WJ Site gmfof gteteimn ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY- OCTOBER 11, 1SS9. THE TABL.R FOB ASTORIA. OCTOBER. HIGH WATKR. LOW WATER. First- Secood. First. Second. Is. 2 2 5 I to S 5 2 j S h ia h a h a P A. n. ft. m. ft. n. jS h. m. J 5 s 'a s a 033 1 1C 15S 2 39 3 21 4 03 505 C 11 12 54 1 27 2 00 2 33 S04 3 40 4 20 5 14 G 4G 7 24 759 8 32 9 09 9 49 10-37 7 11 7 51 8 31 9 12 955 10 41 11 3G U41 The nours between mldnlgnt and noon are deviated by a (a. m.), those between noon and midnight by p (p. m.). Oh. oOni.a denotes midnight, oft. ODm. denotes noon. Tae height Is reckoned from the level of average lower low waters to which thesound Ings are nven on the Coast Survey charts. MOOJETV 3IKJJTING8. Temple Ijoago, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS first and third Tuesdays In each month, at 74 o'clock, p. m.. at the Hall in Astoria. Members ol the order in good standing are invited to attend.. By order of the W. M. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. F. OEGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN JDb campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven p m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sojourning breth ren cordially invited. By order C. P. Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. KEGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held in their Hall in Pythian Castle, on Saturday evening of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order in g"ood standing, and visiting Brothers are Invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. W. W. B. KOSS, Itec. Astor Lodge No. 6, K. of P. REGULAR MEETINGS EVERY WED nesday evening at 7 :30 p. M. at Pythian Castle. Sojourning Knights in good land ing cordially invited to attend. By order C. C. W. L. ROBB. K of It. and & Scandinavian Benevolent Society. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS SOCIE ty at their rooms in Pythian building at eight o'clock p. at. on the second aud fourth Tuesdays of each month, AUG. DANIELSON, Secretary. Astoria Building & Loan association THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Association are held at 8 p. m.. on the first Wednesday of each month. Onlceon Genevieve street, south of Chenamus. W. L. 110BB. Secretary. Common CounciL REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month sit 74 o'clock aypersons desiring te have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meeting. THOS.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Police Judge. Hauling Engines, We can supply Hauling Engines for haul ing Heavy Seines, the same All Tb.8 Southern Pisheries Use. The inventor of this Engine has just died, and a monumentls to be erected to Ins mem ory, in consideration of the great saving to human muscle, and increased profits he lias made. Enquiries promptly answ ered. Gloucester Net and Twine Co., Boston Office, 91 Commercial St Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers in Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No, S7. ASTORIA, OREGON. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., SUCCESSORS TO-- 3". O- IE. OSS County Coroner. First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material .Next to Astouiax office. S. ARNDT & FEROHEN . ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop IM.APffSMTTfT --Aga&- gsp-sa 8HOP AND Boiler Shop -3 '3. All kinds of ENGINE, CANNEEY, AND STEAMBOAT WOES Promptly attended to. Aspeclaltymadeof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Cannery Sis BpfcjMfcfes Wilson & Fishe SMp Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils,, and Varnish. LOGGERS SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Koller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Ml.. Angel College! MARION COONTY, OREGON, Elementary and Preparatory Classes for Boys from c to 12 years. Complete Commercial, Scientific and Classical Courses, For larger boys and j oung men. This insti