V) . --. 'v-, - V'JJJW'M' VQL. XXXUI, NO. IM. ASTORTA, ORBGOIY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER Mi. 1889. PRICE IVE CENTS - -tr &&V m , C' , C - '' if IIP 1 in 1 I I lwP XI 1 1 111 We will G M r0 g " I, f J ,fea?'i..- ffie Favorite Medicine for Throat and Lung Diffi culties has long been, and still is, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It cures Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and Asthma; soothes irritation of the Ltuirynx and Fauces; strengthens the Vocal Organs; allays soreness of the iiungs; presents Consumption, and, . eveu in advanced stages of that disease, relieves Coughing and induces Sleep. Tjlere 13 .no other preparation for dis eases of the throat and lungs to be com pared with this remedy. " My;. wife 'had ?a distressing cough, with wiiasalUia sidea-101"11- x5? tf!SiiiciltoJiidIcinefi,, but none did her any' good mntil I got a bottle of ' Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has cured her. 'A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the ""measles, and the cough was relieved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this Cough Medicine ""to'evefy one afflicted." Robert Horton, Eorecaan Headlight, Morrillton, Ark. Jk.haye ."been afflicted with asthma lor loxty years, lasi spring aa iaa.cu withTriolent cough, which threatened to terminate my days. Every one pro Bouaced me in consumption. I deter mined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Its effects were magical. I was immedi ately relieved and continued to improve until entirely recovered, "Joel Bullard , Guilford? Conn. ' Six months ago I had a severe hem- brrh'age of the lungs, brought on by an ipcessant cough which deprived me of sleep and rest. I tried various Teme- itMt r.itninpil- Tin relief until I be- "tanto-takaAyer's Cherry Pectoral. A , few fettles of-this medicine cured me." Mrs. "E. Coburn, 10 Second St., Lowell, Has? "For children afflicted with colds, coughs, sor,e throat, or croup, I do not kaow of anv remedy which will give "more speedy relief than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I have foundit, also, invalu- ablein" cases of Wliooplng Cough." Ann Lovejoy, 1257 "Washington itreet, . ,Boton, Mass. Ayer's Gfierry Pectoral, r - rBSPABSD BY ' 'D& J O'AytT Vk Co., Lowell, Mass. '' 'SoW byallDrnxgkU. Price $1; lsbottle,5. To tnd From San Francisco. 'The Schqoneri " Zampa and j uasy't'-" -1:' " ArrlYlnjgi and departing twice a uipiith . 0Brnul"?v,' At West Shore Mills. 'SVrngth dF 2. BY ACTUAL CHEMICAL TESTS. ,9K. PJUC!S;Parttt .jp "JOSoW-CAlWTowderK. ? RAMSEY'S (wbea xresiy . J '-"firuati rrEKfcAka'roTrtter)?! BLAKE'S (Alum Fowaer) CHBUBN'S (iort wt. Hot) PATtvE'I MVXMXh EUXCSJL (Aiaa FowdK) 'KEBBERT CO'S d) i Alum and AmiifDnla) . SCHEME POWDERS (Contain Alnm'and BUEK. POWDER (sold loose-Conulns Alum i-fpvsVwfcMiB0t fresh) otkt. op ?.E.'0"rSrHO'i:' S.-i rSriSTpwcS; ji'rn nit- ' - - jMaMnst- B 8. q. rAToa, a.., "" rRAM BAKtvq TOWDERIs the strongest and &&$ Agricare .MNm, j-O detennlne . I have several Umes mwn KSSfthfSTGalnK then. I have uniformly rouna bt. annnt aeQliaBaeBCB wv'r - 3"S!K2fiSSdSS&Si "pVeplln. lhe&ed"PrIce'8mmyfallrro, 13S ommence the Sale of . UHSUEVEYED LANDS. Surveyor General of Oregon Explains How They May be Opened up. The following ia an extract from a let ter of the Surveyor-General to one of his correspondents, making inquiries as to thatbodaofprooeedure in asking for a survey of public lands: "The appropriation made by congress for public surveys for the current fiscal year (which commenced on September 1) was 200,000. This under the law and regulations, must be expended for 'town ships occupied, in whole or part, by act ual settlers with improvements; and the surveys shall be confined to lauds ad apted to agriculture andJines of reserva tiona. tEKordeir tOnnoum .