it) maamm&&mmat fmamattitm&mfia 33S5ESeS2 zzssttz&zz a?Txr '-- ftc gnUjj stortatt." ASTORIA. OREGON: Fill DAY... -NOVEMBER S. 18S9, TO DE OWNED IN ASTORIA. An Astoria built boat to ply be tween here and Portland carrying passengers and freight is talked of. It is believed that such a boat as the traffic requires could bo built and equipped for 5,000. It is also be lieved that the business, rightly man aged, would be a profitable one. The question to be considered is how the capital would, could or should best be raised. It has been suggested that a joint stock company be formed and the necessary funds be secured in tjiat way. Whether the apparent profit would be sufficient to justify any one or two men to go into it, is for those who have experience in such business to determine. At first glance it looks as if this were entirely a matter for private or individual capital to consider. It may be argued that if any one thinks he sees a chance for ' profit in an enterprise of this nature, ho would individually invest all the required capital, in hopes of making -all the resultant profit. Nevertheless, co-operation in such things is not un usual and when rightly managed is uniformly successful. A man may have the practical knowl edge and experience and not be pos sessed of the capital necessary to prop erly project the enterprise, and with the partial aid of others he could create a business that would be of general use and value. That such a combination will be effected is very probable, and that it will be permanently prosperous is almost equally so. The selectmen of Ipswich think there is more than one way to do a thing. The law of the city provides that the selectmen may make repairs on the city hall without a vote; but a vote is necessary to build a new city hall. Three years ago a vote on the subject was had, resulting in a defeat whereupon the selectmen raised the old city hall up sixteen feet and put under a brick foundation, and added a building two stories high in the rear as a part of the repairs; the total amount of the repairs was 16,000. Next year it is proposed to repair the city hall by removing the old part and replacing it with new material. The original hall was worth S400. Ex-Pbesidest Cleveland walks to his office, as the newspapers say that 'his constantly increasing weight makes exercise a necessity." Yet quite intelligent men are of the opin ion that he will run for the next pres idential Democratic nomination with alacrity. Ohio and Iowa in their temporary Republican defeat illustrates the folly of Prohibition run mad. Such present Democratic sticcess as that in the Hawkeye and Buckeye states is the logical policy and outcome of Pro hibition. A cigau manufacturer in Pennsyl vania is now giving away with a 26-a-thousand cigar a bedroom suit of furniture. All the prospective bride grooms in that state are now buying their cigars by the thousand. The famous painting, "TheAnge lus," was admitted to this country free of duty, as the property of an art association. Thus the free traders have lost another opportunity to howl. Tite Philadelphia Press has located "the undiscovered country": "A northwestern state where the Democ racy has auv" chance of electing a congressman. Report of Court St. School, For the 2nd month, ending Oct 25th, S9. Number of. days attendance G0A6; number of days absence 237J4; number cases of tardiness 1; number enrolled 311 distributed as follows; 1st grade 54; 2nd grade 40; 3rd grade 4S; 4th grade 47; 5th grade 46; 6th grade 49; 7th grade 37; 8th grade 20; against 333 for Sept Aver age daily attendance 305. This month shows an increase in the number of visits from patrons and others, which is a good indicator of public interest. AVo cordially request vou to examine our methods. an astonishing change. "iry dear madam, I never eaw you looklnr to veil, and you were bo poorly, too." "l'cs, doctor, Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla Is tV grandest thing in tho world f or rnn-down, nervous and debilitated women. That's the "-n.t o my appearance." I P to a month ago Mrs. Belden, aa elderly J 'j",livingat510irasontreet,SanFrancisco, . ts failing In health and flesh bo rapidly as to i.-isly alarm her relavlves. She now rr:tcs: 'I havo taken but ono bottle of Joy's citable Sarsaparilla, but it is astonishing. 