0) -snaciao. sw -s (.kj. ju 4"t,ktrio.- 't5 . VOL. XXXI JI, NO. 51. The Favorite ieduiiu- for Throat and Lung Diffi culties Las long been, and still is, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It cures Croup, xVhooping Cough, Bronchitis, and Asthma; soothes irritation of the Larynx ami Fauces; strengthens the oim1 Organs; allays .soreness of the Lung?; jircents Consumption, and, --1 11 .11 advanced stages of that disease, ul.."ie Coughing and induces Sleep. 'llnw is no other preparation for dis- r i-s of tin throat and lungs to he com pared with this remedy. ASTORTA, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30. 1889. STOOKSLAGEE ON TIMBER ENTRIES. ' My wife had a distressing cough, vuth pains in the side and breast. Wo tried various medicines, but none did l.cr any good until I got a bottle of Ay.-r's Cherry Pectoral, which has cured l.t r. A neighbor, Mrs. Glenn, had the measles, and the cough was relieved by tlu use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, i I .n e no hesitation in recommending this wCough iViedicine t oi one aniirtfd.,-Robeit Jforton, i .? i..an l!i.,Ui.;Ut, Murrillton, Ark. '1 haf h.'i-n afllictcd with asthma r forty yeais. Last spring I was taken with a io!ent ongh, which threatened to ttrminate my da.s. Everv one pro iKinurcd me in consumption. I deter- mimii to try Aers Cliorrv Pectoral. 1 1 . ffi-cls w c magical. I was immedi a!i h reliecd and continued to improve until entiicly recovered." Joel Billiard, Gmlfoi.l, Cuim. "Si months ago I had a severe hem on h:i: of the lungs, brought on by an inn ant cough which deprived me of dn ; aid u-st. 1 tried various renie di . l..it i.!.!:iim-d no relief until I be r4.m J ) t il .'i".s Clicrrv Pectoral. A i"' I-otiJt- f this medicine cured me." . I , i.-irn. V. Second st., Lowell, M 1 - " Fur ciilibt-ii an.icicd with colds, "o:i'l,,. s.ic ;Si:ti:t, 01 cioup. I do not l.now of an x-ini'ily which will give ;ikiv spcc! n-lii-f than Ayer's Cherry tV. tonil. 1 r.xi- found it, "also, inralu rlh' in cases of Whooping Cough." Ann Lovejox, l?7 Washington street, Boston, 3Iass. er's Olierry Pectoral, l'UEPAUED KY Dr. J. C. Aver & Co.. I nwll tvia Sold Ly all Druggists. Price $1 ; eix bottles, $5. stimulate the torpid liver, .strengthen the digestive organs, regulate the bow els, and are uuequalcd as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial districts their virtues aro widely recognized, as they possess PECULIAR PROPERTIES in freeing the system from that poison. Doc small. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, "5 cents per box. Sold Everywhere. Oflice, 44: Murray St., N. Y. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Eflade Clothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. uy Leaving ineir orders with MKANY. New Goods bv Every Steamer, fall snl See Him anil Satisfy Yonrseir. P. J rtfeany. Merchant Tailor. Commissioner Stockslager haa made a decision on this class of en tries, barring out Oregon women from the right to purchase under me act oi j une 3d, 1878. There is no doubt says the Eoseburg Plain dealei but that the commissioner has authority to make rules and reg ulations for the faithful execution of this act and to prevent frauds, but it is a strange, and we think far fetched doctrine that the provisions of a state law can set aside the rights of a citizen under a United States law. This seems to be Stockslager's ground for hi3 decision. There is n nnso on nnnool (mm tv. Eoseburg laud office to have the com missioner's flpfiifiinn ra-varaaH nv Flora Elstou, Genoa Pond, Alice Spaulding, et al, by C. A. Sehlbrede, atty. for appellants. We do uot presume to be skilled in legal lore, but we do claim to have a little sense of justice, and knowledge of some constitutional requirements; o iu iuc wjjucaLauiuoruy m rue law makiug departments of the govern ment. We have mnii that f l,a nnn stituhon of the United