en I -f -s - ASTORIA, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER M. 1889. PRICE MVE CENTS V0L.XXX1II, NO. 112. . , The Favorite Iedicine for Throat and Lung Diffi culties has long been, and still is, Ayer's Chery Pectoral. It cures Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and " "Asthma; soothes irritation of the Larynx and Fauces ; strengthens the Vocal Organs; allays soreness of the Lungs; prevents Consumption, and, even in advanced stages of that disease, ' i relieves Coughing and induces Sleep. There is no other preparation for dis eases of the throat and lungs to be com . lared with this remedy. ""My wife had a distressing cough, with pains in the side and breast. We - tried, various medicines, but none did her -any good until I got a bottle of A yer's Cherry Pectoral, which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs.. Glenn, had the measles, and the cough" was relieved by the use of Aj'er's Cherry Pectoral. I have no hesitation in recommending this &Cough Medicine to every one afflicted." Robert Horton, Foreman Headlight, Morrillton, Ark. " I have been afflicted with asthma for forty years. Last spring I was taken with a violent cough, which threatened to terminate my days. Every one pro- & enounced me in consumptiop. I deter- J-mined to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ?H rIt effects were'uiagical. I was immedi ately relieved and continued to improve i -untiljntirely recovered." Joel Bullard, Guilford, Conn. VSix months ago I had a severe hem orrhage of the lungs, brought on by an Incessant cough which deprived ine of Bleep anil lest. I tried various reme dies, but obtained no relief until I be au to take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A fewbotth-s of this medicine cured me." -Mrs. K. Cob'irn. 19 Second St., Lowell, Mass. .'For chihluMi afflicted with colds, C'ougiiS, sre thio.it, or croup, I do not -linow of any remedy which will give more speedy lolief than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. 1 ha e found it, also, invalu able in cases of Whooping Cough." Ann-Lovejoy, 1257 Washington street, Boston, Mass. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold Ly all DrusgitU. Price $1 ; six bottles, $5. iE?rotr HAVE no appetite, Indlgentlou, Flatulence, Sick Headccho, "all run down," losing flesh, you will find Tiffs P is tbs remedy you need. They tone up the jveak stomach and :, BUILD P It 'the flagging energies. Sufferers from mental or physical overwork -will And great relief from. them. Elegantly -agar coated. Price, 85 cents per box. SOJ.D EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray St., New York. PATROHiZE HOME INDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of oar citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for 'Custom Made Clothes -As they can pet Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods bv Every Steamer. C-U a-d See Him and Satisfy Yourself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. Seaside Bakery. Bestltlilk Bread and CAKES OF ALL KINDS, 'Manufacturers of Fine Candles. AND lOrnamental 'Confectionery And lec Creams. Wholesale and lletall Dealer tti Candles. AVOLF JOHNSON.. Strength of Baking Powders BY ACTUAL CHEMICAL TESTS. .. t M--IK.-PJUC'S, Purest. JOHNSON'S (Alum Powder).. : rs RAMSEY'S (when fresh) . RIDER'S. QUEEN (Alum Powder). BLAKE'S (Alum Powder) CLYBURN'S (short wt. K oz.) PAYNE'S KOYAL EUREKA (Alum Powder) HERBERT & CO'S ftsrtlt-iCHlEF (Alum Powder) IC-iVr GIFT POWDERS (Contain Alum and Auu&mla) .SCJtEiLE. POWDERS (Contain Alunwand Ammonia) BULK POWDER (sold loose Contain Ahunauil Amjnonla) 1 . sWgitET3 (when not fresh) XEPORTS OP-OVERXMENI CHEMISTS AS TO PURITY AJVD "WHOI.E--i r ' iSOMJ-XESS OF ft. P(8XR,EABASIKG POWDER. DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER does not contain Alum. Ammonia or Lime, or any adulterant. R.5.G.P.TOK,Ph.IX,CiemIstfor4ueUnltedSt3ts5ocrninent. The Cream or Tartar used'ln DR. PRICE'S GREAM "RAKING POWDER Is the strongest and o Sttp from tdl Umfr and other Impurities. Prof. Piter Colxie, Chler Chemist for the United ' States Department ot Agriculture, Washington, D. C. I LYO several times examined uaing ti!c--atui.nflfwTiA nn tho hpaith ar?ainK Powder the