Czi & Wxt fatty tflrimt. ASTOKIA. OBEGON: TUESDAY OCTOBER 15. 18S9. STATE AND COUNTY TAXATION. So far, the general expression seems to be as to the present assessment roll, "let it stand," the idea being that any equalization other than a horizontal reduction might be unequal in its re sults. To illustrate how the assessments are kept down in the several counties in the hope of evading just propor tion of state tax, may be cited Clack amas county, returning, in 1888, an assessment roll of $2,340,214, when that county is worth 20,000,000 ; Wash ington county, with $2,665,600, when its value is nearer 18,000,000; Mult nomah, $23,554,485, when one street in the city of Portland would sell for more. The aggregate for the entire com monwealth was, in '88, but $85,000, 000. On an honest basis, the assess ment would be $300,000,000. This, we believe, shows the necessity for a state board of equalization. At present a three and seven-tenth mill tax raises $317,805.68. On a just assessment a one mill tax would have been enough. Here is the point The Astoria de sires to make. While it is true that Clatsop county, on a 6,000,000 valuation, will, under the usual iniquitous swindle, have to pay largely more than she ought, is it not probable, or virtuously possible, that our example in making an honest assessment will have the effect of eliciting similar action from other counties. Before smiling at this apparent ver dancy, noto the motive. There is a big advertisement in this, Eich people, poor people, desirable immigrants, home seekers, go where they are invited, where wealth in vested insures reasonable expectation of success. With a $6,000,000 assessment roll Clatsop county can point intending emigrants to a very low tax levy; half what it was last year. "What are your tax rates?" is the question most often asked, and the answer has scared millions of would be invested dollars away from this county. A low tax levy is a magnet to cap ital. A high assessment means a low tax levy. In the rivalry of different sections and. counties of the state this will ap pear to Clatsop's advantage, and our erring sisters, blushing at their tur pidity will be shamed into honesty, and quickened into imitation not through any moral awaKening, but because they will realize the neces sity of showing their wealth and stand ing or of being distanced. For this reason we advocate the temporary extravagance or paying more than our customary share to the state, for it is but seed that will bring satisfactory harvest. In one sense it is a pity that it was not on the city assessment roll the advance step was taken, for then no part of it would have to be sent to Salem, but even though it is on the county roll the advance is made, the money sent there is not lost. It is good investment But in the event of any cinch, any evidence on the part of other county assessors to let Clatsop county be con spicuous in its exhibition of honesty, the county court can have a string to the roll, and not let an official tran script be sent to the state capital, or officially confirm any assessment (all same Yamhill last year) till returns are heard from other counties. There is no hurry: true, the roll is supposed to be made up and in by September 1st, but last year other counties were dilatery: Clatsop can go a little slow this year, and still not be last. The secretary of state sets Clatsop county's required quota this year at $9,263.29: so that whatever our basis this year, it is not till next year that it will begin to count in the amount cfiarged to and expected from this county on the state tax account. ft Prices on tin have advanced in London and New York. It has been reported says the Herald of Trade, that a corner existed, but the advance is the result of the tie up in London docks. When the strike broke out there was a moderate shortage of block tin for September delivery in consequence of "which New York brok ers found themselves compelled to adopt stiff prices. San Francisco and coast lumber men are about to organize an ex change, to bring wholesale lumber dealers together. Canned salmon is now carried from San Francisco to New Orleans in six days by fast freight Talking about circus, Chicago has sixty-eight members is her city coun ciL CLIPPED AND CONDENSED. News Items From All OverThe Northwest. Marriage licenses cost $3.50 in Ta- coma. Mr. Pollv. aped 89. rlrnvft Vinnfl nf horses from Alsea to near Corvallis, over thirty miles, last week. The bones of an Indian, killed by eating poisoned meat in 1853, were re cently unearthed at Ashland by a man excavating for the abutments of a bridge. The fishermen on the Coquille have been making large catches of late, so that the wires have been worked to San Francisco for tin, etc., and J. W. Hume has been up and down the river borrowing tubs, barrels, and anything to put salmon'in. H. S. Pierce, Charles Day and John