mJ LJ? VOL. XXXIII, NO, 137. Tt is jterfectlj eafe to predict .villi the rapid growth of Portland, nod the marked ndantages West Portland Park has by reason of its locatiou, motor Hue and B.uilder's Association, lota there will be worth five hundred (300) to a thousand (81000) withiu tho next year. Portland is by all ; odds the leading city or the great and prosperous Pacific Nortwest; it is the great money center; it is the great wholesale jobbing center; it the great manufacturing center, and while it does not blow j as many boom trumpets, or blow them as loud as some other cities, yet in its increase of wealth, j population and businesp, it advances every year more than the combined growth of all the cities of the Pacific Northwest. In the last year the valuation of Portland increased nearly eleven million j dollars ($11,000,000)., while within the last nine months the building ani improvements have reached the marvelous sum of eleven million dollars (11.000,000). No better judges of places of ia- j vestment are kuown than railroad men; and it speaks with emphasis for Portlaud real estate when j it is known that within the last six months more than four million dollars ($4,000,000) have been in- vested by them in real estate in and around the city of Portland. "West Portland Park is one of the j most beautiful and healthy locations around Portland. It is safe to say that such an opportunity j as West Portland Park offers to investors of moderate means who are seeking a safe and profitable j investment has never been known in all the great opportunities of the Northwest. The civil engi- : neer who surveyed this tract of land (and ho is one of tho best in the city; says it U the roost de- j irablo tract of land for residences he has ever surveyed. : business Property. On 2nd, 3rd, 4th. and 5th Streets! InCeiitie of Town. Lots from S4,000 to $ 1 0,003.1 ONE BL'H'K With Water ont ise o.i Kiver. In Luslm-'S pair of town. $25,000. 260 Acres Bottom Land Alongside Astm i.i & South Coast V.. V.. n C':itsop PJal'-.s. Go.id Cedar Timber Land. SuitL-V for PHttinn. 325 per Acrei Cheap. WIWGATE & STOKE. Astoria-I!wacG. AND VX POINT -s Tlio Steamer 'Volga' CAPT P FAR1U1J, Master, ! Will leave every daj , Sand iy excepted ! Cannerv at llwaco .0 :13 a. :i, . H. B. Parker' Dock. Astoria.. .2 :tr. p. M. j For Freight or Passigc. apply on board. Piano Tuning, i At theSolint'ttinn of M.uix FruMids ProL Francis j Has decided to multc Astoria his future j home. P.uties ownln-r Platios ran iiave them J.t'pt in KrsJ-elass tune, tlie eari around. " ; llaviuj: eenri.l the prmcsp.il pitwnae i of Astoii.i for tuohf jears, lie hopes to! merit a oonttuuance of tlie same. i lie takes pleame in refeninK to any and j neiywell e:taldislicd Music llou-e on the Coast, from Victoria lo .os Anpeles. j l'eidenee at Mrs. HoMenV. C P. Upshur, Shipping and Commission Merchant .".TatuSt. Wharf. AMon.t. sr. n. S1T.CIAI.TIK. Cannery Supplies Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NKITUNE I'.rand feahnon Twine. WOODnr.IlRY Cotton Lines and Twines SEINES and NETTING Ofa'I Description Fninished ai factory Prices. FIRE INSURANCE Etiected in Fir-t Cl.is Cnnpanie, Jiepiesenting SI 3,000,000 P1KENIX, Hartford, Conn HOHE, New Yoik, Ageac) Pacific Express and Wells, Fargo t Co. The New Model Kange CA.N BE HAD IN Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. K. It. nawes Is also Agent for tut Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. WALL WM.W AND u CI LIU 0 U Eull HH 1 1 U lid i 6000 double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades just received direct from Eastern factories. ''Also a large assortment of CARPETS, Of aH grades m beautiful new designs NiW Smyrna Rugs, PortierenQurtins, ChnaattJng, Etc., Etc. n.H and AT.mine. . w y- The Teacher iVliu .idvised her jmiiild to strengthen ;he:r minds y tho use of Ayer's Sar jsparilla, appreciated the truth that jodilj health is essential to mental .