ra Sto gmlj gistorim ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY JULY 30, 18S9. TELEGRAPH. Specials to Tlie Astorian. ESCAPED SCALDING TO DEATH. By the Portunate Bursting of a Tank. Late XeiTS Items from Various Sources. PobtiiAxd, July 29. There is no doubt now regarding the cause of the nraident to the Southern Pacific south bound, passenger train near Albany last night at 9:15. Mr. Srandt, super intendent, said to The Astorian re porter to-day that he feels satisfied that the switch had been tampered with, probably by tramps. The switch bar was found to oe uroKen, and tne nut had been taken off on the fire man's side of the track. When the engine ran into the switch it moved over to the left and let the engine through. Engineer Jack Miller, his fireman, E. O. Guthrie, were saved from being scalded to deatn by tne escaping steam by the bursting of the water tank on the tender, allowing a large supply of qooI water to pour out upon them. It is thought that this occurrence is the only thing that saved their lives. The engine and tender are not so badly wrecked as was thought and will be fixed in a few days. They will be brought down to the shops at once. The mail car was smashed up a little. Beyond the injuries to the engineer and fireman nobody was hurt to speak of. gooding's statement. Mr.W. E. Gooding, Pat Ellen's manager to-day made the following statement of last night's affair "I went down to Astoria, Sunday and re turned this morning, and upon read ing the Oregonian went to Killen's room, at the Esmond and woke him up. He said he had had some trouble with Hart over an old score in St Paul. Hart threatened to make "gun play" whereupon Killen slapped him, and the Coon ran around behind the bar. He went to bed at one o'clock, and was perfectly sober. Killen also stated that he was with no woman, or was not drunk as reported, neither did he have any trouble with any other person. We do not want any of the best of this report, or worst, and will appreciate it if j'ou can give this matter as wide publicity as the article in the Oregonian" SENT TO JAIL. Chiuainan Ah Goon, who attempted to rob Mrs. Hollawell Saturday night, was to-day sent to the county jail in default of $500 bail, to await the action of the grand jury. JUSTICE MIIiIjER's RULING. Washington. July 29. Many of ficials of the treasury, including act ing secretary Eatchellor, believe that the adoption of the attorney-general s opinion on the transit of Chinese means the virtual repeal of the exclu sion law. They admit that the safe guards established by the circular of January, 1883. are but flimsy at best, and that coolies can manage to come to this country under the tourist's character, and remain when they are in. Mr. Isatchellor believes that the only safeguard the country can now have would be the detailing of special treasury agents to accompany each party of coolies from the time they enter the country until their depart ure. This would mean an expendi ture of probably 100,000 annually. It is safe to state that if Mr. Batchellor had had the say the president of the Southern Pacific or any other road could not have secured tins permis sion, for the attorney general s opm ion would have been held up and not adopted. Among politicians here the matter is being discussed, and fears are felt as to its influence on the coming elec tions in the northwest, and especially as to Washington territory, where the anti-Chinese feeling runs high. judge Hepburn's opinion. Judge Hepburn, solicitor of the treasury, in discussing the question, says: "Up to about two years ago there was no question about the right of the Chinese to pass through the country in the manner suggested by the decision, and now the old order will be restored. The Southern Pa cific railroad company has been the chief mover in the case, one of its attorneys, Mr. Tweed, arguing the matter before the treasury department and the department of justice. The precedent has been set and hereafter Chinamen who desire to pass through the country without sojourning any where on the way will be allowed to enter Uncle Sam's domain." CANADLVN ANNEXATION. Washington, July 29. Senator Wade Hampton, who has just re turned from a long visit to Canada, says: ''The annexation question be tween Canada and the United States is one that is being seriously" consid ered by the Canadian authorities. It is conceded by them that there must be some kind of settlement of the question in the near future, either by commercial union or by a reciprocity treaty, so as to bind tne two coun tries into a closer and