beat In all Tears-Prof. R. C. Kxdzib, Late President Miclilgan State Board of Health. PISHING IN ALASKA. Tbs .".alt Sea and th Eiver, fairly Teem With Life. bitka Alaskan A ICilli3noo correspondent writes: The first haul of herrings, amount ing to 500 barrels, was made here this season on August 23. The next haul was 300, and the catch has con tinued until to-day. The steam tug Hose recently went around in the lagoon, but she got oft' safely and uninjured. The Indians bring in quantities of fine salmon, weighing from twenty to thirty-five pouuds apiece, and sell them for 80 cents per 100 pounds. They are the variety knowu here as the hook salmon; the reason for the name is because the Indians catch them with hook and line, the bait used being herring. The present sea eon was late for this fish, but they are comiug in pretty plentifully now. We make the following extracts from the diary of Rev. J. H. Schoclt ert, Moravian missionary on the NuBhagak river: June 1L Though the wind blew hard, we went a-fishing and caught three king salmon weighing about 100 pounds. June 14. Brother Wolf and I caught twenty king salmon weighiug about 400 pounds. All but two of them were canned, getting seven cases of forty-eight pound cans each. June 15. We bad a good run, catch ing thirty-four fish which weighed 600 pounds. June 24. Getting up early we fished all day, catching 170 fish and loosing fully as many as we caught. As the net was so poor some of the fish went right through it, leaving the holes for others to pas3 through it. June 2G. A very fine day; 80 de grees in the sun and 70 degrees in the shade. The sun rose at 3 a. ir. and set at 9 p. ir. We cleaned und salted eighty-seven king salmon, which filled six barrels and weighed 1,200 pouuds. The silver salmon and other fish we put out to dry. July 1. We caught 154 small fish weighing from eight to fifteen pounds apiece. . July U. We caught 2.U fish July 4. During the forenoon we were kept busy in wheeling home the fish we caught yesterday. We also got 800 dog salmon. These are not very good to eat. but they serve as well as food for the dogs in winter as any other kind. Eaoh dog of our team will require about 1,500 fish n3 a winter supply, aud we have ten dogs. Ill Winds That blow"naebody aay good" are plenty on the storm-vexed Atlantic, to say nothing of the occasionally typoon-swept Pacific. '1 he hapless voyager, when shaken up by the "briny." should take that pleasantest and most salutarv of doses, a wlneglasslul of Hostettei's "Stomach Bitters, the finest stomachic and tonic that ever warmed, reg ulated and quieted Ihe human interior. Railroad jolted and steamship shaken travelers will exercise a wise prevision by supplying themselves with a sufficiency of this Incomparable medicine for the journey. So will mariners, emigrants to the west, and others about to "seek fresh fields and past ures new," Malaria, the scourge of newly cleared and mining districts, is completely conquered andsurely averted by the Bitters. Liver, bow el and kidney complaint and in cipient rheumatism it annihilates. Muskrats in Minnesota are build ing houses three stories high, with mansard roofs and bay windows, and Bteam heaters in the cellar. Some persons may think this is a sign of a hard winter, but it isn't. It is a sign that somebody is lying. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria SVhenB&by was sick, rre gave her Castoria. JVben she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, iVhen she became- Hiss, she clung to Castoria, iVhen she had Cblldren, she gave them Castorli powaers in me inarei 10 ueieriuiuu iiieir puruj, of those uslnc them. I have unlformlv foundJDr. respects. In raising pow er It stands at the head.' H-H--nHHHI mmmmammmmmmmmmmmammmmm wmmmmmmmmmmmmmm S;..4tiHH-HHH-B . .-.f.Ya.... & HMMHH rmr-Vjrr.T CJ - .-' M &' C- i kJJi -... ;v IS that misciy cxporii'ii. .'d when we sud 1 denly heroine aw iut we possess a diabolical nwiwv .t .." v! a stomach. Tho stomach is the r. prvu i from which averyflbie:. .It. .iio nui.- V nourished, andanytrr.u '...r .iisnfc it through out the wh..'i j". Ajmn,? a dozen dyspeptics n f v; ill 1.3 :e tl" famo pre-domluantsMiij-i-ii.s. Lj.- lierfolnetlvo mental power.. . 1 .