V) ASTOUTA, OREGON, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER I. 1889. PRICE JblVE CENTS oi.. XXXIII, NO. 53. The Favorite Sledicine for Throat and Lung Diffi culties has long been, and still is, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It cures Croup, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and Asthma.; soothes irritation o the Larynx and Fauces ; strengthens the Vocal Organs; allays soreness of the Lungs; pievents Consumption, and, e en in advanced stages of that disease, relieves Coughing and induces Sleep. There is no other preparation for dis eases of the throat and lungs to be com pared with this remedy. "My wife had a distressing cough, w ith pains in the side and breast. "Wo tiied various medicines, but none did her any good until I got a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which has cured her. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the cough was relieved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I ha e no hesitation in recommending this Gough SVIedicine to every one afllicted." Robert ITorton, Foreman Jlcadliffht, Morrillton, Ark. "I have been afflicted with asthma Tor forty years. Last spi ing I was taken with a violent cough, which threatened to terminate my days. Every one pro nounced uic in consumption. I deter mined to liy Ajer's Cherry Pectoral. Its effects were magical. I was immedi ately reheed and continued to improve until entiiely recovered." Joel Billiard, Guilford, Conn. " Six months-ago I had a severe hem onhage of the lungs, brought on by an incessant rough which deprived me of sleep and lest. I tried various reme dies, but obtained no relief until I be "an to tal.e Aer"s Cherry Pectoral. A ie bottles of" this medicine cured me." Mis. K. Cubism, l'J Second st., Lowell, .'lass. "Foi childien afflicted with colds, coughs, sore tin oat. or croup, I do not Know of ain icniedy which will give more speed n lief than Ayer's Cherry Pet toral. I ha e found it, also, invalu able in cases of "Whooping Cough." Ann Lovejoy, 12:7 "Washington street, Uoston, Mass. Iyer's Cherry Pectoral, PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold Ly all Druggiets. Price $1 ; eiz bottles, $5. Tutt's Pills will save tlio dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to cat m hatevcr he wishes. They prevent Sick Headache, cause the food to assimilate and nour ish tho body, give heen appetite, and Develop Flesh nnd solid muscle. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 85 cents per box. Sold Every wliere. Office. 44 Murray St., N. Y, PATR0H1ZE HOME INDUSTRY. Tlmra Id nn nfift'ictnn fur tllft lllftQt. fotffli. ous of our citizens to send to Portland or sail lvrancisco lor Custom ftlade Clothes As tliev can gv-t Better Fits. P.etter Work in uislup, and for less Money. liy Leaung their Orders with MLAI. New Coods bv Every Steamer, full ami See Him Riul Satisfy Yourself. P.J WIeany. Wei chant Tailor. AUOTIOM" AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MAHTIr? OLSEN, Successor to E. G .Holdcn. The oicicst established Commission House In Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. Geuenil Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stei Ing done. Fine stock of riiroiture on hand. When j on want liargains in Household Goods go to MARTIN OIiKK.N WW. J. HOOPER & CO., 110 B. Pratt, near Light, BALTIMORE, MD., Manufacturers of a? fe 1 I Inb FOE POUNDS COTTON AND FLAX GILL NETS, pi CORKS, SEINE LEADS, &.C. P Seine Twine of all liinds, Ma nilla, Cotton & Hemp Rope. Military Oourtesy. It Beams hardly creditable to us. i who beheYe everything to be fair in war, that such half savages as the Maoris, of New Zealand, should ob serve courtesies toward their enemies which puts us to the blush. While they were at war with the English they invariably, sent a notice when they were going to make an attack, as if they were coming on a friendly visit, and desired things to be ready for them. They thought it very strange that the English did not give them similar notice. Sometimes two villages would get up a war with each other, and after fighting like tigers all day they would come out of their little forts toward evening and talk over the day's sport in the most friendly way. The