PD ?hr Jlattg storfm ASTOKIA, OREGON: THURSDAY OCTOBER 3. 18S9. i.SUSD EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) T. P. HALLORAN & "COMPANY, Publishers ami Proprietors; " si'ouiax Build;xg, - - Ca?3Sti::'kt. Terms ofSuliscrlptton. -"erved bv Carrier, per week 15 els M by Mail. ier montli 6a c-ts " . " one year. S.OJ rree of postage to subbeiibers. Thk Astokian guarantors to I:- .-ilvc-r-tisers the largest circulation or am i..--.Npa-per published on he Columbia river. The W. C. T. U. will meet this after noon at 3 p. m. in the Y. M. C. A. halL Mallard and widgeon ducks' are coming in the market Canvas backs are not plenty yet, it being early in the season. In the Anderson case yesterday the jury brought in a verdict of larceuy; the jury was excused for the term, and the court adjonrned till Frida. The locomotive and rails were taken -to the incline at Skipanon yesterday morning. The boat reached there just after high water; the material was unloaded yesterday afternoon, in one hour and three-quarters. The body of a man washed ashore at Oretown was identified by means of a name engraved on a silver watch as F. Peterson, one of the men drowned at Nehalem bar over three months ago. This is thirty miles from where the body was found. The steamer Mexico is due to-day from Portland with the following passengers: H. J. McKenzie, T. Banch, M. Wise, C. H. Blohn, J. A. Shirlock, T. Taylor and, S. Siuger, F. Brounsen, Mrs. M. A. Hill, D. Freel, J. Nagle, L. Denteh, J. Gilsen, Prof. Paul and wife, 'Mrs. C. E. Bleil, Mrs. T. Lewis. Visiting Knights of Pythias from many outside cities will be here in large numbers next week. The grand parade will be something fine. Mean while the streets need cleaning up, woodpiles, etc., should be removed, and things put in shape. It is an act of courtesy due our visitors, to have this done. Theodore Bracker yesterday re ceived a dispatch from Capt. Henry Olsen, saying that the sealing-schooner Bessie Butter, which left here last March, had arrived at Victoria with over 4,000 worth of seal skins, also informing him that he had sold the catch for a first class price. Mr. Bracker, who is managing owner, left last evening for Victoria to settle up the account connected with the schooner. None of the electric lights were burning last evening and except for the moonlight, the lower part of the city was shrouded in darkness. The contracts for lighting the city ran out several months ago, and when ever the council meets, an effort to award a contract is beaten by a vote of three to three. It is pleasant these dark nights for citizens and citizen nesses who have business to go stumb ling along in the dark. But so long as the council is satisfied, why should plain ordinary taxpayers kick? Says the Mist correspondent of the Nehalem Jeurnal: A party of engi neers, iu the employ of the Northern Pacific railroad, have made a prelimi nary survey from Hunters Point, on the Columbia, to Mist Thence the survey will be continued to Astoria. They have gone back to Hunters Point to begin the instrumental sur vey. They have expressed themselves as very well pleased with the route, which is on a dividing ridge between the headwaters of the Clatskanie and Oak Banch creek, but it will be more, In the justice court yesterday the case of the state of Oregon vs. Jos. Knutson, charged with assault? and battery attracted the attention of a large and perspiring crowd. Joseph does not seem to closely resemble his " virtuous namesake in the bible who did flee from Mrs. Potiphar, but the charge of rape preferred against him the day before was dismissed, and yes terday he was on trial for alleged as sault and battery. A jury listened to the. testimony and the impassioned eloquence of the advocates and brought in a verdict of guilty. Jus tice May then imposed a fine of -$50. PERSONAL MENTION. 0. W. Stone returned from a trip to Portland yesterday. . Will Logan returned from Sitka via San Francisco yesterday morning. E. W. Tallant and wife leave next Saturday for a sojourn is San Fran cisco. Kev. E. W. Garner and wife leave this morning on a trip to Ishpheming, .Jlichigan. Fred Hewett returned Tuesday from Union Bidge, 'where he has been visit ing relatives. A. W. Berry, and C. W. Fox, are expected to arrive this week from Alaska. Geo. H. George and wife left last evening on a visit to Dr. Crang and wife at Forest Grove. SYBDP OF FIGS, Produced from the laxative and nutri tious juice or California figs, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, acts gently, on the kid neys', liver and bowels, effectually cleansing the system', dispelling colds and headaches, and curing habitual constipation. Ludlow's Ladles' 33.