-vjo, -uo uu- partment requirement is that applica tion thereto should be addressed to this office. "The settlers living, npon the unsur veyed lands fn the vicinity should unite in a petition to survey. The petition should be accompanied by a statement showing the number of bona-fide settlers, the oharacter ot tne unsurveyea ianu, the "nature and value of the improve ments and the area under cultivation stating, if possible, the township. The ap- proximaie general uuuiBo ui ouuu luucp, orvaueya huouiu uieu uo uui. For several years pasi it uas Dben me i;w nf ttiA f4onfir.il Land office to nro- Eol ib iK?t fhA tmrvflv of her forest or heavilv timbered lands; but it may be necessary under me requireiuiun-o ui mo .wjjiwiii. ate Act (Second Session Act, Fiftieth congress, chapter 411, page 9."9) to make some modification of this restriction. There are in some localities fine agricul tural lands which although heavily tim bered, or occupied in part by bona-fide settlers, who at great loss and expense nave maae ror memseives pexmuueub homes to which they are anxious to ob tain title. "Whenever such cases arise, all the facts as to the character of the lands, and the kinds and quality of the timber, in addition to the information as to the number of settlers and the characters of their improve ments, should be fully presented for the consideration of this office and of the general land office. The Hon. Commissioner will allow the awarding of contracts for the survey of timber lands when their value for agri cultural purposes is well established, and 1 ooficfnnfrrr- nrnnf id enven of their occu pation by bona-fide settlers who have made permanent improvements. "Upon receipt of the petition I will forward the same to the general land office with an estimate of the cost of the desired 6urveys and such recommenda tions as this-office may deem Droper "In the event of the survey beiqg ordered by the Hon. Commissioner, the expense thereof will bo pnid by the gov ernment." Bucllcii'aArnicu alrc. , Te Best JsAlve In the world ft)i Cuts,Brulses,Sores,Ulci;rs,SaltRheura, Fever Sores, Jetter, Chapped Handp, Chilblains, Corns, nrtd all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect.satisf action, or money, ref untied. Price 25 Cents per box. Fur ah bj J. W. Conn. BkiNO Powders T - Jm Ammonia) . and Ammonia). ..... rS povn. nn , ..4.ir. Kti,m TnTnfm!aorLlme.orany " - . inroioino- rawer It fltanas SI ine uwu. DEMENT HOEEY & DYSPEPSIA. IS that misciy experienced when wo sud I denly become awure that u o possess a diabolical arrangemunl culled a stomach. The stomaclf Is, the rcseruir from which every fibre ami tissue must ot nourished, andanytimiblcAvith it iwboon felt through out the wliola f stem. Among a dozen dyspeptics no t will have thus anepre domlnautsj nipi-'nis. Dyspepticsoiuctivo, mental power an. I a bilious temperament are subject t n.U Heailiiclu-; those, fleshyaudphicmuni' imve Con-tiuatton, while the thin mid in rousare abandoned tOloomy foreboding. ,Soiuedhpeptics are wonderfully fi..xtfnl; otheM have great Irritability of temper. Whatever forni Uy.spepsla may take, one thing Is certain, The underlying cause is and one thing more Is equally certain, no one will remain a dyspeptic who will It will correct Acidity of the Stomach, Expel foul gases, Allay Irritation, . Atkfniipatlnn. 1 tjll Wl t it and, at the same A time Start the JLiver to working, itchen till other troubles soon disappear. "My wife vras a confirmed dyspeptic. Soma three year? ago "by the advice of Dr. Steiner, of Augusta, she was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator. I leel grateful for the relief it has given her, and may all who read this and are afflicted in any way, whether chronic or other wise, use Simmons Lter Regulator and I feel confident health will be restored to all who will be advised." Wm. M. Keksh, Fort Valley, Ga. See that you get the Genuine, with red 2 on front of "Wrapper, J, H. ZETJilN & CO., Philadelphia, Fa; Price 81. IE YOU HAVE no appetite, Indigestion, Flatulence, Siclt Headache, 4all run down," losingr flesh, you will find Tuft's Pills the remedy you need They ton rxp the weak stomacli and BUILD UP the lagging energies. Sufferers from mental or phyalcal overwork will find, great relief from them. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 25 cents per box. SOIiD EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. The Union Paoifio company has be omti. Vml IrUnc its own rjaasenser en gines, bat will buy its heavy frejcht engines from locomotive works. The company now employs 600 men in its Idoomotive'department - Rheumatism and catarrh, caused by impoverished blood, onred, by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Sold by all druggists. Tho netroleum exports for the past year exceed those for the previous more than 2U,UUU,UUU gallons and rtb the greatest for some time past Chijdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. STben she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, JVheri