SpST" sssyy3 ! K? She glaUjj iMiotfan. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY. ..JULY 1C, 1889. ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, A3TOUIAN BUILDIXG, Cass Street. Terms oTSubscripUon. Served bv Carrier, per veek........... 15 cts Sent bv Mail, per month W) cts " " " one year. $7.00 Free of postage to subscribers.. The Astokiax guarantees to its adver tisers the largest circulation of any newspa per published on the Columbia river. Watermelons have arrived. 2o Two's engine is having the new net of tubes put in. The schooner John G. North, lum ber laden, sailed for San Francisco yesterday. Eeserved seats for the Chas. Gardner performance at the New York Novelty store this morning. The Columbia arrived from San Francisco yesterday with 120 tons freight for Astoria. Next month 210 census takers will complete the national census for Ore gon. The pay is SG a day. A new post office has been estab lished at Bay City, Tillamook county, with O. Young as postmaster. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hillback, of Union town died Sunday evening and was buried yes terday. From present appearances it looks as though the expectations of a good many Alaska salmon canuers will not be realized. Chas. S. Wright is having his resi dence and surrounding buildings raised in accordance with the estab lished grade. What would make three or four towns in Oklahoma is being taken over to Clatsop and North Beach for summer use. On account of the Gen. Canby hav ing to clean out her boilers yesterday, the Winona took her place." She will run as usual to-day. Rob't McFarron, No. 15G, was the lucky winner of lot 2, block 43, Shive ly'a Astoria, at the raffle at Herman Wise's last evening. Capt O. R. Staples has purchased the steamer Improvement, and in a few days will take her to Tillamook to run on the bav. The purchase price was S800. The State of California, sailed for San Francisco yesterday with the fol lowing cargo from here: 1,410 bids shooks, 105 sks. oysters, and IJi tons assorted truck. Tom. C. Lewis is wanted for for gery; American, age l0, five feet eleven inches in height, reddish hair, smooth face, long nose; notify chief of police Barry. Capt Al. Harris has filled the life crew at the cape with the regular complement of men, there are eight; they get 50 a month, and are always ready for a call. Deputy county assessor, H. G. Smith, returned yesterday from Westport, where he has been assessing. All parts of the count' have now been assessed with the exception of the city. The pilot schooner Gov. Moody came around from Smith's Point hist evening Avhere she had been undergo ing a thorough overhauling prepara tory to cruising outside the bar. She looks fine. Weather permitting, the M. E. Sun day school will have a picnic at Al derbrook to-day. If the morning is favorable the children and others go ing are requested to meet at the M. E. church at 10 o'clock. Canned sliad is the latest. No josh about this. Columbia canuers take fat sliad, rip out that part that has the most bones, steam and can the shad, and when the pie is opened the shad begins to sing. It is immense. The salmon run yesterday was re parted a little better than usual. Mon day's salmon catch always is better than any day of the previous week. but the water would have to be stiff with salmon for the next two weeks to have anything like even last year's figures. , A dispute in the justice court about the ownership of a fish net said to have been stolen at Brookfield, gave rise, yesterday, to a personal alterca tion between the attorneys, that for tunately went no further than hard words, which break no bones. One of them, was, however, fined S3 for con tempt of court. A silly statement is going the rounds of the press that Rev. W. J. Franklin was shanghaied on board a vessel here and carried to China. Such statements do much to injure this city and have no foundation except in malice, stu pidity or ignorance. Mrs. W. J. Franklin desires it stated that no word has ever been received by her since the sad disappearance of her husband that would justify the assumption. Little Danny Boss, the eleven year old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Boss, was seriously injured by the accident al discharge of a gun last Sunday evening. He was out huuting near Knappa when it occurred,the contents of the gun striking him in the fore head, inflicting a ghastly but not nec essarily