"ST- c PJ p n 3aU asfotfim. ASTORIA, OREGON: WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 25. 1889- ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Jlmday excepted.) J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers a id Proprietors. Astoria:? Building. - Cass tufet. Tcrnib of Subscription. f,V MX Caller, iier v. eek 15 cts beutby Map. cr month .. coets bent by Mail, one j ear $7.00 I ree of pot:ige lo subscriber,, Tiir a?tori v gi:arantces to its adver tisers in l.i-rtst firculauoii of anv neuspa )) r pub.iMifU on Ihe Columbi.i nvcr. if 'mil Com nt j- Oflioi tl Pajxr. S'taimg at the rink this evening. Banks, business offices, etc,, vill be closed, to-dav. There -will bo no paper issued from this office to-morrow. It is the man or woman who gives the mo3t presents, that gets the most It was stated that recently the din ing car o a westbound passenger train was invaded at Pasco by two nearly starved peewee birds, whose famished condition awakened the sym pathy of the steward who gave them some crumb3. They had lived on the land, but there wasn't fat enough on it to grease a gimlet It was explained by a gentleman who was present and who knew Pasco, that these birds in that vicinity always traveled in pairs, as they were generally loo weak to chirp alone; and after they had rested awhile, this was demonstrated, as one faintly chirped pee, and the other answered wee. It took both of them to complete the call. THE "OREGONI Atf'S" MISTAKE. It Reiterates It, and Hakes a Bad Matter Worse. Meanwhile, what is going EIAX. t you want to on, read The know Asto- The postoffice will be open to-day for one hour after the afternoon mail arrives. Chinook salmon will be on some As toria dinner tables, to day; a very un usual occuirence. Only a few days more of 1839; then one of the "8s" can be laid aside, for an indefinite period. Sun rises, 7:40; sun sols, 4;21; the mornings will get no shorter and the afternoons already begin io lengthen. The frost and the slippery hillsides came just right for the boys' vacation and they hive heartily enjoyed it. Box sheet for reserved tickets for ''Phantasma,"' open at the New York Novelty store to-morrow. The formal transfer of the Puget sound railroad to the Northern Pa cific will be made the first of the year. The phantasma as given by Prof. Sherman, is something fine, and de serves a large audience to-morrow night In the months of June and July, there is very little flood tide at the mouth of the Columbia, the immense volume of water sweeping to the sea ' calling it to order. Keeping uacK me iiue. xue same thing is observable at present at San Francisco. Since the recent heavy rains in California the immense vol ume of water pouring down the Sac ramento river forces back the incom ing flood tides. The Merchant's ex change boarding reporters, when they cross the bay toward Lime Point, have a hard job returning owing to the swift current Captains of smallcoast ing crafts entering or attempting to enter the harbor with the flood tide are nuzzled to find that they can Last Saturday's Oregonian in an article about the Hermione, made the astounding statement that there were fourteen total losses of vessels at the Columbia during the seven years from '81 to '8S inclusive. Such a manifest falsehood could not be allowed lo pass unnoticed, coming from so responsible a source, and The Astorian of the following morning styled it a grave mistake, and hoped to see its inland contemporary correct the grievous error into which it had fallen. As usual, however, when the Ore gonian is caught lying, it begins to bluster and tries to pooh pooh, any make no headway. The fact is that the current from the river counteracts the incoming tide and the vessels have to hang offand on the outside, waiting a favorable slant of wind to come in. In yesterday's issne it devotes an even two columns to an unsuccessful effort to prove that it was right in its egregious error of last Saturday. It is a failure though. How great a failure may be illus trated by tho fact that in its singular effort to decry the splended entrance to the Columbia river, and for some sinister motive attempt to cast dis cedit on the port, it includes every marine casualty up and down the coast, and heaps them all at the Co lumbia bar. On the 8th iut The Astoria:; had a "1989'' edition which afforded con siderable amusement at home and abroad, and elicited many kindly no tices from many