C33 VThc gaily gtstovian. ASTORIA, OREGON: SATURDAY .lZIuGUST 17. 18S9. ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. P. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, ASTOHIAX BUILIMXU. - - OASS STKKRT. Terms of Subscription. Served by Carrier, per week ..... 15 cts ent by Mall, per month 6e cts " 4l " one year. $7.00 rrce or postage to subscribers. The Astokian guarantees to Its adver tisers the largest circulation of any newspa pcr published on the Columbia river. Sun rise3, 5:03; sun sets, 7:04. After to-day lots in east Astoria -will be advanced to .r0. English capitalists want to buv Wein nard's brewery in Portland for '$GG0,O0P. lne steamer Michigan arrived from Seattle, loaded with coal for Portland, yesterday. During last season the Rockford can nery, near The Dalles, shipped 11,500 cubes or saimon. The two fire engines wera wfiiohrl vao. terday. The Silsby weighed 0,700 pounds; tue AmosKeag, u,ww. The world renowned PflnV Si'nfora played a brief but successful engagement hi ivnappton iasc evening. Reserved seats at the New York Novel ty Store this morning, for the Mather performance this evening. A public drinking fountain, at which aqua pura shall be dispensed, without money and without price, is the latest suggestion. The State of California arrived from San Francisco yesterday with a verv large passenger list and 72 tons freight for this port. The steamer Gen. Cauby will make her regular excursion to the forts, the cape, andNacottab, to-morrow, lepving here at seven o'clock. A company was incorporated in Port land last Thursday with a capital stock of $2,000,000 to bridge the Columbia riv er above Vancouver. The two fishing; boats that left here on the 8th inst. for Coos bay arrived there safely after a splendid run, on Saturday the 10th inst. at 1 p. m. Wires down, no dispatches this morn mern ing: what TnE Astoeian gets is on the European plan, and no dispatches, no pay. 'Twill bo different before long. The steam schooner Laguna from San Francisco for Portland, loaded with powder arrived yesterday and anchored at a respectful distance from the city. On account of the length of the per formance to-night, there being seven acts, the curtain will rise at 8 o'clock aharp. Those interested will please take notice. In the justice court yesterday Harry Anderson, charged with the larceny of sail and oars from John Ferry, was held in $200 bonds to appear before the next grand jury. The committee to secure funds for the competing team at the Tacoma tourna ment raised $200 yesterday. About $250 more is needed, which will probably be subscribed to-day. The steamer Oregon sailed for San Francisco yesterday with the following freight from Asteria: 1,310 bdls snooks, 301 cases salmon, DO sks oysters and 7 tons assorted freight. T. W. Stewai t a carpenter, was drowned in ths Fraser river last Saturday. He was employed on the new bridge over the north arm of the river aud was knocked into the water by a falling tim ber. Hugh McGinnis, n logger, in Williams' camp on Port Discovery bay, was instant dy killed last Thursday by u falling tree .and horribly mangled. His abdomen -was dissevered, showing the internal organs. The 21. E. church of this oity was yes terday the recipient of a massive silver communion service, of five pieces, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Elmore, of Mil waukee, Wis., parents of Mr. Samuel El more, of this city. This is a great fruit year for Oregon.' apienaia peacnes, pears ana grapes are now in the market. Oregon fruit, Ore gon fish, Oregon lumber, Oregon wheat, all of primest quality and worth good money wherever sent. There has been considerable activity in real estate during the week, though no large sales are reported. Investments seem to favor outside property, which in some localities iB liable in the near fu ture to prove very profitable. Fine Columbia river salmon go over laud for eastern epicures. The Willam ette Chiej yesterdav took on 3,100 cases: Jno. A. Devlin, 2,000 cs.: M. J. Kinney, 400 cs.: P. J. McGowan & Sons, 700 as. The freight is 1 a hundred pounds. The British legation has informed the state department that the governor gen eral or iauaaa, unaer powers given him by the laws of the dominion, has reduced the exjwrt dut3' on pine logs from $3 to -.