- --p J'"ji"! m 1-1"" -V!i- iiV . tttrixs&riii t .. t f . .. . , . SKTW V-'-, 'Iaiy5- 25 Sp4 V0L.XXX1II, NO. 14. ASTORTA, OR EG OK, THURSDAY, JULY IS. 1889. PRICE MVE CENTS f a& s ?&i?s&2z ri,- -- -l t-2ssci' - jft IB , ir ibS fHi" im fSVT iHTiB mmM A a 11 1111 III II BUSINESS CARDS. a A. CLETBLASD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office Flavel's new brick building, corner Second and Cass streets ; up stairs. 0. .T. CURTIS, Altorneyat-Law: Notary Public. Commissioner of Deeds for Washington Territory. Office in Flavel's new brick building, Cor. Second and Cass streets. TOU.V If. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street. 2 doors back of Odd Fellows Building, Astoria, Oregon. R" KEM KAXAiSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olllce over White House Cor., Astoria, Or. Q.K., XOIiAXI, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Mice in Kinney's Block, opposite City Mall, Astoi la, Oregon. I W. KUL.TON. Q. C. FULTON FULTON BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. itooms 5 and C. Odd Fellows Building. V O,. A. BOWLBY, ittorney and. ConuHellor lit Ittixv Office on Cheuamus Street, Astoria, Oregon T II. MAXSEIili, "real, estate broker AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Established 188.1. Third Street, next to W, U. Telegraph Of fice, Astoria, Or. TR. J- K. I4A FOKCK, DENTIST. linoms 11 ana 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, - - OREGON, PiRS. A. li. ANDJ. A, FITI.TOM. Cass street, between 3rd and -itli. Special attention to Diseases of Women and Children, by Dr. A, L. Fulton. Special attention to Surgery, by Dr. J. A. Fulton. Office hours from 10 to 12 A. ai and l to 4 P.M. Dt. .1 IV TITTTB.K. -!l'IAN AND .SUKOKON Kiim No. tt Pythian Builalug. olllce hours 10 to 12 and I to C. Night calls at Room No 9. i) It. . It. KNTKK. s'H YMU1AX AND SUUUKUN. Special attention to Diseases of Women and Surgery. j-KioK: Opposite Telegraph Olllce, up Stairs, Astoria, .leon. DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2 Pythian Building over C H. Cooper's Store. DR. SHACELEFORD. Astoria la Blessed With a Veterinary Surgeon Who is fullv competent, and any one hav ing need of las services will find him at the Parker House. Astoria, Oregon. Abstracts of Title. C. R.THOMSON Keeps a full set of Abstract Books and will examine the Title to any Heal Es tate in the county and furnish an Abstract of Title to the same. Terms reasonable. W01 k guaranteed. I A. tOHTII, ii?ir PORE 0?PRICE$ GREAM gAKlNg Used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of the Great Univer sities and Public Food Analysts, as the Strongest, Purest and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price's Delicious Flavoring Extracts, Yanllla, Lemon, OrangefrAlmond, Rose, etc,, do not contain Polson ouslOils or Chemicals. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., New York, Chicago, San Francisco. The Teacher v71io advised her pupils to strengthen ;lieir minds by the use of Ayer's Sar- 1 japarilla, appreciated the truth that jodily health is essential to mental rigor. For persons of delicate and feeble jonstitntion, whether young or old, this nedicine is remarkably beneficial. Ba mre you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla. " Everv spring and fall I take a num ber of bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and am greatly benefited." Mrs. James H. Eastman, Stoneham, Mass. "I have taken Ayer's Sarsaparilla with great benefit to my general health." MissThirza L. Crerar, Palmyra, Md. "My daughter, twelve years of age, has suffered for the past year from Genera! Debility. A few weeks since, -we began to give her Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Her health has greatly improved." Mrs. Harriet H. Battles, South Chelmsford, Mass. "About a year ago I began using Ayer'a Sarsaparilla as a remedy for debility and nenralgia resulting from malarial exposure in the army. I was in a very bad condition, but six bottles of the Sar fiaparilla, with occasional doses of Ayer'3 rills, have greatly improved my health. I am now able to work, and feel that I cannot sav too'much for your