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman '8. WAS HE MURDERED? Mysterious Death of Michael Hirvas. Yesterday morning coroner Surpre nant was informed by Chas Carlson, that a man had been found dead in his room opposite the Washington cannery. In company with an Asto riax reporter, he went to the spot and found the dead body of Michael Hir vas, lying cold and stiff, face down ward on the floor. The head and face were covered with blood. The body was brought to the un dertaking rooms. A medical examin ation disclosed the fact that the un fortunate man's skull was fractured, ihe doctor stating that in his judg-nii-nt the fracture was U.c i-aii-c of deulL. Circumstances" point strongly to foul play. The presumption is that Hirvas was assaulted on the roadway, and that he regained his room only to perish miserably alone. Coroner Surprenanfyesterday even ing impaneled a jury and will hold an inquest at 9 o'clock this morning. Deceased was a well known carpen ter, and had been steadily employed. The funeral will be from F. H. Sur prenant's atone o'clock to-morrow af ternoon. A XBVEL OP PURITY. 'Kojal" -a Perfect ItakUp Ponder Alio lute!? Free Front Line and Alnm. The Royal Baking Powder is con sidered by all chemists and food analysts to be a marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. The official tests show, furthermore, that it is now the only baking powder be fore the public free from both lime and alum, and absolutely pure. It has come to be used almost as exclu sively throughout the country. This exclusive purity is due largely to the improved method by the use of which it has been made possible to produce a perfectly pure cream of tartar, from which all the lime, etc., has been eliminated. This chemically pure cream of tar tar is exclusively employed in the manufacture of the Royal Baking Powder, so that its absolute freedom from lime and all other extraneous substances is guaranteed. Professor McGurtrie, late chenist-in-chief to the TJ. S. department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, after analyzing samples of tho various bak ing powders of the market, testified to the absolute purity of the Royal Bak ing Powder as follews: "All chemical tests to which I have submitted it have proved the Royal Baking Powder perfectly healthful, of uniform, excellent quality, and free from every deleterious substance. WM. MoMUBTRIE, EM. Ph. D." Ch emist-in- CJi ief, U. S. Dep't of Agriculture. CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. Taylor, J. Oct. 2. State vs. Juo. Beldt: on trial: ver dict: guilty of simple assault: sen tenced to pay a fine of 50, or 25 days in jail. Gioconio Alexander, admitted to citizenship. Singer Manufacturing Co. vs. J. G. Beulin: motion for new trial argued: motion everruled: judgment on ver dict for plaintiff. State vs. Harry Andersen: on trial. L. E. Sackett vs. C. C. Sackett: on trial for diverce: divorce granted. Jno. Cyr vs. Alex. Ohls: plaintiff allowed until to-morrow noon to reply. - "It is a fact," tltat Hood's Saraaparilla does cure scrofula, salt rheum, and oth er diseases or affections arising from impure state or low condition of the blood, overcomes that tired feeling, cre ates a good appetite, and gives strength to every part of the system. Try it. Notice. The citizens in the business portion of this city are respectfully requested to have the streets cleaned and placed in a neat condition in front of their premises within three days, namely by Saturday, Oct. 5th, 1839, at 6 o'clock p. ar. By removing all wood, boxes, lumber, beer kegs, briok, wag ons, carts, trucks, shingles, dead oats, ancient tin ware and all other rub bish, and hereafter to keep the streets in a neat condition in accordance with ordinance No. 204. And the superintendent of streets is hereby instructed to see that this notice is obeyed. And to have anyone failing to comply with the provisions of said ordinance arrested without further notice. By order James W. Welch, W. L.. Roan, Committee on Streets and Public Ways, 1 ii A Boom For the Dudes. Before investing your money on cheap trash, go to Meany's and see the elegaut line of fall and winter "staple" goods he has just received. Custom ers cau be assured of good, stylish fit ting garments and first class work. Try the Chase & Sanborn Seal Brand coffeo best in the market rjt Thomp son & ltos. . Shorthand. Private instruction by practical ver batim reporter. Years experience. Cjetas. E. Runyojj, Law Reporter, Astoria, Or. Sleals Coouedto Order, Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant next to Foard & Stokes'. Wei u hard's Drur. And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Saratoga Chips Are clean, convenient and palatable. Ask your grocer for them. For sale everywhere. Get a sample and try them. TelephoueliOdfftBs House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week S1.E0. New and clean. Private entrance. Go to Jeff's lor Oysters. TELEGRAPHIC Specials to The Astoriaii. THE rOUB NEW STATES," All Send Eepublicans to Congress. Montana In Line With Her SUter States. PoutiiAxd, Oct. 2.