T?--r f le- v gnittj gMtomn. AST0IUA.OBSQON: . v DDCEMBER 12. ISM. -Tcnty Official Paper. v " r hundred corporations have Heeu stamped out t. , . . anti-trust 1: , Oct of the $36,000,000 it costs an- x lame lot of anally to nut Teort City, $15 000 - j.j.j T7rxi-TRl 000 goes for salaries to professional ""- -"i1 A"X320S3a politicians. T Fi7s!i7m remember that jF0R SALE AT LOWEST PRICES. ,p nitnral result of constantly tellin; falsehoods is that it Trill not be be-- lieved when it occasionally speass the troth. The Olynipia Review still has at the head "of its celumns: "Nejrs of the Territory ." Some of its aptem poraries ought to advise it that that won't -wash. Is London they are utilizing elec tricity in a novel way. Daring heavy fogs horses carry an electric light on their heads which can be illuminated asoccasion requires, the storage bat tery being in the wagon. Dcrixg a somnambulistic fit a farm-hand near Easton, Pa., hitched up a team and plowed a field and then went back to bed again. Farm ers of that vicinity arc looking for 'nore farm-hands affected in the same Additioxaii horrors are reported from Johnstown. A false outcry of 'fire'' in the theater there last Tuesday fright, caused a stampede, in "which teen men and women had their IjS trarapiea uui uj me mauueutru. fed. RtofSt. Paul is suing a ii for breach of promise. fedding day was set he 'letter backing out of the fi, and ending with the d-l sweet Tart, good- itui made her a sour Rl ie between oceans 1: Luurte. Twenty- mail matter from New I have just arrived at San j m that time, uenver, uma- enne, Portland and Astoria h influence of being nearer husband in Chicago has ; against two newspapers Pushing the fact that he applied "i marriage license ana was mar- He has engaged a lawyer who Is that such things are not public , and that the press has no bnsi- ith them. W.I. will lv introduced in con- Wfrhs this week, providing for the im mediate retirement of about a hun dred officers of the army who are incapacitated by sickness or disability frrm Tiprfnrivniirr nnfivo flntv TliPir salaries aggregate 300,000 annually, which, if thevietired, will be material- ly leduced and at the same time cause , promotion all along the line. Ten consumption of horse ilesh in Berlin is increasing. Last October the Berliner ate 8?t5 horses, against (510 in October, 1888. For various reasons, however, the working people , in the Prussian capital do not eat so ! much horse as the poorer classes of j other German cities. Konigsberg, for instance, with about the same popula tion as Portland, consumed 340 horses last month. Deskte the cries of alarm uttered b the piess and the published letters from emigrants to Buenos Ayres, de-' picting the terrors of life in South America, the number of immigrants from Andalusia and the Basque Prov inces is still enormously increasing and therp is a serious danger that uu less the stream is stopped before long ' Spain wHl be depopulated ere its in fant king puis on the garb of the man, Two very humorous boys are in jail at Burlington, Iowa. They had a tame crane and a funnv idea. The idea .catch another smaller boy and liim while they made the arane was to hold huu while thev made the arane nanlr nf. l,?m. 