C29 -. ' - ,- t ,T She gattjj gMtorau. ASTOEIA. OREGON: SUNDAY... OCTOBER 27, 1SS9. A Chicago husband and wife both filed petitions for divorce on the same day, each without the knowledge" of the other. he son of a Chicago millionaire is in jail for stealing cigars. The evils of the tobacco habit have rarely been more strikingly illustrated. -- ... - - EmuiIiE de Layatcye believes that the two great powers of the future, leaving' China out of the question, are the United States and Eussia. The Marion county board of eznali zation made a horizontal reduction of 25 per cent, on the county assessment roll, last year, as returned by the ass essor. Mes. Cochran, of Shelbyville, Illi nois, has invented a dish washing ma chine, and if it is a success the weary women of America will .rise up and call her blessed. Bib- ck told the czar that a policy of conciliation should be adopted in Russian public affairs, and the czar asked Bismarck why he had never tried it in Germany. A lawyer at Tarpon Springs, Flor ida, advertise as follows in -a local paper:. "Marriages and divorces se cured with neatness and dispatch, sith or without publicity." TnE domain obtained from the In dians by the Minnesota commission is as large as Connecticut. The Indians have been made citizens of the "state, so as to be more easily governed. The Corvallis Times is evidently indignant with the Yamhill Ledger man, and fearlessly states that the Y. L. man 'ought to be in hades set ting red hot nonpareil italic at a nickel a thousand." Says a "Washington D. G. dispatch: "The Venezuela claim commission has been organized over a week, but has struck an obstacle in a lack of claims to consider. It is thought claimants are not aware of the com mission being organized, and that as soon as they are so informed then the commission will have plenty to do." The commission ought to advertise. Astorians Should Take Notice. "It is .the business of reputable and honest organs of local opinion to see that establishments locating them selves here and thriving upon the good name of this community shall not go up and down tire laud pushing improper schemes without being called to explanation or account. It is the belief in many quarters, east and west that the American Building and Loan association is a scheme to defraud the poor and unwary. The least reputable part of the business of this 'American Building and Loan association' is its expense. "' This American association exists solely and purely because it can collect un der guise of an expense fund an enor mous sum of money that goes, pre sumably, in the pockets of the man agers. No other financial institutions ever organized on earth, not even the worst of the bogus assessment insur ance companies, have ever as we be lieve made such exorbitant charges for expenses." -Minneapolis Trib une. A CALIFORNIA. SENSATION. Petaluma Courier. Itis reported thatthcsalcsoItho"California Bemedy," Joy's Yegetablo Sarsaparilla, have grown within a few months till they aro now really sensational. Tho way tho fame of this production has spread is simply marvelous. Six months ago it was unknown. To-day it is all over the country. It is authoritatively ctated that they have been actually giving it away in San Francisco to people afflicted with dyspepsia, sick headaches, indigestion and liver troubles, not to he paid for unless it cured. Such practical tcets are so startlingly convincing as to he almost sensational. It is stated that two of the active principles of tho new remedy belong to the vegetablckingdom of California and are so well known to us all under common names that it would surpriso us if told them. But we are not surprised at anything Californian, and this recent discov ery of the new medicinal virtues of its vegeta- Uo kingdom is but another instance of tho astonishing possibilities cf a soil and climate lite ours. Little 3Iasp;ie Synhorst'.s Letter. La Grande, Or.,Oct, 12, 1889. Drs. Darrin, 235 Fifth street, Port land Kind Sirs: I write this letter to try' and express my thanks and gratitude better thau 1 can Ty word of month. I know I am the most happy girl in La Grande since you have cured me of so so great a mis fortune as crooked eyes. Thanks to you, my eyes are straight once more and my sight is perfect 1 am twelve years old. Gratefully yours. Maggie Synhorst. drs. darrin's