ID Site mft gafowfem. ASTORIA. OEEGON: WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6. 1889. A SOFT ANSWER. In a characteristic flood whose mud conceals its shallowness the Postscript evades both lies of which it was yes terday convicted by The Astorian and utters another. This makes three, but lying is easier than the truth to the Postscript The article of the 28th of October, which called out Captain Apperson's denial, was not written by either Dunbar nor Snyder. A canneryman of this city has been putting up coin at their earnest solic itation for some time to" run the pa per. The whole thing would make a long story, and if this is denied The AstO; bias can publish it: it would make interesting reading. So far as the charge against The Astobiats as to "divvies," is concerned, that is simply lie number four. The Astorian or its proprie tors, singly or collectively, nev er had any understanding with any official in or out of any office, federal, state or anywhere else as to any 'diwy" or percentage, or anything of that kind. For some time The Astobian has put up with all manner of slurs from these creatures who are jealous of its ability and success; for the sake of harmony, these things have been overlooked, the proprietors preferring to bend their energies to the advancement of the interests of the place rather than indulge iu any personalities. Bnt meekness has been mistaken for weakness, and forbearance for fear. Emboldened by impunity, in suits have accumulated, and until it became unbearable, and though The Astobian regrets that its usual dig nity is temporarily displaced by un seemly personal discussion, yet the public will certainly perceive that this thing has been forced upon this paper and it is a duty no less to the public than to the paper that these conspirators against public peace and party harmony be shown up in their true light. Where there is no sense there is no feeling: where there is no honor there is no shame. The creature who crawls from his master's chair to do his dirty bidding arouses no feeling but contempt not wholly unmixed with pity. Honesty hangs its head in his pres ence; candor is unknown to his tongue; blackmailers are his companions, and false dealings are his practice: he never had a friend whom he did not deceive, or a cause which he did not betray; there is nothing too low for him to do, nor too shameful for him to advocate, and his sex alone prevents him from being a prostitute in fact as he is in instinct and desire. It is not in him to forgive a failure or to admire a success, and the char ity that can be conceded to others must be withheld from this libel upon "our commou humanity. BRIEFLY STATEB. The rush for timber lands in north western Oregon has resulted in a spe cies of advertising that is as profitable as it is temporary. Every applicant for timber land has to pay 510 to have that application published ten weeks in a paper nearest the land. This patronage has occasioned the starting of many new papers and has aided the finances of many old ones. A year ago a paper, for instance, was started in Tillamook the Headlight. The rush for timber was that way and in a short time the Headlight was a 24-page paper crammed with timber land notices. This aroused the ire of papers that, had the Headlight not existed would have got the notices. With this introductory, the follow ing, from the Headlight of the 1st inst, will be understood and appre ciated: A LIE NAILED. The McMinnville Telephone-Register thinks it knows more about our business than we do. It ia green with envy and in its discomfiture at seeing other papers enjoying the "timber notice" perquisites makes the statement that this paper has been dividing profits with the Govern ment officials. This office has received $10 for every timber notice published, and under no circumstances have we paid out a cent to secure the Land Office patronage. In justice to Hon. J. T. Ap person, and to exonerate ourselves, we shall take some trouble to ferret out and expose the Telephone-Register's alleged reliable authority. We trust that the Salem Statesman, and any other papers that may have copied the Telephone-Register's state ment, will make proper correction, as the charges are unjust, and we expect to effectually substantiate what we assert in regard to the matter. It was in the Democratic Tele-phone-Register that