-Tr" W m gatttj gtm ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY. .AUGUST 2, 1889. ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. P. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, ASTOKIAX BurtDIXO, - - CASS STREET. Terms of Subscription. Served by Carrier, per week . 15 cts Sent by Mall, per month M) cts " ' " one year. S7.00 Free of postage to subscribers. The Astoriax guarantees to Its adver tisers the largest circulation of any newspa per published on the Columbia river. The population steadily increases. Postal inspector the city yesterday. Tmetlen was in The pilot schooner Gov. came in from sea yesterday. Moody Get a ticket for the band excursion on the Potter next Sunday. Shooks for the Coquille and Sius law are on the Main street dock. Nine Chinamen were each assessed S5 in the police court yesterday on a charge of smoking opium. Reserved seats for the Pat Killen sparring and athletic combination at the New York Novelty Store. There was a big run of fish last Wednesday: it will take some of the canneries the rest of the week to clean up- James McClarney has accepted the challenge of Pat Killen and will ap pear before him to-night and endeavor to take that 100. The Tillle E.Starbuck begins to dis charge cargo to-day. She has abont 80 tons oil and other lighthouse sup plies to put off here. Geo. W. Moore, proprietor of the new variety theatre, left for Portland last evening to get his company for the opening, Monday night Convolvolus batatas are again in market and find ready sale. Some folks call them sweet potatoes, but they'd taste just as good if you called 'em cobble stones. Chas. Francis Adams and party came down on the steamer T. J. Potter yesterday, and proceeded to the beach. They will return this morning. The Potter will leave here for Portland at half past eight. It is reported that the Astoria and South Coast road proposes to build to J. P. Austin's place, about opposite Grimes, being nearly two miles fur ther along. The iron has not yet ar rived, but it is expected shortly. It is believed that there will not be any fall fishing on the Columbia this season, and very little on the outside. The Tillamook cannery is among the number that will not run. It is thought that the Gray's harbor can neries will pack some. Aaron Pearson, a man working at the Clatsop mill, met with a severe accident Wednesday night, a cant hook slipping from a log striking him on the left knee making a very dan gerous wound. The patient was re moved to St Mary's hospital. Yesterday afternoon a man named Sancho Brown fell from the roadway on the car track opposito O'Brien's hotel and struck on his head. When picked up by Henry Humbel he was insensible and laid in that condition for over an honr when some of his friends took him away. At a meeting of the W. C. T. U. yesterday, the union adjourned to meet the first Thursday in September, subject to the call of the president at any time. Five dollars, collected for the Baby home East Portland was ordered sent This home has the care of several Astoria waifs. The steamer Telephone, after leav ing for Portland last evening went down below Smith's Point to meet the Canby and get Capt J. W. Buchanan, brother of the late Isaac Buchanan, who fell dead yesterday, so as to get him in time for the funeral, which will take place in Portland to-day. The banks were busy yesterday pay ing out money to the order of a mul titude of holders of small checks. It takes about a million dollars to handle the salmon business of the lower Co lumbia everj' season. The canneries will be busy for the next two weeks settling up the summer's business, after which comes the taking of stock and final closing of accounts for the year, "It may not be generally known," says Joaquin Miller, "that the Colum bia river and the Sacramento river were once one and the same stream. But this is the fact To say nothing of the assurance of geologists and the Indian tradition, you can easily trace the links of connection by a chain of lakes reaching from the head waters of the Sacramento river to a point near where the Columbia river burst through the Cascade mountains and made its way into the Pacific ocean near where Astoria now stands, in stead of flowing on down by mount Shasta and out at the Golden Gate." The Uregonian has received the following from Kalama: "It is learned from trustworthy sources that the Northern Pacific railroad company has ended its negotiations for the riv er front here on which it intended to build an incline, and persons who are well informed as to the movements of the company say it