more liberal business association. To put off such an agreement will only increase the friction engendered by the fisheries and. transportation question. But the Catholic element, mainly composed of French andhalf-breeds, will strongly oppose any annexation scheme wat ever that is likely to bring the prov inces or states into the i ederal union." He also says the Canadians are well posted on the fisheries question and are favorable to Mr. Bayard s treaty proposition; and tiiat it any serious complication grew out of that ques tion the New England Republican senators will be to blame. northern tacifc bonds placed. New York, JulyO. Dow, Jones & Co.'s circular staterthat the new S15,- 000,000 Northern Pacific collateral trust has been placed in Berlin, pro- vaueu me stocKnoiaers aumonze mem. Also, that 10,000,000 of the above amount may be used to take up tlie 6 per cent, bonds, for which the Northern Pacific is responsible. THE BOND STORY DENTED. New York, July 29. Parties acting with Villard for Berlin banking inter ests in the Northern Pacific say the report that 15,000,000 collateral has been placed for the company in Ber lin is nonsense. As to what disposi tion may be made of the procceeds of the loan when authorized, it would, they say, be premature to say any thing now, although a part may ulti mately be used to retire 6 per cent, of the bonds. THE BEER SYNDICATE. Paterson, July 29. An English syndicate has purchased five or six breweries here. The price is 2,380, 000. The owners retain one-third in terest. , SPECULATING IN TEXAS PROPERTY. Philadelphia, July 29. John C. Bullitt, A. J. Drexel and others, local capitalists, have purchased valuable lands in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas, for $500,000. The property is to be immediately improved for speculative purposes. AN ASTONISHING CHANGE. yMy dear madam, I never saw you looking bo well, and you were bo poorly, too." "Yes, doctor, Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla la the grandest thing In the world for run-down, nervous and debilitated women.5ThatB tho secret of my appearance." Up to a month ago Mrs. Belden, an elderly lady, living at 510Mason street, San Francisco, was failing In health and flesh so rapidly as to seriously alarm her relavives. She now writes: "I have taken hut one bottle of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla, but It la astonishing. I am regaining my lost flesh and havo not ieu as wen in years." r.ost. A Gold Glove Buttener: finder will be rewarded by leaving it at resilience of F. J. Taylor. Wanted By the 1st of August a cottage of 5 or C Luuiiis, vi o uuiurmsueu rooms ior ngni housekeeping. Address x u. K Or call at Occident hotel bar. July 27th, 1889. Alex Gilbert's Place For sale. Call and satisfy yourself. TeleplioneJbodftrlns House. Best Beds in town. Booms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week Sl.50. New and clean. Private entrance. 3IenI Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Bestauranr. next to Foard & Stokes'. If you want to have a tine suit of clothes go to the Paris Tailor. 1 le can make the best fitting suits and sells the cheapest Don't buy any clothimr. but co at once to the Paris Tailor first. He keeps the finest selections at the cheapest prices, and turns out the best work in Astoria. The Paris Tailor Has just received the most elegant fctocK ot spring ana summer suitings. Don't miss going to see him. He turns out hlegant Fits, and sells very cheap. Notice. The Main Street House affords cood accommodations at 1 per day. Begu lar boarders, Single Booms, $3.50 per week. Two persons occupying one room, $5 per week. Day board, per weeK, $4. lYciiiliard's Beer. And Free Lunch at the Telephone loon, 5 cents. Sa- The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. CMUrenCryferPitclier'sCastoria ADVICE TO MOTIIKKS. Mrs. Wetslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used lor children teething. It soothes the child, of tens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cnouc, aim is uie oesi, remeuy ior uiar-rhoea.Twenty-flve cents a bottle. Co to Jeff's ior Oysters. All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug "store, opposite Occident hotel, Astona. Ludlow's Ladies' S3.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at 1. J. UOODMAN'S. NEW TO-DAT. Th. Olsen. (Exammeret Dansk Apotheker.) Prescription Druggist. Twenty-six Years Experience. 