1 ayi regaining my lost flesh and have not felt as -well in years." TEIffipC. Specials to The Astori'an. Marriage .of Ex -Secretary Bayard. The Eesult of the State Elections. Wreck of an American Ship in Japan. Washington, Nov. 7. Thomas F. Bayard, ex-secretary of state, and Miss Mary William Clymer, were married at 1 o'clock this afternoon in the pres ence of a mostdistinetiishedcomDanv. The desire was to have the wedding as quiet as possible, and the invita tions numbering about 150 were con fined to the relatives of- the contract ing parties and a few personal friends. Among the latter were ex-president and Mrs. Cleveland, ex-secretary and Mrs. Fairchild, Hon. George Bancroft, Justice and Mrs. Field, Justice and Mrs. Lamar, and Mrs. M. W. Fuller. A reception and breakfast followed the ceremony, and soon after the new ly married couple left for a tour to New York and other northern cities. Cleveland's opinions. Washington, Nov. 7. Ex-president Cleveland was interviewed last night on the election results. "It is evid ent," said Cleveland, "that the leaven of tariff reform has at last leavened the whole lump. The west which has suffered most from the unjust burden of tariff taxation has awakened. The state platforms of both Iowa and Ohio are abreast of the St. Louis platform on the subject of tariff re form. The people have considered and passed judgment It was for the people to decide. They are now de ciding. It is enough for me to say that I am satisfied at the indications, and the results of Tuesday's elections. The verdict in Virginia indicates that tne south is still faithful to the Dem ocracy of Jefferson and Jackson." THE MONTANA ELECTION. Helena. Mont. Nov. 7. Judge De Wolf has decided that the appeal does not operate as stay of proceedings. A peremptory writ has been issued, and the deputy sheriff has gone to look for Hall who is believed to have gone east. The state canvassing board finished the canvass of the state vote. Silver Bow county was counted as canvassed by the board. The entire Kepublican state ticket is elected, except Toole for governor. The supreme court and six out of the eight district judges are Republican. The senate is a tie, with a Republican lieutenant governor to give the cast ing vote. The Republican majority in the house is six. On the contest in Jefferson county the Republicans expect to gain one member erf the house, which will give them a majority of eight on joint bal lot There is a tie for joint member of the house in Beaver Head and Deer Lodge counties, which will necessitate a new election. Out of the 22,000 votes cast only 1,800 are against the adoption of the constitution. WRECK OF THE "CHESEBROUGH. Yokohama, Nov. 7. The American ship Cheseborough, from Hiogo ior New York, has been wrecked on the northern coast of Japan. Nineteen of the crew were drowned. A NEW N. P. STEAMER. New York, Nov. 7. The Northern Pacific steamer City of Kingston which was recently purchased in this city will leave here shortly for the Pa cific coast, This vessel is a very fine iron steamer and can make nearly six teen miles an hoar in good water. On arrival she will be put into se.rv ice on Puget sound, to run between Seattle, Tacoma and Victoria. died in childbirth. London, Nov. 7. The Princess Ma rie, wife of Prince Alexander, of Bat tenberg, recently prince of Bulgaria, died'to-day in childbirth. A COMMISSIONER APPOINTED. Washington, Nov. 7. The president to-day appointed William W. Bates, of New York, commissioner of naviga tion. THE RESULT IN OHIO. Columbus, Ohio, Nov. 7. The State Journal (Republican), says the Re publican state committee estimates Campbell's plurality over Foraker.for governor at from 10,000 to 12,000. Re turns from nine of the leading coun ties show that Foraker ran 10,365 be hind his ticket . In view of this they claim that the rest of the Republican state ticket is elected by an average plurality of &,VW. A PACIFIC COAST OUTLET FOR THE BUR LINGTON. New York, Nov, 7 John U.'A. Griswold, Director of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy road, Bays the mission west of President Perkins and Directors Paine and Gardner is probably to seek a new outlet for the Burlington to the Pacific coast The arrangement recently made between