The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 18, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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iiiiT ii Tn i mTiiifr i"n'
Council meeting to-night perhaps.
Line down; no repert: something
big happening somewhere; sure.
Since the recent rains the health of
the city has been greatly improved.
Miss May Howard, assisted by Prof.
Williams, at the opera house to-morrow
The Y. M. C. A. will give a general
sociable at their rooms to-night.
Ladies and gentlemen are cordially
invited. A good time i3 expected.
The publication of a list of those
who don't pay any taxes, and whose
names do not appear on the assess
ment roll, for a variety of reasons,
would form interesting reading.
Bethuue and Gibson, not wholly
unknown in Tacoma and East Port
land, fixed up a foot race as strangers
to each other at Heppner last week
and played it for all it wa3 worth.
Among Astoria exports to San
Francisco this fall have been large
quantities of cranberries a paying
crop -from Pacific county. Clatsop
could also with profit cultivate this
succulent berrv.
Those large sections of vitrified
sewer pipe, which, upended look like
the crocks our grandmothers used to
pack butter and preserves in, are be
ing planted along Main street in the
shape of a sewer.
"On the editorial authority of the
San Francisco Alia it is hereby offi
cially announced that the new dance
for the New York season is called
4,the tittle urn, tittle um turn tee turn
tee, tittle um turn."
As it stated yesterday morning, so
it states this morning, TrfE Astorian
is published the farthest west of any
daily morning newspaper in the
United States. The Astoriax never
take.i anything back.
The man who talks well of his town,
and works for the good of his town,
speaks and works for his own well be
ing. The man who talks ill of his
town and disparagingly of its people,
talks and works for his own undoing.
A man in business should not only
have interest, but confidence in that
business. A stranger coming iuto a
city and finding a feeling of interest
and confidence prevailing, at once be
comes impressed with a faith which
will not be put aside, even if he at
tempts to do so. Sooner or later he
will, it is probable, return and cast his
fortunes and future with that place
and that manner of people. The man
who doubts, discusses and damns his
neighbors, is not a true friend of the
community in which he lives.
Last evening Wm Lane, who is
working for James "W. Welch, was
coming home from Bear creek in a
Whitehall boat, where he had been to
repair some of the pipes for the water
compauy. When near Tongue point,
the boat capsized, throwing him into
the river. He managed to get onto the
bottom of the boat, but becoming
cold and numb ho soon lost his senses.
He was picked up by some men, who
luckily happened to be passing in a
fishing loat, and taken to McGregor's
mill at upper Astoria. It was found
that his right foot was sprained. He
was sent to his room and medical aid
summoned, as he was wild with delir
ium, shouting and spreading out his
arms and legs as if in the act of swim
ming. Later on he got somewhat
calmer, and at last accounts was rest
ing easily. At the time the boat cap
sized a "shotgun and a kit of tools
were in the boat which, of course,
were lo3t.
Land in Tacoma is very high, rang
ing in price from $1,500 to $60,000 per
lot. No lot is offered for sale within
the city for less than $1,500. Nearly
all of the lots are 25 by 120 feet The
country extending back, probably four
miles, is all divided into city lots
which sell from $300 to $1,000 per
lot Not a foot of land can be
bought on the point of land on
which Tacoma is situated for less
than $500 per acre, and out at Ameri
can lake, twelve miles distant, they
ask $1,000 an acre for land. Fortunes
have been made in these lands within
the last few years. To illustrate, one
man has a tract of 160 acres which he
obtained from the government as a
homestead, not paying one cent for it,
and now he refuses $600 per acre, or
$96,000 for the tract, and this change
of values has occurred within the last
seven years. There are residents in
Tacoma, who five years ago were poor
men, now worth hundreds of thou
sands of dollars, all acquired through
the increased value of lands.
Prof. H. A. Shorey returned yester
day. Chas. Ziegler goes to Portland for a
college course.
L Bergman returned from a trip to
Portland yesterday.
K. L. Jeffery, eldest daughter and
son go to Portland on the Potter this
morning to take in the fair.
C. R. Thomson returned yesterday
from Tacoma where he has been on
business connected with real estate.
