m Sto Sattjj storiau. ASTORIA. OREGON: FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 13. 1889. The smallest incorporated town in the country is said to be the borough of South Atlantic City, N. J. It has nineteen voters. TnoMAS G. Sheakmax estimates there are 31,000 persons in this coun try who own three-fifths of the total wealth of the country. Belgium has the largest railway mileage in proportion to area, having full twenty-five miles of railway to every 100 square miles. Every block in Bntte, M. T., has a private watchman. The audacities of the incendiaries have created great uneasiness, and if a capture is made the citizens will hardly suffer the cul prit to go to triaL The stampede to the Swaukgold district, twenty-five miles north of Ellensburg, "W. T.. is increasing. The mother lode, which produced from 100 to 700 nuggets, it is confidently believed, is at last found. O It is claimed that four American vessels were deliberately run ashore by San Domingan pilots, when they were plundered by officials. Claims for resulting damages are being made out and will bo presented to the "Washington authorities. John L. SuiiiiiVAN' is going to be a candidate for a seat in the Boston city council so as to get some practice be fore running for congress.. Hero is a pointer for some of our Astoria poli ticians. The election for Astoria councilmen is only three months off. The ways of auctioneers in differ ent parts of the world vary greatly. In England and America the seller bears the expense of the sale, but in France the purchaser bears the cost, 5 per cent being added to his purchase. In Holland it is still worse, the buyer being required to pay 10 per cent, additional for the ex penses of the sale. Corpokaii James Tanner rarely goes to bed before ten o'clock in the morning. It is unusual for him to get a night's sleep. He is accustomed to sit up until, thoroughly tired out, ho is obliged to lie down. But often times he can only ache and toss, and now and then he is obliged to get up again and sit in his library for an hour or two and smoke himself more tired. The trouble is due to the in cessant pain in Ids two amputated legs. President Harrison has fired him out of the office of commissioner of pensions, because ho made too much noise with his mouth. ADVICE FROM BELOW STAIRS. "Bridget, I would give all my wealth for half of your health." "Sure, ma'am, you need only give ?5, for that's tho price of six bottles of J. V. S.,' as the boys call it Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparll la will make you as strong as me, ma'am." Mrs. J. Barron, of 142 Seventh street, San Francisco, writes: "I have been taking Joy'a Vegetable Sarsaparilla with Immense benefit, It is perfectly splendid to build up nervous, run-down and worn out women.-" Mrs. Fred Loy, of 327 Ellis street, Mrs. G. Werner of 235, Berry street, and hundreds of others relato the same experience with tho pure -v cgetabla juices oi tms uamornia compound. The issue of postal cards for the year succeeding the letting of the first contract in 1873 was 100,000,000. In the- contract recently made the yearly demand for the next four years 13 estimated at 500,000,000. Epocli. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epocn in tne me ot me nun vidnal. Such a lemarkable event is treasured m the memory and the agency whereby the good health has been at tained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is lfeard in praise of Elec tric Uitters. bo many feel they owe their restoration to health to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic If you are troubled with any disease of the Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing you will surely find re lief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50 c and Si per bottle at .1, "W. Conn's Drug store. Meals Coobed to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Saratoga Chips Are clean, convenient and palatable. Ask your grocer for them. For sale everywhere. Get a sample and try them. Telenhoncliodfirtns House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week S1J50. New and clean. Private entrance. Tender, Juicy Stcalt at Jeff's. The latest style of Gents'Boots and Shoes at p. J. Goodman's. CiUlrenCryferPiicWsCastoria Real Estate Transfers, Sept. 12. Hiram Gray and wife to P. O'Hara, 38.61 acres sec. 24, T. 8 N. B. 10 W.; S1.62L62. J. M. Howell and wife to Frank Spittle, lot 8 blk 130, lot 5, blk 149. McClure's; 75. Geo. Roland and wife and Geo. A. Dorris and wife to Frank Spittle, lots 18, 19, 20. blk 1st addition to Ocean Grove; 150. L B. Cearns to Frank Spittle, lot, sec. 6, T. 8 N. B. 7 W., and SE Jf SE H sec 31 T. 9 N. E. 7 W., 79.25 acres; 100. TItcir Business Booming. Probably no one thinglias caused such a general revival of trade at J. W. Conn's Drug Store