of our exchanges. In connection Aith that The Astoki ax thinks it has a good joke on its sprightly and usually wide awake con temporary, the Port i'ownsend Leader. Among other efforts to be amusing in the issue of TnE Astoriax of the 8th, was an editorial on the imaginary tun nel just completed betweeu England and Prance. It sounded all right, but was plainly a "josh." But the Leader, in the last issue to hand, gravely cop ies it, changes the dates back one hundred years, to the present, and gives it a3 a current editorial on pres ent events. To the original perpet rator of the effort it looks amusing. It reminds one of "tho jumping frog of Calaveras county,"' after it had been translated into French, and then back again into United States. IN THE CHURCHES. The county court meets lo-morrow, and will implore the Almighty to have mercy on them for all they have done during the past j ear. Astoria has the cleanest and nicest streets in Orogon, or Washington, to-day, or auy other day. That isn't saying much for the rest of 'em, but it is so, all Ihefhme. The Columbia skating club gae their iegular weekly paity at the link last evening and was largely attended, those being in attendance enjoying themselves immensely. The following marriage licenses were issued yesterday by county clerk Trenchard: John Josephson and Katie C. "Whiller, and James G.Bunnell and Margaret A. "Wentworth. The contract for the building of a new lightship for the mouth of the Columbia river has been awarded to Hall Bros, of Port Blakelcy. When finished she will have two lights and a fog whistle. They're saying some mean things about Pasco, up country. One ex change says that a Siwash struck that town the other day, and stole the city hall to make a pair of pants. This sounds like a campaign lie, Yesterday morning Chester Law rence, a bojr eight jears old, while coasting on the hill above the opera house, "was run over by a sled on which were Iv.o biglxr.s. Tho little fellow was severely injured. If correspondents of ihe Wasco county papers are to be believed, the way the government work at the Cas cade locks is carried on, the appropri ations are not doing much good to tho government, or an body else. One of Hurlburt's assistants came in from the scene of the present sur vey yesterday, and leports three feet of snow on the divide of the Nehalem. Hurlburt had been looking for a suit able pass down Big Creek, but last Friday returned to Portland. Firss Lieutenant Tuttle is tempora rily in command of the revenue cut ter Kusli, owing to Captain Shep ard's promotion. It i3 believed that this officer will be promoted to the command, as his long experience in Alaskan waters eminently fits him for the position. Samples of ore from newly discov ered tin mines in the Cascade moun tains above ihe Green river, assay eight per cent. tin. Thousands of tons of good ore reported in sight The discovers thought a coal measure had been struck, and it was only on exam ination that it was found to be the richest tin ore in the world. Councihnen Welch, Cleveland and Bergman showed up last night in the council room; so did auditor and po lice judge Jewett, city attorney No land and an Astoriax reporter, and after losing some precious time wait ing for auother to make a quorum and do something, it was decided to try it again Saturday night. Capt J. H. D. Gray will accept the postmastership. He or somebody else can make a good record in that office, and shine by contrast with the way it has been run for the past few years. No blame is lo be attached lo post master Bell; he ha3 filled the onerous position to the best of his ability, but the office has been a constant source of annoyance, all round. W7hen a telegraph or telephone wire comes in contact with a bare electric light wire, it may be charged with a current sufficient to melt and burn it If in this condition it comes in con tact with any combustible material, even though it be miles from where the wires cross, a fire may be the result Consequently no business man who has a telephone knows when his building is safe, A paragraph is going the rounds about a girl dying from tight lacing. One bold newspaper man comment-?