03 . , , - - - . '- r VOL. XXXIJI, WO, 70. ASTORTA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2. 1889. PRICE MVE CENTS BUSINESS OAEDS. ft. T. EUKXEr, I- T. EARIX, B URNEY ARIN, ttorneys , at-Law. Oregon Citj, Oregon. Twelve jeirs experience as HiglMer of the U. S. Land Office here, recomnienas us la our specialty of Mining and all ot tier bus iness before the Land Ofllce or the Courts, and involving the practice in the General Iand Office. A, A. CLEVELAND. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Flavel's new brick building. -iimr Second and Cass streets ; uji bta'w. rv J. CUKTIS, Attorncj-at-Lan : Aotary Public. Commissioner of Deeds for Was .'in;lon Territory. Office in FlavelS new brick building, Cor. Second and Cass streets. rOHK K. S3HTII. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street, 2 doors back uf Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. XEE KAXAGA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office over White House Cor.. Astoria. Or. GK KO. 9iOljAJil, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office hi Klnney'b BlocK, opposite City Hall, Astoria, Oregon. r. W. KOLTON. O. C ITUl.TOX FULTON BKOTIIEKS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW . Rooms 5 and C. Odd Kellu-AS Bml.ltui; rl. A. BOWLB. Attorney and Counsellor u( l.uw Office on Chenaraus Street, Astoria. Oregon T 11. 21 INSRIjL. 'real estate ituoitr.it AND JlOTAKY PUBLIC. Established 188.1. Third Street, next to W. U. Telegraph Of fice, Astoria, Or. I R. J. K. liA. 'OK'.. DENTIST Itooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building. ASTORIA. - OUPGON. I) R. A. b. AI81U. A.FDI.r&. Cass street, between 3rd and 4th Special attention to Diseases of Women aud Children by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention, to Surgery, "by Dr. J. A. Fulton," Office hours from 10 to 12. A. jr., and l to 4 I'.M. D it, j iy TirrriK, -.St'lAN AND SUKUBUN '.t .mi No. 6 i'ythiau Bull.tlng Office hours 10 to 12 and l to c Night calls at Room No. 9. 1) R. O. B. EHTK8. I'll YblOlAN AND SURfSKON. Special attention to Diseases of Women and Surgery. ekkick: Opposite Telegraph Office, up Stairs. Astoria, ivnoii. "TXtt. P. A. RE KM, DENTIST. Rooras7-and8, Flavel's new Brick Build ing. rr a. HMiTii. - fe I5ENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 Pythian Building over C. H. Cooper's Store. Vy lt 3IAECY, Civil Engineer, Office: Corner Third and Cass Streets, over Allen's store. ASTORIA. OREGON. Residence for Rent. CONSISTING OF 8 ROOMS FURNISHED compete, with piano. Price 10 per month. Occupied at present by Geo. No land. Apply to THOMAS LOGAN. Tfr&. wnz?-i 4 NETTING -FOE- SEINES WM. J. HOOPER & .CO., 110 S. Pratt, near Light, BALTIMORE, MD Manufacturers el COTTO AND Fm'X G I LL N ETS. CORKS, SEINE LEADS., &C. Setae Twiise ef all kinds, 3& j&llla, Cotton & Hemp Sope. &JlinW5v5 - ' POUNDS Rich and Poor, Prince aad Peasant, -the Millionaire and Day Laborer," by their common nse ol this remedy, attest the world-wide rep utation of Ayer's Pills. Leading phy sicians recommend these pills .for Stomach and Liver Troubles, Costive ness, Biliousness and Siclr Headache ; also, for Eheumatism, Jaundice, and Neuralgia. They are sugar-coated ; con tain no calomel ; are prompt, but mild, in operation ; and, therefore, the very best medicine for Family Use, as vrell aa for Travelers and Tourists. "I have derived great relief from Ayer's Pills. Five years ago I was taken so ill "with Rheumatism that I was unablo to do any work. I took three boxes of Ayer's Pills and was entirely 'cured. Since that time I am never without a box of these pills." Peter Christensen, Sherwood, "Wis. " Ayer's Pills have been in use in my family upwards of-twenty years and have completely -wrified all that ia claimed for them. Til attacks of pileg, from which I suffered many years, thej afford greater relief than any othei medicine I ever tried." T. F. Adams, Holly Springs, Texas. ''I have used Ayos Pills fori num ber of years rand have never found any thing equal to them for giving me an appetite and imparting energy and strength to the system. I always keer. them in the house." E. D. Jackson Wilmington, Del. " Two boxes of Ayer's Pills cured mt of Bevere Headache, from