as his giving away to their customers of so many free trial bottles orDr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Eronclntis, Cronp, and all throat and lung diseases quickly cured. Ton can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size Si. Every bottle warranted. FOR SAI.I2. A Fortune Tor the Right Mas:. On account of ill health, (and other business) Jeff offers for sale his famous restaurant, including stock, fixtures and good will. The offer to sell is opeuT only for one week from this date, September 10th. If not sold in that time, .Jeff will continue to run it himself, as usual. Tins is the best business that lias ever been offered for sale in Astoria. Fortv- five regular boarders. The books shown to responsible parties. All the patent medicines adveitiscd in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc., can e bought at the lowest prices, at .1. V. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. AIVICETO 3IOTIIEK8. Mrs. Wixsi.ow's Soothing Syri'i should always be used for children teething, it soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cure- wind cholic, and is the best remedy for diar-rhcea.Twcnty-fivc cents a bottle. Coffee and cake, ten rents, at tho Central Restaurant NEW. TO-DAY. H. W. Strickler, Iff. S. Dr.AL.Elt IN Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, Etc rrescnption Clerk speaks Four difterent languages. uenerai practice oi jucuicine atteimea io by the Doctor. Second Street, near l'ostoiuce. Come to The Center. I WANT TLT03E INDEBTED TO ME TO make immediate settlement and save costs. All accounts outstanding ten Jays from this date will be placed in the hands oi an attorney for collection, Tlds includes all accounts owing either to the lestaunint or tne Telephone saloon. K. L JEFFREY, Astoria, Sept. 12th, '89. Thompson & Ross Carry a Full Line of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. Last Of The Season ! Railway 'and Navigation Go. Steamer "GEN. CANDY" will lie her uhart at Astoria, on Sunday, Sept. 15th, '89, At 7 o'clock a. m., for llwaco, W. T., touch ing at Tanzy rt.. Ft. Stevens, and Ft. Can by, connecting with Cars for Nahcotta, Returning, will start from llwaco at 5 o'clock p. ai. Trice for Round Trfp Tickels, Si. Round Tiip Astoria to Nahcotta, $2. Parties to Take the Contract of Clearing Columbia Addition Of the Underbrush, Fallen Trees, Etc. , Apply to C. J. HALL & CO. KllAMSE A Great Dramatic Event. Special Engagement for 4 NIGHTS 4 Commencing Monday, Sept. 16th. IThe Beautiful and Talented Young Actress, Miss Essie Tiitell Supported by the Charming Soubrette. Miss Minnie Tine the management of Russell & Jew ell REPERTOIRE : MONDAY "A MountahiWaif." TUESDAY "Our Boarding House." WEDNESDAY "Colleen Bawn." THURSDAY "Lynwood," Prices 75 50 and 2-3 cents. Reserved Seat sale opens Saturday, Sept. 14th, at 9 o'clock, at the New York Novelty Store. Wanted.- BY A YOUNG MAN : A SITUATION AT nominal salary. Address R. 8., Astorian office. Excursion ! Ross' Opera House. ONE NIGHT ONLY Friday, September 13, 1889. .Return Engagement of Hie Greatest Musical Comedy Company that Ever Visited Astoria. Lanrcncc & Conner's Musical Comedy Co., IIEADED BY HARRY CONNER.S, (Or the Bad Boy) in !S BAD BOY. FRANK CALBURT, the original Sclmltz, the Grocer. . BILLY COURTKIGI1T as Duffy, the Police man, and om Celpbrated Company of Comedians. The well-known Grocery. Brielit. catehv Music. New Songs and Specialties. Crowded Houses nightlv. You will smile. Utter, iAUfiii, SCREAM. YELL. Sale of Reserved Seats commences on Thursday, Sept. 12th, 0 a. m., at the New iorK jsoveity store. CURIS. KVENSON. F. COOK THE EVENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTA URANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters. VW., Meats, F.tc. Cooked to Order. W.VTKKKt., Opp. Foard & Hiokes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Hun in connection with the l'lemlses. Tho Rest or WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. (ioo.t Rllilaid Tables and Private Card Rooms. Is the Leading and RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Clean Services. Reasonable Prices. Polite Walters. Prompt Attention. Try Mm and You will he More t han Satisfied. very body Says So. Private Rooms. MAIN STREET. - - - ASTORIA. THE VIENNA" C. W. Fisher & Co., Prop's. Game,. Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORDER- Fino Private ECooniH. Everything Mrftt Class. Genevieve Street, rear or Griffin & Reed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Wanted. 