cy s s gaJItj j$t0i8tt. ASTORIA. OREGON: SUNDAY. JULY 21, 18S9. MIGRATORY MOVEMENTS. The tide o emigration is only be ginning to flow into the lower Colum bia basin. The records show that the greatest increase for a period has been in the fields nearest to the centers; and then, when the overflow would set in beyond, there would be a check in the former, with corresponding in crease in the newer fields. Thus Ohio's percentage of increase was lowered from 1820 owing to the rush to Indiana; Indiana's was lowered from 1830 owing to the rush to Illinois; Illinois' was lowered from 1840 owing to the rush to Iowa; and Iowa's was lowered from 1860 owing to the rush to Nebraska. Here different in fluences and conditions intervene. There is a break in the stretch of nat urally fertile lands by the arid plains putting down from the Rocky mountains; and at this juncture the great war between the two sections came on, as if the in terruption of the continental migra tory flow had something to do with this great moral convulsion. But ap parently special providences inter vened to prevent the continuous set tlement and development the discov ery of the precious metals in the Rocky Mountains, the inauguration of work on the first Pacific railroad, the invasion of the buffalo solitudes by cattle-raisers, followed and accom panied by successful experiments in farming by irrigatien: these events and activities carried forward the tide, though in unsteady and irregular movements, so that now all the ara ble valleys west of the Missouri river are occupied, and Oregon and Washington are to-day backed by continuous permanent set tlements to the eastward. Being the last fields for the great migratory tide to flow into, and offering inducements in the way of natural resources cer tainly more varied, and probably richer, than any of the former general objective points of emigration had to offer, and now being available from all the seaports and all the great in land centers by competing railroads, (additional lines projected and in progress of construction) the increase of population of this north Pacific region from this time on will exceed the expectations of the most hopeful aud add one of the most stirring chapters to the history of American progress. A southern newspaper offers to give a city lot to every new subscriber. A rival paper makes the same offer and agrees to throw in a city hall or a street railroad. No dollar limit there. A new religious sect calling them selves '-True Light Baptists" has sprung up in the eastern part of South Carolina. They do not believe in min isters or in keeping the Sabbath. AN UGLY DISCOVERY. A Report That Should Be Read. "A recent anal yzation in Philadelphia by celebrated chemist of ten popular brands ol sarsaparilla discloses the astonishing fact that these ten samples of blood purifiers (?) con tained in the aggregate tixteen different min erals, eleven of which were active poisons. Iodide of potash was discovered In every sam ple, mercury was found In all but two, while arsenic existed in six of tho ten brands. Not one brand was the pure article." A reporter took tho above clipping to E. "tt". Joy, tho manufacturer of Joy's Vegetable Ear- B&parllla. Mr. Joy exhibited no surprise. He said druggists knew it He said he long ago eaw tho crying need for a safo and absolutely pure vegetable preparation of Sarsaparilla, hence his was named Joy's vegetable sarsapa- xilla, because "it contained nothing but pure syrup of sarsaparilla, combined with the pure iuicesofCaliforjttla'svegetablealteratlves.Un like potash sarsaparillas, it docs not force im purities tnrougnmosKm out stimulates ina various secretive organs, thereby correcting functional derancemeuts and eliminating all impurities through. tho natural channels. eon rttnvww Muwncri The latest style of Gents' Boots and shoes at r. J. Goodman's. Wcinhard's Beer. And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Notice. The Main Street House affords cood accommodations at 1 per day. llegu Jar boArders. Single Rooms, 5.50 per week. Two persons occupying one room, $3 per week. Day board, per week, 4. Don't buy any clothing, but go at once, to the Pans Tailor first. He keeps the finest selections at the cheapest prices, and turns out the best work in Astoria. All the patent medicines advertised in i his paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Motel, As tona. Telephone LiOdeias House. Best Beds in town. Rooms per night 50 and 25 cts., per week 1.50. New and clean. Private entrance. AI VICE TO MOTHERS . Mns. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It fcoothea the child, softens trie guins. allays all pain, cures wind cholic, and is the best remedy for diar rhoeaf wenty-five cents a bottle. Tender, Juicy 8 teak at Jeff's. TELEM!. Specials to The Astorian. News Prom The National Oapital. POETLAVT). .Tnlv 9A "ETdlrvvviTio-ia n statement of the Portland clearing house first week's business, beginning with last Monday and ending with to day, July 20: DAYS. PT.vmrena mi.ivmo Monday, 15 . . . . $ 3G1.849 78 $ 68,155 13 Tuesday, 16 ... . 210,478 84 37,852 18 Wednesday, 17.. 216,143 25 32,085 94 Thnredav. 1R... ror.hv. m : hk 19 Friday, 19 233.39139 50.310 22 Saturday, 20.... 236,884 82 59,786 55 Total f 1,587,254 15 $335,015 14 A FUTILE ATTEMPT. This afternoon Henrv TvfirdirnT began an action against attorney Mc Ginn to comnel him to institute nro- ceedings against Hon. Joseph Simon, to test .air. oimon's legal right to re tain the office of nolice commissioner. The matter will come up for a hear ing on next Thursday at 930 a. it. A XONa SESSION. To-day departments No. 1. and No. 2. of the state circuit court, adjourned for a vacation, the next term commencing on tne second of September next During the past judicial year Judge j. J5. btearns' court was in active ses sion ten months and twenty days, the longest continuous session of any cir cuit court ever held in the state. Judge Stearns this afternoon di vorced Sarah J. Baker from Alfred S Baker, both parties to the suit having been divorced before; the couple were married in 1887, but the union was a very unhappy one. Cruel treatment was set up as the basis of the com plaint MOANING OF THE TIED. Charles Farleman, fruit dealer on Third and Yamhill streets, was di vorced from Cora Farleman this after noon. The grounds were cruel and inhuman treatment, desertion and be cause she told the plaintiff she loved a half a dozen other men better than she did him. Washington, July 20. Tho state department is engaged in wrestling with a number of perplexing ques tions relating to the enforcement of the contract labor law. It is claimed that persons residing in Canada and Mexico have been in the habit of cross ing the border for employment in the United States. One complaint has been lodged against an offieer of a bank in Vermont who has lived in Canada for forty years. Complaints are made that large numbers of Mex icans are allowed to cross the border and gain employment in this country. standard silver dollars. Washington, July 20. According to a statement prepared by the United States treasurer, the number of standard silver dollars in the treas ury July 10, 1889, aggregated 278,885,- 194, and the number of standard silver dollars in circulation at the same date was 54,617,450. NAVY ORDER. Washington, July 20. Commander Harry Cilass has been ordered to duty as a member of the board for the re organization of tactics aud drill of the navy. A CASE OF CONTEMPT. Bakersfield, CaL, July 20. In loiSZ J. J. Maggm appropriated a spring and piped water therefrom for cattle. In 1887 Emerson settled on the land. February 8th Haggin ob tained a perpetual injunction restrain ing Emerson from interfering with the water. JLately Emerson tore up the pipes, but finally said, "You may use the water, but you must not dig m my land to lay pipes," and then drove off Haggin s employes by force, claiming to act under the advice of commissioner Stockslager. The Em- ersons, father and son, were arrested, and when asked point blank by the ludce. "Jjo von intend to obev the or ders of this court P' answered, "I shall follow my advices from Wash ington." They were fined by the court $250, or 250 days in jail. AN OFFICE FOR THE PRESIDENT. Washington, July 20. Colonel Wilson, commissioner of public build ings and grounds, in his annual re port to the chief engineer, recom mends that an office buildiner be erected for the use of the president, just west of the White house, and wnere the greenhouse and. conserva tory now stand. It is believed, savs he, that the time has come when the chief magistrate of the country should no longer be obliged to have his pri vate residence ana omce unaer the same roof. RETURNED TO LIFE. Atlanta, Georgia, July 20. A month has passed since John Pickett expiated the crime of murder on the gallows. The memory of the event has been awakened in a remarkable manner. A report comes from Sum ter county that Pickett is still alive in that portion of the state. After hang ing tne Doay was taken in charge by friends, who worked successfully at resuscitation. If Pickett is still alive and is apprehended, the question is whether ne can be further punished. He has been declared legally dead and the-case mil prove one unparalleled in the nistory of the state. PREPARING FOR BATTLE. Cairo, July 20. Advices from the front state that General Greufell has assumed command. The Egyptian troops occupy a position neai tho vil lage of Beltana. Nad el Jumi, the Dervish leader, occupies a strong posi