ID Se Wm Sails ftem ASTOBIA. OREGON: TUESDAY..- -AUGUST 20. 1889. AN INFRACTION OF LAW. The Astobian notices in three prominent state exchanges, the adver tisement of the Louisiana lottery. The advertising agent has repeatedly sent The Astorian the advertisement -which has been repeatedly declined, for no other reason than the follow fellow follew ing: Section 1883 Oregon statutes: "If any person shall advertise any lottery ticket or share in such ticket, or any writing, token, or other device as is mentioned in section 1880 (659) for sale, either by himself or another, or shall in any way invite or entice, or attempt to invite or entice another to purchase or receive the same, or shall set up or exhibit any sign, symbol, or emblematic or other representation of a lottery, where such ticket, share, thereof, writing, token, or other de vice can be purchased or obtained, such person, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by imprisonment in the connty jail not less than one month nor more than six montus, or by fine not less than twenty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars." This is the law and it should be observed. The law doesn't prevent people from buying the tickets: nearly a thousand dollars a month is spent in Astoria alone for tickets in the Loui sana lottery, but it does forbid news papers advertising the lottery and our contemporaries should observe it. The Astorian' usually has enough to do to mind its own business with out minding how its esteemed con temporaries manage their affairs, but this thing is getting a little tiresome. The advL pays big, it is the best pay ing advertisement going, and the en tire state press should observe the law, and those violating it should be punished, or else the law should be re pealed. That's business. While the most of our exchanges in commenting on the killing of Terry by Nagle say, "it served him right," some of the comment is to the effect that Nagle murdered Terry, and should be tried for murder. Nagle will undoubtedly be tried, but will just as undoubtedly be ac quitted. Terry forfeited his life when he made those threats against Justice Field, and the moment he advanced to assault the representative of the maj esty of the law, his existence was deodand. It wasn't Field, the individ ual, he struck, but the embodiment and incarnation of justice. This is a point that must not be overlooked. Field had no quarrel with Terry, but as an expounder and mouthpiece of the su preme court announced a righteous decision. For this Terry sought his life and lost his own. Those Democratic editors who are displeased with the course of the pres ent administration in the Behring sea matter, can find reliof by taking proper notice of the fact that it is simply carrying out a law which president Cleveland approved on ihe last day of his term. Last Saturday The Dalles Times Mountaineer celebrated its thirtieth birthday. It is a right good news paper and ably and justly exemplifies the daily life of the community in which it is published. The best editorial (in the writer's judgement) on the recent deplorable killing of David S. Terry, is in the San Francisco Alta of the 15th inst Between the eloquence of the Olympia convention, and the dis astrous fires, Washington is burning her way into the Union. So far as the Behring sea is con cerned, Uncle Sam assumes to be keeper of the great seal. If you want to have a line suit of clothes go to the Tans Tailor. lie can make the best fitting suits and sells the cheapest. Don't buy any clothing, but go at once to the 1'aris Tailor first. He keens the finest selections at the cheapest prices, and turns out the best work in Astoria. Weill liar l's Boer. And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Tender. Juicy Steak at JefT's. Moving! The lied Store must vacate the premises on the first of next month, and as it is cheaper to sacrifice than to move Goods, we will sell Everything on hand, including fixtures, at your own price. Remember the place! The Red Store. Notice. The Main Street House affords good accommodations at Si per day. Regu lar boarders, Single Rooms, 5.50 per week. Two persons occupying one room, $5 per week. Day board, per weeK, $. TeleDhoneliortirtHc