John Benson is lying dangerously
ill at St. Vincent's hospital, and last
night it was feared that he would not
The following persons left up on
the Telephone last evening for Port Pert
land: Capt. Geo. Flavel, L. Wilson
and wife, I. W. Case and Thad Trul
linger. v0il skin coat found on Hemlock street
can be had by applying to the Chief of
Bememher the Austin house at the
Seaside is open the year 'round.
Judge Page is in receipt of the fol
lowing letter which is itself explana explana
eory: State of Obegon, Shchetaux's Oefice. ?
Salem, October 15, 1889. S
Hon. C. II. Page, Astoria, Oregon.
Deai: Sir: In reply to your favor
of the 13th instant, I regret to say
that I cannot send you a statement of
the total taxable property of the sev
eral counties of this state for the rea
son that but few of the transcripts of
assesment rolls have been received. It
is difficult to estimate the state tax
levy until all the assessment rolls
shall have been received. T am told
that the total taxable property in
Marion county shows an increase of
about two million dollars, and if other
counties report a proportionate in
crease the state levy would be less
than six mills. On the basis of the
valuation of 1888 the levy would prob
ably be about seven mills; but with
the gains reported in Marion, Uma
tilla and Clatsop, aud the gain ex
pected in Multnomah and some other
counties the levy should be less than
the rate last mentioned.
I am very respectfully your obedient
Geo. W. McBride.
Secretary of State.
The Bark "Coloma."
The bark Coloma, Noyes master,
goes to China to-day, with a miscella
neous assortment of freight, including
about 190 Chinamen.
There is one Chinaman named Lim
Phun, who has a white wife and foirx
half-and-half children. He is neither
fish nor flesh, aud not being allowed
in the cabin, aud not choosing to
herd with the ordinary Mongolians,
he has had Captain Noyes build him a
little house on deck, and there he is.
Upon the Coloma's arrival yester
day, sheriff Smith, armed with a
capias aud a habeas corpus and a
mandamus aud a mittimus and a quo
warranto and a whole lot of such
things, went on board and secured
two Chinese maidens, named Ah Wan
and Ah Toy, about whom there is a
legal squabble. Judge Shattuck some
time ago gave them in custody of
an aged Mongolian on behalf of the
Ah Tai company. The ladies' aid
society of Portland denied the a. M.'s
.light to the girls and after the Coloma
left Portland got an order from the
court instructing the sheriff to keep
possession of them till the matter
comes up for final adjudication. The
old Chinaman is nearly crazy, but
sheriff Smith took the girls off the ves
sel and holds them to await the dis
position of the court
To one unacquainted with the ia
side of the case it looks as though
the girls might as well be allowed to
go to China as to remain in this coun
try. It amounts to the same thing in
the long run, or the short run, so far
as the girls are concerned.
A Lurxe State Claim to Re Allowed.
From Major Lovell, assistant secre
tary of state, The Astoriax learns
that the commonwealth is in a fair
way to receive $350,000 loug due from
the federal government to the state.
This $350,000 represents the aggregate
of a war debt, that the state assumed
some years ago. This war debt repre
sented Oregon's quota, aud was paid
by Oregon, bonds being issued and
warrants for the 'amount of those
bonds having been paid. Secretary
McBride and assistant secretary Lov
ell have just finished the job of col
lecting the proofs of the payment of
those bonds, aud forwarded the claims
with such proof of payment to the
general government department of
claims. It is not believed that there
will be any delay in the payment of
this claim.
Board of Equalization.
The county board of equalization
yesterday allowed M. J. Kinnev a re
duction of $35,000.
Hiram Brown's assessment was re
duced $16,050, and an indebtedness of
5b2,d21was allowed. This is in sev
eral cases of ownership whereiu he is
only partner, the aggregate being
placed on the minutes.
The Astoria Gas company was al
lowed an indebtedness of S13,76o.
Other claims were made; some al
lowed, some net: board adjeurned:
the county clerk and assessor author
ized to correct the assessment roll in
accordance with the deductions, etc.,
made and allowed by the court.
Death of Chas. W. Jones.
Chas. W. Jones died at St. Mary's
hospital at eleven o'clock last night
of typhoid fever, after a three week's
illness. He was well known and liked
in this city where he had resided for
about a year. Deceased was in the
35th year of his age, and was a native
of Connecticut, where his mother and
sisters reside. He was a member of
Friendship Lodge No. 9, K. of P., of
The Dalles, and of U. K. K. of P. No.
