CzJ WU Qstofim. ASTORIA. OREGON: FRIDAY SEPTEMBER C, 1889. Since the last meeting of congress four congressmen have died J. M. Bums, of Missouri, E. "W. Townshend, of Illinois, E. J. Gay, of Louisiana, and James Laird, of Nebraska,'-tliree Democrats and one Republican. No change in the political situation will occur except it be in Louisiana, -where with an honest vote and a fair count, a Republican will be elected. . . John Mtjib, who has-been exploring in Alaska, says that Behring strait can be bridged. It is only sixty miles aoross in the narrowest place, and there are three islands strung along in it This would divide the bridge up into four divisions. The water is shallow, and in many places not over twenty feet deep. The only trouble would be from floating ice bergs, but that could be overcome by constructing swinging bridges. As an evidence of how slow the president is making changes in the offices, it may"be stated that the Rus sian mission, paying a salary of 17, 500 a yea'r, is still vacant, and that Democrats are still holding the mis sions to China, $12,000 a year; Corea, 7,500; Bolivia, Persia and Siam, 5,000 each, and Liberia, 4,000. It may be interesting for candidates Handy, Bedloe, Edwin Stevens, Adam Everly, Franklin Hall and others to know that in a total of thirty-eight consuls-general, only fifteen changes have been made so far. The pay at tached to these offices ruus up from 3,000 to 15,000 a year. Of a total of 158 consuls of the second-class, paying an average salary of 2,500 a year, changes have been made in only one-fourth. In class three of con sulships, paying 1,000 a year and fees, out of a total of twenty-four,, changes have been made in only two. And yet secretary Blaine rests quietly at Bar Harbor and will not return until the frost is there. Of the eighty-five lowest grades of consul ship paying only a few hundred dol lars a year compensation, no changes have been made. Was there ever, says the Bankers Monthly, such a history as that of the cotton seed? For seventy years despised" as a nuisance, and burned or dumped as garbage, then discovered to be the very food for which tlje soil was hungering, and reluctantly admitted to the rank of utilities, shortly afterward found to be nutri tious food for beasts as well as for soil, and thereupon treated with something like respect Once admit ted to the oircle of farm industries it was found to hold thirty-five gal lons of pure oil to the ton, worth in its crude state 14 to the ton, or 40, 000,000 for the whole crop of 'seed. But then a system was devised for refining the oil up to a value of 1 a gallon, and the frugal Italians placed a cask of it at the root of every olive tree and then defied the Borean breath of the Alps. And then experience showed that the ton of cotton seed was a better fertil izer and a better stock food when robbed of its thirty-five gallons of oil than before, that the hulls of the seeds made the best of fuel for feeding the oil mill engijs, that the ashes of the hulls scooped from thejengiuo's draught had the highest commercial value as potash, and that the "refuse" of the whole made the best and purest soap stock, to carry to the toilet the per t ames of Lubin or Colgate. A Little Too Frank. "I will be frank and truthful with you, my darling." said'George Him self tenderly, "as I always intend to be after we are married. You are not beautiful, but you have more good sense than all the pretty girls I know put together." "And 1, too, will be frank and truth ful," replied Amanda Herself, for it was she. "You don't know as much as a last year's bird's nest, but you have a larger mouth and keep it open longer at a time than any man I ever saw." She smiled like an angel when she ceased to speak, and somehow George Himself began to wonder whether his franking privilege could not be carried to excess. Biirdette in Brooklyn Eagle. 1 M AN UGLY DISCOVERY. A Report That Should Be Read. 