to act :is the inveti gatiag committee. Xnslc by Parson's Graud Orchestra, of romxAXD. Imported costumes cin be obtained as fol lows : Gents' at Hermin Wiscj, Ladies' at tho Misses Tiira'l & jhenmn. F. GUNN, Hon. Sec'y. n.Bell,H. T. Pindlav. W. A. Sher man, E. (J. Kogers, R. C. F. Astbury; Committee. To-Morrow Saturday Night AM the Toys, Etc., In the roam npxt to Now Novelty Store will ba sold at Auciion. Now is your time to buytois and everything in that room at your own price. J. Strauss & Co. The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Frop'r. M Bread, Cate and Pastry None but the Best Materials Osed. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers firead delivered In any part of the city. BOOTS AND SHOES! 0f Best duality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIQH OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. nun! ? mm bdirai! 3"- A.m OOOK, HAS AN ASTORIA OFFICE S. W. COR, THIRD AND OLNEY STREETS, Buy and Sell Property on Commission. We Deal in Real Estate and are Successful in . Our Business. . This Space is !MMJli-lJtM.'.-l.!ijr-JIJJia-WJ-lJJJW-K.-lJ- W I V-Jf If you dont believe it look in at our crowded stores; full from morning until night. The Bost Goods for the Lowest Prices has been our motto. An extra force of clerks will be found at our two stoies from now until Christmas. ' ms. Vases, At our ANNEX can be Toys, Wagons and Dolls, of every description. A fine kid-body bisque-head doll for 25c; larger ones, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Dolls all sizes and prices. Our stock is complete. Call and examine our goods and get prices, No trouble to show goods. VISIT OUR ANNEX. WcinltttcMtV. JJioor. And Free Lunch al th Tt,ivr'o' Sa loon, 5 cents. TeleplienelfKiritic ii:s-. Best Beds in tow n. I5ooms ir n jiht 50 and 25 cts., per week Sl.50. 2kw and clean. Private entrance. Mrs. Wetsloiv's Sootiiixo Syrup should always be used for childien teething. It soolhea tho child, m ten the gums, allays ail pain, cures wind chohc, and is the best remedy for diar-rhcea.Twenty-five cents a hottle. Coffee and cake, tpn cents, at the Central Restaurant SfcfltetXLCigoa?, Reserved For MlLU - i uKUbi TUTTLE, Brokers Astoria's Most ueligiiffyi Suburb, mTfirO erF Cleaned. Jm&if&I O lUI G Xxois in, fills Fjror'd. - - -- - Spot now n the MING raveling Cases Bronzes, Etc. found a large assortment of For Fiuu Photographs, Go to Misses Carruthers' photograph gallery: Third street opposite Mor gan & bhennaifs. The latest style of Genfc' Boots and Shoes at p. J. Goodman's. 1o loti L.iliv. a. Good Cigar? Call at Charley Olsrn'g, opposite C. H. Cooper's, lie will suit you. A fine stock of cigars to select from. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc., can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. J.H.MANSELL, - REAL ESTATE BROKER, NOTAEY PUBLIC FOE STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1883. Correspondence Solicited. Next "W. U. Telegraph Office. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. urn lis IKro"7Kr on Several blocks have already been spoken for, so intending purchasers had better get in and secure choice lots. This addition is beautifully lo- cated within one and a half miles j of the center of the city of Asteria: on the southern slope, and from its ; excellent location and the magnifi- cent views to be obtained from! every quarter is acknowledged to be one of the most desirable and picturesque additions ever put on i the market. The government! military road on the north and the j Electric Motor line on the south ! make it so accessible as to satisfy Fop Plats and Particulars Apply at the Office of FRANK Asii7C2:oLX.a., $20, Invest at once and double your money in less than 60 days. For further particulars call on or address: Warren & Wright, Real Estate Dealers. ASTORIA, Wholesale Wine Hon Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have comploted arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDEltS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Tour patronage in City or Country solioited. A. W. UTZINGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. Flynn KEE?S IN the Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. ALL THE LATEbT S I'YLES. He buys for Cash, at Eastern Prices, ne Guaiantees the Best Workmanship on all garments. Call and see for yourselves. Barth's Block, Astoria OCJBCSS Astoria Real Estate Co. Office First Door South of the Odd Fellows Building The Best Bargains Yet Offered In Blocks 21 , 23 and 28, HUSTLER & AIKEN'S ADDITION. From the Postoffice. SIXTY of these Lots sold within the past 8 days. The price of this Choice Property Is going up dally, and may be taken off the market at any time. Price of Lots, $125 to $200, according to Location'. "fcii 3itrls.o-fc the most exacting. This property being so near the city makes it especially desirable for tradespeo ple and business men needing a suburban home within easy reach of their business. Lots will be put on the market till Januarj' 1st at Sixty Dollars for Inside Lois and Seventy Dollars for Corners, and as the number is limited, ap plication had better be made early in order to secure the best loca tions. 03ELIC3r03Sr -OREGON. STOCK THE Less than 1 Mile SPITTLE, BHWaBBaBOK UiWailll MUdllii fiUIWaiui - TIIE New Still Leads With the largest Ever brought to Astoria. GIFTS AND PRICES Call and be FlavePs Double Brick Building. Opposite Occident Hotel, Astoria, Oregon. Tour Money's ff ort IS WHAT YOU GET AT IN Groceries and Provisions. Everj thing In a Fiist-cUss Store and .it Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. TMe Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES EECIIIE Have Secured the Sale of Two to Skipanon. Also Eighteen Good Lois in George McEwan's Seaside Ad dition. Buy Nov, While They are Ghsap. The New Model Kange CAN BE HAD IN dk&X SnAttfbAi BIOS afcaEB' H Agent. Call and Examine It ; You "Will be Pleased. E. R. Ilavres Is also Agent for th Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER h IRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Siock on Hand, AND 5000 donblo roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades jnst received direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of CARPETS, Of all grades in beantiful new designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBORN. mJUt-WjJbjJi jjigrnTrwjTT '' J. W Ti!rTn if:nr rr-mmT--r--r m i -tttii1 "'"L-j,1 '3 These SEINES aro made true taper and from an actual scale, and will hang truo and draw when hung in to lines, and from tho Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine. RIGHT AND LEFT HAND LAID PATENT ROPE, 9 thread and larger, soft and free from kinking. SALMON TRAP NETS knit from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine, superior to the medium laid, stronger, more durable and Holds Tar Longer. Letters or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention American Net & Twine Co Established 1842. Boston, Mass. Capital, 350,000. N. B. "We have the largest Netting and Twino plant. New and costly machinery has lately been added for knitting heavy Traps for the Columbia river, and Seines for tho Alaska Salmon Fisheries, and the most skillful help employed. Highest awards at Boston, 1S60. HiHadelpbla 1876 London Fisheries Exposition, 188, - &S 3.v a's II I ?au I 5lliim as Usual and finest line of TO SUiT EVERYBODY I conyinced. r.r.LO f. rASKKn. CAKI. A. nAJfSON SUCCESSORS TO a La PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK. fctaE fjoofls ! The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. & STEMS. Blocks of J. Matier Addition Call To-Day. ASTORIA, ONLY OF "i"