&J x$ gntttt gwtafett. ASTORIA, OKEGON: THURSDAY.. JULY 25, 18S9. TIDE TABLiE FOS ASTOBXA. JULY. HIGH WATER. I)W WATER. FlRt. Secood. First. Second. I S A 3 h 1a h a h 5 h A. w. a h. m. ,S h. m. jS h. m. 6. &. &( 337 433 536 0 45 8 01 9 22 10 30 1124 12 lOp 12 44p 4 32 5 17 C 01 6 55 7 51 8 47 9 38 10 oe -02 10 49 10 49 0 6 11 51 11 41 14 - - 1 O0 1 8 12 42 2 09 15 1 41 3 14 1 0 2 48 4 10 05 3 52 4 57 0 0 4 46 5 3(3 -0 4 5 31 6 10 -0 6 C 11 6 41 -07 0 47 7 11 -0 8 7 22 7 42 -07 7 55 8 12 -05 8 34 8 45 -03 9 15 5 5 5 7 6 C OilO 23 4 4 6 G 11 02 1139 79 79 G8 7 1 7 3 75 1 20 1 49 2 14 2 40 0 14 0 49 1 20 2 07 17 7 3 10 17 8 Toe hours between mldnlgnt and coon are designated by o (a. m.), those between noon aud midnight by p (p. m.). oh. oOm.a denotes midnight, oh. 00m. p denotes noon. Tne lieightis reckoned from the level of average lo werlo w waters to which the sound ings are "iven on the Coast Survey charts. SOCIETY MEETINGS. Temple Lodge, No. 7A.F.A.M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS first and third Tuesdays in eachVy month, at 7 o'clock, p. M., at theV Hall in Astoria. Members of the order hi good standing are invited to attend.. By order of the W. M. Ocean Encampment, No. 13, 1. O. O.F. KEGULAR MEETINGS OF OCEAN EN campment No. 13. I. O. O. F., at the Lodge, in the Odd Fellows Building, at seven p m., on the second and fourth Mondays of each month, Sojourning breth ren cordially invited. By order C. P. Seaside Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. REGULAR MEETINGS OF SEASIDE Xi Lodge No. 12, A. O. U. W. will be held m their Hall in Pythian Castle, on Saturday evening of each weeie, at 7 o'clock. Members of the order in good standing, and visiting Brothers are Invited to attend. Li brary will be open fifteen minutes before and after each meeting. By order M. "W. W.B.ROSS.JJec Select Knights of A. O. U. W. REGULAR MEETING OF NORTH western Legion No. 2, will be held at their headquarters in Pythian Castle every Thursday at 7 :30 p. m. Members of the Le gion in good standing, and visiting com rades are invited to attend. Drill each month. By order of commander. W. B, ROSS, Kec, Astor Lodge No. 6, K. of P. KEGULAR MEETINGS EVERY YVED nesday evening at 7 :30 p. M. atTythlan Castle. Sojourning Knights in good stand ing cordially invited to attend. By order C. C. Vf. L. ROBB. K of R. and S. Scandinavian Benevolent Society. REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS SOCIE ty at their rooms in Pythian building at eight o'clock p. m.. on the second aud fourth Tuesdays of each month, AUG. DANIELSON, Secretary. Company H.O.N. G. REGULAR DRILLS EVERY WEDNES day evening. Regular meetings first Wednesday of each month at 8 p. m A. E. SHAW, Commander. Astoria Building & Loan Association THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF THIS Association are held at 8 p. m.. on the first Wednesday of each month. Ofllce on Genevieve street, south of Chenamus. W. L. ROBB, Secretary. Common Council. REGULAR MEETINGS. SECOND AND fourth Tuesday evenings of each month at 7Mt o'clock. ass-Persons desiring t have matters acted upon by the Council, at any regular meet ing must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk, on or before the Friday evening prior to the Tuesday on which the Council holds its regular meeting. THOS.S.JEWETT, Auditor and Police Judge. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE ! Men Pacific Railroad ! TWO TRAINS A DAY! NO CHANGE OF CARS ! Shortest Line to Chicago & All Points East VIA ST. PAUL AND MINNEAPOLIS. THE Northern Pacific R. R. Is the ONLY Line Running Passenger Trains, Pallm&n Palace Sleeping Cars, Palt.ce Dining Cars (meals 75c), Lnxarlant Day Coaches, Emigrant Sleepers (free of charge), FROM PORTLAND TO THE EAST Se9 that joar tickets read Tla the Xortheri Pacific &. B. and aroid change of ears. Leave Portland at 7 ;45 A. M. and 10P. M. dally ; arrive at Minneapolis or St. Paul, fourth day. PACIFIC DIVISION Train leaves Front and G street daily at 11 :15 A. M. and 10 P. M. : arrive at Tacoma 7 :10 P. M and 6:10 A.'M., connecting with Compauy's for all points on Puget Sound. CHAS.S.FEE, Geu'l Western Pass. Agent, St. Paul. A.D.CHARLTON, Gen'l Western Pass. Agent, No. 121, First St., Portland Depot joruer First and G streets. Notice. PLEASE SETTLE ACCOUNTS ON OR before August 10th, and present claims ind bills against me up to that time. M. STUDZINSKI. Spring SPECIALTIES OF A GOOD FIT, LOW PRICES AND FINS GOOD! Elegant Suits at.San Francisco Price.