m Itc $ 3$Mimi. ASTORIA. OREGON TUESDAY OCTOBER 1, 18R9. Ohio has 40,373 white voters unable to write; Pennsylvania, G5,985; New York, 76,746.. The men who cannot read their ballots hold the balance of political power in these important states. It isn't every office-seeker who is as patient as the man who writes to governor Nicholls of Louisiana, ask ing that he might be appointed jus tice of the peace when the present in: cumbent dies. It appears from an official report by the United States consul at Ottawa that during the year 1883 the domin ion of Canada sent tJ the United States merchandise valued at 42, 572,065, and imported from this coun try goods fcrthe value of48,481,848. The old pioneers who chalked in black crayons upon their wagon cov ers, "to Pike's Peak or bust," never dreamed of seeing a wagon road built to its very top; but it has been done The road is sixteen miles long. At one point, which is 10,852 feet high, the smoke of a locomotive ninety miles away may be seen. The flag of the nation ought to float on every schoolhouse every day in the year when school is in session. The daily sight of the flag means a daily lesson in patriotism. Object lessons have more influence with grown-up children than we think, and with school children at a plastic age their importance is simply incalculable. A dispatch from Ottawa states that the Canadian government has signi fied its willingness to open the Cana dian coasting trade to vessels of the 'United States at any time that the American coasting trade is opened to the vessels of Canada. This is about the coolest proposition of the season. Most anybody would be willing to swap a nickel for a $5 gold piece. Europe is deterred from the great war, for which so much preparation has been made, by a feeling that the result no matter who wins, will be the destruction of the old order of things, the imposition of huge indem nities, and the genesis of political problems more formidable than any 4bafe-now- exists.- For the victors, as for the vanquished, there would be, it ia feared, an infinite brood of evils. A Free trade newspaper, in order to show the evils of protection, says that a suit of clothes can be bought in Ireland for.SG.56. Notwithstand ing this fact, if it is a fact, during, the year ending June 30, 1888, 78,288 na tives of Ireland emigrated to this country, but no natives of this coun try emigrated to Ireland. This shows that a country where you can buy a suit of clothes for $6.56 in not a good country to live in. FindiiAY, Ohio, is cited as an illus tration of what the incipient develop ment of natural gas has done for the localities that have been able to use it Findlay has in less than three years grown from a population of 5,000 to 25,000. and there are thirty five factories there, against two be fore the gas was . introduced. The reason is found in the fact that enough natural gas to run a glass factory of thirty-three pots can be had at a cost of 35 cents a day. Other towns have enjoyed similar prosperity There is a secret society in Balti more, Md., the object of which is to protect its members from unfortu nate marriages. "When one of the club feels that he is falling in love, he confesses to his felfow-members and they appoint a committee to in vestigate the matter and advise him therein. In a certain sense tiie in stitution is a trust in hearts, but its object is higher than that of most monopolies. It strives to reduce the unhappiness of the world to a mini mum, and has been fairly successful in its restricted field. The sad news comes, however, that all the members of the organization are in love with the same girl. A convention, having for ita. ob ject the securing of improved navi gation on the Ohio, the Mississippi and the Missouri rivers, has been held lately at Cincinnati... In general terms the resolutions adopted by the convention call upon the general government to so improve those rivers and their tributaries as to se cure to the people easy and safe navi gation, as well as "cheap trasporta tion. The convention called upon congress to protect these waterways, for the reason that "the competition offered is the only guarantee of the people against excessive rates," and asks that where private individuals or corporations have assumed or se cured, by state action or otherwise; privileges on such waterways to the injury of commerce, such obstructions, be removed. DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING. V. H. Mills addressed the Califor nia Editors' Convention at Sacra mento, on the relation of the newspa per to the public. He paid his re spects to the 'various advertising schemes which are worked in every place in the country, and in which enough money is thrown away to build up good papers and force the commu nity onward. If there is anything which the average merchant don't know, said Mr. Mills, it is how to ad vertise. You will see their cards stuck up on maps and directories whichjf ew people