excellent remedies." :F. A. rinkham, boutn Moluncus, Me. "Mv daughter, sixteen years old, ia fising'Aver's Sarsaparilla with good ef fet." Rev. S. J. Graham, United Brethren Church, Buckhannon.W.Va. " I suffered from Nervous Prostration, ft-itli lame back and headache, and have Im'pii much benelited by the use of Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. I am now 80 years of age, and am satisfied that my presont health and prolonged life are due to the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla." Lucy Moftitt, Killingly, Conn. Mrs. Ann 1L Farnsworth. a lady 79 wais old, So. Woodstock, Yt., writes: 'After, several weeks' suffering from nervous prostration, I procured a bottle of Awr's Sarsaparilla, and before I had taken half of it my usual health a iu ned " Avar's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY D.. J. C. Ayer ic Co., Lowell, Mass. hue H; six bottles, 5. Worth $5 a bottle. stimulate the torpid liver, strengthen the digestive organs, regulate t ho bow els, and are uuequaled ai an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE. In malarial districts tl!r virtues aro widely recognized, as they Misses PECULIAR PROPERTIES in f reolng the systerfi from that poison. Dee huiall. Elegantly sugar coated. Price, 25 cents per box. Sold Everywhere. Office, 44 Murray St., N. Y. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. There Is no occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to 1'ortland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANY. New Goods bv Evory Steamer. Call aud See Him and Satisfy Yourself. P. J. Meany. Merchant Tailor. AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MARTIN OLSEN, Successor to E. C .Holden. The oldest established Commission House In Oregon. Goods of all kinds sold on com mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing, Jobbing and Uphol stering done. Fine stock of Furniture on hand. When you want Bargains in Household Goods go to MAUTl.N OI.SK.N WFfHITFQHRS Tutt s Pills pR.PRICEs DEITCIOHS fUVORlHB EXTRACTS OHEWED BY A OALP. A Boy Who Had Uever Seen a Girl and What Happened. A well known Washington mer chant tells the following story on himself: He was born clear up in the mountains near the Tennessee line. His mother died when he was two months old, and his father and grandmotber:raiecd" him by hand in their lonely cabin, on a mountain clearing, mile3 from the nearest neighbor. He' was clad in a single flowing garnlent on the Mother Hub bard style, made of homespun tow cloth which was lengthened as years added length to his limbs. He never saw a girl till he was sixteen. That year a terrible drought struck in and his father "had to go ten mile3 down the "cove" to get his corn ground. So he yoked up the steers and threw several bags of corn in the bottom of the cart. The boj in his peculiar garment, climbed in and sat on the bags. He was goiug to a new and far off country, ana every sight was a wonder. Arriving at the mill he watched with curious interest the corn making its way from the hopper into the heart of the stone and then spurt out into warm white iets into the trough. He went out side and saw the water pour over and turn the huge overshot wheel and peered with a sensation of fear iuto the dark, mossy cavern into which the wheel was forever retreating. On riainer at a little distance he spied a log cabin, and shortly wan dered over through the brush in its direction. A rail fence stopped his progress n couple of rods from the doorway, aud he leaned over and looked. There, sitting outside the door on a bench, were two girls. Oue wa3 spinning wool aud the other knitting. They were the most beau tiful things he had ever seen, and he nearly died right there. They saw him and burst out laughing at his re markable appearance. He didn't know what to do, but thought it was probably the proper thing to stare at them and laugh back, which he did with interest. This mutual enter tainment kept "up for some ten min utes, when one of the girls laughed so hard Bhe rolled off the bench. He thought that was queer, but just then he felt something cold on his legs. He turned around. As he did so