m HZ V -. -X She Sails j$t0nmt. ASTOBIA. OEEGON: fbioay .DECEMBER, 20. 1SS9. Citvnml County Official Paicr. John Jacob Astob is called the richest mania New York to-day, his forinue, -which is mainly in real estate, being estimated at $100,000,000. He is about seventy years of age and a widower. Rev. jIb. Sfcrgeon, the London preacher, receives an average of 500 letters a day. and he employs three secretaries to answer the communica tions which come to him from all parts of the world. Sesor Go.vzalo Esteya, a Mexican journalist, has written a hook hearing the title of "Editorial Prison Life." He has been iu prison various time3 for speaking too freely of the govern ment, and knows the subject thorough ly. Another infant pianist ha3 been discovered. This one is but a year old. His name is Raoul Koczalski, and he has captured St. Petersburg, -where the newspapers speak in extravagant terms of his execution of works of Chopin. The Boston Qlobe has offered two prizes to the largest family in New England. A gold watch is to go the u )ther and a silver mug to the young er child. A family of seventeen has been discovered in Holyoke, Mass., and at present stand a fair chance for the prizes. The heirs of Colonel Nicholas Lotz, who died in the last century, have held a meeting at Beading, Pa., and have taken steps to sue the govern ment for 17,000,000. Lotz, it seems, furnished the American army with hay during the revolution, for which he was never paid. .Tmes A. Stewabt, the newly elected mayor of Griffin, Ga., is ono of the youngest mayors on record, his twenty-second birthday having been jiistTHJlehrnted. He is the son of congressman J. D. Stewart who was greatly surprised when he heard of his bov's election. Congressman W. L. Scott, o Erie, Pa., i worth probably $15,000,000, but he is one of the least ostentatious men in congress His face is sallow and he is rather thin and round-shouldered, withspar?e sandy hair. He repre sents, either as president or director, 22,000 miles of raroad. Phouablt not one in a hundred realizes the fact that, next to England, little Holland, whose king is at present at death's door, is the greatest col onial power in the world. The Dutch colonies have an area of nearly 800, 003 square miles, which includes some of the finest colonial possessions in the world. liEV. Cjbert CoiiTjTeu has pres ented Cornell college with an old factory bell which had an interesting history. It wa3 the bell that rang him to work every morning in his young days when he worked at the blacksmith's forge and fixed the time the day's toil was over. The bell will be used at Cornell for summoning the students to their classes. An interviewed Michigan farmer exclaimed the other day: "Bring along a cyclone powerful enough to raise a mortgage, and you may bet your sweet life that half tho farmers in this country would be mighty glad to shake hands withthe critter." It is an open question whether a mort gage is not, after all, a tougher cus tomer than a cyclone. Give us on the part of our lawmak er a wiser policy in measures cal culated to foster new industries, ex tend our commerce, and increase all facilities for the education and train ing of the masses so that they may be come intelligent, law-abiding, indus trious and useful citizens, and the United States will achieve results sur passing anything recorded in the his tory of. the world. The total extinction of wild ani mals that are too large.to effectually secrete themselves from, rapacious hunters is Imerely a question of time. The day is coming, unless the law in tervenes, when no animals hut those that crawl and burrow will be left for the sportsman. In that coming time turtle stalking may of necessity be raised to the rank of sport. The salary of each member of the cabinet is $S,000: that of each justice of the TJ. S. supreme court, $10,000, ex cept that of the chief justice, which is $10,500. Each member of congress, senator and -representative, receives $5,030 and mileage, also $12-1 per annum, for stationery and news papers. The speaker s salary is the same as that of the president of the senate, $3,000. 2d. The mileage of members of congress is twenty-five cents per mile of travel, each annual session, to and from Washington. Ihe shrewdest criminals met with iu New York police courts are the Chinese. From the moment of arrest to the moment of trial they are abso lutely non-committal. They disclaim everything and admit nothing. This silence prevents the police from form ing any clues or from utilizing such confessions or explanations as most criminals, or persons accused of crime are accustomed to make. Next to the Chinese, the most reserved and taci turn of the residents of New York are the Bohemians. The daily news tells us that a short timp ago the mission school in Zahleh was attacked by some boys who threw wones at the doors and windows. apJaintwiwinade, snathe Mudie adopted the punishment of pulling ha mothers of the troublesome bovs in prison for several days. This ce'r tainly -will have toe salutary effect of making the influence of mothers