-. Business Suits, Dress Suits. Goods Sold at Forty per cent. Below Prices Elsewhere. Next Door to C. H. Cooper's. Hughes & Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR DEALERS. Importers of All Brands of Foreign and Do mestic Wines, Lfgdors and Cigars. J. H. Cutter Whiskies a specialty. Val Blatz Bottled Beer. Finest brands of Key West and Domestic Cigars. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Family Trade Solicited. All orders from the City and Country promptly filled. Squemoqua Street, - - - Astoria, Oregon. North Pacific BREWERY, JOHN KOPP, - - - Proprietor. Patronize Home Industry! We supply as GOOD A QUALITY OF BEER As Any in the Market, AT A.S REASONABLE A PRICE. The Nortl Pacific Brewery Beer la Pare and Unadulterated. It gives general Satisfaction and Is Furn ished In Quantities to Suit. Leave orders With A, W. Utzinger next to Bergman & Co.'s, or Fred Cooke, next to.Foard & Stokes. Daily Delivery in Any Part of the City. MG. DANIELSON, Sam pie. Rooms. Dealer In Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Agent for the GUION Steamship Line and the THINGVALLA Steamship Line, direct. Also, agent for "Svenska Trlbunen" and Svenska Amerikanaren." Corner of Water and West Ninth Streets Astoria, Oregon. LOEB & CO. fines, Llpors and Ciprs. A Large Stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS. THE TRADE Supplied at Lowest Market Rates. All orders filled promptly and Accurately. Agents for First Class Foreign and Domestic Brands. Main street Opposite Parker House, ASTORIA. - - - - OREGON. THE COSMOPOLITAN. A. Y. UTZINGER, Propr. Fine Billiard Tables: Best of Wines and Liquers: Choice Cigars. A First Class Place of Social Resort, Run tn a First Class Manner. The Gem Saloon. The Popular Resort for Astorians. or the Finest of Wines and Liquors Go to THE GEM SALOON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. - - PROPRIETOR GERMANIA BEER HALL The Celebrated WEINHARD LAGER BEER, On Draught On Ice, and Drawn from the. Wood. Five Cents a Glass. WM. BOCK, Proprietor. Old Corner Saloon, Pliil.F. Bower, Prop'r. Fine Wines, Liquors Cigars, 401 Ckenarans Street, Astoria, Ogn E. C. Lewis, Timber Land Broker, Cruiser AND ESTIMATOR. Locator of Government and State Lands. Timber boucht and sold on Commission. Taxes .paid andLa'nds protected from tres pass, uperates in wasningion, Oregon, and California. .CorrespdE'dence solicited. Astoria Oregon. - -" ' :"" PARIS TAILO J. N. KLOSTI THE Resort Billiard Parlor, GROSBAUF.R & IS ACM, Prop's. L. FEURER'S CELEBRATED Gambrinus Beer I ON DRAUGHT. (ninlu'iuus Bottled Boer, J. H. Cutter Wltlblty. Domestic ami Key "West Cigars. Constantly on hand. Third Street, four doors west of Telegraph umce, luniienj j.cieuiiuuo iiL'Miiiiram. ASTORIA, OREGON. John C. Dement. DRUGGIST. Successor to W. E. Dement & Co. Carries Complete Stocks of Drugs and Druggists' Sundries. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. Agent lor Mexican Salve and Norwegian Pile Cure Tie Celebrate! Frencli Cure. Warranted "ADUDnrHTIMC" or monoy to euro ArnnUUlllFiL refunded. JS SOLD ON A POSITIVE Guarauteo to euro any form of ner vous disease or any dis order of tho conorativo organs of either sor BEFORE whether ar- AFTER ising from tho oxcessivo use of StimuInnts.To- Dacco or upturn, or tnrongh youthtul indiscre tion, over indulgence. Ac. such ns Los3 of Brain Powor. Wakefulness, Bearing down Pains in tho Back, Soininal Weakness, Hys teria, :Norvous Prostration, Nocturnal Emis sions, Leucorrhoca, Dizziness, Weak Memory, Loss of Power and Impotcncy. which if ne glected often lead to nrematuro old ago nnd insanity. Price SI a box, G boxes for $5. Sent by mail on receipt of prico. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every S3 or der. to1 refund tho monoy if a Permanent euro is not loffected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both soxes, perma nently cured by Aimiroditine. Circular froc. Address. THE Al'IIRO MEDICINE CO. Box 27. Western Branch, 1'ortlaml, Or. Forsaioby J. C. DEMENT. GKO. M'LEAX, SAM. KRKKMAK, McLean & Freeman. BLACKSMITHS. Special Attention paid to all Ship and Steam boat Repairing. HORSESHOEING. Logging Camp Work a Specialty. All kinds of Blacksmitliing done to order. Shop, corner Jefferson and Olnev streets, Astona, Oregon. Seaside Boarding. Parties desiring Good Board and Clean, Comfortable Lodging at Reasonable Terms, can be accommodated at Mrs. May Ross' Private Boarding House, Three blocks below Grimes' Bridge, Sea side, Oregon. Magee, Argand and Acorn Stoves s Ranges, Cooking and Heating, EVERYONE FULLY WARRANTED. WATEK CLOSETS, PLUMBING fiOOHS, POMPS, SINKS, AND BATH THUS. JNO. A. MONTGOMERY, OHENAMOS STREET. 3B. IF1. lXjiIjESKT, DEALER IN Wall Paper and Oil Paintings SPECIALTY, Sign Writer, Grainerand Ornamental Painter. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, Or. Morgan & Sherman GROCERS And Dealers lu .Special Attention Given to Filling ut ureters. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part of the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Uuilding on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37. ASTOBIA, OREGON. Cannery Suplies ! INSURANCE. I. "W. CASE, Insurance Agent. ItEPKESKXTIXG : California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co., Portland. Home Mutual Insurance Co., S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London. Robb & Parker, AGENCY OK Fire and Manne Insurance, With an Aggregate Capital of 10.000,000. IMPERIAL, of London. CALIFORNIA, of California. CONNECTICUT, of Hartford. OAKLAND HOME, of Oakland. JjLuxm, oi umuon. FIREMAN'S FUND, or California, Agents also for TRAVELLERS', of Ilartrnnl- Life and Accident. Tickets sold for the ALLAN Line of Steamships, from Old Country to Astoria. ROUP. & TARKER. At old ofilce of .7. 0. liozorth. Ship and Commission Agency FIRE INSURANCE IN FlItST CLA8S COIIIi'ANSKM Representing $i:t,000,000 PHCENIX, Hartford, Conn. HOME, New York, AGENCY PACIFIC EXPRESS CO C. P. UPSHUR, Main Street Wharf - Astoila, Oregon. $67,000,000 Capital Liverpool & London &Glohe, North British and Mercantile of London and Edinburgh. Hartford of Connecticut, Commercial of California Agricultural, of Watertown, New Yoik, Loudon & Lancashire of Liverpool, Eng.. Fire Insurance Companies, Represent in a capital of 07,000,000. . VAN 1USEX. Agent. MARKETS. Washington Market. Mnln Street, - Astoria, Oregon. itr.IM.M.Vn' A CO, I'UOI'JKIKTOltS KESPEOTFULLY CALL THE ATTEN tion of the public to the fact that the auove Market will always besupplied with a FULL VARIETY AND REST QUALITY OK FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! I Which will be sold at lowest rates, whole sale and retail. EgrSpecial attention given to supplying aliips. STAR MARKET. WHERRY & COMPANY, Fresh and Cured Meats, Vegotabls, FRUITS, BUTTER, and EGGS. OPPOSITE OCCIDENT IIOTEL, ClIKftAHUS Street. AHtoria. 