States and laws thereuuder are supreme; and therefore, wo are of the opinion that a state law must give way to the pro visions of the laws of congress, when the former conflict with the latter. Mr. Stockalntrpr rppjyio fn Miintr ti,nf because "a married woman cannot deed her separate property unless the hnsbaud joins in the deed" in Oregon, she cannot 1 nllnnrnri tn make entry under the timber act of juue o, ioo. This is a strange doctrine truly that a person's riglit to land depends upon their legal ability to alienate that right Mr. Stockslager, if it is the correct theory of personal rights of married women, should carry out his theory to its logical conclusion, and rnle that no femnip. solo nnn mnto entry under this act, by anticipating that unmarried wnmpn AffprrmrMioa. ing under the act might get married a very rational conclusion aud thus be unable in rpII hpr lnni to;m. out the husband joining her in the uccu. j. no same parity or reasoning would prevent the husband also from making entry under this act, as he cannot deed land in this state uuless the wife joins him in the deed. So, sauce for the pnnso in onun fn ti, gander, and Mr. Stockelager's argu ment falls to the ground. Mr. Sehlbrede has reviewed this decision in a very able brief, and makes a verv clear Hhnwino- thnttho commissioner is in error in his ruling and it should be reversed. ' PRICE JBIVE CENTS A KNIFE THAT CUTS A sale that will prove a Cyclone to competitors An array of Bargains "that "vill ticlZ7h7p7rchasW public. I have advices that rr v unnsaaliv large stock of Fall and Wmter Goods is in transit and will be here soon; which fact forces me to mate room by sacrificing the stock on hand without reserve. IllllllUlUUIIIllUIUIUUIIIIUiiuumiUUUUIlluillUUlia 5 a 2 SLASHING SLAUGHTER OF I Men's Suits ! l) vLStn?k ?Saico"1Prises 'eeds, Cassimeres, Wide S S 1110 ?nVfli8 an? ?,?.ted3 of the Prettiest designs, S S "aePinth0st artistic manner. Adjectives piled up S S nn,f?n&P-W0Uldl1 R veon an idoaof th elegant SSSiSL&Sr lunltitude of Fa9bionRbI 1 SiiiiiiniimillslIIIHlliagIIII11IKBaigaaiiiiigsMBiiBHHS sniiiiiiiiiiBiuuiiiiiiiuiiHiiuiiuiiitnuuiuiuuiiuuuiQ 5 MERCILESS MASSACRE OF S Boys9 Suits ! ! Tw?nAwregro-Smngb-eneathth0lieap3 of Fashionable 5 s SmSi ?T J-a ned, and to the delight of S Astoria mothers, I will give them a chance to dress their a darlings stylishly and cheap. S - g SiUUHHHIIHIIIIIIIIHIIIlllllllUlllimiiuUlHIimilllluJ Furnishing Goods!! . . . '' S-.....3 ..... ....,.: Pl5 Hats andCaps. This line haa alwava been mv atrnnr nninf hnt ; , general avalanche of crumbling prices, they too will go. Single Pants. JlKfi'tP doul;! " '"KMtltaeof Pnnla in Hie City; iffabyusLOw'MSoS' 'he Mte: ll'eJ","' Smmii V --.S SL &.........JL,j OOTS AND SHOES, i The knife will not spare this department, it will cut to the bone, and as in every other department it will iSve a tendency to cut prices with remarkable effect. $:.....$!. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria ....&..... l""""""i"" (, SVhen Baby was sict, tre gave her Castoria. mien sho was a Child, she cried for Castoria, iVhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Then she had Children, she gave them Castorii AUCTIOM" AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MAETIN OLSEN, Siicc&ssor to E. C .Tlolden. The oldest established Commission House iii.OieKon. Goods of all kinds sold on corn- Auction Sales Every Saturday. steriSnSepa,rI"K' Jo,,Wns :ind UP1101- Fine stock of Furniture on hand. GoodstfUo" Wint EarBsl,lls '" "ousi-liold MAKTIS 02.SE.X If people who elope could only elope back again, how many more elopements there would be. Ladies! Ayer's Hair Vigor is a superior and economical hair dress mg: It has become an indispensable article for the toilet Don't kick if you owe a bill and can t pay. The kick is coming from the other man. -Ji?l.lJ!gLMli Embrace This Opportunity tes51Br