The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, November 08, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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?e gttity Sowmu
'Scat! '
Comity court meets next Monday.
Lively real estate
'daily reported.
transactions are
City and school taxes in district No.
One are delinquent.
Congressional documents are al
ready begiiminjj to arrive.
Strawbi ries :md llower- ar
picked d.-iiiy in Astoria garden.
One hundred liiiirria-je certincates
liavo l)Pen issued in Clat-op count'., in
Did you ever .,e.i liner weather in
November? or any other time of the
Blank bonds for deeds, blank mort
gages, blanks of all kinds, at Tar. As
torian office.
Twenty citizens a month starl their
condition as such in the county dork's
office in this citv.
Suburban propeily is all the go,
new: and considerable outside ir.onev
is thus being invested.
There will be an oyster supper giv
en by the ladies of the Presbvterinn
church the 21st of this month.
Ben Gale, for four years at the Oc
cident, has taken charge of the Par
ker House diuiug room, and will have
dinner ready to-day.
Astor Lodge No, G, and Pacific
Lodge No. 17, K. of P., have appoint
ed a joint committee to secure a suit
able lot for burial purposes.
In school district No. One to-dav
the pupils of Prof. Pratt's class will
take their first lesson in dissection,
a bullock's heart having been procured
for the purpose.
scribers won't be "obliged to take any
thing but the paper. We leave others
to do the bragging but we think we
can justly point with pride to this
mammoth aggregation of business,
all edited by one center head, and all
steadily improving in genuine merit"
'What significance has the name of
'Meriwether Downs,' which, you have
given to your addition recently plat
ted?" asked an Astorian reporter of
Mr. S. D. Adair, yesterday. "Well,"
said he, "it has this significance. The
Lewis who, with Clarke, came out
here in 1603, was named Meriwether.
He it was who named Lewis aiid
Clarke's river. Lieut Clarke called
what is now Young's bay, 'Meri
wether bay.' When our fainiJy first
came here, m IMS', it was still ei'led
.liei.wpthpr' bay. but the old name
has been discarded for that of Young's
bay. With a desire to perpetuate
that name, I have called this addition
Meriwether Downs.'" "But where
comes in the "Downs?" "That, also, has
its significance," said he. "It i3 not a
woods nor a wild, but what i3 called
in England, a 'downs,' as the South
down?, the Cotswold downs, etc." The
name, therefore, has a special appropriateness.
It will be Built in Spite of Injunction.
A movement is on foot to organize
a club for advanced singers only, who
Avill study the coming winter 'under
Prof. Dobbins, leader of the choir of
the new Grace church, Portland.
Maps of the beautiful suburb of
Warrenton, '.H miles from Astoria,
cau now be seen at the office of the
Astoria lieal Estate company, where
choice of lots in tills valuable property
can be made.
Meriwether Downs additional As
toria was laid oft' yesterday, and the
official plat filed for record bv S. D.
Adair and wife. It is on the northern
part of the east half of the Coffiubury
donation land claim.
At a special meeting of the stock
holders of the Oregon & Transcontin
ental company held in Portland last
Tuesday it was decided to reduce the
capital stock of 10,000,000, and also
to "dissolve the company within a
The state bank or Aberdeen will be
opened in Aberdeen, Grav's harbor,
next week, with a capital stock of
525,000. The officers of the bank will
be George J. Barker, president; James
Patterson, vice-president; T. C.
oievuua, easnier.
The Missouliaii is reliably in
formed that in abont three weeks the
laying of track will be commenced on
the Coeur d'Alene branch of the
Northern Pacific. For nearly tweutv
five miles from the main line by that
time the grade will be completed.
Several of the directors of the Asto
ria and South Coast railway Co. will to
day take a trip over the completed line
of the road. They will be accompanied
by Messrs Bowlby, Wright and Wise,
who have been chosen arbitrators in a
case wherein one man demands
31,200 for right of wav for the rail
road to pass through his land. The
steamer Electric takes them over at
950 this morning. They will return
some time to-night
toometime ago J. J. Stokes distrib
uted some German beet root seed to
several farmers in this vicinity on
both sides of the river. He is desirous
of sending some of the crop to San
Francisco for a test of what this soil
can do in the way of raising the sugar
beet Those who planted the seeds
and raised some, beets are requested to
select a few, from 3 to 5 lbs., weight
as soon as possible and let him have
them at Foard k Stoke's store, to
send for analysis to San Francisco.
W. B. Mayre, the land locator, is iu
The case of Joe Baker comes up
again to-morrow.
C. A. McGuire came over from Skip
anon yesterday morning.
Mr. J. E. Bangs succeeds Bailey
Avery on the Oreyonian.
Mabel, the eldest daughter of Judge
j. i. iuay, is very sick witn i anam
ination of the stomach.
