The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, October 02, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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T4tc gattji Ustotfmt,
WEDNESDAY.....:... A.SCTOBER 2. 189.
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
astoiuax Building, - - CavKtu-kt.
Terms of Subscription.
Served bv Carrier, per week 15 cts
.sent by Mail, per montii r.c cts
" " " one year......... .......S7.00
Free of postage to subscribers.
The Astokiax guarantees to '- .iiiv er
asers the largest eirculatioa of anj iirv,-pa-
per published on the Columbia nver
Forty cents buys a pound of lml ter
or a dozen of eggs.
Fishing from the court hou-e wiu
. dows js positively prohibited.
Clam eaters clamoring for elnms
yesterday couldn't find a clam in
J. W. Hume has made a contract
with, the fishermen of the Coquille for
fish, paying 30 and 50 cents.
In the circuit court yesterday Alex.
Sutton and Rob'i Grant were each fitted
-$50 upon conviction of simple as
sault Anyone finding a bunch of kevs will
confer a favor by leaving it with E. C.
Holden, secretary Astoria and South
Coast railroad company.
Some rain falls here sometimes.
On Sunday, fell 1.28 inches rain:
Monday, 2.48: yesterday, 2.10 inches
5.86 inches in 72 hours.
Sheriff Smith is about to present a
memorial to the count' court, pray
ing that it purchase three anchors
and a strong cable to moor the court
The rainfall for September was
5.59 inches. The highest tempera
ture was on the 17th, 87 Fahrenheit:
the lowest, 41, on the 11th: on that
day occurred the first frost of tile
Serg't Brodie, the custom house
janitor, is going to ad vet tise for pro
'posals to build a boat to navigate the
cellar. She must be clinker built,
lap streaked, and clinched with cop
per tree nails.
The O. B. & N. Co- bought the
steamer City of Kingston at Pough
keepsie. New 1'ork, last Saturday, for
8135,090. She will be soon brought
around the Horn. Manager C. J. Smith
denies the report.
The charge of attempted rape
against Joe Knutson, was dismissed
in Justice May's court yesterday. A
Mvarrant was issued charging him with
assault and battery, which will be
tried before a jury at two o'clock to
day. .The beautiful flowers and blossoms
growing here are the admiration of all
visitors. In L W. Case's yard are now
growing the second crop of Japanese
snow balls to bloom tins summer, and
in a short time the lilacs will be in
bloom for the second time this sum
mer. There is no telling what a petit
jury will do, or a grand jury for that
matter. A case in the circuit court
thatrwas on for some time closed yes
terday. The Singer Sewing Machine
Co.,' sued J. G. Bouliu for $190 that
they claimed he as agent owed them.
He claimed that, in that capacity they
owed him 184. The jury after grave
deliberation brought in a verdict for
defendant for 316.
Secretary Noble has decided that a
man and his wife cannot each prove
up homestead entries to adjacent
tracts of land. A young couple in
Nebraska made homestead entries on
adjacent tracts, erected a dwelling on
the dividing lines, got married and
lived on their respective tracts and
then claimed a patent to both. The
husband was granted a patent to his
tract, but the wife was refused.
During the intense darkness which
prevailed tu this city Monday night,
three persons fell off the sidewalk into
the hole alongside the county court
house. - This hole was full of water
waist high at the time, and one per.
son received severe injuries by strik
ing on the top of the picket fence
which it was impossible to see on ac
count of there being no light. A dam
age suit against the city is likely to
result from said injuries.
The flag of our country floated over
the schdoihouse yesterday, its folds
rising and falling in the wind and
gleaming in the brilliant sunlight If
one were called upon to give an illus
tration of free America, it would be
a free school in session with the free
flag apeak. The grand army of the
republic "aided in maintaining a free
and "undivided "union and in the
schoolhouses of this continent is
heard to-day the tramp, tramp tramp
of tbo young and grander army of the
republic in whose hands will soon be
placed the destinies of this nation.
The newest occupation for women
is said to be that of superintendent of
weddings. The superintendent, who
is usually a youngish woman, is in
stalled in the house of the bride to be,
some little time before the ceremony.
She selects the trosseau, advises
what is latest and finest in underwear,
buys the material and designs, and
makes or superintends the making of
the gowns, inows all about stockings,
boots, gloves, laces and handkerchiefs,
sees to the millinery and jackets and
wraps, tells the bride's mother and
Bisters what to wear, dictates to the
bridesmaids,- thinks of "everything,
and lets the engaged couple enjoy
themselves with unanxious minds.
