C3 ,4 SHltg Simm i YESTERDAY'S MUNICIPAL LE0- noir. ASTOKIA, OREGON: THURSDAY. -DECEMBER 12.1SS9. ISSUED EVERY MORNING, (Monday excepted.) J. P. HALLORAN & COMPANY. Publishers and Propi ietors. Atokiax Kl ilium:. - Cans Stkitt. Terras of SubHcriptieii. f,V c,tl Carrier, per w eek jr, cts hent by Mall, one jear . too h ree of potage to subscriber. Clean Sweep for The Republican Ticket. The Count Pinished at 1 this Morning Resist of a Cloiely Contested Election. AS SEEN BY A VISITOR. How It Appears To An Albany-Investor. Intervened Vj Some Real Estate Agents. FRESH FASHION FANCIES. The Newest styles in Indies' Dresses. From the Albany Herald, 10 Astoria, Dec It ia a sheer waste of material to make tbe skirt of a walkinff dress elab- ! orate to sweep up tbe dust or trie mud PERSONAL 3IENTION. B. S. Cook returned from Salem yesterday. E. J. Morrison, of Sealaud, was in tbe city yesterday. " C. J. Hall and Tbos. O'Day, of Ne Mi6 crgsingB, and wlien ft comes braslja returnea tp Astoria yesterday, !?lie3f JXffi?J& H. A. Sborey came down fromPort A Ipffpr frnm Astoria mav hp. of in There was never a liner election day 1 terest to j'our numerous and intelli lotheAditor of the Herald: isunerior irnnorhmce of tbe bodice Trirn nHiinnlvi in mllr iafikets a yesieroay niurmH, uu. iu.u111Cu ! in this city than that of yesterday and, I gent readers, who are anxious to learn j multitude of'Drettvneeliees especially I Joe Ghambreau, wife and daugbtir and blouses, and blossom out in tbe , in tbe overling. UUU1 ., tiC ,u uxuuit; wimc is raiting piace in mia oiu iowu, ; contrived to make fair women irre- came uowu iiuiuxuiuiiuujraiciu;.i , earnest contest. The sun shone that is just beginning to awake from ! gistible in spito of the fact that she 1 Mrs. Chmbreau and daughter will .neanV all daV. and the Streets 111 tllfit if c l-.T.rT?;r Vn WinMo ennnn nnrl L r..i n. !.:.,. l,n.nU rAmnin linrA fnr !l fntV' fiflVR Ti;ifinC I vicinity of the polling places were filled with groups of men. There was very little loud talk, but plenty of Tira astohiax L'n.inuitp t it -uUflr.' buttonholing and argument. Good users the largest circulation of am-now spa- order was observed, and with the cx lcr published on the Columbia m'er. ceptiou of two arrests on a charge of wenrrnrr take a tumble to itself, vulgarly ami nn innpor esteemed trowns. speaking, as the future great seaport a. skirt is, after all, a mere conven city of Oregon and the inland empire , tionalism, cut and dried in its foims. that i3 seeking an outlet for her pro- A clever woman once said the length ducts and a hichwav for her commerce i of ;f -n.?,a i;i- 41,0 tnfh nf n hnrse. ciiarge or -with the nations of the world. the onlv certain clew to the friends. USETUT, INTOIOIATIOX. City ami County Official Paper, 'ance. .illegal voting, there was no disturb-' The railroad enterprises that are tbe age Tilbury Fox, M. D., tho eminent medical writer, in his work " Skiu Diseases," thus ac- of the wearer T .. ,. -;7:. .. T T-. , urawn .k ua tor me "cucurt J told von for pressed into requisite!!, and if anybody .1 nlrlpr ' counts for tue pimples so common to the Even- thing on wheels and, taking ahape and fast assuming realis-,te woman the longer her draperies jndneck. Ear?t by horses that could beliadjtic&sarenotonly on paper and'exceTin cieoS.whocSpoffi fo0?' or t0 hcart; ca H1? .?S ve or monev. nr hoth. was ;., ,;e nr , nwrta-bi nT,fl tin . --,"i iJ?3RV"" ii. J cietory organs are sluggish, causes m most Hfc.Tmtin 7v& faSl Srf&r- SrWaC1 UL peoplelndisestionoradyspepsial condition, qualified didn't vote, it was life own , ment of a few miles now in operation ( l j the bodice mav if it will, tell wh!ch rca?f 3 !Je blood t0 ove 7 fault. andm-aduallvreachiniroutmilebvmile ?. J L il lTn nf U nd cnfeeUcs tho P01. . Tho result is, that 7fe ffiS'iSi9.!