Gus Stroebel and Mrs. A. Nicholi,
of Portland, arc visiting Mr. and Mrs.
F. Grosbauer, of this city.
Major Eagan, Lieut Van Dusen,
Capt Al. Harris, and J. Grover came
up on the Canby yesterday.
Capt Jas. T. Gray, of Vancouver,
Wash., has quit the steamer service
after many years of continuous work.
As the people of Astoria naturally
look to The Astoriax for the news, it is
with pleasure it states that the machi
nations of enemies of the Astoria and
South Coast railroad have failed, and
that the bridge across Ybuncr's bay
will be built and completed bv April
1st, 1890.
The railroad company has two fran
chises: one from the federal govern
ment, through congress, and one from
the state, through the legislature.
Lying -wholly within state bounda
ries, the commonwealth of Oregon
has original jurisdiction over the was
ters of Young's bay, and the franchise
granted to the company the right to
build the bridge, unaffected by any
complex technicalities of jurisdiction.
This right is further within the
power oE the company to transfer.
This, the directors propose to do.
The franchise wijl be transferred un
der certain conditions, wholly satisfac
tory to the company, in which its in
terests are fully assured, to the
Young's Bay Bridge company, which
latter company will take the "contract
and have the bridge completed by the
1st of next April.
In less than twenty days, there will
be two thousand men at work along
the line of the road, and in addition
there will be a large force of bridge
builders at work on the bridge that
will span the strip of water between
Astoria and the coast.
One of the Flaj; Poles We Read Aliont.
Law Number of 3Ien Employed.
For the month ending October 31,
there were reported to the Portland
office of the Broadstreet Mercantile
agency fifteen failures in Oregon with
total assets of 56,783. Total liabili
ties $iG,506. In October 1SSS there
were reported six failures in Wash
ington in October, 1889. with total
assets of $7,900. Total liabilities
76,000. For October, 1888, the rec
ord showed only three small failures.
Total assets, 2,387.30. Total debt,
5.482.10. Idaho advices report five
failures in that territory during Oc
tober. Assets, 34,150. Liabilities
46,500. This is an unusually heavy
list for Idaho, October failures in
California were fifty-seven. Assets,
151,285. Debts, 289,494.
The Arizona Kicker continues to
extend its business. A late number
has this announcement. "We take
pleasure in. announcing to the public
in this manner that we have estab
lished still another enterprise in con
nection with the Kiclier. We haven't
got fourteen web presses at work, nor
can we afford to send an expedition to
Africa not yet We have had for
some time under our roof a newspaper
omce, a grocery, a feed jtore, a har
ness shop, a candy store andu glove
factory. We have now added a butch
er shop. While all these things will
be run in connection with the Kicker,
and by the same editorial staff, sub-
A large amount of work is now be
ing done in the way of railroad con
struction in this countv. Along the
line of the Astoria and South Coast
railroad a scene of activity presents
itself which is gratifying to those who
look forward with pleasurable antici
pation to the day when the shrill whis
tle of the locomotive will be heard as
the broad gauge transcontinental
train comas sweeping into Astoria.
On the Lewis and Clarke division
from Clatsop City 1 miles southeast,
there are now upwards of 400 men em
ployed in, what is afnresent enn.
sidered the heaviest work on the road.
Yesterday 400 additional .men were
employed, and will be taken out to
the work to-day.
On the Hillsboro division con
tractor Ewing has about 200 men em
ployed. Under Mr. Thielsen there
are about 70 men at work laying
track, surfacing, pile-driving, etc.
The intention is to put an additional
1,000 men at work on the Lewis and
Uiarlce division as soon as they can
be procured, to facilitate the work of
grading and clearing and building
trestle work. These additional thous
and men will be put to work getting
ready for the approach to the tunnel
at Saddle Mountain, work on which
will be begun about the 1st of Febru
ary, 1S90.
Re:il Estate Transfers. Nov. 7.
C. It Thomson and wife, Geo No
land and wife and V. Boellinn- in Wm.
Lang lot 2, blk 4, Skipanon addition;
J. W. Minaker and wife to Geo.
Hill, lots 4, 5, 8, blk SI, and lot 8, blk
101, McClure's Astoria; 1,500.
Sam'l Taylor to W. B. Havden, SW
'4 sec. 24, T. 7 N. E. 8 W.; 1,200.
Lewis P. Sheely aud wife to James
T. Barnette, N of NE sec. 7 and
S1 of SElf sec. 6, T. 7 N., It 0 W.;
Geo. C. Hall and wife to Hermine
Sommet, lot 4, blk. 11, Columbia
addition; 65.
Same to Dr. Al. Sommet, lot 5, blk.
11, Columbia addition; 65.