tution, only two ears old, is already one of the largest, most popular and best patron ized of the coast. The highest authorities of the state recommend It on account of its health. location, scientific advantages and strict discipline. For Catalogue, ith pros pectus, terms, etc., write to BARNABAS IIELD. Director Mt. Angel College. Fisheries, As the supply season of the Atlantic Fish eries is about over, we give our attention to the Pacific Fisheries for 18S9-90, and beg to say, that o are making up some of the best Twines our long experience warrants, and oirer them to our Pacific patrons upon terms of mutual satisfaction, under the rules of fair deal and honorable commerce. Our friends in Astoria have samples of tv ines. When in haste, telegraph. Gloucester Net and Twine Co., Gloucester. Boston Ofllce,91 Commercial St. Magee, Argand and Acorn tove "A Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WARRANTED. WATER CLOSETS, I'LUJIBIXQ GOODS, . PUMPS, SINKS, AXD BATH TUBS. OHENAMDS STREET. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer in HAOfABE, IM, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES. TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SKSET IRON, TOLti. AND Oo3P2. To and From San Francisco. The Schooners ZAMPA aud NORMA, Arriwng aud departing twice a month w ill carry Freight at Low Rates, to and from San Francisco. T. O. TRULLINGER. At West Shore Mills. Prices of Lumber. On and after this date, until f urtlier no tice, we will furnish lumber at the Mill, at the follow ing prices : Rough Lumber. S 8 per M ft. Flooring and Rustic 15 " WEST SHORE MILLS CO. Astoria, April 10, 'S3. Fashionable Dressmaking. A NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Stylo and Fit Guaranteed. Our aim Is to Please our Patrons., The patronage of the Ladies of Astoria is respectfully solicited. Northwest corner Fourth and Cass streets. Mrs. T. S. Jewett & Mrs. Birdsey J.P. L. FERRELL - DKAtEK IK Key West Cigars, Tobacco, and Smokers' Articles. Choice Fruits, Confectionery. Nuts. Etc. Fresh Goods received on every California Steamer. WATER ST., under Crow's Gallery A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express, Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage is solicited. E. J. Liddicoat, Contractor, Builder and Carpenter. Open to take all kinds of Carpenter Work. Holt & McCurtrie's old carpenter shop, next to Methodist Church. Ranges, Hughes & Go Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALE S. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wiues, Liquors and Cigars. J. II. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. ' Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the City and Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN XOPP, - - - Proprietor. Patronize Home industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any In the Market, AT AH RF.ASOXAItU? A PKICH. Tie North Pacific Brewery Beer Is Pure and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and Is Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzmger next to Bergman & Co,'s,or Fred Cooke, next to Foard & Stokes. Daily Delivery In Any Part of the City. . AUG. DANIELSON, Sample-Rooms, Dealer in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for the GUION Steamship Line and the THINGVALLA Steamship Lmc.diiect. Also, agent for "Svenska Tnbunen" and 'Svenska Amerikanaren." Corner of Water aud West Ninth Streets Astoria, Oregon. LOEB & CO. Wines, Lipors and Giprs. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Parker House, ASTORIA, - - - - OREGON. THE Resort Billiard Parlor, GROSBAUER & BRACE, Prop's. L. FEURER'S CELEBRATED Gambrinus Beer ! ON DRAUGHT. Gaitibriims Bottled. Beer, J. H. Cutter "IVIiisIiy, Domestic and Key West Cigars, Constantly on hand. Third Street, four doors west of Telegraph Offlce. formerly Telephone Restaurant, ASTORIA, OREGON. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the Wood. Five Cents a Glass. WJJIBOCK, Proprietor, The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - PROPRIETOR Old Corner Saloon, Phil. F. Bower, 5rop'r. Fine Wiites, Liquors gCigars, 404 Cbeaanins Street. Astoria, Opn Tie Celebrated French Cure. Warranted ?' APHRODITINE" to euro ISSpI.I)OX V POSITIVE Guarantee to euro any form of ner vous discaso or any dis order of tho conotntirn organs of' nrrnor v.tv, . actpd tai wn& tiuvtuui ill- i-ftl . tail ising from tho excessive usoof Stimulants.To bacco or Opium, or throngh youthful indiscre tion, over indulgence. A-c, such as Loss of Brain Power. Wakefulness,- Bearing down rains in tho Back, bominnl Weakness, Hys teria, Nervous Prostration. Nocturnal Emis sions, Loucorrhoea, Diiziness, Weak Memory, LossofPowor and Impotency. which if ne glected often lead to promaturo old ago and insanity. Prico SI a bo, 0 boxes for S3. Sent by mail on receipt of prico. A WRITTEN IJUARAMEE for every S3 or der, to refund tho money if a Permanent euro is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, perma nently cured by AvimoniTWK. Circular froc Address. THE AlMIRtf 3IEDICINE CO. Co,? , . Wkstfiw Branch, Portland, Or. lor salo by J. C. DEM ENT. Abstracts of Title. aP- R. THOMSON Keeps a full set of Abstract Books and w ill examine the Title to any ite.il Es tate in the county an I furnish an Abstract of Title to the same. Terms reasonable. Work guaranteed. or nionoy refunded. l Jr Hr 'te&Spr' I HO HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOUT Tho majority of tho Ills of tho human body arise from a diseased liver. Sim mons Liver Regulator has been the mean of restoring moro people to health ant happiness by giving them a health? Idver than any other agency on earth, jj SEE THAT YOU GET THE GENUINE, I'rJce SI. MARKETS. Washington Market. Main Street, Astoria, Oregon. CHKISTIAXSE.Y t CO., PKOPItlETOItS. RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN IX tion of tho public to the fact that the auove Market will always be supplied ith a FULL- VARIETY AND BEST QUALITY OK FRESH AND CURED MEATS I I Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. K?""Special attention given to supplying ships. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cared Meats, Vegetables, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT HOTEL, CHKNAHIUS Street. Astoria, Og. Roadway Market. P. O'HARA, Prop'r. Opposite Foard & Stokes. A First-Class Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats. All Purchases Delivered in any part of the City. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances of any kind, on short notice. Traasferring Baggagp, etc., a specialty. Telephone No, 12. SHERMAN & WARD. Express and Transfer. Gns. and .Fred. Hildeliraml, Proprietors. Headquarters at Foard & Stokes. LEAVE ORDERS AT PETER BRACH'S, Uppertown. BAGGAGE. FREIGHT. ETC., PROMPTLY DELIVERED In any part of the City. Astoria Gallery. FOR THE BEST PHOTOS, TINTYPES Or any Kind of Photographic "Work, Call at the ASTORIA GALLERY, Good Work and Reasonable Prices Guaranteed. Misses C. & Z. CARRUTHERS, (Successors to H. S. Shuster.) storia i Concomiy St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General Machinists anrl Boiler. Maters. Land and Marine Engines . BOlIVEIt WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTY, Castings of ajl Descriptions Made to Qrderat Short Notice. JOHN" FOX PrnslHlmt .nil Sunt ox -' .Vice President o. vx. iiudTL.Kii -.sec. and Treas. CANDY Manufactured and For Sale at "Wholesale Prices, at The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEY'ELAP, Prop'r. M Breal, Caie ai Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part of the city. y HJm I ' M' fa ! .RESTLESSKCSS. ' g H A STRICTLY VJCSTABLS - jflKl H FAULTLESS FAMILT MEDICINE. l PHILADELPHIA. I ffig 6? i B Price, OH E Dollar gB Iron Wort A Eemaikable Birth. A child was born Yesterday at Winlock, Wash., under most re markable circumstances. The moth er, Mrs. G. W. Dent, was on the