dangerous wound. The little sufferer was brought to town yester day morning and is receiving the best of care. COUNTY 00TJET PE0UEEDINGS. The Eoad Commissioners' Eeport. Ten Thousand Dollars Bend Ordered Paid. The county court met yesterday and transacted the following business: A communication was read from L N. Foster, in regard to proposed wag on road, objected to the report In the matter of the county treas urer, and in regard to county bonds, it is ordered that J. C. Dement, county treasurer forthwith pay Geo. W. Hume bonds from No. 1 to No. in all the sum of $10,000, in county bonds, and return same to county clerk, and the same be cancelled, and the clerk was instructed to issue a warrant for the same. In the matter of the damages of H. Oliverson, ordered paid as per last order. . The application of Aug. Danielson and Erik Johnson for a liquor license was ordered granted. In the -matter of the Nehalem road as provided by the act of the legisla ture: this being the time for examina tion and annroval of report of commis sioners, and the court having inspected the same, and the communication of I. N. Foster, having been read and the testimony of Wm. Uhauce, ana J. F. Bender in regard to same, and from said testimony the court; hnd3 said suggestions of I. N. Foster impractica ble at this time. Now, therefore, ordered considered adjudged and decreed that the report of Wm. Uliance, J. a. rea der, and N. D. Raymond, hereto fore filed be aud the same is now adopted, and confirmed, as the notes, plans, and specifications of route of said road, and as the plans and specifications are approved, bids will le received for building of same. A petition of taxpayers asking for allowance to Co. "H," O. N. G., hav ing been read and allowed, the clerk is instructed to issue warrant for July, in the sum of 50, and each mouth thereafter, draw a warrant for the sum of S25. Coroner Surprenant's report read aud filed. In the matter of the Westport road, by the request of J. Q. A. Bowlby, at torney for petitioner until the 22nd, for consideration of same. Bids for the constnfCtion of wagon road from Olney to the enuuty line will bo considered at ten o'clock this morning. The following bills were ordered paid: Pioneer, $2&39; Wilson ie Fisher, S14; N. D. Kavmoiul, Slf; steamer Telephone. S3:l. W. Conn, 82.35; The Astohiax, 34.25; Columbia Water Co., S24; Astoria Gaslight Co., $j.2U; Sherman A: Ward, S3; Gragg Bros, $25; p. E. Ferehen, $85; M. Olseu, $12; Fulton Bros, $10; S. Danziger, S5.50; W.J.Barrv $200.45; H. Wise, $27; New Yoik 'Novell v Store, $15.(50; A. V. Allen, $35.25; G. Iversou, $2.30; D. C. Ireland, $3; C. M. llunyon, $10; B. F. Allen, $2.50; J. H. D. Gray, $14; Parker A- Hanson, $18.10; J. Q. A. Bowlbv, $25; C. W. Shively, $15; Sisters or Charitv, $270; Astoria Iron Works, $12; F. 11. Surpreuant $55; M. Nowleu, $33.11; J. W. Conn, S1.50; J. C. Dement, $3; Jacob Jordan, $11.70; M. C. Crosbv, $13 05; Griffin V Heed, $18.25. Adjourned to 10 o'clock tliu inorn- J'KItsUXAl. 31BXI'U)X. Dr. Alfied Kinney aud family re turned fibm Clatsop beach yesterday. Mrs. H. B. Luce, of Hillsboro, sister of Mrs. J. W. Gearhart, is in the city. Miss Laura Humble left last even ing for Port Townsend to visit her sister Mrs. John Betts. Christian Zanuer has been ap pointed light keeper at the new light house at Destruction island. Miss Gillespie, of San Francisco, who has been visiting Capt Howes and wife returned on the State yester day. Mrs. James Drennan and Mrs. James Ingleton left on the Slate of Calif o rnia yesterday for San Fran cisco. Congressman Binger Hermann and family came down on the Telephone yesterday and went to Clatsop to visit Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward. Several Surveying Parties. J.UO woqus are mil ot surveying parties, private, government ami rail road. Surveyor Todd and a party of five have gone to T. G 8 and will survey m.the neighborhood of Mishawaka: timber surveyors and cruisers are al so in that direction. Last Sunday two parties of rail road surveyors came down aud pitched rueir tenis in me court House square. Yesterday they started, one partv in charge of Mr. Habersham, going to the mouth of the Necanicum, the other, in charge of Mr. Cooper, strik ing out for Olney. . The motto of the State university is "Mens agitat molem." Here is an op portunity for the state Agricultural college to compete with its sister in stitution. There was once a mer chant who hired a college professor to write him a motto for his sien, and the professor wrote, "Mens conscia recti." The merchant's rival across the street determined not to be out done, and had painted on his sign. 