the Union Pacific and the" North western likely created unexpected complications, but there will probably be no deal to offset that until this year's crops aFe moved. Griswold also says: "I do not think the arrangement will hurt the California business" the Burlington, although it may take away much of our Oregon business. We can easily transfer the former from the Union Pacific to the Southern Pacific, and I presume our agent in San Francisco will now make contracts with that road and the Rio Grande and Western. We can fur ther compete with the new combina tion by reducing the rates on our line between Denver and Chicago, and this we shall probably do. There has always been an antagonism between the Union Pacific and the Chicago and Burlington business; and this is only one way for the exhibition of it" THIS RE-ELECTS ALLISON. Chicago. Nov. 7. An Evening Journal (Rep) DesMoines special says: While the Democrats claim that their entire state ticket is elected in dications as to the result, except for govenor, are doubtful. The Republi cans have seven majority in the house and one in the senate. THE RESULT IN BOSTON. Boston, Nov. 7. The senate will be composed of twenty-nine Republi cans and eleven Democrats, as com pared with thirty-two Republicans and eight Democrats in 1888. There were 162 Republicans and seventy eight Democrats returned to the lower house, a Republican I033 of eighteen. A VERY SAD ACCIDENT. Portland, Nov. 7. Last evening Walter Curtis, a brakeman on the Northern Pacific railroad, was brought here from Napavine station for sur gical treatment at St. Vincents hos pital, while getting oil a car ins right foot slipped on a small stone and one of the wrheels completely sev ered his foot from the leg. He will moat likely survive, providing be re cover from the nervous shock. Is Consumption Incurable? Head the follewing: Sir. C. 11. Morris. Newark, Ark says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phv sioians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, ami able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever-made," Jesse Middleware, Decatur, Ohio, sayi; "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptien I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. NEW TO-DAY. SchooI'Taxes. NOTICE IS HEREBX GIVEN THAT THE taxes of school district No. Ono. Asto ria, Clatsop countj, Oregon, are now due and payable to the elerk of said district, and not paid, will be deemed delinquent sixty days from date. By order of the board or directors. J. G. HUSTLER. Clerk. Astoria, Oregon, Nov. ctli. 1S33. Gray's Harbor, Shoalwater Bay and TILLAMOOK. The P. & C. S. S. Co.'s Steamer 'ALLIANCE," Will sail from PORTLAND, foot of C street, Every Thursday for Grays Harbor will touch at SHOALWATER BAY every third trip. Due notice will be given in The Asto bi v ol the date of making trips to" Shoal water Bay and Tillamook. Steamer leaves Portland at 8 i m." on above dates Astoria at 6 a. m. the follow ing morning. Freight received every day till 5 P. M. The Company reserves the light to change time and place of sailiu?. V. tt. STRONG. President. C. P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Taints, Oils, Orooerles, ZEJto.. Stock and Fixtures. ANY ONE WITH A SMALL CAPITAL, desirous of buvlnc a well established and paying business In this city, can hear of an opportunity oy inquiring at mis omce. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Boiler Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Express and Transfer. Gub. and Fred. Hildebraml, Proprietors. Headquarters at Foa-d & Stokes. LEAVE ORDERS AT PETER BRACH'S, Uppertown. BAGGAGE, FREIGHT, ETC.. PROMPTLY DELIVERED In any part of the City. Astoria Iron Works. Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General Hoists anfl Boiler Maters. Land and Marine Engines BOLLEIC WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a specialty; Castings of ail Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. .John Fox President, and SudL A. L. Fox ............Vice President J. Q. HustiiEb, w..8ec. and Treas. J. H. MANSELL TRTE D I ft I BUG NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE 03? OREGON City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Established. 