Czj N fa ga g$iom ASTORIA. OEEGON: SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 16. 1889. A FEW REMARKS. The county printing for this county is at present done in St. Louis, Missouri. This is believed to be unjust. It is cer tainly uncalled for. There are four job printing offices in this city. "We are not acquainted with the resources of any but our own, but can say that one is fully equipped and. prepared to do any work required by any one in this county. These four printing offices have several thous and dollars invested. There are no other four establishments in Astoria that pro portionately pay out so much of their earnings. "Whatever they make over and above actual expenses is invested in this town, and taxed at its full value. If a man were to come here to start a manufacturing establishment, giving em ployment lo a large number of persons who spent their wages in the town, it would be nothing out of the way for him to ask a subsidy; and many a thousand dollars havo been given by enterprising communities to manufacturing establish ments not half so deserving of it as a newspaper and job printing offioe. Sending money to build up printing establishments in St. Louis, is not the way to build up similar home establish ments, espeoially when they stand ready to do the work just as good and just as oheap as anywhere else. This is the first time The Astobian has ever referred to this matter; and even now, it only alludes to it incident ally, and in accordance with its de clared policy of building up home in dustries. Personally,'we don't care; The Asto bian is not dependent on such crumbs of patronage, but in general it earnestly protests against such short sighted pol icy, so manifestly opposed to the plainest dictates of mutual effort and business co operation. One word more as to the business fair ness of this proceeding. A few months ago the proprietors of this establishment were, in common with others, notified to put in a bid for county printing, blanks, etc. This we did, and being the lowest bidder the work was awarded to us. We refer to the official records for proof of what is here courteously asserted. "We have yet to see that work on which we bid, and which was awarded to us by the county commissioners. Is it going to St. Louis, Mo.? You business men who read this, sup pose that you made a similar contract and were similarly Berved; what would you think about it? We refrain from further comment. Evebx newspaper man knows some thing about the paragraphs which come creeping into the offices at unseemly hours, and of the questions which he asks. First, it is asked, "Is it worth - - au-i Ja it true?" Third, injury to the individual?" Butjorlhis care respectable newsparere get .no credit whatever. You do not know what goes to the waste basket. If you did you would revise your opinions. A news paper should be judged as a man is. If you know a man who is full of infor mation, whoso mind is pure, and who has common sense, he is always welcome to yon; but if ho is vulgar and has your contempt, you say he is not trustworthy, and pass him by. Why not apply the same test to the newspapers? The true newspaper man hesitates long before he uses a paragraph which may injure an individual or a business con cern or any individual or corporation en terprise. He does not consider it his mission to wield, the undoubted power of his position even to gratify his individual and private grudge3, or to punish those who have injured or attempted to injure him. He considers his place as, in a sense, a public trust, and so manages his paper as to conserve the public interest. . . A oobeespondent suggests the number ing of the streets. A year ago this paper aided considerably that way by chang ing the names of the streets running east and west. The Astobian then dis carded the old uncouth names, and now daily refers to them as First, Second, etc. In the course of time our corre spondent's idea adopted. The suggestion has been made by this paper time .and again, bnt it takes a good while to overcome inertia. A Canadian syndicate is getting a grip upon all the pine land3 of Minnesota, equal in area to one half the state. Where is the American party? Shall the Kan nck steal our timber and do his courting by the light of the pine knots of free dom? Shall he usurp our shakes and shingles, and with his foreign frow split our clapboards, while the bird of free dom pines for a pine to roost him on? While recognizing that it is manners to wait to bo asked, it may not be wholly