-JfrKP ""V" - V" -s--j -?wSr' T iS -" " oj ASTORIA, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER II. 1889, VOL. XXXIII, NO. 59. PRICE JblVE CENTS The Teacher fiTho advised her pupils to strengthen .heir minds by the use of Ayer's Sar laparilla, appreciated the truth that aodily health is essential to mental rigor. For persons of delicate and feeble 'oustitution, whether young or old, this nedicine is remarkably beneficial. Be uire you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " Every spring and fall I take a num ber of bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and am greatly benefited." Mrs. James H. Eastman, Stoneham, Mass. "I have taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla with great benefit to my generaliiealth." Miss Thirza L. Crerar, Palmyra, Md. "My daughter, twelve years of age, has suffered for the past year from General Debility. A few' weeks since, we began to give her Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Her health ha3 greatly improved." Mrs! Harriet H. Battles, South Chelmsford, Mass. "About a 3 ear ago I began using Ayer'a Sai.sapaiilla as a remedy for debility and neuralgia resulting from malarial exposure in the army. I was in a very bad condition, but six bottles of the Sar Hanarilla, w itli occasional doses of Ayer's .Tills, have greatly improved my health. I am now able to work, and feel that I -annot sav too much for your excellent remedies." F. A. Pinkham, South Moluncns, Me. "My daughter, sixteen years Old, is .sing A ver's Sarsaparilla with good ef tert." Ue S. J. Graham, United Urelhreu Chinch, Buckhannon,"W. Va. " I suffered from Nervous Prostration, '.ith lame Lark and headache, and have l.een much benefited by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I am now 80 years of age, ami am satisfied that my present health mid prolonged life are due to the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla." Lucy Moffitt, ICilliugly, Conn. Mrs. Ann H. Farnsworth, a lady 79 ears old, So. Woodstock, Vt., writes: "After several weeks' suffering from net ous prostration, I procured a bottle i Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I had taken half of it my usual health tetiirued." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1 ; ii bottles. $5. Worth $5 a bottle. M 15 Porart. "Ihavoboona great sufferer from Torpid liver and Dyspepsia. Every thing I ate disagreed with xno until I began taking Ms Pill I can now digest any kind of food, never have a headache, and have gain ed fifteen pounds in weight." IV. C. SCHTJI.TZE, Columbia, S. C. SOLD EVERYWHERE. ' Office, 44 Murray St, New York. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portlaud or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can pet Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods by Every Steamer. Call and See Htm and Satisfy Yourself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEHT, Successor to E. C Jlolden. .The oldest -established Commission House In Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Finestock of Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains In" Household Hoods g to -. 3IAKTIN OLHKN TING f-OR SEINES POUNDS WH. J. HOOPER & CO., 110 E. Pratt, near Light, BALTIMORE. MD., Manufacturers of COTTON AND FLAX GILL NETS, CORKS, SEINE LEADS, &.C. Seise Twine of all binds, Ma- .sills. Cotton fc Hemp Rope. TELEGRAPHIC . Specials to The Astorian. Ouf Portland Telegraphic Letter. Jim Turk, Oaptain and Board of Trade. Various News Notes Prom the Metropolis PortiiA-d, Sept 10. The fall meet ing of the Portland speed association opened to-day at City Yiew park. In spite of the threatening -weather the attendance was very large. The races -were good and suit the public, but were bad for the talent, as none of the favorites were winners. The decision of the judges in the first race caused great dissatisfaction to Montana owners and sports. It is rumored that several stables will with draw their horses from the meeting. Jack Doud, owner of "Sunday" and "Ju Ju" publicly denounced the judges, at the same time withdrawing his horses. The crowd evidently sided with the judges. The first race was a