House. Best Beds in tftwn. TinnTri5 npr ntfrhf 50 and 25 cts., per week Sl.50. New and ;ibuii. rnvaie entrance. TELEMIIC. Specials to Tlie Astorian. Portland Aug. 19. Mr. J. A. Carr, the broker, in relation to whom ho much has recently been written in con nection with the estate of the lata Annie Walker, of Tacoma, returned to uiis city to-day Irom the Sound, but it is ten days since he arrived from New York. When interviewed he said he had come to a satisfactory settlement with Eichard Walker, the heir. He says the estate was worth $30,000 instead of 860,000. FIRE AT NEWBERG. Fire occurred nt NVvwhpr cr rm the Portland & Willamette Valley rail road oararaay nignt. A Hotel and several "business houses were des troyed. The origin of the fire, and the losses resulting were not learned yet. DROPPED DEAD. J. H. Smith the old man who for years has been driving a stage coach from this city to Fulton dropped dead this morning near the Bed House while in the act "of hitching up his team yesterday. Mr. Smith had sev eral fainting spells and his son hear ing of it wanted to do Mr. Smith's work but the old stage driver would not consent, declaring he was well enough to attend to his business. Younger Smith had scarcely left his rattier before he expired. The cause is supposed to be heart disease. geing: home. Ex-consul General J. W. Putnam, to the Sandwhich islands arrived here this morning and is a guest at the Es mond. Mr. Putnam was recently superseded by a liepubhcau. He is now enroute for his home in Ohio where he served ten years in the leg islature and acted as governor of the state from 1872 to 1874. Ashore Near the Cliff House. The American ship Ericsson had a narrow escape from complete wreck age Tuesday night The night was dark outside the Heads and a thick fog hung over the ocean. Captain McCoy of the tug Active was successful in getting a line to her, but in towing her in he lost his reckoning, and the ship struck the shore at a point be tween the (Jliii House and the lite-sav ing station, almost in the same spot where the Bessie Everding was lost last year. The Active made an at tempt to steam out to sea, but the ship stuck fast. For nearly two hours she pounded on the beach. Word was sent into town, and another tug went to the assistance of the Active. An additional hawser was got on board and the Ericsson was pulled off and towed into port badly leaking. The Ericsson is the second vessel that has escaped from this spot, the James Chester being the other, while the number of those which have met their fate there is legion. S. F. Bulletin, 15. A SERIOUS ELUNDER.N X It&dx NrljrProitrtd&y a Pat at Medicine. A lt&T well-fcnoira in the Western Addition bts been great rofferer for jttit with in- digestion end dfipepcift. Struck with ths testlmoiuy- Jjaliinx Joy' Vegret&hle Sam p&rilla, tha leht for a bottle. The drngjlit, nothATinglt, talked them Into taking another wnzpariua. Ax the leading aarsaparillaauio mineral blood $urlners, the effect of tha emptying QSlfdldo of potash into a Btomach already diltrettinsly delicate was disastrous, almoft prOltrttlDff her before tho mistake was rectUtaL She then called upon Mrs. Fowler, of &7 llifl ttrect, whose name waa among those cored by Joy's Ve?etablo Sarsaparills. Hn. Fowler said it was truo that it had cured her. r Aftin reassured, tho vegetable- com pound was tent for and gotten. The gentle action of Its vegetable stimulants upon tho liver, kidneys and digestive organs, and its warm stomach tonics, were the very things needed, and she began improving and was her old self within a fortnight This sounds lik.0 fiction, but tho names can bo given It necessary. San Francisco Examiner. Coffee and cake, tan cents, at the Central Restaurant Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at P. J. GOODSIAN'S. Tiso Paris Tailor Has just received the most elegant Stock of Spring and Summer Suitings. Don't miss going to see him. He turns out .Elegant i? its, ana sens very cneap. Steals Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & btokes'. ADVICE TO MOTHKBN. Mrs. Wixsr.ow's Soothing Svkup should always bo used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic, and is tho best remedy for diar-rhcea.Twcnty-five