-ijior. For persons of delicate and feeble on jtitution, whether young or old, this Medicine is reinaikahly lieneflcial. Bo hup j ou get Ayer's Sarsaparllla. " Eveiy spiing and fall I talie a num hci of bottles of Ayei's Sarsaparilla, and am great lv benefited " Mrs. James H. Eastman, Stoneham, Mass. "I Lave taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla v. It h gi eat benefit to my general health." Miis Thirza L. Crerar, Palmyra, Md. "My daughter, twelve years of age, aas suffeied foi the past ye'ar from General Debility. A fexv weelcs since, we began to givo i tier Avers oarsaparma. iter ueaitn has nearly improed." Mrs. Haniet H. Itattles, South Chelmsford, Mass. "About a year ago I began using Ayer's naisapaiHla as a remedy for debility tsii.l neuialgia lesulting irom malarial cxposuie in the army. ' I was in a very bad condition, but six bottles of the Sar- apaiilla, with occasional doses of Ayer's Piili, have greatly improved ray health. am now' able to work, and feel that I cannot $ay too much for your excellent remedies." 1 A. Pinkham, South Moluncus, Me "My daughter, sixteen years old, ia t.Miig'Aver'g Sarsaparilla with good ef ffjt." P.ev. S. J. Graham, United Iheihren Chinch, Bnokhannon.'W. Va. I suffered from Nervous Prostration, (. ith lame ha-. and headache, and have (ci-ii much benefited by the use of Ayer's Sai.saparilla. I am now 80 years of age, and am satisfied that my present health and piolonged life are due to the use of V r Sarsaparilla." Lucy Moflitt, Kiilingh, Conn. Mrs. Ann II. Farnsworth, a lady 79 rirs old, So. Woodstock, Yt., writes: "AftiT several weeks' suffering from ii-i vons prostration, I procured a bottle i.f Acer's Sarsaparilla, and before I 1 .id taken half of it-my uual health ii'turnrd." iAyer's Sarsaparilla, rP.EPARED BY Dr. J.-C. Ayer &t Co., Lowell, Mass. Trice & ; rix lott!cs. 3. Woith $5 a bottle. ITMelsBfi, Lester & Aiienei, CIVIL ENGINEERS. Surveyors and Architects. Oprior.. Room Fi.avki.'s lii.uV.. SECOND STREET 1. O. Uox 8W. ASTORIA. OR. Win. B. Adair, REAL ESTATE AGENT. X. K. Tor. Olney and Third ts P. O. Box 436. Particular attention given to Properties in Uvper Astoria ;ate to imrchase of Tim ber 1-ands. ASTORIA, ONLY OF UttiprHttUSBUllN: ! : i lllllltllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII j Agent for 0A1T OHINAMEN HOLD EEAL ES TATE? A Skeptical Gentleman Was Thoroughly Convinced That These People Do. A yreat many people laboi under the impression that a Chinaman can not craii real estate in this country. A gentleman who was showing an east ern friend around town yesterday, ex plained to him that the Chinese stores on Second street were all built on leased ground, because Chinese could not own tlie ground. A person pass ing who heard the remark informed the speaker that he was mistaken, and that Chinamen could bu,y own and hold real estate as well as any one else it they had the money. "Well, that may be so,' was the reply, but I should like to have you show me a Chinaman who owns a foot of land in this state." lie was told to come along and see such a. one, and the party proceeded to the store of Seid Back, on Front street On being questiond, Seid Back ac knowledged that he owned a quarter block on First and Hall, on which were five houses, a lot on First near Market, on which were two stores, half a block in Couch precinct, four lots in McMillan's addition, East Port land, and two lots in Carrnther s ad dition. "When asked how much tho property had cost him Seid Back smiled and said, "Something over $30, 000." When asked how much it was worth now, he smiled a broader smile and