m i gaitjj gwtotfiw. ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY. AUGUST 11, 1SS9. TKUOpC. Specials to The Astorian. Tierce Porest Pires In The State. News Specials Prom Various Points, Poktland, Aug. 10. A gentleman who came in from Bridgeport fifteen miles from Portland some distance west of Beaverton says the whole country is burning up in a forest fire. He reports that the flames are licking the vicinity of Cedar mills completely barren; that people living there are moving out as quickly as possible to places of safety. His report was partially verified later in the forenoon by another party who came to the city by way of Cedar mills, who said there was so much fire that they had to abandon the regular road and make a new one across an unbroken country for some distance. They say that several farm houses have been burnt, with stables, pro duce and stores, together with quan tities of wheat of this year's crop. Several thousand cords of wood were consumed, and altogether the losses will be quite heavy. Unless rain should began to fall very soon they say the people there have little hopes of saving much that is not yet con sumed. The atmosphere for miles around the locality is thick with smoke and cinders. Burning brands are falling in showers. Owing to the fact that the city has been so heavily covered with smoko, it would seem that there are immense forest fires somewhere. Conductor Chine, of the west side accommodation train says he saw nothing of the fire form the road, but that the atmosphere about Beaverton is smoky. It is reported that exten sive fires are raging in southern Ore gon, south of Boseburg, and that a number of houses have been burnt causing considerable loss. JIELIilNEKY STOKE ATTACHED. Yesterday afternoon Simon Feig & Co's opera millinery store, on Mor rison street, between Third and Fourth, was attached by Bob't. S. Toplitz & Co., of San Francisco for S419.G8. The amount was paid, but David B. Fisk & Co. began another attchment suit against the house, to recover $8GL To-day the store is in charge of an officer. Jonx mitleu's condition. To-morrow another attempt will be made to find the ball, which was shot through John Miller's eye last Sun day morning during a bar room row in the St. Paul bouse, by Ernes Gtross. So far the physicians have been un able to locate it. If the ball is not soon found there is danger of hemor rhage of the brain, which will prove fatal. THE SEAIi QUESTION. Montreal, Aug. 10. Over 3,000 words of a cable message were sent on the seizure of the Black Diamond to London, and in Canadian official cir cles it is understood from dispatches received since that England will shortly make a remonstrance to the United States which will be strong enough to satisfy the most rabid Yankeephobes and have a tendency to put a curb on the alleged indis criminate interference witli Canadian vessels in the Pacific ocean and Behr iug sea. Mr. Chipman, the private secretary to the minister of marine, says: ''The Black Diamond is safe where she is. They will hardly come into Victoria to take her out, as the English men-of-war might have something to say. No doubt explanations will follow, as it cannot be conceived that they mean to fight over it." A CAIiMER VIEW. Ottawa, Out, Aug. 10. The deputy minister of fisheries looks upon the recent seizures as one of the best steps that could be taken to protect the great seal fisheries in Behring sea from becoming entirely depleted. The whole world, he says, has an in terest in their preservation, and the maritime powers of the world, he be lieves, will unite in protecting them from the wanton destruction which has been made among young seals in recent years. The owners of Canadian sealing vessels, when starting out on their trips to the Behriug soa this season, were told by the authorities at Otta wa that they did so entirely on their own responsibility, and must abide by the consequences if seizure followed. The domiuion government could af ford them no physical protection, and if they got into trouble no assurance conld be given that they would be in demnified for any loss. In fact the owners of these Canadian sealing ves sels were discouraged and advised not to embark in Behriug sea fisheries un til the matter was definitely settled. Before the pause came the English men were about to applaud; what followed froze them. A few hissed Depew remained unmoved and pro ceeded to give