Go to Jeff's lor Oysters.
Majorities, Wilson 101; Ferry 101;
Laughton 101; Weir 101; Lindsley
102; Eeed 101; Jones 97; Bryan 100;
Forrest 100; Dunbar 101; Stiles 101;
Hoyt 101; Anders-101; Scott 101;
Bloomfield 98; Seaborg 95; Foster
100; Davis 100; Constitution 114;
Against woman suffrage,- 57; Against
prohibition, 63; Capital, Olympia, 91.
Ellensburg, 5, North Yakima, 13.
Majorities, "Wilson 35; Ferry 33;
Laughton 34; Weir 34; Lindsley 35;
Beed 35; Jones 34; Bryan 33; Forrest
33; Dunbar 34; Stiles 33; Hovt 34;
AKdera 35; Scott 34; Bloomfield 30;
Seaber: 30; Foster 34; John Davis
43; For cpnstitution, 27; Against
woman suffrage, 17; -Against prohibi
tion, 10.
Among the dispatches filed Monday
night in Portland, for transmission to
The Astorian, was the follewing:
Pobtland, Sept. o0.
The locomotire "Frank J. Taylor," No.
23, and seven flat oars, loaded with rail
road iron, left for Astoria at 3:30 this
As usual, when anything of impor
tance is happening, the lines were
down last Monday night, and the
above dispatch was not received till
yesterday morning, by express.
About 10:30 a steamboat towing a
barge hove in sight, coming down the
river, and as it approached, the loco
motive on the barge, which had steam
up, began to toot, and the bell began
to ring.
The captain landed at the O. B. &
N. dock, where a large t crowd had
gathered to inspect the material.
The locomotive 31 tons named
"Frank J. Taylor," in compliment
to the vice president of the road, was
the center of attraction. There are
thousands of finer locomotives run
ning all over rails all over every part
of the United States, but this particu
lar locomotive meant a good deal to
The seven flat cars had about 175
tons of rails, sufficient to lay about
two miles of track. The material will
be taken to Skipanon this morning. .
Ahtoria aud South Coast Railway Bands.
The first mortgage bonds of the
Astoria and South Coast railway
company have been issued, and signed
by the president, William Beid, and
the secretary, E. O. Holden. They
are in number, three thousand, and!
are for $?1,UU0 each. They represent
a par value of 3,000,000, and will be
shortly listed on the New York stock
exchange. Mr. Holden .has finished
signing the last of the 3,000, and they
will now be placed with the Union
Trust company of New York city.
The bonds have attached to them
quarterly coupons, bearing interest at
six per cent, in gold till 1910, when
they mature.
They are most elaborately gotten
up, by the leading engraving com
pany of the country, and are engraved
in geometrical lathe and scroll work
in a manner to defy forgery.
From his arrival yesterday morn
ing to four o'clock yesterday after
noon, over 6,000 in assessments was
brought in to the office, and about
84,000 more is expected to-day.
Estate Transfers, Oct. 1.
H. C. Thompson and wife to Bo3e
K. Eaton, lots 5 and G, blk 12, Lau
rel Park, S70.
H. C. Thompson and wife to Geo.
Gibbs, lot 8, blk 4, Laurel Park, 30.
M. Maschano to T. Johns, 21,983
feet sec 15 T G N B 10 W., 40.
Geo. C. Hall and wife to Harry G.
Wood, lots 7 and 8, Columbia addi
tion, 145.
S. W. Bardwell and wife to, D.
Whitney, Jr., 164.89 acres, sec 1 T 7
N B 7 W., 8650.
Pay Day.
Yesterday was pay day with the
Albany & Astoria railway. The
checks drawn in favor of the surveyors
were paid at par at the Linn County
bank. The survey of the line thus far
has cost about 4,000. A lb any Her
ald, 29.
That tired feeling is entirely over
come hy Hood's Sarsaparilla, which
creates an appetite, rouses the liver,
cures headache, and gives renewed
stt eugth and vigor to the whole body.
Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla,
which is peculiar to itself, Sold by all
; - -A
Boom For the Dndes.
Before investing your money on
cheap trash, go to Meany's and see the
elegant line of fall and winter "staple"
goods he has just received. Custom
ers can be assured of good, stylish fit
ting garments and first class work.