10or15Acres Good Property FOR SUBDIVISION. State location and terms. Address "ANNEX." Care Astorian Office. Apprentice Wanted -TO- Learn the Millinery Business APPLY AT Mrs. W. J. Barry's. NEW GOODS Are Being Received at MRS. W. J. BARRY'S Millinery Store. For Sale. ONE OF THE BEST BUSINESS CORNER lots on First street. Street cars pass every ten minutes. Size,o(Kl00. Price, S5.500. Alse: A coiner Jot 75UG0 in the heart of the city, betw een O. R. & N. dock and Postoillce. Fine Hotel site. Price, S5.500. Also : Good Residence lots on Jefferson and As tor streets, at reasonable prices. J. H. MANSELL, Real Estate Broker. Centra! Hotel Restaurant ai Cairo . J.H.MANSELL, - REAL ESTATE BROKER, r NOTA11Y PUBLIC FOli STATE OF OEEGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. O Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1883. Correspondence Solicited. Xel W. r. Telegraph Oflice. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. msi GET YOUR EXCHANGED AT PROPRIETORS OF AST $GQ PER LOT, It Will Pay You to Buy a Lot aurel Park Addition TO The City of Astoria. This property is now on tho market, and is heingsold by On the Installment Plan for $30.00 and 40.00 per Lot. Don't iniss this opportunity. The terminus of a transcontinental. rond will bo luuiueu wuuiii io minutes waix irum iuis oeauuiui trace. . S30 to-day. 250 in one year. Save tho dollars and buy real estate and wealth is yours. uau at once upon lllfLIIOmL i This addition to Astoria is beautifully situated on a gentle slope toward the John Day river, lying on the County road and only 200 yards from steamboat land ing, and within easy walking distance of street car- line. The railroad survey from Portland to Astoria down tho south bank of the Columbia river passing between the landing and Riverside. The "Oregonian" in an editorial of September 1st, says: The O. R. &N. will build lines within a short time from Portland to Puget Sound and Gray's Harbor and from Portland to Astoria, penetrating the John Day region." Buy Now Before the Rise 'ho most certain and best paying investments in any country are those made in good towns when prices ore low and prior to the full growth of such towns. No timber or ravines. All good level lots 50x100. Avenues GO feet wide. Price, S40.00; 10.00 down, balance $5.00 per month. Title, D. S. patent. See plats at J. H. MANSELL?S or FRANK SPITTLE, Real Estate Agents, Astoria, Oregon. BOOTS AND SEOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. - j riirr $10.00 Cash and $5.00 per Month. WORSLEY & OARRDTHERS. Corner 3d and OIney Streets. Astoria Gallery. FOR THE BEST PHOTOS, TINTYPES Or any Kind of Photographic Work, Call at the ASTORIA GALLERY, Good Work and Reasonable Prices Guaranteed. Misses G. & Z. CARRUTHERS, (Successors to H. S. Shuster.) New Yor k Novelty ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES BlaiiT, Bools.S, S'ta,'to23LOTy, WANTE0 Men to Take Contract to Cut Wood and Clear Land. For Particulars Apply at VAN DUSEN &. CO.'S. Wholesale Wine House. Fine Wines, Choice Brands. I have completed arrangements for supplying any brand of Wine in any quantity at lowest cash figures. The Trade Supplied, Families Supplied. ALL ORDERS DELIVERED FREE IN ASTORIA. Your patronage in City or. Country solicited. A. W. UTZINGER, Cosmopolitan Saloon. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed, Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. . o ThoXargest and finest assortment of Fsesfe, Fruits and Vegetables. Reoeived fresh every Steamer. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN Agent. Call and Examine It ; YOn Will be Pleased. E. R. Hawes Is also Agent for the Buck Patent Oooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings,' Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. AND CEILING DECORATIONS! 5000 double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of the latest styles and shades jnat reoeived direct from Eastern factories. Also a large assortment of CARPETS, Of all gradeB in beautiful new designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. CHAS. HEILBORN. FIRE BRICK DEALER Itf Hay, -.flats, ana Straw, Lite, Brici, Cement, Sai anil Plaster Wood Dellrered to Order. Draylng, Teaming and Express Business. IER apply to the Captain, or to O. C. WILLIAMH. R. O. STOXK. WILLIAMS & STONE nave taken charge of the Parker Housfe DINING ROOM AND RESTAURANT. The Dining Room and Restaurant will be nin on the European plan. Preah Oysters. Clams and Crabs In season, served dally. Best 25-cent Dinner in tne City. Store ASTORIA, ONLY OF FIRE CLAY STEAMER CLARA PARSER Eben P, Parker, Master. For TOWING, FREIGHT or OHAtt H. B. FABKEB. J. P. L. FERRELL DEALER IN Key West Cigars, Tobacco, and Smokers' Articles. Choice Fruits, Confectionery, Nuts, Etc. Fresh Goods received on every California Steamer. "WATER ST., under Crow's Gallery Lost. A SMALL BLACK KID PURSE, CON taining $5 In currency, a double breasted gold chain with gold dollar, a la dles' gold ring, a locket with charm bearing the letter "K." Lost last Sunday, Finder will be rewarded by leaving same at this oflice.