01 . Msasrt VTcrseri VOL. XXX HI, NO. !2G. ASTOKTA. OREGOJV, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30.. 1889. PRICE JblVE CENTS v T T I ) a This is believed to be a pretty good sign that people know a good thing when they see it. This property is going fast. money and make it fast, here is your chance. If you don't, this does'nt interest you. Meanwhile hear in mind that it is in just such purchases of real estate that big money is made. Better buy than wish you ...- , should get left, don't say you did'nt have a chance or were'nt told. Rich and Poor, Prince and Peasant, the Millionaire and Day Laborer, by tbeir common use of Ibis remedy, attest tbe world-wide rep utation of Ayer's Pills. Leading phy sicians recommend tbese pills for Stomach tmd Liver Troubles, Costive ness, Biliousness, and Sick Headache ; also, for Rheumatism, Jaundice, and Neuralgia. They are sugar-coated; con tain no calomel ; are prompt, but mild, in operation ; and, therefore, the very best medicine for Family Use, as well as for Travelers and Tourists. "I have derived great relief from Ayer's Pills. Five years ago I was taken so ill with Rheumatism that I was unable to do any work. I took three boxes of Ayer's Pills and was entirely cured. Since that time I am never without a box of these pills." Peter Christensen, Sherwood, "Wis. "Ayer's Pills have been in use in my family upwards of twenty years and have completely verified all that is claimed for them. In attacks of piles, from whicb I suffered many years, thej afford greater relief than any othel medicine I ever tried." T. F.Adams. Holly Springs, Texas. "I have used Ayer's Pills for a num ber of years, and have never found any thing equal to them for giving me an appetite and imparting energy and strength to the system. I always keej them in the house." R. D. Jackson "Wilmington, Del. " Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured mc of severe Headache, from which I was long a sufferer. Emma Keyes, Hubbardston, Mass. "Whenever I am troubled with con Btipation, or suffer from loss of appetite Ayer's Pills set mo right again." A. J Kiser, Jr., Rock House, "Va. "Ayer's Pills are in general deman among our customers. Our sales o tViam a-vnnpft tVincn nf nil nthor TjillS COm bined. "We have never known then fail to give entire satisfaction." "Wright & Hannelly, San Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pills, Q rEEFABED BY Dr. J. C Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass 8old by all Dealers in Medicine. DEALER IN Wall Paperand Oil Pointings SPECIALTY, Sign Writer, Grainer and Ornamental Painter. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, Or Strength of Baking Powders BY ACTUAL CHEMICAL TESTS. IE. rKICE'S, Purest . JOnNSON'S (Alum Powder).. RAMSEY'S (when fresh) . RIDER'S qiTEEN (Alain Powder) HLAKE'S(Alum Powder) CLYBCRN'S (short wt. K z.) PAYNE'S sovjjc crmvKA rAlum Powder).. nERBERT &!caBfc..:...fs.'. fHlEF (Alum Powder) GIFT POWDERS (Contain Alum and AimBonia) THEME POWDERS (Contain Alnm andfcVmmonla) hl'LK POWDER (sold loose Centain1: Alnm RAMSEY'S (when not fresh) T....1 a., ......... BH WFPORTS OP GOVERXJIEXT CHEMISTS AS TO PTTKITX ATOWHOLE. SOMEXESS OP UK. PRICE'S CKEA3C TtXJOSa POWDER. - t pniCE'SXREAM BAKING POWDER tloesliot contain Alnm. Ammonia or Lime, or any a ;? kTs GPatok, Ph. D., Chemist for the United States Government. X? Sam of Tartar used In DR. PRICE'S CREA3I BAKING POWDER .to .the strongest and f rromlUlme and other Impurities,. PjoM'ktkr colueu. Chief Chemist for the Lnltcd ?eS Denartmenrot AlCuUure, JVashlugton, D. C. raising pro'er MiS "n ra sing power It stands at the Heart. Prlee's Cream taRaertneoenai haveud ..Prlce's"lnmyfarailrfor ieirV-pUrof:R iSe PSSt a&an State Board of Health. Dement s A Photograph Mystery. A well-known photographer, says tho London Tablet, xil vouch for the follow ing factc: He w:ib called in one day to take a photograph of a yomiij girl of about 20, who had died n few days be fore. The corpse was laid out upon a bed with the hands elnippd over the bieast. Death had rtune very svntly to her, c:iJ. except for t lie- stiIJiu" she lay theie 3 if in sleep. Some ilowers had been strewn over th body, and on the floor by the aide of tbe bed. and standing ont in black relief against it, was tbe coffin. The photographer silently ad- i'usted his lens and tootc tho photograph. )nring the ten minute'; needed for the exposure, the photographer paced up and down in the long corridor ontsido