-nrr on the fact says: "These corsets ought to be done away with, and if the girls can't live without being squeezed we suppose men could be found wno wouiu buui-wtc uiCJuo.w. As old as Tve are we'd rather devoto three tours a day without a farthing of pay, as a brevet corset, than see these girls dying in that manner. Office hours almost any time." Yesterday Evening's ChrMm i Tuts. There were Christmas trees in all the churches yesterday evening: At the Congregational church there were two trees, one on each side of the Christmas ship; all illuminated and loaded with presents; a pro gramme consisting of sacred songs and recitations, was neatly rendered. Aug. Friecke acted as Santa Claus; every body was happy: Mr. Hall, the worthy pastor, received many handsome pres ents and $50 gold coin. Tho Methodist church was filled to repletion with 150 children and their parents last eening. The handsome Christmas tree was loaded down with presents for the children. J. Toll, acted as Santa Claus and gave general satisfaction. It would have gladdened the heart of any person who could have seen the children's ejes glisten with delight when their names were called and went forward to receive their piescnts. Recitations songs and essas, by the different members of the Sunday school were w ell rendered. The pastor was well remembered by a Christmas cift of a well-filled purse. At the Presbyterian church the lit erary exercises began with music by the choir, then a prayer by E. C. Holden, then music, next a reading i'The Child's Kingdom" by Miss Em ma Warren and music by the school, tlipn n TwH:it?nn 'Tlir'Rankfr's Christ mas Gift'' by Pearl Holden followed by music by the school, a few remarks by Mr. Campbell, music by the choir and the distribution of presents. At the Baptist church there was some very fine .music, a well laden Chrislman tree, J. E. Higgins appear ing as a veritable Santa Claus, sleigh, bells and all. At Grace Episcopal church the zealous ladies had a splendid Christ mas tree, fine music, and a handsome remembrance for Mr. Short, the rector. Were it not for the ladies of the several churches the work would languish. They one and all deserve credit for their unselfish and nntir inr efforts, and last night found THE BANNER YEAS. The Salmon Paok of The Ooast. NEARLY HALF CONTRIBUTED BY ALASKA. Whoro PacVed: Where Amount on Gone: Hand. Apparent S. F. COMM. ADVKBTISEB. The following tables show in detail the salmon pack of the coast for the season of 1889: Locality. Cases. Alaska 675,000 British Columbia Cases. FraserKiver 304,000 SkeenaKiver 58,250 Naasltiver 19,413 River's Inlet 25,750 AlertBay 6.9S7 J 414 400 Columbia River ' 328,'000 Sacramento River 57,300 Miscellaneeus: ShoalwaterBay.. Gray s Harbor.., Nehalem Tillamook Nestueca Alsea Siuslaw Coquille Umpqua '.... Coo3Bav Rogno River Eel River Paget Sound.... 22,300 31,000 6,000 9,090 6,000 12,000 12,000 10,000 li.000 7,000 22,000 11,000 12,000 MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The steamer Lakme sails for Seat tle to-day. The steam schooner Augusta arrived from 'Tillamook last evening. The British ship Clan McKenzie, 103 days from Bio Janeiro, arrived in yesterday. The barkentine Tarn CShanter sailed yesterday lumber laden for San Francisco. The lighthouse tender Manzanita returned from a cruise up the Sound yesterday where she has been attend ing the lighthouses and buoys. The Dolphin arrived from Shoal water bay yesterday with 1,100 cases salmon for B. A Seaborg, and 1,000 Backs oysters to be shipped to San Francisco. 175,300 The Orenonian should chose some other means of announcing that Port land had at last given up its claims to be a seaport, besides trying to inflict such a mendacity upon a surprised public. Take, for instance, the case of the Abei com on which poor Charley Johnson was Jrowned. The Oregonian of yesterday, says: 18S8. Abcrcorn, British bark, total loss off the mouth of the river. February 2. This is a sample lie, ju3t a brick from the wall of untruth. The British ship Abercom, 1262, from Marysport, England, went ashore on the morning of January 30th, 1888, five miles north of Damon's port, seven miles north of tho north entrance to Gray's harbor, (see official report in DaiLy Astoriax of February 7th, 1S88.) The Columbia river bar had no more to do with it than the San Francisco bar. Ignorance is excusable, and deserves only gentle rebuke, such as the origi nal statement in Saturday's Orego nian received in the next day's Asto riax. But such far reaching and in jurious falsehoods as that contained in the two column article in yester day's Oregonian deserve the severest condemnation. It is ignorance, mal ice and stupidity combined