Ct fto attjj gtftotfm ASTOKIA. OBEGON: FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 27, IBRD. COUNCIL MEETINGS. With all due allowance for different points of view and differences of pri vate opinion, we kindly refer to the usual character of the city council meetings as not in any way calculated to add to the dignity of the city, and as often opposed to the city's material interests. The writer of this article has been present at nearly every council meet ing for the past eight years, and has many times noted with regret that councilmen carry their private ani mosities and ancient grudges into the council room. They ignore their character, their positionas councilmen, and remember only that they have financial and other differences with each other in their private capacity and act accord ingly. A great part of each session is worse than wasted in an attempt to belittle opposition by calling each other liars and sons of darkness. While this mnvmnlrn the thouehtless laugh, it makes the judicious grieve. The meeting of the council every two weeks is inevitably the occasion for a wrangle, and the interest of the city always suffers. Were it not so serious in its results it would be amusing to see seven men sit down to transact city business and in twenty minutes have two or three of the seven roaring and jumping. "How not to do it," seems to be the rule. There is more idiotic fooling in the city council over streets; more back ing and filling and doing and undo unde ing: more conflict of interest, of au thority and of opinion than in any similar body that ever came under our observation. "The roadway," "West 6th street," and kindred street topics, come up ever' meeting night, and what is done one night is undone the next night, and the result is nothing but vexa tion. Then the council will be seized with a spasm of economy, a virtuouB but momentary tremor of retrenchment, and will save fifteen or twenty cents, and the next moment fool away a large number of dollars. This is a rience and observation having their effect So, one's ideas as to free trade, prohibition, woman suffrage, courtesy from contemporaries, etc., change as the years pass. . For many years The Astorian has held that street work should be done at the expense of the adjacent prop erty owners. But while the idea is a good one in the abstract, practical observation and continued experience shows that in and out of the Astoria city council it is a failure, and an expensive failure. A good deal of the fooling in the city council is made possible by rea son of chapter Vlil of the charter of the city of Astoria, which makes street improvement "a lien on the property adjacent This causes nineteen-twentieths of the obstruction and delay, and is a fertile source of trouble to those who want to advance, and of power to those who want to hold back. The Astobian is now of the opin ion that the expense of street im provement should be borne by general municipal taxation, and shall work to have the charter so amended that that shall be the legal procedure. Such change will be in a line with the hopes and the progress of the fu ture: it will be more equable in its operatien: it will do away with con siderable nonsense in the street de partment by rendering it impessible: it will aid in the work of developing and building the city, and will in re ality, cost less than the present slow, expensive, and unsatisfactory style of work in this city where a mulish or miserly property owner can stop all street work in his vicinity for an en tire summer. So long as Astoria is at the mercy of such narrow minded creatures, so long this city will be held in bondage, from assuming the dignity of size and supremacy which is hers by right of situation. To radically chance our charter in this regard will gradually aid in the advancement of the city's material interests. Boss' Ojera House. TWO NICHTS ONLY. Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27, 28 TI1E STANDARD Comic Opera Company. SO ARTISTS t30 Under the Management of W. F. Rochester, headed by the Charming Prima Donna, BETTINA PADELFORD, AND A Grand Chorus of Twenty Voices. Friday Erciiinjr. IOLANTSE. Saturday Evening. Popular Prices: 25, 50 and 75c. A Grand Orchestra is guaranteed with this company. Keserved Seats open this morning , 9 oclock, at the New YorkNov elty Store. J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER, - New York Novelty l5 ROTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE OF OEEGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1883. Correspondence Solicited. Next W. U: Telegraph OJVicc. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. ALL THE NOVELTIES S-fcft02DL03?y. For Sale. ONE OF THE BEST BUSINESS COKNElt lots on First street. Street cars pas-? every ten minutes. Size, 50x100. Price, STi.300. Alse: A corner lot 75x150 In the heart or the city, between O. It. & N. dock and PostoilkP. .Fine Hotel site. Price, 5,500. Alse: Good Residence lots on Jefferson and As tor streets, at reasonable prices. J. H. MANSELL, lteal Estate Broker. Thomas A. Edison, in a recent talk about his phonograph said: "For seven months I worked from eighteen to twenty hours a day upon the single sound 'specie.' I would say to the instrument 'specia,' and it would al ways say 'pecia,' and I couldn't make j it say anything else. It was enough rrrT .a-i fofaMt to make me crazy. But I stuck to it piUlU, UllCVK BM.WU.4 susceptible of proof by the records and if denied, can be substantiated. It