ltnaillBaakaatat ! Sfe2Ti ttttto ZUoSoPdefonSthPUbliC by lmreh'?bIe- deaIerS' J Em?hai,c"y be ihe first genuine to make room, and all yJ t0 X int" slter everything on hand fZar holds good FOR 30 DAYS ONLY, and to S buy S Lhably your! " mre rem!ndinS the P"bHc that is sale HERMAN WI THE LIVE CLOTHIER AND HA-TTER, gon, SE ,,...,.... . uuu uuici yoi, io uuaven. Nt i nil G FOR POUNDS WM. J. HOOPER & CO., 110 E. Pratt, near Light, BALTIMORE. MD. , Manufacturers of o PI COTTON AND FLAX GILL NETS. Corks, Seine leads, &c. Seine Twine or all kinds, Ma nilla, Cotton & Hemp Hope. A DUTY TO lOUKSELF. It is surprising that people will use a common, ordinary pill when they can secure a valunhin Vnniicii , J- i" same monev. Dr. Acfir'ci7nr,iici,:ii Jiri fl linciiVrt ntirn f. rZ.l- I. J i. - all liver troubles. Tliey are small, sweet, easly taken and do not crripe. ,J W. Conn, Druggist Do uot be unhappy. "When un happy people die they become ghosts auu uuver gee 10 neaven. FISH NETTING. SEINES, TRAPS, POUNDS, Nettinn: of Every Description AND At LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. SALMON BET THREADS. WOODBERRY Seine Twines and Lies. HENRY DOYLE & CO., 517 & 519 Market St., SIS FRAXCISCO, CALIFOItXIA. Fireproof Houses in Buenos Ayres. ThOY bnild firAnrnnP hnnonn ; Buenos Ayrea and Montevideo with .ut thinking of it, and while using all the wood they can afford to, and iey use neither iron nor the arch. Trees are very scarce in the neigh borhood, and timber has to be orougnt down from the upper waters in hard woods. Being dear, a little of it is made to go as far as possible. The floors and the roofs are sup ported by joists of hard wood, as among us; across these are laid flat rails of the same, and the spaces be tween these are bridged over by thin bricks thirteen inohes and a half lonCT. With their Pruls roafal nn M. rails; another long layer of bricks is men ibiu witu lime, and generally ou this a layer of flat ties. The doors and windows have no boxes, but sim ply frames, which are set up when the walls are going up and built in. There is no lathing or wainscot, or HKirwug or. rue oottom of the walls. A house thus built cannot be burned. m The richest man in Virginia has just died. The fact that his estate was estimated at only $1,600,000. however, shows that they are only beginning to accumulate big for tunes in the south. The Wonderful Healing Properties or Par b)S ProphylBCtlc Fluid. Wherever a preventing, healing cleans ntr am iiPnrtnrW!., 1'., .-; t ' rl wash is required use Darhys Prophylac tic hud. Any inflamed surface, exter na or internal, treated with the fluid will he quickly relieved. It has effected skill icsisieu ine uest medical Be Merciful to Yourself And heed tho appeals for assistance put forth by your liver, when tho organ is out of order. Among these aro distress in tho right sido and r??B iJ- rig l snou,Der blade. yellowness j ..uu s.uj uu u uuaus, lurrou longue. sour breath, sick headache, and, above all. irreg ularity of the bowels. The mercy you extend lO ThA flfnmtiwl ni..n Is ;! .1... i - ..( "ncui u nuou BUUIVIl uy li prompt course of medication with Hostettere a .1 B'tters, most genial of alteratives, " mo licimuu gianu. eany recuirocates tho ueseryod attention by resuming its secretivo functions actively and regularly. Among tho accompanying good results are renewed diges tion, freedom from headaches, and a resump tion pf activity of the bowels. All billious symptoms disappear, and appetite and sleep p?E?J!?