1, of this city. The funeral will be
To the Members or Seaside
Lodge No. 12 A. O. U. V.
The North Pacific Exposition Asso
ciation has generously set apart and
designated Wednesday, October 23rd to
be known as A. O. U. W. daj', when
Woikmen and their families will be ad
mitted to the Exposition buildings at
special rates.
Members of Seaside Lodge No. 12, de
siring to avail themselves of the oppor
tunities offered, will gain all informa
tion desired by attending Lodge meet
inqs between now ami the date above
mentioned. II. A. Smith.
Master Workman.
Attest : W. B. Ross, Recorder.
Private instruction by practical ver
batim reporter. Years experience.
Chas. E. RuirroN,
Law Reporter, Astoria, Or.
Try the Chase & Sanborn Seal Brand
coffee best in the market at Thomp
son & Jtoss.
Coffee and cake, tpn rents.
Central Restaurant
at the
Go to Jeff's for Oysters.
The steamer Qov. Newell arrived
down yesterday with a barge load of
The schooner Eureka sailed yes
terday for San Francisco loaded with
lumber from Skamokawa.
The British bark Star of Denmark
and the British ship Selene sail for
the United Kingdom to-day.
The schooner Norm a arrived from
San Francisco yesterday to load lum
ber at the West Shore mills.
The schooner Jno. G. North ar
rived from Santa Cruz with a load of
lime. She will load lumber at the
Wast Shore mills.
The Gen. Miles arrived from Shoal
water bay yesterday with 1,800 cases
salmon of the Aberdeen Packing com
pany's brand, to be shipped east.
There are ten schooners loading
lumber in the river. The lumber ex
port trade of the lower Columbia river
to California is something extensive.
The steamer Lilian, in connection
with the government works at Coos
bay, has proved herself fully equal to
the task of towing and holding the
large scows of rock in position for
The largest sailing ship in the
world, the Palgrave, left Sandy Hook
recently for Java with a cargo of 132,
000 cases of refined petroleum, or
about 1,320,000 gallons. Itis the larg
est cargo ever exported in any one
The Willamette Chief brought
down a barge with 622 bars of rail
road iron, weighing 311,000 lbs, to
gether with fist bolts, plates, etc. This
will lay 1 miles more and will be
taken to Skipanon at five o'clock this
The Truckee Lumber company have
decided to build a light draught
steam schooner to carry lumber from
Tillamook to San Francisco. Her
dimensions are to be 140 feet keel, 34
feet beam and 11 feet depth of hold.
The cost is supposed to be about $38.
000. The British bark Star of Denmark
cleared yesterday for Queenstown
with 55,752 bus. wheat, worth $41,800.
The British ship Selene cleared with
16,571 bbls flour, worth $66,284, and
the American bark Coloma for Hong
Kong with lumber, worth $3,200. The
Coloma has 192 Chinese passengers
and seven cabin passengers.
The building of theEddystone light
house on a reef of that name in the
Englisli channel has always been re
garded as a triumph of engineering
skill, but the proposed erection of a
beacon light on the Outer Diamond
shoal of Cape Hatteras will be a task
of far greater difficulty. The shoal is
composed of shifting sand, into which
a caisson will be sunk, and the cylin
der will them be filled with quick-setting
concrete, thus making the struct
ure practically a monolith. Work can
only be done when the wind is off
shore. In towing out the caisson it
will have to be lifted over an eight
foot bar, and when the site shall have
been finally reached the crowning dif
ficulty will be in getting it sunk evenly
and quickly into the sand.
The bark Corea at San Francisco
last Saturday had a rough passage of
32 days from the canneries at Kusillos,
at Cook's Inlet, Alaska. Captain
Cook reports that he was seven days
beating out of the inlet in the teeth
of a southeast gale. The gale became
so strong that 498 cases of salmon,
valued at nearly $3,000, had to be
thrown overboard to bring the leak
above water. The Corea was hove to
at one time for 36 hours. The gale
continued, though veering to the south
and southeast until September 21st.
The wind then backed into the north
east and veered into the southeast
again, the barometer being about
29.10. No northwest winds were had
until October 10th. The catch at
Cook's Inlet for the season was 36,
000 case3, of which the Corea brought
down 21,608 cases.