-? I Awards the cities, towns and hamlets .a meaning We can imagine a ? ? ?SS, SaSS . ni,Ap. ., v-uit.- a- 1 i iA.va auuaco:xuij wurKoic-ouui- tnataottne vaueys ana percn upon adv of some taste and sensibility in " . - . : " " 7 7 terda o prohibition ticket yes-1 ing.6 votes began. There were'thefoot hills of the Caicade slope, he ticMtri terday' 1 6i7 - votes polled in the first ward, where the last golden rays of the de-, eveVS ' - ?', U ' TO-ii. !-.. , . , and 303 in the second ward: a total n,rfinn . n ml Hip Rnnw.nannP.1 ' ?!- C..1 xl L.ri dyspepsia cure" lo bo tatca, to use his own ic". uuu tue canaiuaie3 are always , 1 n,o ' ",i , !.. 1 ir .V" ?rrrj "","-. Z ll wi"uu. "iei1. uuu u. , ord, ..,. ... Ji;.D.3jfai ,IfflIDf0m, have .My, weren't the night! boys thirsty last 1 fault. defeated TiSSde doors did a crrvul iMipM e nistoiy tne city i e-" ".- .- 1 'hp rnm wn pnnn o3ieraay. The citv needs a registry law. as badly as it ever did. The Australian system of voting would work well in Astoria. The vote was concluded in the sec ond ward at 10:15 last niglit, and in the first ward at one this morning. Following is the vete: it 1 1 r 1",llcllt" v -"""K""". vIn tbe mineral, potash, the half open bodices, the hints and . garsaparUla foUows tho-mc vaguely defined suggestions of curve Foi, and aims with gentle and 393 in tbe second ward: a total parting . un gilds the snow-capped or. 1.U4.M votes yesterday, tne largest j peaks and rugged mountain tops number at any municipal election in where rolls the Oregon. Thus you see the car of progress is on the track and soon the silent dells 1 of Nehalem will echo to the rumble of ! the transcontinental trains that seek these coal retreats, while the measured pulling ana tne screaming wnistie or tno form aivine something half concealed, Crodby.. xs iron norse will reverberate troni every jnsteaci 0f a bust and waist mathe- Dickinson LT7 j hill top and wooded canyon, as he fol- ticallv defined and cased in a cuirass , tows ms laoyrniinmp way inrougn me cor5age. One could base a whole oDeraark,er :I? ' valleis to tlie sea. philosophy on the fashions. We used i.f. (Hughes ''!) BoomS like Cholera and smallpox, fn lv onnfirlonf Ihnf iv lmew or were seem lo be contagious, but unlike i . j:,.. ..-..n.:... fP!,. " ' I?rrv 1 . Z',2i I 11. j: ..-. 4- l.. .,.!,. r. . .. Z "". . .. of laud seekers came Sm!dt . . .:. '." .... :mb1 f, l"st",arn :"-," 'C- T. ' we cut conliuently, saying mis is me ' J.unti 1 mm iivuiucu, iuu uuw isiuuci, FIEST WAED. The next attraction at the house will probably be Katie Putnam. A big crowd down on the morninff loat vesterdav. - Jewett .-Ma..".: :I xhe Columbia skating club giveJPobl 237 their second party at the rink to-. night. 'Cartis :'& luucumore exprebbive 01. iub itui imu ( dltappettnL Ti10 old idea was, that faca VHneU llie OI Uie ClOSe OI lUU lime- awr,nr, .arn ra,,r 1v n 1,nmnr in th teenth century are the folds of soft, blood; for wbdl thcv-t-catej lh0 blood, fleiible material now arranged inside ., the mincrfll. Mtaall. jOV' vcaatabla odem ideas of Dr. T-ifrrtnh1rt Urft- and line, which make of the human t, ' nt the stomilch ami digestive oreans. The reason is apparent why it cures dyspep sia and indigestion, and the pimples and Bkin erap Iou3 .hich result therefrom ana why vtraparillM that use raincrals falL U.isl.i Canning Co!iiia:i). Well, clear the stage for the nextj act; there will ba another election I next June. The lonesomest looking thing on earth ia an election poster, the day after election. Noland 'JOG Hustler 37G Wherry 278 ritfht. the onlv wav. Now we doubt . i,vtwntm no., in . Ti,n t 0 Albanv and Some other towns, whefher imlpel we tnnv mvfliinfr , f i " l-i ring caught the disease, if not. Jf! r Vt enen one ?ccordS& ei-7T if will soon become enidemio S? n 1 v 1 accoriung to in expected