tion at Khor. The Dervishers num ber 2,500- fighting men. Several thou sand reinforcements are coming to them from Dongola. THE SLAVE TRADE FORBIDDEN BV TRIPOLI. London, July 20. The governor of Tripoli has issued a decree abolishing the slave trade, and forbiddine anv one to engage in it under pain of severe penalties. EXTRA SESSION OF CONGRESS. Washington, July 20. There is no reasonable doubt that there is to be a session of the next congress before December. The onlv point which maybe said to be iindetermined is the date. The president's private secretary said to-day that he believed an extra session had practically been determined upon. Thepresidenthim- self was quite as specmc in ins state ment to Senator Washburn, of Min nesota. The difference was that the president suggested to Mr. Washburn that it would be expedient for him to return from Europe by the middle of October. It is certain, however, that congress will not be convened until after the representatives from the new states shall have been elected. The day fixed by several senators who have conversed with the president, as most probable is the last Monday in October, or the first Monday in No vember. The Verdict Unanimous. W.D.'Sult, Drugeist. Bippus, Intl., testifies: "1 can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every bottle sold has given relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 year-.' standing.' Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi cine I have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thou sands of others have added their testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous that "Electric Bitters do cure diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at .!. V. Conn's Drug Store. Sleals CooKed to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard ife Stokes'. The Paris Tailor Has just received the most elegant Stock of Spring and Summer Suitings. Dou't miss going to see him. He turns out Elegant Fits, and sells very cheap. Ludlow's Ladies' 3.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, at P. J. Goodman's. if you want to have a line suit of clothes go to the Paris Tailor. He can make the best fitting suits and sells the cheapest. CMlirenCryforPitclier'sCautoria All Aboard ! For the I. and S. U. Tei minus The Steamer Gen. Canby Will Leave at 7 :30 o'elcck. This Sunday Morning, July 21st, for A Splendid Trip by Land and Water. ; Four Iloi'iV rniii on the l':iy. Ti kt'ts (or tho Itniiut! Trip, TWO DOLLARS. To llwaco and Return - - - SI .00. Report of the Condition OFTIIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ASTORIA, At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, July 12tli, 1839. 11ESOURCKS. Loans and discounts SIC 1.012 50 Oveidrafts secured and unsecured. l,7.r2 o U. S. Bonds to secure circulation 12.500 Otherstocks, bonds and mortgages 20.M7 51 Due from approved reserve agents 12,257 25 Due from other National B.inks. 505 32 Due from State Banks aud bankers 4.719 a' Real estate ... 700 Current expenses and taxes paid... l.TS SG Premiums paid 2.C00 Checks and other cash items 171 25 Bills of other Banks 70G Nickels and pennies- 2G 07 Specie 53.850 Legal tender notes .. 1,905 Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer (5 per cent. of circulation) 5C2 50 Total $232,114 G4 LIARIL1TIKS. Capital stock paid in .... .? 50,000 Surplus fund 10.000 Undivided profits 1,830 13 national uanK notes out standing 8,950 Individual deposits sub ject to check S10C.345 7S Demand certificates or deposit 41,938 73 S203.334 51 Total $282,114 Ct State of Oregon, lec County of Clatsop, f s I. S. S. Gordon, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the bast of my knowl edge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this IStli day of July, 1889. F. L. PARKER. Notary Public. Correct Attest : GEO.FLAVEL. ") JOHN A. DEVLIN, S Directors. GEO. C. FLAVKL. J The Best Buy. 3 1 O Acres Of Splendid Level Land. Near Mouth of John Daj's, And only half a mile fiom the Columbia River, -lias land with the river running through it, Is now the favorite resort for picnics and is admirably situated for sub urban residences, sis it can be reached by cither road or boat. House, Barn. Good Orchard, and Steamer Landing. Ten acres cleaied and in grass. Eighty acres fine Bottom and Tide Land. Brings In now. $200 a year for right of way. Only three miles from Astoria. Title per fect. For a few days only at $25.00 per acre. Easy Terms. 