0. Roadway Market. P. O'HARA, Prep'r: Opposite Foard & Stokes. A First-Class Peat Shop. Fresh and Salt Meats. All Purchases Delivered in any Part of the City J. Abercrombie. (Next door to Carnahan & Co.'s.) LARD. HAM, BACON, BUTTER, CHEESE. EGGS, POULTRY POTATOES, FISH AND GAME, Fruit, Nuts, and Candies. Tea, Coffee, Canned Goods, Raisins. Etc. General Commission Merchant. CHENAMUS STREET, - - ASTORIA. S.ARNDT&FJERCHEN ASTORIA, - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH mm? AND S- B6iier Shop 3J -- - t". All kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AND STEAMBOAT WORK rromptly attended to. Aspeclaltymadeof repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. p s w n vrffiB&m&jffi- xj fc.r-.'ravfier-rr' y- r ii 55iE?553:5?". z.m i sr!Kfc- - mp1 Pired at a Safe Distance. St. Johns, N. B. July 23. The summer carnival opened yesterday. A prominent feature is the electrical exhibition, which began with the tir ing of a caunon by electricity from Montreal by President Van Horn, of the Canadian Pacific railroad, who pre3seda telegraph key connected by wire with the gun. Ten seconds later, superintendent Openheimer, of Vancouver, B. C, fired a second can non from the Pacific coast, a distance of 3,500 miles, in the same manner. Ayer's Pills promptly relieve stom ach troubles, correct foul breath and an unpleasant taste, and cure consti pation. San Francisco, July 23. China advices received by the steamer Bel gic to day state that the recent tire at Lu Chow burned twenty-three hours, destroying 87,000 dwellings. Over 1,200 persons perished in the flames, and 400 others were killed. Nearly 170,000 people were obliged to camp out without shelter, and were dying at the rate of 100 a day from want and exposure. The authorities are providing for their necessities. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures liver com plaint, rheumatism, and all diseases of the blood. Tho managers of the transconti nental linos met in Chicago lastsTnes day, and after a discussion appointed a committee of fivo to labor with the Northern and Southern Pacific roads to withdraw their notices of resigna tion from the association. Unless this proves successful, it is believed that the association will go to pieces. CA1ITIOX TO 3IOTIIKKS. Eveiy mother is cautioned against giving her child laudanum or paregoric; it crea'es an unnatural craving for stimulants which kills the mind or the child. Acker's Baby Soother is spe cially prepared lo benetit children ann cure their pains. It is harmless and contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by J. AV. Conn, Druggist. Be loyal to death to those who have befriended yon. Periisuiou KfTcuts of Tobncco. DR. FLINT'S REMEDY is the only antidott- against the influence of tobacco which the smoker or chewer of the weed has, ami should he taken regularly to prevent the heart from becoming dis eased. Descriptive treatise with each bottle; or, address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. Don't say "Im a gentleman;" it is never necessary. Itiu'Iilon'sAniica (Salve. The Rest Salve in the world foi Cuts, RruL-es, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price UTi cents per box. For sale hy.J, C. Dement. Don't do work unworthy of you if you can avoid it. Peaks' Soap secures a beautiful com plexion. West 6th Street Assessment Notice Notice is hereby given that the as sessment made by Ordinance No. 1091), of the City of Astoria, fortlie improve ment of West (Hit street in Shively's Astoria, in the manner provided by Or dinance No. 101)2, of the City of Astoria, on each of the following lots and por tions of lots fronting on said portion of said street, is now payable at the office of the City Treasurer, in U. S. coin, and unless paid within five dajs of the final publication of this notice, to wit: on or before Tuesday, August Gtli, 1S89, the Comihon Council will order warrants issued for the collection thereof. The assessment is as follews: O.R. &N.Co., north iw feet of lot 1. block 13,'l;SlG0.8o. A. A. Cleveland and O.P. Henry, mid dle 20 feet of lot 1, block l'J; 07.20. Mrs. T. O'Brien, south 50 feet of lot 1, block 133 ;S147.98. Mrs. T. O'Brien, south r.7 feet of lot 1, block 120 ;SSD.2G. Barney Gallagher, middle P7K feet of lot 1, block 120; 89.2(5. Thos. Dealy, south 50 feet of lot 1, block 120; S119.C9. .lames Taylor, south 85 feet