ra ?hc gattq Stefotfatu ASTORIA, OEEGON: FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 27. 1859. ISSUED EVERY MORNING". (Monday excepted.) ' J. P. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, ARToniAx Building, - - CassStkket. Terms of Subscription. Served bv Carrier, per week 15 cts Sent bv Mail, per month 6C cts " " " one year.. S7.00 Free of postage to subscriber. The Astobian guarantee? to is uft risers the largest circulation of an nusjia per published on the Columbia river The Qen. Miles goes to Gray l.nr bor this morning. The schooner Rub y Cousii.i Lim ber laden sailed yesterday. A marriage license was yesteiday issued to Djiniel Eiersen and Elva E. Chappell. The pilot schooner Qoc. Jfoorf; is in from the offing to be refurnished with supplies. The Astorian- job office is turning out some very fine job work, printing in copying ink, in colors, on satin, etc. The Albatross started to Portland yesterday morning; at the same hour the Manzanita started on a trip to Sound ports. The prophecy goes forth that rain will be early and abundant iu the latter months of '89 and the first months of '90 in this vicinity. Mable Santly's female burlesque company will appear at Ross' opera house next Monday, the 30th inst. Reserved seats at New York Novelty store. The pilot schooner CO. White is being refitted and flies a fresh flag ev ery day. The "Washington territory pilots are getting ready, and expect to soon go cruising in the offing. F. E. (Jlough was armsled on board the Telephone last evening on a war rant charging him with libel in a published card, by J. P. Goodman, the gentleman whose honesty was im pugned in the card rereri ed to. W. E. Adair and Dr. Aug. C. Kin ney have had the old military road cleared off, running north of Kopp's brewery, making a pleasant road. The old road had about fallen into disuse, but is now passable again. Mrs. Jane Lamont, an old lady, aged 71 years, a resident of St Hel ens, died at St Mary's hospital yes terday morning, after a long and pain ful illness. The body will be taken to St Helens this morning, where the iCiw'-il will take place. There n.i, n dreamy autuiur.al fla vor m the v.r yesterday; tl o smoky hills seemed withdrawn afar in Time's remotest blue; all sights were mel lowed and all sounds subdued; and tfee stream ran smooth and twinkling in the hazy yellow sunlight. "W. T. Barney and L. T. Bariu have a legal copartnership at Oregon City. Both gentlemen in their capacity as register of the laud office there have wide and familiar experience in all matters relating to the acquisition of government lands and will promptly and satisfactorily transact all business intrusted to them. A few nights ago, Eev. E. E. Eugg, of Greshem, was killed by a tree fall ing upon him. Mr. Eugg had gotten up about two o'clock m the morning and had gone out or doors to see if his barn was in danger of being de atrojed b tne lire that was burning near b , and he had just gone out in time for a tree to come crushing down upon him. In the circuit court yesterday an injunction was filed by Eob't Onr ruthers on behalf of the city, enjoin ing the mayor or city clerk from issu ing any city warrant in compliance with ordinances refunding money to men who had paid for liquor licenses and on going out of business had pe titioned to have a portion of the money so paid refunded to them. Wednesday night just before the steamer Lurline left Portland for As toria, one of the waiters slipped and fell from the upper deck to the dock, striking on his chin and falling limp as a rag into the Willamette.. One of the deck hands seeing the accident jumped overboard and rescued the drowning man, who on being brought ashore was found to be dangerously hurt He was taken to St. Vincent's hospital. Says the Seattle Press of the 24th: Several races bid fair to grow out of the late tournament at Tacoina. Yes terday Capt L H. Albertson, of the Seattle hose team received a chal lenge from the Astoria team to run 150 yards fof 81,000. This challenge the boys will not accept, the distance being too short, but a counter chal lenge will be sent the Astorians to run 300 yards for 1,000 the race to take place in Seattle at any time the Astorians may select The signal service has under consid eration the adoption of a new signal to take the place of the cautionary sig nal now in use along the coasts. It is a yellow pennant and is .intended to signify that the service has informa tion of value to mariners. Under the present