which I was long a sufferer. -Emma Keye3, Hubbardston, Mass. ""Whenever I am troubled with con stipation, or suffer from loss of appetite Ayer's Pills set me right again." A. J Kiser, Jr., Rock House, Va. "Ayer's Pills are in general demant among our customers. Our sales o them exceed those of all other pills com bined. "We have never known then fail to give entire satisfaction." -Wright &Hannelly, San Diego, Texas. Ayer's Pills, If " PBEPARKD BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Sold by all Dealers in Medicine. IF YOTT HAVE no appetite, Indigestion, Flatulence, Sick Headache, "all rundown," losing flesh, you will find Tutt's Pills the remedy you need. Thoy tone up the x eak stomach and BUILD FP the flagging energies. Sufferers from mental or physical overwork -will find great relief from them. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 25 cents per box. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray St., Hew York. PATRONIZE HOME JHDUSTRY. There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they cau pet Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. . By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods bv Every Steamer. Call aad See Him aad Satisfy Tonrself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. Seaside Bakery. Best Milk Bread aud CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fine Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale aud Retail Dealer lu Candies. ADOLF JOHS80X. FISH NETTING. SEINES, TRAPS, POUNDS, Mni of Eyerj Description V AND , At LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. SALMON ET THREADS. W00DBERRY line 'Twines anil Lines. HENBY DutLE &C0., 517. &.519 Market Sf.,.. j SIX FBAXCISCO, CALIFORNIA. THE PmOPZOOHMEEOE. Bill Nye Settles a Gastronomic Point Eaised by'Pour Drummers. I am in receipt of tlie following letter: Coxcordia, Kan., Aug. 22, 1889. Mr. WriiiiiAM Nyk: Knowing that you are a friend of the travelling man, we do not hesitate to ask your opinion or advice as to what course we should pursue in a matter of vital impor tance to us. The proprietor of the Hallibert House, Bed Cloud, Neb., the leading hostlery there, insists upon cutting one pie in sixteen pieces, which only gives one-sixteenth of a pie to the commercial man. We have remonstrated with him about this, but without avail. What shall we do about it? Please advise us. Yours amitatively. Will Reed, Habby Hicks, George Thompson, E. O. Lindsay. . BEPDY. AsHBvrMiE, N. 0., Sept. 15, 1889. Messrs. Reed, Hicks, Thompson and Lindsay, at large. Gentlemen: Your favor, dated at Concordia, Kan., 22d ult, is now in front ot me as I write. I hate to come iu between the commercial man and the hotels in a case of this kind, especially in order to monkey with relations that are already strained, and yet something ought to be said at this'time or we may easily foresee tbatjhe "overworked Ameri can pie wilTat lengthbe compelled by reason or,hraiu B abandon the prouUp16aifnVhicn it now holds relative to oar interstate commerce. I would 'like to - treat this matter in a way to insure -harmony between the travelling man and the hotel, if possible; and yet I must confess that I cannot refer to pie in a purely un partisan spirit. Pie, I may truth fully say, seems to lie nearer my heart at times than, anything else within the great realm of groceries. I know that commercial men are prone to ask too muoh of the hqtels at times, and thus they inflame the proprietors. I have known of many such instanoes in whioh the tourist was clearly in the wrong; bnt the out rages were always perpetrated by traveling men whose early lives had been paBsed in obscurity. They were men who knew how to catch a train or to tell in a rich union-depot tone of voice how many goods they sold in that town, but they do not adorn so ciety very much, These are the ex ception, however. They are men who represent small houaea, and sleep on four seats in the day-coach, with their feet on the velvet colar of tho un assuming capitalist who sits in the adjoining pew, .But I was a traveling man once for two weeks, and I have always sym pathized with those who followed this business for a livelihood. For some years I had yearned to be com mercial man with a sorrel traveling