place of business.. Drs. Darrin can be consulted free at 235 Fifth .street, comer of Main, Port land. Office hours, from 10 to 4 o'clock daily; evenings, 7 to 8; Sun days, 10 to 12. All curable chronic diseases, loss of manhood, blood taints, syphilis, gleet, gonorrhoea, stricture, spermatorrhoea, seminal weakness, or loss of desire of sexual power, in man or woman, catarrh and deafness, are confidentially and successfully treated. Cures of private diseases guaranteed, and never published in .the papers. Most cases can receive home treat ment after a visijy to tho doctors' of fice. Inquiries answered and circu lars sent free. TELEGRAPHIC Specials to The Astorian. A Brief Eecord of the Day's Doings. Drunken Eow on The "Geo. W. Elder." Successful Launch of the San Prancisco. Murder of a Young Man In a Saloon. Portland, Oct. 26. On the lGthof. last September at a meeting o the stockholders of the Portland Cement company, F. D. Ball, "V7. Lockatan, O. E. Heintz- E. D. "Whitney and G. G. Gammons were elected directors of the company for the ensuing year. On the 14th inst. some of the stockholders held another meeting in the office of J. C. Bayer, electing the following board of directers: John Bobertson, J. A. Martin, J. B. Bridgers, R. J. Stuart and A. W. Middleton. F. q Ball president of the company this morning filed a complaint in Judge Shuttuck's court asking that the second election be judicially nul lified. HELD TO APPEAR. Two sneak thieves, Archibald Clem ents and Marcus H. Stephen, who were arrested by officers Smith and Young, Friday morning while break ing into the Veto saloon had an ex amination before Judgo Tanner to day on two charges: attempting to burglarize the Veto saloon, and lar ceny from Geo. "Wager's saloon, on First and Clay streets. Tho men waived examination to appear before the grand jury, and their bail was fixed at $500 in each case. The evi dence against them is very strong. Kearney's domestic troubles. Arthur Kearney was arrested this morning on a warrant issued at the instance of his wife who says he ha3 threatened to kill her. She alleges that last "Weduesday while drunk he assaulted her and said he would cut her to pieces. Ivearney's bonds were fixed at $100: he was present before Justice Tuttle this morning and ac knowledge he had made threats: He said "its whiskv that causes me to do se: the only Avay to keep me down is to put me in jail. It has caused me the loss of wife and two little boys" and the tears came into the wretched man s eves. a lively time on TnE "elder." C. H. Lewis, first mate of the Geo. W. Elder, who has been charged with brutally beating a man named Nordberg, while the ship was iu north ern waters, called this morning to make a denial. In giving his version of the affair Mr. Lewis said: Nord berg in the first place was not a sailor on the ship. The statement that he was acting in such capacity is a false hood. On the morning of "the 13th he and thirty other fishermen came aboard the vessel at Pyramid Harbor, Alaska to take passage. They were a rough looking set. In a short time one of the crew came up from the forecastle and said the fishermen had left the steerage quarters and were in the forecastle drinking liquor. They were also furnishing the ship's sailors with whisky and rendering them un fit for duty. To make the situation more grave, we needed all the sailors, as the ship was in the worst portion of her course. I went at once to the forecastle and told the fisher men not to give the seamen any more whisky, also to quit drinking, themselves, as I did not want drunken men on the ship. Hard ly an hour had passed when the assis tant came up and said the fishermen were again giving liquor to the men. I returned to the forecastle and told the offenders if they did not desist I should put them in irons. Nordberg applied a vile epithet to me and in reply I slapped him in the face. He then went with others to the steerage. Soon the steward reported that they were fighting among themselves. I went down and found, one man with his head cut epen: the others were all smashed up. We patched up the in jured man and caused the fighting to stop. It was in this broil that Nord berg was hurt. I am not a vicious man and never abuse my sailors, much less passengers, but "if a man gives me strong provocation while on my vessel I