said: "I guess you must want to get the assessor after me." Tho gentleman who thought Chi nese could not hold property in this stale threw up the sponge, but said, 'well I am certain that Chinese can not own real estate in California." "Oh, yes ihey can,"' said Seid Back, "a friend of mine owns property on Du pont street, San Francisco, for which he paid $72,000. My friend Lee "Won Gow here, of the Chown "Wah com pany, on Second street, owns a farm of about 400 acres at "Weimar, in Placer cdunty, Cal., for which he paid $17,000. Lee "Won Gow stated that he had 20,000 peach trees, 5,000 apri cots and 2,000 plum trees on his ranche, beside some 000 apple trees. He has it leased for $1000 a year. In the fruit season 120 men are employed on the farm. Last year the lessee made nothing, but this year he lias made some money. There are prob ably many Chinese owning property on this coast and there is nothing to prevent them from owning more if they can pay for it.'' -Oregonian, 12. A PiizIe. Wh grown men and women with matured reflective pow-crs should neglect thoir small ailments is really a puzzle. Hosts of other wise sensible pcoplo thus bewilder conjecturo. It is ono of tho things which, as the lato la mented Lord Dundreary exclaimed, "no fel lah can find out.' Diseases crow faster than weeds, and, moreover, beget one another. Incipient indigestion, a touch of biliousness, slight irregularity in the habit of body what complex and serious bodily disturbance, not local, but general, do thoqo not beget, if dis regarded? Baffle and drive off the foo at the first onsot with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, sovereign among preventives. A constitution invigorated..a circulation enriched, a brain and stomach tranquilized by this national medicine, becomes well nigh invulnerable. The bitters counteract malaria, rheumatism and kidney complaint The dead letter office continues to afford astonishing proof of the care lessness of the American people. Let ters containing stamps, photographs and drafts are dropped iiito the slot un sealed, and a number of Chicago peo ple have been so intent on securing the world's fair for their city that they have mailed letters -with no stamp, but with world's fair stickers. TIfAT TERRIBLE CO IT. II In the morning, hurried or difficult breathing, raising phlagm, tightness in (he uhest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or sweats at night, all or any of these things are the first stages of consumption. Dr. Acker's English Cough Remedy will cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee b7 J. W. Conn. New York has 1-cenfc coffee booths. Ladies will find relief from headache, costlveness, swimming in the head, col ic, sour"storuach, lvstiessness, indiges tion, constant or periodical sick head aches, weakness in the back or kid neys, pain in the shoulders and differ ent parts of the body, a feeling of las situde tind despondency, bv J along bitnmons Liver .Regulator. Jt is not unpleasant, is purely vegetable,, and is '.nortajurtons-io the most'delicate constitution. ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13. - ,-TTf est PARK! ' A rich, beautiful tract of table laud,;seven hundred (700) feet abovo the Willam ette. Beautiful parks, with mineral springs, shade tree3 and macadamized walks. A building society in operation erecting cottages and stores for rent or sale. Only 500 of the 3700 of these lots are placed on the market at a quarter of their valne. These Lots are Sold on the Installment Plan, With easy payments, or a liberal discount for cash. A special arrangement will be made with parties purchasing one or more blocks. TTl.rMr A carriage will bo in waiting with intelligent nud gentlemanly salesmen to show paities-those lots, the work being done by the builders' association and tho motor line. West Portland Park Ass'n. RO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT , U. m0 MMfsiPsm, o- :io ? ' - j- r. t. - . Ih5iz3i'fci2we ; . ?vs fv- AST.