Northern Pacific train, on her way to this city to meet her husband.. As the train stopped- at "Winlook, the mother went into the ladies' toilet, where half an hour later she was found by the conductor, in a weak and helpless condition. The conduc tor summoned Dr. D. M. La Moree, of Ohehalis, who was on the train, and Mrs. Dent was removed to a sleeping car, where it was learned that she had just given birth to a child. Just as the train left "Winlock the people at the station discovered a newly born infant lying beside the track. It was picked up and taken to a house near by where a physiolan was summoned, and the in fant, though considerably bruised by' th&fall, is now doing well. On the arrival of the train in. this city Dr. La Moree had -the mother removed to her residence. She is now resting! easy. The father of the child has telegraphed tar the tiny miss and she will be sent to this city to-day, if it is deemed advisable by the physicians. Naturally the inoident created quite a sensation in the usually quiet town of Winlock. The child is a girl, and has a good healthy constitution to make her way in the world, into which she was so unceremoniously UBnered. Oregonian, 10. A Patal Widow. "Ye a widder?" asked a long, lank, leathory woman of a distinguished looking lady dressed in full mourn ing on a railroad train out in Kansas. 'I am," was the reply, given coldly and haughtily. "I reckoned so," Baid the woman calmly, "and I know how to sympa thize with you, specially if he was taken sudden like. Pve laid 'away four good husbands of my own and' all taken suddent. One'of 'em was blowed up iu a mine; another got killed in a sawmill; Bill Johnson got kicked to death by a mule and Sam Higgins fell off the ruff of the house. My fifth man is out in tho smoking car, and I'm skeered every minnit for fear he'4 tumble out o' tho winder and break his neck, luck seems to be so ag'in me. That's a right good piece o' crapein your Trail T'l lilrn arvma liVa if if T (ranp have to get any more, and oh, going I to change your seat, ehr It is sunny on this side. Gues3 I'll move over too and set with you nntil my man man gits back if he eve? does git back!" Time. PEOFLE EVERYWHERE ConQrm our statement when we say that Acker's English Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other prepa rations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup it is magic and relieves at once. We offer j'ou a sample bottle free. Kemember, this Remedy is sold on a postive guarantee, by J. W, Conn, Druggist.. Mrs. Peter Epparson, of Sequim, Clallam county, Wash., met with a painful accident last Sunday. "While crossing over some old logs, a small sapling became loosened and struck the lady under the left cheek, com pletely tearing the whole side of her face away, leaving the bare bones ex posed. She was twenty-four hours without medical aid, and is not ex pected to survive. A DUTY TO YOUKBEIiF. It is surprising that people will use a common, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Acker's English pills ase a post fire euro for sick-headache.and all liver troubles. T?hey are. small, sweet, easily taken and do not gripe. J. W. Conn, Druggist. Atjbdbn, N. Y., Oct. 9. Judge Day decides that the electrical execution law is constitutional, and remands Kemmeler to the custodyof the war den of Auburn prison.. The judge in his opinion which is lengthy Bays: "Before a statute can rightly be abrogated, there should be judicial knowledge that the punishment therein provided is cruel and unusual. There. is no such knowledge, and Kemmeler's contention fails." Do not allow the accumulation of Scurf or Dandruff, when it oan be easily prevented by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. Europe thinks her paupers well off wnen they embark for this country. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria (Then Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. (Then bqo was a Child, aha cried for Castoria, Then she became Miss, sho clung to Castoria, iVhen Bhe had Children, she gave them Castorii Heaven help the -rich! The poor can go to the poor-house. CAUTION TO MOTHERS, Every mother is cautioned against giving her child laudanum orparegoric; it creates an unnatural craving for stimulants which 'kills the mind or the child. Acker's Bahy Soother is spe cially prepared to benefit children and cure their .pains. It is harmless and contains no Opiuin or Morphine. Sold by J. W. Conn, Druggist. The Lead trust now controls 97 per cent, of tho white lead ontpnt of the United States. AllE YOU SKEPTICAL? If so we will convince you that Acker's English.Eemedy for the lungs is superi or to all other preparations, and is "a positive cure for all Throat and Lung troubles, Croup, Whooping Cough and Colds. We guarantee the preparation and will give you a samnle bottle free. J. W. Conn, Druggist. "Washington was the only presi dent who never lived in the White House. i 1 IIJ! Jin BfffPlraiB ZJi fjftffp -viHBH2FiB38 SH m I i vi E v zm?M' I. B, & FROM ASTOEIA TO Tanzy Pt., Ft. Stevens. Ft. Cant) and llwaco. Connecting by Bailroad and fcreamboat-e foi NAHCOTTA, Oysterviile, Mont esaho and Olympia , STEAMER sSSt 'GEN. CANBY," Thos. Pabkeb. Master. Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted) for Tanzy Ft. Pt. Stevens, Pt. Canby and llwaco, at 8 A. M.. (Tide permitting.) With Oystervllle Malls and Express dally, and Through Mails to points beyond, aud Monte3ano,W.Ton Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Tickets to llwaco -30 ccntn llwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 -For Tickets, Towage or Charter ap ply at the company's onlce. Flavel'3 wharf. TOSM-FMiSCO, GAL., BY TVAX..OF.TH&-C . .' Southern Pacific Company's LINE. The Mt. Shasta Ebute. Quicker In Time than any Other Route Between Portland and San Francisco. LEAVE PORTLAND 4 P. NJ. Dally THROUGH PULLMAN TIME 39 HOURS. BUFFET SLEEPERS, TOUiilHT SX.EEFIKG CARS For accommodation of Second-class Pass engers, attached to Express Trains. FARE from Portland to Sacramento and San Francisco. Unlimited .... 825 GO first Class limited - 820 OO Second Class " - - 815 OO THROUGH TICKETS To all Points SOUTH AND EAST, via California. TICKET OFFICES : City office No. 134 Cor. First and Alder Sts. Depot office Corner F and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. R. KOBHLEB, E. P. ROGERS, Manager. As3t. G. F. & Pass. Agt. Gray's Harbor, Shoalwater Bay and TILLAMOOK. ' ' The P. & O. S.. S. Co.'s Steamer "ALLIANCE," "WW sail from PORTLAND, foot oj 0 street, Every Thursday for Grays Harbor will touch at,SHOALWATER BAY every third trip. ' Atrip to TILLAMOOK will be made as soon as weather permits, Duo notice will be given In The Asto BrAir of the date of making trips to Shoal water Bay and Tillamook, Steamer leaves Portland at 8 p, m. on above dates Astoria at 6 a. ar. the follow ing raornlnpc. Freight received every day tlllSP.M. The Company reserves the right to change time and place of sailing. . y. R. STRONG. President. C.P. UP3HUB, Agent Astoria. Steanfer "Fisher." Leaves TCTLSON & PKHER'S-Dock, on Tuesdays and Fridays. FOR llwaco and Way Landings, Carrying Freight andTassengers. Boat leaves Astoria at 8:30 a. m. return ing, leaves Jlwaco about 12 M. Special Bates jGircxrto Shippers On other days than the above the steamer is open ior rreignt or xowage cnarier. Apply to Captain on board. Telephone No. 23. Steamer Astoria. Leaves ASTOEIA dally, at 2 o'clock r. m., except Wednesdays, and Saturdays, fox WESIPORT and way laudlngs. On Thurs days the boat will leave Astoria at l p. ar. Leave WOODS LANDING, Wednesdays, a.