out of place for the editor of this paper to say that at no time, either present, or future is he a candidate or applicant for any city, county, state or federal po sition, elective or appointive. He has his ambitions, like other men, but they do not lie in that direction. Mbs. Pabsons, the negro widow of the Chicago anarchist, declares that "Henry George has just girded on his armor." Perrfit us to correct you, madame; Mr. George was not doing anything bo fool ish. He was changing his shirt. Jay Gould liaB a superstition that he is to be killed in an elevator. He can beat destiny at that game by using the stairs and compelling the elevator to come out of its hole and attack him where he will stand some chance. j The WcwDicoTeiy. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. Xou may your self be one of the many who .know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried It, you are one of its staunch friends, because mc nuuueriui imng auout it is, mat when once given trial, Dr. Sing's 2Sew Discovery ever alter hold's a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, .Lung or Chest troubleecure a bottle at onpe and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every Si money refunded. . Trial Bottles s frJrW. Contf s Drugstore. fflEGJM. Specials to The Astorian. An Important Eaiiroad Agreement. Confederation ofParmers and Mechanics Chicago, Nov.15. A ten years agree ment has been made between the Alton road and the Kansas Pacific branch of the Union Pacifio covering freight and passenger business to all points between Chicago and the Pacifio coast. The Union Pacific railroad company is to fix east bound rates, and the Alton the west Douno. rates, it goes into effect on March 1st, 1890, MABIOK GETS A FBIZE. Pabis, Nov. 15. The French academy has awarded a prize to Marion Crawford, an American author. THE KNIGHTS OF LABOB. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 15. The Knights of Labor committee on law resumed its report immediately after the convention was called to order and continued until the hour arrived when the committee from the Farmer's alliance was to be re ceived. They appeared headed by Presi dent Livingston, who said he felt sure when the convention met at St. Louis on Dec. S, a confederation would be formed and it would be equally beneficial ton both orders. In Powderly's reply he thanked God for the day, and said that the day when the farmer and mechanic could stand side by side and work for the same object had alwavs been a dream of his. The entire meeting was most enthusias tic and every mention of confederation was met with thundering applause. FIBE ON A STEAMKB. San Fbangisoo, Nov. 15. A fire was discovered this morning on the steamer Hawaii which was lying at the Oceanic dock ready to Bail for Honolulu to-day. The steamer had a full cargo, inoluding much-valuable merchandise intended for Christmas trade at Honolulu. She was at once towed to Mission Bock, and the fire extinguished by swamping her on the mud flats. The extent of dam age is not known, but it will probably be considerable. The Hawaii was formerly named the Del Horte, and she was re cently purchased bv the Wilden Steam ship company, of Honolulu for $30,000. She was intended for the inter-island trade. AIBT, FAIBX JJLIAN. Chicago. Nov. 15. C. E. Lionard, Lilian Russel's father, says she did not elope. She had a severe'cold, and fol lowed the physician's advice in deciding not to appear on tho stage. He went with her to the train. It is rumored in theatrioal circles, however, that she has gone to New York to meet "W. C. Stan ford, a young club man with a $200,000, yearly income. STATE BOABD DENTAL EXAMINEES. Pobtland, Nov. 15. Since the state board of dental examiners was appointed subsequent to tho act of the legislature, February 23, 1889, that board of officials has granted certificates to 147 dentists. A member of .the board said this morning that every reputable den tist in the state has appeared beforo the board either to pass an examination, show his diploma or prove that he was practicing in the state previous to the passage of the act. AFBATD OF THE FEVEB. HoPKTNSvnxE, Ky., Nov. 15. Great excitement prevails in Webster county over the appearance of a terrible spotted fever scourge that raged in that county last winter. A number of new cases are IfiBPStfiJL 25LjS!aJe3 sa"oandmK possible is being done to proven it its spread and keep the terrified people from deserting their homes as they i did last year. HE TOOK THE WKONO MKDICTJVE. Robert