03 - T. , fc -- -r . Vol-XXX11I, NO. 4.5. ASTORTA, OREGON, FRIDAY; AUGUST 23. 18S jjusixess cards. 4 A CI,KVRIiM. ATTOKStfY AT LAW. Onl f Flvel-. new brick liuildhi, corner ?( i.i aim i;a-. streets ; u -ia is. C. J. cvuti. Attornej-a(-Ls: otarj- Public. Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Territory Office iu H.ivel'- new buck building, Cor. becoud and Cav streets. rOIl.M il. SMITH. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street. 2 doors back of Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. OEKJt KAXAGA, ATTORNEY AT LaV. Office over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. -01.A.M, ATTORNEY AT LAW. office In Kinney' Block, opposite City M Astoria. Oregon. iH.roN. G. C. FULTON j'r.Tox ititoTfiERS, t i'iUKNEYb AT LAW. "- i ...il .-.O.l.i Kellous Hu-Idli. V (HVI.BV, :.u:t 'iiii.tllor at Id iv JUke- on Clieuamus Si i eel, Astoria, Oregou T II. MA.VSKI,!,, 'MM. ESTATi: BEEOKF.ft NOTARY PUBLIC, Established 18S3. Thlid Street, next to W, U. Telegraph Of fice, Astoria. Or. f" .1 K li KOKOfe. DENTIST, Koiinis il aim 12 Odd Fellows Building. STOMA. - - - . OREGON. K8. A. Ii. ANUJ. A. FlTO Cass stieet, between 3rd and 4th Special attention to Diseases of Women and Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery. l Dr.. I. V. r niton. Office hours from 10 to 12 a. si., and l t. 4 D" s w Tiirn.i; U :!! .No. A r I'lhiii i: liMiui' ffice hour 10 to 12 aiw! I In c. M.-ht (ms at Room No. It. : It. KK'I'KH I -5 MCIA.N AND .SIMtdKON Spwial attention to )isei-es of Women hud Sun-ery. i. i' : Opposite Telcjria;.h nffice. tm ciaijs. Astoria; .eun. Beauty Is desired and admired by all. Among the things which may best be done tc enhance .pe'rs 6 nal "beauty is the daily use of Ayer's Hah Vigor. No mattei what the color ol the hair, this prepa ration gives it a lus tre and pliancy that adds greatly to its (.harm. Should the hair be thin, harsh, dry, or turning gray, Ayer's Hair Vigor will restore the color, bring out a new crowth, and render the old soft and shiny. For keeping the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, there is no better preparation in the market. "I am free to confess that a trial of Ayer's Hair Vigor has convinced me that it is a genuine article. Its use has not only caused the hair of my wife and daughter to be Abundant and Glossy, but it has given my rather stunted nius tacho a respectable length and appear ance," . Button, Oakland, Ohio. ""My hair was coming out (without any assistance from raj- wife, oith'ei). I tried Ayer's Hair Yicor. usin? onlv one bottle, and I now have as line a head of hair as any one could wish for." U. T. Schraittou", Dickson, Tenn. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor in my family for a number of years, and re gard it as the best hair preparation I know of. It keeps the scalp clean, the hair soft and lively, and preserves the Original color. My wife has used it for a long timo with mo3t satisfactory re sults." Benjamin af. Johnson. M. D., Thomas Hill, Mo. ' ' " My hair Was becoming lmral am! 1rtr but after using half a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor it grew black and glossy. I QUEER BAEOMETEfiS. Billiard Balls and Billiard Ones Are Better Than the Weather Olerk. cannot express the joy and gratitude I xeei.' .uabel C. Hardy, Delavan.IH. Ayer's Hair Vigor, TOEF-AUED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Druggists and Perfumers. I can always tell when it is going to rain half a day ahead of any change in fair weather," said champ ion George Slosson as he was knock ing around billiard balls in the Co lombia rooms just after tiin recent del age. "How's that?" asked a bystander, getting interested directly. "Why, there isn't a better, barom eter in existence than an ivory bil liard ball or a good billiard cue," frie billiard expert replied; "they are bet ter than a favorite corn. 