9.w i.c J. H. MANSELL. Real Estate Broker. Auction Sale OF Clothing, and Gents' Furnishing Goods and Fancy Goods, At M. C. Crosby's old stand, at seven o'clock every evening, ana during the day at auction prices. R. Houseman. J. H. MANSELL, REAL ESTATE BROKER, KOTA11Y PDBLIC FOll City Lots and Acre Property, Ranches, Timber Lands, and Water Frontage for Sale. investments made for Outside Parties. Established, 1SS3. Correspondence Solicited, Xcxt W. T Telegraph Oflice. Third St. Astoria, Oregon. P. O. BOX 863. OKLO P. PAKKKR. CAKI A. HANSON TT -nfT J TTT 1 Q A 11 n A I ft! O Parker OansnJOir IK Mil JH R?j (I Jl H H H IS 1 H A anrntrscftRQ ta Q EL S " G f All Books Marked Way Down. These SEINES aro mado true tapor and from an actual scale, and will hong true and not draw when hun in to lines. And Fisii Netting of All Kinds, Furnished at short notice. Kifiht and left hand laid patent rope, 9 thread and larger, soft and free from kinking, x Letter or Telegraph shall have our Prompt and Careful Attention. AMERICAN NET & TWINE CO. Established 1842. Boston, STiafer OS- Mrjm But Judiciously planted in "Will hring forth a HARVEST Judicious Investments in Real Estate Have heen The Foundation Of a greater nnraher of Colossal Forties ! I Than all other Investments ConiM ! Where to Put Your D VALIJA STATE OF OREGON. ndow 'Hindi H& Mass. Capital. $350,000, oiiBrs. llf MOW Don't put off until next week, or next month, or next year, Get tie PROFITS Yourself ! You might just as well have it as to lot somo one else havo it. MY BEFORE TBI ABTANffl! olili & Parker THE LIVE REAL ESTATE AfflTS HAVE SOME BLE ACREAGE ! ! -AT- City Property and "STory Xiow Figures T JSJTCall or send for their Lists. Astoria, - Oregon. Nnui Yrn3' Mnualt IllTf? 1U1A ilOWO ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES BlaTiT. Books, 3-fci,-to:ra.o:L3r.. c l. PARKER.iFoard & Stokes DEALKRSIN GENERAL MERCHANDISE New Goods Arriving Every Steamer THIS WEEK. OVER 30 PATTERNS. The Old Stand - Astoria OreRon. A.-'W, WHOLESALE AND H12TAIL DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed. o Crockery, Glass Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Fresk Fruits and ITegetables. Keceived fresh every Steamer. FIRE BRICK UKAl.KK 1J." Hay, Oats, ana Straw, Lime, Wood Delirered to Order. E . .ip;l t.i .Ur C:iii.i:t or to The Str. Telephone Fast Time Between Portland and Astoria. LEAVE POKTLAND : Toot of Alder Street Daily, except Tuesday, at. 7 :0o a. m. LEAVE ASTOKIA : Wilson & Fisher's Dock. Daily, except Tuesday, at S :00 r. ai. The Lurline. FAST TIME BETWEEN Portland and Astoria ! LEAVE ASTOKIA, Main St. Whaif. Daily, omitting Monday, at 7 a.m. ON SUNDAY, at 7 LEAVE POKTLAND. Every Night at 8 r. m. EXCEPT SUNDAY NIGHT. EALAN THE Railroad Terminus OF THE llwaco & Shoalwater Bay Railroad. A GRAND SUMMER RESORT. The coming County Seat. This line loca tion, soon to he the principal town in Pacific County, W. T., Is now platted in lots and blocks and Ls in the market. Here is a Rare Opportunity for Profitable Investment. Ijots for Sale for $50 and. Upwards B. A. SEAB0RG, llwaco, W.T. A NEW ENTERPRISE. City Express Transfer Company. H. D. Thing and C. E. Miller, PROPRIETORS. Ileadquarters at Main Street wharf. TELEPHONE NO. 43. A General 'Express and Delivery Business transacted. Your patronage is solicited. Virginia Ciffar anfl Toliacco Store J. W. BOTTOM, Proprietor, Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney. I -n -! .vuavwn auu ouiuscte -'i ISold at Lowest Market Rates. FRUITS, CAITDIBS NOTIONS.&c Trrfaij c7-it-f nmy"f -"--TarT nfmraa wnrtry III lfiJS U 1 WHAT YOU ;kt at IN Groceries and Provisions. Ever tiling in a First-cl.iss Store ami at Extremely Low Figures. Cooils Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price for Junk. FOARD & STOKES FIRE CLAY Brick, Cement, Sand anfl Plaster DrHjInir, Teaming ami Kxprcv KsmlneHi. igJSggrj BKArtiKIE i!!iUU P.1RKBI! -jsSb!?"1 t i.., r n.i.. ur. KrTJM.. KUKHJH! orCHAl- s. n. ia:ch.!:k. withhb wjmyww- r-irMnnBBI Seaside Bakery. Best Milk ISroatl and CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Fine Candies. AND Ornamental Confectionery And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Candles. .TOIINSONBROH. (WNDV Manufactured and Tor Sale at Wholesale Pi ices, at The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. Good Breafl, Cale ai Pastry None but the Best Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered In any part of the city. -TnE- DIAMOND PALACE GTJSTAY HAiNSEX, Prop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls t Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. All Goods Nought at This Establishment Warranted Genuine. Watch mid Cloclc Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. HERE ARE BARGAINS. Staves at Cost! And everj thing at Reduced Prices at J. A. Montgomery's Tm Ware, Granite Ware, House Furnishing Goods, Pumps, Zincs, Builders' Hardware, Etc. The Entire Stock at Very Low Prices. J. A. Montgomery. GO TP Thompson & Eoss And get some of those No. One California Canned Fruits AND VEGETABLES. We Are Selling Cheap