- -Bosetta Jones, wife of the fiduciary agent of the late Jas. B. Stephens, and F. T. Dick have filed a petition in the county court, asking that C. A. Grove be re moved from the administratorship of the Stephens estate. The petition ers alleged that Gove, W. Scott Beebe, Gove's attorney, H. H. Boyce and John A. Carr, the latter who sprang into little a notoriety here of late in connection with the Tacoma heir, Bichard Walker, are conspiring to circumvent the wishes of the deceased with reference to the disposal of the property he left her, and for this pur pose they are said to have prevailed upon Elizabeth McCalla, daughter ot deceased, aiiegea to do or weas; nuna, to permit them to use her name for the purpose of securing the appoint ment of Gove as administrator. Gove denies all charges. If the bill of exceptions in the Sandy Olds case is not filed by to morrow, Judge Stearns says he will not sign it Snake river and the Willamette are both rising, and ateamboating is to be begun at once. It is definitely known that the Hud son river steamer City of Kingston, has been purchased by the Northern Pacific railroad company, and will be run on the Sound between Washing ton points and Victoria. LATEST ELECTION NEWS. Olympia, Oct. 2. Election returns are coming in very slowly. The ma joritfe3 of the Republicans elected cannot yet be given. The election of Republican congressman, state and legislative ticket caused all interest to be centered in1 the capital location. Olympia continues to lead, but as EUensburg closely follows and North Yakima has received a very heavy vote, it is probable that none of the three cities will receive a majority. Nothing definite can be said regard ing the result of yesterday's election further than already has been tele graphed. IK KING COUNTY. Seattle, Oct. 2. Complete returns from ten precinots gives Wilson 470, and Griffitts 444. The same pre cincts in 1888 gave Allen 387, and Voorhees 402, a net Republican gain of 41. In the city 951 votes are counted, giving Wilson 538 and Griffitts 418. These same precincts in 1888 gave Allen 600 majority when 3.500 votes were cast. This will prob ably be materially reduced but the Republicans are more than ever con fident of carrying the county. FROM OT.ABKE OOUNTr. Vancouveb, Oct 2. Returns from east and west Vanoouver, Brush Prairie, and Fourth Plain precincts give the Republican state ticket about 400 majority and the legislative about 450. N. H. Bloomfield will leave these precincts with 300 majority. The constitution is carried by 320 major ity. Woman suffrage and prohibition are defeated by 510 and 358 respect ively. Seven hundred and eighty votes were cast for North Yakima as state capital. FROM PIEROE COUNTY. Tacoma, Oct. 2. The count so far in this city puts every Republican on the state and county tickets ahead. If the rest of the count is in the same ratio, not a single Democrat will get a majority in this city. MONTANA REPUBLICAN, TOO. Milwaukee, Oct. 2. The Evening Wiseojisin received the following at at noen: Helena, Montana, Oct. 2. Thomas H. Carter, Republican, is elected to congress. The Republicans have both branches of the legislature. Signed .A. J. Seligman, Chairman of the Repulican State Central Committee. BIO REPUBLICAN MAJORITY. Aberdeen, Dak., Oct 2. The Re publican state central committee es timate this morning the Republican state ticket to be elected by 20.00Q majority, and that prohibition is ear ned by from 10,000 to 15,000 majority; that Pierre has 25,000 votes for the temporary capital, with Huron a good second. Pierre will undoubtedly be the temporary papital. FROM SEATTLE. Seattle, Oot 2. ReturnB received from nearly every county in the state indicate the election of the Republi can state ticket by 8,000 majority. The Democrats reduce the Republi can majority in Seattle slightly. The new legislature will have seventy-five Republican majority on joint ballot The constitution is ratified by a large majority and prohibition and woman's suffrage are defeated. It requires a majority of I the vote, to select a permanent capital. East of the Cascade'" mbuntains, North Yakima is ahead and west of that range Olympia leads. Neither will have a majority and another election will be necessary to decide that ques tion. CAUGHT AFTER SIXTEEN YEARS. Gainesville, Tex., Oot 2. Deputy United States marshal Hunt, of this city, arrived here to-day from Ozark, Ark., bringing with him W. R. Cobb, wanted in this county to answer to the charge of murdering R. S. Rich ards, a farmer, near Marysville, this county, "in June, 1878. Cobb skipped the country as soon as the killing oc curred, and was indicted for the mur der in August, 1873. Since