'Ph.v K ,. mnl the ,-- ...iu. j... vu'u. -j crane pecked out one of the small boy's eyes. The judge sent the boys to jail for fifteen and thirty days. "When they .get -out the victim of their humor ought to organizes posse and capture them and tie them up andl have a little fun with the crane him self. This would appeal strongly to their moral natures. Petkoketoi Y ITasby did not re ceive a very munificent sum for his letters -frpm the Confederate X Koads."' The Indianapolis Journal, in which they appeared in 186i, has just confessed that lIr. Locke not only received no pay for them, but that he gave the Journal $2 each for printing them, that" being about the cost of composition. The Journal did, however permit 2asby to use the type after the letters had been set up, and from this type was printed the yellow-colored pamphlets which Nas by sold. It Was one of these pam phlets which Abraham Lincoln was reading while sitting in the war department waiting for news of his second election. Eapepsy. Thi- i- what you ought to have, in faot, vou must have it, lo fully enjoy life, " Thousands arc searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually 03- our peo ple in the hope that they may altam this boon. Audj-etit may he had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bitters, if used according to directions and the -use- persisted in, will bring vou Good DjgcMjonanaoustthe demon dyspep- SyiSwFj'te Wo recon.H Anrf-sii riiC;V -4lwr lor uyspepsiu Mnev? SS -Livcr,Stomach and fWKinuys. bold nf-.ttin. atifl 1 An . if-1 ' y J. W. Conn, Digm NEW TO-T&Y Picked urj T CHINOOK CHANNEL 0F SKTRi? JUST ICEM! i Utzmgei's California Wine Depot On December 12tU I shall offer Tor Sale a tew L-ots in Block 140, ShivefyV Astoria, Situated on the roadway, one block West of Clatsop Mill. This Block lias been filled in, is on the street car lint: and only fie minutes walk from O. It. & X. wharf, and parties ouilding thereon can immediately rent houses at prices that will pay large interest. Prices from $600 to $1,250. See plat at L. J. H. MAMLL'S, Real Estate Broker. Board Wanted. AMARIUEP LADY WISHES JJOAltD in private family or pleasant boarding house. Address J. E, J.. Occident hotel . er iMp Chandlers, r HEAVY AND SKELF Paying investments. i directors lor tne ensuw? year aim inmsjci FARIVi IrVJPLSRSENTS. ins any other business that may come he- ' fore the meeting Paints, Oils, and Varnish. 15vorderoI!!!orf,"ldcn,-i,.PLATii. 1 O.Ani ,f a iAint inrnna mm. PROVISIONS AND JAJ J? XXI AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Boiler Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. PATRONIZE HOME IHDUSTRY . oas 0f our citizens to send to Portliintl or San Fraucisco for Custom Made Glothes As they can trtt Belter Fits, llctter Work- j mnv.slnn.and for less Money. Iy Leaving tlieir Orders Willi MEANY. Hew Goods bv Every Steamer, j Call mill See Him and Satisfy Toorsflf. ) P. J. Ffieany. Merchant Tailor. ' The only raedicino which defitrorfl tho ; S iaa Skin Dieeasos. It is 6 eafo and positive I ra ,VJ?S L.of Manhood and Gon- orrhoa. IaDleasanttodiiik. Give ita trial. Price, 75 cents and SL25. PACIFIC SLOPE MEDICINE CO., Spokane Falls, 'Wash, j. C. Dement, Sole Asent. Astoria RK'OT&lflvKCilEiN ASTOKLV, - OlSE!OX. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH 3feip BoiFer Shop 2i- Ai: kinds ol gMGIMl, GAINEEY, Promptly attended to, Aipeclaltyznadeol repalrlnB CANNERY DEES, KOOT OF LAPAYETTK STREET. Magnus 0. Crosby Dealer In HAUf ARE, II, Sim. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES. TINWARE ASH HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS i mmz&MmzmMiWMWim ifeiMi8IAItiHyil SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET, IRON,. 3ELx, AND .C3o3p503?- FIVE AND TEN nuTu llduibj FOR SALE. The undersigned is selling Fie ami Ten Acre Tracts ot the Donation Claim ol .lodge Callender, Adjoining the Town of Clat sop Junction. Situated at the intersection of the South Coast and Overland Uadroads. i The Tracts are designed as Rural Home steads.are situated between the railroad am the ocean beach with convenient streets to .both. The land has good natural drainage i with sightly places for building ; is good for i fruit and vegetables. . This farm was formerly, donated to the j public school, which isnow in possession of tne proceeus oi me saie. xae interest on this endowment with the public funds so- cures the services of competent teacher for three terms of school each year. i The leading citizens of Astoria are sccur- I Ing these tracts. . . . ' Price $bu to $iuu per Acre. No Commission to Agents. JOSIAH WEST. Inquire of K. C. 1IOLDEN, or C. S. WKIU11T For Saie. Acres of Tide Flats. 