-iC7li VCG2TABLC AUt.TLt.55 i.i".n K'.ZCIZIUC PHILADELPHIA. Price. ONEDolUr 1 Ltlft.m -Mt Tho majority of thn ills of tho human body arlso from a dineaseil Liver. Sini znons Liver Regulator lias been the mcana of restoring more pcoplo to health ant. happiness by giving them a licnlthj Idver than any other asency on earth. SEE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE. Price SI. The Onion. ltolauicully, the onion belongs to the lily family. Tlie odor of tho vegetable, which is what makes it so unpleasant, is due to a volatile oil, which is tlie same as that in garlic, though in the onion it is milder, and, naturally does not last long; there aro, besides, easy Mays, if one only knows them, of remoung at once all unpleas antness from the breath, A little par sley, or a few grains of coffee, or even a wallow or two of milk, if takeji sifter eating, proves an effective remedy. J3oiled" onions are the least objectionable in re gard to odor, and are as ensily diges ted as any. The oil in tlie onion passes off in tho water in which the yegtables are boiled, and it tho kettle is kept closely covered and the water changed after they have boiled fivo minutes, and then again ten minutes later, there willbeno odor through tho house, and tho onions will be white instead of gray, us they so often are. Besides being rich in flesh-forming elements, raw onions are especially good for breaking up a heavy cold; they are silso stimulating lo fatigued persons, aud are otherwise beneficial. A CHILD UIIiliF.IK Another child killed by the ue of opiates given in the form" of Soothing syrup. Why mothers give tlieii child ren such deadly poison is surprising, when they can relieve the child of its Beculiar troubles by using Dr. Acker's aby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine. Sold by J. W. Coxx. In the little town of Schleswig-Hol-stein there 'is a tax exemption for dogs "that sleep with their masters and mistresses, and so preserve them from gout, rheumatism and like pains." Don't neglect your cough! Ayer's Oherry Pectoral will cure it, andpre vent consumption. Write J. 0. Ayer GoM Lowell, for evidence. Wife Mother wants to come and mako us a visit, John, but Pm afraid sho never will us long as we have that parrot. Sho detests parrots. Hus bandDoes she? Wife Yes, and you know you have a standing offer of 50 for that bird. Husband My dear, I wouldn't sell that parrot for 3150. tVhen Bby was sick, we gave her Castoria. ITfcen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she bec&aelCse, 8ho clunto Castoria, iVKen aijahad ChildrVnTshB gave them Castoria iws Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria - , - )r. Office Abington Bld'g, Fooling a Sheep Dot;. . I was staying with a Kentucky far mer one night, and soon after supper he stud to his three sens: ' "Well. l'oy. it is tho right sort of n night, and 1 reckon you'd better put J tho wool on and lie low.' When I asked for an explanation of his strange words, he invited me to go out to tho bjin wheie the boys had prccedetl us, and where I found each I one covered with a disguise made of ! J sheepskin. Each one had a short, j neavy eiuo, v.iui a portion ot it orna .mcntedwithbht'rp .spikes, nnd when ; ready rhcy went oer to the pasture p here about one hundred sheep were lying. When down on their hands ;andlnn-f. md a little v,ay off thoy i-closely rc-oiulfletl jnveigrcwn sheep. Tlicy tool; different stations, and -the fanner and I sat down in a fence cor ner to wait. It was perhaps"; an hour before an alarm came. Then a dog stole into the field from the rear side, and the sheep came running toward us. Pres ently there was a yelp, and then all grew quiet. Ten minutes later a see ond dog came in and he was soon fol- J lowed by a third. Then, a3 half an hour passed without an other alarm, the tlnee boys came over to us. each dragging a dead dog by the tail. "Git tho spade and let's bury 'em' said the old man. "How many does this make this summer, Eeube?" "Twenly-six, I reckon." 