is only a question of a few months when the company will remove its crossings to its own property at Coffin Rock, two miles be low here. This will be a death blow to the hopes of those who for years have struggled along barely making a living, constantly hoping, 'Micaw- ber like, that something would turn up whereby they might get something for the property purchased by tiieni at exorbitant figures years ago from the Lake Superior and Puget Sound company." Board of Delegates, A. F. D. Theboard mot in special session last evening at the hall of Rescue No. Two, C. J. Treuchard, president, in the chair. In attendance, delegates O. J. Curtis, F. H. Surpreuant and C. J. Trenchard, of No. One's; J. W. Hare and B. S. Worsley, of No. Two's, and L. W. Holt, of Alert's. On motion the secretary was or dered to give due notice ten days in advance of the election of chief en gineer and assistants. T. B. Loughrey, P. H. Surprenant and Ii. W. Holt were appointed judges of election and J. E. Clinton and H. A. Langley, clerks. On motion the election will be held at the hall of Rescue Engine Co. The board then adjourned. Going to Fish on the Sacramento. A good many gill net fishermen left last Sunday and many more nave been leaving this week for the Sacra mento river where fall fishing begins the first of this month. They get 90 cents a fish; the salmon there are small silversides; the men say they can make eood waeea. Alwut 50 Co lumbia river fishincr boats will be taken to the Sacramento this month. The fishing there closes about the 1st of September. Several of those leaving say that they didn't make enough to clear themselves this summer, that is, to pay for board, boat and net. A good many more made good wages. The ICth, 17th, and lSJh of Next Month. Before the meeting to iakti action in reerard to the firemen s tournament was held last evening at hose houe No. 1. corner of Ninth and C streets, a race was run between members of hose companies Nos. 2 and 4, chief Rainey offering two boxes of cigars as a prize. No. 4 company ran 400 feet, laid 50 feet of ho3e and got water from a hydrant in 33 seconds, and took the cigars, which they afterwards distributed among the members of the department. The meeting concerning the tpurnn mentwas largely attended, and the proposition to have a grand firemen's tournament in this city was enthusi astically received. A large number of bnsiuess men were present. The dates for the tournament are Septem ber 16th, 17th and 18th next. It was decided to go ahead with the projeot. - 1'acoma ffews, July I'Q. A Pit to P.urn Sawdust fii. The Clatsop Mill company has built up quite an area west of the mill, which adds to the available ground in that vicinity; a substratum of saw dust, famishing a baso for future op erations. Of late, however? they have adopted another plan of disposing of their surplus sawdust They have built a large pit 32x32 feet inside; 40x40 in the clear, about 200 yards from their mill, out in the river, and are burning. the sawdust. The first night or two it looked enough like a dwelling or scow on fire to excite at tention, but now the flames and smoke elicit no remark, except from those to leeward of it. Moonlight Excursion. The Y. W. C. T. U. have chartered the S. 6?. Reed, for a moonlight ex cursion to ivnappa next Tnursaay, August 8th. On arriving, an enter tainment will be given- at Knapp's Hall, by the "Y's." TfcefiiBt part of the programme will consist of vocal and instrumental music, recitations, etc. In the second part the famous "Peak Sisters," (ten in number) will appear in costume, and give one of their novel and amusing perform ances. Tickets for the round trip (including admission to entertain ment,) gentlemen, SI; ladies, 60 cents. Boat leaves at 7:30 p. ir., sharp. Tick ets to be had of members, Special Conncll Meeting. At a special meeting of the city council last evening an ordinance amending ordinance 1,101 providing for the construction of a 12-inch sew er on Main street, was passed, under suspension of the rules, Acontraotwas authorized by or-: dinance with W. Hampton Smith to build a sewer on Washington street for the sum of S3.305.60. The application of Gr. W. Moore for a liquor license, was granted, -and council adjourned. Time Boole Lost. With name of T.S. Colvin on back. Finder will please leave at Harris & Wright's saloon. T0t, A Ladies Purse, with 812 in It and the visiting card of Mrs. George Taylor. Finder will please leave it at this office and be rewarded. Wanted By the 1st of August a cottage of 5ur 6 rooms, or 3 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Address