cents a bottle. NEW TO-DAY. House to Rent. TN UPPEU TOWN : FIVE ROOMS. GOOD JL location, water inside and outside ; for particulars apply to H. G. VAN DDSEN Upper Astoria. Mt. Angel College! MARION COUNTY, OREGON, Elementary and Preparatory Classes for Boys irom c to vz years. Complete Commercial, Scientific and Classical Courses, For lareer bovs and vounc men. This instl tutlon, only two years old. Is already one of the largest, mo3t popular and best patron ized of the coast. The highest authorities of the state recommend it on account of its health, location, scientific advantages and strict discipline. For Catalogue, with pros pectus, terms, etc, write to BARNABAS HELD, Director Mt. Angel College. Cannery For Sale. ON ACCOUNT OF LEAVING THIS country I offer my cannery at Alsea Bay for sale : likewise my dwelling house with large garden. Cannery ready for this season's fishing. This is a fine chance for business. R. A. BOBELL. Waldport, Benton Co., Ore. Dyspepsia Makes many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heart burn, loss of appetite, a faint, "all gone" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irreg- .. ularity of the bowels, are DiStrGSS the more common synip- AftGF toms. Dyspepsia does not . get well of itself. It re- kiBting quires careful, persistent attention, and a rei:udy like Hood's Sarsa- parilla, which acts gently yet efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good ap- appetlte. and, by thus eifilf overcoming the local 'CK. symptoms, cures the "SCmCn headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did Henrt- eat distressed me or did if me little good. After eat- DUrn ing I would experience a falntness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trouble, I think, was aggravated by my business, painting, and from being more or less shut up in a room with . fresh paint. Last spring eA . I took Hood's Sarsapanl!a Stomach and Ituiii i..e mi limit.-! -; ai:i-i:it r.f pond It gaw ji.e : i: aj petit., a:s.l sny f. d s. 1 Ishcd'tiM satisfied tin; crating I 1. l l r.-iou-lycsppriencfd." (Jeoucu A. Page, Wateitrtwn, Mass. N. P.. If you decide tn take nood's Sar. sauurilla do not be induced to buy any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold ly druggists. gl; six for 3. J'roparcrtlij C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lwt-n,X:i3 IOO Doses One Dollar Proposals for a Sewer. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria until Tues day, August 27th, 1889, at 12 o'clock m., ior me construction oi a iweive-incn sewer in Washington street, McCIme's Astoria, from the west line of Astor street to a point one hundred feet north of the north side of Water street, in the time and manner provided by Ordi nance No. 1101, of the City of Astoria, and ordinances anientlatorv thereof. Bids must state the price per lineal foot. 'of terra cotta pipe, price per man-hole, catch basin, branches, reference being had to the estimate and plans and spec ifications on file In the office of th3 Au ditor and Police Judge. Work shall be completed within ninety days after the signing of the contract by the parties thereto, lims must be strictly in ac cordance with printed blanks which will be furnished on application t- the Auditor and Police Judge, particular attention being called to the note on said blanks. The contract will contain a provision to the effect that in case of failure to complete said work within the time specified, the contractor shall forfeit the sum of five dollars per day for each and every day required to com plete said contract in excess of the time specified. The contractor or contract ors when the contract is let shall enter into bond within forty-eight hours af ter receiving notice of the award with at least two good and sufficient sureties in the penal sum of Sl.000 for the true and faithful performance of all terms and conditions of said contract. Said bond shall also contain a provis ion, that such contractor or contractors shall and will hold the City of Astoria and the officers thereof free and harm less from any and all liabilities, or re sponsibility, from any loss or accident resulting from carelessness or neglect, during or resulting from such work, and the said bond shall be approved by the mayor of said city. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby re served. J. W. WELnr. W. L. Roiki. I. C. Ei.nox. Conimktee on S. and P. W. Dated, Astoria, Aug. 20th, 18S). For Sale. Office Fixtures, One Safe, 1 Lot Fishing Boats, And the entire Plant of my Salmon Cannery Consisting of Boiler. Uctorts, Solder Machines, Presses, I2to., Rio. Will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Also my Sawmill on Lewis and Clarke River, Together with 320 acres of Leased, and too acres Timber Land, on the direct line of the Astoria and South Coast Railroad. Mill is in first clasj condition for turning out shingles, snooks, or lumber. Ceo. W. Hume. TIBIES M fl Messrs. Robb & Parker have Sixty Acres Land, Four-fifths of which Is entirely clear and fit to build on immediately Adjacent to Ihe Sklpnntm Lniidiiix. Which will bo laid out In live-acre tracts, each tract divided into four parts bv sixt foot streets, each tract to sell for $r00. or one-fourth, or one block for Sloi), and up wards.. Persons wishing the first chance at this desirable Suburban Property will call on Messrs. Kobb & Parker, Real Estate AgenLs, for full information. 1 for TKeasiile! Free Camping Grounds at Austin's. There Is an abundance of clams, crabs, trout, oysters and all kinds of salt and fresh water fish. Good sate Sea bathing, fresh air and the best hunting grounds in America. Campers and visitors can find at my store everything thev require in the way of an outfit and provisions. A first class bar and billiard table are connected with my establishment. Board from $7 to SO per week. For paiticuiars call on or address JAS. P. AUSTIN, Store, Seaside, Oregon. Ausjii's is open the year round. Teachers' Quarterly Public Exam ination. NOTICE IS H.EREBY GIVEN THATTHE teachers' quarterly examination for Clatsop county, Oregon, will be held In the Cedar Street School House, on the last Wednesday In August, being the 2Sth day thereof, 1889, to conunece at the hour of 12 o'clock si. Strangers wishing to enter the examina tion class must bring testimonials as to mor al character endorsed by two persons known to the County Superintendent, C. W. SHIVELY, Countv Sup't Public Instruction for Clatsop County, Oregon. Astoria, Or., August 17th, 1889. ruuiiaus bMffi J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTAT! NOTARY PUBLIC FOK STATE OF OllEGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1SS3. Correspondence Solicited. Next W. U. Telegraph Odice. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. ii is of Pii oes in All Books Marked Way Down. CP JT Office (Temporarily) Cor. 3rd and Cass Sts. Real Estate Brokers. STOCKS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED, STORES, OFFICES, AND TENEMENTS EENTED, EENTS COL LECTED, 'HEAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY OF NON RESIDENTS TAKEN CARE OF. Insurance on lhiildings, OnUv, Household Coods and Merchandise placed in a variety oi the oest companies in the country. Arrangements are being perfected to meet the wants of the surrounding Townships in our line of business. Investors from abroad will find it to their interest to to correspond with us, and strangers coining to the city are invited to call on us for any courtesies they may neeu. Parties from outside can write to us for A carriage is always waiting to show REFERENCES: Bank of Neiigli, Neligh, Nebraska; lank, New l orK ; Kountsie Uros., Omaha, Nebraska ; Ilev. Geo. C. Hall, Astoria. Or. And 155 per Month From Robb The Mikado. N. J. BERGMAN, Prop. (Successor to J. C. Clinton.) Fine Chocolate Bon Bons AND CONFECTIONS. ALSO Finest Brands Cigars, Tobaccos, AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES. FRUITS, NUTS, ETC. Charlotte Russe Cream Soda A SPECIALTY. New Goods received fresh, daily. Please give me a call. Third street, near Telegraph Office. To Lean: 52,000 ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. IN qnire of Curtis & Cleveland ; -Room C. Elavel's Brick Building, corner Second and Cass streets. Store Our Window any errands wanted done in the city. customers and strangers around the city. CityUank, Clinton, Jowa; Fifth Avenue j --J. um I f n for Eight Months & Parker. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND. MILL PEED AGENTS I'OR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Eoller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. , ASTORIA. OREGON. Lot! New York Nove ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES Blanlc Bools.S, Stationeisy. OELO F. PARKER. CARL A. HANSON Parker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO G. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK, ) fi s uioininfi, The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. H WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALER LN Groceries, Provisions end Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass f Plated Ware. o The Largest nnd finest assortment of Fresh, Fruits and ITegetables. Keceived fresh every Steamer. The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. LEAVE PORTLAND : Foot of Alder Street Dally, except Tuesday. at .7 :00 a. m. LKAVE ASTORIA : Wilson & Fisher's Dock. Daily, extvpt Tuesday, at 8 :00 p. v. m The Lurline. FAST TIME BETWEEN Portland and Astoria ! LEAVE ASTORIA. Main St. Wharf. Daily, omitting Monday, at 7 a. m. ON SUNDAY, at. 7 p.m. LEAVE PORTLAND. Every Night at 8 p. m. EXCEPT SUNDAY NIGHT. To Canners. Jensen's Patented Can Capping Machine. Will Cap and Crimp 05 CAXS per MINUTE. It has proved to Reduce the Leakage more than CO per cent, less than hand capped. Price, 600. Orders complied with by The Jensen dan-Tilling Machine do. Notice to Stockholders. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A meeting of the stockholders of the Pa cific Union Packing company Is hereby called to meet at the olllce of said company, in the city of Astoria. Oregon, on August 23rd, 1889, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing directors and other officers and filling vacancies in the board of directors and for the further pur pose of transacting any other business con cerning the welfare of said company. Dated. Astoria, Oregon, August 12th, A, D. 1889. PETER BROWN. President Pacific Union Packing Co. Attest : SEAL.! MOORE'S NEW Ttatre Joipe ! GEO. W.MOORE, Proprietor and Manager. GEO. FAIRFIELD -Stage Manager. Crowded Houses ! A Big Success ! MISS MAY WILLIAMS, The Petite Serio-Comic. MR. WALTER ORO, In Chinese Pastimes. JOHN HANSON and ELLA HEWITT, In their great Plantation Scene. Entltld, "Mixtures." The Only GEO. FAIRFIELD. In his great Original Changes. WM. MORTON, in his latest craze, "Did You Notice It?" Dont fall to hear the beantlf ul Cantatrice MISS ELLA HEWITT. The wonderful Novelty Artists, LTJLU and BOB THIES, In the "Hottentots." MISS MOON, the graceful Danseuse, In her Great Medley Stop Jig and Reel. The whole to conclude with the funny act entitled. . Fat Jack and Slim Jim. Admission, 25 cents. Boxes, 50cent3 Store Tour Honey s worth IS WHyT YOU (.ET AT Foard & Stokes Groceries and Provisions. Everything In a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price raid Tor Junk. FOARD & STOKES ap - 7 Seaside Bakery. Hest.llilU ISioad mill CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fine Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Candles. .IOHNSOS, ROH. NI MiiiiufactureU and For Sale at Wholesale Prices, at The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. IiooA Bread, Caie aii Pastry None but the ISeM Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered tu any part of the city. Th. Olsen. (Kxanunerct Dansk Apotheker.) Prescription Druggist. Twenty-six Yeais Experience. Water Street. - Astoria, Oregon. 3B, IE. ATwTnlSSIKr, DEALER IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings SPECIALTY, Sign Writer, Grainerand Ornamental Painter. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria. Or. F.H.SURPRENANT&CO., SUCCESSORS TO County Coroner. JJfc-. ...!& 4. -, , J $&GrZ?i Tirst Class Undertaking ESTABLISHMENT. New Styles, Caskets and funeral material Next to Astorian office. J. P. L. FERRELL DKALER IK Key West Cigars, Tobacco, and Smokers7 Articles. Choice Fruits, Confectionery, Nuts. Etc. Fresh Goods received on every California Steamer. WATER ST., under Crow's Gallery CO TO Thompson & Ross And get some of those No. One California Canned Fruits AND VEGETABLES. We Are Selling Cheap vi-j--J-yaayr . . r. , .-t.