the room where the dead girl lay. "When he returned ho saw that on tho lid of the coffin was a flower, which was not so be fore. How did that flower coiup there? No one had entered the room, the win dows were closed Jind there was not a breath of air stirring. "Why was the flower now lying on the coffin, wLeu a few minutes before it was on the bed be tween the hands of the corpse? The photographer listened, but ho could hear no sound except tbo beating of his own heart. In a fewmoments, however, he determined to dismiss tho question from his mind and busied himself with pack ing up his instrument. Then ha paused possibly the falling flower lind left a trace on the negative, or, as the day was gloomj', tho photograph might riot be quite "fcnccessfnl. He would try again. A second photograph was taken and the artist returned home. That night sitting up late in his studio, he developed the two negatives. Tho position of tho corpse was not the same in the two neg atives. The photographer strained his oyes,Jhnlf disbelieving the evidence of his own senses, but there were the two neg atives before him, telling him in their silent, unmistakable truthfulness, that between the taking of the two photo graphs the arm of the dead girl1 had dis tinctly moved. Tho mystery of the flower on the coffin was solved, but it was succeeded by a mystery more terrible still. Ayer'd Cathartic Pills contain nei ther calomel nor any other injurious substance. They stimulate thu appe tite and regulate the bowels. Married, 8t tho residence of 0. II. Montgomery, in Chewelah, Nov. l.". Mr Ralph Damp and Miss Louise Kivers. Here is an opportunity for the newspa per humorist. Mr. Selby Carter, Nashville, Tenu.: "Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleared my sys tem of scofala." Ocean freights on live cattle have ad-, vanced from J?7.tU per neaa mr.t year to $20 per head at this time. " THAT HACKING tOUUII can be so quickly cured by SliilohV Curt'. We guarantee if. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyp.'u sia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vi talizer fs guaranteed to cine you. and Ammonia) HHKHiiBHBHH mammmmmmmmmmmammm .! - r t. I p J clmmm .HHH jHl short "raff ONliT VOU1 Hi for Its peculiar ofllcacy Is duo as much to the process and NOTHING sjni in compounding as to i ik p ix the hixreiHents themselves. u"" Take it In time. It checks diseases nthe outset, or If they be advanced will piuvea iwitoutcure. 1 lie should lie Wint It. It takes the place of a doctor aim costly pre BCriptlous. All who lead sedentary lives will rind It tho bet preventive of FOR WHOSE BENEFIT and cure for IiHlijjestlon, Constlpaticn, Ilcadac-ho, Blllonsnoss, Piles and Mntal Depression. No loss of time, no interfcreiiee with business while taking. For chliclrea It Is most In nocent and harmless. No danger from exposure. after taklpg. Cures Colic, Di arrhoea, JJowol Complaints, Paverlsh ness and PoverlshiColds. Invalids and delicate persons will find It the mildest Aperient and Tonic they can use. A little taken at night insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation of the bowels. A little taken in the morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses the stomach and Bweeteus t he brrat h. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. "I have been practicing medicine for twenty years and hai e ne cr been able to fmt up a vegetable compound that would, ike Simmons Liver Regulator, prompdy and effectively move the liver to acuon, and at the same time aid (instead of vv eak cning) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system " L. M. Hinton, m d., Washington, Arlc. Marks of Genuineness: Look for thorod Trade-Mark on front of Wrapper, and the Seal and Signature of J. ILZeilln & Co,, In red, on the side. Take no other. PrlcoSI. Murdered In His Cabin. Camonvillk, Or., Nov. 28. This ruorn inj: Thomas Dyer, an employe of the Southern Pacific railroad, called at tho cabin of Fine Caine, also a railway em ploye, and found him dead, with every evidence of having been murdered last night. His place is near tho falls of Cow cieok. about five miles south of Kiddles station. Caine was an estimable young man, well liked in the community where he lived, and was a track walker for the Southern Pacific railroad. Biliousness. V Have k'Med its virlm.s, person ally, and know that for l)y pepsin, UihouMiC-saud Throbbing lleadacho, it is thr bt'.t medicine the world c cr saw. We tried foity other