quarter-mile and repeat. "Cyclone" was a big fa vorite in the pools, selling at twenty, in a field of six, ten. .First head "Sunday" won, "Jim Miller" second, "Cyclone" third. Time, twenty-three and three-quarters. Mu rals, SG6. Second heat "Jim Miller' won; "White Cloud" second; "Cyclone" third. Time, twenty-four and three quarters. Third heat "Jim Miller" won first and second money, "Sunday" fouling. Time, twenty-four. The second race was a mile dash: "Frank Brady" first, "Little Phil" second, "Coloma" third. Time 1 :45. Trotting race, 250 class; three in five for a purse of six hundred dollars. Seven entriesr "Alta," "Alting," "Lady Maud" "Pricemont." 'S. S.," "Susie S." "Kitty Ham." The first heat "Alta" first, "Lady Maud'-' second, "Alting" third. Time, 2:29. Kace postponed until to-morrow at one o'clock. TO HANG NOVEMBER 1ST. Sandy Olds was to-day sentenced by Judge Stearns to be hanged on Fri day, November 1st. jos. won't skin. JoeHolladay has refused to sign the notice of sale of personal proper ty as ordered by judge Stearns. TAKEN UNDER ADVISEMENT. Isaac Lawrence, the opium fiend who -was arrested last Saturday for passing counterfeit money was sub jected to a United States commis sioner's examination this morning before Paul P. Deady and his case taken under advisement. CHILD KIMiED BY A FALL. Shortly before noon to-day a little fourvear old dauerter of Mr. "Wil liam Hydesay fell from the top of a landing of the stairway m the Inter national hotel, bounding down to the first floor. She was picked up in an unconscious condition. Dr. Can- thorne was summoned. It was learned upon examination that she had sustained a fracture of the base of the skull and also at the right side of the skull from the effects of which she died. DIED OF HIS INJURIES. W. W. Shoffner the freight jcon ductor who was run .over by the freight train at the Southern Pacific east side yard yesterday mojning at 11:45 died last evening at 8 o'clock at St. Vincent's hospital. JIM TURK AND CAPT. STEVENS. Captain Stevens the master of the British ship Lord Canning has caused Jim Turk's arrest on the charge of enticing sailors away. The case was tried in justice Phelan's court bv a jury: the defendant was acquit ted. As the Lord Canning sails hence for Liverpool to-morrow morning the master desired to get his sailors back; therefore through his attorney FISH NETTING. SEINESTRAPS, POUNDS, Mting of Every Description AND At LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. B&B.BOXTE.'S SALMON NET THREADS. WOODBERRY Seise Twines ant" Lines.- HENRY omiE & CO.; &1 7 MrTO Market Stv ' . SAN'FBAXCtSCO, CALIFORNIA." A A sale that will prove a Cyclone to competitors. An array of Bargains that will tickle the purchasing public. I have advices that my unusually large stock of Fall and Winter Goods is in transit and will be here soon; which fact forces me to make room by sacrificing the stock on hand without reserve. dEiiiiiHiuiiiiiEiiitiiBnuiiMiiiBiEiiisimimiiimssiiiuaiij SLASHING SLAUGHTER OF 3 m JJ f Men's Suits ! !! " s " 5 S My stock of Suits comprises Tweeds, Cassimeres, "Wide 5 S Wales, Cheviots nnd Worsteds of th prettiest designs, 2 S made up in the most artistic manner. Adjectives piled up g in cold type would fail to give you an idea of the elegance g and intrinsic worth of the "multitude of Fashionable 5 S Suits markeH for slaughter. 3 StsiuiiHiiiiiuaiiiBHinHSiiiiisiiiaiicHiasssEBiiiiiaEiaaBBiBaM Furnishin g Good Choice lines of fine Negligee Shirts; Woolen Underwear, Cotton Lisle Thread, Silk and Woolen Hose, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, etc. AH these mu9t rest, and go at A SAumtiuis. : H;3L.a. .. Single Pant ; Without. a doubt the largest line ; UUbUUIg will bUYt) uiDUl liuui uid ttlllic, buoy mo uuumcu : at fabulous LOW PRICES.'' : - : i atjji aasjI""BC."""aBVU , ? 