of lot 1, block 121 ; S222.43. Dan Graham, north 40 feet of lotG, block 121 ;S128.32. O. R. & N. Co., lot G, block 132 ; 370.91. By order of the Common Council. Attest: T. S. Jewett, Auditor and Police Judge. Astoria, Oregon, July 20ih,1889. J. P. L.FERRELL OEALEIi IX Key West Cigars, Tobacco, and Smokers' Articles. Choice Fruits, Confectionery, Nuts, Etc. Fresli Goods received on every California steamer. WAAisiiT.,unuerurow's uallery A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, IUtOPKIETORS. Headquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage is solicited. Stockholders' Meeting. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of the Odd Fellows Land and Building Association will be held on Thursday, Aucust 22nd, 18S9, at 2 r. m., at Odd Fellows Hall, for the purpose of elect ing seven directors and transacting such other business as may come before the meeting. G. REED, President. A. J. MEGLER, Secretary. Astoria, July 22nd, 18S9. BOOTS AND SB.0ES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGH OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. It Makes You Hung "I have used Palne's Celery Compound and it has had a salutary effect. It invigorat ed the system andl feel like a new man. It improves tte appetite and facilitates diges tion." J.T. Cope- laxd, PrlciU3, S.C. Fal&ie9s Celery GoiipisEid J ; : uiiiiue tonic and appetizer. Pleasant to i lis i -.to, quick In Its action, and 7lthout any Ltjuilous effect, it gtve3 that ragged health v.idch. make3 everything tasta good. It cures dyspepsia and kindred disorders. Physicians prescribe it. Sl.oo. six for So.oo. Druggists. Wrix-j. Rii Ui?.D3Pir &Co.. Burlington, XL nn. ')tVn qvps 'r'or ""j',ti:c unycn:,.r I. R. & N. Co, FROM ASTORIA TO Ft. Stevens. Ft. Canby and Ilwaco. Connecting by stages and steamboats for Oystervilie, Montesano and Olympia STEAMER m. "GEN. CANBY," Tiios. Parker. Master. Will leave Astoria daily (Sundays excepted) for Ft. Stevens. Ft. Canby and Ilwaco, at 8 A. M., except as below. With Oystervilie Malls and Express dally, and Through Malls to points beyond, aud Montesano, W.T., on Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays. Tickets to Ilwaco ..(at the ofllce) 75 cent Itonnd Trip Tickets 81 2.1 Ilwaco Freight per Ton, - $2.00 H?For Tickets. Towage or Charter ap ply at tho olllee of the company, Flavel's wharf. 0. R. & N. CO. Trains for EAST Leave Portland at 7 ; 15 A. M. and :S0 P. M., Daily. TO 0)EX.ikXSI3, And Way Landings. The Steamer BONITA Leaves Astoria at C a. m., via Oregon side Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The Str. R. R. THOMPSON Leaves Astoria every morning excep Monday, at 7 o'clock, via "Washington side. TO SAN FRANCISCO. The only lino of Steamships to San Fran cisco. Steamers leave Company's Dock every four days Regular Line of Tow Boats and Barges, For Towage and Lighterage. STORAGE OF AI,!, KIKIS. Inquire at Company's Dock or at City Of fice. M. B, BOZORTH, E. A. NOYES, Ticket Agent, Agent. Gray's Harbor, Shoalwater Bay and TILLAMOOK. The P. & C. S. S. Co.'s Steamer "ALLIANCE," "Will sail from PORTLAND, foot of C street, Every Thursday for Grays Harbor-will touch at SnOALWATEK BAY every third trip. A trip to TILLAMOOK will be made as soon as weather permits, Due notice will be given in The Astoria.- of the date of making trips to Shoal water Bay and Tillamook. Steamer leaves Portland at 8 r, jr. on above dates Astoria at 6 a. jr. the follow ing mornlnp. Freight received every day The Company reserves the right to change time and place of sailiug. F. K. STRONG, President. C. P. UPSHUR, Agent Astoria. Magnus C. Crosby Dealer In HARMS, IRON, STEEL. Iron Pipe and Fittings, STOVES. TINWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS SHEET LEAD STRIP LEAD SHEET IRON, TitL Am) Copper. ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND ' CaB f M MM MM ,,, Livery Stables. Conveyances of any kind, on short notice. Transferring Baggage, etc., a specialty. Telephone No, 12. SHERMAN & WARD. ry t?rrlng medicine means more novr-a-days than it did ten years ago. The wlnterof 1S3S-S3 hasleft the nerves ell fagged out. Tho nerves must be strengthened, tho blood purified, Uver and bowels regulated. Paluc's celery compound the Sxrhirj meillcinc cf to-day Ioes all this, as nothing else can. Prescribed ly Physricians, Recommended by Brvgrnsts, Endorsed by Ministers, Guar.-micczl by the 2-Ianvftcturer8 lo be The Best Spring I ' In tho spring of 1SS7 1 was all run down. I would get up in the morning with so tired a rec-llnj, .r l was so weak that Icouldhardly get arouniL l bouahta bottle or Palne'3 Celery Com roun'l, and before I had taken It a week I felt ycry i:.ucu better. I can cheefully recommend i" t -i v. no neul a building up and strengthen-iet;-. t'die." Mrs. B. A. Dow, Burlington, Vt. , A;7 ,,nn Nourishes babies perfectly. t i - J r uaU xte rhysician'sjaxvriie. TO SAN FEANCISCO, CAL, -UY WAV OK TI1K- Southern Pacific Company's LINE. The Mt. Shasta Route. Quickor in Time than any Other Routo Between Portland and San Francisco. LEAVE PORTLANDS P. rVl. Daily THROUCH TIME 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS, TOUKI8T SIiKKPIA CARH For accommodation of Second-class Pass engers, attached to Express Trains. FA KK from Portland to Sacramento and San Francisco. Unlimited - ssij; O First Cln.ss Limited - - S20 OO Second CInHs " - SIR OO THROUGH TICKETS To all Points SOUTH AMD EAST, via California. TICKET OFFICES : City ofllce-No. 131 Cor. First and Alder Sts. Depot ofllce Corner F and Fro t Streets, PORTLAND, OKEtJON. R. KOK1ILER. E. P.ROC.ERS, Manager. Ast. (!. F. & Pass. Agt Now an (I Fast Sailing STEAMER, CITY OP ASTORIA. CA1T..1. V,'. KAF.BTDCK, ASTORIA, KNAPPA, CLIFTON, and WOODS LANDING. Leaves Astoria, Daily, at 2 o'clock p. ar. From Wilson & Fisher's wharf Leave Woods Landing, Thursdays and Fri days at c o'clock A. ar., for Astoria and way landings. SATURDAYS, to Knappa and return. For Freight and Passage, apply to Cap tain, on board. HEALTH SE.' Lo Kicliati's Golden Balaam IVo. 1 Cures Chancres, first and second stages: Sores on the Lc3 and Body; Soro Earsj Eyes, Nose, etc., Copper-colored Blotches, Syphilitic Catarrh, diseased Scalp, and all primary forms of tho disease known as Syphilis. Price, S5 OO per Bottle. Lu Richau's Golden Bulsam No. 3 Cures Tertian-, McrcurialSyphilitic Rheu matism, Pains in tho Bones, Pains in tho Head, back of the Neck, Ulcerated Sora Throat, Syphilitic Rash, Lump3 and con tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs, anil eradicates all disease from the system, whether caused by indiscretion or abusu of Mercury, leaving the blood pure and healthy.t Prico S3 OO per Bottle. Lo Riclmu's Golden Spanish Anti dote for the cure of Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Irritation Gravel, and all Urinary or Geni tal disarrangements. Prlco S3 50 per Bottle. Lo Riclmu's Golden Spanisli In jection, forsevcro cases of Gonorrhoea, inflammatory Gleet. Stricturcs,&c. Price $1 50 per Bottle. Lo Richan's Golden Ointment for the effectivj hcalingof Syphilitic Sores, and eruptions. Prico SI OO per Box. L Richan's Golden Pills Nerve and Brain treatment; loss of physical pow er, cxees or over-work. Prostration, etc. Prico S OO per Box. - Tonic and Norvinc, Sent everywhere, C. O. 1)., rccurely packed per express. C. P. RICITARDS d: CO. . Agents, J-27 & 529 Sansoino street. Corner Clay, tJ -i San FrancUeo. Cal. CIRCULAR MAILED FREE. I prescribe and fully endorse Hie iS as the Cnrti In only specific for tlie cer '1 TO 5 DATS tain cure ot tuia disease. Qnirsnteed not u G.Cl. INORAHAM.M.D. Amsterdam, Ji. Y euteoincici. yrdonljtjtli Wo 'have sold Big G for many years, and it has EnssClunlulCe. Cincinnati,! Bt;i ven tne Dest oi saus- faction. D. It. Dychk & Co.. Chicago, 111, Ohio. Trade I $1. Sold by Druggists. Sold by J. W. Conn, Astoria, Oregon, 23rr bl S 'DISEA