that prompt such lying utterances, and the editor of this paper is painfully sur prised that the manager of the Orego nian or whoever has charge, allowed so damaging a calumny to appear. Ordinary little lies may pass un noticed, but so grave a matter calls for prompt denial. The OregoniavJs duty in the matter is the duty that any respectable news paper owes to a constituency that it has lied to to make instant denial. The case of the Abercom is but one. Others occur, but space forbids fur ther comment The whole article is about as stupid and cruel a cut at the commerce of the Columbia river as anything that has appeared in Portland, since the famous list of alleged disasters in the News on the 8th of September 1883. Catarrh is caused 1 ciofii!ou taint m the blood, and ib cared by Hood's Sarsaparilla, -which put Hies and em idl es the blood and gius the whole sjtem health and stiength. Try this "peculiar medicine."' It is prepai ed by C. 1 . Hood & Co , Lowell, Mass. Total paok 1,650,000 DISTIUBUnON, SEASOHTO DECEUBES 1ST. To tho present month the pack had been shipped as follews: unrrrsii Columbia, to loxdon. "Vessel. C ise3. Dorh Broderseu 23,000 Titania 33,720 J. H. Hustede 50.691 Tjtbonous 57,423 163,843 TO LIVEBPOOL. Vessel. Cases. Laba 31.80L Norcross 41,522 Dochra 40,000 113,313 Total from British Columbi.i.. 283,lou FBOM COLUMBIA BIVEB BY SAIL XO LIVfiB l'OOL Vessel. Cnaes. Martha Fisher 8,650 Borrowdalo 21,755 Westland 47,426 Lord Canning 20,331 100,885 TO LONDOX. "Wanlock 26,605 Total from Columbia River by sail 127,493 SHTPMENT E1ST FBOM COLUMBIA RIYBB BY HAIL. Mouth. April May June. July August. Cases. 2,350 24,894 33,385 30,751 37,609 Seotember 26,866 October. 24,210 Novooaber 18,957 Total exports by rail 199,002 Total exports Columbia River. 326,492 Baby one Solid Rash Ucly, painful, blotched, malicious . ro rest uy uay. mo iiuacts uy miiiu. Doctors and nil remedies failed. Tried Cutipnra. I'fTVct marvel lous. Saved liia Jiff. Cured by Cuticura Our oldest child, noir six years old. when an infant six months old was attacked with a virulent, malignant skin disease. All or dinary remedies failing, wo called our familtr physician, who attempted to euro it; but it spread with almost incredible rapidity, until tho lower portion of tho littlo fellow's Eorson, from tho middle of his back down to is knees, was one solid rash, ugly, painful, blotched, and malicious. We had no rest at night, no peace by day. Finally, wo wore advised to try tho Cuticoiu Remedies. Tho effect was simply marvelous, In threo or four weeks a complete euro was wrought, leaving tho littlo follow's person as whito and healthy as though ho had novcr been at attacked. In my opinion Tour valuable remedies saved his life, and to-day ho is a strong healthy child, porfoctly well, no rep etitinn of tho disoaso having ovor occurred. KO B. SMI1II. At fy at law and Ex-Pro3. Att'y, Ash land, O. Boy Covered with Scabs Mj hoy, aged nino yoars. ha3 been troubled all his life with a very bad humor, which ap peared all ovor his body in small red blotches wiih a dry whito scab on them. Last yoar ho was worse than over, being covered with scabs from tho top of his head to his foot, and continually growing worso, although ho had hoen treated by two physicians. As a lat resort. I determined to try thoCUTicURA Ukmkdiks. and am happy to say they did all that I could wish. Using thorn according to directions, tho humor rapidly disappeared, leaving tho skin lair ana smootn.anu per forming a thorough euro. 'Ihe CUTiruitv Kkukdii-s aro all you claim for them. They aro worth their weight in cold. GEO. b LEAV1TT, No. Andover. Mass. Cuticura Resolvent The now Blood PuriDor and purost and best of Humor Remedies, internally, and CUUCUKAbOAP, anoxquisito Skin Boau tifier, externally, speedily, permanently and economically cure in early lifo itching, burn ing, bleeding, scaley, crusted, pimply, scrofu lous, and hereditary humors with loss of hair, thus avoiding years of torture and disfigur ation. Parents remember this; cures in childhood aro permanent. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticuka, 50c, ; Soap, 25c. ;Kesolveit. 81.00 Prepared by tho PoriER Drug and Chemical Corpo ration. Boston. 03"Sond for "Row to Curo Skin Diseases." 64 pagc3, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. KXVOBTS PBOM SAN FBUJCISCO, SEASON TO DEC. 1ST. Australasia 70,683 Europo .. 