Stewart, of Petalunm, recently had a queer experience. Ho mites: "Carbuncle and bolls afflicted my f&co and neck for weeks. Finally I procured a bottls of one of tho leading s&rssparlll&s. Tony surprise It xaa'do matters "worse. This made me loss faith In sarsaparlllas, but seeing a statement that Joy's Vegstable Sarsaparllla dried up bolls and face eruptions instead of forcing more out as the potash sarsaparlllas do, I bought a bottle. Tho effect was aston ishing. The carbuncles and bolls began to dry up, and In tyro weeks my face wo well and smoothies erer. Hy brother also took a bottlo with the same benefit. RobeetStthubt, "Petaluma, CaL" (Explanatory Note Tho mineral iodide of potash, which is tho basis ot nearly all other sarsaparlllas, attacks the blood direct, henco forces impurities through, the akin, creating more bolls andplmples. JoVaVegetablo Sar saparllla acts oppositely. Its vegetable alter atives stimulate the various secretive organs and thus eliminate all impurities through the natural channel, henco dries u pimples and Bsin eruptions at once, xna BD0T0 1 Mtimon UU is case ia point. J The keeping qualities of human hair are shown by the recovery of a wig worn by n priest in a temple at Thebes, 3,400 years ago. The same immortal fact is shown by butter with hair in it. A Souml Legal Opinion. E.3alnbrldge Munday Esq., County Atty.,Clay Co., Texas says: '-Have used Electric Bitters with most happy re sults. My brother also was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use" of.thlsuiedi cine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life." 'Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, saying: lie postively believes he would have died had it not been for Electric Bitters. This great remedy will ward off, as well as cure all Malaria Diseases, and for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Dis orders stands unequaled. Price 50 cen ts and Si, at Jno C. Dement's. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. WinsloWs Sootwtv svTrtri should always be used for children teething." It soothes thechild, softens "1D,hiima,a"J3 ". paint cures wind oholic,aodfis; the best remedy fordiar-rhcBaJTwenty-five cents a bottle. 'Telepk,e&eledrtaff Heuae. ' Best-Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 ad 25 cts per week S1.50. New and clean. Private entrance. Do You JLiko a Good Clear? Call at Charley Olsen's, opposite C. H. Cooper's. He will suit you. A fine stock of cigars to select from. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc, can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. Ludlow's Ladies 3.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman's. Sleals CooBced. to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Coffee and cake, ten rents, at tho Central Restaurant. Dwelling: House Wanted, By small family: rent to be from 12 to $18: inquire at Herman Wise's. Lodge Room for Rent. THE ELEGANTLY. FURNISHED LODGE Room of the o.T. L. & B. association can be leased for four nights in the week, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights. For particulars enquire of G. Heed, 'I. W, CaseandA, J, Megler. NEW TO-DAY. Salesman Wanted. IN THIS DISTRICT. ONE OF OUR MEN earned 4600 in '87, and $5200 in '83. and Is doing better this j ear. P.O. Box 1371 New York. Thanksgiving Turkey. Leave your orders for g od fat turkeys jor AnanhSKiunguayat it. i Humphrey's market The cheapest market for all kinds oi game Wm, B. Adair, REAL - ESTATE AGENT. N. E. Cor. Olaey and Third Sts P. Oi Box 436. Particular attention given to Properties in Upper Astoria ; also to purchase of Tim her Lands. Portland and Coast S. S. Co. GRAYS HARBOR. STR. ALLIANCE. Sails, from Port land every Thursday at 7 p. M. ; and from Astoria the following morplng. Laud ing at Hoqulam, Aberdeen, Cosanopolb and Montesano. SHOAWATER BA STR. DOLPHIN. Sails from Portland on 1st and 15th of each month, landing at North. Cove, South Bend, Wlllapa and Bay Ceuter. F. K. STBONG, President. O.P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. A Splendid Buy ! One of .the Finest Corners In the Heart of the City, between Jthe'o. R. & X. Wharf and Postofflce. faces on three Streets. Size : FrontaRe, 75 feet ; 87J at back ; 150 feet deep. Streets all Improved. Only ope block from Streetcars. Best situation In Astoria for a First class Hotel. Rock Foundation. Title. Perfect. Price, S3,80O.00. J. II. M4HSEIX. Real Estate Broker. Republican Primary. 