&& -C"s - ?T &&k '3? ZZ5A VOL. XXXIII, NO. I3G. ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1889. .ww -: -" . , .-A i v A J J - JM , . pkkE layjjjgg: Choijcest usmsss rrope On 2nd, 3rd, 4-tb, and 5th Streets In Centre of Town. Lots from $4,000 to $10,000. ONE BLOCK With Water Frontage on Rler, in business pait of ton, $25,000. 260 Acres Bottom Land Alongside Astoru & South Coast R. It. On Clatsop Plains. Good Cedar Tunber Land, Suitable for Tlattlnp. $25 per Acre: Cheap. WXNGATE & STOKE. Astoria-Ilwaeo. AND WAY POINTS. SSL- The Steamer 'Volga," CA1?T. E. rAHKAIt, Master, Will lea e every day, Sunday excepted : Cannery at Ilnaco .9 :15 a. ji, 1L II. Parker's Dock. Astoria 2 :15 p. m. For Freight or Passat, apply on board. Piano Tuning. At tin- soi.cit.i'.ion oMu!t Friends, Francis Has decided nijj. AstoiiaJus future home. Partie rvvuu.-Piio's ieau lue Uiem kepr-m-Tirti-elrCiV "Irae, T,hc vcar around. Having secured the principal pitronage of Astoria for uele ears, lie hopes to mrit a continuance of tlie same. He laKes ple.tsuie in rtfemnir to any and eeij well established Music House on the TilisT. from Victoria lo Los Angeles. Ues'dence at Mrs. HoldunS, u Shipping and Commission Merchant r.Tatn St. Wharf, Astona. Oregon. SPECIALTIES: Cannery les Barbour's Salmon Net Twines. NEPTUNE Brand Salmon Twine, WOOOEESRY Cotton Lines and Tu mes SEINES and BETTING Of all Description Furnished at Factory Prices. FiBE iKSySANCE Effected in Firt Class Compauies, Uepreseuting SI3,G00,(KK PHCESIX, .. Hartford, Conn HOME, -..New York, Agency Pacific Express and Wells, Fargo Jt Co. CAN BE HAD IN ASTOKIA, ONLY OP E. R. HAWKS Agent, Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E. B. Hawes Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Ful! Stock on Hand, AND CEILING DECORATIONS! 5000 double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades just reoeived direct from Eastern factories. Also large assortment of CARPETS, Of all grades in beautiful now deaiRns New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Hatting, Etc., Etc, Call and examine. ' " CHAS. HEILBORN. If you have a piece of inside be sold to advantage. " We Fhe Teacher Yho ad used her pupils to strengthen ,heir minds by the use of Ayer's Sar aparilla, appreciated the truth "hat joilily health is essential to mental .i;or. For persons of delicate and feeble oustitution, whether young or old, this nedicine is remarkably beneficial. Be mre 3 ou get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " Every spring and fall I take a num ber of bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and am greatly benefited." Mrs. James H. Eastman, Stoneham, Mass. 'I have taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla with great benefit to my general health." Miss Thirza.L. Crerar, Palmyra, Md. "My daughter, twelve years of age, aas suffered for the past year from General Debility. A few weeks since; we began to give her Ayer's Sarsaparilla. HerhealthJias greatly improved." Mrs. Hainet i. Hattles, South Chelmsford, Mass. "About ayear ago Ibegau usingAyer's Saisaparilla .as a remedy for leuflity and neuralgia resulting from malarial exposme in the arary. I was in a very bad condition, but six bottles of the Sar saparilla, w ith occasional doses of Ayer's Pills, ha e greatly improved my health. I am now able to work, and feel that I cannot say too much for your excellent remedies." V. A. Pinkham, South Molunctih, Me. "My daughter, sixteen years old, ia fsi:igAyer's Sarjanarilla with good ef ftr-.,V-Rev-Sj Ji Graham, United Hrethren Church, Bnclchannon, W.Ya. ' I suffered from Nervous Prostration, t. ith lame back and headache, and have Itcs'ii much benefited by the use of Ayer's Saisaparilla. I am now 80 years of age, and am satisfied that my present health and prolonged life are due to the use of A ci 's Sarsaparilla." Lucy Moflitt, Killlngly, Conn. Mis. Ann H. Farnsworth, a lady 79 oais old, So. Woodstock, Vt., writes: "After several wCeks' suffering from nei vous prostration, I procured a bottle if Ajer's Sarsaparilla, and before I had taken half of it my usual health returned." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PHEPARED.BY- Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., bowell, Mass. Price $1; lx bottles. $5. "VVoith 3 a bottle. I T.cstpp fc Ki ij - xjjuiui w. uuuuiuuuj CIVIL ENGINEERS Surveyors and Architects. Office, Rojli 9, FlaVel's. IJld'Gj SECOND STH. . P. O. Box 813. AfjtSk) OS. Wm. Si Ad Air. REAL ESTATE AGENT; N, E. Cor. Olney and Third, Sts. P. O. Box 433 Particular attention given to Properties in Upper Astoria; also to purchase of Tim ber Lands. ge Inside You Want a Good Investine Will Guarante HTT -TELEpiIC, Specials to Tlie Astorian. The Davis Obsequies at New Orleans. A Drunken Mate Drowned" at Portland. Latest Hews Items from Both Continents. PobtiiAND, Dec. 1L The testimony in the Gibbs trial ia all in and the counsel is addressing tlie jury. There, is a diversify of opinion as to the de gree of guilt, The case will proba bly go to the jury to-night A TEMPERANCE LECTURE. About twelve o'clock last night the mate and a sailor belonging to the British ship Larno Law, started across the iron bridge to go to their ship, which lay on the east side, below the bridge. They, had been on this side "all tho evening- anaUbotli were very drunk Therr they got to flxlV&nfeirrkT iViCk lror ran -Wo t-atlrrnl track the watchman macfe them go back and had considerable trouble to put them off. They were both badly DTuised up and evidently had beeh fighting. After he refused to let them cross the bridge they went down to the British ship General Gordon, lv- ing at Greenwich dock, to get a boat in which to row across. As they were crossing the gang plank to board the vessel, the drunken mate lost his foot ing and fell headlong into the river between the dock and the ship. A number of attempts were made to find the body, but all efforts were fruitless. Then the work was abandoned till this morning when a lot of men were again set to work. Up to present writing the body had not been recovered. Two men were sent with the other drunken sailor to walk him over the bridge to his ship. To-day ail the British ships in the port are flying their flags fit half-mast. THE BRAZTLIAN GOVERKJJXNT SECURE. Lokdon, Dec. 11. The manager of the National bank, of Brazil referring lo adverse English comments regard ing the stability of the republic, tele graphs that the comments are ground less. He says complete tranquility prevails, throughout the country, and the people have entire confidence in the government. THE LATEST JOHNSTOWN HORROR. Johnstown, Dec. 11. The opera house-horror hero last night was fully as shocking as at first reported The number of dead is positively known to be nine, and five of the injured are reported to have died this morning at Jejx phonies. The number of injured is auouc eignty. xne doctors say me remarkable feature of the accident is j jthat not a single bone was broken in i. uiuau xuxicu. ui uijiutu. jjiusa are Geo. Stonaker, Lizzie Clay John Miller, colored, Isaac y, Jiirs. wesuey .Burns, uiara (ieo. Morge, Mrs. John V. Nestar, and Eddie Blugar. The causo of death in every instance was the crushing at tho door way leading to the street in frantic efforts of