F. D. II., Or call at Occident hotel bar. July 27th, 1889. Alex Gilbert's Place For sale. Call and satisfy yourself. Notice. The Main Street House affords good uccuiumutiiuiuus at ci-per nay. regu lar boarders, Single Rooms, S5.50 per week. Two persons occupying one room, $j per week. Day board, per week, 4. Weiuhxirrt's Beer. And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Visit Slate writing and test medium at Main St, House. Tender, Juicy Steak at Jeff's. TELEGRAPHIC. Specials to, The Astorian. Portland, Aug. 1. J. E. Woods, an East Portland contractor, has turned up in Montreal, his accounts are in a bad condition. The extent of the crookedness in not yet known. Jacob Vigolius. of Victoria B. C, to day began action for the recovery of his boy from his divorced wife, who several days ago brought the boy from Victoria to this city. The will of the late Andrew Welch who recently died after a few days illness, at the Esmond hotel in this city, was filed for probate yesterday in San Francisco. His estate is val ued at S750,000. Deceased made a few large charitable bequests. The Alliance is lying at her wharf getting ready to sail on Saturday for Gray's harbor. Her masts and spars are being repaired, new hatches have been built and a heavy oil canvas put down on her deck. THE CHINESE QUESTION". Washington, Aug. 1. A hitch has occurred in the question of the Chi nese enlisted as servants in the nnvy. Solicitor of the treasury Hepburn had rendered an opinion that they could be allowed to enter the United States, as they were seamen and not laborers in the meaning of the law. Acting secretary Batcheller also believed they were entitled to enter because they were then under the flag, and as the United States domain extends wherever the flag floats they were constructively in the United States. Since then he has considered the mat ter carefully and the opinion of the solicitor. He has also had a, consul tation with assistant secretary Tiche nor and they both have arrived at the conclusion that those Chinese are en listed a3 laborers and not as seamen, and, therefore, cannot be allowed to land or be discharged in the United States. It is expected that decision based on the latter olausa will be pro mulgated soon. SOUTHERN REPUBLICANS. Washington, Aug. 1. Browera' southern canvass for the speakership is meeting with poor success. The southern Republican congressmen, as fast as heard from, deny any sym pathy with his move and generally sustain the administration. McCo mas, Stockbridge, Ewart, Cheatham and Coleman redpudiate his asser tions. Both of Bowers' colleagues from North Carolina array themselves against his stand, and one of them, Cheatham, who, by the way, is the only colored Republican in the next nouse, says oi tne auministratien: "Respecting my feelings toward the administration, I have no right to complain. The president and eaoh member of . the cabinet have been extremely kind and obliging to me. They have given me auite a number of crood appoint ments and the 'party in my district is delighied with the results. I have carefully observed the actions of the president since the 4th of March, and candidly and conscientiously believe he has tried in every partiaular to mete out justice impartially to every section and individual with whom he has had to deal , and I have not beeu able to see where any member of con gress, especially from North Carolina, has just cause to complain of the ad ministration." A SMALL DIFFERENCE. Washington, Aug. 1. Treasurer Huston denies the story sent out Sat urday of a shortage of fczd in the count of the" money in the treasury. The shortage was $8, and was at once made up by the olhcers respon sible. This was in the count of $722, 000,000. The last count of cash there showed a shortage of 2 cents, whioh afterward were found on the floor of the vaults. NO YELLOW FEVER AT TAMPICO. Washington, Aug. 1. Dr. Coombe telegraphs the surgeon-general from Tampico, Mexico, as follews: "Have carefully investigated the rumors and have interviewed the profession here. There is no yellow fever." , a m -- DBY WEATIIEIt ITRSS. Many of the smaller lakes in Klam ath county, which have never been dry since the first settlement of the country by the whites, nre dry this summer, among them Swan lake, says the Ashland Tidings. The shortage of the hay crops will make the winter ing of stock a serious problem if the winter should be a rigorous one, and it is probable that a number of cattle will be brought to Rogue river for hay. The dry weather makes the fish aud shakes, and even the squirrels, rabbits