SametoErnil Schubert, lot 3, blk
11, Colnmbia addition; 65.
Remarks as to Circulation.
Messrs. Harris and Hushes are un
at Boise City, Idaho, where thev
read in The Asteria: about Cant .t.
G. Hustler's fine new flag, aud its 104
foot pole, and the 42 stars on it, and
have evidently become fired with the
spirit of emulation, or something else,
and yesterday telegraphed the follow
ing to the proud possessor of the finest
flag pole in the state of Oregon.
-LSoise Urrr, Idaho, Nov. G. -To
J. G. Hustler. Flag pole here two
hundred feet high, fifty-two stars in
flag, gold blocks, silver halyards.
Shall we buy it?
Hughes and Harris.
The Boise City whisky must bo
even stronger than usual this season.
The captain wired them to bring the
pole, flag and the whole business.
He says if the thing proves to be
what they say. he will have the outfit
run up at the other end of the wharf
aud get two or three more brass can
non. Naniinj the Towu of A 1 mini.
The barkentine Tarn O'Slianter
sailed for San Francisco yesterday. .
The Manzanita left for Grav's
harbor and Destruction island last
The schooner Zamjia sails from San
Francisco to-day loaded with general
merchandise for this port.
The schooner John G. North, ar
rived down from Portland yesterday,
loaded with lumber. She will go to
sea this morning.
The big four masted ship Metropo
lis G. O. Williams, master, 73 davs
from Montevideo with 1759 tons sand
ballast arrived yesterday.
The (fen. Miles arrived from Shoal
water bay yesterday bringing 2,000
cases salmon forthe Aberdeen Pack
ing company, to be shipped east
The Eclipse will make "t ho "Rnr
Creek and Knappa trip for the steamer
City of Astoria to-morrow. The lat
ter steamer will resume her regular
trips next Sunday.
The American ship Chesebrourfk,
an account of whose loss is given in
our dispatches this morning, was well
known in these waters, having been
in the Columbia river on different
The new steamer Restless, just
built by Wm. Mortensen, made her
trial trip yesterday and was found to
work very smoothly. She will be in
spected Saturday, and on Sunday
start for Shoalwater bav her destina
tion. The steamer State of (Inlifnrnin. a
due from San Francisco this morning
with the followincr nassenirprs! Tf. n
Martin, A. ShakeoiF and wife, Mrs.
noDseu.A. bmith, Al. Hoffman and
wife, Miss Eckman, Mrs. Eva Thorn,
H. Schilling, N. Leads, J. Kohn,
J. Dillon and wife, Mrs. Henry
A. Grace, Mrs. Crane L. Martin, Mrs.
This season our Oloak Department is more attractive than ever.
. We are showing a
ock and Higher Novelties!
Than ever shown before.
I QflT01'a
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
perfumery, and toilet articles, etc., can
be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W.
Conn's drug store, opposite Occident
hotel, Astoria.
Most of the statements contained
in circulation controversies depend on
tne affidavit of the office devil. As
the above dignitary holds his position
ciu iiiv wm ol me powers wnicn oe,
he is not apt to possess that impar
tiality which can only give value to
judicial actions. Only the official re
ports which are forwarded monthiy
by postmasters to the department at
Washington contain that exactness,
which like Cajsar's wife, is above
suspicion. Tacoma Globe.
Almira is a new and thriving town
this side of Wilbur, on the line of the
Central Washington railroad. While
the location of the road was being
made Engineer H. J. Huson and
Attorney James Ashton went along
to treat for right-of-way and town
sites. At the present location of Al
mira they found a store presided
over by a Mr. Davis and his attractive
wife. Mr. Huson decided upon the
place for a station, but he could get
no concessions from Davis. Finally
lurs. x-avis was approacned and en
listed in the cause of the company's of
ficials, and through her efforts of per
suasion the required arrangements
were made. When it came to the
signing of the deed of conveyance
Mrs. Davis wrote in round and hand
some characters, Almira P. Dav
is. Upon glancing at the sig
nature Mr. Ashton spoke up
and said: "Huson, Almira is a
pretty namo for the town site." "Just
the thing!" answered the vigorous
engiueer, and then and there it was so
christened. Yakima Herald.
rV l V
Are to be very much worn this season, and we are showing
. the Latest Styles in all qualities.
The "New Directoire" style of
Markets and
Rheumatism originates in lactic acid
in the blood, which settling in the joints
causes the pains and aches of the dis
ease. Hood's Sarsanarilla cures rlipn-
niatisraby neutralizing the acidity of
the blood, and giving it richness and
vitality. Try Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Stamping done to order. Embroidery
Lessons, 50 cents per hour.
Mrs. A. Eappleyea & Co.