remedies bcfoiu Simmons Liver Kegulator, hut nonts of them gave u utoro than temporary re lief; the IU'guIator not only relieved hut ctued us. H. II.Joxks, I'd. TIe gi apli and ilessenger, Slacon, Ga. A settler who not many -months since took a claim of ICO acres on the moun tain between Clatskanie and Nehalem, last week sold his claim for, 1,600, after reserving five acres of land on which his buildings are situated. ESiicIctcn7 lrme:t f-alvc Tu:- Jiicsx Sajlvk in-the world foi Cuts, liruiesT8ore4JJ)cers,JSu Rheum, Fe er Sorps; .Teitpr; xtiajPvdJIand, Chilblains, Corns,-and till Skin Erup tions, ami positivelj cuie" Piles, or no pay retjuiicd. Hisguaiantecd to gie perfect atlsfactlO.or ui'i'.ey refiuidec!. Price 2j cents per U"X. For salt- bt .1. W. Conn. y f he, Pillsbury mills in Minneapolis, M'mu.j were recently cold to foreign cap italists, The sale included some sixty elevators located at different points in tho northwest. CATAliltH crJJED. health and sweet breath seemed by hhiloh's Ca tarrh Remedy. Price, 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. 'SLEEPLESS .NIGHTS, made miser able hj that krriblu cough. Shiloh's Cure is the leiueH for you. H. W. Strickler, M. B. DEALElt IK Pure Drugs. Toilet Articles,.. Etc, Preset iptlon Clerk sjicaks Four ditTerent 1niRuagp.s. Geueral practice of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second Street, near Postofllce. p jd! .1 f JL OVER A. V. ALLEN'S. Bis: Tiro m Bo3ba". ' Poston, Nov. 28. The most disastrous tiro from which Boston has suffered since 1872, and one which in property hiv rivals tho groat conflagration at Lynn, Tuesday, broke out abont 8:20 a. m., to day in tho six-story ' granite building, owned by Jordan, Marsh & Co., and oc cupied by Ilrown, Duroll & Co., dry goods t merchants, on Pctlford street, at the 1 corner of Kingston. The great lire of J 1S72 broke ont at the corner of Kingston and Summer streets, and the alarm of lo-da'fi lira was rung in from the same b. which heralded tbe memor.ible- con flagration that e3u?nmpd nearly $100, ' iHX),000 of propertj. The first alarm . rung in to-day was immediately fol lowed bv the first general alarm in Boston j since !S7J. To-duy's conflagration ragttl for .six hours, burned over two ncrts of territory I covered by magnificent structures, and J entailed a loss of, as now estimated, $4, 000,000. The general alarm was soon followed by calls upon all tho neighbor ing cities and towns for assistance. Seven people in the building at the corner of Kingston and Bedford street a were overcome by tho smoke, but "wore rescued by the bravery of police sergeant Kimball, patrollman Haines, and ex councilman Barry. A policeman and several firemen nre reported to have been seriously injured or burned. The origin of the fire is not definitely known, but it is attributed to the electric wires. Later estimates of the loss place it at nearlv S.TOOO.flOO- Ahrvnf. iron linnrlrpil firms wavk i burned out, and one hundred agents of New lork and western firms had their headquarters destroyed. ihe agents of a large number of the m-1 surance companies interesieu were seen by a reporter and asked as to tbeir losses. The risks which could be nscer- tained to-day amount to nearly $2,7f0,000, while a large number of companies have j not yet been heard from. The fire, com- ing as it does on top of the great blaze at Lynn, is a crushing blow to many of tho smaller insurance companies, aiidit is not at all unlikely that it will cause tbe hU-sp-nsion of some of them. Sen Butler's Kew Book. Is 13en Ilutler loaded for beat ? Speak ing of his coming book, ho says ho has "a personal desire that the trno inward ness of tho actions of some soiklisant saintsmartyrs, heroes and generals, who have figured so romantically in tho his tory of the greatest occurences in the life of any nation, as peddled out to maga zines at so many pennies a line, shall bo set right by an impartial statement of tho true facts and incident of their ca reers. And I think I shnll have will enough to sustain mo until I have done justice to both my friends and enemies, arid especially the latter.' psr Qire oF Mttm7itm y.V Xi Sie"' , ruii , il -c ti Ks.ja siBH-.a.&SS'1' Gures? aMrTlrrPERb1ifeTriY WITrtUUPKETUN. 0FJk?r!N. PrUlllGBI5TS ANDT)EAtEr5lYIYWf!EIi The Chas-A-Vdgeler Gh-BAiio-MD- stimulato tho torpid livor, streutjtlicn tho dlgestlvo organs, regulate tho bow els, and aro tmequaleda.s an ANT!