1883. Corresoondence Solicited, Next W. V'. Telegraph Office. P. O. SOX IEJL GET YOUR EXCHANGED AT n aflP IfgJgTTtf IBTH MTU $5.00 Per Good for One Week only. K.OBB & PiLIBJOSFh, iLg23.ts. Performance commences fronf now on, until further notice, at 7 o'clock in the morning' until S o'clock at night. Kveryhody is cor dially invited, and nobody should fail to c.ill mid view tor yourselt. Admission live wonders to be seen al the gnmd opening of the At tho WHITE HOUSE STO Next to the O. It. & N. Ticket Oftice. W.E.WARREN. tsta WW 41 I IjJl 1 gi? WW I IgaiL Real Mansell's Building, Water St., ASTORfA, City Property, Seaside Property, Tide Lands, Timber Lands, Farms, Etc., Bought and Sold. Loans negotiated and a general commission business transacted. Investments for non-residents a specialty. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FIRE BRICK DEALEK I" Hay, Oats, anil Straw, Lime, Wood Delirered to Order. IER apply to the Captain, or to feSg I-Jgi3Sg-ESE5g?:' C JA'A f hWrl-:' ' m--- 42 1 ffitfllfril L 2Z Third St. Astoria, Oregon. - J - ' -'iTOo!-arigaaaaiw.. FOR A. -IX 10 EAST 1ST0SIA. Month. id well-known stand, 1 ASTORIA, OREGON. E. W. WRIGHT. OREGON. FIRE C-AY Brick, Cement, Sai and Jfi&ter onuitcn, , 19 Draying, Teaming ami Express Bnslnr"- STEAMS CLARA PMSIi fben P. Paf'aster. m For TOWING, lEIGHT orCHAR- B. PARKER. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES gs Your Money's Worth IS WHAT YOU GET AT IN Groceries and Provisions. Everything mjx First-class Store tniil at Extremely Low Figures. (00.1s Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES Fine "Wines. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wino in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Yonr naironago in City or Conntry solicited. A. W. UTZ1NGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. 1-J K 'l.M.',..MJimulgT;HflllllHlimRMg8gB!mMM MB WHOLESALE AND irsceriss, rrovisions Crockery, Glass Tho Largest and finest assortment of Fsesk Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh every Steamer. AND- 5G00 donblo roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the late3t styles and shades jnst received direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of New Smyrna Rugs. Call and examine. -DEALKIl IX- Groceries Produce. Water Street, AMona, Oregon. TELEPHONE NO. 7. - P. O. BOX S2i. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. K. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, ntOITJETORS. Headquarters at Main Street uliarr. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage is solicited. DEALER IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings SPECIAL. Sign Writer, Gr-tiner and Jrnamenial Painter. Cor Cass an Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, Or. It Pay You in rk Addition TO The City of Astoria. This property is now oil the market, and is being sold by On tho Installment Plan for $30.00 and $40.00 per Lot. $10.00 Cash and $5.00 per Month. Don't mis3 this opportunity. Tho terminns of a transcontinental road will be located within 15 minutes walk from this beautiful tract. S30 to-day. 230 in one year. Save tho dollars and buy real estate and wealth is yours. , . Call at onco upon On November 1st Lots will be advanced to 40 and 30 per Lot. WORSLEY & CARRUTHEBS. Corner 3d and Olney Streeis. CARL A. HANSON" f B a r& Hanson SUCCESSORS TO G. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS VTEEK. 17Gs.Boots i Slioes The Old Stand - Astoria Oreeon. Choice Brands. RETAIL DEALER IN Mill Feed, Plated Ware. ATIONS! ORf.O F. PARKER. Of all grades in beautiful now designs Portiere Curtains. China Matting, Etc., Etc. CHAS. HEILBORN. H. W. Strickler, Iff. D. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc. Presciiption Clerk speaks Four dlnerent Languages. General practice of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second Street, near rostofllce. Oysters ! Oysters ! Ciams! Clams! In quantities to Suit. Fresh Every Day at R. L. HUMPHREYS, Ne. door to Flavel's New Brick Building. THEO. BRACKER. Second Street. A Large Supply of Meerschaum and Brier Pipes. ALSO, Amber Cigar and Cigarette Holders Especially Fit For Birthday and Christmas Presents. ALSO. A large invoice of fresh Imported, and Kev West Cigars ; amongst otherbrands the well-known "Flor de Madrid." to Buy a Lot s