this lie started: that the Postscript of this city, al ways quick to try and make trouble promptly picked up and reiterated. The Telephone-Register said that the Headlight was "dividing," paying lialf into "the land office sack." The contemptible creatures in the Post script office thought they saw a point and snapped at the lie and made it worse by amplifying it. Now the Headlight, about which the whole thing started, denies the statement. As The Asiobian said yesterday, none but a knave would make such a statement, and none but a fool would believe it. The Postscript, which can play the the knave or fool as occasion requires, still insists that the lie it uttered is so, and is doubly guilty of the most shameless mendacity. But what else but fraud and false hood could be expected from such a concern and all connected with it. CONTEMPTIBLE JOURNALISM. EvEBr army has a crowd of bum mers hanging 'on its flanks and rear, mendicants who can skulk and steal but can't fight, and keeping carefully from the center of conflict, stay as close as possible to the sutler wagon. The army of journalists is similarly cursed. There is a class of creatures who hate to see a man succeed in the newspaper business. No matter how patient, how industrious, how applica ble he may be, if he is able to make a living and a respectable name for himself and give his wife and children a roof of their own, these hyenas of the newspaper field gnash their jaws at him. His success is a tacit reflec tion on their lack of ability and they join in an attempt to pull him down. This is the contemptible side of journalism that-has been exhibited in this city in opposition to this paper If the editor of this paper, or his partner, were idle, dissolute, lazy and licentious; if -we had been refused credit in saloons and kicked out of houses of prostitution as others, we would probably feel as they do who attack us. But years of toil of brain and nerve and sinew have been devoted to our life work, the making of a decent, suc cessful, entertaining, respectable news paper, and as "malice loves a shining mark," Ave are assailed for what for refusing to be silent when the name and integrity of a respectable federal official is attacked. No newspaper man with the slight est self-respect that any one erect in the form of manhood should possess, would be guilty of debasing his tempo rary opportunity. It is only the base minded who would glory in a false hood and when detected would wal low still deeper in the filth that sncli creatures delight to fling. - m ... Ujder the head-lines, "Divorces boarding houses," the Tacoma Qlobe sounds an alarm upon the evils of boarding house life. It quotes from Gen. L N. Stiles, of Chicage: "They are simply hot-beds of immorality. Boarding houses are ripe with scan dal and gossip. A woman who lives in them has nothing to occupy her time, and satan always finds mischief for idle hands to do. Young married people should avoid boarding houses as they would a pestilence. They should secure homes, even if they con sist of a single room. Then the young wife will have something to occupy her mind, and will not be subjected to evil influences. I haven't lived in a boarding house since I was married, but I know what they are; they are conducive to immorality." In a measure, says the Port Townsend Leader, Gen. Stiles' views are too far reaching. The boarding house is not a hot-bed of immorality. We fre quently hear of boarding house scan dalsand too often of private home scandals. There are other reasons for avoiding the boarding "houses, and they are broad and philosophical. The boarding house as a home for young married people is contrary to American institutions, instincts and traditions. We are pre-eminently home builders and the perpetuity of our society and government depends largely upon a careful training of these patriotic outgrowths of Ameri can principle. It is urged in opposition to the prediction that the rage for fast sail ing steamers will breed many disas ters, that the less time you are at sea the safer you are, while the faster the steamer the greater is the care taken by owners and officers in construction, equipment and navigation. AN ASTONISHING CHANGE, "Mydeannadam,Inevarswyou lootiur so well, sad you were so poorly, too." "Yes, doctor, Joy'a Vegetable Sarsaparlllj. is the grandest thing in the world f or