The steamer Francis Cutting left
Cook's Inlet at the same as the Corea
but has not arrived at San Francisco
yet owing to a break-down in her ma
chinery, which necessitated her put
ting into port for repairs.
Captain Cousins of the bark Alden
Bessie, which arrived the same .day
with salmon, reports that Harry Holt,
an employee of the Alaska Commer
cial company, was drowned some
weeks ago at Karluk. Holt was en
gineer of a steam-launch. While tak
ing the captain out to the launch in a
boat the latter capsized and Holt was
drowned. The captain clung to the
boat and was saved. Holt was a
What Was It?
That is about the conundrum May
Howard, propounded at the opera
house last evening, a good show well
shown. Miss Howard the clever per
former, is evidently possessed b un
known power human or otherwise
as she demonstrated to the satisfaction
of the large audience that greeted her.
Spiritualistic power is all she claims,
and her mind reading is the best we
ever saw, the materialization of beau
tiful flowers, created great applause,
and was a great surprise to everybody.
Aberdeen Herald.
Miss Howard appears at Boss' opera
house Saturday, October 19th.
Real Estate Transfers, Oct. 17th.
Trustees Young's Biver Grange to
Young's Biver Cemetery association,
tract in sec. 10 T. 7 N. K. 9 W.f $1.
S. B. Howard and wife to same 9x,15
feet sec. 10 T.7N.R 9, $25.
B. B. Spedden and wife to Mrs.
Cherry, lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, blk 82, lots
7 and 8 blk 104, lots 5 and 6, blk 108,
lots 5 and 6, blk 125, lot 8, blk 156,
McClure's, $2,200.
Saratoga Chips
Are clean, convenient and palatable.
Ask your grocer for them. For sale
everywhere. Get a sample and try them.
Weinhard's Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Tender9 Juicy Steak at Jeff's.
News Items From AHOverTlie Northwest.
There are 250,000 sheep in Lake
Flour brings. $4 per hundred at
Jacksonville and Medford are to be
lighted by electricity.
In Garfield wheat is gelling at fifty
cents a bushel sacked.
Port Townsend is to have another
electric light company.
There were seven lively fights in one
day last week at LaGrande.
Tacoma is struggling to support
200 lawyers and eighty doctors.
Tacoma swears it is the largest
and most populous city in Washing
ton. Through cars now run on the North
ern Pacific between Seattle and Chi
cago. Tacoma offers a reward of $2,500
for the arrest of the assassins of John
Yakima's water melon crop is now
supplanted by a heavy crop of capital
Puyallup hops are only worth seven
cents per pound. The yield this year
is 40,000 bales.
The Newcastle coal mines, on the
Sound, have been shut down because
vessels can not be had for transpor
One thousand more miners will be
employed in the gold, silver, copper
iron and coal mines of Kittitas in the
coming year.
Insurance companies are talking
of withdrawing all risks from Seattle,
on account of inadequate protection
against fire.
The state prison is filled up again,
the enrollment now standing at 302.
The highest number attained last
year was 305, which was the highest
ever before known. This year will
beat it.
A farmer living in Snohomish
county, W. T. had an arm taken off
by the explosion of a giant cartridge,
but was not knocked down, though
brush was torn up and mowed down
ten feet from where he stood.
A grain elevator was opened in
Portland last -week that is 80 feet
wide, 325 feet long and 90 feet hi gh.
Thirty -two cars can be unloaded per
hour and the whole million bushels in
the elevator, that- being its capacity,
can be turned over in 24 hours.
Workshops are to be erected at
Eleanor, between Winlock and Napa
vine, on the Portland branch of the
Northern Pacific road, where the Un
ion Pacific road, to be built between
Portland and Port Townsend, is to
oross the Northern Pacihc tracks..
A panther attacked.. Dr. Spencer of
Sucker creek, Jo'sepnine county, when
he was on his way home from the
district fair with his blue ribbon
Yorkshire hogs in his wagon, and it
was only, after a tight race with a
good team that the doctor escaped
with his stock.