always has been this way, and al ways will be till councilmen realize that business and not folly is the fit subject for legislative deliberation. Fun would be all right, but there is no wholesome genuine fun about it; if there was, it wouldn't be so bad. We have never yet seen the city coun cil break up or adjourn in good hu mor. There is always a growl or a kick or a savage argument and a post mortem after the meeting is over. This shows that the council them selves are not satisfied. The people certainly are not Is it not ridiculous? The council will gravely ask the city attorney's opinion; next meeting he gives it. carefully and in line with the unani mous opinion of his predecessors, and then the council by a two-thirds' vote will deliberately pass an ordi nance directly opposed to it. In this they are either right or wrong. But if the law is right, in what position does the city council place itself in overriding or overruling the law? The Astorian, which rarely goes into the advice business, gives this bit of advice to the city council act for the city as you individually act for your own interests. As individuals you are prudent, careful, and law abiding, looking out for your individual prosperity; you don't cut up monkey shines, nor act silly: you are economical, successful business men. Now, as councilmen, can you not be f jr the city, for an hour every two weeks, what you 'are for yourselves, the rest of the time? Try it. The office of councilman is a thank le3s ene: there is no money in it: very little honor, and considerable trouble. But when a man is elected and takes the oath of office, and'accepts the seat he should have gride in his position and strive to make a record for himself. There is an excellent opportunity for some one or more to rise superior to all the petty squabbles, bickerings, criminations and recriminations, and leaving personalities aside act with lofty devotion, to the city's interests. If a councilman doesn't' want to do that there is no law to stop him from re -signing. If he does want to make a brilliant record, the opportunity is always open for him to be a curiosity. i STREET WORK. until I succeeded, and now you can read a thousand words of a newspaper at the rate of 150 words a minute, and the instrument will repeat them to you without an omission. You can imagine the difficulty of the task that I accomplished when I tell you that the impressions made upon the cylin der are not more flian one-millionth part of an inch in depth and are com pletely invisible even with the aid of a microscope." Colonies of Greenlanders are al ready making arrangements to emi grate into North Dakota, and so the inhabitants jof faraway cold countries can find a home and climate to suit in the United States, where they can pursue their industries and not feel the enervating effects which would fol low them if they settled further south. Norwegians, Icelanders and Green landers are among the most enterpris ing settlers in Bed Biver Valley of the North and in the country around "Wins nipeg. Is Consumption incurable? Read the follewing: Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and pny sicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "uaa ic not oeen lor ur. auibs New Discoverv for Consumptien I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at J. C. Demerit's Drug Store. John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Cc. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists Sundries. rrcscriiitlons Carefully ('ompoiimlril. Agent tor Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure CANDY Manufactured and For Sale at Wholesale Trices, at The Oregon-Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, PropY. GoodBreafl, Cake aiiu Pastrs None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered In any part of the city. To and From San Francisco. The Schooners ZAMPA and NORMA, Arrivintr jmii dftnflrtintr twice a month will carry Freight at Low Hates, to and from a E-w...Mo T r TRTTT.l .TNTfJKH. ' At "West Shore Mills. San Francisco. Real sate Mellon SALE. Valuable and EllRlbleLots In Adair's Astoria. Saturday, October 5, at 2 v. m. At itobb & Parker's Real Estate Ofllce, Where a PJat of thal'roperty can be Seen . Instructed by V. B. Adair, Esq., agent, I will offer at PUBLIC AUCTION, on the above day, the Lots In BLOCK CO. ADAIK's ASTORIA, as recently subdivided, replatted and recorded In the County Clerk's ofllce. This property Is admirably located, com mands a fine View of the Columbia River bar. Is only 3 blocks from high tide water line and 3 only from the street car line now running. It Is one block south of the Pow er's Avenue, which is laid out 135 ft. wide, wafh int. i nipjired and staked oil and a ma jority of them are now under cultivation by nhJnf!fi irardeners. Persons desirous of examining the prop erty before the day of the sale will please take the plank road south of Kopp's Brew ery. The lots are now quite accessible. A carriage can be driven within one block of the north-west corner of Block CO. Terms at sale. Title perfect. Warranty Deeds. E.G. HQLDEN, Auctioneer. NEW TO-DAY ROSS' OPERABODSE ONE NICHT ONLY. Monday, Sept. 30th, 1889. A Picnic for Bald Heads ! f liable Santly's FEMALE BURLESQUE COMPANY, 20 ARTISTS 20 4 THE BIG FOUR f it HEBIQ-COMICS! Llda Gardner, Lizzie Arnold and the Kenyon Staters. The Two Great Comedians and End Men, 2BILLY ARNOLD Q Look out for High KlcKlng ! For Sale. Desiring to Retire from Business, I Hereby Offer for Sale My Satoon and Furniture, Fixtures AND GOOD WILL. One of the oldest and best established business places of Astoria. Aspleadidchancefor investment for the right person. This offer only holds good for the next ten days. or particulars inquire I nuuu Sept.25tll.lS89. of RUDOLPH BARTH. Prices of Lumber. On and after this date, until further no tice, we will furnish lumber at the Mill, at the following prices : Rough Lumber. S 8 per M ft. Flooring and Rustic $15 " " WEST SHORE MILLS CO. Astoria, April 10, '89. As time passes one changes liis mind on a good many subjects, expe- A Graud Sensational First Part. This Great Performance to Conclude with the Local Burlesque. PRINCE D AND INI DXTwhlchthe Entire Company will Appear. 