next morning they would begin again, to keep it up during the daytime aud meet in the evening as before, in a sort of social reunion. An old missionary tells how, in one of these little wars, the occupauts of a fort sent word to their assailants that ihey were short of provisions, and the attacking party immediately sent in a fresh supply. One Sunday he held divine service on a spot be tween two hostile forts, and the war riors from each fort came out to at tend, and Monday morning they went to fighting again as lively as ever. AKE YOU SKEPTICAL If so we will convince you that Acker English Kemedy for the lungs is superi or to all other preparations, and is a positive cure for all Throat and Lung troubles, Croup, Whooping Cough and Colds. We guarantee the preparation ami ill give you a sample bottle free. Seattle and Tacoma. When Seattle went up in smoke, and down in ashes Tacoma rushed to her assistance in a way that incited universal praise. The spirit of rivalry and jealousy between the two places appeared to be forgotten, and it was thought that sisterly affection would ever afterward exist between them. This kind and loving feeling lasted for at least two weeks aud now the same old spirit of jealousy stands out like knobs on a ballet girls an kles. Seattle has evidently forgotten the acts of Tacoma when her cry of distress penetrated the heavens. It reminds ns of an old man who, taken violently sick, sent for a neighbor to whom he hadn't spoken in years, and when he came into the presence of the sick man the latter said : ''Neigh bor, I am about to die, aud I desire to die at peace with all mankind. We have long been enemies; let us for get and forgive before I die. But, in case I get well we will still be ene mies, as I consider you the d est meanest man I ever knew." Sumner Herald. He Merciful to Yourself And heed the ai'poala for assistance rut forttt by your livor, when tho organ is out of order. Among those aro distress in the right side and through tho right shoulhor blade, yollownoss of tho skin nnd eyeballs, furrod tongue, sour breath, sick headache, and, above all, irreg ularity of the bowels. The mercy you extend to tho afflicted organ is wisely shown by a prompt courso of medication with Hostotters Stomach hitters, most genial of alteratives, and tho hepatic gland early reciprocates tho deserved attention by resuming its secretive functions actively and regularly. Among tho accompanying good results are renewed diges tion, freedom from headaches, and a resump tion of activity of tho bowels. All billious symptoms disappear, and appetite and sleep improve. Beneficent aro tho effects of tho Bitters in malarial disease, kidney disorders, rheumatic ailments and nervousness. Shipwrecked, but Safe Jack Tar We ain't so very far from land, Jim. There's been a yacht along here lately. Jim How do you know? Jack Tar See all them champagne corks. PKOTIiF. EVr.UYH'HEItK Confirm our statement when we say that Acker's English Kemedy is in every way superior to any and all other prepa rations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup it is magic and relieves at once. We offer you a sample bottle free. Remember, this Remedy is sold on a postive guarantee, by .1. W, Conn, Druggist. FISH NETTING. SEINES, TRAPS, POUNDS, Mtinpf Every Descrifltion AND At LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. BJLHEOUK'S SALMON SET THREADS. WOODBERRY Seine Twines anil Lines. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 & 519 Market St., SIXFIUXCISCO, CAL1FOBXIA. A KNIFE A sale that will prove a Cyclone to competitors. An array of Bargains that will tickle the purchasing public. I have advices that my unusually large stock of Fall and Winter Goods is in transit and will be here soon; which fact forces me to make room by sacrificing the stock on hand without reserve. KtlltBllIIBlIIIIIIIlUlBIIIlIIIlIIlEIIIIIlIIIlllIIIIIIIlIltllElllIlM u JJ SLASHING SLAUGHTER OF S a m I Men's Suits ! !! S 3 S My stock of Suits comprises Tweeds, Cnssimeres, Wide S Wales, Cheviots nnd Worsteds of the prettiest designs, 3 made up in the most artistic manner. Adjectives piled np g in cold type would fail to Rive you an idea of the elegance g g and intrinsic worth of the multitude of Fashionable S g Suits marked for slaughter. S SlIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIBIIIlIIBl&IIIUIIIIBIIIIIIIlIllIIIEBIISIilllllill.S Furnishing Goods Choice lines of fine Negligee Shirts; Woolen Underwear, Cotton Lisle Thread, Silk and Woolen Hose, Suspenders, Handkerchiefe, etc. All these must rest, and go at A SACRIFICE. I Single Pants. ! Without a doubt the largest line of Pants in tho City; nothing will save them from the knife; they are doomed at fabulous LOW PRICES. ............ '"'" "...... -........... J5!!L5!EL .Conscious of the impositions practiced upon an unsuspecting public by unreliable dealers, I Emphatically Guarantee this to be the first genuine Sacrifice sale in Astoria. I have 15,000 Dollars' worth of goods on the way now, and it is to my interest to slaughter everything on hand in order to make room, and all wide awake business men acknowledge my plan as the most successful. Once more reminding the public that this sale holds good FOR 30 DAYS ONLY, and to cash buyers. Reliably yours, Likes A Party Paper. "Theoretically, I suppose we should most admire an ontirely non partisan and politically independent press," suid Col. Bob Ingersoll Borne days ago, as we were talking of news papers. "We ought to receive our news of public men and their official actions," he continued, "in cold, hard, un biased facts and form our opinion of them. But we don t. We like the partisan papers. We want our side to get the little the best of it. If our party has made a foolish move or countenanced an action that we don't approve of personally we like to read of it rather toned down and smoothed over, or even championed as right, outside of our political family. We like to see the other fellows' weak side shown up. It is human nature. Of course it isn't rignt, but it's the way with men of partisan politics." . PI31F1.ES ON TIIK FACE Denote an impure state of the blood and are looked upon by many with suspicion. Acker's Blood Elixir will remove all im purities and leavo the complexion smooth and clear. There is nothing that will so throughly build up the constitu tion, purify and strengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by J. W. Conn, Druggist. Barber (to sleepy man) Bay rum, air? Sleepy man No; Jamaica. Sleeplessness. Narcotics and sedatives murder sleep: the unnatural stupor is soon followed by ill effects. Simmons Liver Kegu lator removes the cause of restlessness and sleeplessness by regulating the bowels, by establishing good digestion and by quieting the nerves. "I have been a great sufferer from dyspepsia and loss of sleep. As soon as 1 feel the least nervous I take a dose of Simmons Liver .Regulator, and sleep all night." Mns. K. Bryakt, Grlswoldsville, Ga. New York city has a debt of 898,-000,000, Eveiythms share the fato of the Hei First Pick ! I Embrace This Opportunity ! l...!!!in?.!!..!J!.!iiii!.!. HERMAN THE LIVE Hotel Building, Giovanni Morosini was recently asked by a Saratoga clergyman if Jay Gould "keeps the Sabbath?" "Of course he does," answered Morosini. "He keeps anything he lays his hnnda on." Chicago Tribune. X UT"0 YOURMKLP. It is surprising that people will use a common, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable EnglMi one lor the same money. Dr. Acker's English pills aie apositive cure for sick-headache and all liver ItouMes. They aresmall, sweet, easily taken and do not gripe. .1. W. Conn, Druggist. A Portland hunter says that while camping out at Craig mountain, I.T., he was attacked in the night by owls aud ho kilted seven with a clnb. Ayer's Sarsaparilla will euro your catarrh, and remove that sickening odor of the breath. Cheated Himself Gasket Yes' sir, I'm a self-made man. Smoth ered Voice men you cueateu your self. For billious fevers and malarial disorders, use Ayer's Ague Cure. Its success is guaranteed if taken accord ing to directions. The fly-wheel is the anarchist of mechanics. It is always engaged in revolutions. CATJTIOX TO 3IOTUEKS, Every mother is cautioned against giving her child lauuanum or paregoric; it creates an unnatural craving for ctimnlnnts whip.h kills the mind or the child. Acker's Baby Soother is spe cially prepared to benefit children and cure their pains. It is harmless and contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by J. W. Conn, Druggist. In France the doctor's claim on the estate of a deceased patient has precedence of all others. Pears' Soap is the most elegant toilet adjunct. THAT CI Mttttdh"1"!! zrrrrTsoia. at rnriS "WW- . rasu Cos CLOTHIER AND HATTER, The Mikado. N. J. BERGMAN, Prop. (Successor to J. C. Clinton.) Fine Chocolate Bon Bons AND CONFECTIONS. ALSO Finest Brands Cigars, Tobaccos, AND SMOKERS' AllTIOLES. FltUITS, NUTS, ETC. Charlotte Russe Cream Soda A SPECIALTY. New Goods received fresh, daily, l'lease give nie a call. Third street, near Telegraph Ofllce. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO I. W. CASE, IMI'ORTEUS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Comer Chenamus and Cass streets. ASHJR1A ----- LncuUx Ho for Tie Seaside! ASTCRIA OREGON Free Camping Grounds at Austin's. There Is an abundance of clams, crab?, trout, oysters and all kinds of salt and fresh water fish. Good safe Sea bathing, fresh air and the best hunting grounds in America. Campers and visitors can And at my store everything they require In the way of an outfit and provisions. A first class bar and billiard table are connected with my establishment. Board from S7 to 9 per week. For particulars call on or address JAS. P. AUSTIN, Store, Seaside, Oregon. Aus.in's Is open the year round. Tn aaigiiaiiigHiiiaiiiiaBiaaBBEiiaiiiimiiBiiiiiiiiiiisjgiaiiiBiiiifg MERCILESS MASSACRE OF S m m ! Boys' Suits ! II g Counters are groaning beneath the heaps of Fashionable 5 S Boys' Clothing. Room is needed, and to tho delight of g S Astoria mothers, I will give them a chance to dress their g 5 darlings stylishly and cheap. g S S SUIIIUiaiXlSaiaBIOaillllBiaSSSlSlBlSlllllIllBIiaiBlllltlMIlllillllS Hats This lino has always been my strong point, but in tho general avalancho of crumbling prices, they too will go. v v - ' The knife will not spare this department, it will cut to tho bone, and as in every other department it will have a ; tendency to cut prices with remarkable effect. : Q ! WI I. "W. CASE, Insurance Agent. REPRESENTING : California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Home Mutual Insurance Co.. S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London. Robb & Parker, AGENCY OE Fire and Marine Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of $70,000,000 IMPERIAL, or London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of nartford. OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland. , LION, of London. FIREilAN'S FUND, of California. QUEEN, of London. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IX FIItST CliASS COMPANIES Kepicsentlng $13,000,000 PHOENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Street "Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital SI 1 rf Liverpool & London & Globe, North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, New York, London & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent In a capital of S6T,ooo,00o. B, VAN UUSEX, Agent. and Gaps, M O '"""$' I. W, Case, ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available In any part of the U. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Ofkick Hours : 10 A. m. to 3 p. m. Odd Fkllows Building, Astoria, Oregon. Fashionable Dressmaking. A NEW ESTABLISHMENT, Stylo and Fit Guaranteed. Our aim is to l'lease our Patrons., The patronage of the Ladies of Astoria is resjiectrully solicited. Northu est corner Fourth and Cass streets. Mrs. T. S. Jewett & Mrs. Birdsey -THE- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAV HANSEN, Frop'r. A Largo and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls s Jewelry At Extremely Low Trices. All Goods Bought at This Establishment "Warranted Genuine. Wntcli and Clocli Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqna Streets. The AstoriaSelectSchool Will Ite-open September 2nd, 1889. Ucgular Classes will resume their work, without any interruption. New Classes will be organized in Higher Mathematics. Higher English, German, etc. A Teachers' Class will be formed for those who arc preparing themselves for teachers. Tuition paid In two weeks after presenta tion of bill. No deduction made excepting in case of sickness. EMMA C. WARREN, Principal.