shall deal with him as he deserves." SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCHED. San Francisco, Oct 2G. The srov- eniment cruiser San Francisco was successfully launched to-day with fitting ceremonies. THE READY REVOLVER. Farmington, W. T. Oct 26. This morning a man named Russell in company with another man, named (Jolton, a cripple from Davton en tered the Palace saloon while under the influence of liquor. After a few remarks he drew a revolver and shot Dan'l Canty through the head, the uaii entering oexow tue temple and passing back of the windpipe and out at the neck. Medical assistance was immediately summoned, bnt the chances of Canty's recovery -are one among a thousand. Daniel Canty is a young man about 20 years of age and well thought of. Russel is about 28 years old and the son of Charles Russell an old pioneer of "Walla Walla. He is now locked up in the city jail waiting his examination which takes place to-day. PRIVILEGED CHINESE. San Francisco, Oct 26. One "of the crew of the United States flagship OmaJi a writes from Yokohama, say ing: "One-fourth of our crew are Chinamen, who, it may be here stated, are not subject to the discipline to which other men must accede. Tho Chinamen go up to the mast, shake their hand to their cap, the officer of the deck answers, 'All right,' and the Chinamen go ashore to re turn at their own discretion and con venience. Notice beside these China men at the mast perhaps one of the few Americans on the ship. When the officer of the deck sees him he of course asks himjwhat he wants. He requests to see the executive .officer to know if he can go ashore. What ia the result? His request is met with a positive refusal, because it is not three days since he was ashore last, and. the man walks away, while the China men, who go ashore every day, go tripping over the gangway laughing at the rejected Americans. Is that justice? Is that discipline? I know every fair-minded citizen's answer: It is neither. "We have three Chinamen who are rated as carpenters and calkers. When we arrived in Yokohama one year ago we had seventeen white men doing all the cooking for the ship's company. Their rate was lands men, and they received an additional $18 a month from the messes for which they cooked. Then the men were of some use when called on deck to man a gun or participate in au evolution or drill of any kind. Furthermore, they were better cooks, and as regards cleanliness and neatness they by far surpass our present Chinese cooks, but it was of no use. The Americans must -go and the Chinese must come and they did come, and we have twelve Chinamen cooking on the berth deck, and the white cooks are on deck as landsmen and ordinary seamen, while the Chinamen 'enjoy their victory and $25 a month." ' JOHN L. SULLIVAN. Boston, Oct 26. The statement that John L. Sullivan is bankrupt is said on authority to be false. The sum of $20,000 of his money was placed ia his father s keeping after the Mississippi fight and the old man has it yet. Arthur T. Lumley and Charfey Johnston have published a card and say he has had large sums besides the $20,000 stakes: that .John ston paid the legal expenses of his arrest and trial, and that ho is m bet ter circumstances than he over was in his life before. THE COLORED RACE. CniCAGo, Oct. 26. John G. Jones, a lawyer of this city, with a number of prominent colored men in different parts of the country, has arranged to call a conference of leading men of the. colored race from every state and territory of the Union, to meet in Chicago next June, for the purpose of forming a national league for the protection and elevation of the colored race in the United States. EFFECTS OF A DROUGHT. St. Paul, Minn., Oct 26. Advices from southern Minnesota and Dakota state that a water famine with all its horrors is feared in. that locality. Tho drought has been, very severe and the streams are all dry. Thousands of farmers are hauling water, for stock and their own use, for miles. Great destitution is reported. STEASrSHIP WRECKED IN THE RED SEA. New York, Oct. 26. News is re ceived of the total wreck in the Red Sea of the steamship Mary E. B run ner, from Bremen for Calcutta. The crew was saved. A DENIAL. New York, Oct 26 Morton, Bliss & Co., bankers, deny that they have been lending tho government money at 15 per cent