en -- " '- Wxt gaily storfau. ASTORIA. OREGON: TUESDAY OCTOBER 22, 1SS9 TELEpHIC. Specials to The Astorian. Death of an Injured E. E- Pirenian. Ontting off Useless Government Officials. General News Items From The East. Portland, Oct 21. Frank Put nam, the Southern Pacific fireman in jured at the Junction City accident last Friday, died at St. Yincent's hos pital this morning. The remains were taken to Brownsville for interment this afternoon. LITTLE STEAMER LIBELLED. The little Albiua steamer Alarm has been libelled for damages to the extent of $1,000 by Bartholomew Leit keiser this morning. The steamer was libelled by deputy United States marshal Clay Myers, and her owner, Captain Spencer, at once furnished bail in the sum of 8,000. Leitkeiser fell overboard one day last summer, and claims it was the captain's fault, sotrrn American politics. Guayaquil, (via Galveston), Oct. 21. El Qlobo publishes a long edit orial in support of the refusal of the Ecuadorian government to accept the proposals of an agent for a European sjTidicate for an arrangement touch ing upon national, external and in ternal debt. Also for the construc tion of a railroad to Quito, aud the es tablishment of an official bank. The government has rejected all proposals, not acknowledging that the agent had sufficient power to act in the name of foreign bondholders. YALE IS ALL RIGHT. New Hayek, Conn., Oct. 21. Two students of Yale college recently died of typhoid fever, and sensational dis patches were sent out alleging that an epidemic of typhoid was raging. Pny- sicians say there is nothing to justify them. The health of the students is as good as usual at this time of year. In all there have been four cases. ARREST OF COUNTERFEITERS. London, Oct- 21. Russian police at Odessa late Saturday night arrested two men said to be Americans charged with circulating large amounts of new and dangerous 25 rouble bills of the bank of Russia. Two packages pur porting to be bales of cotton cloth which arrived from New York last week were consigued to one of these men and upon examination by the customs officials were found to con tain nearly one million roubles of these counterfeit bills. will dispense with TnEIR services, Washington, D. C, Oct. 21. Num erous applications have been made to the secretary of the treasury for the position of inspector of foreign vessels at different ports in the United States and upon examination of the subject the secretary ha3 found that the controlling reason in most in stances for the anxiety to secure these places is the limited amount of work the inspectors have had to perform. Several of these places have for a number of years past been sinecures aud not more than afttozen foreign vessels would in a year " take advan tage of-the law permitting their ex amination by officers of the United States government. The-secretary has therefore decided to dispense altogether with the ser vices of inspectors of foreign vessels at Philadelphia, New Orleans and San Francisco, and to have what slight duties the- would be called upon to do performed by local inspectors. The salary of inspectors who have been dropped is 2,000 a year each. AN OPINION BY THE LAND OFFICE. "Washington, Oct. 21. The com missioner of the land office in reply to a letter from the attorney of the Northern Pacific road says the office will continue in the course indicated some time since, refusing action on contests between the railroad company and settlers on lands where the rail road has been completed within the time fixed by law, preferring to leave the matter open until congress shall express an opinion relative to the claim of the railroads to land of this class. The following is additional to the abeve: Commissioner general land office Groff has been called upon to pass upon a question of considerable moment to settlers aloncr the Northern Pacific railroad. Portions of this road were not completed within the time prescribed by law granting the land to the company. In consequence of the failure of the company to comply with the law these lists of selections of land opposite to such portions of tne road, have not been approved by the land office. The company is un- aoie to give title and until the lands are declared forfeited the government can give no" title. Bills have been in troduced in congress to forfeit these lands, but they never became laws. It has been considered by the land office that this matter is pending in congress and, therefore, no steps can be taken. The attorneys of the com pany, however, recently asked com missioner Groff to have fhe company's lists of selection approved as speed ily as possible. Groff, however, after careful examination of the matter, refused to comply with this re quest, aud states that he does not wish to change the policy of the land office in this respect This decision will cause the settlement of the en tire question to be deferred until con gress takes some action. chtckasaw squawmen. Texarkana, Ark., Oct. 21. Advices from Tishomingo, Chickasaw nation, say intense excitement prevails there and throughout the country over a decision of the Chickasaw