m Wta gaitji stom. ASTORIA. OREGON: TUESDAY, AUGUST 13. 18S0. THE MEANING OF THE .WORD "LIMITED," AS APPLIED TO CORPORATIONS. It lias become somewhat common nowadays to see the word "limited," in parenthesis, after the titles oE cor porations, and it is safe to say that people generally do not understand the significance of this term, though, of course, business men do. An ex planation of it, as stated in one of our exchanges, may, therefore, be of gen eral interest. The old principal of corporations created by legislative act was that the entire property of every stockholder was liable for the whole of the company, as the whole proper ty of every member of a general part nership is still liable for the debts of the firm. This system made every shareholder responsible for bad man agement, of which he might not be guilty, and deterred wealthy men from becoming interested in the shares of corporations. To re move this objection the prin ciple of limited responsibility was introduced, and in order to no tify the public that only the separate property of the corporation was liable for the debts of the corporation, the English law requires that the word "limited" shall be used in ever' case by the company in connection with its title. Most American corporations are constituted on the principle of limited liability, and but few, if any, of the states enjoin the companies formed under their laws to append the word "limited" to their corporate titles. The matter is so generally un derstood in this country by business men, however, that it is not deemed necessary, though many companies do it of their own accord. The most noteworthy exception to the general rule is the case of the na tional bank, but even in this instance, liability is limited to an amount equal to the par value of the shares held. That is, if the national bank fails, each stockholder may not only lose what he has invested, but S100 more for each share of the stock he holds, if so much is necessary to pay the debts of the bank. Until within a few years all the Scottish banks were organized with unlimited liabil ity, and when, some eight or ten years ago, a Glasgow bauk failed disas trously, there were cases of men who only owned a share or two valued before the failure at not much more than S100, who were assessed thousands of pounds sterling to meet the debts of the bank Since that time the Scottish banks have been allowed to reorganize on a limited liabilitv basis. Ex-governor Crawford, of Kan sas, is one man who appears to have come out of the Oklahoma boom with flying colors. He received 10 per cent of the amount paid to the Creek Indians for the laud on account of his services as an attorney in ne gotiating the sale. A Boston paper, referring to the purchase of American breweries by English syndicates, rises to the com ment that "with the loss of the lager beer schooner perishes the last of Am erican shipping." ATWriE PERPLEXED. "For heaven's sate what does your hioMit do to you children that makes you ko lm fry?" "Please, auntie, she gives us Joy's Vra ti Lle Sarsaparilla and its awful good." T.S. Milton, ofSH Tost strcot,SanFra:Ksu, irrites: "I had lxca nilinp for weeks wl1 li a disorder of the liver and kidneys. Finally . ; wife, becoming frightened, procured a lxv ', of "ic California Kerned'' Joy's Yeivtn i 5ur-a;ari!la. It cured me right up. In f .- diii-.'jiiuchformetlintlscntfornhaU-do airl gave it to my childrcu, with the most -i isfactory results." It Tickles Nine Men Ont of Ten. Flattery merely consists ofhaving one's secret opinion of one's self ex pressed in the language of others. Troy Times. She'll Never Forpct; Nor Yon, Either. You can never get into the good graces of a young woman by watching hea get out of a hammock. Life. Ls Consumption Incurable? Head the follewing: 31 r. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phy Mrians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on mv third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." .Icssc Middleware, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's Xew Discoverv for Consumptjen I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up bv doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at J. C. Dement's Drug Store. ADVIGETO 3IOTIIKKS. Mrs. Wixsi-oWs Soothixq Syrup should alwayscAbe used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cholic, and is the best remedy for diar-rhoea.Twenty-five cents a bottle. TELEGBAPE. Specials to The Astorian. The Tacoma Tournament Next Month. To Be Under The Oontrol of The N. W. Piremen's Association. Portland, Or.. Aug. 12. The di rectors of the Northwestern Firemen's association had a meeting this after noon at the St Charles hotel, where they were in consultation with chief engineer Rainey of the Tacoma fire department Messrs. F. L. Parker andB. S. Worsley represented As toria. All necessary preliminaries were promptly arranged, and itwa3 de cidedthat the tournament to be held at Tacoma would.be under the entire control of the Northwestern Firemen's association. The dates are the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th ult It was also decided that the annual convention would be held at the same time. The sum of 4,200 was decided to be awarded in prizes: there will be a capital- prize of one thousand dollars. THE GULF STREAM. Philadelphia, Aug. 12. A local paper prints an interview with "W. S. Howard, who was three years on the United coast survey steamer Blake, commanded by Lieutenant Pilsbury. Howard says that for two years the gulf stream was observed and traced, and it was definitely ascertained to originate at'a place between Fowey Rocks, a ledge in the Atlantic, off the south extremity of Florida, and Gun Key, on the Bahama coast The steamer was anchored at this point and the study of the gulf stream was begun there. The stream was found to Vary daily in velocity, the difference being equal to 2M knots per hour. The current was affected by the moon, and the greatest strength of the cur rent was a day or two after the de clination of the moon. The steamer anchored at twenty-six stations to observe the gulf stream and up ward of fifteen hundred observations were taken. "With .other apparatus two meters were used at once by which the velocity of the surface and the sub-surface was simultaneously noted. The surface current runs with much greater velocity than the sub surface. The true axis or beginning of the stream is eleven and a half miles east of Fowey Bocks Light house. Here the strongest surface was 5 knots per hour and the weak est 3j, an average of 3.6 knots. At the ax9 there is a depth of 489 fath oms of water. The soundings brought to light no explanation of the myster ious origin of the stream. The de ductions from observations are that the trade winds and the Mississippi river may both be dismissed as prob able creatora of the current, and that the velocity of the current is pos tively controlled by the declination of the moon. establishing the line. Toronto, Ont., Aug. 12. The geo detic survey party sent out by the United States government to definite ly determine and establish the Al askan boundary is now at work. They stopped at Oonalaska, where sound iugs were made and the variations of the magnetic needle ascertained. Surveyors with stores disembarked at the mouth of the Yukon river and pro ceeded on their way. The interior department is thinking of sending an expedition to assist the United States party, but nothing ha3 yet been definitely settled upon. If matters are satisfactorily ar ranged the party will sfart next month, and proceeding by boat up the lukon, winter there and continue operations next year. NEW TO-DAY. The Astoria Select School Will He-open September 2nd, 1SS0. Regular Classes will resume their work, without any interruption. New Classes will be organized in Higher Mathematics, Higher English, German, etc. A Teachers' Class will be formed for those who are preparing themselves for teachers. Tuition paid in two weeks after presenta tion of bill. No deduction made excepting In case of sickness. EMMA C. WARREN. Principal. Ladies, Attention! A New Invention for Dress-Cutting, That can be used by man or woman aud give a perfect fit. Price of Scale, including Key of full