The plumber's strike at Portland is
at an end, and most of the men have
gone to work. All effort to arbitrate
the difference between the men and
employes having failed, the matter
was left to Judge Shattuck, who ren
dered a decision as umpire, which was
to the effect that the strike was not
The Columbia paper mills at La
Camas give employment to seventy
five or eighty persons. They make
6,000 pounds of brown or straw paper
per day, an average of 1,800,000 pounds
per year. They make 12,000 pounds
of newspaper per day. They use 2,000
cords of Cottonwood. The clay they
use is brought from Europe. It was
thought they had found a clay bank
near the mills, but it was not of the
right color.
The Verdict Unanimous.
W. D. Suit, Druggist. Bippus, Ind.,
testifies: 'l can recommend Electric
Bitters as the very best remedy. Every
bottle sold has given relief in every case.
One man took six bottles, and was cured
of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing."
Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville,
Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi
cine I have ever handled in my 20 years'
experience, is Electric Bitters." Thou
sands of otliers have added their testi
mony, so that the verdict is unanimous
that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of
the LiverJKidnevs or Blood. Only a
half dollar a bottle at J. W. Conn's Drug
Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shoes;
also Flexible Hand turned French Kids,
at P. J. Goodman's.
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficial to the
human system, forming the ONLY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
nd all are delighted with it. Ask your
Jruggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
San Francisco, Cal.
Locisyilue, Ky. Ne Yoxk, N. Y-
This season our Cloak Department is more attractive than ever.
We are showing a
Larger Stock and Higher Novelties!
Than ever shown before.
Are to he very much worn this season, and we are showing
the Latest Styles in all qualities.
The "New Directoire" style of
Hew Markets and Jackets
Are the latest and will be very popular this season.
The .Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House,
The terminus of the Ilwaco and Shoalwater tfav Railroad. THE GREAT
of the Bay, at deep water, and only twelve miles from the har. The coining
County Seat and Commercial Metropolis of Pacific county. Now laid out. Lots
on the market from S50, and upwards.
b'or particulars and full information, call on or address
Astoria Real Estate Co.
Oflice First Door South of the Odd Ecllows Building
The Best Bargains Yet Offered:
From the Postoflice.
These Lots are cleared, and are situated on the slope towards Young's Bay,
and a fine drive to them.
Prices for the Corner Lots, - - $160.
" " Inside " - - $135.
' M. M. FLYNN,
Foreign and Domestic Goods. Fine Tailoring
Astoria, Oregon.
Successors to KIRK SHELDON.
Agency for
151 Front Street, PORTLAND, OR.
B jH H H b LaB S lfli PB Hki n 91 H
Ilwaco, "W: T.
25x1 OO Feet,
In Block 21,
A Rare Bargain.
Eighty Acres of Land.
One and one-halt miles from Steamboat
Landing at Skamokawa. "V. T., on
Wilson Creek, eighteen miles
from Astoria,
Forty acres in Hay anil Pasture, anil fortv
in brush and timber.
A good House of seven rooms, one and
one-half stories ; a woodshed, milk room,
and store room ; one large, and two small
barns. A fine young Orchard.
The place is well .watered by a never-failing
Schoolhouse and church in less than one
half mile.
One half of the place beaver-dam land.
Price moderate and terms easy.
For particulars enquire of
Upper Astoria, Oregou
The Str. Telephone
Fast Time Between Portland
and Astoria.
Foot of Alder Street
Daily, except Tuesday, at- J :0o a. m.
Wilson & Fisher's Dock.
Daily, except Tuesday, at 7 :00 r. m.
The Lurline.
Portland and Astoria !
Alain St. Wharf.
Daily, omitting Monday, at..
.J... 7
ON SUNDAY, at i p.m.
Every Night at 8 p. ir.
Public Notice.
oxen, one red cow. calf and hpifor hn
broken into the A. Corno place on the Klas-
kanine. Thfi mvnnris Iiprphv rivnn nntinn-
to come and take them awav and pay
cuarges. l v JSK A. HAAVEN
I will not be responsible for, nor will I
pay any bills contracted by any person
except those contracted forby me in person
Astoria, October loth, 1889.
E. J. Liddicoat,
Contractor, Builder and Carpenter.
Open to take aU kinds of Carpenter Work.
Holt & McCurtrie's old carpenter shoo.
next to Methodist Church. p
CANDY Manufactured and For Sale as
Wholesale Prices, at