'Reserved Seats on Sale, Saturday morn lug, 9 o'clock, at New York Novelty Store, Stockholders' Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVN THAT THE annual meeting of the stockholders of the Occident Packing Co., will be held at their office on Friday, October 4, 1880, at 9 o'clock a. it, for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the ensuing vear, and transacting any other business that may come before the meeting, By order of the president. ERfK MANULA. Secretary. GET YOUR :Olll3LJ2. Boo3s.Su CARI. A. HANSON TT TW f m llf AvH I lUttl fflUUBV S IVUIUI OELO F. PARKER. Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO 4-ta jf-v x "r c. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK, J "ST Mens Coin The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stok IN Groceries and Provisions. Everything in a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. -FOARD & STOKES Wholesale Wine House. in"TTTTin,rr,TTPNl'ir ill ABIT! FOR A LOT -IN- TO EAST ASTORIA. : $5.00 Per Month. Good for One Week only. B.OBB fe FABSE, Agents. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wino in any quantity nt lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. f Sept. I'll 1HSSU. It Will Pay You to Buy a Lot IN- Latire Park Addition ' TO The City of Astoria. Jk V. MMmZLmWW. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and "ffegetateles. Received fresh every Steamer. Ranee The New Model CAN BE HAD IN ASTOKIA, ONLY OF ie n zr &nr JUa MMiU JMAAA W m &-m Agent. Call and Examine It ; You "Will be Pleased. E. 11. Ilawe.t Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Wort Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand, This property i3 now on the market, and is being sold by On the Installment Plan for $30.00 and $40.00 per Lot. .$10.00 Cash and $5.00 per Month. Don't miss this opportunity. The terminus of a transcontinental road will be located within J5 minutes walk from this beautiful tract. S.0 to-day.. 2T0 in one year. Savo the. dollars and buy real estato and wealth is yours. Call at once tipon l WORSLEY & CARRUTHERS. Corner 3d and Olney Streets. H. W. Strickler, M. D. DEALER IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc. Prescription Clerk speaks Four different Languages. General practice of Medicine attended to by the Doctor. Second Street, near Postofflce. This addition- to Astoria is beautifully situated on a gentle slope toward the John Day river, lying on tho County road and only 200 yards from steamboat land ing 0,11 Tallin on3v wnlkint? distance of streot car lino. The railroad survey from Portland to Astoria down tho south bank of the Columbia river passing between the landing and Riverside. The "Oregoninn" in an editorial of September 1st, says: Tho O R. & N. will l)uild lines within a short time from Portland to Puget Sound and Gray's Harbor and from Portland to Astoria, penetrating tne donn Day region." WAIala PAPBSfc -AND- CEILING DECORATION 5000 double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest stylos and shades just received direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of CARPETS, Of all grades in beautiful new designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBORN. FIRE BRICK DKALKR IN FIRE CLAY Hay, Oats, and Straw, Lime, Brie!, Cement, Sand ani Plaster Wood Dellrpred to Order. Buv Now Before the Rise The most certain and best paying investments m any country are those made in nood towns when prices are low and prior to the full growth of such towns. R NombIrorrPavines. All good level lots 50x100. Avenues CO feet wide. Price, S40.00; S10.00 down, balance 5.00 per month. Title, U. b. patent. See plats at M 5,3 Qr pR ftNK SPITTLE, Real Estate Agents, Astoria, Oregon. Dr&jlng, To&ralng and Express Business. STRAINER igSf5?sgg. a I -PK WWBr "rMSPap (iURi gvgi- jglggjjg PARKER J. p. DEALER IN - Groceries Produce. "Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELEPHOJfE NO. 7. - P. 0. BOX 822. BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJ30LDEH SHOE. aro:m::isr s:.AB::isr. IER apply to the Captain, or to J. P. L.FERRELL DBAJJ2B IK Key West Cigars, Tobacco, and Smokers' Articles. niinlnn T?nilta. Honfcctionerv. Nuts. Etc. Fresh Goods received on every California Steamer. "WATER ST.. under Crow's Gallery A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPBIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. ,,.., Your patronage Is solicited. Eben P, Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT or CHAR U. B. PAKKEK. Thompson & Boss Carry a Full Line of Fancy Choice Staple and Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. Residence for Rent. CONSISTING OF 8 ROOMS FURNISHED complete, with piano. Price $40 per month. Occupied at present by Geo. No land.. Apply to THOMAS LOGAN.