'HowdVe tell?" "A ball always rolls slow and with difficulty when it is going to' rain. Ivory is so sensitive to changes of temperature, particularly from dry to-moist, that the- effect is felt almost mstantaueouely. The oue will get oranky, too, wbon there ia going to be a change, long before the damp ness is perceptible in uny other way. Another peculiarity of the ivory globes is their tendency to become egg-shaped. They contract at what are called the top and bottom poles and swell out at the sides, so that you might as vell play with potatoes, if yon don't watch their idiosyncrasies-. j-ney are worse" than old men in their susceptibility to draught. A draught will crack the ivory and make it ohip off quick as a wink, and, liko old folks, you can never get the spheres accli mated to these draughts. Just take a billiard ball and study its behavior, ana you cau beat the clerk of the weather prophesying. You cau bet on 3'our own propheoy every time. 2V. F. Sim. Great Britain Declines to Send Aid. Ottawa, Ont., Aug. 21. Important dispatches from the British pnvom. ment arrived here Monday regarding the-Behiing sea difficulty, and Sir John McDonald, who has been spend ing a holiday at the seaside, has hur riedly started for Ottawa. The cab inet met to-day to cntisider dis patches, which, it is learned, sav exphcity that the Eritish government declines to allow its Pacific squadron iu ouuiu pruiecuon to uanadian seal ers found in Eehriug sea. The do minion government has also been re quested to prepare a schedule of n,Q damages claimed by the owners of the seized sealers. -. It is thought from the advices re PPIVPrl fbsif nonnh'.i : .muv uuyuiiuuiiua are now m progress between the United States and the British governments to effect a settlement of the difficulty by arbi tration. A member of the cabinet said to day that he had not the least doubt that in the end thn Roiirlncr aa ., , - ....... .u(j OUU unco- Ion would be settled to the satisfac tion of every one interested, and that before very long. DYSPEPSIA. IS that misery experienced when we sud Ji Sen,y become aware that we cosset J?P-.s.t2S.?ch is. W reservoir from which PRICE JblVE CENTS FIRE BRICK ui v nun find Tirrtin .- m?s """ ixiu same nrp- Ifima na "i V.V5"" 5'! 'rcotactlve are KUliivt i s:..i V comcui, dominant s mental powi Scrofula cannot resist the purifying powers of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Sold by druggists. Do not endanger your health by using quinine, when malarial fevers can ba -moreeffeotively treated with Ayer's Ague Cure. Warranted. IF YOU HAVE no appetite, Indigestion, Flatulence, hick Headache, "all run down," loslmr flesh, you will ling siug The Drummer Abroad. Tiffs Pills Du Koiuih iJJ- I. V ItKKN. DENTIST. and 8, 1'l.xvel new Uiicklluild- DENTIST. Rooms l and a 1'ytlilan ' II. (Voinr"Moi. ijio remedy you need. They tone nn tho weak htomachaud BUILD UP 1 ho flapping: energies. Sufferers from mental or physical overwork will find great relief from thein. Eleirantlv bugar coated. Price, S5 cents peV box. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Office, 44 Murray St., New York, Huildtng over Abstracts of Title. C R. THOMSON Keens a full set of Abstract Books and will examine the Title to any it "il Ks Sl in the county arid furnish an Abstract or Title to the same. Terms reasonable. Work guaranteed. Conrad Buchter, PATBOHIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no occasion for the most fastldl- Custom Made Clothes As they can pet Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with AIEANY. New Coeds t?y Evory Steamer, fall anil See lllm nnil SatUrj Yourself. P.J Meany. Merolunt Tailor. S, Llanufacluror of OX Gr. 3E?t Wholesale or Retail. oo0' I,)ea,9r in Tobaccos, Cijrars. rioes and Smokers' Articles in (leneral ' Main St., next to Jell's U. S. Restaurant. m m TING FOR NES POUNDS &k HH SB FOR- -aTJOTiojar AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN" OLSEN", Successor to E. C .llolden. iiTllVl.,.lest.r,,!iw,NJ,e1T Commission House III Ull'irOII CltOllsilf -ill L-ln.Jo o-.l.l .. . mission. """" 'u "" - Auction Sales Every Saturdaj'. sterhSnee,,alrin"' JobbIuS an Uphol- Fine Mock of Furniture ou hand. RoodsytoU