'CO ASTOTUA, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1889. PRICE JblVE CENTS VOL. XXXUI, NO. . Best of All Cough medicines, Ayer's Cherry Pec toral is in greater demand than ever 2so preparation for Throat and Lung Troubles is so piompt in its effects, sc agreeable to the taste, and so widely known, as this. It is the family medi cine in thousands of households. "I have suffered for years from a bronchial trouble that, whenever I take cold or am exposed to inclement weath er, shows itself by a very annoying tickling sensation in the throat and by difficulty in breathing. I have tried a great many remedies, but none does so well as Ayer'.s Cherry Pectoral which always gives prompt relief in returns ol my old complaint." Ernest A. Hepler, Inspector of Public Roads. Parish Ter le Bonne, La. " I consider Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a most important remedy For Home Use. I have tested it curative power, in my family, many times during the past thirty years, and have never known it to fail. It will relieve the most serious affections of thewthroat and lungs, whether in children or adults." Mrs. E. G. Edgerly, Council lilufls, Iowa. "Twenty years ago -I was troubled with a disease of the lungs. Doctors afforded me no relief and considered my case hopeless. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ami, before I had fiY "shed one bottle, found relief. I ontinued to take this medicine until a cure wjs effected. I believe that Ayer's Cher Pectoral saved my life." Samuci Griggs, "Waukegan, 111. ' bL-c years ago I contracted a severe -old, which settled on my lungs and soon d-veloped all tlie alarming symp toms of Consumption. I had a cough, night sweats, bleeding of the lungs, pains in chest and sides, and was so prostrated as to be confined to my bed most of the time. After toying various prescriptions, without benefit, my physician finally determined to givo me Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I took it, and the effect was magical. I seemed to rally from the first dose of this medicine, and, after using only three bottles, am as well and sound as ever." Rodney Johnson, Springfield, 111. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, PRErAKED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. 3old by all Druggists. Trice $1 ; sir bottles, $5 Tutt's Pills will savo tho dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable lilni to eat whatever he wishes. They prevent Sick Headache, cause tho food to assimilate and nour ish tho body, give keen appetite, and Develop Flesh and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 2G cents per box. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., N. X. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our cif.7ens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Glothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. Bv heaving their Orders with MEANT. New Goods by Every Steamer. Call and See film and Satisfy Yourself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. Seaside Bakery. Best Milk Bread ami CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fine Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Candies. AVOIiF JOHNS OX. T M TTING ,S-3B FOR SEINES POUNDS WH. J. HOOPER & CO., 110 S. Pratt, near Light, BALTIMORE, MD Manufacturers c? COTTON AND FLAXG1LL NETS, CORKS, SEINE LEADS, &C. Seine Twine of all feinds, Ma jallla, Cotton &Herop Hope. THE CHINOOK MIRACLE. Marvellous Tales of the Effects of the Spice-Laden "Wind from the Pacific- As soon as you get into the Dakolas you hearofthechinooks." From that as you go westward, the stone grow bigger. The Chinook is a warm wind which comes from the Pacific, crosses the Cascade and the Eocky mountain ranges, and makes its genial influence felt as far as the eastern border of the Dakotas. The farmers on the prairies do not know whence the Chi nook coraeth or whither it goeth, but they do know that it is a blessed reality. When the mercury is a way down in the thirties below zero, so near the bulb that there is danger of its going out of sight, the eyes of the people of three of the four new states turn hopefnlly to the west. By and by there appeals just above the western horizon a gray clood, like floating mist, no lnrger than a man's hand, perhaps. That is the sure forerunner of the chinook. The cold may be in tense; water courses may be frozen to the bottom; cattle may be perish ing from hunger; the ground may be covered many inches deep with snow; existence may seem a burden to all things animate. Then the clond appears. Twelve hours later what a transformation! There is the breath of Bpring in the air. The snow is go ing off. The cattle are browsing on the bunchgrass. The coulees are full of running water.