4JI :t? iLj3 e : iaai?iBMWiMSBaBM'iaciaaaBiHaMkM4aiiBataBaBB-i. First come j First pick if Embrace This Opportuiiitv ! I...?lM.!!l?.J!?.i!!?i!?.i -...... ......... -.. .., """""""n.. .!... . .i'f . ...I".""""""""""" """" ' Conscious of the impositions practiced upon an unsuspecting public by unreliable dealers, I Emphatically Guarantee this to be the first genuine Sacrifice sale in Astoria. I have 15,000 Dollars' worth of goods on the way now, and it is to my interest to slaughter everything on hand in order to make room, and all wide awake business men acknowledge my plan as the most successful. Once more reminding the public that this sale holds good FOR 30 DAYS ONLY, and to cash buyers. Reliably yours, issued the following demand to Mr. Turk which was served by an officer of the justice court. - Portland, Or., Sept. 7th, To Mr. Jas. Turk, Portland, Oregon : ' Sib: As attorney for CapL Thomas Stevenson of the British ship Lord Canning I demand of you the imme diate return to said ship of the sea men belonging to it which you have heretofore enticed and persuaded to Jeave and depart from said vessel with out permission of the master, Thos. Stevenson the officer commanding the vessel. Unless you comply Herewith by Monday evening Sejpt. -9," thelaw will he enforced against; you. (Signed) S. H. Gbeen: . Attorney. Messers. Balfour, Guthrie & Co., charterers of the vessel are under the impression that the board of trade of this city should take up the matter of prosecuting Turk in order to estab lish a precedent if possible. As it is it appears that certain actions have been taken which don't please the committee appointed to attend to these matters until this disorder is regulated, and they don't wish to take any decisive lecral stens. The agent of Balfour, Guthrie & Co. says he feels satisfied that the board should take up the matter and that it will inaBhorttime do so. "We do not," said be, "care to undertake a measure which is not properly pur province. If we institute the proceed ings and win the case thereby estab Jishing the validity of the laws, and Its feasibility as well, the expense and and trouble will all be ours, to the board's and' everybody else's profit" GUARD AGAINST TIIK STRIKE, Antfalways have ar bottle of Acker's En glish Kemedy in the house. You cannot tell how soon Croup may strike your lit tle ont or a nnld.nr rrmrrlt mnv fnstrn Htjelf Upon you. One dose is a preventive mm a iciY uuses u-'uusiiive cure, ah Throat and Lung-troubles yield to its y. "lyVi'Jiv i0MH"C-.u(in; o gucii u nco-wuuuitrjveijjeuy uiunmeeu uy i . Vsuuu, uiupmai. MFE Everything share the fate of the Ml .8.....aL.......: ,etCost of Pants in the City;" !" .1 aaarBsaaaaaaaaatsMBBaaBasBi HERMAN , THE LIVE The eastern press and the tele graphic reports speak of Oregon's display of fruits, grainB and grasses at the G. A. K. encampment at Mil waukee as being far ahead of any thing ever before exhibited in the east from the sundown shores. Ore gon has been thoroughly advertised by this enterprising stroke and the results are bound to be great. Very Risky Indeed. To tamper with tho sypmtoma indicative of crowing kidnoy disorder; to neglect for a brief timo needful stimulation of the renal organs when their inactivity points, as it al wayandlinmistakahly does, to their event ual permanent disease, is certainly yery risky indeed. This is. however, a risk that many persons porcoptlbly drifting into Bright's dis ease, diabotes. catarrh of the bladder, &c . constantly incur. So thoso who road, rofloct and heod tho lessons of rocordod oxperience. the advisability of using Jlostetter's Stomach Bitters as a diuretic, need scarcely more than a suggestion. No fact is more generally ad mitted by the medical profession and the pub lic than its efficacy for tho -provontion of se rious renal disease. Tho unmedicated excit ants of commorco, no matter how puro. boar in mind, react prejudicially upon the kidneys when Inactive Tho Bitters subdues malaria, constipation and rheumatism. The Albany and Astoria railroad surveyors are getting neafer to the city every day, and wo soon expect to s'ee a man 'trying to hide behind-a small red and white fi9h pole, while another plays "peek-a-boo" with him through a py-glass on stilts, right in the main street. Tillamook Watch Tower, 7. WE CA.V AMD DO nnnranino' A olror'rj THnnd "Rlixir for it has been fully demonstrated to tho.peo- oil nfliarnrannr!ltinn) fnr hlnfwl fllspncpq. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poison ing. Ulcers, iirupuons anu .rimpies. 