150 With Half Mile Frontage, Suitable for Wharves, Mills and Factories. ' Situated two miles west of Astorij. The , Ssssstffa?"8' rallroart ,un"l,,rm! For particulars and Tints. addres HlKAftl GKAY, Astoria, Oregon. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., srccEssons to T. O. El O County Coroner. gya;y,?r,-ixatg-adrty Tirst Class Undertakhig ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material Next to ASTOitiAN oalce. Stockholders Meeting. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI THE i iS annual meeting of the stocklioUleis of Uie Alaska-l'k'K Co.. will ba held at the rcs I ideqee of"!. 1L Johnson. Alderbrook. on Monday, Decemberictb. 1RS9. at 7 :3o o'clock 1 p. 3rfprthe purpose of electing a beard of i oc ivn 'ggwar t HKjIPjii& BB S You are Invited to Make Your Selection of Christmas iFrom the Large Variety of Novelties we Offer for Inspection. StOClC Ol Holiday .,, etc., will amaze will astonish you. 'VISIT OUR ANNEX. ACREAGE ! WATER FRONT. To satisfv thetleinand and give all a chance we will offer Torsalc on FRIDAY MOKNINH, DF.CI-LMBK11 13th. Acreage and Water Front Property in Five cre; Jracis, Located within one and one-half jniles of tho Astoria Custom House. For particulars inquire at the ofilec of tho amwrs "W M in a Few days Place upon the Market the BEAUTIFUL ADDffiOflS. This BeauHf til Tract joins the City upon the east and will he in direct connection with the ELECTRIC MOTOR LINE Carrutiiers' MAIM n .j ... f ,i,iHi.-m viP 0' fc"uilian e.,te.n Additio , wil. command yourattention duunu the commq week. Corne and See Us. H, W. Strickler, M. B. DEALER IN Pure Drugs. Toilet Articles, Etc tangiMgos. Cencal practice of Medicine attn.led to i bv the Doctor. Secon.l Mn-t'i, n :ir Tosiofllce. , n - Thompson & Boss Tarry a mil Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. J. B. Wyatt DEALEU-S IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Sinacie Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sal! Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, I'atnts, Oils, G-rooerios, 35it;o. Present GtOOCIS, iOYS, UOOKS, you, our prices i-JVi-r-:: -i .-- vn rcrai I J n fM z.i WATER FRONT. fclBM tfl K jtrjn y. Hi m 91 cl S Tv jbS 2S3s I '& J. H. MANSELL, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE OF OREGON. , City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Vater Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1883. Corresoondence Solicited, ( Next y. V. Telegi aph Office. P. O. BOX 863. UT unuttaarjfa mStlw at& 1 Invest at once and i i . ,.,- ,,,. i ni.iimi mill i i"n t. ir- I II 1 11IJI if hi til iiv I ff ill I fiiii T IB II I M II II V ! I II II I III II II a r Miiiinuj iiiiuiiiivit i w-T-jn"-"J",7-v ' ' -" ''MiegJWBiim'wii!:;witfnMM-.tMOTwoM-aWyirmB m Mtf ' ? ssm k m m m m, fflgm g ra Wi m m ;1 ill 11811 i 7 . YniTp MnnaTTQ VnTth : m m & m & w si m s inn iiiii iiis n ?! i pa e JH I f M I I U 1 . F"r:- J " " " FMKM to. H9 b S S y -j' -JS- -J&- VV -A- w I i less than 60 days. . , For further particulars call on or address: : ASTORIA, wrrzrpttsm. Pine Wines, i I iiavo completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wino in any quantity at lowest ca9h fignres. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL OllDEllS DELIVERED FBEE IN ASTOEIA. Your patronage" in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZiNGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. KEEPS IxN STOCK THE Finest Woolen Goods, for Suitings. ALL THE LATENT STYLES. lie buys for Cash, at Eastern Prices, lie Ouaianle ilu JJpst Woiknianshln on allgaiments. Call and see tor j-ourselvc2. Barth's Block, Astoria The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. M Bread, Cake aifl Pastry None but the Rest Llaterlals Used. .Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Braa I dell vercd la any part of the city. MJ'JfcJ.UkiJ Astoria Real Estate Co. I Office First Doot South of in Blocks 21 , 23 and 28, HUSTLER & AIKEN'S ADDITION. A Less than 1 Mile Fiom the Postofiice. "S2XTY of these Lots sold within tho past 8 days. The price of this Choice Property is going up daily, and may he taken off the market at any time. Price of Lots, $115 to SI 60, according to Location. Third St. Astoiia, Oregon. t I i ! i f I ! f S! double your money in SBISfSi -OREGON. Choice Brands. E. J. Liddicoat, Contraciorj Builder and Carpenter. Open to take all Kinds of Carpenter Work. Holt & McCurtrle's old carpenter shop, nest ro Methodist Qluirch., . , the Odd Fellows Euilclinjr ed! v ll I f yUi Tailor. -THE- &4 &$, ft A? &SS Ha las buV V if Still Leads With the largest Ever brought GIFTS 'ftND PRICES Call and be Flavors Double Brick Building. Opposite Occident Hotel, Astoria, Oregon. , 13 WHAT YOU GET AT Groceries and Provisions. Everj tiling a FIrst-clas Store ami at Extremely Low Fiaureo. (Jooils Delivered all over Tow i The Highest Price raid for FOARD & STOKES WHOLESALE AND ! Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed, i Crockery, Glass The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh, Fruits aad egetablos, Received fresh EALA The terminus of tlic llwaco and bhoahvater Ray Raihoad. THE GREAT EST SUMMER RESORT ON THE NORTHWEST COAST. Lies at the head of the Bay, at deep water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The coming County Seat and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Now laid out. Lots on the market from $50, and upwards. Kor particulars and full information, call on or address J"-uist Sleceived THEO. BRACKER. Second Street. A Large Supnly of Meerschaum and Brier Pipes. ALSO. Amber Cigar and Cigarette Holders Especially Fit For Birthday and Christmas Presents. lA ALSO. AJargo invoice of fresh Impoited. and Key "West Cigars ; amongst otherbrands the west uigars ; amongst oi known "Jlor do Madrid weu-Ki These SEINES are made true taper and from an actual scale, and will hang true and draw when hung in to lines, and from tho Cold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine. RIGHT AND LEFT HAND LAID PATENT ROPE, 0 thread and larger, soft and free from kinking. .- SALMON TRAP NETS knit from the Gold Medal 1-2 Patent Twine, superior to the medium laid, stronger, more durable and Holds Tar Longer. Letters or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention. AMERICAN NET & TWINE CO., Established 1842. . Boston, JIass. Capital, 8300,000. N. B. "We have the largest Netting and Twine plant. New and costly machinery has lately been added for knitting heavy Traps for tho Colombia river, and Seines for the Alaska SalmonTisheries, and the most skillful help employed. Elmore, Sanborn & Co., Astoria Agents.1 r,t Immi f a ik y as Usual and finest line of to Astoria. TO SUIT EVERYBODY ! convinced. OSLO F. VAnKKK. CAUL A. 1IAXSOX SUCCESSORS TO 5. L. PARKER. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Eyery Steamer THIS WEEK. Unntc junk.il UK). 1 S es 1 he Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. RETAIL DEALER IN f Plated are. every Steamer. llwaco, "V57"ts2a.2 Jolin C. Dement, DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Druas and Druggists' Sundries. I'i'csrripUoiis Carefully Compounded. Agent lor Mesican Salve and ITorwegian Pile Curo NO . & 1 x I r jy",3