-B1L!0US KiEDICiNE. In malarfal districts their virtues aro widely recognized, as they possess PECULIAR PROPERTIES in freeing tho system from that poison. Dose small. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 25 cents per box. Sold Every wiiere. Oflice, 44 Murray St., N. Y. School Taxes. NOTICE IS UEREB-v GJ.VJEN THAT TIIK taxes Of school district Ho. One; Asto ria, Clatvip county, Oregon, nre now due and payable to the clerk of said district, and that the sanie, if not paid, will be deemed delinquent sixty days from date. By order of tho board of directors. J. tt. HUSTLE R, Clerk. Astoria, Oregon, Nov. 6th. 839. u ALL AkiH0 POWDER Absolutely Pure, Tint powdei nev vanes, A niarvcl of ,mrity, strength a;l vliolesomenes.s. More eeeui inlcal than the ordinary kinds, ami can not be Mild in competition with the multi tude of low tost, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in ca;w. Jtoi a i. Baking Powder Co. IOC V'all-st.. N. "i . JiF.wis m. .iohnsox & CO., Agents, roit- ' Jam, Oregon , . rxyt ( , m -j lift T.V B PIPritlAIlP J-fcV.' T WJk I t3 SJUS MA&VMV Portland and Astoria. Time Table. Braves Asteria: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at G a. jr. T.c:ircs IeriIaiid: Whd.iy, Wednesday, and Fiiday at 7 a. m. Cannery Supplies Biock Tin, Acid, Etc. MENDING TWINE ron k Salmon Gill Ssfeis, No. 10, 12 IMj Xeptniie, M cents per lb.. 10 per cent, off for cash. The cheapest and best mending twino ever offered. A FULL. ASbOKTMKST OI' Barbour's Salmon Net Threads ASM WOOMIEIIUY LINES AM) 1 WINKS, Constantly or. baud. KNii Netting of all description-, famished to order at lowest factoiy prices. Ship and Commission Agency "FRE tfJSUSAMCE IX FiltSST C'I..Vi;5 t iillVAXllZ Representing S13,000,00O 1MKESIX, Uartford, Conn H03IK, New York, Agencj I'scit'c Express and Wells, Fargo .t Co. O. P. Upshur, Main Sheet "Wharf Astoria, Oregon. Abstracts of Title. C. R. THOMSON Keeps a full set of Abstract Books and ill examine the Title to any itcal Es tate in the county and furnish an Abstract of Title to tbe same. Terms reasonable. Woik guaranteed. Wm, B. Adair, REAL ESTATE AGENT. .N. E. Cor. Olney and Third Sfs. P. O. Box 436. Particular atloution given to Properties In Upper Astoria ; also to purchase of Tim ber Lands. i main Good Business Corner' -Business Lot, 3d Street lioiee Lot on 2d Street -Lots in Business Center Lots on Olney Street - Odd Fellows Building, IS Xaading Tailor of JLsioria. Great Reduction in. Prices. IMPOIITEK OF English, French and Scotch Woolens. NEW GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER. First-class wort, and no garment will bo allowed to go out cf tho store nnlesa it gives satisfaction.- Fino Business Snits'made to order for 35. Genuine Imported Tweed Cheviot and Cashmero Suits from 38 to S45. Broad "Wail Overcoats at S30 and upwards. This gives eYery gentleman in Astoria a chance tb get a Fino Fitting Suit. Come around anfl-satisfy yourself. - - J. ST. SLOSTIER. The only medicine which destroya tha Rorms of Catarrh, Rheumatism, Fomale Complainta, Consumption (if not too far gone). Dyspepsia, Malarial and all Blood and Skin Diseases. It is. a safe and positive enro for Loss Of Manhood and Gon orrhea. Ib pleasant to drink. Giveitatrial. Prico, 73 cents and $1.25. PACIFIC SLOPE MEDICINE CO., Spokane Falls, Wash. J. C Dement, Sole Agent, Ast oria BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. Just Eeceived. Direct From the East. Over Three Tons of Wall Paper. 8,000 Rolls, All 1800 patterns. This Is a part cf my stock ordered for 1890. E. F.ALLEN. If you want to make had. Anyhow if you - . $4,300 3,500 6,000 - 7,000 ' 3,500 AStoria, Oregon. TAILO - CANDY MANUFACTORY. Iff. J. BERGMAF, Prop'r. fine Chocolate Bon Bons FUKSH MAIK DAILY. As Well :ls All Other Kinds of Cream Candies. Please Call and Give Me a Trial. TIURD STREET, Next to Western. Union Telegraph Ollice. Portland and Coasts. S. Co. GRAYS HAItBOR. STR. ALLIANCE. Sails from 1'ort land every'liChnrsday-at 7 r. M. ; and from Astoria the-following niornlug. Land ing at Hoquiain", Aberdeen, Cosmopolls and Montesano. SHOALWATER BAY. STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland on 1st and 15th of each month, landing at North Coye, South Bend, Willapa and Bay Center. P. R. 8TROSG, President. C.P. DreHUK, Agent Astoria. Astoria Gallery. FOR THE BEST PHOTOS, TINTYPES Or any Kind of Photographic "Work. Call at the ASTORIA GALLERY, Good Work and Reasonable Prices Guaranteed. Misses C. & Z. CARRUTHERS, (Successors to H. S. Sinister.) The Mikado