11 purifies the whole system and thorough ly builds up the constitution. J. W. If you learn that people say spite ful, wioked things about you, and untruthful things at that, be gniet. Not a particle of quinine nor any mineral substance is contained in Ayer'a Ague Cure yet it is a war ranted specific for malaria. THAT CUT iteita?wp trrTsoat 3.S Tfti .- h n IjOOll U- "" I CLOTHIER AND HATTER, The Mikado. N. J. BERGMAN, Prop. (Successor to J. C. Clinton.) Fine Chocolate Bon. Bons AND CONFECTIONS. ALSO Finest Brands Cigars, Tobaccos, AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES, FRUITS, NUTS, ETC. Charlotte Russe Cream Soda A SPECIALTY. New Goods received fresh, daily. Mease give me a call. Third street, near Telegraph Office. Carnahan & Go. SUCCESSORS TO i. w. cask;.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE JtND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE; Comer Chenamiis ancLCass streets. ASTORIA - - OREGON o for Tie SeasMe! Free .Camping Grounds ai Austin's. There Is an abundance of clams, crabs, trout, oysters and all kinds of salt and fresh water fish. Good safe Sea bathing, fresh air and the best hunting grounds In America. Campers and visitors can find at my store everything they require In the way of an outfit and provisions. A first class bar and bllllaid table are connected with my establishment. Board from $7 to 0 per week. For particulars call on or address , JAS. P. AUSTIN, Store. Seaside, Oregon. Aus.m's is open the year round. IlIIIIISliaaillBBBlBllIISIlBBUlElUiaiflgllllUllIBaiBlBIIBBBBIIIirs 1 MERCILESS MASSACRE OF ' I Boys' Suits ! ! 2 2 S Counters are groaning beneath the heaps of Fashionable 2 S Boys' Clothing. Room is needed, and to the delight of -2 Astoria mothers, I will give them a chance to dress their, 2 darlings stylishly and cheap. 3 2 3 SBBBEaBBSaBaBBlflSaBBBaBBBSEaaaiBEEBBBliaBaBiaBBBaBBB3BBBBBBBBBaflB3Bt3 Hats - -i This line has always been my strong point, but in the general avalanche of crumbling prices, they too will go. OTS S The knife will not spare this department, it will cat to ; ! the bone, and as in every other department it will have a ; ; tendency to cut prices with remarkable effect. i mm L....r......5......fi. WI I. "W7 CASE, Insurance Agent. REPRESENTING : California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Home Mutual Insurance Co.', S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London. Robb Sl Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Marine Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of $70,000,000 IMPERIAL, of London. CALIFORNIA, of California, j CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. UOAKLAND HOME, of Oakland. ) LION, of London. FIREMAN'S FUND, of California. ?UEEN, of London. 5h in and Commission Anencv ! '.. ..FIRE-INSURANCE IN FIRST CJbASS COMPANIES ' Representing 813,000,000 PHtENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Street Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London & Globe. North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, New York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent In a capital of $67,000,000. B. VAN" DUSEjy, Agent. GXP and Caps. AND SHOES. m &... &....JP.. I. W, Casey BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the U. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Office Hoxms : 10 a. m. to 3 r. m. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. Fashionable Dressmaking. A NEW ESTABLISHMENT; Stylo and Fit Guaranteed. Our aim is to Please our Patrons., The patronage of the Ladies of Astoria is respectfully solicited. Northw est corner Fourth and Cass streets. Mrs. T. S. Jewett & Mrs. Blrdsey -THE- DIAMOND PALADE GUSTAY HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine At Extremely Low Prices. All Goods Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watcli and CIoclc Repairing A SPECIALTY. Cornpr Cass and Squemoqua 'Streets. Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves i Ranges. Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WARRANTED. WATER CLOSETS, PLUHBIXG GOODS, PUMPS, SI5KS, AND BATH TUBS. OHENAMDS STREET. Diamoiifls i Jewelry