'A recent analyzatlon in Philadelphia by celebrated chemist of ten popular brands of sarsaparilla discloses the astonishing fact that these ten samples of blood purifiers (?) con talned In the aggregate tixleen different min erals, eleven of which wero active poisons. Iodide of potash "was discovered in every sam ple, mercury was found In all but two, while arsenic existed in six of tho ten brands. Not one brand was the pure article." A reporter took tho above clipping to E. W. Joy, the manufacturer of Joy's Vegetable Sar Eaparilla. Mr. Joy exhibited no surprise. He said druggists knew it Ho said he long ago saw tho crying need for a safe and absolutely pure TCgetaBle preparation of Sarsaparilla, hence his was named Joy's vegetable sarsapa xilla, because it contained nothing but pure eyrup of sarsaparija, combined with the pure Juices of Calif ornla's vegetables! teratlves. Un like potash sarsaparillas, it does not force im purities through the skin but stimulates the various secretive organs, inereoy uorrctiuiK functional derangements and eliminating au tmnnrltiv- through t natural cbaonels. emfrmMSmty TiRht Lacinc;. A verdict of death from tight lacing comes from a Birmingham jury, ex pressed as,a verdict of "Death from pressure round the waist" The sub ject was a servant girl who died after a fright, and her death was attributed by the medical witnesses to the fact that she was laced too tightly to en able her to stand any sudden emotion. She was a notorious tight-lacer, not only at the waist Her collar fitted so closely that it was impossible to loosen it at the critical moment. Un der her corsets she wore a tightly buckled belt N. Y.-Su?i. Tlie Verdict Unanimous . W.D. Suit, Druggist Bippus, Ind., testifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi cine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thou sands of others have added their testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous that ElectrieBitters do cure diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at J. W. Conn's Drug Store. ADVICE TO 3IOTHKKH . Mks. Wixslow's Soothing Syrut should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind chohc, and is the best remedy for diar-rhoearwenty-five cents a bottle. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc., can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P..T. Goodman's. TcIepltoneliOiUclnc House. Best Beds in town. Booms per night 50 and 2" cts., per week Sl.50. New and clean. Private entrance. Go to Jeff's lor Oysters. NEW TO-DAY. Notice A MEETING OF THE PROHIBITION ists of Clatsop county Is hereby called to meet at the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation rooms in Astoria, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 11th of September, 1SS9, at 3 o'clock r. m., to elect delegates to attend the Conference Convention of the Prohibi tionists and other reform parties to be lieW at Salem, Or., on the nth inst. JOHN ADAIR, Chairman Co. Com. Sept. 5th, 18S9. E. J. Liddicoat, Contractor, Builder and Carpenter. Open tStake all kinds of Carpenter "Work. Holt & McCurtrle's old carpenter shop, next to Methodist Church. S.ARNDT&FERCBEN ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH a rr n Jl Boner anop 3'-ass,v.. n rtt. L WqK All kinds or ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT- WOSE Promptly attended to, Aspeclalty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. Notice. riIHE PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE JL existing between Mrs. Louise M. Gray and Mrs. Matilda Pratt, in the hotel known as the Main Street house, is this day dis solved by mutual consent, xne uusmess will be hereafter carried on by Mrs. Gray, to whom all bills Mill be presented, ami all wills due the said House will be paid. MKS. LOUISE M. KKAA. MRS. MATILDA PRATT. Astoria. Oregon, September 3rd, 18S3. Dissolution of Partnership. rilHE FIRM OF BERGMAN & CO.. IS JL this day dissolved by mutual consent, I. Bergman retiring from the Arm. All butt that are due by the old Arm to any one will be paid upon presentation at the olllce. All persons knowing themselves Indebted to the old llrm are requested to make immediate settlement of the same. I. BERGMAN. . H. CHRISTIANSEN. Vstorla,0r.,Sept.3rd, 1889. Oregon State Fair! Twenty-ninth Annual Exhibition at Salem Oregon, Commencing; Iflomlny, Sept. 10, Continuing one week, under the man agement of the Oregon state Board of Agriculture. OVER 15,000 IN CASH PREMIUMS Offered for Agricultural, Stock, Dairy, and Mechanical Exhibits, for Works of Art and Fancy Work, and for Trials of Speed. BunflE mi Trotting Bates EACH DAY. Important improvements made In the premium list. Reduced rates for fares anil freights on all transportation lines to and from the fair. PRICES OF ADMISSION: Men's day ticket.". .. soc "Women's day ticket. 