his hearers an idea of how rapidly acres costing SI.G0 be came worth 4.000 a front foot, and a bereaved husband in the west once told him that his chief pleasure was in removing Ins wife s remains from one cemetery to another to accommo date the growing wants of the new town, as she had been immensely in terested in its growth in life. It was a great speech, NOT CONTRACT IiABOR. "Washington, Aug. 10. It is stated that, notwithstanding the recent de cision of solicitor Hepburn, adverse to the importation of five foreign pro fessors engaged for the Catholic uni versity at this place, the professors will come to this countrv and assume their duties. The professors will be per mitted to land without question, but if objections are raised a decision will be made that the law was never meant to apply to the class represented by the professors. CHAUNCET SCORES A POINT. London, Aug. 10. Chauncey M. Depew made an immense hit aboard the Teutonic during -the naval review. There were 200 guests; including cab inet ministers, members of both houses and other high dignitaries. A number of toasts were given. On Friday night Sir Charles Tupper re sponded to a toast and saidthat Can ada deprecated the idea of trouble be tween Canada and the United States. He spoke of both nations as great countries and put them on a par. De pew was called on to respond to the toast of the "United States." He had paid attention to Tupper, evidently determined to square accounts in spite of the surroundings. He said: "In such little matters as population, and in such accumulations as popu lation, energy, enterprise and marvel ous inventive eenius naturallv re sulted in, the United States might be a little in advance of Canada, but in extent of territory Canada was cer tainly equal to her great neighbor a pause, though it must be confessed that most of Canada's territory was ice." THE BRUISERS AND THE LAW. Washington, Aug. 10. Congress man Allen, of Mississippi, in an in terview on the arrest of Sullivan and Killrain, says the Mississippi officials are determined to enforce the law there, and show fighters and others that they will receive punishment in that state just as if in New York. He be lieves that if they are convicted they will receive the full extent of the law, 31,000 fine and one year imprisonment each. He has no doubt of their con viction, unless some one of their par tisans should get on the jury and pre vent an agreement. AUNTIE PERPLEXED. "For heaven's sake what does your mot.i r flo to you children that makes you so 1 i jry?" "Please, auntie, she gives us Joy's Ve . -1 blc Sarsaparilla and its awful good." T.S. Milton, of 511 Post street, SauFrai.- mites: "I had been ailing for weeks " '. disorder of the liver and kidneys. Fina": . tvifo, becoming frightened, procured n ' of 'The California Remedy' Joy's Vc Baisaparilla. It cured me right up. 1. did ho much for me that 1 sent for a na'f i . and gave it to my children, with the u.cm isfactory results." Don't buy any clothing, but go at once to the Pans Tailor first. He keeps the finest selections at the cheapest prices, and turns out the best woik in Astoria. 31eals Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. The Paris Tailor Has just received the most elegant Stock of Spring and Summer Suitings. Don't miss going to see him. He turns out Elegant Pits, and sells very cheap. - -..- m i If you want to have a line suit of clothes go to the Paris Tailor. He can make the best fitting suits and sells the cheapest She Was In Dead Earnest. One day, when our worthy city clerk gave it out, that he would open sealed proposals for the city printing, a woman, old enough to vote twice, came in and almost whispered: "Mr. Clerk, I understand by the Daily Journal that you are going to open a lot of sealed proposals here to-day." "Yes, madam," said the clerk, as he offered the woman a chair. "Well," she continued, "I guess Til sit down a while, and wait. I'm not going to throw away any such chance as that. I've been fooling around too much already. "Will it be necessary to ex change photographs?" Here the clerk explained the situation as well as he could without giving offense, and then she left in a hurry, almost forgetting her parasol.-fc-2'Yow the Walla Walla Journal. Is Consumption Incurable'. Read the follewing: Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and phy sieians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Regan taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. J t is t he finest medicine ever made.' .Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: ''Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles frpe at .1. C. Dement's Drug Store. Ludlow's Ladies' -SIJ.OO Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at p. J. Goodman's. The latest style of Gents' Roots and Shoes at . P. .1. Goodman's. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest nVrfuiMury, and toilet articles, etc can be bought at the lowest prices, at .J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. TVnlr. Juiej- Stcult at JcflN. CMlflren Cry forPitclier's Gastoria NEW TO-DAY. Notice. Rids will be received, until Saturday the IGtli day of August,at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge for grad ing, filling and planking the crossings at Madison and Squenioque; Jackson and Squenioque; Polk and Squenioque; according to Ordinance No. HOG. Also, for the filling, planking and sidewalk ing, of Lots 1 , 2, 3, and 4, block 23. Also, lots 5,0,7, and 8, block 23, ac cording to Ordinance No. HOG, provid ing for the time and manner of improv ing Squemoque street, earth to be lalcen from such places as the committee maj designate. The committee reserves the righ; to reject any and all bids. Jambs W. Welch. W.L.Robb. I.B.Elbon. Committee on Streets and Public Ways. For Rent. A NEAT LITTLE IIOUSE OF THREE rooms, furnished or unfurnished. Also three rooms furnished fit for light housekeeping. Apply at this office. A DESCENDING SCALE. How Authority is Maintained on a Steam boat. Authority on board of a steamboat is an interesting study, says the Chi cago Times. It runs on a sliding scale, but unlike the gamut it only slides one way. This is bad for lower "C" on the steamboat, but he has to stand it. A good illustration of how the thing works was given yesterday afternoon just above Mad ison street bridge. The captain of a steamer was trj'ing to make a landing at the dock, but the operation was attended with some difficulty. A line from the bow had been run out and made fast to a post, but the vessel's stern was swinging off into the stream. The skipper, with a scowl on his brow, stood on the bridge abaft the wheelhouse and stared at the first mate, who was hustling around on the hurricane roof amid ships. Down below on the quarter deck the second mate was helping the third mate and a deckhand to take .the turns out of the stern-line, which was snarled up on deck instead of be ing fast on the dock. "Mr. Olsen," said the captain in a gentlemanly tone of voice to the first mate, "why in thunder don't you get that line out, you long, lean, knock kneed, tar-tainted wreck of returning reason ? Don't vou see we're swinging off" "Aye, aye, sir," Mr. Olsen replied, respectfully touching his cap to the skipper." Then Mr. Olsen leaned far over the rail and raising his voice he called the second mate's attention to a matter of great importance. "Mr. Peterson." he yelled, "what's eating you, you tow-headed, block eyed lubber! Do you want to choke the stream? Get a move on you, aud be quick abont it." "Aye, aye, sir," was Mr. Peterson's response to this delicate attention re ceived from his superior. He then gave the third mate some instruc tions." "Swanson," he gently, but firmly remarked, 4T11 crack your blooming skull if you don't hump yourself, you gaunt-eyed, bow-legged, stock fish feeder! Bear a hand there. Lively, now, and get that line out!" "Aye, aye, sir." said Swanson in an humble voice." Then Swanson gave the deck-hand, who get3 '12 per month, a clout on the side of the head which knocked him down. Then he jumped on him with both feet and sheuted: "Why in don't you pay out that stern line, youIowlived,white-livered,mule-eared, hog-backed, slab-sided, bench-legged, feeble-minded, molli-grnbber! "What are we paying you for? And he fin ished on the poor man with a kick in the ribs. The deck-hand ran the line out and made the boat fast. Then he went down in the hold, where he anointed his person and clubbed himself with a handspike. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is carefully prepared from Sarsaparilla, Dandelion, Mandrake, Dock, Pipsissewa, Juniper lierries, and other well-known and valuable vegetable remedies, by a peculiar combination, proportion, and process, giv ing to Hood's Sarsaparilla curative power not possessed by other medicines. It effects remarkable cures where others fail. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 the best blood purifier. It cures Scrofula, S..lt Rlfeum, Boils, Pimples, all Humors, D.spepFia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indigestion, General Debility, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Kidney and Liver com plaints; overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an appetite, builds up the system. Hood's Sarsaparilla ll:iii;:ct uuparaUed success at home. Such is itp popularity in Lowell, Mass., where it is made, that Lowell druggists sell more of Hood's Sarsaparilla than all other sarsapa rillas or blood purifiers. The same success is extending all over the country. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar in its strength and economy. It is the only preparation of which can truly be said " 100 Doses One Dollar." A bottle of Hood's Sarsapaiilla taken accord ing to directions, will last a month. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is peculiar in the confidence it gains among all classes of people. Where it is once used ' it becomes a favorite family remedy. Do not be induced to buy other preparations, lie sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla SoldbydruggUts. j?l, sixforgW. Prepared by C. I. JIOOD A. CO.. AiMitlif caries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar For Sale. Q A ACHES GOOD LEVEL LAND. SU1T- fv able for platting. In same section as Sealand. the terminus of the I. R. & N. R. It. Title, IJ. S. Tatent. Will sell in 10-acre tracts for 25 per acre. Cash. ALSO : Q(1 ACHES FI NB LAND, 30 AGUES TIDE OVy Land, balance Spruce and Hemlock timber : on Nolan Slough, iy, mi es from Young's Bay. Can take scow to land and clear amount sisked, in cordwood in one year. Within 'A mile of Astoria P. O. would make good, dairv ranch. Title U, S. Patent. For one week only at 2o pei ac:e, haU Cash, balance one vear. .T. H.'MANSELL. Ileal Estate Bioker. Auetion Sale OF Clothing, and Gents' Furnishing Goods and Fancy Goods, At M. O. PrnOivVj r ol-iml ..t -.. o'clock every evening, aim dining the day ciumamii inici-3. K. MOUSBtlian "OPIQIJES Poor Ms Chance! Messrs. Robb & Farker have Sixty Acres Land, Four-fifths if which Is entirely clear and in in uuuu uu unineuiaieiy Adjacent to Ihs Skipnnon Landing, Which will be laid ont in five-acre tracts, Mt" tiitck uivmcu niiu luur pans oy sixiy foot streets, each tract to sell for $500, or one-fourth, or one block for $150, and up wards. Persons wishing the first chance at this desirable Suburban Property will call on Messrs. Robb & Parker, Real Estate Agents, for lull information. J.H.MANSELL, REAL ESTATI NOTARY PUBLIC FOlt STATE OF OHEGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches,. Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. ' Investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1883. Correspondence Solicited. Next IV. U. Telegraph Oflice. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. iflgJl Note Prices in All Books Marked Way Down. CSL Ju HJSlLiLi & Office (Temporarily) Real Estate STOCKS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED, STORES, OFFICES, AND TENIMENTS RENTED, EENTS COL LECTED, REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY OF NON RESIDENTS TAKEN CARE OF. Insurance on Buildings, Oflice, Household Goods and Merchandise placed in a variety of the best companies in the country. Arrangements are being perfected to meet the wants of the surrounding Townships in our line of business. Investors from abroad will find it to their interest to to correspond with us, and strangers coining to the city are invited to call on us for any courtesies they may need. Parties from outside can write to us for any errands wanted done in the city. A carriage is always waiting to show customers and strangers around the city. REFERENCES: Bank of Neiigh, Neligh, Nebraska; City Bank, Clinton, Iowa; Fifth Avenue Bank, New York ; Kountsie Bros., Omaha, Nebraska ; Kev. Geo. O. Hall, Astoria, Or. And 5 per Month for Six Months Buys From Robb The Mikado. N. J. BERGMAN, Prop. (Successor to J. C. Clinton.) Fine Chocolate Bon Bons AND CONFECTIONS. ALSO Finest Brands Cigars, Tobaccos, AND SMOKERS ARTICLES. FRUITS, NUTS, ETC. Charlotte Rusbo Cream Soda A SPECIALTY. New Goods received fresh, daily. Please give me a call. Third street, near Telegraph Oflice. MORRISON'S, Hotel and Restaurant At Sealand Nahcotta The Terminus of the I. E. & H". Oo.'s E. E. 13 ACKNOWLEDGED Bv all to lift flip nnlv nlnpo in itnn wlipn you take a trip to the Beach. vj&iers, uiams, ana j?isu iresn irom tne water. Our Window qpi aa ara wnmnn rn ir Cor. 3rd and Cass Sts. rokers. & Parker. Wilson & Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF. HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA, OREGON. E. J. Liddicoat, Contractor, Builder and Carpenter. Open to take all Kinds of Carpenter "Work. Holt & McCurtrie's old carpenter shop,! 