'Water Street - Astoria, Oregon, For Rent. fTlHE STORE ADJOINING TtUCKSR'S JL uestaurant. Best location in the city for store or office. Price, including fixtures, $25 per month. Possession on August 1st J.H.MANSELL. Real Estate Broker. A Shutter and a Moral. During change hour yesterday a shutter slowlly and carefuly carried by two men, was borne into the exchange hall, followed by Commodore Gutte. This unwonted spectacle drew all members around the commodore and every one looked for the man that is naturally supposed to go with a shut ter, but every one appeared perfect sober. The shutter was placed, gently against one of the Corinthian columns that adorn the room, and the crowd eagerly inspected the relic, for it was a relic of the Seattle fire. In its prime, adorned with gaudy paint, it had pro tected a window in ryes opera house, Seattle. When that city was recently a mass of flames the same shutter battled nobly to protect its charge, as the record seared on its sur face shows. Built of wood and en cased in tin, it held on when an iron shutter would have curled up with the heat and deserted its post. The un derwriters claim that had this shutter been carefully built according to the instruction issued by the inspection bureau, it would have 4been better than new" after the fire. This his toric window covering now leans against the pillar, a disreputable look ing affair, like the awful example of a temperance lecturer, and the lesson it teaches is one that should be kept well in mind: It is, don't let your building stand next to one on lire, but if you do, see that the wiudows and doors are well protected by shut ters of wood sheathed in tin. They are the safest.- S. F. Comm. News. ' NEW TO-DAY Ross' Opera House. ONE NIGHT, Friday, August, 2nd, m PAT KILLEN rAT KILLEN. Heavy-weight Champion of tlie .NortmveM. P150F. ANDERSON, of Chicago. SIX-ROUND SET-TO Uetween Charley AVehheraml Charles Keni- mei, ugiit weights. Kiltan i-; nn liw v:iv to Sail Francisco to fight Joe McAuliiTe for a $2,503 purse iveii by tlie Golden Gate Club. $100 Ottered lo Anyone Staiitf- iii in Front ol" Killen Four IComids. Admission, (Gallery) 50 cents Reserved Seats $1 00 Doors open at 8 o'clock r. m. Reserved seats Wednesday morning. July 31, 8 a. m., at the New York Novelty store. TIHC3E2 Poor Man's Chance ! Messrs. Robh & Parker have Sixty Acres Laud, Four-fifths of which Is entirely clear and fit to build on immediately Adjacent lo Hie Skipmion Laud Ins, Which will be laid out in five-acre tracts. each tract divided into four parts by sixty foot streets, each tract to sell for S500. or one-fourth, or one block for SloO, and up wards, ivrsons wisning ine nrsi cnance at this desirable Suburban Property will call on Messrs. Robb & Parker, Real Estate Agents, for full information. Auction Sale. Steamer "C. M. Belshaw" Will he sold at auction at n3' Cannery. Astoria. Or., August 5th. 1SS9. Hull i tiitlip Mfiiv llftUT line imu' tulinc and engine was thoroughly overhauled, hull" cauiKeu, etc., i;isi ipiu. Terms. Cash. GEO. W. HUME. Auction Sale OF Clothing, and Gents' Furnishing Goods and Fancy Goods, At M. C. Crosby's old stand, at seven o'clock every evening, aim during the day at auction prices. R. Houseman. To and From San Francisco. The Schooners ZAMPA aim NORMA, Arriving and departing twice a month will carry lreight at Low Rates, to and from San Francisco. T. O. TRULLINGER At West Shore Mills. J. P. L.FERRELL DKALKK IX Key West Cigars, Tobacco, and Smokers' Articles. Choice Fruits, Confectionery. Nuts. Etc. tresh Goods teceived on every California oieamer. WAiiuiM... underflow' s Gallery A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPRIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELhPHONK NO.41 A General Express and Delivery Business iiaiisauieu. Your patronage is solicited. Fashionable Dressmaking. A NEW ESTABLISHMENT. Style and Fit Guaranteed. Our aim is to Pkase our Patrons., The patronage of the Ladies of Astoria is respectfully solicited. Northwest corner Fourth and Cas3 streets. Mrs.T.S.Jewett&Mrs. Birdsey lfliG- Notice. PLEASE SETTLE ACCOUNTS ON OR before August loth, and present claims ind hills against me up to that time. M. STUDZINSKI. J. H.MANSELL REAL ESTATE BROKER, XOTABY PUBLIC FOll STATE OF OREGON. City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1SS3. Correspondence Solicited. Next "W. V. Telegraph Offlce. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. in Note Prices in Our Window All Books Marked Way Down. Gi Ji Office (Temporarily) Re Estate STOCKS, BONDS AND MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED, STORES, OFFICES, AND TENEMENTS EENTED, RENTS COL LECTED, REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY OF NON RESIDENTS TAKEN CARE OF. Insurance on JJuililsngs, Oflico, Household Goods and Merchandise placed in a variety ofllic best companies in tlie country. Arrangements are being perfected to meet the wants of tho surrounding Townships in our line of business. Investors from abroad will find it to their interest to to correspond with us, and strangers coming to the city are invited to call on us for any courtesies they may need. Parties from outside can write to us for any errands wanted done in the city. A carriage is always waiting to show customeis and strangers around the city. REFERENCES: Hank of Xeiigh, Xeligh, Nebraska; City Hank, Clinton. Jowa; Fifth Avenue Bank, New York; Kountsie Uros., Omaha, Nebraska; Rev. Geo. C. Hall, Astoria, Or. Where to Put Yo s $m W WP w Judiciously planted in Real Estat "Will bring forth a HARVEST Judicious Investments in Real Estate Have been The Foundation Of a greater number of Colossal Forties ! I Than all other Inveslments ComMM ! Dollars ! ywwmi i in a mb oaarn nr Gor. 3rd and Cass Sts. ur Dollars. Brokers. WWW HOW Don't put off until next week, or next month, or next year, Bit Get tlie PROFITS Yourself ! Yon might just as well have it as to let somo one else have it. BUY BEFORE THE ADVANCE ! olili & Parker THE LIVE HEAL ESTATE AGEITS HAVE SOIUE City Property and VALUABLE ACREAGE ! ! AT- f ery Ziora Figures T SgTCall or send for their Lists. Astoria, - Oregon. Npw Ynrk Nnvplfv II O ff lUSfi 111 r W a s I S W ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES UKI.O F. PARKEK. CA1U, A. HANSON rlmrftLfonenn SUCCESSORS TO C. L. PARKER, DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer I HIS WEEK. WHITE GOODS OVER 30 PATTERNS. The Old Stand - Astoria Oregon. ji. v. juuussvv " WHOLESALE AND JIETATL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. o Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresh. Fruits and Vegetables. Keceived fresh every Steauior. FIRE BRICK DKAlKi: IN Hay, Oats, ant Straw, Lime, Brici, Cement, M anil Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Drajlng-, Teamln-r ami Kx press Ilusincss. IE.; apply 10 the Captain, or to The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. LEAVE rOKTLAND : Foot of Alder Street Daily, except Tuesday, at. 7 :0o a. m. LEAVE ASTOWA : Wilson & Fisher's Dock. Dally, except Tuesday, at -S :00 p. m. The Luiiine. FAST TIME BETWEEN Portland and Astoria ! LEAVE ASTORIA, Main St. Wharf. Daily, omitting Monday, at ON SUNDAY, at 7 A.M. 7 P.M. LEAVE PORTLAND, Every Night at . 8 r. m. EXCEPT SUNDAY NIGHT. To Canners. Jensen's Patented Can Capping Machine. Will Cap and Crimp 93 CASS per JI1SUTK. It has proved to Reduce the Leakage more than 50 percent, less than hand capped. Price, Jo0. Orders complied with by The Jensen Oan-Tillins: Machine Oo. Van Dusen & Co. DEALERS IN Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binacle Oil. Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Paints, Oils, Grrooeriesv 3 3to. ViriifiiaCtoiuToliacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. Fine Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles, Sold at Lowest MarketRates. FRUITS, CANDIES NOTIONS.&c fey l.tJ 1 J n r! 1UU1 MUUd i is VIiT VOL HET AT oard k Slokes IN Groceries and Provision?. Fverytliiiis 111 a First-class Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Cuoils IMlvcreil all over Town. Tin Highest Price I'aui for Junk, FOARD & STOKES FIRE CLAY STI-.AH1K15 (!UiU PARKER Fben P, Pail;cr,Master. ForTOWINU. FUKKSHT orl'HAh II. It. 1'AKH.KU. Seaside Bakery. llc.st .llilii Stroatl and CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fino Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Ketall Dealer In Candies. JOHSSOX, ItROW. (5ANDV Manufactured and For Sale at Wholesale Trices, at The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Trop'r. Gooil Bread, Cale ani Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered In any part of the city. -THE- DIAMOND PALACE GUST AY HANSEN, I'rop'r. A Iarge and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diaiois i Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All (lootls Bought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watch ami Clock lSeimiriug A SPECIALTY. Comer Cass and Pqueinoqua Streets. HERE ARE BARGAINS. Stove st! And everything at Ueduced Prices at J. A. Montgomery Tin "Ware, Granite Ware, House Furnishing Goods, Pumps, Zincs, Builders' Hardware, Etc. The Entire Stock at Very Low Prices. J. A. Montgomery. CO TO Thompson & Ross And get some of those No. One California Canned Fruits rsioM AND VEGETABLES. We Are Selling Cheap