- bilioic u internment aro suhjovt 1 " : JToad.irhf; those, lleshyaudphli'jrir.nti hive t'cn-vtipatlon, while the tliinsiml!H':osis:i!fcal(tndoned togloomy forebodings, ftoiiie dyspeptics aro wonderfully fun,' tfil; others have great Irritability of U :uper. Whatever form Dycp.ia may take, one thing is certain, The underlying- cause is in the JLEVER, and one thing more Is equally certain, no one will reinuin a dyspeptic who will TJ It will correct Acidity of the Stomach, Expel foul gases, Allay Irritation, Assist Digestion, and, at tho same timo Start the JLivcr to working , when all other troubles soon disappear. "My wife was a confirmed dyspeptic. Some three years ago by the advice of Dr. Steiner, cf Augusta, she was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator. I ieei grateful for the relief it has given her, and may all u ho read this and are afflicted in any way, whether chronic or other wise, use Simmons Liver Regulator and I feel confident health will be restored to all who will be advised." Wm. M. Kersii, Fort Valley, Gsf. See that you get the Genuine, with red 2 on front of "Wrapper, PREPARED OVLY BY J. H, EDIN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. Price SI. In commenting on the celebration of the defonse of Fort MoHenry at Baltimore seventy-five years ago, tho New York Sun calls attention to the bald headed fact that it wonld be just as easjt for the British to run up Chesapeake bay and burn "Washington and attack Baltimore now as it was in 1814. Working People are often too ill to labor, but they havn't time to take medicine and lay off. Simmons Liver Regulator can be taken without causing any loss of time, and the .system will he built up and invig- S'atcd by it. it has no equal as a prepar- aroiy ineuiciue. ana can ue sareiy useu when a doctor cannot he called in. In nil common diseases it will, unassisted bv any other medicine, effect a speedy cure. There are in this country 400 stock fire insurance companies, about 70 of which have funds exceeding the million-dollar point and do an extended agency business. Talic It in Time. A man who presents the appearance of debility, whose countenance is anx ious, and who is subject to spells of faintness, is liable to sudden death fiom heart disease. Let him take 1). Flint's Keihdy before it is too late. Descriptive treatise with each bettle: or,.address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. When petroleum was first discov ered in the United States it was bot tled and sold for medicinal purposes under the name of rock oil. It was good for rheumatism. For Constipation, Indigestion, Headache, Liver Complaint, and for all purgative purposes, take Ayer's Pills the best for family use. There are altogether about 17,000 Arabs in this country, and not 10 per cent, of them have a settled home or any. other means of support than peddling. CURES PERMANENTLY LUMBAGO. In Fain 30 Years. Constontlnc, Mich.. Feb. 16, 1887. I had pains la tho back for thirty years. Confined to bed for weeks. Five years ago St. Jacobs Oil cured me: am well and hearty, no return of pain; can lift as much as ever. Ih M. REARICK. AT DB.UCGISTS AND DEALERS. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO., Baltimore. Md. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances or any kind, on short notice. TransferrlnR Baggagp, etc., a specialty. Telephone No, 12. SIIERMAN k WARD. A-UOTloisa- AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEN, Successor to E. C .ITolden. The oldest established Commission House In Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sale3 Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. , Fine,stock of Furniture on hand. , WJ.en you wmit Birjrafno In H- uui ho'd .Goods go to if XHTJLS OLd.K SURE J, CURE. THE OSATCR'S DESCENT ' 4 An Episode that Jin Backs Fonnd Very Imres3ive. Down in soulhwe3t Missouri fonr or five years ago a town had all ar rangements made to whoop'er up on the glorioii3 Fourth. The citizens bad contributed in n liberal spirit, the day was fine, and the crowd large and enthusiastic. The orator of the day v?a3 a slim, cadaverous looking man from St. Joe. To stand off and look him over you'd have bet your last dollar that an old gander could have ruu him nil around a ten