321,293 Eastern ports by sea 29,758 Eastern points bv rail 104,758 Orient 3,070 Pacific Islands 3,349 Spanish America 462 Total 532,716 SHIPMESTB TO EUROPE BY SAIL FBOM SAN FBANCISCO. Tho shipments to Euiope by sail are Riven below by cirgees: TO LIVERPOOL. Itpal Estate Transfers, Dec. 24. H. Gearhart and wife to J. Sinnott, lot 4 block 5S, Shively's; 250. G. L. Hall and mfe to J. C. Hol lister, lots 1, 2, and 3, block IS, Col. Add.; 82-10. A. O. Kinney and wife to Annie I. Sinnott, lots 7 and 8, block 2G, Alder brook; 459. Chas. McDonald to Wm. Kroeger, lot 11, blk 6, CoL Add.; $125. "Vv. H. Twilight and wife to A. F. Afield, SEK of SEH sec 23, T. 8 N, E 9 Y, 40 acres; $5,400. J. C. Dement to Edward K. Dowlev, lot 4, blk 2G, Dement's ; $G5. J. O. Dement to Emery L. Lilli bridge, lot 3, blk 2G, Dement's; $65. Peter Saxe and wife to Alfred Kin nev, lots 1 sec 22, T 8 N, E 9 W, 18 58 acres; $2,G01,20. T W (loco lr Cian 'RmrlnD lrtfa 1C 1R abundant reward in the gleaming 18f' 1Q and 2Q, tract 2, blk 23', H. Vessel. Dnnfillan A.J. Fuller S. P. Hitchcock Eudora Killean Case3. . 5.000 . 10,400 . 5,443 . 5,250 2,671 Armida 2,500 Southerlandshiro 42,043 Alcinous 28,021 Othello 54,515 British Isles 32,241 Anaurus 55,947 TO LONDON. Vessel. Cases. Pericles 18,062 Priorhill 35,200 Orthes 3,000 Lamorna 19,500 TO HAMBURG. Deutschland 245,031 75,762 500 RADV'Q Skin and Scalp preserved and DAD I O beautified dy Cuticura Soap. Absolutely puro. HOW MY SIDE ACHES! Aching Sides and Back, Hip, Kid- nte by the Cutlruru Anti-Pain IMns- xer. va cis. Call Bi Examine omt- LARGE DISPLAY -OF- eyes and happy smiles of the hnndreds R, 1.200. ot aeiiguteu cnuareu wno ejijoy iuu , j.. v tw1o, in nb.,nll x- n.n blessed Christmas time, that we older . te - Vg 17 18 ig and 2n. tracts 2! blk 23, H. and A.; $1,200. Uoiumuia investment uo., to Ray mond E. Eoper, lots 4, 5, and 6, blk 7, folks crown hardened in the world can never know. PERSONAL MENTION. G. "W. Eucker has rented the store now occupied by Mrs. W. J. Barry, so as to enlarge his restaurant. Wm. TJhlenhart has taken the storo lately occupied by M. C. Crosby, and will open a real estate office the first of the year. E. L. Tuttle and Charles and Henry McGowan have leased H. ManselFs store on the roadway and will open it at an early date as a real C3tale olhce. 0."W. Dunbar, late of the Tran script, is going into the real estate business in this city and Salem, and will shortly open an office for the sale of the property. Miss Annie Brown, daughter of captain Brown of the life saving sta tion, at North Cove, "Washington was married Tuesday night to captain Olsen of the tug Coleman. Col. $240. Attention I The drawing for Herman Wise's Christ mas gifts will take place at his store at 10 o'clock A. m. to-day. All holders of tickets will please take notice. The Row Ilieoi cry. You have hem d jour fuemlsnnd neigh bnrs talking about it. Xou may your self be one of the many who know from personal ccnciicncu just how good a thing it is. If you have o er ti icd it. on are one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful tnmg about it is, that when once given trial, Dr. King's New Discovery eer after holds a place in the house. If on have never used it and slrmld bo afllicted with a cough, cold or any Tin oat, Ijiing or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed cveiy time, or money refunded. Trial Uoitles Free at J. W. Conn's Drugstore. Total 321,293 EiSTBBN SniPMENTS BT RAIL. "Month. Cases. April 2,326 May 1,514 June 4,466 July 8,363 August 21,182 September 12,845 October 32,722 November 20.653 104,071 SHIPMEKTS TO EUROPE BY PACKS. So far as can be ascertained, the cargoes shipped to Europe from S. P. Cal., were made up as follews: Pack. Cases. Alaska 209,678 Columbia Itiver 9,374 Outside rivers 22.438 British Columbia 49,140 Sacramento . 