Try the Chase & Sanborn Seal Brand
coffee best in the market at Thnrnp-
SOU & ItftSS.
Private instruction by practical ver
batim reporter. Years, experience.
Law Beporter, Astoria, Or.
Ileal Cooked to Order.
Private rooms for ladies aud families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Wei shard.' t Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Saratoga Chins
Are clean, convenient and palatable. J
A3h. yuur grocer ior mem. or sale
everywhere. Get a sample and try them.
Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shoes;
also Flexible Hand turned French Kids,
at P. J. (tOODMA-N'S.
TelepheiieliOdKiut: House.
.Best Beds in town. Booms per night
50 and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the
Central Restaurant
Specials to The Astoriaii.
Latest Hews from Washington Elections
Interesting Note3 Prom Portland.
General News Prom Various Points.
Olympia, Oct. 1, 10 p. m. Beturns
so far received at the headquarters of
the Bepublictin state central commit
tee indicate that the constitution has
been adopted by a very heavy major
ity. It is certain also that the Bepub
licans have elected their" state ticket,
also representative in congress and a.
large majority of the members of the"
Thurston county shows a heavy in
crease of the total vote, and goes Be
publican by from three hundred to
hve hundred.
Bang county reported to have elect
ed the whole Bepublican ticket ex
cept superior judge.
In Pierce county the vote .is very
heavy and largely for the constitution
and the Bepublican ticket.
Whitman county is reported against
the constitution but has gone Bepub
lican. Clarke county reported largely on
the constitution and the Bepublican
tioket Half the vote of Seattle is
thrown for Olympia for capital and
nearly the whole vote of the state
north and west of Olympia,
except a small vote at Centralia,
is also for Olympia. Pierce county
is about evenly divided be
tween Olympia and other points.
Olympia carries most counties down
the Sound by good majorities.
Portlaxd, Oct. 1. Mr. C. J. Smith,
general manager of the O. B. & N.
Co., denies that his company has pur
chased the Hudson river steamer
City of Kingston,
When CaDt. J. W. Troun was in
New York he made an examination of
the steamer as he did with others but
she was not considered to be just
what was wanted. It is officially an
nounced that the Mountain Queen
when completed will go to the Sound.
C. A. Willey to-day began suit for
815.600 aeainst the Portland and
Willamette Valley railway. He was a
passenger on tue -wrecked train, Feb
ruary 5, '89. ' The plaintiff further
avers that he was taken to the Good
Samaritan-hospital at the instance of
defendant where a surgeon so un
skillfully treated his broken leg that
no nas oecome permanently lame.
Sandy Olds has been refused as
much freedom as he has had. He has
been put in a cage and at 2 o'clock was
permitted to take a solitary pace up
and down the center of the corridor.
When tired of that recreation orders
are that he must be returned to his
cage till the following day.
New York Oct. 1. Financier Ward,
late of Wall street, has risen to the
dignity of being classed as a steam
job printer in Sing Sing. The little
printing office in the prison has re
cently had added to the plant a half
medium Gordon press, and Ward is
highly pleased with this acquisition
and spends much of his time in pol
ishing it up. He heretofore has done
all his work on a little amateur treadle
press. When he had a job which was
too large for the size of the press he
used to work it off by printing part of
it at a time. Praotical printers who
have visited the institution have won
dered how he did some of the work.
He had a razzle'-dazzleidea of punctu
ation when he first went to work for
the state of New York, but he can now
stick periods, commas and exclama
tion points in their proper places.
Crrr of Mexico, Oct. 1. Newspa
pers here demand of the government
that it forbid the entrance into this
country of Syrian and Turkish beg
gars. A number of Chinamen arrived
at Tampico this week and departed
immediately for Texas.
New York, Oct. 1. The Telegram
says editerially: "The Syrians and
Turks have entered Mexican ports
and gone overland into the United
States, and Chinese find no difficulty
in entering the country through Can
ada and Mexico. This gives Ameri
cans the unpleasant sensation that
the world is growing smaller when it
is found that such pauper emigrants
cannot be excluded."
Wa8Hikgton, Oct, , The depart
ment of state has informed delegates
to the international American con
gress that they will be expected to
report for organization at the depart
ment of state at noon on October 2nd.