look at, at an expense that would keep their business before the readers of the daily papers- for months. The promoters- of a book got out by the Denver & Rio Grande" made $6,000 out of it, and in a few months not a co'dv could be found. The First National Bank of San Fran cisco, got out a picture of its building to be sent to its correspondents, and for a four inch card on the margin' $100 was charged. A couple of hun dred of the sheets were issued and hung up in places where few people will ever see them, and yet all the spa ce doubtless were taken by merchants who wouldn't put a line in a newspa per. Look out for ithe foreign paper that comes into your town to get up a special edition, and which will make more profit out of an issue than a country paper can earn in a year. Be ware of the occasional sheet that gives you an affidavit of the job printer as to the copies printed, for most of them are probably left in the cellar. It is not copies printed, but copies circula ted and read that makes an advertise ment valuable. Yet merchants rarely consider this. Tho railroad company some years ago assisted in a finaucial way the issuance of 15,000 copies (printer's affidavit) of a pamphlet showing the resources of a certain county. Lately 12,000 copies of this pamphlet were found in an. pld loft and offered to the company for about a cent a pound. All the advertisers wlio had counted on drawing business through their cards in this pamphlet were blissfully ignorant of the fact that they had simply enriched a sharper. The Belirins Sea Dispute. London Sept. 29. Lord Salisbury has instructed Sir Julian Pauncefote, the British minister at "Washington, to consult the convenience of secre tary of state Blaine in reference to the discussion of the Behring sea dispute. Negotiations are to proceed quietly and continuously and inquiry is to be carefully pursued into the question of Canadian .compensation for the sei zure of vessels belonging to Canada in the waters in contention. No immediate pressure, however, is to be exercised upon the government at Washington with regard to settling the international question involved and nothing like a formal demand for a speedy conclusion of the affair is to be allowed. The line of action, which has been decided upon by Lord Salisbury, is based on .his expectation that secre tary Blaine, who is just now hampered by the lease of the Alaska Sealing and Fishing company, will be more ready to accord what England regards as a just settlement of the dispute upon the approaching expiration . of the company's lease. When that1 occurs it is expected that the British govern ment will push the negotiations with a little more energy. HR TOOK THE WRONG MEDICINE. Robert Stewart, ot Petaluma, recently hada tjueer experience. Ho writes : "Carbuncle and boils afflicted my face and neck for weeks.. Finally I procured a bottla of one of the leading sarsaparillas. To my gnrpriso it mado matters worse. This mado me loso faith In Earsaparillas, but seeing a statement that Joy's Vegetable Sanaparllla dried np bolls and face eruptions instead of forcing more out as tho potash sarsaparillas do, I bought a bottle. Tho effect was aston ishing. Tho carbuncles and boils began to dry up, and In two weeks my face wr well and smooth'asoTer. My brother also took a Sbttlo with the samo benefit Robert Stkwabt, "Petaluma, CaL" Explanatory Note Tho mineral iodldo of potash, which. Is tho basis of nearly all other larsaparlllas, attacks tho blood direct, hence forces impurities through, tho akin, creating more boils andpimples. Joy's Vegetable Sar saparilla acts oppositely. Its vegetable alter atives stimulate the various secretive organs and thus eliminate all impurities through tho natural channels, henco dries nn pimples and skin eruptions at once. Tho abovo t tstlmon talis a cue in point. ) The Fish Esss Were BoiTeil. The Csh commissioners have been anxious to make a display of salmon eggs, in process of hatching, at the fair, and a few days since, a water pipe having been fixed for the pur pose, commissioner Reed brought down a McDonald jar and a few thou sand eggs, and soon had the water running into the jar, and the big pink eggs moving around in great shape. Sometime after, on going to look at the eggs to see how they were getting along, Mr. JKeed was astonished to see that they were all dead. Accident ally placing his hand on the water pipe, he was surprised to lmd that it was quite hot. Further investigation showed that the water from the boiler in the restaurant had been blown into the pipe, and that the eggs in the jar naa oeen iicerauy ooneo. xuus were some three or four thousand salmon cooked at one fell swoop. Before another batch of eggs is put in there will be a change in the plumbing con nected with it. Oregonian. - The New Discovery. You have heard your friends and neigh bors taljung about it. lou may your self be one of the many who know from personal experience -just how good- a thing it is. " If you have ever tried it, you are one of its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. It you have never used it and should be ainicted with a cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottleat once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or .money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at J. W. Conn's Drugstore. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is carefully prepared from Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Tipsissewa, Juniper Berries, and other well-known and valuable vegetable remedies, by a peculiar combination, proportion, and process, giv ing to Hood's Sarsaparilla curative power not possessed by other medicines. It effects remarkable cures where others fail Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best blood purifier. It cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Boils, Pimples, all Humors, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indigestion, General Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver " com plaints; overcomes That Tired Feelinjr, creates an appetite, builds up the system. Hood's Sarsaparilla Has met unparalled success at home. Such is its popularity in Lowell, Mass., -where it is made, that Lowell druggists sell more of Hood's Sarsaparilla than all other sarsapa rillas or blood purifiers. The same success is extending all over the country. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar in its strength and economy. It is the only preparation of which can truly be said " 100 Doses One Dollar."' A bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla taken accord ing to directions, will last a month. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar in the confidence it gains among all classes of people. Where it is once used it becomes a favorite family remedy. Do not be iaduccd to buy other preparations. Be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbyilrupKjNts. gl, six for g.",. Prepared by U. I. IIOOU A- CO.. AiHtln.-:irie.-l.ott ell. Mass. lOO Doses One Dollar NEW TO-DAY. NOTICE To CamiBrymen The Owners of the Anglo-American Packing Co. Wish to dispose of I he Buildings and Plant of thisCanneiy. The plant includes Boiler, two Kctorts, two Solder Machines, a tine Steam Kngine with good Shafting, and oilier Machiuery and Furniture to carry on a Can nery. Intendimr uurchaseis can insnect at the Cannerv or receive full naviculars of MKSSIIS. COKBErr & MACLEAY. Portland. Or of P. L. CIIKKKY, Astoria, Oiegon. Astoiia, September :;oth. ISU. Roadway. Market. P. O'HARA, Prop'r. Opposite Foard , Stokes. A First-Class Meat Shop. Fresh and Salt Moats. All Purchases Delivered in anv nart of the City. Express and Transfer. tiiis. and Fred. Ilildelirniul, Proprietors. Headquarters at Foaid & Stokes. LEAVE OKDEKS AT PETER BRACH'S, Uppertown. BJLGGAGK. F HEIGHT, ETC., PROMPTLY DELIVERED Ik any part of the City. Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE IS IIEItKBY GIVEN THAT TIIE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Fishermen's Pk'g Co., will be held at the office or the company, on Tuesday, Oct. 2Uh, 1SS9, at 9 o'clock a. m for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the en suing year, and transacting any other busi ness that may come before-the meeting. By order of the president. G. A, NELSON. Secretary. For Sale. ONE OF THE BEST BUSINESS COKNEU lots on -First .street. Street cais pass every ten minutes. Size, 50x100. Price, $3,500. Also : A coiner lot 75150 in the heait of the city, between O. It. & N. dock and Postofllee. Fine Hotel site. Price, Sr,5u0. Also : Good Kesldence lots on Jefferson and As tor streets, at reasonable prices. J. H. MANSELL, Heal Estate Broker. Wanted. Parties to Take the Contract or Clearing Columbia Addition Of the Underbrush, Fallen Trees, Etc. Apply to C.;j. HALL & CO. Neat, Quick And Cheap ai Thy ASTOEIAN JOB OFFICE E Valuable anil Kllslblel.ots hi Adair's Astoritt. Saturday, Octobers, at 2 r. m. At Hohb & Parkei's lteal Estate Ofilce, v nere a riacoi me iTupeny can ne necn Instructed by V. B. Adair, En... nxenr, I will offer at PUBLIC AUCTION, on the above day, the Lots in BLOCK GO. ADAIH'S AriiuuiA.asreceniiysuutuviueu, repiaueu and lecorded in the County Clerk's ofilce. Tills nrouei ty is admirably located, com mands a line View of the Columbia Kiver bar, is only 3 blocks from high tide water line and 3 only from the street car line now running. It is one block south of the Tow er's Avenue, which is laid out 135 ft. wide. Each lot is cleared and staked off and a ma jority of them are now under cultivation by Chinese gardeners. Persons desirous of examining the prop erty before the day of the sale will please take the nlank road south of Konp'.s J'.rew- ery. The lots are now quite accessible. A carriage can be driven within one block of the north-west corner of Block CO. Terms at sale. Title perfect, warranty Deeds. E.C. HOLDEN, Auctioneer. Real state Auction J. H. MANSELL. REAL ESTATE ' NOTA11Y PUBLIC FOK STATE OF OKEGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 18S3. Correspondence Solicited. Next W. U. Telegraph Oflicc. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. . GET YOUR EXCHANGED AT -r , RTH ADLITIOI NO ; $5.00 Per Month.- EgiGa&cl for One Week only. EOBB c& Sopt.tr.tii isso. It Will Pay You to Buy a Lot IX Laurel Park Addition -TO This property is now on tlio J$$I&1&Y m On tho Installment Plan for $30.00 and $40:00 per Lot. $10.00 Cash and $5.00 per Month. Don't miss this opportunity. Tho terminus of a transcontinental road will be located within 15 minutes walk from this beautiful tract. S"0 to-day. 250 in ono j-ear. Save tho dollars and buy real estate and wealth is yours. Call at once upon -. . WOKSLEY & OAKRUTHEKS. Corner 3d and Olney Streeta. oagogtaMBgssTLn. jlji mni This-addition to Astoria is beautifully situated on a gentle slope toward the John Day river, lying on tho County road and only 200 yards from steamboat land jug, and within easy walking distance of street car lino. The railroad survey from Portland to Astoiia down tho south bank of the Columbia river passing between the landing and Riverside. The "Oregonian" in an editorial of September 1st, says: The O. IX. As N. will build lines within a short time from Portland to Paget Sound and Gray's Harbor and from Portland to Astoria, penetrating the John Day region." Buy Now Before the Rise The most cortain and best paying investments in any country are those made in good towns when prices are low and.prior to the full growth of such towns. No timber or ravines. All good leveHots 50x100. Avonues 60 feet wide. Price, $40.00; S10.00 down, balance 5.00per month. Title,.U. S. patent. See plats at J.U MANSELL'S or FRANK SPITTLE, Real Estate Agehts,Astbria, Oregon. -DEA LEU IN - G-rqceries Produce. "Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. , TELEPHOra 0. 7. - P. O. BOX S22. & FOR A LOT -IN- TO EAST PimEB,, Agents. Astoria. market, and is being sold bj BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE- SIGN OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. New York Novelty Store ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES !B2.jta.23L BooliS, Stationery, TT 1-T 3 TTT II OELO F. PARKER. IMff MOWS VOID p t . , 13 WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stokes IN Groceries and " Provisions. EverythlnK In a Flrst-clais Store and at Extremely Low Figures. ' Goods Delivered all oyer Town. Tne Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD & STOKES Wholesale Win Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER. Cosmopolitan Saloon. m m WHOLESALE AND Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh, Fruits and "2"gtabls. Reoeived fresh every Steamer. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN Agent. Call and-Examlne It ; You Wyi be Pleased. E. R. Hawes Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. WALL F4FIB AND CEILING DECORATIONS! 5000 double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades just reoeived direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of GAR PESTS, Of .all grades in beautiful new designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc, Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBORN. FIRE BRICK DKA&KR in FIRE CLAY Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Brick, Cement, Sari and Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. DrajlBg1, Teaming sad Express Buloes. IKR upply to the Captalu, or to rwmtwa NORTH PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION i Opens at PORTLAND, 00., Sept. &, and Clotei Oct. 26, 1SS9. The Building Contains Six and One-half Acres oi Fleor Room, Which will be covered with interesting displays of every .description from every section o! the Northwest. ". " ; $250,000 EXPENDED IN GROUNDS AND B0ILDING8. Largest and best exhibit of FINE LIVE STOCJv ever brought together 'ori the Pacific coast will be made in the spacious grounds adjacent to the Exposition - . . . Building from October 14 to 19. LIBERATE THE FAMOUS CORNET I ST, With fiftv of tho best musician of New York, has been en?at?pd at an enormous expense to furnish music during the entire exposition. There has been nothing left undone to make this the grandest exposition on the Pacific coast. Reduced rates of fare have-been secured on all transportation lines. Portland extends an invitatlonlo every resident or the north .westto'attendthls magnificent exposition and enjoy-her hospitalities. Hotel accommoda tions" ample. For further information address ,-. nnurnvh CARL A. HANSON' arker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer . THIS WEEK. y I. The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. V RETAIL DEALER IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF STEABIEB cum nun ben P, Parker,Maater. ForTOWTNQ, FfUJlGHT orOHAR- Mens ju n i m m won e House. nUHlll JfAtUlU UIILalitLAli Ji.vruMiiu.1 1va11ii.11;, vn.