'Men's and women's conscia recti." So the Agricultural college might, in generous rivalry or. the State univer sity, have its motto, "Men's and wo men's agitat molem." Butloriclt Patterns. Parker & Hanson are the Astoria agents of the Butterick Publishing Co.'s patterns, and are now prepared to fur nish them. Catalogues can be had on application. Coffee and cake, ren Central Restaurant. rents, at the Go to Jeff's for Oysters.' A GOLDEN WEDDING. One of the prettiest of Longfellow's poems is that entitled "The Hanging of the Crane," where in happy rhyme the poet tells of a young couple be ginning life together in a plain farm house, amid the congratulations of a number of friends who had gathered to bid them God speed in their start on Life's journey. And with youth at the prow and pleasure at the helm, the freshness of hope, and the enthusiasm of the life that lay in the future, the young couple began life. A companion picture to that was seen at the hospitable residence of Col. Jas. Taylor yesterday evening, where, surrounded by his children and grandchildren and friends, the vener able gentleman and his honored wife stood to receive the hearty congratula tions of thronging friends on the cele bration of their Golden Wedding, the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. Half a century from Julv 15th, 1839, to July 15th, 1889, have they journeyed through life side by side, and the occasion was as unusual as it was interesting, appealing to the deeper feelings of many present. The guests were received by the daughters of the house and ushered into the reception room, where be neath a magnificent floral bell of lilies and roses, Col. Taylor and his wife received the cordial greetings of the callers, a list of whom would com prise hundreds of Astorians and others resident close by, many of whom brought up memories of "the days of auld lang syne." In the dining rooms a sumptuous supper was served, and from four till eight full justice was done it. It was an unusual reunion, several having come from other parte of the state and from California to be pres ent, the occasion being a pleasant one while in progress, and a pleasant re membrance to hang upon the walls of Memory s picture gallery. Divins for Salmon. Incredible as it may seem, a man has been for four days profitably en gaged in diving for salmon in Seattle harbor. The successful fisherman is Henry Wright, clad in the clumsy mask and rnbber armor of the sub marine mechanic. The fish is in cans, was put up by the Columbia Packing company iu this city, was on Cole man's wharf, foot of Columbia street, on the day of the fire, and fell into the water. About 1,000 cans a day are being re covered. Before beginning the work of rescue it was necessary to remove a considerable quantity of sheet iron and buggy springs that covered the salmon. A sack containing thirty or forty cans is filled by the diver on the muddy floor of the bay under the new wharf and pulled to the surface and emptied into a scow. The burned and burst cans are thrown away, but the others are washed and laid aside to be relabeled. Mr. Wright's assistaut says his employer ' has the coolest job in town. Seattle Post-Intelligen-ar, 12. Difficult to Relieve iu The Eu.t. Recently two Oregon gentlemen who were conversing on a railway train spoke of the way the country had grown up to timber since the whites has settled it and tue Indians nau quit burning it ovor annually. This conversation was overheard by a pas senger who said he was interested in lumber manufacture at the east. He asked if it were possible that within forty years forests had grown on these prairies aud in the "Willamette valley that furnished trees that made saw timber that would square ten inches or a foot He was shown such a growth, visible from the train, and told that it had grown since one of the Oregonians present had been born. He said people back east would not believe him if he told the story, and he would not believe it if he had not seen it Oregonian. THE LADIES DELIGHTED. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladles may ue the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, un der all conditions make it their favorite lemedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual m noting on the kidneys, liver unit bowels. Salem People Should Take Courage. The Astoria and South Coast rail road seems to be on sound footing, and Astoria will no doubt be con nected by rail with the great "Willam ette valley within a couple of years. The people of Salem should take cour age from the success of tlie Astorians in this enterprise. Plenty of work in the right direction will make Salem a railroad center. Salem Statesman, 14. Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, anil nave never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. J. yy. conn, uruggisu Wanted. A good nurse girl. One with expe rience. Apply at the Occident hotel, Boom 9. Iloticc. The Main Street House affords good accommodations at SI per day. Kegu lar boarders, Single Rooms, S5.50 per week. Two persons occupying one room, $5 per week. Day board, per week, $4. Weinbarcl's Beer. And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, o cents. If you want to have a fine suit of clothes go to the Paris Tailor. He can make the best fitting suits and sells the cheapest. Steals Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to JFoard & Stokes'. OLATSOP 00UNTY PETANOES. Detailed Eeports of County Officers. Exhibit of The County's Condition. Piuancial A Decrease of Debt of Ovpr Ten Thousand Dollars During The Year. Expenses of the county of Clatsop for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1889. Warrants drawn and issued follews: are as Expensc-a of Circuit Court, $ 4,819 75 ' "Justice's " 1,982 84 " " Board Prisoners... 979 91 " Collection of Taxes.. 867 34 ' Roads and Bridges.. 2,517 23 Electiona 1,33145 " Assessor's Office 1,4U 50 ' Insane and Paupers. 1,199 58 interest on uonos... 1,600 00 salaries or umcers.. Fees " County Court " Stationery and Print ing, including all the courts """ Repairs and Im provements, includ sidewalks and sew ers ' Fuel, Lights and water ' Incidentals 1,275 00 1,712 75 79 55 609 8.1 357 41 307 75 424 76 Coroner's Office 204 60 School Sup't do 118 70 Total 22,573 00 Paid Interest on Warrants 3,648 59 Total 2ti,221 50 sheriff's account. H. A. Smith, sheriff and tax collector in account with Clatsop connty. Jan'y 7, 1889. Dr. To tax roll for 1888 with war rants thereon, 3J7-10 mills for state pur poses 9,122 82 l-iu mill university 246 56 2-10 Militia 493 12 School 12,323 13 County Debt 6,164 00 Current Expenses. 25,889 10 5 " 2.5-10 " 10.5-10" 23 mills. Am't assessed by sheriff. 54,243 79 329 89 554,573 68 OR. CONTBA. By taxes colleoted and paid to County Treasurer as per re ceipts filed $49,120 12 By errors, doubly assessed, etc., on assessment roll 4,513 06 By excess of Costs over Receipts of Tax sales 196 46 By amount still delinquent and not collectible 714 04 $."4,573 08 treasurer's report. J. C. Dement, Couuty Treasurer, in ac count with Clatsop County. Kor 3rear ending Juno 3-J, 1389. 1883. Da. July 3. To balance turned over by Isaac Bergman $6t790 25 " amount from D. J. lugalls on roads " amount from I. Bsrgmau, schools " amount from C. W. Shively, school sup't 4J amount for liquor licences . . " Fines, fees, etc a " Poll Tax .V 4 75 35 00 66 00 500 00 419 30 591 00 " am't for schools from State. 2,427 50 ' " Taxes, 1837, W. G. Boss 3,977 :J9 " " " 1887, H. A. Smith 17 05 " " ' 18S8. " 49,120 12 Total $63,948 36 CB. CONTRA. By am'fc State Taxes Paid $ 9.862 50 " . ' Sohool Warrants, paid 11,376 36 " " County Warrants, paid 25,132 06 Iu't on Countv Warrants... 3,648 50 " Balance ou Hand 13,923 94 Total 563,948 36 The above balauce is iu the following funds: General Fund 11,878 80 SchoolFuud 2,009 14 Institute Fund 41 00 Total : $13,923 94 COUNTY PIHANCIAIi BEPORT. June 30, 1889. County warrants outstaudiug and unpaid, per report June 30, 1888. 1883-84, S458.G6; 1881-85, S55G.40; 1885-8G, 5,403.99; 1886-87, S13.529.87; 1887-88, $19,467.40; 1888-89, (issued for expenses of year ending June 30, 1888.) 822,573. Paid since June 30, 1888 and filed by treasurer: of warrants 1883-84, S404.70; 1884-85, $392.45; 1885-86, 5, 086.86; 1886-87, 13,116.12; 1887-88, 83,641.52; 1888-89, 82,490.41. Outstanding June 30, 1889: war ants, of 1883-84, 853.96; 1884-85, 8163. 