V'lt BarBa,ns ,n Hpnsehold aiAKTIX OIi8K.N FISH NETTING. SEINES, TRAPS, POUNDS, MftiofEverj Description "I'll tell yon what J saw in Man chester, England' said a Alichigau der who lately returned from n trip abroad. ''On the hotel register I found the name of 'C. Sidney Smith, U. S. A. ambassador to England and France and S. P. D. to the Czar of Russia.' It was a puzzle to me and I smelt a mouse, but I waited to see him before giving anything away: a.nor a iow nonrs-ne called at mv room. Then I found him to bo an ex-drummer for a Chicago crockery house. He had saved up a few hun- 7o- was ?WKinS 'e vPUr. Simply to receive the respect aud consideration due me.' he replied." " 'Does it cheapen your bills?'" "'No, not to -Any extent. -hut it gives me the best tovjuy money, aud 1 have carriage nde3 and many in vitationB out to dine. A man who registers over here as plain Smith or Brown gets only common. I'm off for France next week, and I shall register there as "apeoial envoy of the American congress and iim dnmiv representative of 70,000,000 Ameri cans. ' I'll get quail on toast when you fellows have only bacon. Well so long. I'm off to dinner with a big manufacturer, and to-morrow Ihn to ride out with an M. P. and a duke xokq my aavice and hitch on at title." Detroit Free Press. The exodus of npnnlo nnwi..,! into Oregon and Washington still continues. Each train leaving Cali fornia is crowded to its utmost capac ity, and the railroad company is con sidering the question of putting an other tram on the route. These people are not onlv residpnia f ni; fornia who have dispose! of their property there, and are moving to the north, where as good and cheaper land can bo secured, but also people from the east who have been induced to go to California only to And how badly, m some respects, the country 1 a I been misrepresented, ii .11 im.es ox tiik r.vcs; Denote an immiie state nt h.iM,..i ...i a?i1 u PniUpVV, y Jna,,y with suspicion. Ac-kei s Blood Khxir v, ill lemove all im puiitir's anil loavo tlu complexion smooth mid oloar. TIuto Is nothing that will bo tlintiiKhh build uj) thp constitu tion, punfj .oid atn-ngtlioii the whole system, bold and guaiaiiieetl h .J v v ijiiii, j.riijiii. those. stlpatlon, naoned are wondprfiillv r. ..r.," '.. -;Pepiics great Irritability of u :,;,,".;: 'a1'3 nave hatever form Dvhpcnsin mo ov one thing is certain, P Inay take The under Ey in & cause is S2? ISi?.?.!' equally certain, no one will remain a Uyspopllo who will' It ivill correct Acidity of tho Stomach, Expel foul gases, Allay Irritation, Assist Digestion, and, at tho same time DEAtKB IX Hay, Oats, and Straw, lie, Brick, Cement, Sanfl i" piaster Praying, Teaming and Express Business Wood DeUrered to Order. "'HEite&r PMJSg5iP "gSSr IEK apply to the Captain, or to STEAMER ben P. Parher, Master. 2 For TOWING, FREIGHT orCIlAK- U. II. PARffKU Start the Liver to icorhine when all other troubles soon disappear, tWMC5e WaS,a cnfi:d dyspeptic. Some three years ago by the advice of )r. Steiner of Augusta, she was Induced to trj- SimmoS Liver Regulator. I teel grateful for the rcHcf it has fffl5-r'and ma'a11 wh0 reai this and are afflicted m anyway uhether chronic or oth"- - cj 'iiMins i-er Kegulator and I feel confident health will berestored to all whowfll be advsed."-WM. M. Kersu, Fort Valley, Ga. See that you set the Genuine, with red 2 on front of Wrapper. -rr , PREPAHBD ONLY EY J. H, ZEUJN $ Co Philadelphia, Pa, X'vicvjSl. INSURANCE. ine New Model Eans-e CAN BE HAD IN ASTORIA, ONLY OF E R. HA WES. isuck Patent Cooking Stove P,.rnonu , ox AND 0THER'JRST CLASS STOVES. ' Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. I lhe Toronto Globe tells of a man who has copied his own beefsteak for fifteen years. Ho mnof m-n ?f 1 very well done. t'KOI'JLK KVl.UYHhjtK Confirm our statement wh.n w sav that Ackers English Keniertv is in nn.