both girls shrieked with laughterand ran iuto the house. He found that the cold thing on his legs was the muzzle of ainll calf that was ohew ing away vigorously on what was left of the rear of his dress, which had been shockingly mutilated by the animal during the few minutes he was staring at the girls. He has seen more girls since aud bears their smilea with greater equan imity. He is also one of the best dressed men in Washington, but that experience with the bull calf and the girls will never be effaced from his memory. . Blessing of Sleep. DR. FLINT'S REMEDY, for the man or woman who finds himself or herself unable to sleep nights, is an invaluable medicine, which will not only procure the. blessing of sleep, but will prevent a general breaking down of the system. Descriptive treatise with each bottle; or, address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. A Michigan father commanded his grown-up daughter not to go to a picnic, bnt she decided that was old enough to be her own boss, and she not only gamboled under the green wood trees, but got married and went to housekeeping before night. De troit Free Press. 1VE CJ.IX AND DO Guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir for it has been fully demonstrated to the peo ple of this country that it is superior to an oiuer preparation wr uiuuu uiM-usrs It is a positive cure for syphilitic poison it is it pus iuve unit; iui ay luiuuii ing. Ulcers, Eruptions and Tim ntions ami ninnies. It mrifies the whole system and thorough ly uuiuis up 1110 constitution. Conn, Druggist. J. W. Russell Harrison's- latest business venture is the erection of a new hot swimming bath at Helena, Mont. The bath is to be 120 feet square, and the water as it Hows into the bath will drop a distance of forty-two feet in a cascade. Druggists and all others who sell Ayer's Ague Cure are authorized to guarantee a cure in evory instance. Try this medicine first, A man in Australia has discovered a process by which he can season freshly cut Australian lumher in less than seven days. This seems hardly credible, as heretofore it has required several years. Steam is one of the agencies employed. For the complexion ubo Ayer'a Sar saparilla. It brings blooming health to wan cheeks. Enoch Townsend, of Saco, Me.-, is credited with accomplishing the feat of riding from Boston trr Portland on a bicycle in a single day, having left the Hub at 6 o'clock in the m'orning and arriving at Portland at 8 o'clock in the evening. BueJileusAriiica SuItc. The Best Salve in the world foi Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheuin, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It. is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Pricelio cents per box. For sale by J. C. Dement. A Correct Answer. A scientific paper recently offered a reward for the moat correct answers to certain scientific oroblem3. Amoncr others was the old scientific "conun drum, "which weighs the most, a pound of feathers or a' pound of lead? Of course n pound i3 n pound, no matter of what substance, and when the simple or thoughtless per son answers that a pound of lead is the heaviest, everybody laughs. Mr. Charles Plitt, in answering this ques tion, claims that the pound of lead would weigh the heaviest because the feathers would be buoyed up by a weight equal to the amount of air which they displace just as a cork is buoyed up in the water. In fu ture, therefore, we mu3t refrain from laughing at the fool's auswer, as practically it is correct. Of course, if weighed in a vacnnm a ponnd of any two substances would weigh alike. The people of Cairo are irritated over the opposition of France to En gland's scheme for the conversion of the Egyptian debt, because England would not consent to evacuate Egypt. The abandonment of the scheme will prevent a continuance of the works to improve irrigation by the waters of the Nile, and will also hinder a de crease in the rates of taxation. A curious animal peculiar to Tas mania is the Tasmauia devil. It is eqnnl in size to the short legged ter rier. Its skin is nearly of equal thickness to that of a pig, and is cov ered with a course, jt t black