to go into the salmon pack- xked, it will soon become cpntemic, dividual whim or will. We used to ib,,, business in Alaska nevf, SPnsn,i see in black and white, now we live i:as jusfc been incorporated. It is inm,alEtone? , L . . x , ! known as the Karluk Packing and The classic element in the winter s ' Trad in mmranv. mirl hnc n onnifnl fashions materially affects the corsage. . of unit a niiUion dollars. Its sole ob- likc Albany and some other towns, hav cheel while the real estate dealer and capi talist from other towns, in the fnr 1 away east, our immediate neighbors of I thisvery new west rush in to avail themselves of the golden opportunity I that tbev seem to think onlv comes to 71 a man once in a lifetime. And like With the long lines of chiton and pep- Ium and tunic in view, with the de sire to follow Greek and Roman char- O0-. 1 ,, -, 1 .1 7 1 t buc w luuun uivvji emu xiuujiui turn- - the man of Scripture that went down acteristic3 as closelv as convenient in "" fmm .Tnnicnloin rr .Tonplin irm fnll , . n . ? from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell Daughters were yesterday born in the homes of S. Barich and W. J. Smith. The meetmg of the W. 0. T. U. wiU be held this afternoon at 3 p. m. in the Y. M. C. A. hall. A fall attendance i desired. On the Green river division, when behind time, the fast mail train runs seventy-two miles an hour, on the down grade. V. S. Geary, piano tuner for Kohler & Chase, of Portland, is at the Occi dent; leave orders with Miss Bitely or at hotel at once, as his stay is lim ited. There was an alarm of fire at 5 yesterday afternoen: most of the ap paratus went the wrong way: a burn ing chimney at Mrs. Steven's house was the cause: no damage. Clinton Logan Sherman '- -------------------- - rrnfn I nmen mm t - nninn iTiri rn I , -, t nun uwiuuii-iu .v uuii-u" muv 11.11 rrnxrn mrr imrniv n now pnarnino n.iv.rv t.Anl rcl-rlri WnnlAKi 4lm nnmA .m . ... ... .. Smilli 342, ,i a i ii it ii 1 ii 1 -" nnisned wmen uas, to tne eye, a tight Boelling 288 l iV, ,n 1 U,B , or even lnoderalelv fitting bodice. been told them. Talk is cheap and Some waiatfl are actuoiiy full, even Thielsen 3S5 they are all good talkersj , although it though the neglige arrangement of Eaymond 2Ti4 is a new business to most of them, the soi draperies bo arranged 6Vcr a 1 boom having created a necessity for invn.fiMi-nrr lit,; tip h-nimi hnri. tuuuauu ..u 1 iuc umiiicsB. jlucj win iuu. uv iiiu jC whether eison wa uour ana never cnarge a cent. At is Scattering vote, Wickman 27, Forgn- j also a pleasure to show goods; they jeet, as stated, is to engage in salmon canning. II wa-. ja't ;;n ii(iin:u st'iapof v.i.'p psiigp.txi, but it b.ivt'(l lici life, bi c a- hi J 'if !.vt stages ot consumption, told hi pliysiei.ms that the u.ts incuia ble and conid live onlv a slioit tiiuc: 'he weired lis than seventy nouiuK Correspondents will confer a favor by putting the number of The Asto kiax's post office box, 468, on tho en velope. It will increase the prob ability of the letters reaching this office. son 39. will climb tbe Inchest neaks and do st-cond v.-aed. i scend into the deepest gulches; they Crosby 210 I go into tbe trackless forest, where Dickinson 182 none but the adventurous surveyor . and his assistants have ever dared to Wickroan 217 enter and hunt up the eornere in Ferguson li2i Riverside, Columbia or some other ad- , ' dition to this great citv for the anxious fary JS I purchaser. bm,dt ." leJl "When Greek meets Greek then Two gentle- ice, proper vanabl it be of a waist shape " a Pji'fe 01 wrapping paper sue load or iu redingoto style, has in- ?l,J:iV,7iS Y J,o; ery. and got a , y a trimminlof passementerie f V.l VM& ' ?,p,II5'?