C4: fe gaily ltoitt, ASTORIA, OBEGON: "WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 2, 1SS9. TIIE TABLR IfOK ASTORIA. OCTOBER. HIGH -WATKB. I LOW WATBIt. First. Second. I Pint. Second. i Ls 2 ts c j & j a ja a cc 3-2 J3 3 0 a I sc a e H to "B H 5 H a H 5 H A. tn. u A. in. u A. tn. .v A. m. H 5 31 5 500 80 11 01 31 -- C 55 5 7 C 12 7 0 0 22 0 C 12 18 8 17 59 733 7 5 1,89 06 148 9 21 6 0 8 53 7 0 2.5e 05 3 10 10 16 7 2 10 01 7 9 3,52 03 ,4 11 11 00 7 8 11 01 8",2 4-43 02 5 07 11 41 8 4 11 51 8 3 J 5 20 02 5 52 - -0 - 0 12 19 -8 5 0-Oa 04 6 32 The hours between mldnlgnt and noon are designated by a (a. m.), those between noon auJ midnight by p (p. m.). Oh. 00m. a denotes midnight, aft. 00m. p denotes noon. Tne height is reckoned from the level ol average lower low waters to which the sound logs are iven on the CoasrSuryev charts. SOCIETY JIEKTXGS. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS first and third Tuesdays in eachXjf month, at 74 o'clock, p. m.. at their Hall in Astoria. Members ol the order hi good standing are invited to attend.. By order of the W.M. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O. P. OEGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN JX campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, In the Odd Fellows Building, at seven i ai., on me secona ana iourtu monaays oi eacn montn, sojourning oreth ren cordially Invited. By order C. P. Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. T?EGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE JL lodge No. 12, A. o. u. AY. will be held in their Hall in Pythian Castle, on baturday eveninz of each week, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order in good standing, and visiting Brothers are Invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before ana atter eacn meeting, uy order ai. w. . W.B.KOSS,Rec. Select Knights of A. O. TJ. W, KEGULAR MEETING OF NORTH western Legion No. 2, will be held at their headquarters in Pythian Castle every Thursday at 7 :30 p. m. Members of the Le gion in good standing, and visiting com mutes are lnviiea u aueuu, jjriii eacu inunui. By order of commander. "W. B. ROSS, Kec, Astor Lodge No. 6, K. of P. OEGULAR MEETINGS EVERY WED- JLii nesday evening at 7 0 p. ai. at Pythian Castle. Sojourning Knights in good stand ing coruiauy inviteu to attend. By order C. C. W. L. ROBB. K ofR.andS, Scandinavian Benevolent Society. "OEGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS SOCIE- Xfc ty at their rooms in Pythian building at eight o'clock p. jr.. on the second ana fourth Tuesdays of each month, AUG. DANIELSON, Secretary, As toria Building & Loan Association mHE REGULAR MEETINGS. OF THIS JL Association are held at 8 v. M.. on the first "Wednesday of each month. Office on Genevieve street, south or cnenamus. YV. L. ROBB, Secretary. Common Council. "OEGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND JX fourth Tuesday evenings of each month nt7V o'clock jgsg-Persons desiring te have matters acted UDon bv the Council, at anv recuUr meet- iug must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council noias its regular meeting. THOS. S. JEWETT, Auditor and Tolice Judge. Magee, Argand and Acorn Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY . WARRANTED WATER CLOSETS, PLU3IBISG GOODS, PUMPS, SINKS, AND BATn TUBS DNTo cs So-ULlly- OHENAMDS STREET. S. ARNDT & EERCHEN ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop B1.ACKSMITH GXJf ( XJ WS ; hahlsi Boiler Shop All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, STEAMBOAT WOES Promptly attended to. Aspecuilty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE BTREET. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., SUCCESSORS TO J. O- HOSS County Coroner. First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material Next to astokiak office. Stockholders' Meeting. THERE 'WILL BE A MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Clatsop County Road and Construction company Jn the Chamber of Commerce Hall,' at Astoria, Or egonon Thursday, October 3, 18S9, at 7 o'clock r. m , for the purpose if transacting business of importance. Byorder of the Board. 'J.W.-GONN. President. C.B. THOMSON, Secretary, - ' Stoves t Ranges 53SkR-. l - (hij-9Sm & Wilson Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints. Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL JFEED r - AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Mi, Angel College I MARION COUNTY, OREGON, Elementary and Preparatory Classes for Boys from c to 12 years. Complete Commercial Scientific and Classical Courses, For larger boys and young men. This insti tution, only two years old, is already one of the largest, most popular and best patron ized, of the coast. The highest authorities of the state recommend it on account of its health, location, scientific advantages and strict discipline, For Catalogue, with pros pectus, terms, etc., write to BARNABAS HELD, Director Alt, Angel College. Fisherie As the supply season of the Atlantic Fish eries is about over, we give our attention to the Taciflc Fisheries for 1889-90, and beg to say, that we are making up some of the best Twines our long experience warrants, and offer them to our Pacific patrons upon terms of mutual satisfaction, under the rules of fair deal and honorable commerce. Our friends in Astoria have samples or twines. "When in haste, telegraph. Gloucester Net and Twine Co., Gloucester. Boston Office, 91 Commercial St. Stockholders7 Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY G1VENTHATTHE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Occident Packing Co., will be held at their office on Friday, October 4, 1889. at 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing year, and transacting any other business that may come before the meeting, By order of the president. ERIK MANULA. Secretary. Hauling Engines, We can supply Hauling Engines for haul ing Heavy Seines, the same All The Southern Fisheries TJse. The Inventor of this Engine has lust died, and a monument is to be erected to his mem ory, in consideration of the great saving to human muscle, and increased profits he has made. Enquiries promptly answered. Gloucester Net and Twine Co., Boston Office, 91 Commercial St. Magnus 0. Crosby Dealer in HAR3WABE, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES. TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, OTbcA AND Copper. To and From San Francisco. The Schooners ZAMPA and NORMA, ' Arriving and departing twice a month will carry Freight at Low Rates, to and from San Francisco. T. O. TRULLINGER. At West Shore Mills. Prices of Lumber. On and after this date, until further no tice, we will furnish lumber at the Mill, at the following prices : Rough Lumber. ....$ 8 per M ft. Flooring and Rustle..- $15 " WEST SHORE MILLS CO. Astoria, April 10, '89. Fashionable Dressmaking. A NEW ESTABLTSH3IENT, Style and Fit Guaranteed. Our aim is to Please our Patrous., The patronage of the Ladles of Astoria is respectfully solicited. Northwest corner Fouftnand Cass streets. Mrs. T. S. Jewett & Mrs.-Birdsey J.P. L. FERRELL DEALER IN Key West Cigars, Tobacco, and . . .Smokers Articles. Choico Frutts, Confectionery, Nuts. Etc. Fresh Goods received on every California Steamer. WATERSTunderCroWs Gallery A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express .Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage is solicited. Jji M3 Wholesale aud Retail LIQUOR DEALE S. Importers or AH Brands or Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J. II. Cutter Whiskies A specialty. Vat Blatz Bottled Beer. Kiuest brands 6f Key Wast and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All oidris from the City and Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - - Astoria, Oregon. BREWERY. JOHN KOPP, - - - Propriotor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any In the Market, AT AS RKASOXAISLK A iKECi Tie north Facile Brewery Beer la Pure aud Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction aud is Furn ished in Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzmger next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Coo;e, next to Foard & Stokes. Daily Delivery in Any Part of the City. AUG. DANIBLSON, Sample Rooms, Dealer in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for tlieGUION Steamship Line and the TIIINGVALLA Steamship Line, direct. Also, agent for "Srenska Tribunen" and 'Svenska Amerikanaren." Corner or Water and West Ninth Streets Astoria. Oregon. LOBB & GO. files, Lipors anil Cigars. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. . THE TRADE Supaj&d at Lowest Market Rates. Alforders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Parker House, ASTORIA. ... - OREGON. THE Resort Billiard Parlor, GROSBAUER &BKACJI, Prop's. Ij. FEl'KEK'S CEIiEKK TEI Gambrinus Beer I ON DKAUGIIT. (Snmbriiius Bottled Beer, J. H. Cutter AVhisltj-. Domestic antl Key AVcst Cisars. Constantly on hand. Third Street, four doors west of Telegraph OflJce, formerly Telephone Restaurant. ASTORIA, OREGON. GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the-Wood. Five Cents a Glass. Will. BOCK, Proprietor. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR Old Corner PItll. F. Bower, I'rop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors gCigars, 404 Chenamns Street, Astoria, (Ign The Celetatel Freool Cure. Warranted " APHRODITINE"rerrs to euro ISPOI.DO.XA l'OSITIVK (luarantco to euro any form of ner vous discaso or any dis order of tho conorativo organs of- BEFORE whether ar- AFTER ising from tho oscossiVo use of StimuIants.To bacco or Opium, or throngh youthful indiscre tion, over indulgence Ac, such as Los3 of Brain Power. Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains in tho Hack, Seminal Weakness, Hys teria, Nervous Prostration, Nocturnal Emis sions, Leucorrhoca, Dizziness, Weak Memory, Loss of Power and Impotoncy, which ifno gloctcd ofton load to promaturo old ago and insanity. Price SI a box, C boxes for SO. Sent by mail on receipt of price A WRITTEN GUARAMEB for every $5 or der, to refund tho motfoyif a Ffriuanent euro is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young,' of both sexes, perma nently cured by ApuHonrriNK. Circular free n Address. THE APIIRO JIEMCttE CO. Bo27, . , Wester Branch, Portland, Or. -For solo by J. a IAEAIENT, t. Abstracts oft Title. C. R. THOMSON Keeps a full set of Abstract Books and will examine the Tltleio any iteal Es tate in the couuly an J furnish an Abstract of Title to the same. Terms reasonable. Work guaranteed. fesTy fX'Z'tJmwlr ff SZsW DYSPEPSIA. IS that misery experienced when wo sud denly become awaro that wo possess a diabolical arrangement called a stomach. The stomn- h istho reservoir from which, every 1 h- . ; j'nc must bo nourished, andnnyti n'lisfcoouicltthrough- out the v. . . n, ! i. Among a dozen dyspeptics mi J v ii5 have the samo pre dominant fv : :i -. Dyspeptics otuctivo mentai i ' JMiu'-'iMnpcnunent aro b;.!jhi i : .. nsai! i !.ej those, fleshy and i)lilotm.t . i...vc Constipation, wlillo the thin and m-nuusan.-abandoned togloomy forebodings. Pome dyspeptics aro wonderfully foifre'ful; ethers have great irritability of n mpcr. Whatever foim l)yspop,ia may take, one thing is certain, The tuuZcrlttinpr cause is in the IjIVISR, and one thing more is equally certain, no ono will remain a dyspeptic who will S232a It will correct Acidity of tho Stomach, Expel foul gases, Allay Irritation, Assist Digestion, and, at the same -yp- 5 time Start the JLivcr to ivorfcing; when all other troubles soon disappear, "My wife was a confirmed dypcptic. Some three years ago by the ad wee of Dr. Steiner, of Augusta, she was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator. I leel grateful for the relief it has given her, and may all Jvho read this and are afflicted in any way, whether chronic or other wise, use Simmons Luer Regulator and I feel confident health will be restored to all who will be advised." Wm. M. Kersii, Fort Valley, Ga. See that you get the Genuine, with red 2 on front of Vrapper, PKEPAKED ONLY EY J. H. ZETLTN & CO., Philadelphia, Pa. JPrlceSI. MARKETS. Washington Market. ainiit street, - Astoria, Oregon. CIIKISTEAXSKY V CO., IMtOriUETOttS. RESPECTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion or the niiolic to the fact that the auove Market v. ill always he supplied with a FULL VARIETY AND BEST QUALiT OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! 1 viilch will he sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail . i3PSpecial attention ftlven to supplying ohips. STAR MARKET. WHERRY a coraPAisrY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Veg;eta"blos, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT IIOTEI CliftXArtfUS Street. Atoria, ls J. Albercronibie. (Next door to Carnahan & Co.'