$2 per 1,000 feet per board measure. Tho British bark Cambrian Queen, 1,300, Thomas master, 87 days from New castle, N. S. W., arrived in yesterday af ternoon with 1773 tons of coal, 500 of which is for Astoria. The schooner Mary Dodge, lumber laden, sailed for San Fran cisco. Wilhelm Meyer, a farmer living near Vancouver, was caaght under a falling tree, ana crusueu to aeatn last Wednes day. The body was badly mangled. Deceased leaves an invalid wife and five small children, in destitute circum stances. The new badges for tho Astoria fire department, cpme yesterday: they are of block tin, made in the shape of a shield, with the words "Astoria fire department," engraved thereon; with a dingis on the back to fasten to the clothing. They are 102 in number, and cost $72.75. A lady who owns a handsome lot and residence near Genevieve street, growing tired of trying to get somebody to do the work has started in to do the grading herself, and will have her lot graded to suit her by the time the rain sets in. judging by the way she works at it every day. Some boys, while bathing on the beach near Carnahan's store yesterday, found a human skull, which was brought to this ouice. it looks like the skull of an In dian, and is in a good state of preserva tion, minus the lower jaw. It would do first rate as a piece of stage property in the graveyard scene from "Hamlet." AtRoslyn, W. T., nt midnight last Wednesday, Fred Trotman, a saloon keeper, shot Thos. T. Thomas, a miner. At 8:30 a. m., an excited crowd lynched Trotman and took his dead body back to jail. The wounded man Thomas is getting better, and the doctors think he'll live. Trotman's murderers will be arrested. Judge Kelsey L i. shown the Corvallis Leader a letter irom judge Bonham, consul-general at Calcutta, in which judge Bonham states that he has sent his resignation of the office at Washing ton, to take effect as soon as his suc cessor is qualifistl. Judge Kelsey has been recommended by the Oregon dele gation for the office, and if he should be appointed would take judge Bonham's place this fall. Settlers on the lower Nehalem are hav- me a tonoh time of it. fiphtinc fire. A. B. Gordon, who is teaching the Sunny-1 side school was compelled to have a va cation last week, owing to the heavy forest fires which caused such a dense smoke that the scholars were unable to study. At one time it was feared that the school house would catch on fire, and it was only saved by the settlers turning out and fighting hre for n whole day and night. A Fulton county man owns a saw mill, or did last week, but doesn't now. He went to his saw mill early the other morning, intending to take down the blinds, sweep out and prepare lor the day's business, when he discovered that tuioyoa uw uucu luoio uciuih uiui. j.udj had stolen the saws, log-carriage, cant hooks, dogs, crowbars, wrenches, files, tallow for the saws, tin lantern every thing. They even carried off the water wheel and logs, and would have got away with the water privilege, doubtless, had they had n little more time. In another column is an account of the insanity of Henry Walmbold, who was taken to the insane asylum at Stock ton, Co!., last Wednesday. Walmbold was well known here, where he had re sided for several years. He tried at var ious times to be a political agitator, but didn't agitate anybody very much. Of late he had been engaged on n perpetual motion machine. He fished all the past season, and left here about the 5th with $200. He was a man of considerable in tellect in some ways but a little vague at times. He will le back hera before long no crazier than usual. The steamer Barbara liucotoitz ha3 arrived down from Naas rivdr, says tho Victoria Culoni-,., and way ports with a large passenger list, principally return ing fishermen. She nlsj brought 1,250 case-) from the IS. A. 1' company, Skeena river. The pack on this river will be only a two-third one, tho canneries aver aging 9,000 cases apiece. On Naas river McLellan's cannery uad put up 6,000 cases, Findlay, Durham fc Brodie, 3,000, and the Cascade Packing company 1,500. At River's inlet the run has been unpie- cedently large, the two canneries run ning there liava ali the usu they can handle, aud are shutting down because they ran out of material. Suotboldt & Draney have 1C.O0J rases, and will also put up jJLKt barrels suit suliuou. Mc Dowell's canuery Ima a puck of 10,000 casi. The