-b?:jS,It ,i nii,,v.i iiiiiiv., up m;ii)v.ii 111:1 iiiuii. I 1 or ribbon or folds, plaited or draped, which do not look as if a stitch bad been set in them to hold them iu place, but rather as if the small but exqusito flower pins, thrust inhere and there at the wearer's pleasure, were the only fastenings. As a matter of fact, however, they are carefully stitched down. Jewett t 197 Pohl 190 Cartis ., 202 Noland ...V 184 Hustler '. 224 "Wherry 1G2 Clinton. Logan comes the tug of war. 1 men, of Albany came along to size up the boom and make some purchases. ' And when they were yet a great .way 1 off, said Bob to Ben, '"Behold, these fellows are rich. One of them has beards of horses that roam through the eastern vallies of Oregon, and he j ha.3 cattle upon a thousand hills and VB real estate in Albany till you can't ou?.II" ' i rest, besides some money in the Johnson ". 20G Nelson... J80 About a hundred people came into the office yesterday, to see that per simmon. Phil. Bower says it is a Jap anese persimmon, nnd is a different breed from the persimmon of Arkan saw. THE TOTU. VOTE. The following order has been issued j Crosby 503 by General Gibben: "Major Samuel ' Dickinson 439 . bumner, Eighth cavalry, acting in bank. and the other fellow is no slouch him- Smjtu 003 ' sels. He's a big dealer iu real estate. Boellhig... ............ .............. 1C3 ' "Now let's get in and drill before the 'other fellows catch on." And forth- Thielsen r 243 with Ben, who is an auctioneer, turned J Raymond 145 the full battery of his eloquence upon ! the rich men from Albany, lie made I the crooked places straight and the I , waste places to blossom as the rose, bought anothc-r and grew bGtter fast, continued its uo and is now '.troncr. healthy, iosv, plump, weighing 140! pounds. For fuller pnrticulnis bend "tamp to V. 11. Cole, Druggist, Foit initli. Trial Dottles of this vvomleiful Discovery Free :U .1. W. Conn's Drugstore. Thoie will be irinml 1n1 i I T !tt rr mi O a 11 ..ix imii lit. 1 Mll'liU (.'ttll til JIM CllS xne enecc or tne empire gown on on the I3th, in l The Western Ama the average feminine waist is peculiar. I tcur Band Ouheatra, of this city lias Of course it seems to shorten it, but 1 been engaged to furnish music for the this ia not so to a closer view. Tho occasion. The rjte.tiher VoUja will lapped and folded bodice, with its vi'ouvoyA5lorI.insi. ;;! Horn Ilvvaeu. neck and surplice coquetries, is quite ' as long as the pointed French bodice, I .ljjyses: t ayiSKKS . but to what an ox has swollen the 1 -Ins. Wixmow's hotmn.va Syiiup sash that was a frog last season. I ?hJi,t!ii ly.is ,, um-j lor children i The newest sash is wide enough to be, e,h';,,r;0 i.mh!,,:,s t".' "W.'t?'; set in the full length of the under arm ft RiA:. fi.m.TnrZ : seam, and when its ends are drawn forward and crossed in front and then carried around to tie behind, it cov ers a good share of the waist from view. Ex. I r!ue '.Teiit- t en t uoltlt . jrli!;,' S .aoti'r.J'.sjJtis. C5o to MUscs P.irniiheis plintograpb galJeiy: Third street opiioslte ilor- san & Shernnn's. Real Estate Transfers, Dee. 11. ' Scattering vote3, 33. specter general, will proceed on pub lic business to Fort Canbv and return." jMujority ....... 104 Barry ." 524 ISraidt 492 Majority... A young lady in front of Rescue's engine house was handed a ticket yes- reroay aiternoon, wnicu sue iuaig-1 jewett ; 531 nanny uasiieu unuer toot, anu insisieu iohl upon her escort voting an opposite ticket which she gave him. He did. Majority.. 