ihterestas charged in the morning newspaper. The firm has not had one dollar of government money for any purpose. A VALUABLE GIFT. Meriden, Conn., Oct 26. Isaac C. Lewis-has presented the City Mission real estate valued at $75,000. ORGANIZED ASSASSINS. Berlin, Oct. 26. Klaiher, who at tempted to assassinate Prince Wil liam of Wurtemburg is declared sane. Ho had been selected by lot by an Anarchist society sworn to kill princes. TelenlioncliOriinuzr House. Dest Beds in town. Booms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week 1.50. New and clean. Private entrance. aoviceto jiotiikk.s. Mrs. Winsi.ow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chohc, and is the best remedy for diar-rluea.Twenty-live cents a bottle. Real Estate Transfers, Oct. 26th. O. B. Thomson, et ux. and et al., to John Jj'mley lots 1, 2, 3, blk 6 Skipa non addition, $300. D. H. Welch and wife to H, F. Fisher, lot 1 sec. 22, T. 8 N. B. 8 W., 2U acres, siuu. E. C. Hughes to J. A. Eakiu, lot 4, Ulk 18, Ulateon lirove. 555. C. B. Thomson, et al., ttfF. E. Hab ersham, quitclaim deed to lots 5, 6, 7, e, bile 3Y, McUlures, 5. Dyspepsia Makes many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headacherheait buni, loss of appetite, a faint, "all gone" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irreg .. . ularily of the bowels, are Distress the more common symp After toms. Dyspepsia docs not . get well of itself. It re- Eating quires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Ilood's Sarsa parilla, which acts gently yet efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good ap appctite, and, by thus cjf.tr overcoming the local j l symptoms, cures the HeadaCrlO headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " 1 have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did Heart- cat ,,islressetl me r d'd ncaiL me little good. After eat t3 Um mg i Would experience a famines, "or tired, all-gone feeling, a9 though I had not eaten anything. My trouble, I think, was aggravated by my business, painting, and from being more or less shutiip in a room with Cni ii fic-slf paint. Last spring aour 1 took Ilood's Sarsaparilla Stomach and it did me an immense' amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food rel ished and satisfied the craving I had pre viously experienced." George A. Page, W.uei town, Mass. N. B. If you decide to take Ilood's Sar, saparilla do not be induced to buy any oilier. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by druggists. SI; six for g5. Preparedbj CI. nOOD& CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar - J.L MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER, - NOTAliY PUBLIC FOlt STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale." Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1883. Correspondence Solicited. Next V. lT. Telegraph Office. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. osJ. GET YOUR CHOOL EXCHANGED AT . NORTE ADDITION : " $5.00 Per Month. I Good Tor One Week only. ROBB & FABLER, Agents. Carnahaif & Co. SUCCESSOKS TO T. W. CASE, IMPOKTKKS AND WHOI.HSALK AND RETAIL DEALEKS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenanms and Cass streets. ASTOICIA OREGON A Ureal Oprtiity Ileie Is n Chance to Invest and Double Your Money In n Short Time. One of The Finest Business Sites In 7 he City. Robb & Parker Offer To-day ONE nUXDItED "FEET SQUAKE In the Business Portion. Price, - S7,500 For Particulars, call on Kobb & Parker. For Sale. New Steamer "Chinook." Length, C3 ft : Beam, H ft. For particulars inquire of N. II, "U'EBBEU, Astoria, One of tho Finest Corners In the Heart of the City, between the 0. 11. & N. Wharf and Post office. Faces on three Streets. - Size : Frontage, 73 feet ; 87J at back ; 150 feet deep. Streets all improved. Only one block from Street Cars. Best situation in Astoria for a First-class Hotel. Rock foundation. Title Perfect. Price-, $5,500.00. j. n. niAKSErx, Real Estate Broker, J. P. L. FERRELL DEALKK IX Key West Cigars, Tobacco, and Smokers' Articles. Choice Fruits, Confectionery, Nuts, Etc. Fresh Goods received on every California Steamer. WATER ST., under Crow's Gallery A Splendid Buy! Store KS FOR A LOT IN TO EAST ASTORIA. ATJOTIOKT AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEN, Successor to E. C .Ilolden. The oiciest established Commission House in Oregon. (ioods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. (Jeneral Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering uone. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains in Household uoous go 10 3IAKTIM OI.HE.N I. W, Case, BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the u. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Ofkick Hoims : to a. at. to 3 P. 31. Odd FKLT.OW8 Buildino. Astoria. Oregon Notice. A.nyoxij wishing to connect their siiik wun tne Washington or uenton street sewer, will nlease aDDlv.to Mr. Clintont snperiifteiulent of streets, for a permit, according to the city ordi nance. jas. w. welch, Chairman Street Com For Rfint or Sale. 1 TWO-STORY BUILDING, 50 FEET front : Bar Room complete : Restaurant complete : 17 rooms complete, situated on Third street, close to theO. R. &N. Co.'s dock. Street cars pass every 10 minutes. A good bargain for the right parties. For further information. Inquire of STOCKTON & WELCH, Real Estate Agents, Main Street. The Lurline. f FAST TIME BETWEEN Portland and Astoria ! LEAVE ASTORIA, Main St. Wharf. Daily, omltting-Monday, at 7 a.m. ON SUNDAY, at 7 v'x. LEAVE PORTLAND. Every Night at 8 p. m. EXCEPT SUNDAY NIGHT. For Sale. 2fff ACRES TTMBER LAND, ALL JJ v in one body. No better In Clat sop county. Come and see ua. STOCKTON & WELCH. Real Estate Agents. Office, Main Street. Reeds BaBaaaBBaBMaaBijgHBIBifiiaBBaBgBasaa New York Novelty ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES be ia BMn WrtllVl ftTT'M liTWh OKMJ F. PARKER. iuuiMiuiHYsiruruiD IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stokes IN Groceries and Provisions. Everything in a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price raid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES MBaaBMBOB Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of "Wine irrSiny quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED PREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solioited. A. W. UTZINGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. o Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of ' Fresh. SPruits and ITegetables. Received fresh every Steamer. WJlklsXa FiVPEB AND CEILING DECORATIONS! D000 double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades just received direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of CARPETS, Of all grades in'beautifnl new designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc, Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBORN. O. WINOATE. C. W. STONE. Wingate & Stone. REAL ESTATE -AND- Generai Commission Agents. Oflice in Odd Fellows Building. (Rear of I. W. Case's Bank) Mortgages Negotiated, Money Loaned. A General Agency Business Transacted. Keal Estate Bougbt and Sold for non-residents. Correspondence Solicited. J. P. HYNES, DEALEK IN- Groceries Produce. Water Street, Asroiia, Oregon. TELEPHONE NO. 7. - P. O. BOX 822. It Will Pay You -IN- Laurel Park Addition -TO- The This property is now on tbe market, and is being sold by On the Installment Plan for $30.00 and $40.00 per Lot. $10.00 Cash and $5.00 per Month. Don't misa this ODDortnnitv. The terminus of a transcontinental road will be located -within 15 minutes walk from this beautiful tract. S30 to-dav. S250 in one vear. Save the dollars and buy real estate and wealth is yours. Call at once upon KKfidUWBaS Store. CARL A. HANSOX arker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer Tnis WEEK, ? fi" The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. i r-"""l"' " H. W. Strickler, M. D. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc. Prescription Clerk speaks Four different languages. (Jeneral practice of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second Street, near rostofllce. Oysters ! Oysters ! Clams! Clams J In Quantities to Suit. Fresli Every Day at E. L. HTJMPHEEYS, Nex door to Flavel's New Brick Building. 0"xxst PLeceiveci THEO.- BRACKER. Second Street. A Large Supply of Meerschaum and Brier Pipes. ALSO. Amber Cigar and Cigarette Holders Especially Fit For Birthday and Christmas Presents. ALSO. A large Invoice of fresli Imported, and Key West Cigars ; amongst other brands the well-known "Flor de Madrid." to Buy a Lot City of Astoria. nUXVOIITiI Ol. UAXU1UX JUNIUS, Corner 3d and Olney Streets. I I i JIMS blUUlM.