puok ut Alort bay i3 only fair. "I nfcv jr befora saw such rapid work," says a Portlander, just returned from Fort bteveiis, to a leleyrut.i reporter, "as I beheld at the government woiks at the mouth of tho Columbia river. I was down there last April, about the 1st, and since that tiuia thtv havo made an enor mous stride with the great stone jetty. Believe me. lacking tho length of three of our Portland blocks the work has grown in the last four and one-half months just one mile. It is an interest ing sight to see the stone taken from the great barges which are towed from the quarry, and then put on the flat cars, to be run out over the sea towards Japan, behind the little engine which rolls great clouds of smoke behind it. Then the construction derrick is swung around, and, lifting the contents of the car up, turns it clear about and deposits it exactly where wanted. I cannot forget how odd that train looked going out on tho water. It was a sight I never beheld before, but one which I want to see again, for it filled me with a peculiar feeling, as if it were going out into the sea never to re turn." Are Yon Aware That Lemons, large and fine will be sold for this day only at Astoria Grocery and Canned Fruit company at 25 cents per dozen. Grapes, Apricots, Peaches, Pears, etc., aggregating 250 cases will be closed out to-day at low figures by Astoria Grocery and Canned Fruit Co. Thatcher will sell this day, choice val ley eggs at 27 cents per dozen, guar anteed first class: go and see him. Press Comment. Miss Mather triumphed in her Juliet. The whisper went around -between acta "She is the finest Juliet I have ever seen." Alia. The scene in which she learns of Romeo's banishment was touched with real dramatic fire. Post. ISooms. A few rooms to let. with board, at Mrs. E. C. ilolden's boarding house, corner Main and Fourth streets. Don't buy any clothing, but go at once to the Paris Tailor first. He keeps the finest selections at the cheapest prices, and turns out the best work in Astoria. Wei'nliard's Beer. And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Tender, Juicy Steak at Jeff's. Notice. The Main Street nouse affords good accommodations at 31 per day. Regu lar boarders, Single Rooms, $5.50 per week. Two persons occupying one room, $5 per week. Day board, per week, $4. Auction ! The Red Store will have an auc tion of Men's and Bo3-s' Goods Thurs day, Friday and Saturday nights. We must move, and so must the goods. Go to Jeff's lor Oysters. PROCLAIMED HIUSELF CHRIST. But Was Sent to the Lnnatic Asylum. S. F. Examiner, 13. Henry Warmbold, of Astoria, Oregon, astronomer, astrologer, physiognomist, phrenologist, evolutionist and theoso- Shist, was arrested Saturday night nt the asonio cemetery. Professor Warmbold is above the me dium height, has long fair hair, which curls at the end, and a long beard, while a mild and gentle expression pervades his countenance. To Dr. Phelan he stated yesterday morning, that he had been arrested in an invocation to Isis and Osiris, by which he had intended savmg.the world from destruction. "You know, doctor," said he, "that my latter life has been devoted to astronomy and astrology, and I know the subjects perfectly. Why I came to be operating m San Francisco I will explain." "You know, sir. that I am a theoso phist, and that I have reached the remin iscent peridd, and remember 2,000 years ago. At that time I wasiJesus Christ, and vainly supposed that I .had come to save the world. It was an error." "The proof of what I say maybe estab lished bv the fact that on im forht-ad. feet, hands and over my heart, I bear the marks which I received en the cross 2,000 years ago." "In my latter career I have been a fish erman at Astoria, but by the transmis sion of thought I was notified that my affinity lived in San Francisco, and be ing thus warned I gave up my occupa tion and was directed here by the great, but invisible, powers of nature. "On reaohing this point the same pow er directed me to the Masonic cemetery. where I found the gates swung ajar and the maiden of my dreams awaiting me with outstretched arms." "She knew me at a glance by the pow ers of transmission of thought, and we communed." "From that day to this we have con stantly communed. When I reach the cemetery and she is not there I look no on the earth's surface and I find a