11C At IV lUClUUUIOb J11U1U. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES lOleixxIs. Bools-S, Stationery, :ki r i- ri:KHk. caiji n.v;;-(i ?J arker & Hanson -SUCCESSORS TO ' ' c l. parker, DEAIEHS IX t GENERAL MERCHANDISE' ---- New Goods Arriving Every Steamsr I OVER 30 PATTERNS. The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. ! WHOLESALE AND KKTATL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. o Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o Tho Largest and finest assortment of Fresli Fruits and Vegetables. Received fresb every Steamer. The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. LEAVE PORTLAND : Foot of Alder Street Daily, except Tuesday, at. 7:00 a.jj. LEAVE ASTORIA : Wilson & Fisher's Dock. Daily, extvpt Tuesday, at 8 :00 r. v. The Lurline. FAST TIME BETWEEN Portland and Astoria ! LEAVE ASTORIA, Main St. Wharf. Daily, omitting Monday, at -... 7 a.m. ON SUNDAY, at 7 p.m. LEAVE PORTLAND. Every Night at - 8 i m. EXCEPT SUNDAY NIGHT. To Canners. Jensen's Patented Can Capping Machine. "Will Cap and Crimp 95 CANS per MIXUTK. It has proved to Reduce the Leakage moie than 50 percent, less than hand capped. Trice, G00. Orders complied with by The Jensen Oan-Pillins; Machine Go. Seaside Boarding. I'arties desiring Good Board and Clean, Comfortable Lodging at Reasonable Terms, can be accommodated at Mrs. May Ross' Private Boarding House, Three blocks below Grimes' Bridge, Sea side, Oregon. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage is solicited. MOORE'S NEW Ttatre Jloipe ! GEO. W.MOORE, Proprietor and Manager. GEO. FAIRFIELD Stage Manager. Crowded Houses ! A Big Success ! MISS MAY WILLIAMS, The Petite Serio-Comie. MR. WALTER ORO, In Chinese Pastimes. JOHN HANSON and ELLA HEWITT, In their great Plantation Scene. Entitled, "Mixtures." The Only GEO. FAIRFIELD. - In his great Original Changes. VM. MORTON, in his latest craze, -Did You Notice It?" Don't fail to hear the beautiful Cantatrice MISS ELLA HEWITT, The wonderful Novelty Artists. XTJL(J and BOB THIES, In the "Hottentots." MISS MOON, the graceful Danseuse, in her Great Medley Stop .Jig and Reel. The whole to conclude with the funny act entitled. Fat Jack and Slim Jim. Admission, 23 cents. Boxes, 50 cents Tour Ion's Worth S- if- if I roaro & Moices '... Groceries and Provision-. '" thmjr ma First class store I bAklCIIIblJ fcVV ljMl VU1 (?oo.!s Delivered all over Town. The Highest Prlco VsiM for Junk. FOARD & STOKES Seaside Bakery. itcst.flitli Urcnd autl CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fine Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And ice Creams. Wholosi'.p and Kr tail Dealer In Candiea. CANDY Manufactured aud For Sale at Wholesale Prices, at The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. Gaofl Bread, Cate and Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers I'.read delivered In any part ot the city. -TIIE- DIAMOND PALACE OUST AY HANSEN, Trop'r. A I.arge and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls i Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All (Joods flo tight at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Wutch aud Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squcmoqua Streets. HERE ARE BARGAINS. Stoves at Cost! And everything at Reduced Prices at J. A. Montgomery's Tin Ware, Granite Ware, House Furnishing Gdods, Pumps, Zincs, Builders' Hardware, Etc. The, Entire Stock at Very Low Prices. J. A. Montgomery. Th. Olsen. (Exanuneret Dansk Apotheker.) Prescription Druggist. Twenty-six Years Experience. Water Street - Astoria, Oregon, CO TO Thompson & Ross And get some. of those No. One California Canned Fruits AND VEGETABLES. We Are Belling Cheap DEALER IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings SPECIALTY, Sign Writer, Grainerand Ornamental Painter. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts., Astoria, Or. 1 d" i!