arrangements ships are some times held in port when it would be safe for them to sail, owing to the lack of definiteness of the -storm signal. The adoption of the yellow jennant is urged by all interested who have been consulted about it, and it will probably soon be added to the code. When that is done storm signals will only be displayed when high winds are re- ported within 100 miles of the stations at which they fly. Any person entitled to pre-empt and homestead a quarter section of land may exercise both privileges by tak ing the pre-emption nrsL The gov ernment laws prohibit anyone from leaving any land of his own to pre empt, and if a homestead or timber claim is desired, it can be taken after the pre-emption has been secured. By taking this course, a man can secure 4S0 acres of land in this locality, but, "timber culture claims" and "desert land' are not found in - this locality. A pre-emption is obtained by si months residence and the payment of 1.25 per acre within thiith-three months from settlement. A lesidence of five e5rs, and the payment of $22 and other small fees at the land office, is necessary to secure a homestead or it may be commuted on the terms of a pre-emption. Lands, "Valu able chiefly for timber or stone, may be purchased direct from the government at S2.50 per acre. School lands are sold at $1.25 per acre, on easy terms, and the amount sold to one person is limited to 320 acres. Tide lands are sold by the state on similar terms to the school lands. There is also, a special pro vision for selling mineral and coal lands direct from the government Laud is to be obtained under all these provisions in this county at present, but the influx of immigration will make it difficult to get good locations after this vear. PERSONAL MENTION. G. Wingate has returned from Port land. J. O. Spencer, of Clifton, was in the city yesterday. H. M. Montgomery came down from Skamokawa yesterday. J. Q. A. Bowlby went to Gertais, Marion county iast evening. J. A. Devlin and wife returned from a trip to Portland yesterday. Mrs. Louis Wilson is seriously ill. Her daughter, Mrs. Wiley Allen, is with her. C. E. Bernard, the genial purser of the Telephone, returns to-day from Denver, Colorado. For the first time since her severe sickness, Mrs. G. W. Eucker appeared on the streets yesterday. C. A. Hanson and wife leturned yesterday from the Y. M. C. A. con vention at Vancouver, B. C. B. A Seaborg, the first state sen ator from Pacific and Wahkiakum counties in the state of Washington, is in the city. Chas. T. Curel, wife and son, of Chesire, England, arrived iu the city Wednesday evening, and are reg istered at the Parker house. Mr. Curel, who is an English nobleman, comes this way for the benefit of his wife's and son's health, and is quite favorably impressed with Astoria. gWonhl Plead Guilty To Save Him. When lovely woman stoops to folly And finds too late that men betray. "What charm can soothe her melancholy! "What grief can wash her guilt away. Woman's ill bestowed regard, and the constancy with which she clings to the object of her affections, however unworthy, has long been the theme of the poet and the moralist This phase of life was fittingly illustrated yesterday in the circuit court Some time ago a being that was once a man and answers to the name of George Smith, in company with a girl called Edith Holmes, stole a watch and ring, and secreted them in the top story of a First street dive. When apprehended Smith maaaged to get his frail partner implicated, and they were jointly indicted. Though, knowing that he had tried to get her imprisoned and convicted to save himself, the Holmes girl told the judge that she would plead guilty and take all the burden upon hereelf if he would let Smith go. They were both convicted yesterday afternoon, and will be sentenced next Moudav. Real rotate Transfers, Sept. 26th. Laura Ferrell to Jos. White, lot 8, blk 155, McClure's; 225. Geo. Watson to Jos. White, lot 5, blk 51, McClure's; 8550. C. H. Porter to W. S. Eunyon, SE y, sec. 12, T. 5 N. E. 6 W.; 81,000. - T. C. O'Donnell and wife to W. S. Eunyon. SWJfNEJf.S. K NW J NW M SW if, sec. 17, T. 7 N. B..6 W.; 1,000. Postponed. u. Owing to repairs and renovations of the Pythian Castle hall the entertain ment advertised to be given by Sea side Lodge, No. 12, A. O. U. W., to morrow evening, has been postponed until further notice. By order of the committee. C. R. F. JP. m. Thciegular monthly meeting df the Columbia River Fishermen's