stone, and on this stone she has transmitted her thoughts, which I read." "What do you know of astronomy and astrology?" "This: The planetary system is in a ferment, and I am the man destined to save the world again. My affinity, who is the essenoo of beauty, commands Isis, or the moon, while I command Osiris, the sun. Together we can causa a con junction which would be to the world's advantage, as both sun and moon have had a family quarrel which must result in a fatal explosion unless the trouble is put at rest." "On Saturday night I had builded a fire, my affinity stood by my side in spirit, Isis had come at my command, Osiris was surlily obeying my call, when the callous limbs of the law lay their ir reverent hands upon mo. I was arrested, thrown in jail, and the result must come. I deplore it, of course, but it is unavoid able." "That's enough," said Dr. Phelan. one of the commissioners of insanity. "My good man, we will have to send you to Stockton." "I expected as much," said the pro fessor. "I am too learned. Two thous and years hence I shall come back to save the world. It is not my fault but your own cruelty that I do not do it now, but you know, doctor, through all ages, man's inhumanity to. man has made countless thousands mourn." The attendants placed him in the van and one more patient was added to over crowded Stookton. Insane In San Franclspo. Henry Walmbold, a German fisherman, aged 3G years, residing at 553 Mission street, was committed to the Stockton insane asylum yesterday. Walmbold was arrested at the Masonic cemetery on Sunday, where an officer found him drinking refuse water of the vilest descrip tion. When questioned by the officer no said that he was Jesus Christ, and that he was drinking of the spring of eternal life. He spoke learnedly of the trans mogrification of souls theory, and Baid that he was the ruler of the universo. The cause of his mania was not ascer tained by the insanity commissioners. S. F. Chronicle, 13. TO DISPEL COLDS. Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when costive or bilious, or when the blood is impure or sluggish, to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaken the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them, use Syrup of Figs. A Judgment for $12,870, In the United States circuit oourt yes terday E. T. B. Mills, of the firm of Mills & Co., secured a judgment for $12,870 againBt the Oregon Railway and Naviga tion company. The amount was secured on tho ground that it was an overcharge of freight on a large consignment of wheat shipped by -the plaintiff from Washington territory to San Francisco in February, 1886. The amount which the plaintiff tendered as dse, nt the agreed rate, was $72,43(5, while the anount charged and paid by the plaintiff under protest was $85,307. S. F. Chron icle, 13. .. Boils and pimples and other affections arising from impure blood may appear at this season, when the blood is heated. Hood's Sarsaparilla removes the cause of these troubles by purifying, vitalizing, and enriching the blood, and at the same time it gives strength to the whole sys tem. Quarantine Vets. The board of health held a special meeting yesterday, at which war was de clared against the Pacific Coast Steam ship company by the adoption of a res olution directing quarantine officer Law lor to allow no vessel belonging to that company to dock or land its passengers without the payment of the quarantine fees amounting to $7.50. It is understood that the Paoifio Coast Steamship com pany bos refused to pay quarantine fees on the ground that the aotion of the board of health in levying such fees was illegal. The resolution just adopted by that body will doubtless bring matters to a climax. S. F. Chronicle, 13. Is Consumption Incurable? Read the follewing: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phy sieians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middleware, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumptien I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try It, Sample bottles free at J. C. Dement's Drug Store. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Martin Foard, and Misses Tillie and Mary Foard left yesterday for San Francisco. Carl Adler of Baker City came down on yesterday's boat and goes to the beach to-day for a short sojourn there. Dr. Wm. P. Gibbon came over from Glenwood farm yesterday, and went to the seaside to spend a few days before returning to his home in California. Hon. Sol. Hirsch, United States minis tor to Turkey, will arrive this morning. He goes to the beach for a few days. He has been in poor health since his return from Europe. A Denial of Adverse Rumor!. A contemporary recently stated that the grading on the Astoria and booth Coast railroad would shortly be discon tinued "owing to a lack of ready funds to proceed." "This statement is untrue," said Wil liam Reid, president of the Astoria and South Coast railroad, to an Oregonian reporter yesterday. "Instead of discon tinuing work the company has two sur veying parties, of sixteen men each, in thetieid. Onsjpirty has surveyed and located twelve miles from the l-.j..s:Je junction to the summit of Lewis and Clarke river. The other mrtv has sur veyed from the summit of the Lewis and Clarke down to the Nehalem river valley, and has reached Jewell, thirteen miles distant, through an immense body of timber, finding the summit to be 1,300 feet high, and requiring a tunnel of only 300 feet at the top. This party is now proceeding on the way southerly to the Willamette valley." "A contract has been let by the Pa cific Construction company to W. H. Parker to complete the entire grading and rock work for seven and a half miles from the Seaside up the Lewis and Clarke, to be finished by Christmas; an other contract, for the same distance, for the clearing has been let to H. Le fevre, at the rate of $1,000 per mile, in cluding grubbing; another contract has been let to Charles H. Ewing for the grading from the Ocean house to Grimes' hotel, to bo finished before October 8, next; nnother contract has been let to Hoffman & Bates for the long trestle work across the Nekanikum river and across O'Hanna creek, and the bridge across the entrance to the lake; the con tract for the ties was let last Saturday to L. Michaels. The ties are to bo delivered before October 8, next. 1 have signed all these contracts." Oregonian, IS. Klccfric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so wtl known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same .ong of prai.-e.- -A purer uu'diciuc tloi s nut ex ist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Klectric Bitters will cure all discuses of the Liver and Kidi-eys. will remove Pimples. BoiN, Salt Kb iiui ;md othei affections caused bj tnijftn-Iilnnil. Will drive Malari-i l'tom the M-deui ami prevent as well as cuie Malaual le vers. For cure of Headache, ronti na tion and Indigestion try Electric Bit ters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. l'rice 50 cts. and S1.00 per bottle at jl C. Dement's. Pushing The Survey With Vim. The vim with which tho survey of the Albany and Astoria road is being pushed seems to indicate that it will bo a settled thing. The last snrvoy passes through the farm of Samuel Coad, about three quarters of a mile from our main street. This road comes to us without solicita tion, but that does not distract from the advantages wo will gain from it. Dallas Correspondence Salem Statesman. BEST IN THE WORLD. Further (Jreat Cures or Skin Dis eases by the Ciitiritra Remedies. Roy ouc y ear and a hull" old. Face ami body In a terrible romtlliun. being rovcM'i! with .sores Sulphur spriuss fall. Cured by Cuticura Kcmcdles. I havo used your Cuticur i ItKMEninsin two caaos where it proved to bo successful. The first was in the case of a boy a year and a half old. His face and body wore in a teriiblo condition, tho former being completely cov ered with sores. I took hi in to the Mnssena Sulphur Springs, but ho did not improve any. I was then advised to try the Cuticuea Rem edies, which I did. lie took ono and one half bottles of Cuticura 1Cf.soi.vknt, when his skin was as smooth could be, and is to day. 1 used the Cuticura on his sores and tho Cuti cura Soap in washing him. Ho is now five years of ogo. and all rieht Tho other caso was a disease of tho scalp, which was cured by washing with tho Cuticur Soap and rub bing in tho Cuticura, one bottlo of Cuticura Rrsoivknt being used. They have proved successful in every caso where I havo advised tho uso of thorn. It issurprising how rapidly a child will itnprovo under thoir treatment. I recommend them for any disease of tho skin as being tho best