- way superior to any ami all other i.iena rations lor tho Throat and I.ungs. i N lioopiiig Cough and Cioup it ss magic n e offer von a Hemeniher! this oopiug L relieves . W. CASE, insurance Agent. KEPKESENTING : California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Home MutuaMnsurance Co., S. F. Phcenix of London. Imperial of London. AND CEILING DIG ORATION Jnati,?iS,&PCi5wnib0Mf IteBt stylos and shades Also a large assortment of AH JE E T S, B .. n , 0f n11 Rrados in beautiful new designs Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc, CHAS. HEILBORN. New Smyrna Rugs, Call and examine. and relieves at onee, sainnle hottle fr. Hemedy is sold on a poMivo Kn:iriiiitii y . u . Conn, Druggist. Truly man is patriotic, Ho ia red when ho pomes into the world, white when he leaves it, and bine while he is here. Self;derense Against a Dangerous f 0p. Forowarned Is not forearmed in the case of weih0lncur,th0 "fk.oran attack from tnat dangerous fOB. mnlnrin. nnrM .:... o m...fj.l'... n 7.77. '. "a WXIU iSvj "1 liUiC"3-, -"i " taoso in peril aro aided, sustained and reinforced with the great fortifyipc safesaard. Hostotter's StomachBit-r;HQ-iaS.ma' VroimbnGCieTot evils mani wS?mit5e sWoof bilfous remittent and rhA""""cra8S..carK?.- unib qsue. and TZ. v"-""m" "a .iuo jsinmus ana Central hEmU?? r?,?5U 1S, nulIi-fied and rendered Harmless. Our western pioneer settlors and min.?arsVdn'eJ15rs,,v' fop lowlands, and vis itants of and dwellers m malarious localities in tnis country and many quarters of globe, have for many years boon acquainted with unparallelod defensive medicino and remedy. i,dn0rder 0Cstomach. liver and bpwels. SM?tJadkldpeypin.p'aint8 and rheu matism aro ponquored by t A man named ftnhriAl iiV;nr. Monterey, California, boasts of being one hundred' and fifty years old. It is eminently proper thnt Gabriel should blow his own horn. AltK YOU SKEPTICAL If so we will convino? jou that Acker's Js.ngli.sh ltemedy for the lungs is superi or to all other preparations, and is a positive cure for all Throat and Lung troubles Croup, Whooping Cough and Isolds. Ve guarantee the preparation ami vrni give you a sample bottle free. Pctsous who desire to reach the seventh heaven of human bliss should take the elevator. Robb & Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Mar ne Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of 510,000.000. ,"i,f,UHA!f of J-ondon. HAvlJiIA' of California. coxNErrrirniT nr , &r; fmvft0 H0ME' oiOakiaiid. LION, or London. ! I KKM.VN'S FUND, of California, Agents also for TRAVELLERS', of Jlartford- TinL-iQ oi r ., I-lfe and Accident, tickets sold for the ALLAN Line of Steamships, fioni Old Country to Astoria. EOBB & PAKKEB. At old ofllce of J. O. Bozorth. THE VIENNA -J-asH-'flll ftp B CHRIS. EVENSOX. F. COOK THE Ship and Commission Agency MRE INSURANCE IX FIKST CLASS COaiPAMIKH Hepresentlng 813,000,000 PHCENIX, Hartford, Con. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO Vi. f. UPSHUR, Asiona. Oregon. Retoranrai; Clpp C. W. Fisher & Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, -Etc., COOKED TO ORDER- Flno Prlvnte Hooms. JEverythlns first Class. Genevieve Street, rear 6f Griffin & Keed's. SATISFACnOK GUARANTEED. Main Street "Wharf Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. When she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Whenshehad Children, she gare them Castoria How would you like to see all yonr thoughts for a single day in print? AND I WM. J. HOOPER & CO., At LOWEST FACTORY PRICES. SALMON NET THREADS. WQ0DBEBRY CAUTIQX TO 3IOTUKKH. . Every mother is cautioned against giving her child laudanum or paregoric it creates an unnatural cravimr for 110 33. Pratt, near Lisht. BALTIMORE, MD.. Manufacturers ot n COTTON ANDFLAXGILLNETS. Corks. Seine Leads, &c. Seine Twine of all kinds, Ma nilla, Cotton & lTcmp Bope. 1 Seine Mps anil lines. HENRY .D0YiE& CO.. 517 & 519 Market St., SlKTIlAXCISCO, CALIFOBNI1. r.n !. ...i ....... .: "",,h i aiuuuuiuis which kuis me mind or the child. Acker's Baby Soother is spe cially prepared to benefit children and cure their pains. It is harmless and wiiuiiua o upuim or Morphine. Sold by J. W. Conn, Druggist' A Scotch minister, observing a man sleeping, cried eut: "John wake up; take a pinch o' snuff'," and John immediately fired baek: "Minister, put the snuff in the sermon." Distress After Eatlnp. This result dfindlgestlon will no lontr erbe experienced If Simmons Liver Itec uator fa taken After each meal. It is pleasant in its effect that it is used by man j', after a hearty meal, to insure good digestion. The Keguiator dSS sot nauseate or irritate the stomach but corrects acidity, dipels foul 1 gases ai Jna0Dn"nd aS3iStS the otnach "Look at the murderer," said one man to another in-the courtroom. i. i Fiuiurn.oi ueaiui." "ies; out the picture ueedsihahging." FEA34' 1 the preatandrbest Soap ever made. - - WxWM POWDER $67,000,000 Capital rttrl0 ,Co!"'ecticut. Commercial ot Califoriila Agtlcultural. of Svatertown. New Pnik,Jnion & I-l"c:ishJro or Liverpool biiR.. b ire Insurance Companies, Kepresent in a capital of SW.OOO.COO. F l . VAX DUSEN. Agent. Cai Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers in en Supplies ! Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Buildlug on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No 37. ASTORIA, OREfiOK. THE DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAV HANSEN, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine & JIFFS cntial Hotel EVENSON & COOK. On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN BOOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish. Meats, Etc., Cooked to WATJSRSt., Opp. .Foard & Siokcx A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run in connection with the Premises The Best of WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Ro?nS EHIIard Tables and rrlvat0 Carri Is the Leading and Only First- RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Clean Sen-Ices, lteasonahle Prices. Pol te WnitntM Pm.,,. Polite Walters. Attention. Prompt JUSTUS EDWARDS. DAVE KENNEDY. KEStfEBY & EDWARDS. PROPRIETORS OF THE PARKER HOUS First Class in Every Respect Thoroughly Renovated and Repaired throughout : 87 large, sunny rooms, TWO DINIKG ROOMS. i-abicsfupnlicilwith everything the mar ket affords. Fi,!.e ,?F and Billiard Room : choice brands Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Free Coach to and from the House. A Fine Sample Room for Commercial travelers. Try ninu and You will be More than Satisfied, Everybody Says So, Private Rooms. MAIN STREET, - - ASTORIA. Diamonfls Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel of purity, strength and v holesomeuess. M ore economical than the ordinary kinds, and can ?,?,LbfS,0,d I" """Petition with the niulti nh 0Vov,a test sJ?,rt welnt. alum or phos- B4?tPowaaBCo-1W V'all-at.. N. Y. OregJn WLKY&Co- :ents- Portland. Jewelry All At Extremely Low Prices, Ooods Bonght at This fttabllshmenl Warranted Genuine. Wafeli anI CIoclc Reairlnt- A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass aud Squemoqua Streets. Astoria Grallery. vvii X11S tfiiST PHOTOS, TINTYPES Or any Kind of Photographic Work. Call at the ASTOEIA GALLERY, Good "Work and Reasonable Prices Guaranteed. Misses C. & Z. CARRUTHERS, (Successors to H. S. Sinister.) For Sale. Patent Rip Saw Machine. Patent Jig ' " Shaper. Mortising Machine. Patent Band Saw. Above machines are for Foot or Hand Power, and will be? sold cheap, for cash. Enquire of JOHN A. MONTGOMERY. Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves A Chicago Druggist Retailed 2,000,000 of SIEISi John C, Dement, DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WARRANTED. WATER CLOSETS, PLUMBDfG GOODS, PCMPS, SIXES, AND BATn TUBS. JNO. A. MONTGOMERY, GHENAMOS STREET. Prescriptions CareruIIy Compounded. Agent tor J Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure City Tax Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Tax Roll of the City of Astoria, Clatsop County, Oregon, is now In my hands for col lection, and will remain with me for thirty days, after which time the taxes remalnlnL' unpaid will be deemed delinquent, and such will be returned to the Auditor. J. G. HUSTLER, City Treasurer and Tax Collector. Astoria. July 25, 1869.