Protective Union will be held at tliair readintr room at 7 :30 p. m., on Tuesday, October 1st. A full attendance is requested. Kxtjt Labsejt, President Gko. Johxsox, Secretary. Fall Millinery. Mrs. Derby, in the Masonic building, is receiving her fall "and winter stosk of Millinery, and will bo pleased to see the ladies of Astoria and vicinity, on Saturday, Sept 28, to examine her trimmed hats and Bonnets. Meats Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant next to Foard & Stokes'. . Weinhard's Beer. And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Saratoga Chips Are clean, convenient and palatable. Ask jour grocer for them. For sale everywhere. Get a sample and try them. Go to Jeff's for Oysters. CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. Taylor, J. Sept. 26. State vs. Edith Holmes and Geo. Smith: on trial: verdict of guilty: sen tenced on Monday. Jno. Cyr vs. A. Ohls, demurrer over ever ruled: till Oct 2 to answer. Eobt Grant vs. S. Elmere: motion sustained: allowed to amend. State vs. W. B. Hayward order al lowing money to be paid to" the First National Bank. State vs. Al. Slado and Bob Church: waived time: asked for sentence: fine of 100 or 50 days in county jail. State vs. Jno. C. Heator, not true bill: discharged and bonds exoner ated. State vs. Malt Frederikberg: same order. State vs. Chas. Bernstadt: same order. State vs- Frank Starr: same or der. State vs. Alex. Sutton and Eob't Grant: arraigned upon indictment of assault with dangerous weapen: plea t)f not guilty: Monday for trial at 10 A. M. State vs. Jas. Callahan: dismissed and bonds exonerated. B.Burke vs. Victor Hansen: con tinued for term. - Singer Manufacturing Co. vs. J. G. Boulin : Tuesday for trial. Tatum & Bowen vs. E. S. Murrell: Tuesday for trial. Adjourned to 9 a. m., Sept. 27th. Alaska Salmon Fishing The work throughout the Karluk river was comparatively poor. The highest catch -was made at South End, Lewis Worth being in charge of the seine. The biggest lot pulled in in one -haul was 7,610. The red salmon, which is the most sought for, was the scarcest iu the river. Those that were in the river ..ni nlnn nl nt H& lOtf TlQa O t seven canneries on the Kanuk river, which is two iu excess of last season, and yet the entire catch is almost 40 per cent less than that of last year. The salmon after being caught are handled entirely by Chinese. A large force of Chinese are necessarily em ployed. Their ingenuity and business-like methods have been developed during their stay in the north, and this season they were prepared for action, and ready to turn everything to account The packing companies are so careful of their employes that they will alio them to have no liquor on the ground. The Chinese, know ing of this, took up a considerable quantity of Sam Shu, or Chinese gin, and their wet merchandise netted them a handsome profit The stuff, which is horrible at its best, cost the Chinese about 90 cents a gallon, and they sold it for 82 a quart bottle. The men at South End did no fish ing at night, as they were not pre pared for the work, having no lan terns with them. Had they been able to work at night it is claimed that they could have caught double the number of salmon. Twelve thousand cases were put up at the new cannery when 30,000 cases were countedon at the lowest estimate. The catch all around in Alaskan waters is said to have fallen far below that of previous seasons. S. F. Chronicle, 23. The record of cures accomplished by Hood's Sarsaparilla ran never be com pletely written. The peculiar curative powers of nood's Sarsaparilla are suc cessful when everything else has failed. If your blood is impure, your digestion out of order, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Disqualified As a Juror. Attorney Have you formed or ex pressed any opinion as to the guilt or innocence of the accused in ihis case? Man drawn as a juror No, sir. But I have sometimes thought Attorney (rising indignantely) Your Honor, this man acknowledges that he sometimes thinks. It is hard ly necessary to say that we shall challenge him as a juror in this case. Klectric Bitter.. This remedy is becoming so wel known and so nopular as tp need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise. A pure medicine does not ex lht and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Iiheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure Malarial le vers. For cure of Headache, Constipa tion and Indigestion try Electric Bit ters Entire satisfaction Guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and Sl.Oft per bottle at J. u. Denient's. Try the Chase & Sanborn Seal Brand coffee best in the market at Thomp son & Ross. Shorthand. Private instruction by practical vex uaum reporter, lears experience Chas. E. Eunyon, Law Eeporter, Astoria, Or. TVmlor, Juicy Steal at Jeff's. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eeriumery, ana toilet articles, etc., can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident noiei, iisiona. AUVICKTO aiOTXIKKS, Mrs, Winslow's Boothing Syrup should always bo used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic, and is the best remedy for diar-rhoea.Twenty-five cents a bottle. The latest style -of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. TelephoneliOdsriHgr Honse. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 60 and 23 cts., per week S1.G0. New and clean. Private entrance. ''Coffee and cake, ten rents, at the Central Restaurant Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shees: also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman's. Chilflrea Cry forPitclier's Castoria TELEGRAPHIC. Specials to The Astorian. PortiiAND, Sept 26. The waiters of most of the restaurants in this city have gone on a "'walk out" They want 2.50 per day during the fair time. The city is full of visitors; all the hotels are crowded. The fair opening to-night promises to be the biggest event that ever occurred in the north west The Willamette river has raised seven inches in the past twenty-four hours. Edwin S. Miller to-day began suit against J. "W. Bailey, to recover 1, 006.47. Miller alleged that while he, and Bailey were partners in business they made several promissory notes, payable to Wadhams & Elliot, for goods. On the 7th of September 1885, the co-partnership of Bailey & Miller was dissolved, when Bailey agreed for valuable consideration, to liquidate the debts existing against the firm, excepting one due J. A. Folger fc Co., of San Francisco. It is alleged that Bailey wholly failed to keep his part of the agreement, and on the 19th of last August, William Wadhams began suit against the defunct firm for the amount" due hisfirm $1,162.90. In or der to secure withdrawal of the.action from the court, Miller made a partial pavment to Wadhams & Elliot, of Sl.006.47, on the 14th of last Septem ber, which Bailey refused to refund. This morning Anthony More, A. H. Holcomb and C. T. Griswold filed articles in the county clerk's office in corporating the Plumb creek wagon road company with a capital stock of 830,000. GOOD FOR TRACY. Washington, Sept. 26. In hi3 forthcoming report secretary Tracy will recommend to congress the ad visability of constructing ten addi tional steel cruisers. It is proposed that the matters of tonnage, horse power, etc., be left to the navy de partment instead of being fixed by congress. PAYarENT OP VOLUNTEERS. Washington, Sept. 26. The records and papers of the volunteer division of the pay department have, by order of the secretary of war, been transferred to the office of the second auditor of the treasury. All inquiries relative to the claims of volunteer officers and soldiers- of the Florida, Mexican and rebellion wars, and payments of the same, should be addressed to the. auditor, to whom, also, all claims for bounty, back pay and traveling allow ances should be sent. MAINE SHIP YARDS. "WAsniNQTON, Sept. 26. The report of the naval board on private ship yards at Portland, Maine, shows they can, with slight changes, build 3,000 tou steel vessels if desired. A CRASn PREDICTED. London, Sept. 26. The Statist says: A crash is unavoidable in the Argentine Republic. The premium on gold there is 120. AN ASTONISHING CHANGE. "My dear madam, I naver saw you looL-iaj ho well, and you were bo poorly, too." "Ye3, doctor, Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla Is the grandest thing la the world for run-down, nervous and debilitated women. That's t'xo y.v-et of my appearance." L to a month ago Mr3, Belden, an elderly 1 . Ir.llvlnsatClOMasonstrcet, San Francisco, - z . ailing In health and flesh so rapidly aa to -.ly alarm her relavives. She novr r.:vs: "I havo taken but one bottle of Joy'3 i ratable Sarsaparilla, but it is astcnlshluj. I . r.rulnl"g iny lost flesh aad havo rut f t. c well la j ears." Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants L-n tr Vie most beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet nromotlv on the K1MEYS, LIVER AUD BOWELS AND TO Cleanse the System Effectually, SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it nd all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FlGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO, San Francisco, Cal. Louisville. Ky. Nw Yoxk, N. Y NEW GOODS Are Being Received at MRS. W. J. BARRY'S Millinery Store. gijP8fRis Cloak I J1 lm This season our Cloak Department is more attractive than ever. We are showing a Larger Stock and Higher Novelties! Than ever shown before. PLUSH GARMENTS Are to be very mueh worn this season, and we are showing the Latest Styles in all qualities. The "New Directoire" style of ITw Markets and Jackets Are the latest and will be very popular this season. bill The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House, . ASTORIA, OREGON. AU0TIO3ST AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEN, Successor to K. C .ITolden. Tht oldest established Commission House InOiegon. Ooods of all kinds sold on coin mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock or Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains In Household Goods go to 3f AKTIN OL.8E.N On Thursdays Only. MRS. DIt. OWENS-ADAIR MAY BE consulted by those desiring medical aid, at her rooms at Mrs. Ilucker's, In the Hume building on Thursdays, from It a. sr. to 3 p. ar. Astoria Eeal Estate Co. Office First Door South of the Odd Fellows Building Offer for Sale on Reasonable Terms, Several Lots of City and Farm Property. And will do a General Commission and Brokerage Business. Persons living at a distance can rely upon having any Order for the Purchase or Sale of Properties intrusted to our care, promptly and faithfully attended to. Two choice lots in Shively's Astoria with three houses upon them, renting for $40 a month. Five-Acre Tract No. 21, in Hustler and Aiken's Addition to Astoria. ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO., J. H. D. CRAY, Manager. E. C. LEW IS, -Secretary. M. ML FLYNN, MERCHANT TAILOR. Foreign and Domestic Goods. Fine Tailoring Astoria, ' Oregon. . THE BEAVEY PATENT CANT DOG Successors to KIRK SHELDON. . HEADQUARTERS FOR LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. Agency for ATKINS' CELEBRATED SAWS. LANDER'S LOGGING JACKS, GENERAL HARDWARE. 15 1 Front Street, ' PORTLAND, OR. Department. u iiiirrn I UUUI kill To Canners. Jensen's Patented Can Capping Machine. - Will Cap and Crimp 95 CANS per MINUTE. It has proved to Reduce the Leakage more than cp per cent, less than hand capped. Price, SG00. Orders complied with by The Jensen dan-Pilling Machine Oo. 33. IE ATiTiOESlXry, DEALER IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings SPECIALTY, Sign Writer, Grainer and Ornamental Painter. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, Or. i ii i A Rare Bargain. Eighty Acres of Land. One and one-half miles from Steamboat Landing at Skamokawa, TV. T on Wilson Creek, eighteen milei from Astoria, Forty acres in Hay and Pasture, and forty in brush and timber. A good House of seven rooms, one and one-naif stories ; a woodshed, milk room, and store room ; one large, and two small barns. A fine young Orchard. The place is well watered by a never-failing stream. Sclioolhouse ami church in less than one half mile. One half of the place beaver-dam land. Price moderate and terms easy. For particulars enquire of JOHNENBERG, - Upper Astoria, Oregon The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. LEAVE PORTLAND : Foot of Alder Street Daily, except Tuesday, at- .7:00 a.m. LEAVE ASTORIA : Wilson & Fisher's Dock. Daily, except Tuesday, at. 7 :C0 p. m, The Lurline. FAST TIME BETWEEN Portland and Astoria! LEAVE ASTORIA, . Main St. Wharf. Daily, omitting Monday, at 7 a.m. OX SUNDAY, at 7 P.M. LEAVE PORTLAND. Every Night at 8 p. m. EXCEPT SUNDAY NIGHT. PATRONIZE The AsMria Building and Loan Association Has only been organized 30 months, and it now lias mortgages, upon the best real es tate security to the amount of SS5.C00.0O drawing Interest at the rate of 9 per cent, per annum. .) Before taking stock in those eastern com panies examine into the workings of your home Institution and see If it is not the best We claim that our company has done more for the advancement of Astoria, and helping people to secure homes for them selves, than anything ever organized here. The cth series of stock will be opened October 1st, those wishing to subscribe will please call on the secretary, on or before that date. W L.ROBB. Secretary- lie Institutions.