instructions. $3.50, which can be had by calling on or addressing MRS. n. A. DERBY. Dealer m Millinery Goods. Main Street, Astoria, Or. I NIGHT ONLY I Saturday Evening, Aug. 17th. First Appearance here of the Celebrated Actress, MARGARET MATHER Supported by an excellent company of players under the management of Messrs. Gilmore and Tompkins. Pacific Coast tour under the direction of Mr. Al. Hayinan, manager Baldwin and New California thea ters, ban Francisco. B"Saturday Evn'g, Aug.l7th. Mi-s Math er will present Shakespeare's sublime Love Tragedy, ROMEO and JULIET Miss r.Tather Is conceded to be the World's Greatest Juliet. NOTE. Notwltlistandlng the treat ex pense of bringing Miss Mather and her en tire company to Astoria, the following prices will prevail : Reserved Seats, Lower Floor - si 50 Reserved Seats, Balcony - - - l 00 Gallery - - 60 rss-Sale of Seats commences Thursdav. at the New York Novelty btore, at 10 a. vl. Auction Sale OF Clothing, and Gents' Furnishing Goods and Fancy Goods, At M. C. Crosby's old stand, at seven o'clook every evening, ana during the day at auction prices. R. Houseman. BOSS Oiiera House SCROFULA Is that impurity of the blood which pro duces unsightly lumps or swellings on the glands of the neck; causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; developes ulcers in the eyes, ears, or nose, oiten caus ing blindness or deafness; is the origin of pimples, cancerous growths, or the many other manifestations usually ascribed to "humors;" and fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption, and death. Being the mot ancient, it is the most general of :.ll diseases cr affections, for very few persons are entirely free from it. "Zt CURED By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven itself to be a potent and pecul iar medicine for this disease. Some of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula or impure blood, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. " Every spring my wife and ehildren.ua ve been troubled with scrofula, sores break ing cat on them in various places. My little Loy, three years old, Mu been a ttvsible sufferer. Last spring he was one -!5 of sores from head to fcrt. I was .uiv:- (' i-:. ' Iliiod'.tSaisapanUa, and we . t-..i;. L. .;:. The result is that all hae .'! ciid of the scrofula, my little boy vii. "itindy free from .soies, and all four of ;n. 'iiildren look bright and healthy." Y. P. Atiiekto.n, Passaic City, N. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla -MSiy iu;;.!sts. 1; six for 5. Prepared by I I lk'iD A. CO., AjHiihecarie, Louull.Mass. '" Doses One Dollar NEW TO-DAY Notice to Stockholders. TVTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A L meeting of the stockholders of the Pa cific Union Packing company Is hereby called to meet at the ofllce of said company, in the ciiy of Astoria, Oregon, on August 23rd. 1889. at the hour of ten o'clock a.m., for the purpose of electing directors and other oftlcers and filling vacancies in the board of directors and for the fuithcr pur pose of transacting any other business con cerning th welfare of said company. Dated. Astoria, Oregon, August 12th, A, I). 1839. PETE It BROWN. President Pacific Union Tacking Co. Attest : -SKAL.1 For Sale. OA ACHES GOOD LEVEL LAND.SUIT tJJ able for platting, in same section as Sealanii. the terminus of ihe 1. IS. & N. It. It. Title, U. S Patent. Will j-oll in 10-acre tracts for 25 per acre. Cash. ALSO : Q ACRES FINE LAND, 30 ACRES TIDE OW Land, balance Spruce and Hemlock timber: on Nolan Slough, 1 miles from Young's Bay. Can take .scow to land and clear amount asked, in cordwood in one year. Within V mile of Astoria P. O. Would make good dairy ranch. Title U. S. Patent. For one week only at 20 per acre, half Cash, balance one year. J. H. MANSELL. Real Estate Broker. Poor Ms Chance ! Messrs. Robb & Parker have Sixty Acres Land, Four-fifths cf which Is entirely clear and fit to build on immediately Arijarent to Hip Sicipaiion Landing, Which will be laid out lit five-acre tracts, each tract divided into four parts bv sixty foot streets, each tract to sell for $500. or