Blevans, of Wallowa county, were ar rested last week for stealing cattle from Idaho parties and bringing them to Oregon. Pierce escaped from the officers, and $1,000 reward is offered for his apprehension. The efforts of the Oregon Alpine club in enforcing the law relative to killing deer for their hides is having a salutary effect throughout the state. It is unlawful to sell or purchase a a deerskin in Oregon. The car cass must go with the hide. This pre vents the slaughter of deer for their hides only. There arrived at Eugene on Tues day night's train a car containing a whole farming outfit and family direct from the east. They brought horses, chickens and everything in the shape of household goods. They evidently thought they were coming into a wil derness and supposed they could not buy such things here. One very satisfactory feature of the Astoria and South Coast railway, says the Examiner, which will be appre ciated by fair Seaside visitors from the interior, is that there are to be tunnels on the road. The tunnels on the route betwebn Corvallis and Yaquina bay are a great attraction to young people traveling to the seashore in couples. In a letter to the Roseburg Review, A. H. Gates, of Acme, Lane county, writes: "A small expenditure on the Siuslaw bar will make it one of the best harbors on the coast The sur veyors found fifty feet of water in the river inside the bar and deep water outsido, and a very short bar with fourteen feet of water at half tide; and the u. JS. steamer Uen. Wright, went to the head of tide on low water. drawing seven and a half feet Could have gone drawing ten feet" Jas. Dickey has returned to Oregon City from the Bald Mountain dis tricts, the 100 foot tunnel in the Solid Silver ledge, on which he was en gaged, being finished, saysthe Cou rier, the tunnel run through about eighty feet ofore. Wire silver wa3 frequently observed by the miners in the ore they took out. Assays run up to $1,000 per ton. There is no doubt of it now that this district will become a thriving and populous mining camp, the deposits of copper and lead being great, not to mention the silver and gold sprinkled among the rocks. The Verdict Unanimous. V. D. Suit, Druggist. Bippus, Intl., testifies: "1 can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in everycase. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi cine I have eyer handled in mj' 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thou sands of others have added their testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. The "Ltlnae's Pirser Lerants. E. F. Wells, purser on the steam schooner Zakme, mysteriously disap peared from the vessel at Astoria on her late trip from Portland to Seattle, taking with him about $200 of the Oregon Railway and Navigation com pany's funds. What caused him to leave so suddenly and -where he has gone to neither Captain S. F. Graves nor any of the Zakme's crew can tell. Little was known of Wells, as he only made the one trip on the steamer, but he said his home was in Cam bridgeport, Mass. It was thought he was a single man and his appearance was that of a man of about 30 years of age. Wells came to the ZaTcme with the best of testimonials from the Pacific Mail Company, with which he had served, something likeu seven or eight years. Captain Graves said he thought the young man must have been crazy. "Ho was a nice young man, and with such excellent testimonials we were not prepared for the surprise he.gave us. All we know is that he has skip ped. 1 don't know of anybody that has the slightest idea where he is." Port Townsknd, Oct 11. Mr. McKenzie, auditor of the Oregon Railway & Navigation company, states that the company had entire confi dence in Mr. Wells, and that foul play is suspected. Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 12. Mi . " A gEHIOTJg KLVKDWSU A Idy Nearly Trettrftted by a Fat at MIciaa. A UAj well-known in tho Western addition has been a great rofferer for tuts with in. dltettlon and djipepii. Struck with the tcstimonur prliioe Joy' Vegetable Sarut parilla, the sent for a bottle. Tho druggist, nothaTtof it, talked them Into ttklnganothcr iisaptrula. AtheleadlnsanaparIll&sso mineral blood purifiers, tho effect of the emptying of iodide of potash into a stomach already dlstrestinglr delicate was disastrous, almort prostrating her before themlstake was rectified. She thin called sponZto. Fowler, of 227 Ellis street, whew name was among those cored by Jdft Vegetable Earsaparllla. Mrs. Fowler said It mi true that it had cured her. Again reassured, tha-vegetablo com pound was sent for and gotten. The gentle action of stt vegetable stimulants upon the liver, kidneys and dlgaftivo organs, and its warm stomach tonics, tf ero the very things needed, and aha began improving and was her old self wlthjn a fortnight. This sounds Ilka ficUqg, tatj&e names' can be given if Dyspepsia Makes