his flight he has lived in California. Arizona, New Mexico and other western terri tories, always being on the dodge, fearing he would be brought baok to Gainesville, and some years ago he ierx tne west ana went into Arkansas, where he has remained since. Several months ago he killed a negro near Ozark, for which crime -he was ar rested and placed in jail at that town. The authorities learning that Cobb was wanted in Cook county, Tex., for the murder of a white man, in formed sheriff Ware here that he had the man and would hold him subject to a requisition from the governor of Texas. The requisition was secured a few days ago, and was honored by governor Eagle. Cobb was indicted for assault to murder G. E. Richards at the same time he was indicted for murdering R. S. Richards, the latter being shot dead at the lime and the former severely wounded. The killing is said to have been the result of a quarrel about a young lady in the neighborhood whom Cobb and the Richards were courting at the same time. THE NEGRO EXODUS. Raleigh, N. C, Oct. 2. To-day 500 negro families left this state for southern ooints. Thev went, frnm Wilmington in a special train. Presi dent ueorge w. .rrice, ot tne .Exodus association, says that a few of these emigrants are from the country, but that most of them are from the popu lous suburban districts of the city. A number of other emigrants have arrived at Wilmington ready to take their departure. They speak in most hopeful and cheerful terms about going away to make their homes in another part of the south. The ex odus has commenced all along the line, and will continue from now until tho 1st of January. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The steamer Idaho sailed for the Sound ports yesterday. The steamer Michigan sailed for Port Townscnd, Seattle and Tacoma yesterday. Max Skibbe's new steamboat, the Eclipse, will be launched at 6:30 o'olock this evening. The schooners Esther Burns and Halcyon arrived from Eureka loaded with redwood for Portland, yesterday. Tho tug Astoria was as busy yester day, as the proverbial devil in a gale of wind: she towed five schooners in, four here and one to Knappton. The steamer Lurline will leave Portland every Saturday night at 1150 o'clock during the North Pacific in dustrial exposition in that city. Round trip tickets $2.50, can be had at the Main street wharf. The three-master schooners, Zam pa, Webfooi and Melancthon arrived in yesterday, the Webfoot to load lumber at the Skamokawa mills, the Melancthon to load at Knappton, and the Zampa to load at the West Shore mills. The Zampa brought up the sewer pipe for Carruthers and Wors ley's sewer contract. The steam eohoonor Lakme arrived from Port Simpson, B. O. yesterday with 1,676 cases salmon on board, shipped by Turner, Beeton & Co. of Viotoriato Balfour, Guthrie & Co., San Francisco. The Lakme will dis charge all the salmon here to be shipped on the ocean steamers, and then will run in conjunction with the Michigan between Portland and the Sound. The Mw Iieovery. You have heard your friends and neigh bors talking about it. Yon may your lf be one of the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If j ou haw ever lrl d it. you are one of Us .staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given .trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place iu the house. If you have never used it and should be afllicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Jjiuig or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give It a. fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at J. W. Conn's Drugstore. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. .1. (JoomtAN's. Cotlee and cake, ten rents, at the Central Restaurant All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet aiticles, etc.. can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. ADVICE TO aiOTIlICKS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothinq Syrup should, always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chohc, and is the best remedy for diar-rhcea.Twenty-fiye cents a bottle. Corner Lots ! FOR SALE! Two Lota 50xlC0 each, on the CORNER of THIRD aud FOLK 8THEI2TS, On the principal business street ; in the heart ot the City ; within two blocks of the Poatofilce. Court House, and the depot of the Astoria and South Coast Railroad ; street cara.passlug every five minutes. Only peo ple who really intend to invest, need apply. Herman Wise. tel Estate Auction SALE. Vlble and Eligible Lota In Adair' Astoria. Saturday, October 5, at 2 r. m. At Robb & Parker's Real Estate Ofllce, Whore a Plat of the Property cau be Seen. Instructed by V. B. Adair, Esq., agent, I will otrer at PUBLIC AlKrriON, hi the above day, the Lots In BLOCK CO. ADAlK'S AS L'ORIA, as recently subdivided, renlatted and recorded In the