and birds do considerable rustling for drinking water in many "places this season. Up on emigrant creek the little animals of this sort are seen in unusually large numbers about the pools in the oreek bed. Joe Shepard killed three rattlesnakes recently in his father's alfalfa field, 'and Willie Grow killed one further down the creek about the same time. Rat tlesnakes are scarce in this country, but they are occasionally found on the rocky hillsides, in the foothills and mountains. Ashland Tidings. Walla Walla had a visitation of grasshoppers last Friday night. They came by millions, but the next morn ing had all left, their route being toward Puget sound. Nine years ago this summer the Walla Walla country was visited by the fraternity, and much damage was dope to fields and gardens, It is hoped that the insects have not returned for a lengthy visit. Wallowa Chieftain. The streams running into Puget sound had low water last winter and spring, the same as in- this country, and the consequence was that very many logs could not be gotten down to market. The supply on hand be ing pretty well used up, the saw mills are now having to pay 7 a thousand for logs which only a month ago cost them only $6. PERSONAL MENtIonT"" "' """ - - , " - Bishop Morris Sunday. H. B. Parker and family havo to the Seaside. Councilman John Fox took a trip to Ilwaco yesterday. Fish commissioners Reed, Thomp son and Campbell are in the city. W. A. Sherman, P. Cook and C. Bain left last evening for Oregon City to prove up on their timber claims. Mrs. W. P. AVhitcomb, F. D. Win ton and Judge Raleigh Scott went to Portland last evening on the Tele phone. British Colnmbla Salmon Pack. The salmon cannery men on the Naas and Skeena rivers of British Co lumbia complain that the run this season has fallen far below their ex pectations. At River's inlet the salmon are swarming, the supply being in ex cess of the demand. From figures shown by the Skeena river canneries, however, it is evident that a fair pack will be made, although it will not be as heavy as preparations had been made for. The following, taken from private advices received at Port Town send dated July 19, is the total pack of the different canneries: River's Inlet Canning Co. (River's Inlet), 7,000 cases; Waimuck Packing Co. (River's Inlet). 5,009 cases; Mc Lennan's cannery (Naas river), 5,200 cases; Fiudley & Durham (Naas river), 2,500 cases; Cascade Packing Co. (Naas river),l,500 cases; Inverness can nery (Skeena river), 7,000 cases; British-American Packing Co. (Skeena river), 8,500 cases; Cunningham's (Skeena river), 8,000 cases; Windsor Canning Co. (Skeena), 7,000 cases; Bal moral cannery (Skeena), G.OOO cases; North Pacific Packing Co., 7,000 cases, and the Alert Bay Packing Co., 4,000 cases. Major Jones' Report. Washington, July 31, Major W. A. Jones, in charge of the improve ments of rivers in Oregon, authorized by the river and harbor bill, the com merce of which centers at Portland, has filed reports of operations during the past year. He suggests the fol lowing appropriations for the next year: Columbia and lower Willamette rivers below Portland, including sluic ing at Skamokavya bar, and St. Helens jetty, 8350,000. Willamette river above Portland, 8105,000. Upper Columbia and Snake rivers, Oregon and Washington territory, $8,000. Major Jones submits witli the re port a project for overcoming the ob structions in the Columbia river at The Dalles qnd Celilio by moans of boat railway. He also recommends a permanent annual appropriation of S25.000 for snagging operations on the Columbia and tributaries. Ami Dou't Yon Forgot It In every town you find some men who always croak and growl; their chief amusement seems to be to snarl and whine and howl. Of course they do not prosper well such people sel dom do and so they strive to make themselves and all their neighbors blue. If strangers come, these men take pains to get them off alone, and while they speak in doleful tones with now and then a groan, proceed to tell them how the town is dead and passed away, and hasn't any enterprise that half begins to pay; how real estate is very low and taxes very high, and every darned improvement scheme dead sure to wane and die The good book says a day will come when all must pass away and swap for wings and golden harps this tenement of clay; the earth will bum with fervent heat, the sun go out in gloom, and every living breathing thing shall find a red hot tomb. When that time comes the croaker who fights against his own 'town and tries to drive good men away and break their efforts down will be declared a victim for a special dose of flame ten thousand years and he will be roasting just the same. Meantime the ener getic man who labors for his town, aud always works to build it up instead 6"f tearing it down, will ride from earth to heaven in a, Pullman palace car, and dwell in peace forever where the first-"class angelB are. Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AUD BOWELS AND TO Cleansethe System Effectually, SO THAT PURE BLOOD. REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Mattirallv follow. Every one is using it -nd oil are aengmcu wu u. . " jruggistforSYRUPOFFIGS. Man factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Sah Francisco, Cau LOUUVH.LS, Kv. Nl"v Yok, N. Y . I? T. a. Jt .!.l. Zt- AlVTSiv will be here next 1 All tt otI I MW I , -. JL 9 CupfRs wnsTfj i;nnne iiflnamnmiT i i IfllllU UUUUU VUUUi IHIUIIt 1 New and Seasonable India Linens, Venetian Stripes, French Lawns, Margate Piques, Figured Piques, Cable Cords, Checked Swiss. L. H ading Dry Goods and Clothing Ho for TJeJoasiie! Free Camping Grounds at Austin's. There Is an abundance of clams, crabs, trout, oysters aim all kinds oi salt anil irebli water flsb. Good safe Sea bathing, fresh air and the best hunting grounds in America. Campers and visitors can find at my store everything they require In the wav of an outfit and provisions. A first class bar and billiard tabic are connected with my establishment. Board from ST to S9 per week. For paitlculars call on or addiess JAS.P. AUSTIN. Store, Seaside, Oregon. Austin's is open the year round. Prices of Lumber. On and after this date, until further no tice, wo will furnish lumber at the Mill, at the following prices: Hough Limibor. 8 per M ft. Kloonng and Rustic $15 " WEST SHORE MILLS CO. Astoria, April fo, 'oO. Astoria Real Estate Co. Offlce First Door South of the Odd Fellows Huilding Offer for Sale on Reasonable Terms, Several Lots of City and Farm Property. Aud will do a General Commission and Brokerage Business. Persons living at a distance can rely upon having any Order for the Purchase or Sale of Properties liurusieii to our care, promptly anu intiiiiuuy uuuiiueu iu. ASTORIA REAL ESTATE CO.. J. H. D. CRAY, Manager. E. C. LEWIS, Secretary. SEALAND THE Railroad Terminus OF THE Ilwaco & Shoalwater Bay Railroad. A GRAND SUJIMEIt EESORT. The ceming: County Seat. This flue loca tion, soon to be the principal town in Pacific County, "W. T., is now platted in lots and blocks and is In the market. Here is a Rare Opportunity for Profitable Investment. lots for Sale for $50 and Upwards B. A. SEAB0RG, Ilwaco, W.T. Coffee and cake, tn wms, at the Central Restaurant. IN GO w THE Kohler & Clase Music House, SOTK AOKNT3 FOE The MATCHLESS DECKER BROTHERS, Ivers & Pond and J. C. & Fischer Pianos, ALSO Mason & Hamlin and A. B. Chase Co.'s Organs. "Wiite for Catalogue and Prices. WINTER & HARPER, 71 Morrison St., PORTLAND, OR. Sheet Music and Jlercbsndlso Dep't Separate. B. W. FISCHER, Proprietor. J. 0. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS, NUTS, Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Dally, Opposite City Hook Store. For Sale, Steamer "Belshaw," Office Fixtures One Safe, 1 Lot Fishing Boats, And the entire Plant or my Salmon Cannery Consisting of Boiler. Retorts, Solder Machines, .Presses, Etc., Etc. "Will be sold In lots to suit purchasers. Also my Sawmill on ewls and Clarke River, Together with 820 acres of Leased, and 1C0 acres Timber Land, on the direct line of the Astoria and South Coast Railroad. Mill is in first class condition for turning out shingles, shooks, or mmDer. Geo. W.Hume. Send 10 Cents, FOR THE GKEATEST NOVELTY CATA-iogueof-theage.to PORTLAND NOVELTY CO., 3ox 517, Portland, Or. Goods French Danity, Corded Piques, English Namso ok Victoria Lawns, Ferdinand Cloth, Indian Demity, Bishops Lawn, Welt Pique, Embroidered Swiss, House of Astoria. Astoria Iron Worts. Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or General Machinists and Boiler Maters. Land and Marine Engines BOILER WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPECIALTX", Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. John Fox President, and Supt. A. L. Fox Vice President J. G. Hustler Sec. and Treas. WilsonJ Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HAEDWARE FARM IMPLEMENT , Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS1 SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Boiler Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers In Caienfjuiies! Special Attention Glvento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 3T. ASTORIA, OREGON,