.) LAJlD. HATiI, BACON. BUTTER, CHEESE. EGGS, POULTRY TOTATOES, FISH AND CAME, Fruit, Nuts, and Candies. Ten, Coffee, Canned Goods, Raisins. Etc. General Commission Merchant. CHENAMUS STREET, - - ASTORIA ASTORIA -TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances of any kind, on short notice. Transferrin; Rapgngo, etc., a specialty. Telephone No, 12. SHERMAN & WA1:D. Astoria Gailery. FOR THE BEST PHOTOS, TINTYPES Or any Kind of Photographic "Woik, Call at the ASTORIA GALLERY, Good Work and Reasonable Trices Guaranteed. Misses C. & Z. CARRUTHERS, (Successors to II. 43. Sinister.) E. J. Liddicoat, Contractor, Builder and Carpenter. Open to take all kinds of Carpenter Wort j Ilolt & McCuitnefs old carpenter shop, nexttoMctliodistGliurcli. ttia Inf oft. CouconilxSt., Foot of Jackson, AsWria Ok , .5eneral ' ' laeMiSny oiler late. Land and, Marine Engines juvnfcn work, Steamboat Kfrork and Cannery Vork ' A SPECIALTY, , Castings of ail Descriptions Made ,;tB Order at Short Notice. JOtrs Fox rresldenti and Supt. A. L. Fox, Vice President J(r. Hustlek .Sec. andTreas. i CANDY Manufactured and For Sale at Wholesale Prices, at The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, rrop'r. M Bread, Caie ail Pastry None hut the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part of the city. JKssi a .v,? W. Va's '"fKk iSiyfi liiJ3JJ.vasei;e Eiver and Harbor Improvements. Washington. SeDt. 30. The engi neering bureau of -the war department f has completed a thorough examina tion into the improvement of the rivers and harbors of the country", and the amounts allowed to the vari ous sections and states. Since the government has under taken the improvement of the rivers and harbors on the Pacific coast, the total-amount of money granted there for improvements has been 7,681,939. Oregon has received the most of this money, with California next, and Washington territory last, with com paritively a small sum. The total amount appropriated for Oregon im provements is 4,156,312. The appro priation of 1888, $1,173,700, i3 the largest for any one year. The following are the total amounts granted for the improvement ot rivers and harbors of Oregen: Cascades canal. Columbia river, 927,500. Columbia river, SS37.000. Upper Columbia river, including Snake river, 116,000. Mouth of Columbia river, 500,000. Coos bay and harbor, 213,750. Coquille river ,75,000. Lojyer Willamette and Columbia river below Portland, 620,000. TJmpqua river, 24,501. Upper Columbia river, 105,000. Upper Willamette river, above Portland, 153,500. Willamette river, 186,365. Yaquina bay, 385,000. Guaging tho waters of tho Colum bia river, 2.500. It was not until 1S66 that the gov ernment commenoed work otf the rivers aud harbors of Oregon, the original appropriation of 15,000 having been "for the removal of ob structions to navigation in the Wil lamette river between Portland and its month." The territory of Washington can not boast of much in river aud har bor improvements, neither in their number nor in the amount expended. Indeed, the total sum which has been appropriated is only" 78,500, and it was not until 1S80 that congress com menced even these small works. The following are the sums allowed for this class of improvements in Washingtoruterritery: Ohehalis riv er, 10,000; Cowlitz river, 11,000; Stillaguamish, Skagit, - Nooksaok, Snohomish and Snoqualmie rivers, 57,500. A chilt killed. Another child killed by the use of opiates given in the fom of Soothing syrup. Why mother give their children such deadly poison is surprising when they can releavc the child oits peculiar troubles by using Acker's Baby soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by .7. W. Conn, Drugget. The PullmanJPalace Car company is so crowded with business that it has been compelled dnriug the past month to deolino contracts for 2,000 Horses, Cattle and Chickens. For colic and grubs for lung fever, couah or hide-bound, l give Simmons Liver Il'gnlatorJn a inabli t ice a day. You can reconnfiend it to every one having stock as tho best medicine known for the above complaints. Jn using it with my chickens, for cholera and gapes, I mix it with the dough and feed it to-tliem once a day. By this treatment I have lo.st none where the Regulator was given promptly and regularh. E. T. Taylor, Act. for Grangers of Ga. An English company has bought tho Multaod mine, near Gnaymas, Mexico, for $2,000,000. .V DUTY TO YOURSELF. It is surprising that people will use a common, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable Juiglish one for the same money. Dr. Acker's English pills are positive cure for sick-headache and all liver troubles. They aro small, sweet, easly taken anl do not gripe. J. W.tonn, Druggist. Kome, Sept. 30. The pope to-day gavo audience to the bishop of Or egon. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla contains no iinrmtnl ingredients, and is the ibest blood purifler. ' The leading Chinese meroba'nts in! New Yorkf are trying o starfVGb.ii1 flese bank. . r i v-' n r. ' BjicIiIen?sAruJcakSalTe. Tiik Best'Saxye iitHhe world foi Fever Sores. .Tetter. ..Chamied Hands. Chilblains, Ceras, and alt SkinErup- tiuna, uuu. iiujytayeiy uurt-b l'lies, ur nu pa"yreauired- It-is cuaranteed tO'eive - -.. .- ji . " . , perieccsansnunion, or money retunuea. nca'ajdfehts per box. For sale by J, u.-uemorxu ThiP Stockholders' Meeting. -VTOTTCEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JLi annual.lneetlng of the stockholders of the Fishermen's Tk'g Co., will be held at tne omce oi tne company, on xiresuay, ocr. 29th, lfiSa, at 9 o'clock a. m for the purpose of electinc alioard of directors for the en suing year, and transacting any other busi ness inatmay come Deioro-xne meeting. By order of tho president. G. A, NELSON. .Secretary. ILE FOR AND ALI KiN DISEASES USE Moore's OeleTurated Poison Oak Remedy It kills all inflammation and irritation, and is the only sure destroyer'of Microbes aud other Skin Parasites. Use freely. Price, 25 cents a Box. H. W. Strickler, M. D. DEALER IN - i Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc Prescription Clerk speaks Four different Languages. General practice of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second Street, near Postofflce. MP lliilllllBB I ' HanT3H 0 aiafeaKHKraM I. R. 6N. Go. FROM ASTOHIA TO Tanzy Pt., Ft. Stevens.. Ft. Canby and llwaco. Connecting by Railroad ami Steamboats for NAHCOTTA, Oysterville, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER iJM. "GEN. CANBY," Thos. Parker. Master, Will leave Astoria dally (Sundays excepted) for Tanzy Pt. Ft. Stevens. Pt. Canby and llwaco, at 8 A. M., (Tide i)ermlttlng.) With Oysterville Mails and Express dally, and Through Mails to points beyond, aud Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. Tickets te llwaco CO, cents llwaco Freight per Ton, -' $2.00 ST-For Tickets, Towage or Charter, ap ply at the company's office, Flavel's wharf. TO SAN FRAMSCO, CAL, -BY "WAY OP THE Southern Pacific Company's LINE. The Mt. Shasta-Route. Quicker in Time than any Other Route Between Portland and San Francisco. LEAVE PORTLAND 4 P. M. Dally THROUGH TIME 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS, TOUJ1IST StKEPIIVG CABS For accommodation of Second-class Pass engers, attached to Express Trains. FA JtK from Portland to Sacramento and San Francisco, Unlimited .... S2SOO First Class limited - - 20 CO Second Class " - - 815 OO THROUGH TICKETS To all Points SOUTH AND EAST, "via California. TICKETOFFICES : City office No. lWCJor. First and Alder 3ts. Depot office Corner F and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. R. KOBHLER, E.P.ROGER'S, Manager. Asst. G. F. & Pass. Agt Gray's Harbor, Shoalwater Bay and TILLAMOOK. The P. & C. S. S. Co.'s Steamer "ALLIANCE," Will sail from PORTLAND, foot of C street. Every Thursday for Grays Harbor will touch at SHOALWATER BAY every third trip. A trip to TILLAMOOK will be made as soon as weather permits, -- Djie notice will be given In Thk Asto kiak of the date of making trips to ShoaT water Bay and Tillamook. Steamer leaves Portland at 8 p, sr. on above dates Astoria at 0 a. ar. the follow ing morning. Freight received every day till 5 p. M. The Company reserves the right to change time and place of salliue. F: R. STRONG, President. .. C. P.' UPSflURAgent Astoria. Ste&nier "Fisher " Leaves WILSON & FISHER'S Dock, on Tuesdays and. Fridays. FOR llwaco. and Way Landings, Carrying Freight and Passengers. Boat leaves Astoria at 8 :30 a. m.: return ing, leaves llwaco about 12 m. Special Rates Given to Shippers On other days than the above the steamer Is open for Freight or Towage charter. Apply to Captain on board. Telephone No. 28. .Steamer City of Astoria. Leaves ASTORIA daily, at.2 o'clock p. r., except Wednesdays, and Saturdays, for WESTPORT and way landings. Leave WOODS LANDING, Wednesday' A. m. and Thursday