- Doors are ajar, windows are open, and everybody is out in the open air. The chinook has wrought the change. When yon ask the Dakotan about the blizzards he admits that they are severe, but as an offset he glories the chinook. Iu Montana the big stock man still holds to the theory that he can earn his herds through the wiu ter without feeding if only the chi nooks are frequent enough, lint in Washington on the big praiiies be tween the Cascades and the Rockies, the most marvellous tales of all are told. Iu the closing hours of the consti tutional convention of Washington, a delegate offered a resolution to the effect that there be incorporated in the instrument a declaration that na tives of this new state be known hero after as "chinookers." The appro priateness of the name, he argued, was found iu tho fact that chinook me.'.nt warm breath. He believed it was much better than the present custom of calling Washington people west of the Cascades "clam eaters," and those east ,,bunchgrassers." S. G. Cosgrove, of Pomoroy, is the department commander of the Grand army of the Republic for "Washing ton. He enjoys the distinction of be ing the only private elevated to that position. He came west from Ohio, where he was a prominent educator. Telling of what he had known the chinook to accomplish, Mr. Cosgrove said this: R 'I have seen eight feet of snow that is eight feet measured as it fell from time to time go off the ground in twelve hours. That was the hard est winter I have known in Washing ton. Usually the chinooks are so frequent that the snow has no oppor tunity to accumulate. But that winter it lay nineteen days before melting. The farmers have not pre pared for it and the cattle had a hard time Betting through. There was an interesting exhibition of the instinct of the poor brutes. At the first sign of the ohinook the old cows, which had been about to drop with hunger, could be seen staggering toward the tops of the hills. They seemed to know that there the snow would melt fastest and the grass be uncovered soonest In eastern Wash ington you can see teams working Jn the fields every month in the winter. We have days which are cold and when the ground freezes to some depth, but one day's chinooking will take all the frost out of the ground. You may not believe it, but I have seen six inches of frost go out of tho ground in one hour. That is a pretty big story to tell farmers back in the Mississippi valley, but it is true." FISH NETTING. SEINES, TRAPS, POUNDS, Netting of Every Descriplion .and At LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. c basboitr:s SALMON NET THREADS. WOODBERRY Seine Twines ani Lines. HENRYDj&YLE & CO., 517&513JKaricci-St.. SiN FBAJiCBCO, tilLIFQltXIAi E233a -J1- Its peculiar efficacy Is due as much to the process and. skill in compounding as to the ingredients themselves. Take it in time. It checks NOTHING LIKE IT diseases in the outset, or If they he advanced will prove a potent cure. No lie should lie Without It It takes the place of a doctor and costly pre scriptions. All who lead sedentary lives will find ltrthe best preventive of and cure for Indigestion, rvinfttlnatlnn. Headache, FOR WHOSE BENEFIT Biliousness, Files and Mental Depression. .No loss of time, no Interference with business while taking. For children it is most in nocent and harmless. No danger from exposure after taking. Cures Colic, Di arrhoea, Bowel Complaints, Poverisb. nesa and Feverish Colds. Invalids and delicate persons will find it the mildest Aperient and Tonic they can use. A little taken at night insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation df "the bowels. A little taken in tho morning sharpens the appetite, cleanses the stomach and sweetens the breath. A PHYSICIAN'S OPINION. "I hae been practicing medicine for twenty years and have never been able to fiut tip a vegetable compound that would, ilce Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly and effectively move the Liver to action, and at the same time aid (instead of weak ening) the digestive and assimilative powers of the system." L. M. Hinton, m.d., Washington, Arlc. Marks of Genuineness: LookfortheYed Trade-Mark, on front of Wrapper, and the Seal and Signature of J. H.Zellln & Co., In red, on the side. Take no other. Price SI. The theatrical business in Pompeii, whioh has been at a standstill since the eruption of Yesuvius, in 79, A D., appears to be looking up, judg ing from the following announce ment of 'Signor Luigni: "After a lapse of more than 1,800 years, the theater of this city will be opened with 'La Figlia del Eeggimento.' I solicit a continuance of the favors bestowed on my predecessor, MarcuB Qumtus Martins, and beg to assure the public that I will make every effort to equal the rare qualitios dis played during his management." People of sedentary habits, who are subject to constipation, can regulato their bowels by the use of Ayer's Pills. There are 62,000 women in the Un ited States interested in the cultiva tion of fruit. To cure any scrofulous disease or humor, try Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It cleanses the blood. At our present rate of growth the population of the United States will be nearly up to 70,000,000 the year of the international exposition. HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT Cannot go hand in hand if we look on the dark side of every little obstacle. Nothing will so darken life nr.d make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dys pepsia Tablets will cure the worst foun of Dyspepsia, Constipation and Indiges tion, and make life a happiness and pleasure. Sold at 23 and f0 cents by .1. V. Conn, Druggist The four new states cover an area eight times as large as the state of Pennsylvania, and already they have a population of about 1,100,000. Catarrh Cured, A clergyman, after years of suffer ing from that loathsome disease, Ca tarrh, and vainly trying every known remedy, at last found a recjpe which completely cured and saved him from death. Any sufferer from this dread ful disease sending a self addressed stamped envelope to Prof. J. A. Law rence, 88 Warren St, New York City, will receive the recipe free of charge. The registered state militia of the United States la 99,301. The number of men available for military duty in case of war is 8,331,227. 1VE CAN' AND BO Ouarantea Acker's Blood 'Elixir for it has been fully demonstrated to the peo ple ot this country mat ic is superior to all other preparations for b'.ood diseases. It is a nositive cure forsyphilitlc poisou- l incr. Ulcers. Emotions and Pimulea. It purines tne wnoin system anu uiorongn. . .. . t . ..... ly builds up the constitution. J.v Conn, Druggist A home for divorced wives has been established by the government in Salt Lake city at a cost of $70,000. GUARD AGAINST THK STRIKE, And always have abottle of Acker's En glish Remedy in the houe. Yon cannot tell how soon Croup may strike your lit tle one, or a cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. 'All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treatment A sample .bottle is given I you f (j.W. qu free and the Remedy guaranteed by Conn, Druggist This country hns'1,000 canning fac tories, and leads the world. If the food is not properly digested it becomes corrupt and poisons the sys tem it was intendfed" to nourish. This is indigestion. "My wife has suffered for many jeans with indigestion. After trjing every thing else recommended, sin tried Sim mons Liver Regulator. In three day after taking It according to directions she was in perfect health; she does noi suffer at a!l and can eat aiiuliiuir she 'wants without any ol her pieviotis symptoms." W. C. Subers, Balubridge;Ga. TELEpii. Specials to The Astorian. Eight Carloads of Eails to Arrive Here To-Day. Newsy. Items From The Metropolis A California Mother Outs Her Children's Throats. PorxiiAXB, Oct 16. Bruce Creigh ton an ex-convict was arrested to-day on a charge of garroting H. D. Clair mont. A FINE NEW STEAMER. Very soon the O. R & N. Co. will begin the construction on this coast or in the east of a very fine propeller steamer to run on the Sound. Such a steamer as is wanted, will cost about 250,000 and will be built of iron and steej. Drawings as now arranged