'Nicest thing in tho world," con tinued tho father, as he rubbed his hands together.' "Dog lakes one of the boys for an old wether, makes a dash at him, and the next tlung he i kuows his head is busted. No shoot ing, no row to attract the neighbors, ' and the man who missqe his dog can , have no hard feeling. Tumble'em in boys, and then we'll tap the barrel of now cider." Nan Tey: Sim. If jour lung trouble is of sciofu- lous origin, Ayer's Sarsaparilla will , cure you. AIJEYOF MADE uiwrabl" hy in dtecstion, Di7.iiKv-N. Los of Appetite. Yellow kiJ5'.' ShilohV Vitamer i:i positive euro. At J. C. Dement'. THK KEV. GEO. II. TilAYEIC. Bourho'", lnd . .as: "Uolh nivseif and wife owe our lives to Shilnlfs Cons tion Cure. At J. ( Dcment'.s SlHJiOir CATARRH REMLDY a positive euro for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Cankt r Mouth. At .1. C. fiemenfs. WHY WILL YOl' cough when Shi loirs Cu,ie will give immediate relief. Price. 10 e's.. ro cis. and si. at ,J. C. De nicnl's vQg UA.2. WolJNDS,CbTS,SWELL!NSS E. QpeIycPei?roQT7eT)tIy r'by DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS? T&CHAS.A.VOGELER Co. BALTO.Ma 'Ihavobeena crcat sufferer from Torpid liver and Dyspepsia. Every thlng I ate disagreed Tvlth too until i began taTiing I can now digest any Idnd of food, never liavo a headache, and have gain cd fifteen pounds in tvelght." TT. C. SCmJLTZE, Columbia, S. C. SOJJ) EVERYWHEKE. Office, 44 Murray St., Hew York. A Perfect Face Powder. DBEUAM'e Hrefcalc-freo from AGE POWDER "tt? gitahllinil UFpoIton fuh Iblc Uon'trnb off. bold bjUrcUt , J. W. COjKs Jill. STRICKT.ER: THEODORE OtSE. the latest PERFUME exquisite !to FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA EKmEm3 Gamefl IS Poiis. IH89. To those who suffer from poor tenements, high rents, crowded streets, there nre a foj tab worth considering in connection with beautiful West Portland Park. You avoid city tax ana to fnv ntirl MA& .. l 1. 1 tm -r- . - - 1.1.- vrtrtlnriA DciU i "uu kci, yum- iuoi at one-uau cost, ion get good Dure water and live aoove suo uiu -lonr payment on your lot and house each month will not amount to what your rent doe3 now. xou aro simply purchasing your home by paying your rent; you will have enough vacant room on you lot for n kitchen Pnrdpm vnn nnn 1.-po nln'M-ono nn1 o nm it v. o fit- in An an: vou will not ut- lot for n kitchen garden; you can keep chiokens and a cow compelled to live on and down two or three pair of stairs. In comparison, j-ou are no farther from West Portland Part, with a motor road, than from Twenty-first street to the bridge by street car, while it willbe amuoa It , iC " UL travBiluSi wiiu ies3 time ana only nve cents rare, vv est runwuu -.--- - within what must be the limits of the City of Portland in the near future. There uo high hills to scale, no rivers with tneir draw bridge hinderances to pass in reaching tho Park. When there you do not have to keep your eye on it in fear of a changing surface from shifting sand, or iSS3.6 ?,m,lr5?y bottom, or difficult of grade and cultivation from ledge3 and rocks. A BEATJTIi UM FERTILE, DRY, HEALTHY TABLE LAND. These lots can be purchased on the installment plan, or by paying cash for a lot a cottage will be put upon it, if desired, and paved for by monthly payments, les3 than the rent of the same tenement would be in tho oity. The owners and manager of this beautiful residence spot intend to moke it tho choice suburb of tho city of Portland. i I a J a : : Room 13. j POWDER Absolutely Pure. 