bear more practically upon the mainten ance of law and order. How ivould it wor to punish teachers when their pupils commit crimes? A CASS IN POINT. la oar forefathers' davs, pimples were at tabard to diseased blood. But modem modicmc has demonstrated that rich food does not create eruptions by fouling tho blood, but retards dljesUoa, which makes the stomach torpid, and the circulation sluggish, and in turn causes an enfeebled action of the pores which congest or become Pimply. The modern theory therefore is not to treat the blood, but the stomach and liver and it is under this new idea, that Joy's Vege table Sarsaparilla was conceived. It is wip ing the old "blood disease" idea out of ex istence. A case in peint: "I Lac had for rears spells of indigestion and dvspepsia and tried nearly everything Finally I took one of Iho leading sarsoparillas. It caused pim ples to break out on my Tace, which I was told was caused by the potash . Ilearlug that Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla did not con tain mineral, I sent for It Tho pimples dis appeared and I havo had no return of the ld spells. II is a cure for indigestion and iyapepsia and the attendant face eruptions." Mna. C. D. Stuaet, 1221 Mission street. S. 1". Christmas numbers of the London JSTeivs and Graphic, with large illustrated supplements at Griffin & Keed's. Comfortable Rooms to Lei. Single, or en suite, at Mrs. P. J. Good man's, N. W. coiner First and Madison streets. NEW TO-DAY For Sale, HOUSE AND TWO LOTS, 50x150 EACH, In Snivel j 's Astoria. Price 2400. t o tliirds down, balance in six months. Corner andadjoinmplot in block 28. Aklerbroek: price $1230. inquire at this office. For Rent. SOME NICE OFFICE ROOMS OVEUTHE Mikado candy store for lent. Inquire of Aie Campbell. CO TO LARSON & HILLBA0K GROCERIES! ANI reiKSBS FRUITS. Order-? Delivered Free of Charge. Country Orders Solicited. Third street. next to 1'ioncer ofllce. I .Mil prepared to furnish KN ABE. STECK. BEIIK BROS., Ol'KRA, IIAlIMiNl) and I other Tianos. i Also ORGANS. VIOLINS, GU1TAKS. Etc Every in&truinent elccted personally and guaranteed at i rices which defy competition. Prot Francis Residence at Mrs. Ilolden's. Eight Okoice Lots, i Pianos aM OrpsJ H0STLER& AlKMifJSt TRACT. Hill $oaa t 4 nrw run TAin ment of Holiday Goods and Toys ever shown to the pub-ZOOl2iAOillU-llAl.licofAstoria ' iMate k Stone. FIEE BEIT. A decent lannlv cm lme a corn! house, 22x, with woodshed. RENT FREE, for a limited time; street cirs posing ly the door. Inquire of RUDOLPII EA11TII, Corner 'I hinl and Olney. J. P. DEALER IN- Groceries Produce. totcr Stiect. Asroiin, Oregon. TELKrilOC SO. 7. - V. O. BOX S22. THEO. BRACKER. Second Street. A L:irge Supply of Meerschaum and Brier Pipes. ALSO, Amber Ciyarand Cigarette Holders Especially Fit For Birthday and Christmas Presents. ALSO. A Javp invoice of fresh Imported, and Kev We&t 01171 ; amongst otherbrauds tlje weil-Unowii "Flor itt- Mtulrid " Kxpresri niul Transfer. u. a:i:i Vnsl. SSsIttcbrnii.i, Proprietor'!. Headquarters at Foard &. Slokes. LEAVE ORDERS AT PETER BRACH'S, Uppertown. BififiAGE. FK EIGHT. ETC., PROMPTLY DELIVERED In any part of the CU3'. Magnus G. Crosby Dealer In HAOW1BE, DHffl, STEEL. iron- Pipe and Fittings, STOVES. TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, "3?el and Copper. HAS AN ASTOE I A OFFICE S. W. C0K. THIRD AVND 0LHEY sffitfte,. Buy and Sell Property on Commission. We Deal in Real Estate and are Successful in Our Business. Worsley&Camitliers Will in a Few days Place upon the Market the BEAUTIFUL ADDITIONS, This BcauMf ill Tiact joins the City upon . the east and will he. in diiect connection with the ELECTRIC MOTOR LINK Carriers' Our Suburban Wotdein Addition, will command j'oui attention during tho coming week. Come and See Us. tnujjutnw.- -U- i ,.', ? The Holiday Season is are now prepared to show LU! FflQtfo 1P1 j Audition W& I Brush and Comb sets, Manicure sets, Glove and Hand kerchief boxes, Work boxes, all sizes and prices from $1.50 upwards. v Lei T re sque ases. At our ANNEX can be Toys, Wagons and Dolls, of A?tine kid-body bisque-head doll for -Joe; larger ones, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50. Dolls all sizes and prices. Our stock is complete. Call and examine our goods and get prices. No trouble to show goods. VISIT OUR ANNEX. ACEEAGE WATEH FROST. To satlsf v the demand and give all a chance u e -n ill offer for sale on FRIDAY MOltNIXti, DECEMBER 13th. Acreage and Water Front Property in Five Acre Tracts, Located w ithin one awl Tone-hair miles of the Astoria Custom House. For particulars inquire at the ofllce 01 the ASTORIA 3EOSAX JESSuauTEJ GO ' H E P e? n 1 H S h if B 3 B 8 i ' ' ! On December Uth I shall offer For hale a Few Lots in Block 140, Shively's Astoria, Situated on tho inadway, one block ' West of Clatsop Mill. ThlsBlork has been filled in, is on the street cr.r hm and only five minutes valk from O 11, & N. wharf, and patties uuilihiig thereon can immediately rent houses :it prices tint will piy lan;e interest. Prices from $600 to $1,250. See jil.it at T J. tj mai M a. umim 0) Ron! Estate Broker. srsreHSi-'EBTwa now fast approaching. We the largest and finest assort- s. ases, s. ironzes, E found a lame assortment of every description. ACRJLAtx WATER FRONT. J. H. MANS ELL fCS3 rTHTI e fc s k ? a aa HOTAKl' PUBLIC FOK STATE OF OBEGON. City Lots and Acrs Property. Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Envestments made for Outside Parties. Established, 18S3. Correspondence Solicited. Xet W. U. Telegraph Ofliee. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX S6S. Several blocks havo already been spoken for, so uitfuthnir purchaseis had better iet in and secure choce lot:-. This addition is beautifully lo-; the most owt'tinij. This nroperty cated within one and a half miles being bo near tho city makes it of the center of the city of Astoria 1 especially desirable for tradespeo on the southern slope, and from its; pie and business men needing- a excellent location and the magniri- suburban home within easy reach cent views to be obtained frem: of their nusiness. Lots will be every quarter is acknowledged to; put on the market till January 1st be one of the most desirable and: at Sixty Dollars for Inside Lois picturesque additions ever put on j and Seventy Dollars for Corners, the market. The government; and a: the number is limited, ap military road on the north and the plication had better be made early Electric Motor line on the seuth: in order to secure the best loca make it so accessible as to satisfy : tions. For PlaU and Particulars Apply at the Office of lORUV jSL 3I?C5S5.X jsl , n m ft rs n ,MwiUISfl& ifiill fcJySiifc!iy a lIUUsU: s m mis ira Spot aw Jim m . IlIk:iKfe;f at ipSaUp Invest at once and double your money in less than 60 days. For further particulars call on or address: ASTORIA, Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I havo completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. IP I KEE"S IN STOCK THE Finest. Woolen Goods for Suitings. ALL THE LATEST S 1TLES. He buys for Cash, at Eastern Prices. He Gnaiantees the Rest Workmanship on nil garments. Call and see for yourselves. Earth's Block, Astoria 1 ! "X"jbLJbi Astoria Eeal Estate Co. Office First Door South of the Odd Fellows Building BOP -oFSI ilnrfiSnS IPS yiFPiFO .$ in Blocks 21 HUSTLER & AIKEN'S ADDITION. From thePostoflice. SIXTY o these Lots sold within the past 8 days. The price of this Choice Property is going tip daily, and may be taken off the market at any time. Price of Lots, $125 to $200, according to Location. r nrcnArpn CDITT1C sea o :o.:H2 cs-oibst Sa2?E mjjMH -OREGON. Less than 1 Mile ill -Suburb.- ics. ; Hi III F54 s a ok & an 9 23 and 28, - THE Still Leads With the largest Ever brought to Astoria. GiFTS AMD PRICES Call and be FlavcPs Double Brick Building. Opposite Occident Hotel, Astoria, Oregon. Toiir loiy Wortii IS WHAT YOU GET AT iy IN Groceries and Provisions. Everything in a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. TSe Highest Price l'ald for Junk. FOARD & STOKES iBEEfflOlffi i Have Secured the Sale of Two Blocks of J. Matier Addition to Skipanon. Gall To-Day. Also Eighteen Good Lots in George RicEwan's Seaside Ad dition. Buy Now While They are Cheap. The New Model Kange CMS BE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF H ri&s&& lUkidbAA WAS aBarfSBfeaT-K Agent. Call and Examine It ; You "Will be rieased. E. R. Ilawes Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand, jotfTCffg?1 J1 '.nam,ixr.,SK,cjtKw-f ffutjanys" ? AND 5000 doublo roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of tho latest styles and shades just received direct from Eastorn factories.' Also a largo assortment of Of all grades in beautiful now designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBORN. W.LJUdVUtMSVf.tMADmJJi BBHSSSrSM JlilfpggiSgi These SEINES aro mado true taper and from an actual scale, and will hang true and draw when hung in to line3, and from tho Cold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine. RIGHT AND LEFT HAND LAID PATENT ROPE, 9 thread and larger, soft and free from kinking. SALMON TRAP NETS knit from the 'Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine, superior to the medium laid, stronger, more durable and Holds Tar Longer. Letters or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention. American Net & Twine Co Kstablisued 1812. Boston, N. B. Wo have tho largest Netting and Twine plant. New and. costly machinery has lately been added for knitting heavy Traps for tho Columbia river, and Seines for the Alaska Salmon Fisheries, and the most skillful help employed. Highest awards at Boston, 1SG9, Philadelphia. 187G London Fisheries Exposition. 1SS3. Elmore, Sanborn & Co., Astoria Agents. - NOVBltV u r a-j as Usual and finest line of rm i TO SUIT EVERYBODY ! convinced. or.ro r. pakkek. CAUL A. HANSON SUCCESSORS TO DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK. il,,i;ri4nr. flnnrlr,. ! UTOitii lilMS! The Old Stand - Astoria Orecon. k STEWS, ii.g 'JLKXLtuunizpruuLXJLxanxjszar Mass. Capital, S350,00O. ; t-j iji ou ta ra P4 u.- i b Cfe- ' lf. "V