15,624 Total 306,254 Unknown 15,039 Total shipments. -FOE THE- I Leading Hoyse of Astoria! For Anything in Ladies' and Gents' Fine Wear. m ill 8 tw THIS WEEK Received over Five Hundred Dozen Hankerchiefs for Ladies, Children and Gentlemen. Gents' Silk and Cashmere Mufflers. Pythian Biilftii Office oT Santa Clans December 2 1, 1.889, HI Who trade with the liveliest and most Reliable Cloth ier, whose name is HERMAN WISE, This Addition is B -3 -i I natea o s OCi antifully Sit- ast Astoria ietween and Alderbrook, on 'the Fro-posed Price $S0 and 96D-For a Few Days Only. Kill dfe GOOK Wcinli:trls Boer. And Krt'o Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. TeleiJUoneKmltcmtT SIouso. D&t Ueds ill town. Kooms per night 50 and 25 els., per week $1.50. New and clean. Private entrance. Tlie Pliautnsma CutcrtuiumrHt The entertainment to be piven at tho I opera house Thursday and Priday, Dec j otu ana zt tu is nnaer me auspices 01 tue ladies of the Presbyterian church, the having engaged Prof. Sherman, of San Francisco to eive his wonderful Phantas ma. The participants, or whom tuero are about hfty, are all Astoria young peo ple. Co. EL, O. N. G., will appear in military tableaux. Vocal and instru mental music will be furnished during tho evening by local talent. Mrs. W. C. llicord, a San Francisco vocalist, has kindly consented to sing. Keserved seats at Now York Novelty store. AVICKT aiOTIIRK. Mks. WlN'SI.OW'S Soothixq Sykup should alwajs be used for children teething. It toothes the child, softens the gums. allaj s all pain, cures wind cholicandis the best remedy fordiar-rhoKi.Twentv-tivp cents a bottle. Churche3 and Sunday Schools will bo given a liberal discount on all purchases of holiday goods. Gbiti-in h Peed. The finest turkey dinner in Astoria will be served at ltuckei's Restaurant Christmas day, from 1 p. ar. to 8 p. m. Oiegon Xinas Cards, very neatr and prettv to send to your eastern friends at Griffin & Reed's. Remember the Austin house at the Seaside Is open the year 'round. GliilflreE Cry forPitcIier's Gastoria All the patent medicines .tdcrtiscd in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug stoic, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Christmas numbers of the London News and Graphic, with large illustrated supplements at Griffin & Reed's. Ladies are invited to visit our store during the morning hour to avoid the rush in the afternoon. A better oppor tunity cin be "had to make selections. Gmfitn & Reed. 321,293 BECAPITULATION. Pack 1889 1,650,000 Exports, British Colum- oia zoo,ioo Exports, Columbia River 326,492 " San Franoisco. 532,716 1,142,371 Apparent Stock, Doc. 1 507,626 azzle Dazzl In Hansen's New Building. Ross Oiera Thursday, Friday, Dec. 26, 27 SRIRM'S WONDML PHANTASM Prices! If you want a good turkey, goose or chicken for Christinas or New Year, leave your orders at 11. T. Humphrey's. Bo You X.iIio a Good Cigar? Call at Charley Olsen's, opposite C. H. Cooper's. He will suit you. A fine stock of cigars to select from. aieals CooKed to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard' & Stokes'. Coffee and cake, ten cents Central Restaurant. at the On all Holiday novelties, especially those fine Gold, Sterling, ani Oxifei Silver EMM UMBRELLAS Now on sale at the extreme low price of AT THE WHITE HOUSE STORE, Cor. Genevieve aud Chcnamus Sts. - The Greatest Success of the Age. All of you who have bought $10 (Ten Dollars) worth of goods at Herman Wise's Big Store, and received Tickets, please call at said Herman Wise's store. Mnesiay, 25 Inst AtlO'O'clockA. JL, and Draw Your Christmas Presents ustc3?ia,. i'.ii'u ' mii.iu mi i -j ! . ii i i. . xaiij.,. ...I. i i mi i , i' . marnmiiii -WIIILE- Living People Vanishing into Wr. SO PARTICIPANTS 50 Music, Singing, Dialogue, Tableaux ; Grand est Entertainment ever given here. General Admission......... Children Under 12 Keserved Seats 25c Extra. ...50c J25C J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Faints, Oils, Qrooeriest lEIto. And Remember that it Pays to Trade with HERMAN WISE THE Reliable Clothier ana Hatter, Occident Hotel Building. -Aj? XD -THE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAY HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls s Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Goods Bought at This Establishment "Warranted Genuine. Watcla and. Cloclc Kcpairiuj A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. Regretting Lost Opportunities RENEW YOUR COURAGE ! : ACCEPT PRESENT OPPORTUNITIES. AND GET THERE ELI! SI 1535 Or Wm, Loeb, about it. Comfortable Booms to JLct. Single, or en suite, at Mrs. P. J. Good man's, K. W. corner First and JJadison streets. Here is a wee to late Money Ijit A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company, H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street whaif. H TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Tour patronage Is solicited. Abstracts of Title C. R.THOMSON Keeps a full set otAbstrsm & and uillexaraino the litlernviBOoJc Terms reasonable. "Work. guaratitM 1 X ,-. 7- rif i 5?L mJg.