bag and a bold signature. I inti mated to several large concerns that my services could be sectored at a nominal figure, but there is nothing so puffed up or so egotistical as a prosperous business house, and so they continued to struggle on with out me. Finally, I went on the road iu the interests of Warner's White Wine and Tar Syrup a peparation that would take on old pair of second hand lungs and brighten them up so that a man needn't be ashamed to dress up in them and wear them into the best sooiety. People say that traveling men are too forward and too bold, and ought 4o db a little more of the blush-unseen business, but I found when I was on the road that I had to be bold, especially at the hotels, for the clerks wereTjoldj the porters were bold, and the dfmng-room girls were also in several instanoes extremely so. If I did not demand the bridal chamber I generally got tea chest No. 6, with no knob on the door, and when I would -punch the button on the denunciator it would fall off with a low tremulous sound and roll under the bed. Speaking of door knobs reminds me of a hotel man in Washington 'territory who has a Dovel' way of keepingth'ese handles .clean at a slight expense. He has knobs on all doors and they are bo arranged that they may be easily removed. Hie has two Bets for the house one set be ing white and the other a dappled bay. When one Bet gets soiled he removes -the knobs, placing them in 4hesoatTdishes of the various rooms. "where the guests- rinse them out thoroughly in a vain attempt to get a lather out of them. After they are dried the proprietor replaces them on the 'd66rs 'and tie soiled set go into the soap disheH. This hotel is now called thedopr knob chop house, and with the slippery elm towel uuopiea mere u.poiisn is given to the guest -whioh he might otherwise never secure.1 Gentlemen,in conclusion, I hardly know what to sayttmless it be to add mat wnstever you may aeciae to do toward" the gratification bf. this great pie evil, provided you do not actually endanger human life, you may safely rely upon me and count me in. Pie enters, into the life; ot every true American, andean unfair division of pie will certainly lead to open hostil ity, and possibly intestine war. Do not 'trust the man who rob3 you of your pie in order that he may thrust it into his own corrupt system. The tendency of the age seems to be towards the centralization of pie. This is bound to make the thin man thinner and the fat man fatter. From statistics now in my hands I have ascertained that we have enough pie in America, if properly distributed, to give to each adult, exclusive of Indians not taxed, one-eighth of a full grown-pie and siill -leave one-sixteenth pie for each child of school age. Gentlemen, this letter is already too long. I can add nothing more unless it be yonrs, truly, " Bili. Nye. Ayer's Hair Vigor keep3 the hair fresh and bright. It restores a natu ral color to faded and gray hair, and renders it pliant and glossv. Fire last Monday caused by lime slacking in the rain destroyed a warehouse on Commercial wharf, Port Townsend, entailing a loss of S15,000. The wind was blowing fur iously, and had it not been raining in torrents a disaster to the whole city would have resulted. The priu oipal loss was on 585 chests of tea, valued at nine thousand dollars, held in bond, awaiting analysis of samples in San Francisco. It was consigned to Seattle and Tacoma. The re mainder of the loss was on household goods and building material con signed to a large number of persons. UArri.NEvs AMt co.tetiil:st Cannot go hand in hand if we look on the dark side of every little obstacle. Nothing will so darken life and make it a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Djs pensia Tablets will cure the worst form of Dyspepsia, Conatipat ion and Indiges tion, andjnake life a happiness and pleasure. Bold at 2J anil 50 cents by J. Vr. Conn, Druggisfc In Turkey, the house iu which a mau lives cannot be seized for debt, and sufficient land must "be left for his support. The homestead is in violable. The creditors must even provide the debtor with some humble dwelling if the land forfeited to them has none sufficient for his needs. Breathing tlie (lerms of Disease. To Inhale the germs