hair. It is of the bear species, and possesses a power of jaw scarcely inferior to that of the bull dog. 1 duty to yoiFitsr.i.r. It is surprising that people will use a common, ordinary pill when Uiey can secure a valuable English ojio for the same money. Dr. Acker's English pills arp a jMHitice euro for sick-headache and all liver troubles. They are small, sweet, easly taken and do not gripe. .1. Y. Conn, Druggist. Belgium is a poor place for phy sicians. A writer to a medical jour nal published there snys that they have tho care of three-fourths of the population, get nothing at nil from ope-half pf their patients and very poor pay from tho rest. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria When Baby was sick, wo gavo her Castoria. tVhen she was a Child, sho cried for Castoria, Then she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Then she had Children, she gave them Castoris Wyomiug is proud of one of its qualifications for statehood. Of its adult population ouly 2 G-10 per cent, are illiterates. A Fact worth Knoulut?. No mere cathartic can exert any action upon the Liver, yet many persons of bilious habit arc continually dosing themselves to produce actions which only weaken the bowels and aggravate the evil. When tho Liver requires stimulating the precise agent to give healthful and prolonged impetus is Sim mons Liver Kegulator. It is a safe me dicine to take, being purely vegetable. There is no danger from salivation or from exposure. The population of St. Paul and Minneapolis is, according to the new directories, close to half a million. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiates given in the fom of Soothing syrup. Why mother give their children such di adly poison is surprising when they can releuve the child of its peculiar irouines uy using ACKer s Jiauy soother. It contains no Onium or Mornhine. Sold by .1. W. Conn, Druggist. Salt Lake has lost 9 per cent of its saltness in the last five years. POWDER Absolutely Pure This powder never vanes, A marvel or ,iurlty, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than tho ordinary kinds, and can not be sold In competition with the multi tude of low test, short weight, alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in can. Kovai. BAKINO PowdkkCo. 10G V'all-st., N, Y. D. W. CnowLEr & Co. ..gents, Portland, Oregon. 531 f I?0 HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WSHOIR iuafcg Tho majority of tho ills of tho human body arlso from a. diseased Iivor. Sim mons Liver Kegulator has been the mean of restoring moro people to health ant, happiness by giving them a health IJvor than any other agency on earth, j SEE THAT YOU OET THE GENUINE. Vviw SI. I. W, Oase, BANKER. ESTABLISHED 1870. Transacts a Goneral Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the U. S. and Knrope. and on Hong Kong, China Ofi'ick IIouks : 10 a. m. to 3 r. m. Onn I'Ki.t.ou's Buii.mxo, Astoi la, Oregon. Astoria Iron forte. Concomly St., Toot of Jackson, Astoria. Oi General 1 Land and Marine Engines B01T,F,R WORK, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work A SPKCIAI.TV, Castings of all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. John Fox Prosldent. and Sunt. A. L. Fox Vice President J. (J. Hustlrk Sec. and Treas. Wilson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF FARM IMPLEMENT , Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills, FAIRBANKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. University oi Oregon. EUGENE CITY. Next session becins on Monday, the lGtli of September, 18S9. Free scholarships from every county in the State. Apply to your County Superin tendent. Free tuition after January i. 1S00. Four Courses : Classical, Scientific, Liter ary and a short English Course in which there is no Latin, Greek.Frenchor German. The Knelish is pre-emmentlv a Business Course. For catalogues or other informa tion, address .1. "V. JOHNSON, President. Notice ' IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE LEGAL voters of School District No. One. Clatsop county. Oregon, that a meeting will be held In the school house of .