supreme court disfrancising adopted citizens. The latter comprises whites who have intermarried into the tribe. An ap- peal will be made to "Washington. Exciting scenes are predicted when the Chickasaw legislature meets in extra session October 31st, the major ity of the legislators belonging to the proscribed class. secretary blaine's diplomacy. Washington, Oct, 21. It is re ported that our minister to Hayti, Fred Douglas, is commissioned by secretary Blaine to try and impress the powers in Hayti and San Domin go that while maintaining their anat omy it would be to their advantage to put themselves under the protectorate of the United States. Furthermore, minister Palmer is to see what he can do at Madrid in a quiet way to secure the severance of Spain's relations with Cuba. THE ''SAN FRANCISCO." Washington Oct. 2L Secretarv Tracy has been informed that the new cruiser San Francisco will be launched at the yards of the Union Iron Works in San Francisco Octo ber 2Gth. TIIE LABRADOR FISHERIES. Quebec, Oct 21. A messenger from Bishop Bosseof the Labrador Coast has arrived with news that the fisher ies have altogether failed at Esqui maux Point and over one hundred families are starving. AN HEIRESS MARRIED. Baltimore, Oct 21. -Miss Daisy Abell, heiress to nearly 4,000,000 was married at the cathedral to-day to Ed ward T Griffiss, a lawyer. VICTIMS OF A SHARPER. New York, Oct 21. Twenty-three of "Liverpool Jack's' victims who were persuaded to visit Costa Rica, where they were shamefully mis treated, have arrived by steamer to day. They are mere skeletons. acssrv "What aro you growling at, sir?" "At the amount you aro eating, sirl Ilava you no regard for tbo feelings of a dyspeptic, Ir?" "No sirl Go and tafcc a course of Joy's Vege table Sarsaparilla and you won't have the dyspepsia, sirl" John Argall of G25 Golden Gate avenue, wri tes : " Yo a may also us o my nam e as au additional authority that "Tho California Itemedy," Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla, -will euro dyspepsia and liver aud kidney com plaint. It has done it for me." James "Wells, Oakdalc, Cal., writes: "I suf fered acutely from dyspepsia for years, scarce ly takingameal without the distressingpains of Indigestion. Joy's Vegetable Earsaparilla relieved wo of it entirely' To He Taken For What It U Worth. A prominent Portlander, who has been. absent in the east for several weeks, says the Oregon ian, writes that no removals will be made in the prin cipal federal offices in this state -the Portland custom house, postoffice, in ternal revenue office, district attorney and the Astoria custom house until congressman Hermann returns to Washington, which will be next month. It is inferred from the letter that the riter obtained this informa tion from senator Mitchell, who left Portland in a hurry several weeks ago, ostensibly to be at the sickbed of his mother in Pennsylvania, but really, it is said, to escape the importunities of the horde of office-seekers, who oc cupied a great portion of his time and came near pestering him to death. They Hocked to his law office, and filled the passage and corridors of the Esmond hotel awaiting his appear ance. Senator Dolph escaped a great deal of worry by abbreviating his stay in Portland. Congressional business required his presence in the east On the other hand, congressman Ilcrmau has been making a prolonged tour of the state to acquaint himself with the legislative needs of thedifier ent sections, and it is a wonder that he is alive, with somany office seekers at large. Since the adjournment of congress the number of candidates for the prin cipal offices has narrowed down, many having been appointed to minor posi tions, while many were disposed of by being tendered places which they de clined, which is equivalent to their re tirement from the race. Tltcir Business Booming. Probably no one thing lias caused such a general revival of trade at .!. W. Conn's Drug Store as his giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size Si. Every bottle warranted. To Hie Members of Soasitlc IMlgc No. 12 A. O. D. .V. The North Pacific Exposition Asso ciation has generously set apart and designated Wednesday, October 2;ird to bo known as A. O. U. W. day, when Workmen and their families will be ad mitted to the Exposition buildings at special rates. Members of Seaside Lodge No. 1L de siring to avail themselves of the oppor tunities offered, will gain all informa tion desired by attending Lodge meet ings between now and the date above mentioned. II. A. Smith. blaster Workman. Attest: W. 1J. Ross, Recorder. The latest style of Gents' Roots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. Ludlow's Ladies' S&OO Fine Shees: also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at 1. J. GOODMAN'S. Try the Chase & Sanborn Seal Brand coffee best in the market at Thomp son te lvoss. Tnilcr, Juicy Sfealt at Jeff's. CMHrenCryforPMer'sCastori3 -;I2 OF vs.