32 477 A prominent politician yesterday, N0iaiui who had got a man into his way of thinking, handed him "the right j Majority, ticket," but just before depositing it, the uncrowned American sovereign Hustler... discovered that the piece of paper was I Wherry . . . a receipted Dill. Majorit r2a 490 COO ICOi He talked all of the stuumps off of a five acre block and built cottoges, both neat and tasty, for the crowds of people that could scarcely get stand ing room on the steamers that arrive and depart at all hours of the day and the night. The lordly fir tree, tbe giant spruce aud the worthless hem lock were made to dwindle into insig nificance, because they chanced to encumber a block he was anxious to sell. The little city by the sea, with a population of 8,000, was swelled to metropolitan proportions of 80,000 almost in the twinkling of Abe's eye, while brick nnd stone blocks of mam moth and imposing structuie reared their massive fronts on every business street from Tongtie Point to Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shees: The election interfered some with i?ls0 Flpxiblc IIanrt "rS1'' j .. -8 vs r g ! j - 60 .., & a feH r E " EBB""' u ,? fSf cp 1 1 11 C3 'rmi' ..- & 1 I m i 5 g ' PH - m H w s fn 1111 I.Sw .-a A iZ "S S aeiZ &0 I fe m puj nm oq e m tg s o g f fH !- ii 1 stir 8- 00 43 g " 0 as A CSt 13 Sal 9B I 5 5 5 f"l SsfOf JSHOPfg SsEOm a IHH I j s "eg g Bra o siH real estate transfers yesterday. Tho following deeds were recerded: E. P. Thompson to H. A. Smith, lots 7 and 8, blk 7, lot 2, blk 15; $375. H. C. Thompson and wife to S. B. Crow, lots 7, 8, 9, 10,11, 12, blk 15, Laurel Park; $300. E. P. Thompson to Sidney Camp bell, lots 3 and 4, blk 12,' Warrenton; $200. Mary H. Leinenweber to F. H. Gres wold, lot 34, blk 11, Adair's; $125. MaryH. Leinonweber to Andrew Burg, lot 7, blk 11, Adair's; $100. Wcinliartl's Bcr. And Free Lunch at (he Telephone joon, . eenis. IBS b H Two fliiiclCL ' CANDY MANUFACTORY. Since the 1st insL Mary Klein, H. Suomilla, B. Cottardi, A. Escola, Jas. WiLsou, Jno. Partanen, Jno. Halmera, Wm. FitzGerald, Anders Gierston, Jno. Wilson, Chas. Verslings, H. A. L. Spande, G. A. Anderson, and M. Lar sen have taken out their first citizen's papers. Clinton .. Logan Sherman. Jle.smetogei Hood's ; SarnpaiilUi if H". J. BSRGMA'lff, Fror;'l you vv ant an honest, tollable medicine. Do not take anv other which i-, alleiril 1 to be '"about the s tme" iT'just as good." I Young's bay channel, while the whist- w Jl5ci, is pwiillar To u"eir. i-nid bv all r ' ,,B ling motors and electric railways en- dni''tist. Tiv it. 440 circled the city in iron bands, briuging . the suburban homes ot tho mechanic alem !. In Farne-.J Vlioul It. ' land' merchant in close proximity to Ail Oilier Kinds of Cream Candies. ! the water front. Indeed, tbe real We believe the full $200,000 capital All Those Entitled to Tickets for Chocolate Bon Bons n:n$n madi: daily. as Well as . " The Terminus Of The . 4391 .. 340 .. 231 Plurality 99 I Smith 570 1 Boelling !?; 431 Yfer1nv's Vimtfpv. ji usual, hnil Majority 119 "dispatches" cut from the Oregonian, j ,, . . rft and tho date ohanged,soaa to try tol;mi"v make its few readers believe that they were genuiqe. Its silence proves Its gunt. xt uiqiy lies, anu anuy t steslB, and is too cowardly to attempt Johnson 501 Raymond .'. 399 Majority 229 a denial. I feel," said one of the defeated candidates, last night, "like that man who was asked about his wife. She had been very sick and finally died. The doctor told her an hour before she died that she could not live. W4s she resigned? asked a friend. 'Kesigned? My God! she had to be,' " UoahN. Tyner. H. H. Northrup, F, K. Arnold and'W. B. Gilbert have in corporated the Oregon and Washing ton Bridge company, for the purpose of operatingj constructing and main taining a bridge across the Columbia river from La Camas to a point on fhe-Vtvesterly shore of the Sandy river, y&fc$8w0 of capital stock. -&jsightbause board" gives notice inYabpatJFairuarylst fixed white Jightfrfctife first order, varied by a xedifaslilavary minute, will be shown from.' the structure recently erected on the extreme westerly end of cape Meares. The light will illuminate the entire horizon. The focal plane is 223 feet above the mean sea level, and the light may be seen in clear weather from the deck of a vessel, fifteen feet above the sea at a distance xt twenty-one and a half nautical miles. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Alices at P. J. UQODMAK'S. Hemember the Austin house at the Seaside is open the year 'round. Comfortable Booms to Let. Sincle. or en suite, at Mrs. P. J. Good man's! N. W. corner First and Madison streets. CoHee and cake, ten eints, at the Central Restaurant y Glch11a&llee4,'ialIuseTCrosDys old stare an annex: tei.their present over Itocked quarters.. A. large stock of Bolls, Wagons jtnoyAot.aU -kinds, cSkiie found here. , A r ""V. 'JSr-A Nelson 485 Majority 1G Wedding Belli. Last evening Miss Ella Pope, one of Astoria's most popular young ladies, was married to Mr. A. P. Sharpsten, of Walla Walla, at tho residence of her mother, Mrs. C. Pope, Rev. W. S. Short officiating. Immediately after the ceremony, the members of the bride's family, who were the only ones present, sat down to a bounteous din ner. Congratulations are extended to the happy cbuplo. who left on the R. H. Thompson last evening to spend their honeymoon on tho Sound. Oregon Xmas Cards, very neat and prettv tosend.to your eastern friends at Griffln & Keed's. estate man. by the graphic power of stock of the Salem. Astoria and East- ' 1115 auction eloquence, painteu a pan- em rauroati company, wnicn nas oeen omnia of such wondrous thrift and incorporated, will be subscribed with beauty1 "that" his-Hearers were en- in a short time, and that the work of tranced with Jbe possibilities that the construction will then be begun and present opportunities and tbe glorious pushed rapidly toward deep water, or future held in store for them qnd their a deep water connection. The most j heirs. enterprising of Salem's enterprising ; "My dear friends,' said the speaker, people share this belief, and are will- TW,x,rt, , o ge 7 - VVM -"you.know not what a day may bring , iug to work to this purpose hard and JLliLOl g all u il61 X11S121 iorinj.now is xup lime to invest, me liiiuiuui.t. auuttiinuii, su. advances of te-jnorrow may fill your hearts with sorrow and regret." confiiwkd. And sure enough thcr did buy and The favorable impression pioduced4 their purchases advanced" $1,500 in .J1 lc "h appearance ot tne agrccaoie one night on one block offered. De- J."!11"1 flll,t ""ncdy Ssyiitp ot Figs, a i,ro ,i" TZm,Tinfn ! fcu VCJlrs aKO lias been nioie than con lays were dangerous and to hesitato firmdby t!lc pleasant experience ot was ram. They were glad they Un Whn have iwmI it. nmi Tiio.siieeenf bought. the proprietors and inanufacluiers. the 1 - Cal. Fig Syrup Company, i 11AHINK NEWS AND NOTES. ' ?lca5 Call and Give iYTc n Trial, THIRD STKEKT, Nel to Western Uaion Telegraph Oflice GROCERS And Dealers in W &&M:j?ii We Have a Limited Number of Lots in this Fine Addition wiiicji we ill Sell for SIO for inside Lots. S 1 25 for Corners. pffli Are Hereby Requested io Call iCaiory Sanies! yilyu 1 'Embroidery and stamping, done to order. Wessons given. NOBA. JIAPPI.KYEA. Christmas numbers of the London News and Graphic, with large Illustrated supplements at Griffin &lieed's. Tcleplionelioibnnc lEouse. Best Beds In town. Rooms per night The United States steamer Richard The steamship Michigan cot safe ly off Enterprise reef and is coaling at Nanaimo. The schooner Truvkee went ashore on Iiomppo beach, Cal. with 85,000 feet of lumber Saturday night. The crew were saved. The steamer Virginia left Sydney, Wash., last Saturday week with a boom of 300 logs to tow to Seattle. While crossing the Sound rough weather waB encountered and but seven sticks were left for delivery. riGBs 'i 60 and 25 cts per week $1.50. clean, rrivate entrance New and Rooms to Kent. r Furnished, suitable for housekeeping orjoagers. Apply at this othce. p '-KiS&km-olJBll&y Goods. Selling at Cost. Mrs. H. A. Derby is offering some real bargains in Millinery goods, and Ladies would do well to see the low Ggnres at which they can get goods at her millinery establishment. .Heats CooUcd to Order. Private rooms for ladles and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. All the "patent medicines advertised In this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc, can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. .Bonn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. 