- Bepeficent aro tho offects of tho iJittersin malarial disease, kidney disorders, rneumatic ailments and nervousness. There ib no contempt that will equal Ihe'feeling of a girl of 16 for a boy younger than herself. Ayer's SarHnnnHHn ttavai- lufm-a equaled its present daily record of marvelous cures. The man who wants to fight will nevor be peaceful, because he can find nothing to fight about. UAU1 ACAIXST TliifsTKlKC, And AlwflVRlinvn q linftln A i t-.. i 1 V. J , . ""'"c "i. iickur is Jill- glish Remedy in the house. You cannot tell how soon Croup may strike vour Ut ile one, or a cold or cough mav fasten llSelf HDOll VOll. flno linen ia n nrnn:.. and a few doses a positive cure. All ,im1 a',u ""K irouoies yield to its treatment A sample bottle is given you free andthe Remedy guaranteed by J. w. Conn, Druggist For Sale. Patent Rip Saw Machine. Patent Jig ' " Shaper. Mortising Machine. Patent Band Saw. -AIlftVA niOAlltnAn n . t T i .--. Por,; "i.iii,iKa vv ur xoi- or iianu ci, aim in ub soui cneap. for casli. Enquire of JOIIN A. MUNTGOMEKY It never takes long to saw wood; it is the time it takes to spit on the hands that delays a man. HAPPIXKSS AND COXTEXTMENT Cannnt trn Imnil in linn.i irnm i. tllfi iliirir ?idf nf nvon' lifl i.i Nothing will so darken life and make it Every manonorit tn ha nffanKnnoia enough to embrace his opportunities. a burden as Dyspepsia. Acker's Dys iicuai.1 xuuiuis win cure ine worst forn of Dj'spepsia, Constipation and Indices- uon, and maKo lire a Happiness and lea?nre. Snlrl nt. v-, nnil rn mmtr i.. i V. Conn, Druggist ' ' There are 1,000,000 cats iu London. A CUILD KILLED. Another child killed by tho use of OnintP.I PIVPn in tlin fnrn rF I.V.H.: syrup. Why mother give their children such deadly poison is surprising when they can releave the child of its peculiar troubles by using Acker's Baby soother. It PfintmnQ lm Dnnim nr irn..i.: I Sold JbFJ: wrConnrDiruggist 1,uiue' The Mikado. N. J. BERGMAN, Prop. (Successor to J. C. Clinton.) Fine Chocolate Bon Bons AND CONFECTIONS. ALSO Finest Brands Cigars, Tobaccos, AND SMOKERS' AltTICLES. FRUITS, NUTS, ETC. Charlotte Russe Cream Soda A SPECIALTY. gl?ene3a0call.reCe,Ved rres,,'da"y- FIease Third street, near Telegraph Office. I. "W". CASE, Insurance Agent. REPRESENTING : California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Home Mutual Insurance Co., S. F. Phcenix of London. Imperial of London. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO T. W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Oheuamus and Cass streets. ASIQia OREGON Robb & Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Marine Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of $10,000,000. IMPRRTAT. (ifT,lm CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland. LION, of London. FIREMAN'S FUND, of California. Agents also for TRAVELLERS', of Hartford- Steamships, from Old Country to Astoria. ROBB & PARKER. Atoldofflceof J. O. Bozorth. BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available In any part of the U. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong, China Office Houbs :-lO a. m. to 3 p. jr. Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE iar first ciiAss coaiPAsriKs representing 813,000,000 PHCENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C P. UPSHUR, Main Street Wharf - Astoria, Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital T.lvPrnnnl T nnilnn -ri. . ... . StSjBthgSZ in a capital of SCoob,OOo WrtU,e3' liePre3ent B. VAN iUSEN, Agent, Fashionable Oressmakina A NEW ESTABLISHMENT, Style and Fit Guaranteed. Our aim Is to Please our Patrons., The Tifltrnniurp nf tho To.n ... . respectfully so?rcrtedrwuiC3 Ui "z Northwest corner Fourth and Cass streets Mrs.T.S.Jewett& Mrs. Birdsey THE DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAY HANSEN, Frop'r. A Large and Well Selects utmr r t?i Diamonfls i Jewelry Aft "RTrfrDTrmltT Tin. t-i All Goods Boaght at Thla EsUbllshiaBf "Warranted Genuine. Watch and CIoclc Repairing A SPECIALTY corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. The AstoriaSelectiSchool Will Re-open September 2nd, 1889. mCCTlar C1?sses will resume their work without any interruption. rK' New Classes will be organized In niohor H?,fePaI,n ?wo weeks after wesS- ieSM00'1 made SKSi iiMJMA C. WARREN, Principal,