in tho woild. This is my experience, and I am ready to stand by my statement. JOHN K. UKRO, American House, Hogansburgh, ft. Y. An tutu-arable Skin Disease Cured. I have been afflicted since last March with a skin disease tho doctors callod Eczema My face wai covered with scabs and sores, anil tho itching and burning were almost unbear able Seeing your Cuticura Urmkuiks so highly recommended, concluded to glvo them atrial, uing the Cuticura and Cuticura Soap externally, and Resolvent internally for four months. I call myself cured, in grati tude for which I make this public statement. Mrs CLARA A. FREDERICK. Broad Brook, Conn. Cuticura Itcntcdies Cure every species of torturing, humiliating, itching, burning, scaly, and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, and all humors, blotches, eruptions, sores, scales, and crusts, whether simple, scrofulous, or contagious, when physicians and all known romedies fail. Sold everywhere. Price Cuticura, 50c; Soap. 2.5c; Rksot.vk.vt, SI. Prepared by the Pottkk Dkug and Ciiemicai, con poitvriox, Boston. aSend for "How to Cure Skin Diseases." 01 pages. 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials DAUV'Q Skin and Scalp preserved and DAD I O beautified by CuncintA Soap. Absolutely pure. t PAINS AND WEAKNESS Of females instantly relioved by that new, elegant, and infallible Antidoto to Pain, Inflammation and Weakness, the Cuticura Anti Fa In PlnMer. The first and only instant aneous pain-killer plaster. Poor Man's Ctace ! Mpssrs. Hobb & Parker have Sixty Acres Land. Four-fifths of which Is entirely clear and fit to build on Immediately Adjacent to llic Sklpauon Landing, "Which will be laid out In 'flve-acre tracts, each tract divided Into four parts by slvty foot streets, each tract to sell for 500, or one-fourth, or one block for 8150, and up wards. Tersons wishing the tlrst chance at this desirable Suburban Property will call on Messrs. Bobb & Parker, Real Estate Agents, for full Information. For this district, we are now pared to furnish them in all sizes from 18 to 36. Every Pair is Guaranteed No Better Fitting Corset Manufactured. C, H. COOPER, oa HERE ARE BARGAINS. Stoves at Cost! And everything at Reduced Prices at J. A. Montgomery's Tin "Ware, Granite "Ware, House Furnishing (looJs, Pinups, Zincs, Builders' Hardware, Etc. The Fntlre Stock at Very Low Prices. J. A. Montgomery. Look apoiEt 25 Splendid City Lot s IN DIFFERENT PARTS To be placed on the Market at Exceedingly Favorable Trices within the next WANTS I want to see things a-going and wont wait a minute ; business is at a stand still ; but I have too big a stock on hand. You Need a Mew Rig ! I Must Have The Coin. Come to my Emporium of bright bar gains and dress up like a Prince. I , . promise to treat you in a royal manner, by giving you the best in the land for little money. HERMAN WISE, The Reliable "Bargain Seller," OCCIDENT HOTEL BUILDING. oyal Wore Having been appointed agent for the sale of celebrated Royal Him r m TJSEIVr A THE ry Goods and Clothing House, OF ASTORIA. Kohler & Chase Ira House, SOLE AC1KNT3 FOR The MATCHLESS. DECKER BROTHERS, Ivers & Pond and J. C. & Fischer Pianos, ALSO Mason & Hamlin and A. B. Chase Cos Organs. Wi ite for Catalogue and Prices. WINTER & HARPER, 71 Morrison St., PORTLAND, OK. Sheet Music and Merchandise Dep't Separate. . W. FISCHER, Proprietor. Out OF OLNEY'S ASTORIA. Five Days. The Astoria Real Estate Co. W W mi rW-in tagjr M LIVELY I f TRIAL 1 1 tfcTeoe. THE Railroad Terminus OF THE llvvaco & Shoalwaier Bay Railroad. A GRAND SUMMER RESORT. The coming County Seat. This tine loca tion, soon to be the principal town in Pacilic County, W. T., is now platted in lots and blocks and is in the market. Here Is a Rare Opportunity for Profitable Investment. JiOts for Sale for $.10 and Upwards B. A.SEAB0RG, Ilwaco,W.T. The AstoriaSelectSchool Will Ro-open September 2nd, 1889. Regular Classes will resume their woik, without any interruption. New Classes will be organi7Cd in Higher Mathematics, Higher English, German, etc. A Teachers' Class will be formed for those who are preparing themselves for teachers. Tuition paid in two weeks after presenta tion of bill. No deduction made excepting in case of sickness. EMMA C. WARREN, Principal. TIMES? will I I M a I ' U .Mm n 111 luiulis Sl I ill! Ww SsHflBlcesTEr IoyalW,x y l ft L fl II II