-m; and Thursdays, p. m., until further no tice, For Freight or Passage, apply on board. J. W. BABBDDGE, Hasten I prescribe and fully endorse Big- ii as the only specific for the cer tain cure ot this disease. O. H. INQEAHAM.X. D. Amsterdam, N. Y. WeTaave sold BIgrG fox many year, and It has riven mo dosiui satis faction. D. B. Dychk & Co., Chlcaeo.Ill. Tnd SI. Sold by DrugrgUti Sold hr J. W.Oo'nn. Astoria, Oregon. Notice. N. Co. City of 1 TO 6 DATS- JHSunatMd toi Hi MBt euao Striatal. EM vrdonlybylto IMIInu Cfeaalaftl CfL . W """JUrl Anyone wishing to conaect thelxOnumMwtMu sink with the Washington or BentonOUREIfJtlffioidoiIS street,-sewer 'wilinpleasevapply r.to Mr.Bobut, sowaineeMjrt8rni. how to uun u4 ClIntWupWntuo a permit, according to the city ordi-trbistots,TRftiB4fBnitacoaWM. nance. Chairman Street Com. o. r. & N. CO. Trains for EAST Leave Portland at 7 ;15 A. M. and 9:30 P. M., Daily. EutCAKT NEW DINING CARS Will inn dailv. commencing Aug. 22, over the Gregou Hallway & Navigation i'o.. Ore gon Shoit Line and frilou Pacific Ky., be tween Portland and Missouri River. The cuisine and service are unexcelled. And Way Landings. The Str. R. R. THOMPSON Leave Astoria at C a. m., via Oregon side Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. " The Steamer T. J. POTTER Leaver Astoria every morning except Moiukiv . at 7 o'elock, via "Washington side. TO SAN FRANCISCO. Ihe only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamen leave Company's Dock every four days KegularLlneor Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage aud Lighterage. STOltACSK OF AT.l. IllMM. Inquire at t'ompanv's Dock or at City Of fice. M. B, BOZOltTH, Ticket Agent K. A. NOYES, Agent. GREAT OVERLAND $0UTE Northern Pacific -Railroafl TWO TRAINS A DAY! NO CHANGE OF CARS ! Shortest Line to Chicago & All Points East YIA ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS. THE Northern Pacific R. R. Is the ONLY Line Running Passenger Trains; ". Pnllsnaa Palace Sleeping: Cars, Paltce Dials?' Cus (meals 75c), Lnxarlant Day Coaches, Emigrant Sleepers (free of charge), FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST See that your tickets read via the Norther Paclflo It. B. and avoid change of cars. Leave Portland at 7 ;45 A.M. and 10P. M. daily ; arrive at Minneapolis or St. Paul, fourth day. PACIFIC DIVISION-Traln leaves Front and G street dally at ll :15 A. M. and 10 P. M. : arrive at Tacoma 7:10 P. M and 6:10 A. M., connecting with Company's for all points on Puget Sound. CHAS.S.FEE, Genl Western Pass. Agent, St." Paul. A.D.CUARLTON, Gen'lWesternPasa. Agent, No. 121, First St., Portland Depot .orner First and G streets. 50$ fey l&S A.ir am NL jSa;255e' feVe HEALTH. Le Rlchau'fl Golden Balsam Jfo". 1 Cures Chancres, flnt and second stages' Sores on. the Legs and Body; Sore Ears! Ey ea. Nose,, etc.,. Copper-colored Blotches, Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased" Bcalp, and all primary forms ot ths disease known as Syphilis. JPrlce, 8s OO por Bottle. .o Blclura's Golden Balsam' No.9 Cares-Tertlary; MercurialSyphilltle Bhou tnatlsBi, Pains In 'the Bones, Palnaln. ths Head, back of tho Neck, Ulcerated-Soro Throat, Syphilitie Rash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs, tfnd eradicates all disease from the system, whether caused by indiscretion or abuse of Mercury, leaving the blood puro and healthy.. Prico 55 OO per Bottle. Le HI chau's Golden Spanlsli Anti dote for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Irritation Gravel, and ail Urinary or Geni tal disarrangements. Price S3 56 Per Bottle. k ho UI chan'a Golden Spanish In jection, for severe cases of Gonorrhoea, Inflammatory Gleet. Strictures,&c. Price 91 SO per Bottle. Le Blchiiu' Golden Ointment for the effectiv j heallngof Syphilitic Sores, and eruptions. Price $1 OO per Box. Le Rlchau's Golden Pills Nene and Brain treatment; loss of physical pow jer, exeesror over-work, Prostration, etc Price S3 O0 per Box. Tonlo and Nervine, Bent everywhere, C. O. D., securely packed per express. C. F. RICITAUns fc CO. , Agents, 427 & 429 Sansome street. Corner VUy,f San Francisco, Cal. CIRCULAR MAILED FREE. FOR MEN ONLY! 1 nnPITiUCrorLOgTorFAIIIKgXaffgQOD; N xiSr'u d" 8i - ""! I -ra?3ii M3 rSwKp- -viv..va DiatAfb