the peo ple to get out of the building. THE DAVIS OBSEQUIES. New Orleans, Dec. 11. The city is crowded with people representing the prominence, wealth and chivalry of the southern states; six or seven governors are here attended by their staffs and bringing with them great delegations of people. At 11:30 the casket was closed and the remains conveyed to the front portico where the simple but impressive rites of the impressive rites of the Episcopal churoh were performed. Lafayette square in frot of the city hall was densely packed with people and the balcony and every available space from which the pageant could be viewed was crowded in the extreme. The obsequies were conducted by Bishop Gallagher assisted by five officiating clergymen of various de nominations. There were altogether twenty surpliced ministers, besides the attendance of numerous clergy men from various southern states. A surpliced choir of thirty-six voices accompanied by an organ sang tho anthem "Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death," after which Bishop Gallagher, made an address. Bishop Gallagher was speaking when the re port closed. STRIK E AT SAVANNAH. Savannah, Dec. 11. Two hundred longshoremen went out on strike yes- Er'' property that OVER A. V. WO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD B2 WITHOUT Tho majority of the ills of tho Iranian bodv arise from a disu.ited Liver. Simt mon3 Liver llegulak.r hit been the means of restoring more people to health ant happiness by giving them a hosilthj Liver than any other agency on earth. , SEE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE, terday, on account oE the determina tion of the stevedores fostand. by the ship merchants as against the owners of the vessels in the custody of fees. THE WASHINGTON CENTENNIAL. Washington D.C.Dec; 11, The ex--ercises of the Washington centennial' inauguration, were held in both houses of congress to-day. ' Ol'St ifcJtY BSST i'WJJ'LK Confirii) o:ir it.ti'ine:it wlien we saj thatDr Acker's English Remedy is in eveiy w.iy.sujieiiortoniij a 1 all otlur preparations lor the Throat :ul Lungs. In Whooping Coush and (. roup, it is magic and telieej at once. Remem ber this .Remedy is sold on a positive guaran'ce. Sold by J. W. Conn. Yes, there is plenty of room at tho top, and there always will be unless facilities for .getting there are im proved. THKFIUSTbYHPTOliS OF liSlATff! Tired feelinn, dull heailn -. .i.,s ij. various parts of the b"f j , slak.ag at the pit of the stomach, ics or appetite, fev erishnes, pimples or sores,nre all positive- evidence of poisoned blood. Xo matter how it bacamc poisoned it must be purified to avoid death. Dr. Acker's English Blood Flixir has nexer failed to lemove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons. Sold under positive guarantee. byJ.W.Conn. There is one point in faor of the man that laughs at his own jokes. You are never in doubt as to wether he intended to be funny. Catarrh Cared, A clergyman, after years of sufietW mg from that loathsomerdiaease.Qa tarrh, aud vainly trying every khBwn remedy, at last found a recipe which completely cured and saved him from death. Any sufferer from this'dread ful disease sending a saltrfdfcssed stamped envelope to Pru. ."EgWTmvr rence, 83 Warren St., Jftdwprk-Cify, wjll receive the recipe free &6kQ- Mrs. Jones What "promaOKat bold young man to kiss you alHhecloor last night? CJora Why, malTdon't think he needed any prompting? CATARRH CURUD, - health and sweet breatu secured by. Shiloh'sGa- tarrh Remedy. Price, 50 cents. Naatt lrnector free. .1. C. DermenL c SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, made ahln hv that tf-rrihli pnnrrh SI Cure is the remedy for you. J. CI. De ment. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspep ia and Liver Complaint? Shilon's Vi talizer is guaranteed to cure you. J. C. Dement. rftf THAT HACKING COUGH cane so quickly cured'hyjUhiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. J. 0. Dement. !' ter' - - -- mm ! jjfc . l J? Mj fa ' ui -ftVfi. 4Li 0 J C-- : Ifiygl I IrL-f-v'-r y ":f...JlS g: aBAS, s-. mm r S I5-? m 8 OUT! A , . sl-MA ft fWMl h rl 1 Lit Ki" .- i.' . I'LL IjSfcSa . g: I Price. OH rii;jLr 'mm me and See us About it you want sold put it in our hands and -ALLEN'S Timber Land As a Speculation. J. W. Farquhar, of Forest Grove, one of the heavest timber laud buyers in the state, was seen at the Esmond yesterday. "Most of the timber land in this country," said he to a reporter, has only a speculative value. That is, it is worth just -what it will bring. If a man is williug to pay $1,000 for a good claim, it is v. orth it, and if ho pas 2,000, that sum may be consid ered the price of it. There is no fixed value. Prices are regulated largely by location oi the land. The facility with which the timber can be got to market is the nnncipil factor in ' determining values. j ''There is a class of land locators and agents iu the country who offer good timber claims for from 3500 to ( 8600. Now, this is an impossibility, j The land either contains no timber or else is so remote from streams or other methods of transportation, that the timber is valueless for many , years to come. There are no good i timber claims going a-begging. They all bring a good price and find ready buyers." Mr. Farquhar, in conjunction with two other men, has bought 21,000 acres of timber land as a speculation. About 14,000 acres of this i3 in Til lamook county, while the rest is", in the Graj's harbor country. -Ore? gonian, 11. Jm ' Don't neglect jour cougb' Ajer's Cherry Pectoral v.-ill euro it, and pre vent consumption. Write .T. C. Ay&r Co., Lowell, for evidence. Nothirfg tends to turn a man tovvaid prohibition quicker than going lo the closet in the dark for the brandy bot tle and getting the cod liver oil bottle by mistake. M)K. FLIXT'S REMEDY should w taken w honour theie b lelt piin or boreuess in the back- or uiK'iiVnies, in theextieinitiei-, incie ied by motion, as these are the pi emonitorj sjinptom of spinal congestion. De-eiiptive tioallse with each, bott'e; o addiess M.ii'k Drug Co , N. Y. 'Won .at last," he exclaimed trium phantly. "Yes, Charlie," said she, shyly, 'but only on the strict condi tion, you know, that I am to be the one." Ladies will find leia f fiom headache, costiene-t;, swimming in tlie head, col ic, sour stomach, r fewness, indiges tion, constant or eiiodical siek head aches, weakness in t e laek or kid nejs, pain in the .shoulders and differ ent parts of the body, a feeling of las bitudc and despondency, by taking Simmons Lier Regulator. It is not anplecsar , ib purely egetahie, and is not injurious to the most delicate con stitution. A huge carpet-mill is to be erected at Floreuce, Ala. If your lung trouble is of scrofu lous origin, Ayer's Sarsaparilla will cure j'ou. Cases 40 YearsStandingCured. Cases 30 YearsStandingCured. Cases20 Years StandincCurGd. eres Promptly &, Permanently. At Dmiggists and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO.. Baltimore, Hd. virIlavo1l,eBna great snfforor from rorpid Ihcr and Dyspepsia. Everv f-- thing I ate disagreed with me until I began taking I can qgw digest any kind of food, c . ctiavu u jicuuacne, anu nave gain ed fifteen pounds in weight." t. u. ouu.vxszz.iz, t'oinmbla, S. C. SOIiD EVERYWHERE. Office 44 Mutter St., Hew York. W? TRADE ,p MARKI BIEMBdyPAIIV have ur Hands. AT.T. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Th's pov.iler never vanes, a marvel of iirit j , strength and wliolesomeness. More economical than the orJinarv kinds, and can not be bold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate pow ders. Sold only in cans. Rotai. Bakiist. Powder Co. IOC V'all-st.. N. Y. . Ltcwi M. Johnson & Co., Agents, Port land. Oregon. Obliged togo to Euiope on business I otter my establishment known as the Por sale at a bargain. For pai tieulars apply to Qa W. Fisher, l'ropnetor. BLOCK 72 Sbiveiy's Astoria, rcgmuiiu To-Day, I Offer for Sale, Some of ihe hest Kesulence I ots in the City. The Ulock has been cleared ami is only : Blocks from C'atsop Illl and Street Car Line. Lots :y100 and 33l.".o at from 200 to $22.1. Ka'f Cash. Balance m 0 months : ." per cent, olf for Cash. See Plats at my ofilee. J, E. I4IA.KSEKL, Ileal Estate Broker. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAV HASSEK, Prop'r. A Large -and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls t Jewelry At Extremely Low rrices. AH Goods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watcli and Clock Itcpniriug A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Sqnemoqua Streets. T. B. Loughery. DEALER IX Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes, Confectionery, Etc. 0KE BUT THE BEST BEAXDS HANDLED. TIIIHD STREET, Opposite Ifahn's Boot and Shoe Store. BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the U. S. and Europe, and on Bong Kong, China Office HotJes : 10 a. ji. to 3 p. jr. Odd Fellows BtnLDiXG, Astoria, Oregon. P0YAL YH2NINFA for U(MU i i 4a JictifliiOirliiaMSeaieil On Ciatsop PSa!rasB Wo have a Hint ed number of Lots Health v and lu ltered location on the nearly level, and all In sra-s ai.d ciover. l-innd WflfPP l.nnH WoifTllh.ire on.l -2lF.UtJO riTKl Sflltlf rS'.tH tn lm nrcnloil in tlmcnnnn nrwl nnJ..I , - ; ,.-. v, wx v.iv. tit t,ttt. oi'iuit .(till 11UU M nane.v hpfirft .fiilv lef ifiOn f:....i it.,:,... tr... i .i erty. Lars will be running to this point in a month fiom date. Xc fTrnV vou ran take Cars at Astoria ami ho lnnrlna nh thof Ttntni ;.. 1,-'" ., " " ihc owners of this property are resoled to do everything ute-. tomakd Clatsop City the one and only Seaside Kesort of the Pacific 2f t v bpeclal Inducements to Parties Desiring to Build Cottages. LOt 75 io S 1 35, or i Cash, Balance uj time Wirsgate & Stone9 Agents. BAHBOHR'S HAVE 0 EQUAL ! GRAND PRIX PARIS 1878, AXD GRAND CROSS OF TIIE LEGION D'HONNEUR They re :elved the - " ' r' ONLY GOLD ME-fi j? or jsxiajs. iii.iiVj&.iJ3 at the Xaond.orL islieries And have been awarded HIGHER PRIZES at the viiinna f INTERNATIONAL Than the goods TTsnF& YZ1 & Ti TSP . TWTTW r7wr ii ' h TNT T1IK Gi-u.alit3T Can l-sxrasrs Toe 3Depen.e - Experienceft nstein HENRY DOYLE & CO 517 and 519 Market St.-eet, AGENTS FOR House Gleaning. Furniture Moving, Carpet Cleaning. Al such work done quick and cheap, nd cheap, " Third doortrom Cas3 Street Ffh Market. "WOODBEBRY SEINE TWIS. popp n TING Constantly on Hand. SEINES i PfiTmL?! TRAPS Furnished to order at Lowest factory Prif & it will in ttits Beautiful Townsite fori Ocean Beach, No cold wir The Slc-c:i r the lavj t-r.nA Wnr. I 1. 7....l !F,zliiT3atio. -i EXP08lf'ci of any other -J2&' WORT.Tl --Tk? j ipiS 023., SflfJ CD .. PACIFIC COA5T UISCQ. B0I ES. factory pricesa WAN'SED.-Generni ..T"T ,,I ci?,.?0ie. XqiSSSLB?' it ciass house. k6 M&i "a 1,"S."5wi.0DenfS;,SS,?. '"nee thpbt aWv and iaei ' C- 3" " 1 to ie m V J. I 1TT Hrri-w ' S ".- fb W'. M r-s -& -!