4 Tlie latest Out. A Daily Through Car Servico has been established by the Chicago, Un ion Pacific & N01 th-Western Line be tween Portland and Chicago via Coun cil Bluffs, thus offering to tlie public facilities not given by any other line. "The Limited Fast Mail." which runs daily between the above points, carries the Overland Fast Mail, & limited num ber of first-class passengers without ex tra charge, and is composed of Pullman Vestibuled Sleepers and rnllman Din ing Cars, Portland to Chicago via Council Bluffs. This is an other indication that the Union Pacific is" desirous of meeting the requirements of the people. For information in regard to this and other trains on this line, apply to E. A. Noyfs, Or M. B. BozoimT, Agent O. R. & N. Co. Or to A.1... MAXW-RM., G. P. & T. A. Portland, Or. Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FtfJLi. LIME CARRIED; And Supplies furnished at Satis factory frms. Purchases delivered hi any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Uuildins on Water Street. V. O. Box 153. Telephone No, 37. OISEGOIS. ikts;ta, On all Holiday : o cities, especially those line Gold, Sterling, and. OilU Silver MM Express jind Transfer. Hut, nnd Fred. SXitdchraml, Proprietors. Headquarters at Foaid & Stokes. LCAYC ORDEKS AT PETER BRACK'S, Uppertown. BAOCLGS. FSSE3GHT. ETC., ruoairrLY delivered In any part ot the City. I)o You lAlte a Good Cigar? Call at Charley Olsen's, opposite C. II. Cooper's. He will suit you. A fine stock of cigars to select from. CbllirenCry ArFitclier's Castorls Now on sale at tho extreme low price of AT THE WHITE HOUSE STORI Cor. Genevieve and Chenamus Sts. City Wood Yard. Hamilton & Co., Prop'rs. Office and Woodyard on Gray's Dock. All Kinds of Fine Dry Wood Cut AND DELIVERED , At RenBonable Prices. Satinfac- tloa Guaranteed Our Patrons. All Orders promptly filled and delivered I in any part 01 the city. Wanted, GIRL TO DO GENERAL None but an exnerienced cook need apply. For particulars en quire at Astoriak olflce. A STEADY 2. housework. To Oaimers, Jensen's Patented Can Capping fiftachine. "Will Cap and Crimp 05 CAAS per JIIMJTK. It has proved to Reduce the Leakajje more than 50 per cent less than hand capped, rrice, $GOO. Orders compiled with by The Jensen dan-Filling Machino do. If You Don't Get a Present It Will Be Your Own Fault. The Most Complete and Finest Stock of Goods In Oregon. THE Belial: ClotMer ift Hatter, Occident Hotel Building. Agents, .s1;c33?i,. Si -WHILE- -AND Regretting Lost 3 nnkin0 Psf!? i yfc 1 Oppo unities J. P. HYNES, -DEADER IX- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TKLEPHONE TWigS - P. O. BOX 82 Pntnlnft's Wcrirk IJllVE HUNDRED-BACJBBY'TnE AS : toria Grocery anuCamiDd Fruit Corn- pay Addres3H.M.TnHitch9r, Astoria, Or. , RENEW YOUR COURAGE ! ACCEPT PEESENT OPPOETtramES.'' AND GET TESEE Elrt & S3 SI $ Or Wm. Loeb, about it. ere is a Gliance to Me Money (Jiiict Abstracts of Titb A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. . Your patronage Is solicited. C- R- THOMSON Keeps a full setotAu... and will examine the ainLct Bootr tate In the countv imi ,le to any il? Ks of Title t()4hesame.ntI tttn n Ar$; Terms reasbnahiA trr, npil "UfKjnaMn.. .SBgy - .-B ; u-r- . - .j ,&.(,-' "Sz-???&Jb js sSn., il '.' - i i L "CflJ.