They will be received by secretary
Blaine, who will deliver an address
of welcome. They will organize by
the election of a president, Tice presi
dent and secretaries, and then proceed
to the White House, where they will
be formally presented to the presi
dent. It is understood that secretary
Blaine intends to give them a dinner
the same evening. The delegates are
also officially informed that the resi
dence 1,801 1 street has been secured
for the use of the congress," and that
subsequent meetings will be held
there. They will also be invited to
make that house their headquarters,
where they will find writing, reading
and consultation rooms ready for
their use.
A. Sound Legal Opinion.
E. Balnbridge MuudayEsq., County
Atty., Clay Co., Texas says: ''Have used
Electric Bitters with most happy re
sults. My brother also was very low
with llalarial Fever and Jaundice, but
was cured by timely use of this medi
cine. Am satisGed Electric Bitters
saved his life."
Mr. D. I. Wilcoxson, of Ilorse Cave,
Ky.t adds a like testimony, saying: He
postively believes he would nave died
had it not been for Electric Bitters.
This great remedy will ward off, as
well as cure all Malaria Diseases, and
for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Dis
orders stands unequaled. Price 50 cents
and Si, at Jno C.Dement's.
H. A. Shorey returned from Port
land yesterday.
Joseph Holladay has skipped io
Canada to get away from Judge
Stearns and the onus of the Holla
day estate.
C. W. Fulton, J. Q. A. Bowlby, J.
C. Trullinger and wife, Chas. Heil
born and daughter and E. C. Holden,
returned from Portland yesterday
B.ick From The Sound
Major T. H. Handbury, United
States engineer, has returned from a
trip around to the Sound on the Man
zanita, which was taking supplies to
the various lighthouses. He inspected
the fog signals being erected at De
struction island, and found them
nearly completed. In a week or ten
days the voice of the siren will be
heard in that land warning sIuds from
the dangerous coast. A visit was also
made to Tatoosh island, where the
supplies were nearly exhausted.
The Manzanita has a great amount
of work to do, and is furnished with a
crew altogether too small for the
work. For instance, in landing sup
plies at any of the lights, all of which
are in exposed and dangerous posi
tions, the whole crew of six men are
sent off in a boat, and they have to
pack all tue supplies, coal, oil, lumber,
etc., ashore from the boat, and away
above high-water mark. If the boat
should by any chance be wrecked or
Bwamped, and the crew lost, the
steamer would be left helpless.
A revenue cutter is supplied with
three times as many men, and they
have nothing to do outside their ves
sel, while the six men on the Manza
nita have to lug ashore and up the
beach all the supplies for all the light
houses in the district, whioh is moro
than they shotild be asked to do.
Major Handbury left the Manzanita
at Port Townsend and came up the
Sound in a steam schooner, and had a
rough trip, as they encountered a
heavy blow. Oregonian, 1.
F. L. Parker, county assessor,
turned over county assessment roll to
county court; returned for completion
and footing.
A petition for a bridge across Ohan
na creek on road to Sackett's mill
from Seaside, was referred to J. W.
Gearhart to inspect and report upon.
Adjourned to Monday, October 14,
1889, at 10, a. m,
Robert Stewart, of Petaluma, rooontly had a
qaeer experience. Ho writes:
"Carbuncle and bolls afflicted my face and
neck for weeks. Finally I procured a bottls
of one of tho leading sarsaparillas. To my
surprlso It made- matters worse. This made
mo losa faith In eorsaparillas, but seeing a
itatement that Joya Vegetable Sarsaparilla
dried up bolls and loco eruptions Instead of
forcing moro out as the potash sarsaparillas
do, I bought a bottle. Tlio effect was aston
ishing. Tho carbuncles and bolls began to dry
up, and In two weeks my face wa well and
smooth'as ever. My brotberalso took abottlo
with tho samo benefit Robert Stewart,
"Petaluma, CaL"
(Explanatory Note Tho mineral Iodide of
potash, which Is tho basis of nearly all other
sarsaparillas, attacks tho blood direct, henco
force3 Impurities through, the Bkln, creating
moro boils and Dimples. Joy's Vegetable Far
Baparllla acts oppositely. Its vegetable alter
atives stimulate the various secretive organs
and thus eliminate all impurities through tho
natural channels beuco dries nn pimples and
skin eruptions at once. Tho nbovo t :atImoa
lal is a case- in point.
Taylor, J. Oct. 1.
Tatum &Bowen vs. E. S. Merville:
on trial.
Singer Manufacturing Co., vs. J. G.
Beulin: on trial.
The New Discovery.