evening, until further notice, For Freight or Passage, apply on board. J. W. BABB1DGE, Master. I prescribe and falljr endorse Big G as the only specific for the cer t&In'cure ot this disease. Q. 5. Inqr AIIAlf ,m. n. Amsterdam, rf. Y. Wefcave sold Bljr G f or many years, and it has ;iven me Dc.toiuua faction. D. R. Dycttr fc Co... ChlcaKO, ill. Trad SI. Sold by Druggists. Sold by J. W.Oonn, Astoria, Oregon Notice. Anyone vishing ink with the Was! to nonnficfc their" ri TO ft DATB.I PBSuranUtd no Ul WSm easMBtrtetan. E9 vrdnijb7tt iVk AhK liPB "iiMPJSMirl sink with the Washington or BenWnJUJijK0gJSrlxsmOlWYsffl i- "Il"' street sewer, will please apply Clinton superintendent ot stxeela iofUii a permit, according to the cityora,nt,,uij-rromsuiTerrri, 4raricoatrtM. nance. Jas. W. Welch, Chairman Street Com 0. E. & N. Trains for EAST Leave Portland at 7 ; 15 A. 51. and 9:30 P. 11.. Daily. ELtCANT NEW DINING CARS Will run daily, commencing Aug. 22, oter the Oregon Railway & Navigation Co.. Ore gon Short Line and Onion Pacific Ry be tween Portland and Missouri River. The cuisine and service are unexcelled. And Way Landings. The Str. Rf. R. THOMPSON Leaves Astoria ate a. 3i., via Oregon side Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The Steamer T. J. .POTTER Leaves Astoria every morning X9ep Monday, at 7 o'clock, via Washington side. TO SAN FRANGJSCO. IhB only line of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Company's Dock every four days Regular Line ol Tow ' Boats and ' Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STORAGE OF Al.f. KIKBS. Inquire at Company's Dock or at City Of fice. M.B.BOZORTH, Ticket Agent. E. A. NOYES, Agent. GREAT OVERtAND ROUTE ! Northern Pacific Railroad TWO TRAINS A DAY! NO CHANGE OF CARS ! Shortest Line to Chicago & All Points East VIA ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS. THE Northern Pacific R. R. Is the ONLY Line Running .PflsseBger-Tralas, Pallffiaa -Palace Sleeping Cars, Palnee Dials? Can (meals 76c). Laxmrlant Day Coaches, Emigrant Sleepers (free of charge). FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST S93 that yoar tickets read via the Northers Pacific fi. R. and avoid change of cars. Leave 'Portland at 7 ;45 A.M. and 10 P. M. daily : arrive at Minneapolis or St. Paul. -fourth day. PACIFIC DIVISION-Traln leaves Front and Q street dally at ll :15 A. M. andlO P. M. : arrive at Tacoma 7 :10 P. M., and 6:10 A. M.. connecting with Comnanv's for all -volntson Puget Sound. CHAS.a.FEE, Gen'l WestenrPassj Agent, St, Paul. A.D.CHARLTON, Genl Western Pasa. AgenI, No. 121, First St., Portland Depot, corner First and G streets. fe"8 HEALTH. - Le IUchaus Golden Balsam "So. a Cures Chancres, first and second, stages; Sores on the Lejjs and Body; Sore Ears" . fyev',.?s ete-vCopPer-colored Blotches. Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased" Scalp, and all primary formB of the disease known as Syphilis. Price, 85 OO per Bottle. Le RicbaH'gtoldea Balaam No. 9 Cures Tertiary, Mertmrial Syphilitic Khin nutism. Pains in the Bones, Pains in the Head, back of the Neck, Ulcerated Sore Throat, Syphilitic Hash, Lumps and con tracted Cords, Stiffness-of the Limbs, and eradicates all disease from -the system, whether caused by indiscretion or abuse ot Mercury, leavinjr tho blood pure and healthy.. Price 85 OO per Bottle. t,e Richau.' Golden Spanish Anii dote for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Genl tal disarrangements. Price $3 50 per Bottle. L Richau' Golden Spanish In jection, forsovero cases of Gonorrheal, Inflammatory Gleet. Strictures.&c. Price 91 no per Bottle. Le Richnu's Golden Ointment for the effcctlvj healing of Syphilitic Sores, and eruptions. Prlc&Sl OO per Box. Lo Rlchau's Golden Pllla Nene and Brain treatment; los3 of physical pow er, excess -or over-work. Prostration, etc Price S3 OO per Box. Tonic and 'Nervine, Sent everywhere, C. O. D., cecarely packed per express. ' C. F. RICHARDS & CO. , Areata, 427 & 429 Sansome street,"Corner Clay,' ' San. Francisco. Cal. CfRCUEAR MAILED FREE. FAR MEN ONLY! a fjftclTiWKrrlOSrorFimifQ-jtASKBr TLtlBMv?VXIL&i Aimnwui....ua...J.VI.J.m.j; S50 -r Ky -TTB. j . ". HPlWiiiiiVk -ClBEA8i 10 JUr.Rebait,S(AWXiSKOS(UTKst9ffi.rHswtoStalu'a4 IracaswrluaiB. Boot. faU TplmUoa, ad -orteh w M tt iHaM) frtt. HJrtu ERIE MEIIEAl 68., BIIYAL9, 1. 1.