she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, ffhensbehad Children, she gave them Castori PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to seud to Portlaud or San Frauclsco for Custom Made Clothes As they cau get Better Kits. Better Work manship, ami for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods bv Every Steamer, all and See. Ulm and !MUry Youneir. P. J.MeanyjfMerchant'Tallor. - t On A 0EAM0E P0E AN EXPL0EEE. A Section"-of Washington- Which Has never JJeeaVMited-Dy a White Man. ?a -y Washington has her gr.eat unknown land like the interior of Africa. The couutry shut in by the Olympic rooun- nna Tirtllvti inilnrlda tin nan f nKMfr Mtuo, vr&A.vL muuuDi an Ln vi. auuuh 2500 square miles, has never, to the poai- nto ftuuwicuu ui uiu icaiuoiita ui mo iur- ritory, been trodden by the foot of man, white or Indian. , These mountains rise from the level country, -within 10 or 1G miles from the straits of San Juan de Fuca in the' horttft tlio Pacific ocean jn the west, Hood's canalixx.Jlip.JK9stan4 autlJn's'ffagWa'height of 6000 to 8000 feet, shut iu h vaBt unexplored area. The Indians have never penetrated it, for their traditions say that it is inhab ited by a very fierce tribe, which none of the coast tribes dared molest. Though it is improbable that such a tribe could have existed in this mountain country witnnnt thfiir nrasenca Decomim; jsuuwu to the white men. no man has ever ascertained that it did not exist. White men, too, have only -vague accounts of any man having ever passed through this country, for investigation of all the claims of travelers has invariably proved that they have only traversed its outer edges. Tlin ranof rrnnorAllw rflntfr! thRQrV in -regard to this country is that it consists nf rrmnt-.trniiova arrnrnninp irom mh m- ward slopes of the mountains to a great central basin. This theory is supported by the fact that, although the country around has abundant rain and clouds constantly hang over tne mountain tops, all the streams flowinc toward the four points of the com pass are insignificant, and rise' only on the outward slopes of the range, none appearing to drain the great area shut in by the mountains. This faot appears Jo support tho tneory mat me sjireama flowing from the inner slopes of the mountains feed a great interior lake. But what drains this lake? It must have an outlet somewhere, and as all the streams pouring from the mountains rise on their outward slopes it must have a subterranean outlet into the ocean, the straits or .the sound. There are great discoveries in store for some, of Wash ington's explorers. A gentleman named Drew, now resid ing ut Olympia, Btates that he has climbed to tho summit of the eastern range from3B0d'8 canal, and looking down could- see great yalley stretching toward the west. A party of railroad prospectors claim to have penetrated the interior, bntjould give no account of it, and appear only to have skirted the outer slopes, 10 or 15 miles from .Hood's canal. A party of United States soldiers is said to have traversed the coantry from Port Townsend, but no data'are obtainable as to what they saw. Numerous attempts have been made nrnnmVn Avnlnnnf? tiartiea. hut thev hnva invnrinWv fallen throucfh. the cour age OI lUB prujoctura uuiiutj uuv. ui mo last moment. Thero is a fine opportu nity for some of the hardy citizens of the Sound to acquire fame by unveiling the mystery wnion wraps me tana en circled by the snow capped range. Seattle Press. Working People are often too ill to labor, but the havn't time to take medicine and lav off. Simmons Liver Regulator can he taken without causing any loss of time, and the system vl'l In built up .and invig orated by It. It has no equal as a prepar atory medicine, andean be safely used when a doctor cannot bo called in. In all common diseases it will, unassisted bv any other medicine, effect a' speedy cure Vnr rvinatirmtion. Indigestion. Headache, Liver Complaint, " and for all purgative purposes, take Avers Pills the best for family use. About $3,000,000 will be received in four Kentucky counties from the sale of horses this year. Stiffness ' trtroTicsr BCaStf?8 rKOrAViRFfcCrrT nin VbllKDS,CU7S;SWLUNG9 ,. " SCiP ssasssmfm "?kQRuee!ST9M0; SflacalfOtt x-frrrtf wcufl ftmrciire -A.vqLirtco.j PwHAgu ASTORIA . November BALL. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, . A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold hi competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phoi- niiotanniiiJuiv SnM wf7n in ran- KfiVAT, Baking Powder Co. 106 Vall-st., N. Y. LEWIS W. JOHNSOX SUO., Agetus, run land, Oregon. INSURANCE. I. "W. CASE, Insurance Agent. REPRESENTING ; California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Tortland. Home Mutual Insurance Co., S. F. Phosnix of London. Imperial of London. Robb & Parker, AGENCY OK . Fire and Mar ne Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of " $70,000,000 IMPERIAL, of London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. OAKLAND HOMK. of Oakland. LION, of Loudon. FIREMAN'S FUND, of California. QUEEN, of liondou. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IN FlItStT 4JIiA8 C03IPAWIES Ktipreaeutlng S13.O00.O0O PHCEN1X, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Street "Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London&Globe.North British Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, New York.Londen & Lancashire of Liverpool, ling., rire insurance uuiupauics, .ikcyiracui. ln a capital of ?LO0O,O0a B,TiKD1IHEX Agent. I. W. Case, BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transaots a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the 0. a. and Europe, and on Bong Kong, China Office Hoims :-i0 a. m. to 3 p. m. Odd Fxixows Butldiko, ABtorla, Oregon. LOOK ! First Addition to Alderbrook! Lots in First Addition are now on sale. Lots in this addition are now the cheapest property on the market, They immediately adjoin the town of Alderbrook. and'are-near the terminus of a Transcontinental Kailroad now being located. The motor 'hne will run across this property. Lots further out are already selling at from $60 to 1580. The Lots in First Addition to tfiferbrook You can buy to-day For $50 for inside lots, $60 for corner lots, or on the installment plan. In a year from to-day these lots will be worth 3500 a lot. Other property may appreciate, these MUST They, are .a sure investment. Eighty lots tfold before plat was recorded. Buy,imniedlately. Wing&ie cSs Stone, .Odd Fellowa Building. m n wi " Tinn PARIS TAILOR. Xieading Tailor of Astoria, G3?at.2Ele&utio ia Fsrioes. IMPORTER OF English, French and Scotch Woolens. NEtf GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER. First-clas3 work, and no garment will be allowed to go out of the store unless it gives satisfaction. , . . Fine Business' Suits made to order for S3j. Genuine Imported Tweed Cheviot and Cashmere Suits from S38 to $45. Broad Wail Overcoats at $30 and upwards. This gives every gentleman in Astoria a chance to get a Fme Fitting Suit. Come Pom48ndBa"8,yyoare"f' J. N. KZ.OST3HR. IByiBBSKSljJwflPI k9HB The only medicine -which destroys tho perms of Catarrh. Rheumatism, Female Complaints, Consumption (if not too far gone). Dyspepsia, Malarial and all Blood and Bkin Diseases. It I s a safe and positive euro for LOSS of Manhood and Gon orrhea. Is pleasant to dnak. Give it a trial. Price, 75 cents and $1.25.- PACIFIC SLOPE MEDICINE GO,, Spokane Falls, Wash. J. C. Dement, Sole Agent, Astoria To Canners. Jensen's Patented Can Capping . Machine. "Will Cap and Crimp 05 CAKS per MIKTJTE. It hasproyed to KeducSthe Leakage more than 50 per cent, less than hand capped. Trice, 600. Orders complied with by The Jensen Can-Tilling Machine Oo. Fashionable Dressmaking. A NEW" ESTABLISHMENT. Style and Fit Guaranteed. Our aim la to Please our Patrons., The patronage of the Ladles of Astoria-Is respectfully solicited. Northwest corner Fourth and Cass streets. Mrs.T.S.Jewett&Mrs. Blrdsey "H "B J H HI B aV LOOK ! The Mikado. CANDY MANUFACTORY. N. J. BEEGMAN, Prop'r. Fine Chocolate Bon Boris FKESH MADE DAILY. As Well as All Other Kinds of Cream Candies. Please Call and Give Me a Trial. THIBD STREET. Next to Western Union Telegraph Office. Astoria Iron Work Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria, fjx General MacMnists asl Boiler Haters. Land and Marine Engines BOIXER -WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a BPEciAiflrr, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. John Fox. ..........President, and Supt. A. L. Fox,.......................M.Vlco President J. G. HuBTLKB, w.8ec. and Treas. E. J. Liddicoat, Contractor, Builder and Carpenter. Open to take all Rinds ot Carpenter Work. Holt &McCrtrie'a old easpeater shop, next xo MeinoaHUjnurca. yS&a.