one-fourth, or one block for Sl."o, and up wards. Persons wishing the first chance at this desirable Suburban Pioperty will call on Messrs. Robb & Parker, Heal Estate Agents, for full information. Notice. Bins will be received, until Saturday the liith day of August,at the oflice of the Auditor and Police Judge for grad ing, filling and planking the crossings at Madison and Squemoque; Jackson and Squemoque; Polk and Squemoque; according to Ordinance No. HOG. Also, for the filling, planking and sidewalk ing, of Lots 1, 2, .1. and 4, block 28. Also, lots n, (5,7, and 8, block 2.5, ac cording to Ordinance No. HOC. provid ing for the time and manner or improv ing Squemoque street, earth to he. taken from such places as the committee may designate. The committee reserves the right to reject any and all bids. James W. Welch. V. L. Horn;. I.B.Elbo.v. Committee on Streets and Public Ways. Steamer "Fisher" Leaves WILSON & FISHER'S Dock, on Tuesdays ami Fridays. FOR Ilwaco and Way Landings, Carrying Freight and Passengers. Coat leaves Astoria at S 50 a m. : return ing, leaves ilwaco about 12 m. Special Rates Given to Shippers On other dajs than the above the steamer Is open for Freight or Towage charter. Apply to J. O. HAWTHORN. Telephone No. 28. E. C. Lewis, Timber Land Broker, Cruiser AND ESTIMATOR. Locator of Government and State Lands. Timber bought and sold on Commission. Taxes paid and Lands protected from tres pass. Operates in Washington, Oregon, and California. Correspondence solicited. Astoria Oregon. BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE- SIGH OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. Notice to Bidders. SEALED PROPOSALS "WILL BE RE celved by the Astoria and South Coast Railway Co., until Aug. 12th, for one hun dred cords of four-foot seasoned lir wood delivered on the Company's trestle In Skip anon Creek. Twenty cords to be delivered within ten days after signing contract. No limb wood will be received. All bids must be marked "Proposals for Wood" on outside of envelope and ad dressed to TTENRY B.THIELSEN. Ch'I Eng'r and Sup't A. & S. C. R'y. Astoria. J. H. MANSELL REAL ESTATE NOTARY PUBLIC FOK STATE OF OKEGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. investments macte for Outside Parties. Established, 1SS3. Correspondence Solicited. Next "W. U. Telegraph Oflice. Third St. Astoria. Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. hIbJL ook mm Note Prices in All Books Marked Way Down. Griffin C. J HALL & CO. Office (Temporarily) Rea Estate STOCKS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED, STORES, OFFICES, AND TENEMENTS RENTED, RENTS COL LECTED, REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY OF NON RESIDENTS TAKEN CARE OF. Insurance on Buildings, Oflice, Household (lood and Merchandise placed in a variety of the best companies in the country. Arrangements are being perfected to meet the wants of the surrounding Townships in our line of business. Investors from abroad will find it to their interest to to correspond with us. and strangers coining to the city are invited to call on us for any courtesies they may need. ' Parties from outside can write to us for any errands wanted clone in the city. A carriage is always waiting to show customers and. .strangers around the city. REFERENCES: Bank of Neiigh, Neligli, Nebraska; City Bank, Clinton, Iowa; Fifth Avenue Bank, New York ; Kountsie Bros., Omaha, Nebraska ; Rev. Geo. C. Hall, Astoria, Or. And $5 per Month for Six Months Buys From Robb The Mikado. N. J. BERGMAN, Prop. (Successor to J. C. Clinton.) Fine Chocolate Bon Bons AND CONFECTIONS. ALSO Finest Brands Cigars, Tobaccos, AND SMOKERS' ARTICLES. FRUITS, NUTS, ETC. Charlotte Russe Cream Soda A SrECIALTY. New Goods received fresh, daily. Please give me a call. Third street, near Telegraph Oflice. MORRISON'S, Hotel and Kestaurant At Seaiand Nahcotta The Terminus of the I. E. & N. Oo.'s E. E. IS ACKNOWLEDGE By all to be the only place to stop when you take a trip to the Beach. Oysters, Clams, and Fish fresh from the water. JDl O Our Window EMBBB E W aBCJP T1 T " Cor. 3rd and Cass Sts. Lot! & Parker. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA, OREGON. E. J. Liddicoat, Contractor, Builder and Carpenter. Open to take all Kinds of Carpenter Work. . Holt & McCurtrle's old carpenter shop, next to Methodist Church. Brokers. Cash New York Novelty ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES gMtsaeanaMEBMii n i in n i""- """iimin ri - - HKI" I-. 1KKKK CAKI. 1. H.- arker & Hanson SUCCESSORS TO c l. PARKER.ihoara & MOKes DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE! New Goods Arriving Every Steamer I 1I1,swliEK- J Vvni I & IjlVJ'LPtd OVER 30 PATTERNS. The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. WHOLESALE AND Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. The Largest aud finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. .Received fresh every Steamer. The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. LEAVE PORTLAND : Foot of Alder Street Dally, except Tuesday, at .7 :0o a. ii. LEAVE ASTORIA : Wilson & Fisher's Dock. Dally, etvpt Tuesday, at -8 :00 r. v. The Lurline. FAST TIME BETWEEN Portland and Astoria ! LEAVE ASTORIA, Main St. Wharf. Dally, omitting Monday, at 7 a.m. ON SUNDAY, at 7 p.m. LEAVE TORTLAND. Every Night at 8 p. m. EXCEPT SUNDAY NIGHT. To Oanners. Jensen's Patented Can Capping Machine. Will Cap and Crimp 95 CASS per MINUTE. It has proved to Reduce the Leakage more tan SO per cent, less than hand capped. Price, SG00. Orders complied witli by The Jensen Can-Pilling Machine Co. Seaside Boarding. Parties desiring Good Board and Clean, Comfortable Lodging at Reasonable Terms, can be accommodated at Mrs. May Ross' Private Boarding House, Three blocks below Grimes' Bridge, Sea side, Oregou. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Mlllor, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage is solicited. MOORE'S NEW Ttatre Joiiiie ! GEO. W.MOORE, Proprietor and Manager. GEO. FAIRFIELD -Stage Manager. Crowded Houses ! A Big Success ! MISS MAY WILLIAMS, The Petite Serio-Comic. MR. WALTER ORO, In Chinese Pastimes. JOHN HANSON and ELLAHEWITT, In their creat Plantation Scene. " Entitled, "Mixtures." The Only GEO. FAIRFIELD. In his great Original Changes. WM. MORTON, in hfi latest craze, Did You Notice It?" Don't fail to hear the beautiful Cantatrice MISS ELLA HEWITT. The wonderful Novelty Artists, LULU and BOB THIES, In the "Hottentots." MISS MOON, the graceful Danseuse, In her Great Medley Stop Jig and Reel. The. whole to conclude with thfr funny act entitled. Fat Jack and Slim Jim. Admission, 25 cents. Boxes, 50 cents a ?ra IU Tour Money's Worth 1-. WM vT YOU l, El" VI" , n . . Groceries and Provisions. mwA i a First cia-w store Extremely Low Figures. oii.'.5 Delivered all over Town. Ttie Highost Price 1'aU for Junk. FOARD & STOKES RETAIL DEALER IN Seaside Bakery. Host S I1IU Bread unci CAKES OP ALL KINDS Manufacturers of Fine CandlesJ and Ornamental Confectionei And Ice Creams. Whoie-rile and Retail Dealer iu Candies! .JOIIXMOX BROM. CANDY .Manufactured and For Sale al Wholesale Prices, at The Oregon Baker; A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. Good Ureal, Cale ani Pastrl None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customer! Bread delivered In any part of the city. -TnE- DIAMOND PALACE GUST AY HANSEN, Frop'r. A t.arge and Well Selected Stock of Fine DiaioAiJeielr At Extremely Low Prices. All floods Bought at This Establishing Warrantee! Genuine. Wntclt ami Clock Repairlii A SPECIALTY. j Corner Cass and Squemoqua Street HERE ARE BARGAINS. Stoves at Cosi And everything at Reduced Prices at J. A. Montgomery Tin "Ware. Granite Ware, House Furnishing Goods, Pumps, Zincs, Builders' Hardware, Et The Entire Stock at Very Low Prices. J. A. Montgomery. Th. Olsen. (Examlneret Dansk Apotheker.) Prescription Druggist. Twenty-six Years Experience. "Water Street - Astoria, OregonJ CO TO Thompson & Bos And get some of those No. One California Canned Frui AND VEGETABLES. We Are Selling Chec 33 F. a t.'t.-w t)EALER IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintin SPECIALTY, Sign Writer, Grainer and Ornamental Paint Cor. Cass and""Jeffefson Sts.. Astoria,