of (Usoa3os withthoir daily broath is tho fa to of denizens of malaria-scourged localities ovorywhoro. The endomic atmospheric poison may, hovrevor, boreftofitsvonom and"" rendorod innoxious by a defensive use of piostottor's Stomach Bitters. This pro-ominently safe and -effective rotnody and safeguard not only eradicates tho diseaso whoa, developed, but enables tho system to Safely bravo its assaults. Every physical function is confirmed in or restored to reguluritv, tho circulation quickened if sluggish, and a bilious habit, which ofitsolf bogots a prononcs to both intermittent and remittent typos ot malarial disease, where extrinsic atmospheric causes exist, power fully counteracted by this inimitablo forti fying and dofensivo agent, which has, more over, nono of the dfragroeable characteiis tic3 of a drastio cathartic or an alkaloid. Fe vor and aguo, dumb ague and nguo cake, and tho cqlcntura of the Isthmus, are conquered by it Purely, ploasantly. Khoumatism, neural gia, gout, kidnoy and bladder troubles, con stipation and indigestion yield to it. Iu the Cape Times, south Africa, appears this brief dispatch from an interior peint: ''Lydenburg, July 25. Mr. Yosloo's wagon, returning to Murohison, was attacked by eleven liona, who killed und ate one o, but did no further damage." VTF. !IN AD DO Guarantee AckeiS Blood Klivir foi it has been fully demonstrated to the peo ple of this country that it is superior to all other preparation, for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poison ing. Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. It fiurifies the whole sjstem and thorough y bui'db up the constitution. J. V. Conn, Drupgist. The Philadelphia electricity oxhibit at the Centennial exposition in 1876 was very small. To-day S300,000,000 is invested in the 3,000,000 lamps and 109 railways. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria When Eaby -was sick, we gave her Castoria. (Then she -was a Child, she cried for Castoria, (Then aho became Miss, she clung to Castoria, IVhen she had Children, aha gave them Castoris The Texan ranchman complains that the man "with a hoe in his hand" is breaking up the best ranches and drivingout the cattlemen. They mean the homesteader. GUARD AGUXST THK STKIKE, And always have a bottle of Acker's En glish Eemedy in the house. You cannot tell how soon Croup may strike j our lit tle one, or a cold or cough mav fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treatment A sample "bottle is given ypufreeumd theltemedy guaranteed by J. W. Conn, Druggist Cures1 RDMPTLYANDTERrdTEffriY WrrjrtaUPKETUKN DFJKrlN. fri)njl3GI5TS ANoTlEALEsHEIywHEIE The (Thas-JWdgeler d-Baud-Md- i & ; jm s fcj.fcar-' B33I POWDER lutely Pure. This )(lei neei vanes, A marvel of ,mrity, strength and wholesonienes. More econ iiilc.il than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold m competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or lthos phate powders. Sold only means. RoYAii Bkino PowdkkCo. 100 V'all-st.. N. Y. Lmvis M Johnson & Co , Agents Port land. Uifgon. N. J. BERGMAN, Prop. (Successor to .1. V. Clinton.) Fine Chocolate Bon Bons AND CONFECTIONS. ALSO Finest Brands Cigars, Tobaccos, AN' SMOKERS' ARTICLES. FRUITS, NUTS, ETC. Charlotte Russe Cream Soda A SPECIALTY. Now Goods receUed fiesli, daily. I lease giveinea call. Third street, near Telegraph Ofllce. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAY HANSEN, Prop'r. A UiP4- and Well Selected Stock of Fine s At Extremely Low Prices. Ill (Jouds Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Vf oh and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. CoriH-r Cass and Squemou.ua Streets. ladies, attention I A New Invention for Dress-Cutting, That can be used by man or woman and gi e a perfect lit. Price of Scale, including Key or full instructions. $3.50, which can be had bj calling on or addressing MRS. H. A. DERBY. Dealer In Millinery Goods, Main Street, Astoria. Or. NEW GOODS Are Being Received at MRS. W. J. BARRY'S Millinery Store. For Sale. Desiring to Retire from Business, I Hereby Offer for Sale My Saloon and Furniture, Fixtures AND GOOD WILL. One of the oldest and best established hiwinnes T,lni nf Actririo A splendid chance for investment for the right person. This offer only holds good for the next ten days. For particulars inquire Of RUDOLVH BARTH. Sept. 25th, 1SS9. Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. Notice to Stockholders. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Astoria and South Coast Railway Co., will be held at the com pany's ofllce. at Astoria. Oregon, on Tues day, October 8th, 1SS9, at the hour of 2 p. m. E.C.IIOLDEN. Sec'y A. & S. C. R'y. I. W. Case, BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the 0. S. and Europe, and on Ilong Kong, China Office nouns : 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. Abso Tlie Mikado. Diaionfts Jewelry her L Tim Of finest Timber Land in HOTELS AND KESTAURA2TTS JUSTUS EDWAKDS. DAVK KENNEDY. KEMVEDY EDWABD8. PROPRIETORS'- OF THE PARKER HOUSE. First'GIass in Every Respect Thoroughly Renovated and Repaired throughout : 87 large, sunny rooms, TWO DOIHiG ROOMS. Tables supplied with everything the mar ket affords. Fine Bar and Billiard Room r choice brands Wnes, Liquors an Cigars, Free Coacli to nnd from the House. A Fine Sample Room for Commercial travelers. O. C. W I LT.rA.MS4 It. O. STONK. WILLIAMS & STONE Have takes charge of the Parker House DINING ROOM AND RESTAU RANT. The Dining Room and Restaurant will be ran on the European plan. Fresh Oysters, Clams and Crabs In season, served daily. Best 25-cent Dinner in tho City. CHItlS. EVENSON. THE EVENS0W & COOK On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board ty the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. "Transient Custom Solicited." Ojsters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order, WATKUSt., Opp. Foard & gtolcea A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run In connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Oood Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. Is the Leading and Only First-Glass RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Clean Services. Reasonable Pi Ices. Polite Walters. Prompt Attention. Try Him and You will be More than Satisfied. Everybody Says So. Private Rooms. A. WEGNER. MAIN STREET, - - - ASTORIA. J. B. Wyatt, DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, rremp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing machines, Faints, Oils, Groceries JEZto Punchy Brothere,uncJi;Jeunchryttli Oarer Central Hotel JEFFS Clatsop County, for sale by KEEN & COOK. Keal Estate Agents, Astoria, Oregon. THE VIENNA Restart ai Coop Else. C. W. Fisher &, Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORDER- Fine Private Rooms. .Everything: irat Class. .Genevieve Street, rear -ot Griflln & Reed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. INSURANCE. I. "W. CASE, Insurance Agent. REPRESENTING : California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Home Mutual Insurance Co., S. F. Phcenix of London. Imperial of London. Robb & Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Marine Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital oi $70,000,O0C IMPERIAL, ot London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, or Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland. LION, of London. FIREMAN'S FUND, of California. QUEEN, of London. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IN FIRST CIiASS COMPANIES Representinfcl3,000,000 PHCENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Stieet "Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe, North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, New York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng..Flre Insurance Companies, Represent in a capital of 867,000,000. B. TAN DIT8EN. Agent. Camahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTORIA OREGON o for Bb Seaside! Free Camping Grounds a.t Austin's. There Is an. abundance of clams, crabs, trout, oysters and all kinds of salt and fresh water flsh. Good safe Sea bathing, fresh air and the best hunting grounds in America, Campers and visitors xan find at my.store everything they require In the way of an outfit and provisions. A first class bar and billiard table are connected with my establishment. Board from S7 to so per week. For particulars call on or address JAS. P. AUSTIN, Store, Seaside, Oregon. Ansjn's Is open the year round.