8FCOI WARD. A Republican Primary election is hereby called to select 13 delegates to attend the Republican Cltv Convention. Primaries v, 111 be held at the City Council Chamber, Sat urday evening Nov. 23. 1889, at 7 o'clock. By order of the ward committee A. DANTELSON. Chairman. Republican Primaiy, FIRST WARD. A ReDubllcan Primary is hereby called to select 20 delegates to attend the Republi can mtv Cnnventlon. Primaries will be held at the Police Court rooms on Saturday evening, Nov. 23, 1S;8,7 O'CIOCK. By older of the Ward Committee. - S. ELMORE. Chairman. Republican City Convention.. A. will be held at the Cltv nan asiombt Oregon, Saturday. Nov. 30, 1889, at 2 o'clock. a, m io nominate canuiaaies tor tne fol lowing city offices, to-wlt: Maor, Coun cilman for tbeTlrst and Second wards. Au ditor and Police Judee. tChief of Police. City Attorney, Superintendent ot Streets, City Surveyor, City Treasurer, City Assessor and City Harbor Master. uy oroerjoi city central committee, C.'IL STOCKTON. ' . Chairman. Salmon and Fruit Processor Wanted WANTED - A FIRST CLASS SALMON and trait-processor with best of recom mendations, State wages. None but sober ana renaoie partv need apply. MAKTINEZ FRUIT AND CANNING CO., iartinez.uai. Removal Notice, J OK GLARDINA HAS LEASED THE OLD New i'ork Novelty Store recently occu pied by Thatcher, the grocer, on the corner Main and First streets, and will mote his barbershop In there about the 1st of next month. It will bo first class in every par- ucmur. Wanted. A LADY OR GENTLEMAN OF TACT .ca. to represent an eitamisiied Ann in your own towu and county. 570 to $80 per month. ST. J. DOWNING. 190 E. Park St., Portland. . For Rent or Sale. 1 TWO-STORY BUILDING, 50 FEET front : Bar Room complete : Restaurant complete : 17 rooms complete. Situated on Third street, close to the O. R. & N. Co.'s dock. Street cars pass every 10 minutes. A good bargain for the right parties. For further Information, inquire of STOCKTON & WELCH. Real Estate Agents. Main Street. Astoria Gallery. FOR THE BEST PHOTOS, TINTYPES Or any Kind of Photographic "Work, Call at the ASTORIA GALLERY, Good Work and Reasonable Trices Guaranteed. Misses C. &. Z. CARRUTHERS, (Successors to H. 8. Sinister.) T. B. Loughery. DKALEK IN Cigars, Tobacco, Cigarettes, Confectionary, Etc. NONE BDT THE BEST BBAJfDS HANDLED. THIRD STREET, Opposite Irabu's Boot and Shoe Store,. Seaside Bakery. Best Milk Bread and CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fine Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Candles. ADOIiF JOHKS02V. Garnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO . I. W. CASE IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ' Corner Ghenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON J. H. MANSELL - REAL ESTAT NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1883. Correspondence Solicited. Next W. U. Telegraph Oflicc. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. Look EjOB OJJR BIG Holiday Griffin City Everybody Attends the Great Razzle - Dazzle Goods sold ct 'MARVELOUS LOW and inspect prices. UvefVone coesuway gooda are sold at tuff-well-known house. " . - ' --J - "Next to the & N. Ticket Oflioe. W. E. WARREN. Warr Real Estate Brokers, Aliinsplrs Buildinsr, Water St. ASTORFA, City Property, Seaside Property, Tide Lands, Timber Lands, Farms, Etc.. Bought and Sold. Loans negotiated and a general commi&sion business transacted. Investments for non-residents a specialty. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MERIWETHER DOWN Addition to Astoria. Lots in this Fine Addition are now on Sale and Parties Buying now are sure of Doubling their Money within Six Months. Meriwether powns lies near the southwestern terminus of the Astoria and South Ijoaat Railroad bndea ncro.wYonnr'fl B-ir.mi1 Jo i ,:i, j. t -" No timber, on this property, and the land pose8. All in grass, jno heavy griming. r This property beinc so close to Astorin i tow iioairoKia n.rn,o:-. a parties desiring n suburban residence. Lots from $60 to $125. Parties living out of town "may correspond with us. The CAN BE HAD IN ASTOltIA, ONLY OF R. HAWES Agent. Call and Examine.; You Will be Buck Patent AND OTHER FIRST Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., Morgan & Sherman G-BOCERS And Dealers In Special Attention Given to Filling ot uraers. A FULL' LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at'Satls factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part of the city. .Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P.O. Box 153. ' Telephone No. S7. ASTORIA, OREGON. ThanisgivingTurkey Leave orders at Ahercromble's. door to Carnaban & Co. Next Cannery Supplies ! t DnUiltii, VLLu vs FIGU11ES. Us worth our while to call rejoicing at tho ridiculous LOW PRICES Announcement! Reeds JE HOTTJ3S STORE 1 as roiiiA, Oregon. ,. E. v. WRIGHT. OREGON. is level and in fine shane for building nnr- Railroad station on the m-nnprtv. WINGATE & STONE, Agents, Odd Fellows Building, Astoria. ge Pleased. E. IS. Hawea I, atao Agent for the Cooking Stove, PXASSsmvus a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Oonvejances of any kind, on short notice. -iransrerrinjc Baggage, etc., a specialty. Telephone No, 12. SHERMAN & WARD. Express and Transfer. Gus. and Fred. Hildebrantl, Proprietors. Headquarters at Foard & Stokes. LEAVE ORDERS AT PETER BRACK'S, Uppertown. BAGGAGE, FREIGHT, ETC., PROJIPTLY DELIVERED -In any part ot the City. en & Wright, New York Novelty ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES :Ol03.l3L BooKS, Stationery, QELO F. PABKEU. OAUXi A. HAKBOK arker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK. 17 Cs. Boots Sloes The Old Stand - Astoria Oreson. Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. - I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wine in any quantity at lowest casn ngurea. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDEltS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZ1NGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon.' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass" Plated Ware. " , The Largest and finest assortment of F3?ss2a. Fruits and ITegetafcljM. ; Received fresh every Steamer. - ' ' Wi.JE.l -AND CEILING DECORATIONS! 5000 double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and! sfea&S just received direct from Eastern factories. . - Also a large assortment of CARPETS, ,:-si: Of all grades in beautiful new.d8aina New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBOllN. J. P. HYNES, -DE4LERIN- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHONE NO. 7. - P. O. BOX 822. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Milter, PBOPBIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery "Business transacted. Your patronage Is solicited. DEALER IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings SPECIALTY, Sign Writer, Grainerand Ornamental Painter. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, Or, -THE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAY HANSEN, Prorr. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine At Extremely Low Prices. All Goodg Bosgfet at This EttaMIskmeat - Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Repairing' A SPECIALTY. Corner 3as3 and Squemoqua Streets. Diamonfls t Jewelrv It Will Pay You to Buy a Lot in Laurel Park Addition TO The ... This property is now on the On the Installment Plan for ,t 40.00 and $50.00 per Lot. $10.00 Cash and $5.00 per Month. Don't miss this opportunity. The terminus of a transcontinental road! will ba located within 15 minutes walk from this beautiful tract. 530 to-day. 50 m one year. Have the is yours. Call at once upon f Irtll nv.j.t -. Store Your How's Fertli IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stokes IN Groceries and Provisions. Everything la a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Towns The Highest Price Fald for Jurtk. FOARD 4c STOKES WM,WmL H. W. StricMer, M.;D. DEALER IN t Pure Drugs,-Toilet Articles, Etc. Piescrlptlon Clerk speaks Four different Languages. General practice of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second Street, near Postofflce. -- Just Xleoelved. THEO. BRACKER. "Second Street. A Largo Supply 6f Meerschaum and Brier " Pipes. ALSO, Amber Cigarjind Cigarette Holders Especially Fit For Birthday and Christmas Presents. ALSO. A large Invoice ot fresh Imported, and Key West Cigars ; amongst other brands the well-known "Flor deMadrid." J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Shi&CkaiHilcry, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle OIL Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, ' Cotton Sail Twine. . Lard Oil, - Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewlfig Machines, Fainta, Oils, Grooeriei ZESto. Abstracts of ;1Stle. C.R. THOMSON . -Keeps a full set of Abstract I and will examine the Title to anv. tate In the county and' furnish an Abstract- oinueioicesarae. - , .. Terms reasonable. Work guaranteed. iu City of Astoria, market, and is being sold by dollars and buy real estate and waalth -- - - "T WORSLEY & OAEBDTHBBS. Corner 3d and Oiney Stmt?,