'lliv powiifi ni'viT v.met, a mutti'l of ,urit.-, itreiit;th and v.holesomeness, .More economical than the oniinarv kinds, and can not he sold In competition with the multi tude or low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in cam. IiOYA IIAKIXO POWDKRCO..106 V'all-St.. N". Y. Lewis M. Johnsox & Co., Agents Port land, 'iiegon. &AKIH5 "my establishment known as the ' 1TIENNJL HAVE NO EQUAL ! ' PfnB5Hif . j WWf SL ya ft I 1 lfiR,s"iMl xssTl UZW $&r3 Fi vale :it a luru.iin. rr p.u ticul-ns :i,ply ' S ; Gn WB Fisher, "S Proprietor. ( SjMsirf!sSy "IShively's Astoria. IU-e.ni.i..4 To-I,V I Oiler for Sale. SgSKSSiiSI fl Some of the lfest liesidence fS :-MM hh m-Mi- Lots in the City. , SSjpjSBIg ! 1 he Block has been cleared and u, only . IwHPjSHiijfcfeS ,'. Blocks from Catop aim and Street Car 'WM HmHtL n " I ' 'III iH'm '" "' Line. Lots 3JM0O and 33x150 at from BSOmimtmMj UijfGBBSggzSi-! j 6200 to 22.-5. iKWBni j Half C:ish. Balanee in i: mentlN: ."per! 6HBl6fflMir?8Sa cent.orrrorCa3h. ' .-gnrm ,aggfegjagsaaiMKAf SoePIntsatmyontee. ' S flJli)N FLAXMlLLS.USBURN.IPxELANDT M TITAT1TOMT6 PAT.anii! r (iWm . V y jt. tf. tii y l jujjiai a v r imx& rj i GUSTAY HANSEN, Trop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfts t Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Goods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Walcli . and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner rasa and Squemofiua Streets. T. B. Loughery. -ieali:b, ix Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes, Confectionery, Etc. NONE RUT THE BEST BRANDS HANDLED. THIttD STREET, Opposite H.ilin's Boot and Shoo Store. ESTABLISHED ism Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available In any part of the U. S. and Europe, and on Hong jKong, China Office HotrEair-iO A.-airto'3 . m. Odd Feliows Bun.DnrG,.AorIa, Oregon, iiimiiiiiiiiinMiiiinuiniiiiiiiiigniiaKiiiinuiiiiisi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiamnniifiiiiiiiiiiHiniHmiHaanHm,,,,!,, the second or third floor, and let; inni- nnn inr. vnn t your "" ........... .........,,.....',.,.......,..:.."... LOTS Electric Motor Line runs urban homes for all, partly no ravines, no heavy grading-. j Fifty Dollars for Inside and Sixty Dollars for Corners, j also on Installment Plan. - Buy now when W mgate & Sto ODD FELLOW'S BUIDING. BAHEOXJFS gz&-' C.RAXD PRIX PABIS 187S, "" AXD GKAXD CROSS OF THE LEGION D'H03S"EnR They received the " ONLY GOLD MEDAL toi-JbijAX tukeads atthe Sam London islieries srliiToitiosaMla s And have been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the varTT ' INTERNATIONAL IXPOSiTlW 1 G-u.alIt3r aazi -l-was "be IDe-o - ExHBnencea Fifcm Use n tifc HENRY DOYLE & CO lr 517 and 519 Market Street, s.w " AGENTS FOR PACIFIC COKst hRANC!SC0. W00DBEEBY SEINE TWIMTE, &0PP J TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES i patSI WIT- f TEAPS burnished to order at Lowt1&i5?2S and House Cleaning. v Furniture Moving. Carpet Cleaning- 11 such work done nufck and chean . " . - MTLLEfeBROS. Thirds doorlronvXJassStreetFishMarket. PRICE IVE Ciii " , s,,, I " if you see fit to do so; you will not De wife wreck her constitution -fiwvg r ,. ,.,.. fmm Wpsfc Portland Parr, rrrira wrantr nor nnimiuiiLiuu r. . 50x100. through this Prooertv. Sub- cleared. Good Bottom. Lands. lots are cheap, 1 imn me gootts 01 any other $ IN" THE WORLD. 0 wry Prices. j 1 t class lionso v "i-'ent hr- r e a rnstlk. pjne 3 . assiSe P ?'an- Must tfva m, for k5S class, honso vF -ent bv r be a rnstf. p&e?3 wiaJ ft8' S"?e-. THE. K)ii; 55H ffon JriSSPC riooa ".SW,-,f w0i) o elX M ( S .-"' V i , - . , tr