run-down, nervous and debilitated women. That's i.'ic secret of my appearance." Up to a month ago Mrs. Belden, an eld lady, living at BlOMason street, San Fraueist- w as falling In health and flesh so rapidly a seriously alarm her relsvlves. She u writes: "I have taken but one bottle of ' Vegetable Sarsap&rilla, but It Is ast nishi. I am regaining my lost flesh and have not f ds as well in years." TELEGMPfflG. Specials to The Astorian. Richuont), Ya., Nov. 5. Election reports from several voting, places in Virginia show a quiet election. The indications are that the democrats will make gains in Norfolk aud Ply mouth over all votes last fall. A good vote is being polled throughout the state. TB. ZJVTcCue, a prominent leader of Henries county was arrested for inter fering with elections. Several negroes have also been arrested for trying to double ballots. IK OHIO. CixciXNwn, Nov. o. A heavy vote is being polled. Foraker is being scratched somewhat iu Columbus. The weather is fine. The Republicans are hopeful. IX NEW YORK. New Yorr, Nov. 5. Tliis is an av erage off year. There is a large vest pocket vote being polled, and a large amount of scratching. IN MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Nov. 5. Throughout the state an average vote is being polled. The Australian ballot system is work ing well. The weather is cloudy and cool. TnE ALABAMA EXPOSITION. Montgomery, Nov. 5. The south ern exposition opened to-day. The machinery was put in motion at noon by president. Harrison who touched the key of a wire -at Washington, which was connected with machinery hall here. SCHOIiES AND KILRAIN. Toronto, Nov. 5. A boxing contest between Jake Kilrain and John R Scholes, of this city, last night was witnessed by one thousand people. Four rounds Queensbury rules were boxed. Scholes was in first class con dition. Kilrain wa very fat. Kil rain did not exert himself. IN THE KEYSTONE STATE. Phiidelphia, Nov. 5. It is clear and cool generally throughout Penn sylvania and a light vote is being polled. 1.10 HT VOTE IN ILLINOIS. Chicago. Nov. 5. It is cool and cloudy. A very light vote is being cast Only minor county officers and two judgeships are at stake. MRP. GRANT'S DENIAL. NeV York, Nov. 5. Mrs. Grant de nies that she has authorized the re moval of General Graut's body to West Point, or Arlington. Mrs. Grant said that she would not consent to the removal of General Graut's ic mains. ENGLAND AND HAWAII. London, Nov. 5. In view of a pro posed treaty of commerce between the United States aud Hawaii, a move has been made by the British foreign office for a treaty between England and Hawaii. The English consul has been instructed to oppose the Ameri can company's efforts to obtain exclu sive concessions to land and cables, and to push the interests of England always. AGAINST THE SALVATION ARMY. Berlin, Nov. 5. The government has prohibited the meetings of the Salvation army. Is Consumption Incurable? Read the follewing: Jlr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phy sicians pronounced nie an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Ur. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made."' .Jesse iliddlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: '-Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it Sample bottles free at J. C. Dement's Drug Store. Board of Equalization. THK BOARD OF SCHOOL DIUECrOKS. school district No. One will meet as a board of equalfration at the ollice of the Secretary, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday the 5th, (5th and 7th, Inst., to equalize the assessment roll of said district. J.C.. HUSTLER. Secretary. Astoria, Nov. -ith, 'SO. ONE NICHT ONLY. Wednesday, November 6th. Engagement of the Eminent Artists, Milton and Doliie NOBIi33S. In Milton Noble's Last and Greatest Play, From Sire to Son rronounced by able critics the Best Modern Play yet written by an American. Dramatic Climaxes I Wholesome Comedy! Powerful Drama f Superbly Acted. neserveu neais open Aionuav morninj'. Nnvmnhpr Jtli 9 a xt if tlm Tn..f i nit! Novelty Store. Stock and Fixtures. ANY ONE WITH A SMALL CAPITAL, desirous of buying a well established and paying business in this city, can hear of an opportunity by Inquiring at this office. to Opera House V I " ''ml Wk f I I 'i J. H.MANSELL ffH St Skb83 S IPS'3 Ifa 5 il $E i58 !ri - nan ru a g w ji m .v-rt n v. uwawntieau n a 10 BBS BHs CbW a auc NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Properly. Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1SS3. Correspondence Solicited. Next YV. V. Telegraph Ofliiv. -Thinl St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX G63. GET YOUR EXCHANGED AT NORTH H $5.00 Per Month. Good for One Week only. SIOBB & Performance commences from nou cm, until ftuther notice, ai 7 ' in the morning until S o'clock ?-t night. ICvervboily is cor dially invited, and nobody should i:iii to call and view for yourself. Admifsion free and uondeis to be seen at tiie grand opening of th. At tho well-known stand. ,"3" JL.8. JL JLU .A.JL W Next to tho 0. 11. N. Ticket Ollice. W.E. WAKKEN. Mansoll's Building, Water St., ASTORIA, City Property, Seaside Property, Tide. Lands, Timber Lands. Farms. Etc., Bought and Sold. Loans negotiated and a general commission business transacted. Investments for non-residents a specialty. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ESw JEIb J?JLJil,2SJiS!0L FIRE BRICK DEALKK Hay, Oats, ai Straw, Lime, Brick, Cement, Sai aid Plaster tVood Delivered to Onlcr. Ur)In?, Teaming ant! Ilxpre rs liuslncss. ?&sbSj IER apply to the Captain, or to tfeSSs tin a aa V sacsw us FOR A LO' -!X- TO EAST ASTORIA. PEESE5 JLgents. zJ i.T- -rr.-. itwra lock J K, O X JJ..j, ASTOItIA, OREGON. 15. V. WKKJ1IT. OREGON. IX FIRE CLAY KTEAIHF.R ,m nun Fbc.r. P, Pnrher,Master. ForTOWINO, FREIGHT or CHAR ju. jb. PARKER. iySJlasffis! I ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IBlsiials. SoqIslJB, Stationery, Your Money's Worth IS WHAT YOU GET AT IX Groceries and Provisions. Kverj thins ' a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. (;cod? Delivered all over Town. l'he Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES WiiyiySfllu Ifiilu NOUSui Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I havo completed arrangements for supplying an3 brand of "Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL OKDEKS DELIVERED FKEE IN ASTORIA. Yonr patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o Tho Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Reeoived fresh every Steamer. WM W AND- TiOOO uonblo roll of Wall Taper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades just received direct from Eastern factories. Also a largo assortment of Of all grades in beautifnl new designs New Smyrna Rugs. Portiere Curtains. China Matting, Etc., Etc. Gall and examine. CIIAS. HEILBORN. J. P. HYMES, -DEALER IN- Groceries I Produce. Water Street, Astoiia, Oregon. TKLKIMI0XE XO. 7. - V. O. 110X S22. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, ritOPKLETOltS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express anil Delivery Business transacted. Your natronnpce is solicited. DEALER IN Wail Paper and Oil Paintings SPECIALTY, Sign Writer, Grainer and Ornamental Painter. Cor Cass and .TeiTerson Sts., Astoria, Or. It Will Pay You IX- Laurel Park Addition TO The City of Astoria. This property is now on tho market, and is being sold by WWsIey & Carrut hers On tho Installment Plan for $30.00 and $40.00 per Lot. $10.00 Cash and $5.00 per Month. Don't miss this onnortunitv. Tho terminus of a transcontinental road will be located within 15 minutes walk from this beautiful tract. SwO to-day. 250 in ono year. Savo the dollars and buy real estate and wealth is yours. Call at once upon On November 1st Lots will be advanced to S40 and S50 per Lot. WORSLEY & CARRUTHERS, Corner 3d and Olney Streets. S OKLO V. BARKER. CARL A. HAN80X SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK. t The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. ATIONS! ,H,W.Strickler,flLD. DEALER IN i i Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc. Picscription Clerk speaks Four different languages. (ieneral practice of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second Street, near rostofllce. Oysters ! Oysters ! Clams! Clams! In Quantities to Suit. Fresh Every Day at R. L. HUMPHREYS, Nex door to Flavel's New Brick Building. J"ULS"t 3Et.coiT7"c3L THEO. BRACKER. Second Street, A Large Supply of Meerschaum and Brier Pipes. ALSO, Amber Cigar and Cigarette Holders Especially Fit For Birthday and Christmas Presents. ALSO. A large invoice of fresh Imported, and Key West Cigars ; amongst other brands the well-known "Flor de Madrid." - to Buy a Lot 11I1S blUllllM.