for the proposed vessel are for a craft 250 feet in length. A number of bids have been" received for the construc tion of such a steamer as is desired. Figures with plans are now in posses sion of manager "W. H. Holcomb. She will be built in New ( lork it is thought Tho steamer Olympiah, on Puget sound is insufficient for he require ments of the traffic; in fact two more large steamers are needed. The pro posed craft will be the finest in the west "Work on the new steamer Moun tain Qaeen is going ahead with un diminished vigor and it will be but a short time now till she will be ready. She now presents a fine appearance. DIED OP TYPHOID FEVER. At 8 o'clock last night at St. Viu cent hospital George Bowman died of typhoid fever. The deceased leaped from the second story window of Mr. Walter Castro's residence on 6th and Stark streets last week while delirious from fever. He has no relations here and nothing is known of him except ing that he was a very exemplary young man employed iu the freight depot of the Northern Pacific. It is supposed that -Bowman left some property but where if is his friends are not aware of. v M'DEVITT's CONDITION. To-day Dr. Bevan says Mr. MoDev itt is getting along as well as can be expected and that he is entirely out of danger; his son James is resting fairly well, but all hopes of his recov ery have been abandoned. Gibbs has not yet been caught A CONVICTION. A. K. Bonzey, a saloon keeper from Tho Dalles, was arraigned in the United States circuit court this morn ing, having been found guilty of sell ing liquor to Indians, and was sen tenced to pay a fine of 100 and serve three days in the "Wasco county jail. RAILROAD MATERIAL. The steamer Willamette Chief Mt down this morning with a big barge upon which were loaded eight cars laden with rails and other material for the Astoria and South Coast line. The weather afforded has given con tractors an exceptionally fine chance. Another shipment of material is ex pected to arrive shortly, which will be taken down as soon as it comes. JUMPED OFF TWICE. Charles Mitchell, a man from the east, jumped off the Ndrthern Pacific Tacoma train this morning twice. He was uninjured. Mitchell is insane.. A IIORRIBIiF TRAGEDY. Santa Ana, Cal. Oct 16. Mrs. Effie T. Scholl was found in her house at Tustfn, frightfully cut on her, throat, her two children, a boy of five years, and a girl of three years lay near with their throats cut, she hud murdered her children and attempted to kill herself. Hopes are entertained of her rocovery. A dull case knife was used. She was divorced from "her husband, O. R, Scholl, three years ago, having possession of the children awarded to her. Recently he entered suit to gain custody of the children, and this was the cause of the crime. A COLLIERY .EXPLOSION. London, Oct 16. An explosion oc curred in theBentillo colliery at Long ton, county of Stafford, early this morning seventy miners were in the pit in uie nine, umy eioveu ui wuom are alive. The pit was completely wrecked. Tho task of getting out the burned miners will be one of great difficulty. Volunteers are engaged in making explorations for the recov ery of the bodies. Men engaged in the search for the victims have found fifty dead miners so far. Ten of the leading Boston churches spend $30,000 a year on music and $6,000 j year on foreign missions. CURES' PERMANENTLY LPUBA6Q. In Pain 30 Years. Constantine, Mich.. Feb. 16, 1837. I had pains in. the back foe thirty years. Confined to bed for weeks. Five years ago St. Jacobs Oil cured me ; am well and hearty, no return of pain : can lift as much as ever. IXM.REARICK. At Druggists and Dealers. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO., Baltimore, Md. 7JACOBSOJj SURE JiM& CURE. Absolutely Pure. V)t iniAjcr in ei vanes, A marvel ot ' . -tmi th .:inl wholesotneness. More . i'ii uilu.il Uid'i Hit onlin:uykiii(l, and can li l ,--,iM its ii:iict tlmi Willi slit iniiHs t nl t it;.,t -th. rt weight, alum or i!in. Miii.t: jKnsJet-j. Stihltirilyincans. Royal lUKlNQ POWDHK Co. IOC V'all-St.. N. Y. Lewis M. John ion & Co., Agents, Port-i-ii'.l. Mrecwi. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE i.IM'iV HANSEN, Frop'r. Lir.