many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick hoadache, heart bum, loss of appetite, a faint, "all gone" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irrcg- . ularity of the bowels, are Distress tho more common symp AftOf toms Dyspepsia does not get well of itself. It rc Eatlng quires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parilla, which acts gently yet efficiently. It tones the stomacli and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good ap appetite. and, by thus Sick overcoming the local ' , symptoms, cures the HeadQCll headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I -did a. eat distressed me, or did oeart- me uule good Afteront. DUm lag i would experience a falntne-'s, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trouble, I think, was aggravated by my business, painting, and Iroin beh'.g more or less shut up in a room with Q o ij t fresh paint. Last spring . I took Hood's Sarsaparilla Stomach -and It did me an Immense amount or good It gave me an appetite, and my f d it l ished and satisfied the craving I hail pre viously experienced." Geokce A. Page, Watertown, Mass. N. B. If you decide to take nood's Bar. saparilla do not be Induced to buy any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by druggists. 31; &lxtOTf-.ry. Prepared '.t C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Loell,55ai iOO Doses One Dollar One Kind of a Pilot. Captain Brown, tho well known steamboat man, in a reminiscent mood lately, said that once the vessel ho was shipped on had a new pilot, who turned out to be decidedly an amateur at the helm. The skipper had told this fresh wheelman to steer by a cer tain star; and a little while after the "old man" went on deck swearing vigorously because the vessel was flop ping about on a wild course and evi dently without reckoning, while the pilot was taking matters with reckless ease. ""Where is that star I told you to steer by?" he almost screamed. "God bless you," replied the pilot, "we have passed that long ago and I was waiting for you to come up and give mejmother." Tacoma Qlobe. A Woman's IHscovery. "Another wonderful discovery lias been made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutch es upon her and for seven years she withstood its severest tests, but her vi tal organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr, King's New Discovery for Consump tion and was so much relieved on tak ing first dose that siie slept all night and with one bottle has been miracu lously cured. Iler name is Mrs. Luther Lute." Thus write W. C. Ilerrick & Co., of Shelby ville.N. C., Get a freo trial bottle at .1. W. Conn's Drug Store. NEW TO-DAY Public Notice. FIVE HEAD OF CATTLE, TWO BLACK oxen, one red cow, calf and heifer have broken into the A. Corno place on the Klas kanlne. The owner is hereby given notice to come and take them away and pay charges. IVER A. HAAVEN For Sale. 2AAft ACRES TIMBER LAND, ALL iJJJ in one body. No better in Clat sop county. Come and see-us. STOCKTON & WELCH, henl Estate Agents. Office, Main Street. For Rent or Sale. 1 TWO-STORY BUILDING, CO FEET front : Bar Room cemplete: Restaurant complete : 17 rooms complete. Situated on Third street, close to the O. R. & N. Co.'s dock. Street cars pass every 10 minutes. A good bargain for the right parties. For fm t her information, inquire of STOCKTON & WELCH. .Real Estate Agents, Main Street. NOTICE To Caierymen anu Otters. The Owners of fhe Anglo-American Packing Co. Wish to dispose of the Buildings and riant of this Cannery. The plant includes Boiler, two Retorts, two Solder Machines, a line Steam Engine with good Shafting, and other Machinery and Furniture to carry on a Can nery. Intending purchasers can inspect at the Cannery or receive full particulars of MESSRS. CORBETT & MACLEAY, Portland. Or of P. L. CHERRY, Astoria, Oregon. Astoria, September 30th. 1889. Notice. IHEREBYNOTIFYALLPERSONSTIIAT 1 will not be responsible for. ror will I pay any bills contracted by any person except those contracted for by me in person. II. A. SMIDT. Astoria, October loth, 1889. JOB PRINTING. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAff JOB OFFICE BOOTS MB SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE- SIQHOF.THEJOLDEN SHOE. Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Fishermen's Pk'g Co., will be held at the office of the companv, on Tuesday. Oct. 2Jth. 1883. at 9 o'clock a. m for the put pose of electing a board of directors for thu en suing year, and transacting any oilier busi ness that may come befoie the meeting. By order of the president. G.A.NELSON, Secretary. J. H. MANSELL REAL ESTATE BROKER, NOTARY PUBLIC FOE STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1883. Correspondence Solicited, Next Y. U. Telegraph Office. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. MTfu H kj UrB fa flBk SI IE ' -gfi ' " ' ' "" ' " ""' " V TT "HB" J TfT 11 OKLO V. PAKKEK. CARL A. HANSON t Vlilil lu I lililllf LI m1 II I M II fe I-! f 1 I ;, II i IDBTH ADDT $5.00 Pefcfllonth. Good for One Week only. PuOBB & PJLSISSB,, Agents. It Will Pay You to Buy a Lot in Park Addition Laurel TO The City of Astoria. This property is now on tho market, and is being sold by On tho Installment Plan fcr $30.00 ant! $40.00 per Lot. $10.00 Cash and $5.00 per Month. Don't miss this opportunity. Tho terminus of a transcontinental road will bo located within 15 minutes walk from this beautiful tract. S30 to-day. 2."0 in ono year. Save tho dollnrs and buy real estate and wealth is yours. Call at once upon WORSLEY & OAERDTHERS. Corner 3d and OIney Streets. RIVERSIDE! Uus addition to Astoria is beautifully situated on a gentle slope toward the John Day river, lying on thoCounty road and only 200 yards from steamboat land nig, and withm easy walking distanco of street car line. Tho railroad survey from Portland to Astoria down the south bank of the Columbia river passing between tho lauding and Riverside. The "Oregonian" in an editorial of September 1st, says: IheO.Iu&N. will build .lines within a short time from Portland to Puget Sound and Gray's Harbor and from Portland to Astoria, penetrating the John Day region. tt Tho most certain and best paying investments in any country are those made in good towns when prices are low and prior to tho fnll growth of .such towns cinmcinmrirraV,in?S- ACood level lots f.OxlOO. Avenues GO feet wide. Price, 40.00; 10.00 down, balance 5.00 per month. Title, U. S. patent. See plats at J. H. MANSELL'S.or FRANK' SPITTLE, Real Estate Agents, Astoria, Oregon. DEALER IN- Groceries Produce. "Water Street, Asroria, Oregon. ' TELEPHONE NO. 7. . P. O.'BOX 822. gettoub iuuimuiK,jiiniiipark6r&H .a-s.. J- w w -.w IS WHAT YOU GET AT " tt s-, -r- Foard & Slokes c. . FOR A LOT -IN TO EAST ASTORIA. afiwnfUfc-vuyTrmjiru an inHn-T i H. W. Striekler, M. D. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles., Etc Prescription Clerk speaks Four different Languages. General practice of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second Street, near Postofflce. New York Novelty Store. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES Groceries and Provision? Everything in a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES Wholesai Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I havo completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wine in any cmantity at lowest casli figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solioited. A. W. UTZ1NGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. A. !F MkEmEMWm ;: WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o Tho Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and IFegofables. Received fresh every Steamer. j The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN ARent. Call and Examine It ; You Will be Pleased. E. R. Ilawes Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER l-IKST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. Bnmnswcmiuiai - AND - CEILIN 5000 double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shadea just received direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of Of all grades in beautiful new designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc, Call and examine. CHAS. HE1LBORN. BL B. PAEEEB, . DKALKR IX I FIRE- BRICK Hay, Oats, mi Straw, Lime, Wood Delirered to Order. Draylnir, Teaming and Kxprees Bnslnens, IER apply to the Captain, or to h b. P a i It a. It. NORTH PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION ! Opens at PORTLAND, OR., Sept. 2G, and Closes Oct. 26, 1889. The Building Contains Six and One-half Acres of Floor Room, Which will be covered with interesting displays of every description from every section o! the Northwest. $250,000 EXPENDED IN GROUNDS AND BQILDINGS. Largest and best 'exhibit of FINE LIVE STOCK ever brought together on the Pacific coast will be made in the spacious grounds adjacent to the Exposition Building from October 14 to 19. LIBERATI, THE FAMOUS CORNETIST, with nrK' nf tiiA lipor. of New York, has heen encraDred at an enormous expense to furnish music during the entire exposition. There has heen nothing left undone to make this the'graadest exposition on the Pacific coast. Reduced rates of fare have been secured on all' transportation lines. Portland extends" an invitation to every resident of the north west to attend this magnificent exposition and enjoy her hospitalities. Hotel accommoda tions ample. For further information address ,. . ,.,. HUJlin w"i' anson SUCCESSORS TO L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK. ), The (Mil Sramt - Astoria Oregon ASTORIA, ONLY OF FIRE CLAY Brisk, Cement, Sand anil Plaster aTKAAlKtt !L 4ti 4 PARKER F.ben P. Parker,Haater. KorTOWINO, FRKIGIfl orL'UAR- GILS blUulM. ileO nUUdui B DECORATIONS! uuuouujuj i-u uiu. a.ii) vi