Meals Cooucd'to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
She Wtiiit round and asked subscriptions
For the heathen black Egyptians
Ami the Terra dol Fue,ins.
She did;
For tho tribes round Athabasca,
And the men of Madagascar,
And tho poor souls of Alaska,
bosuo did.
She longed, she said, to buy
Jelly cake and jam and pie
For the Anthropophagi.
So she did.
How sho loved the cold Norwegian,
And the poor, half melted Feejian,
And the dear Malacca Islander,
She did.
She Bent tins of red tomato
To the tribes beyond the equator,
But her husband ato potato,
So he did.
Tho poor, hopeless, helpless thing
(My voice falters as I sing)
Tied his clothes up with a string.
Yes, he did.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so wel
known and so uopular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
Electric Bitters sing the same song of
praise. A purer medicine does not ex
ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all
diseases of the Liver and Kidnejs, will
remove Pimples. Boils, Salt Rheum and
other affections caused by impure blood.
Will drive Malaria from the system
and prevent as well as cure Malarial fe
vers. For cure of Headache, Constipa
tion and Indigestion try Electric Bit
tersEntire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 50 cts. and 1.00
per uiuuu at d. y. uonu's.
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, 'so laxative and initrhjous,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficial to the
human system, forming the ONLY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
so t:iaj
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
nd all are delighted with it. Ask youi
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
San Fbakcisco, Cal.
Loi'iw'i lb. Kv. New Yopx, N. Y
Are the latest and will be very popular this season.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House,
Lodge Room for Rent.
X Koom ortlic.). I. 5 association
in the wet-k.
and Satur.Jav
can lo lease! f.n-!. hi-ni.ri.i
Tuesday. Vediusda . rnda
For particulars eiuiu're or u. Krcd. I V,'
Case and A. J. Meg'er.
For Rent or Sale.
X front : Bar ltoom cemplete: Restaurant
complete : 17 rooms complete. Situated on
Third street, close to the 0. K. & Co.'s
dock. Street cars pas3 every 10 minutes.
A good bargain for the iint parties. For
further Information, inquire of
R,eal Ustate "Agents. Main Street.
For Sale.
4JiJJJ in one body. No better in Clat
sop county. Come and see us.
rm T o. . Heal Estate Agents.
Ofllce, Main Street.
E. J. Liddicoat,
Contractor, Builder and Carpenter.
Open to take all kinds of Carpenter "Work,
nolt & McCurtrle's old carpenter shop,
next to Methodist Church.
r 'S-itV - - -
,.7,l?rt.e.,llXI)l,s of t,ie J'waco and Shoalwater Hay Uailroad. THE GREAT.
of he Bay, at dcon water, and only twelve miles from the bar. The cominS
(. ounty eat and Commercial Mprrnnnli nf "Pr-fir. ,- tv-,.. i..:,t"i ,"h
on the market from S50, and upwards. " """ ,4UU UMU
l or particulars and full information, call on or address
Il"waco, W "R
Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shoes;
also Flexible Hand turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman's.
TcIephoneLiOdsmiff flonse.
Rest Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 25 cts., per week SUO. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Do You f.ilt a Good Cijjnr?
Call at Charley 01sens. onnosite C. n.
Cooper's. He will suit you. A fine
stock of cigars to select from.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodman's.
Coffee and cake, ten rpnts.
Central Restaurant
at the
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside is open the year 'round.
Mrs. Wixslow's Soothing Syrup
should always be used for children
teething. It soothes the child, softens
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
chohc, and is the best remedy for diar-rho2a.Tventy-five
cents a bottle.
Wciuhard's Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Livery Stables.
Conveyances of any kind, on short notice.
Transferring Baggage, etc., a specialty.
Telephone Xo, 12.
"Wo 're on ton and have downed tho
otner oiru i
Astoria Real Estate c Co.
Office First Door South of the Odd Fellows Building
t Bargains Yet
In Blocks 21. 23 and 28
7 y
Offered !
From the Postoffice.
Less than 1 Mile
SIXTY of these Lots sold within the past 8 days. The price of this Choice
Property is going up daily, and may be taken off the market at any time.
We've got the largest stock and the
Finest Goods.
"We knock them all out in prices.
Car Freight-Fisheries.
With early orders, we can
arrange to fill i car and se
cure the full car at low rates
for freight for netting, etc.
Gloucester let & Twine Co.,
All judicious buyers trade with us.
Price of Lots.
SI 15 to $160, according to Location.
Foreign and Domestic Goods. Fine Tailoring
Astoria, Oregon.
"We'v pot every reason to expect that
you too will eventually realize these facts,
ReiiaMe Clothier anil Hatter,
Occident Hotel Building.
jumsjt, -! IT "TTijmJ-
Successors to KIRK SHELDON.
j, Agencj-tor
151 Front Street,