- SCROFULA Is that impurity of the blood which pro duces unsightly lumps or swellings on the glands of the neck; causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; developes ulcers in the eyes, ears, or nose, olten caus ing blindness or deafness; is the origin of pimples, cancerous growths, or the many other manifestations usually ascribed to "humors;" and fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption, and death. Being the most ancient, it is the most general of all diseases or affections, for very few persons arc entirely free from it. How Can St Be Ky taking Tlood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the reiaaikable cures it has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, lias proven itself to be a potent and ecul iic medicine for this disease. Some of lliese cures arc really wonderful. If you ev.Jht from scrofula or impure blood, be i-:re to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every spring my wife and children haVe Ihtm tioubled with scrofula, sores break i:i;' out on them in various places. My Mill boy, three yours old, has been a ifU'tl'le sufferer. Last spring he was one miss of sores from head to feet. 1 was a.i'.jsed to ue Hood's Sarsaparilla, and we h.i o-ali t.ik-ii it. The result is that all have been pined ol tlio .scrofula, my little boy Leii'g entirely free from sores, and all four of my children look bright and healthy." W. 15. ATiiMtTox,. Passaic City, N. J. H-iocfs SarsapariHa m?i! 5j ihiitwMs. j?l; .ix for.". lreiarcil by ". l. tUi. A CO.. AikiMitvuric. Lowell, Mas. SOO Doses One DoElar Notice. Xotice is hereby given that I, M. Long, for the past month in the employ of the Astoria lieal Estate Co., is no longer in their employ. The said com pany will no ionger l responsible for anyiiung m may uo. .J.H.D.Gkay. Manager A. K. E. Co Weinltard's Boer. And Free Lunch at the Telephone S:v loon, G cents. Saratoga Chips Are clean, convenient and palatablt Ask your grocer for them. For sale everywhere. Get a sample aud try them If You Waul Fresh Ovsters In quantities to suit, go to Dick Hum phrey's, opposite Carnahan & Co.'s store. Shorthand. Private instruction by practical ver batim reporter. Years experience. Ciia. E. K us vox. Law Keportcr. Astoria, Or. TuU'itimitIinilt;i:(s House. I'.est lied.- in town. Kooius per night 50 and 25 cts., per week Sl.."l. New and Mean. Private entrance. AIVIKTO MOTJIKICS. MltS. WlXSI.OW'S SOOTHING SVKl'P should always be used lor children teething. It .-oothos the child, softens the gums,ailay3 ail pain, cures wind chohc, and is the best remedy for (liar rhrea.Twcnty-five cents a bottle. Meats Co out-it to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Kestauranl, next to Foard & Stokes. NEW TO-DAY. ll FOR SALE. THIS MILL INCLUDES, 2 Boilers, an Engine, Circular Saw. PLANER, 2 Shmgle Machines Edgcr3, Cut-off Saws One Stencil Printing Press, And other Machinery, all in lunniu order and complete for making Lumber, Shingles and Boxes. The Mill is in the midst of the timber, Hemlock, Spruce and Cedar. A good Tramway leads from the Mill to navigable waters on the cast, connecting with Astoria. The Astoria and South Coast itailroad Company, from Astoria to the Gulf w. 4ft..xiv,'f a into Ullll'll OW UXl IU LUC 1UIII Ull the west. Inquire of J. Q. A. BOWLBY. Astoria, Oregon. West 6th Street Improvement No tice. Notice is hereby given that the Com mon council ot tne city ot Astoria, pro pose to order the improvement of that portion of West Sixth street, in the City of Astoria, Clatsop county, Oregon, as laid out and recorded by ,!. M. bhively, from the south side of Water street to the south side of Val street, by remov ing an ueiecuvepues, caps and string ers, on that portion between the south side of Water street and the south side of Cedar street and replacing them with new and sound piles, caps and stringers, and by planking the same to its established grade and to tne mil wuitn oi the street with new and sound fir planks four inches in thickness, ami by uiuldmg sidewalks on both sides thereof; and by grading that portion between the south side of Cedar street and the south side of Wall street to its established grade and to the full width of the street, and by planking the same to a width of eight een feet through the center thereof, and by building sidewalks on both sides thereof. And unless a remonstrance signed by the owners of two-thirds of the property fronting on said portion of suid street be filed with the Auditor and Police Judge within ten days of t he final Enblication of this notice to wit: on or efore Tuesday, ovcmuer 12lh, 1889, the Common Council will order said im provement to be made. By order of the Common Council. Attest : T. S. .1 ewett, Auditor and Tolice .Judge. J""U.jst E"Lo-X7-ci THEO. BRACKER. Second Street. A Targe Supply of Meerschaum and Brier Pipes. ALSO. Amber Cigar and Cigarette Holders Especially Fit For Birthday and Christmas Presents. ALSO. A large invoice of fresh Imported, and Key "West Cigars ; amongst other brands the well-known "Flor de Madrid." Snanisl era J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER NOTARY PUBLIC FOE STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1S83. Correspondence Solicited Next W. U. Telegraph Oflice. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. EXCHANGED AT NOBTH ADDITION $5.00 Per Good for One iarriw i n 1 1 Hirmmin It Will Pay You Laurel Par k Addition TO The City of Astoria. This property is now on tho market, nnd is being sold by On tho Installment Plan for $30.00 and $40.00 per Lot. $10.00 Cash and $5.00 per Month. Don't miss this opportunity. The terminus of a transcontinental road will be located within 15 minutes walk from this beautiful tract. 530 to-day. 250 in ono year. Save tho dollars and buy real estate and wealth lsj-onrs. Call at onco upon WOHSLEY & CARRDTHERS. Corner 3d and Olney Streets. SPECIAL Auction Sale ! ! ox Saturday, Oct. 26th, 1889. At 11 O'clock, a.m. I am instructed, and will Sell bv Auction at the Farm of J. c, ADAMS, on John Days, fi Head of Horses, Ulead of Cattle. 10 Tons of Hay. 1 Mitchell Wairon : also. Plows. Ifarrnw.o Cultivators, Hav Bakes, Harness, and a large Assortment of Faniiinc Utensils. Etc. Terms will be given at the sale. A special. Boat will leave Wilson & Fisher's slip, at 0:.a.m. B. S. WORSLEY, .miiHiuiiecr. Wanted A Dike Built, A.1 BOUT 150 RODS LONG : 11 FEET ON . base.G feet hicll. 4 foft on tnn Tho dike is to be built on our innd .i .Tnim Day's river. Proposals received for ten days at II. B. Parker's onice in Astoria. II. B. PARKER. J. C. ADAMS. Go to The Five Cent Store. BARGAINS. On the FIVE-CENT and TEN-CENT Coun ters at tne Five-Cent Store. Mrs. Mary Hill, rropiietress. Near Salvation Army Barracks. For Sale. 2C( ACRES TIMBER LAND, ALL fUVJSJ in one body. No better in Clat sop county. Come and see us. STOCKTON & WELCH. Real Estate Agents. Onice, Main Street. FOR A LOT -IN TO EAST ASTORIA. Month. Week only. iim-mMiiTiiniJ"" -"--"- - .- to Buy a Lot J. P. HYNES, -DEALER IN - Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoiia, Oregon. TELEPHONE NO. 7. - r. 0. BOX 822. H. W. Strickler, M. D. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc. Prescription Clerk speaks Four different Languages. General- practice of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second street, near Postoftlce. Oysters ! Oysters ! Clams.!- Clams! In Quantities to Suit. Fresh Every Day at R. L." HUMPHREYS, Nex door to Flavel's New Brick Building. For Rent or Sale. 1 TWO-STORY BUILDING, CO FEET frnnf Ttar Rnnm nnmnlcta Raafnnwinf complete : 17 rooms complete. Situated on Third street, close to theO. R. &N. Co.'s uock. street cars pass every io minutes. A good bargain for the right parties. For further information. Inquire of STOCKTON & WELCH, Real Estate Agents, Main Street. New York Novelty Store ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES 23li,:o.l3 DBooliS, Stfvtic33LOX3r lour Moms florin IS WHAT YOQ GET AT Foard & Stokes IN Groceries and Provisions. Everything In a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country Holioited. A. W. UTZINGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass f Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh overv Steamer. The New Model Eange J CAN BE HAD IN Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Buck Patent AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. WiV. AND- CE ILING DECORATIONS! 5000 donble roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades just received direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of C Mk Iti P New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. FIRE BRICK DEALER IN Hay, Oats, anfl Straw, Lime, Brici, Gaunt, Sanil and Plaster Wood Dellrered to Order. Drajlngr, Teaming and Express Easiness. feStaMijgSsB urn ' ' 'r,vi i HiSaaMBbj3 .... "-ifr WM LT t'PW Hi r l IER apply to the Captain, or to NORTH PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION I Opens at PORTLAND, OR., Sept. SG, and Closes-Oct. 26, 1880. The Building Contains Six and One-half Acres of Floor Room, Which will be covered with interesting displays of every descrlptlonfrom every section of the Northwest. $250,000 EXPENDED IN GROUNDS AND B GILDINGS. Largest and best exhibit of FINE LIVE STOCK ever brought together on the Pacific coast will be made in tne spacious grounds adjacent to the Exposition Building from October 14 to 19. LIBERATI, THE FAMOUS CORNETIST, With flf tv of the best musician of New York, has been enrraped at nn p'nnrmoni cxnensR to furnish music during the entire exposition. i me tjranuesi, expumuuu uu mo jtuliuc coast, iteuucea rates ot tare nave oeen secured orRrtl transportation lines. Portland extends an Invitation to every resident of the north west to attend this magnificent exposition and enjoy her hospitalities. Hotel accommoda tions ample. For further Information address NORTH PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION PORTLAND, OR. OELO F. PARKER. CARt. A. HAKSOX Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS "WEEK. 1 t The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. ASTORIA, ONLY Ob" rieased. E. R. nawes Is also Agent for the Cooking Stove, WMWM, ES Tr S9 Of all grades in beautiful new designs CHAS. HEILBORN. FIRE CLAY STEAMER EbenP, Parker,Maater. For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR H. B. PABHfiB. There has been nothing left undone to make Got! MS ffl BUM