-ald District, on Saturday July 2uth, 1SS9, at 7 :30 p. m.. for the purposo of levying a Tax to suppoit a school in said District for the ensuing year. Also to levy a tax to pay interest on the present indebtedness ; also to levy a tax tor Incidental Expenses ; also to levy a tax to redeem some of the outstanding Bonds : and to transact such other business as may propeily come before the meeting. By order of the Board of Directors. Attest : C. W. FULTON, J. G. HUSTLEK, Chairman. ClerK. Astoria, July 9. 18S9. A Pocket Match Safe Free to Smokers of : USSTI.ESSNESS. j 6 ! A STRICTLY VECSTABLC Hljf P FAULTLESS FAMILY MECICIXE. H PHILADELPHIA. Hj g: IL Price, OH E Dollar iff GJSESBj flALL AND EXAMINE OUR FINE LIGHT SINGLE AND DOUBLE BUGGY HARNESS, Lap Kobes, Sheets, Nets, etc. Astoria Harness ai Sale Slioj OLNEY ST., ASTORIA, OREGON. The New Model Range CAN BE HAD IN Agent. Call and Examine It ; You "Will be Pleased. E.K.IIawesIs also Agent Tor the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. lui -AtfD- CEILING DECORATIONS! fiOOO double roll of Wall Paper and Decorations of tho latest styles and shades jnst received direot from Eastern factories. Also a largo assortment of CARPETS Of all Rrados in boantiful now designs New Smyrna Rugs, Portiere Curtains, China Matting, Etc., Etc, Call and examine. CLTAS. LTEILBORN. THE VIENNA C. W. Fisher & Co., Prop's. Game, Fish, Oysters, Etc., COOKED TO ORDER- Fino Private Rooms. JKvcrythlnc Irst Class. Oenevleve Street, rear or Grlflln & Reed's. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Is the Leading and Only First-Glass RESTAURANT. Good Cooking. Clean Services. Reasonable Trices, rolite Walters. Prompt Attention. Try Him and You will be More than Satlsfipd, Everybody Says So. Private Rooms. MAIN STREET, - - - ASTORIA. ia Mrs. King and Mrs- Owens, Prop's. CHENAMUS ST., NEAR POSTOFFJCE. Meals at AH Times, Day and Night. OYSTERS in any and all styles. Spring Chickens always on hand. Every thing the market affords. Fried or broiled Spring Chickens at any time. . Wanted. BIDS FOR FREIGHTING ABOUT 73 tons wood pulp per month, for twelve months, from Young's River Falls taO. R. & N. Dock, Astoria, Oregon. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Address R.M.BRAYNE. Young's River Falls, Via Astoria, Or. Restaurant ail Chop JEFF'S Astor Restaurant LINE OF ASTOKIA, ONLY OF 7 wM,wmm, CHRIS. KVKXSOX. F. COOK THE Central Hot EVENSOK & COOK On the European Plan. LARGE CLEAN ROOMS, A FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT Board by the Day, Week or Month Private Rooms for Families, Etc. Transient Custom Solicited. Oysters, Fish, Meats, Etc., Cooked to Order. WATKK St., Opp. Jfc'oarcl & Stolies A FIRST CLASS SALOON Run In connection with the Premises. The Best or WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Good Billiard Tables and Private Card Rooms. JUSTUS EDWARDS. DAVE KKJJNEDV. IHBarjffEDY & EDWARDS. PROPRIETORS OF THE PARKER HOUSE. First Class in Every Respect Thoroughly Renovated and Repaired throughout : S7 large, sunny rooms. TWO DIXIIYG ROOMS. Tables supplied with everything the mar ket affords. Fine Bar and Billiard Room : choice biands Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Free Conch to and from, the House. A Fine Sample Room for Commercial travelers. Serra's Eestaurant Refitted and Refurnished Throughout. Rooms to let by the Day, "Week or Month. First class in every respect. Tables furnished with all the delicacies of the season. The finest brands of Imported and Domes tic Wines, Liquors and Cigars at the bar. Zinfandel Wines, 50 cents per gallon. Families supplied. S?For a good bed and a square meal go to the SERRA RESTAURANT, Near 0. R. & N. Dock, Astoria. Redemption of Bonds. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED TILL 12 noon. July 20th, 1889. for tho redemp tion of bonds of School District No. One, to the amount of S2.000, By order of the Roard. C. W. FULTON. .1. G, HUSTLER, Chairman. Clerk. Astoria, July 9th, 1SS9. For Sale. M Patent Rio Saw Machine. 1 Patent Jig ' " 1 " Shaper. 1 Mortising Machine. 1 Patent Band Saw. Above machines are for Foot or Hand Power, and will be sold cheap, for cash. Enquire of JOHN A. MONTGOMERY.