Comity Clerk's offlce. This property Is admirably located, com mands a flue View of the Columbia River bar. Is only 3 blocks from high tide water line and 3 only from the street car line uow running. It Is one block smith of the Pow er's Avenue, which Is laid out 135 ft. wide Each lot is cleared and staked on and a ma jority ot them are now under cultivation by Chinese gardeners. Persons desirous of examining the prop erty before the day "of the sale will please take tho plank road south of Kopp'.s Brew ery. The lots are now quite accessible. A carriage can be driven within one block of the north west corner of Block 60. Terms at sale. Title perfect. Warranty Deeds. E.C.HOLDEN, Auctioneer. Mm This season our Cloak PLUSH GARMENTS Are to be very much worn this season, and we are showing the Latest Styles in all qualities. The "New Directoire" style of Hew Markets and Are the latest The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House, ASTORIA, OREGON. A.TTOTIOKT AND COMMISSION HOUSfc. MARTIN OLSEN, Successor to E. C .llolden. The oldest established Commission House in Oregon Goods of all kinds sold on com mNsloii. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing. Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock or Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains in Household Goods go to AIAKT1M OJL8K.N On Thursdays Only. MS. DR. OWENS-ADAIR STAY BE consulted by those desiring medical aid. at her rooms at Mrs. Rucker'.s. In the Hume building on Thursdays, from 11 a. si. to 3 1 M. Astoria Real Estate Co. Office First Door South of the Odd Fellows Building Offer for Sale on Reasonable Terms, Several Lots of City and Farm Property. And will do a General Commission and Brokerage Business. Persons living at a distance can rely upon having any Order for the Turchase or Sale of Properties intrusted to our care, promptly and faithfully attended to. Two choice lots in Snivel y's Astoria with three houses upon them, renting fpr S40 a month. Fire-Acre Tract Wo. 21, in Hustler and Aiken's Addition to Astoria. ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO., J. H. D. CRAY, Manager. E. C. LEWIS, Secretary. . WL ML MERCHANT TAILOR. Foreign and Domestic Goods. Fine Tailoring Astoria, Oregon. THE ?EAVEY PATENT CANT DOG. Successors to KIRK SHELDON. HEADQUARTERS FOR LOGGERS' SUPPLIES.. Agency for ATKINS' CELEBRATED SAWS. LANDER'S L06G1NG JACKS. GENERAL HARDWARE. 151 Front Street, . PORTLAND, OR. Department. Department is more We are showing a took and Higher Novelties ! Than ever shown before. and will be very popular this season. lii Hi liUUrtKi To Canners. Jensen's Patented Can Capping. Machine. Will Cap and Crimp 95 CANS per MISDTE. It has proved to Reduce the Leakage more than CO per cent. less than hand capped. Price, $C00. Orders complied with by The Jensen dan-Pilling Machine Oo. IB. 3F1. LXjXa3jKT9 DEALER IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings SPECIALTY, Sign Writer, Grainerand Ornamental Painter. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, Or. FLYNN fagagaiaiWg5WBB5BiBgJwlgjgf-- llrriN. attractive than ever. A Rare Bargain. Eighty Acres of Land. One and one-half miles from Steamboat Landing.at Hkamokawa. W. T on Wilson Creek, eighteen miles from Astoria, Forty acres In Hay and Pasture, and fortv In bruaU and timber. A good House of seven rooms, one and one-naif stories; a woodshed, milk room, and store room ; one large, and two small barns. A fine young Orchard. The place Is well watered by a never-failing stream. Schoolhouse and church in less than one half mile. One half of the place beaver-dam land. Price moderate and terms easy. For particulars enquire of JOHN ENBERG. Upper Astoria, Oregon The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. LEAVE PORTLAND : Foot of Alder Street Dally, except Tuesday, at- -.J :0o a. m. LEAVE ASTORIA : Wilson & Fisher's Dock. Dally, except Tuesday, at. 7 :00 p. m, The Lurline. FAST TlrVlE BETWEEN Portland and Astoria! LEAVE ASTORIA, Main St. Wharf. Dally, omitting Monday, at........... . 7 a.m. ON SDNDAY, a 7 p.m. LEAVE PORTLAND. Every Night at - 8 p. si. EXCEPT SUNDAY NIGHT. PATRONIZE oie Institutions. The Astoria Building and Loan -Association Has only been organized so months, and It now has mortgages, upon the best real es tate security to the amount of $85,000.00 drawing Interest at the. rate of 9 per cent, per annum. Before taking stock In those eastern com panies examine tntotbe workings of your Come institution and sea If it Is not the best We claim that our company has done more for the advancement of Astoria, and helping people to secure homes for them selves, than anything ever organized here. The cth series of stock will be opened October 1st, those wishing to subscribe will please call on the secretary, on or before that date. W'L.ROBB. Secretary