- mi.l Well .Si'lecU-il Stock or Flue Diamonfls Jewelry U Mitivinelj how Prices. i:i uuoJs Ho u glit at THIs Establishment Warranted Genuine. i'tu-h uiitl Clorlt Kttimiring 'iiiM! I'jivt -tml Squemorjua Streets. Thompson & Ross C.irry :i Y nil Line or Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Gail and Be Convinced. The Mi CANDY MANUFACTORY. N. J. BERGMAN, Prop'r. Fine Chocolate Bon Bons FHESII MADE DAILY. As Well as All Other Kinds oi Cream Candies. Please Call and Give Me a Trial, THIRD STREET, Next to Western Union Telegraph Office. Car Freight-Fisheries. "With early orders, we cjyi arrange to fill a car and se cure the full car at low rates for freight for netting, etc. Gloucester M & Twine Co., BOSTON. John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundrlos. Prescriptions Carefully Coniponndcd. Agent lor Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, -Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricnltural Implements, Sewing Machines, Puinls, Oils, Grooeries, 3ESto. A 10-Cent Cigar in Quality Is aSSliiEI kipanon TO ASTORIA. GO Xaois, 50x120 Feet. Healthful and Beautiful Situation. Good Soil. All in grass. No Clearing. No Mud Flats. No Malaria. Here is Where thefown will be Built. Will be the Terminal Town of the Railroad FOR MANY A DAY. BUY NOW. Lots $80 to $125 Mil 1st - November. Wingate c& Stone, Agents. Odd Fellows Building. PARS TAILOR leading 'T'ailoi? of Astoria, Creat deduction in Prices, IMPORTER OF English, French and Scotch Woolens. NEW GOODS BY EVERY STEAMER. First-class work, and no garment will be allowed to go out of the store unless it gives satisfaction. Fine Business Suits made to order for $X. Genuino Imported Tweed Cheviot and Cashmere Suits from $38 to S-t.1. Broad Wail Overcoats ac 30 and upwards. This gives every gentleman in Astoria a chance to get a Fine Fitting Suit. Come aronnd and satisfy yourself. J, IT. KiLQSTEB,, IIOTEI-S AND RESTAURANTS JUSTUS KDWAKDS. DAVK KENNEDY. KfrnAEIYI? & INWARDS. PROPRIETORS OF THE PARKER HOUSE. First Class in Every Respect Thoroughly Renovated and Repaired throughout : S7 large, sunny rooms. TWO BIKING ROOMS. Tables supplied with everything the mar ket affords. Fine Bar and Billiard Room : choice brands "Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Free Coach, to and front the Mouse. A. Fine Sample Room for Commercial travelers. CHRIS. EVENSOX. F. COOK THE EVENSON & COOK Oh the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIEST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order, WATEUSt., Opp. Foard &. Stolces A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run in connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Fflvate Card Rooms. Is the Leading and Only First-Clas RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Clean Services. Reasonable Prices. Polito Waiters. Prompt Attention. Try Him and You will bo More than Satisfied. verybody Says So. Private Rooms. MAIN STREET, - - ASTORIA. Central Hotel JEFFS W. T. Board Pilot Commissioners. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A regular meeting of the Washington Board ol Pilot Commissioners mil be held at their ofllee at Ilwaco, Washington, on Saturday, October 19th, 1889. at ten o'clock a. ar. F.S, BATES. Secretary. A ddition THE VIENNA C. W. Fisher & Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORDER- Fine Private .Rooms. Everything iirst CInss. Genevieve Street, rear or Grlfllu& Reed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. INSURANCE. I. "W. CASE, Insurance Agent. REPRESENTING : California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co. Portland. Home Mutual Insurance Co., S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London. Robb & Parker, AGENCY OF Fire and Marine Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of $7O,00O,O0O IMPERIAL, of London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland. " LION, of London. FIREMAN'S FUND, of California. QUEEN, of London. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IX FXKST CL.A88 COMPANIES.. Representing 813,000,000 PHCENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Street Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. MmM and Chop $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe, North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial ol California Agricultural, of Watertown, Sew York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, ltepresent In a capital of $67,000,000. B, VAN DU8EN. Agent.