acre field. Therj were some lofty spirits in towu that day, and one of Hiem was Jim Buoks, a mixture of patri otism, whisky, high jump, and rough-and-tumble. Jim sized the orator up, determined to have some fnn with him, and took a seatj directly in front of bint as he stood on the plat form to speak. The orator hadn't spoken 100 words before Jim inter rupted bim. He did this twice more and was warned to go slow. He didn't go much on dreams or warn ings, however, and watched for an other opportunity. Pretty soon tho orator said: "And so this little baud of Pilgrim Fathers set out with stout hearts and unwavering faith in search of " "In search of skunks," interrupted Jim. The orator made a long jump, lighted down on Jim Bucks, and in side of two minutes he had bim licked so thoroughly that Mrs. Bucks would have paBaed him by for n splat ter of pumpkin jelly which had dropped from a dinner basket. When satisfied that his work was thor oughly done, the orator returned to the platform and continued in the same calm unruffled tones:" " liberty of speech and freedom of conscience, and they founl them at Plymouth Rock." He wont on and delivered a really eloquent speech, lasting nearly an hour, and bo was just concluding when Jim Bucks crawled out from under a wagon half a mile away, where be bad been laid and queried of those around bim: "Say! Is that feller still speakin' or fightin'? Durn me, buti didn't 'spose oratory included jumping Jim BuckaNLvsjor out of bi3 body!' 5. Catanli Cnred, A clergyman, after years, of- suffer ing from that loathsome disease, Ca tarrh, nnd vainly trying every knowu remedy, at last found a recipe winch completely cured aud saved bim from death. Any sufferer from this dread ful disease sending a self addressed stamped envelope to Prof. J. A. Law rence, 8S Warren St., New York City, will receive the recipe free of charge. Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealer. In Caieryjiilies! Special Attention Civon to Filling Of Orders. A FULL UHB CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Titius. Purchases delivered in any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New I'uUdliii on Water Street. P. O. Kox lis Telephone No S7. ASTOm.i. OlSKC-OTV. I. W, Oa.se, ESTABLISHED 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business- Drafts drawn available in any part of the U. S. ;uul Kurope, and on Hong Konjr, China Okfick Hours : to a. m. to a i. m. Onn FRI.LOWS Builhixo, Astoria, Oregon. &" $$ Vfotffl uiart' ,... & arch' itccts- V rc anu o85 .....Ira"'1' - "& And w . s & S ?t?ia oN' Express mid Tran.ier- 4. us. an it Fred, Hildehroiul,.- . Pioprietor-. Headquarlers at Foa-d & Stokes. LEAVE ORDERS AT PETER BRACK'S, Uppertown. fSL-AGE, Fl-EIfiOT, ETC., PKOMPTLY DEi.lYF.RED In any part of the City. Stock and Fixtures. ANYONE WITU A SMALL CAPITAL, dt-slrous of buvinir a well established and paying Business in this city, can hearioX an opportunity oy inquiring ai xius omce. P rl POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel of iiiuity, strength and wholesomeness, More econnmical than the ordinary kinds, and can not he sold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powder.. Sold only in cans. Royai, Hakivo. Powder Co. ice V'all-st.. N. Y. Lkwis M. Johnson & Co., Agents, l'ort land. Oregon. I HE- BIAMO'HS PALACE USTY HANSEN, Trop'r A Uirge and Well Selected Stock of Fine DmmoiiflB s Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. Ill Hoods ItougUt nt Ihis EstnblMiuifent Warranted Genuine. H'nlcli a:i! . Clot;!. Kopuiritij; A SPECIALTY. ('iiuiT iM and ?quenioijua Streets. Thompson-& Eoss Cany a Wull Line or Choice StapJe and Fancy . Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. - r- CANDY W1ANUFACTORY. N. J. BEEGMAN, Prop'r. Fine Chocolate Bon Bons FKESII MADE DAILY. As Wellaj All Other Kinds of Cream Candies. Please Call and Give Me a Trial, THIED STFvEET. Next to Western Union Telegraph Ofllce. p'd Next to Dement's Drug Store, Astoria, Oregon, Shoalwater Bay and Eastern OYSTERS, In Any Style. Everythins the Market Af fords. First-Class in Every ltespect. Terms, Reasonable. Meals at All Hours. Tho only medicino which destroyi tho perms pt Catarrh, Rheumatism, Female Complaints, Consumption (if not too far gone), DysDGpaia, Malarial and all Blood nnd Skin Disoaees. It is a safe and poaitivo cure for LOSS Of Manhood and Gon orrhea. Is pleasant to drink. Give it a trial. Price, 75 cents and $1.25. PACIFIC SLOPE MEDICINE CO., Spokane Falls, Wash. J. C. Dement, Sole Agent, Ast oria They Have Stood the Test of Time, - (- Bu Unnimiiimi 3ggB LOOK ! irsl Addition - Lots in First Addition are now on sale? Lots in this addition are now the cheapest property on the market, AND FOR THESE REASONS: They iminediatelv adjoin the town of Alderbrook, and are near the terminus of a Transcontinental Kailroad now being located. The motor line will run acros thte property. Lots farther out are already selling at from 60 to SS0. tSp The Lots in First Addition to Alderbrook You can buy to-day For $50 for inside lots, $60 for corner lots, or on the installment plan. In a year from to-day Ihesa lots will be worlh S500 a lot. Other property may appreciate, these MUST. They are a sure investment. Eighty lots sold before plat was recorded. Buy immediately. ARIS TAILOR. lUeacling Tailor of Astoria, -Qreat -Reduction ia. Prices. - IMPOKTER OF English, French and Scotch Woolens. NEW GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER. First-class work, and no garment will be allowed to go out of the store unless it gives satisfaction. Fine Business Suits made to order for $35. Gennine Imported Tweed Cheviot and Cashmere Suits from 38 to 45. Broad Wail Overcoats at 30 and upwards. This Rives every gentleman in Astoria a chance toget a Fine Fitting Suit. Come around nnd satisfy yourself. J. 2T. K&OSTKR., HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS II. !. PARKER, Prop. First Class in Every Respect Free Coach to llie House. A Fine Sample Room for Commercial travelen, Ben Gale, late of the Occident, has charge of the Dining Room cirnis. kvkxsok. F. COOK THE ntrai Hotel EVENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order. WATER St., Opp. Foard & Stokes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run in connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. . FOR SALE. THIS MILL INCLUDES, 2 Boilers, an Engine, Circular Saw, PLANER, 2 Shingle Machines Edgers, Cut-off Saws One Stencil Printing Press, And other Machinery, all In running order and complete for making Lumber, Shingles and Boxes. The Mill Is in the midst of the timber, Hemlock, Spruce and Cedar. A good Tramway leads from the Mill to navigable waters on the east, connecting with Astoria. The Astoria and South Coast Kailroad Companjkffom Astoria to the Gulf of Mexico, runs within 300 feet of the Mill on the west. Inquire of J. Q. A. BOWLBY. Astoria, Oregon. To Canners. Jensen's Patented Can Capping Machine. Will Cap and Crimp 95 CANS per MINUTE. It has proved to Reduce the Leakage more than 50 percent, less than hand capped.' ' Price; $600. Orders complied with by "" The Jensen Oan-Pilling Machine Go. SawanttShmmeMiil LOOK! to Alderbrook ! Wingate c& Stone, Odd Fellows Building. THE VIEN" Restanraot asd Giiop House. C. W. Fisher & Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORTJER- Fi.no Private .Rooms. J3verythlns Jblrst Clnss. Genevieve Street, rear of Griffin & Reed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. INSURANCE. I. W. CASE, insurance Agent. REPRESENTING : California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Portfand. Home Mutual Insurance Co., S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London. Robb'& Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Marine Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of 570,000,000- IMPERIAL. of London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, or Oakland. LION, of London. FIREMAN'S FUND, of California. QUEEN, of London. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE Iltf FiatST CliASS OaPANIK Representing 813,000,000 PHCENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Street "Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe, North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford, of ConnecticutiJCommercIal of California Agricultural, oWatertown, New York, London -& Eaacashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent In a capital of 867,000,000. B. V 4Jtf DUSB-. . Agent.