25c Men's season ticket 2 00 Women's season ticket. si oo Send to the secietary at Salem fora-pre-mlum list. J. T, APPERSON. President. J. T. GREGG, Secretara, raalH! fj? 9JHIHI -r ys Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers lu Caflneryjnlies! Special Attention Clvento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. rurchases delivered In any part of the cily. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water- .Street P. O. Box 153. Telephone No, 37. ASTOBIA. oitKGoar. O. C. WILLIAMS.. K. O. STONE. Williams & stone Have taken charge of the Parker House DINING ROOM AND RESTAURANT. The Dining Room and Restaurant will be run on the European plan. Fresh Oysters, Clams and Crabs In season, served dally. Best 125-eeiit Dinner in tlic City. On Thursdays Only. MRS. DR. OWENS-ADAIR MAY BE consulted by those desiring medical aid, at her rooms at Mrs. Rucker'.s, in the Hume building on Thursdavs, from 11 a. si. to 3 1'. M. E. Ce Lewis, Timber Land Broker, Cruiser AND ESTIMATOlt. Locator of Government and State Lands. Timber bought and sold n Commission. Taxes paid and Lands protected from tres pass. Operates in Washington, Oregon, and California. Correspondence solicited. Astoria Oregon. House to Rent. IN UPPER TOWN : FIVE ROOMS. GOOD location, water inside and outside ; for particulars apply to II. ('..VAN DUSEN Upper Astoria. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., SUCCESSORS TO O". O- K. O S S County Coroner. v&-s-S-wS?-, First Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material Next to astokiak ofllce. Notice. ALL PERSONS KNOWING T1IRM selves indebted to me will plese call at the old stand and settle with Messrs. Noe & Scully at once, to save costs. .1. A. MONTGOMERY. ia Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General Machinists ant Boiler Makers. Land and Marine Engines BOIT.EIt WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPKCIAI.TV. Castings of all Descriptionslade to Order at Sfiort Noticer JonN Fos President, and Sunt. A. L. Fox,... Ylce President J. G. Hustler .-.Sec. and Treas. Seaside Bakery. Ilest Milk Brenrt and CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fine candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Candles. ADOLF JOHNSON. CANDY Manufactured and For Sale at Wholesale Trices, at The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Trop'r. (M Bread, Cake and. Pastry None but the Dest Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Dread delivered In any part of the city. The Btr. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. LEAVE PORTLAND : Foot of Alder Street Dally, except Tuesday. at .7 :0o A. at. LEAVE ASTORIA : Wilson & Fisher's Dock. Daily, except Tuesday, at 8 :00 p. si. The Lurline. FAST TIME BETWEEN Portland and Astoria I - LEAVE ASTORIA, Main St. Wharf. Daily, omitting Monday, at........ : 7 a.m. ON SUNDAY, at .7. 7 r.M. LEAVE PORTLAND. Every Night at.! 8 p. ar. EXCEPT SUNDAY NIGHT. Iron lo ASM J. H.MANSELL REAL ESTATE BROKER, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, "Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. . Investments made for Outside Parties. . . Established 18S3. Correspondence Solicited. Next W. V. MVIesf aih Oflicc. ' Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. ' a TTrT Foard & Stokes fe I Bll I II 9 I A IN EXCHANGED AT PROPRIETORS OF The New Model Range (JAN BE HAD IN Agent. Call and Examine It ; You Wiil be Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. AND f000 donblo roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of tho latest styles and shades just received direct from Eastern factories. Also a largo assortment of New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc. Call and examine. OHAS. HEILBORN. FIRE BRICK DEAI.KK IK Hay, Oats, ant Straw, Lime, BrlcK, Cement, Sand and Plaster