95; 1885-86, 8317.13; 1886-87, 8413.75; 1887-88, 815,825.88;1888-89, 820,082.59. Debt of county June 30, 1889: Warrants outstanding $30,857.26 Bonds outstanding 20,000.00 $56,857.20 Less cash on hand in gen. fund 11,878.80 Actual debt June 30, '89. . . . $44,978,40 Debt June 30, 1888, as per report of A. Gibbons 55,144.52 Debt June 30, 1889 44,978.46 Decrease for the year $10,166.06 m A Safe Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to brine you satisfactory results, or in case of lailure a return oi purcnase price, un this safe plan you can buy from our ad vertised Druggist a bottleof Dr. King's Xew Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest such as Consumption, In flammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asth ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles free at .I.W. Conn's Drug Store. Tlie Paris Tailor Has just received the most elegant Stock of Spring and Summer Suitings. Don't miss going to see him. He turns out Elegant Fits, and sells very cheap. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at i'. .). uoodmajts. TeleiUoneLodi;iiiK House. Best Beds in town, llooius per night 60 and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and clean. Private entrance. CMllren Cry forPitcher's Gastoria Wllltl! New and S Venetian Stripes, French Lawns, r Margate Piques, Figured Piques, Persian Lawns, Cable Cords, wiss. I. H Leading Dry Goods and Clothing Ho for Tjejeasiie! Free Camping Grounds at Austin's. There is an abundance of clams, crabs, trout, ojsters ami all kinds of salt and fresh water lish. Good safe Sea bathing, fresh air and the best hunting grounds m America. Campers and visitors can find at my store everything they lequire in the way of an outfit and piovislons. A first class bar and billiaid table are connected with my establishment. Hoard from 7 to $9 per week. Kor paiticnlars call on or address JAS. P. AUSTIN, Store, Seaside, Oregon. Austin's is open the year iouihI. Prices of Lumber. On and after this date, until further no tice, we will furnish lumber at tlte Mill, at the following mices : Hough Lumber. S 8 per M ft. Flouring and Kusti? l.r " WEST SHORE MILLS CO. Astoria, April 10, 'so. Astoria Real Estate Co, Office First Door South of tho Odd Fellows Building Offer for Sale on Reasonable Terms, Several Lots of City and Farm Property. And will do a General Commission and Brokerage Business. Tersons living at a distance can rely upon having any Order for the Purchase or Sale of Troperties intrusted to our care, promptly and faithfully attended to. ASTORIA REAL ESTATK CO., J. H. D. CRAY, Mauager. FIFTY ACRES LAND.MOSTLY BEAVER Dam and liottoiu land, with some good Cedar; U mile frontage on county road near mouth of Necanicum river, and less than one mile from Ocean Beach. Good House, Gaulen and Orchard, Apples, Plums. Prunes, etc., Railroad passes through and J mile from depot on Mrs. Byrd's land. Good spring water. For a few days only, $2,500. J. If. M ANSELL, Keal Estate Broker, ASTORIA TRANSFER CO. AND Livery Stables. Conveyances of any kind, on short notice. Transferring Baggage, etc., a specialty. Telephone No, 12. SHERMAN & WARD. Seaside Goods Department ! ! easonable IN THE Kohler & Gte Music House, SOLE AORNTS FOU The MATCHLESS DECKER BROTHERS, Ivers & Pond and J. C. & Fischer Pianos, ALSO Mason & Hamlin and A. B. Chase Co.'s Organs. Wi ite for Catalogue and Prices. WINTER & HARPER, 71 Morrison St., PORTLAND, OK. Sheet Music and Merchandise Dep't Separate. II. W. FISCHER, Proprietor. J. 0. CLINTON DEALER IN CIGARS AND TOBACCO, FRUITS, NUTS, Candles. Smokers' Article's, Etc. New Goods Received Dally, OppnHlte City Hook Store. E. C. LEWIS, Secretary. Astoria Gallery. FOR THE BEST PHOTOS, TINTYPES Or any Kind of Photographic Work, Call at the ASTORIA GALLERY, Good Work and Reasonable Prices Guaranteed. Misses G. & Z. CARRUTHERS, (Successors to IL S. Shuster.) Good Paying Business For Sale. The Cafe Francaise. A Splendid Business Stand, and a Good Cnsli raying lousiness, Is offered For Sale by Alex. Gilbert. Pro prietor, preparatory to departing for Eu x'ope. The houses, lease, liquors, fixtures, and everything as it stands,! including the good will of the establishment Is offered for sale. For further particulars inquire of Alex, Gil bert, on the premises, corner Benton and First streets, Astoria, Oregon, Good French Danityy Corded Piques, EnglishNamsook Victoria Lawns, Ferdinand Cloth, Indian Demity, Bishops Lawn, Welt Pique, Embroidered Swiss. House of Astoria. Gentlemen! If You Do Want aSho That is Al Tini I Can Show You Something New In Kangaroo And French Calf, Too! Herman The Reliable Dealer in Gents' and Boys' Wear, Occident Hotel Building. al Bra Wise