You have heard your friends and neigh
hors talking about it. You may your
self be one of the many who know from
personal experience just how good a
thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you
are one of its staunch friends, because
the wonderful thing about it is, that
when once given trial, Dr. King's New
Discovery ever after holds a place in
the house. If you have never used it
and should be afflicted with a cough,
cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest
trouble, secure a bottle at once and give
it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every
time, or money refunded. Trial Bottles
Ftee at J. W. Conn's Drugstore.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodman's.
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficial to the
human system, forming the ONLY PER
FECT BEMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse ihe System Effedu ally,
Naturally follow. Every one is using it
nd all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
San Francisco, Cal.
LOC1SVIU.K, Kv. Nw York, N. V
This season our Cloak Department is more
We are showing a
r Stock and Higher Novelties!
Than ever shown before.
Are to be very much worn this season, and we are showing
the Latest Styles in all qualities.
The "New Directoire" style of
Hew Markets and
Are the latest
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House,
Successor to E. C .Holden.
I lie oiaext established Commission House
UiOiegon Uoodsof all kinds sold on com
mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday.
General Repairing. .Jobbing and Uphol
teinigdone. Fine .stock of Furniture on baud.
When you want Itargalus in Household
Goods go to
On Thursdays Only.
consulted by those desiring medical
aid, at her rooms at Mrs. Itncker's, in the
iiiuiic uuuuing on lnnrsuays, irom it a.
SI. to 3 I. M.
A4oria Real Estate Co.
Office First Door South of the Odd Fellows Building
Offer for Sale on Reasonable Terms, Several Lots of City
and Farm Property.
Aud will do a General Commission and Brokerage Business. Persons living at
a distance can rely upon having any Order for the Purchase or Sale of Properties
intrusted to our care, promptly and faithfully attended to.
Two choice lots in Shively's Astoria with three houses upon them, renting
for 40 a month.
Five-Acre Tract Wo. 21, in Hustler and Aiken's Addition to Astoria.
J. H. D. CRAY, Manager. E. C. LEWIS, Secretary.
M. M.
Foreign and Domestic Goods. Fine Tailoring
Astoria, Oregon.
. m Successors to KIRK SHELDON.
Agency for
151 Front Street, PORTLAND, OR.
and will be very popular this season.
To Canners.
Jensen's Patented Can Capping
"Will Cap and Crimp 95 CANS per MUiUTK.
It has proved to Reduce the Leakage more
than 50 per cent, less than hand capped.
Price, $600. Orders complied wKn by
The Jensen Oan-Filling Machine Oo.
Wall Paper and Oil Paintings
Sign Writer, Grainerand
Ornamental Painter.
Cor. Cassund Jefferson Sts., Astoria, Or.
Ill II WfariiMBMdgMaaaWWiWwlBjIlj ill .
attractive than over.
A Rare Bargain.
Eighty Acres of Land.
One and one-halt miles Irom Steamboat
Landing at Skamokawa. "W. T., on
Wilson Creek, eighteen miles
from Astoria,
Forty acres In Hay and Pasture, and fortv
In brush and timber.
A good House ot seven rooms, one and
one-naif stories ; a woodshed, milk room,
and stpre room ; one large, and two small
barns. A fine young Orchard.
The place Is well watered by a never-falling
Schoolhouse attd church in less than one
half mile.
One half of the place beaver-dam laud.
Price moderate and terms easy.
For particulars enquire of
Upper Astoria, Oregon
The Str. Telephone
Fast Time Between Portland
and Astoria.
Foot of Alder Street
Dally, except Tuesday, at .......7 :00 a; m.
Wilson & Fisher's Dock.
Dally, except Tuesday, at 7 :00 p. m.
The Lurline.
Portland and Astoria!
Main St. Wharf.
Daily, omitting Monday, at ... 7 a.m.
ON SONDAY, at.: 7P.M.
Every Night at 8 p. m.
Hue InsMofls.
The Astoria Building and Loan
Has only been organized 30 months, and
It now lias mortgages, upon the best real es
tate security to the amount of 5S5.COO.00
drawing Interest at the rate ot 9 per cent
per annum.
Before taking stock Iri those eastern com-
Eanles examine Into the workings of your
oine institution and see If It Is not the best
and safest
We claim that our company has done
more for the advancement of Astoria, and
helping people to secure homes for them
selves, than anything ever organized here.
The cth series of stock will be opened
October 1st, those wishing to subscribe will
please call on the secretary, on or before
that date. W L.ROBB.