Wood DellTcrctl to Order. Drajing, Teaming nnd Kxpres Business, g--- IER apply to tho Captain, or to ,1 BOOTS AND SEOES! Of Best duality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHOE. a-oaaiiKr x3CA.:s::Kr. nryrtnv-i i , jetnrFi ASTORIA, ONLY OF Pleased. E. R. Unwes Is also Apent for the Of all grades in bountiful new designs FIRE CLAY STEAMER ilUiU PARKER Eben P', Parker, Master. ForTOWINO, FREIGHT or CHAR ii. Si. FAMK.FAI. Astoria Gallery. FOR THE BEST photos; tintypes Or any Kind or Photographic Work. Call at the ASTORIA GALLERY, Good Work and Reasonable Prices Guaranteed. Misses C. & Z. CARRUTHERS, (Successors to H. S. Sinister.) New York Novelty ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES TTfl-Tilg. Bools.S, -fcfiftioiioay. Ml Your Money's Wortli IS WHAT YOU GET AT Groceries and Provisions. Everything in a First-class Storo and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price Paul for Junk. FOARD & STOKES WHOLESALE AND Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fvesh. Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresh every Steamer. NORTH PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION ! Opens at PORTLAND, OB., Sept. 2G, and Closes Oct. 2& 1SS9. The Building Contains Six and One-half Acres of Floor Room, Which will be covered with interesting displays of every description from every section o! the Northwest. $250,000 EXPENDED IN GROUNDS AND BOTLDINGS. Largest and best exhibit of FINE LIVE STOCK ever brought together on the Pacific coast will be made In the spacious grounds adjacent to the Exposition Building from October H to 19. LIBERAT1, THE FAMOUS CORNETIST, With fifty of the best musician of New York, has been engaged nt an enormous expense to furnish music during the entire exposition. There has been nothing left undone to make this the grandest exposition on the Pacific coast. Reduced rates of jare have been secured on all transportation lines. Portland extends an invitation to every resident of the north west to attend this magnificent exposition and enjoy her hospitalities. Hotel accommoda tions ample. For further information address NORTH PACIFIC INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION PORTLAND, OB. JEFFS Is the Leading and Only First-Clas .RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Clean Services. Reasonable Prices. Polite Waiters. Prompt Attention. Try Him and You will be More than Satisfied, Everybody Says So; Private Rooms. - MAIN STREET, - - - ASTORIA. CIIRIS. EVENSON. F. COOK THE Central Hole EVENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Weekor Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order. WATERSt, Opp. Foard & Mtoltes A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run In connection with the Premises. The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. CQ TO Thompson & Boss And get some of those No. One California Canned Fruits AND VEGETABLES. We Are Selling Cheap 4S& OELO F. TAJIK KU. CARL A. HAXSOX SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer TniS WEEK. Men's Clflli. The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. m- KETAIL DEALER IN Restaurant aiii Chop Hoiisii. C. W. Fisher &. Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORDEE- Fino Private Koonis. Evers-thlns l"Irst Clnss. (Jenevieve Street, rear or Grilllii & Reed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. JUSTUS EDWARDS. DAVE KENNEDY. KESKEIY & EDWARDS. PROPRIETORS OF THE PARKER HOUSE. First Class in Every Respect Thoroughly Renovated and Repaired throughout : 87 large, sunny rooms. TWO DIKING ROOItlS. Tables supplied with everything the mar ket affords. Fine Bar and Billiard Room : choice biands Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Free Coach to nnd from the Mouse. A Fine Sample Room for Commercial travelers. MOORE'S NEW In; mi n I This Week, the Largest Show on the Coast, Tfeaded by the World's Renowned Trapeze Performers, THE EDGERTON Also, the Great and Only CHAS. COWLES The New York Favorite The Yankee Clod Hopper In Connection With Hanson & Morton's Enormous Minstiet and Specialty Co. Ella Hewitt AND May Williams And Their Troupe of British Blondes. THE VIENNA Theatre UUMI lUUtJ .1